THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, August 18,1960 11 TELEVISION LOC CHUMAY Channel 1l~Hamitton CBLT/TV Channel 6--Toronts| WKEW TV Channel 1----Bufiale WROCTV Chansel S--Rochesies WGRTY Channel 2--Bufiale WBENTV Channe) 4--Buffal | THURSDAY EVE, ( 4-VFiay of the Week | 5:00 PM, FRIL | $1-Family Theatre " jastonare wl RERY AN ~Waonler I i © b= Vinynouse ' ! S-Buckenin ~Bozo's Cartoon Biory | g_yndow of the World | 2 Checkers 3-Three Stooges 5:00 AM, FRIDAY EVENING Big Mae Show T=Rocky and Wis S~Roy Hogers 2 Huckleberry found 9:00 AM, 5:15 PM, A. Dreams Series APopeye's Vinyhouse T=Kin Tio Tis 2-High Mr Adams und Eve 7 6:00 P.M, Family Thestre | B42 ~News; Weather | B-Huntiey + Brinkley | 55 neuen Re M1 6:15 P.M, 5 4 un n 7. 82 4 116--Late She tive "it B2~Juck Paar | 5.2--=The Thin Man 3 The Unexpected Faces Fake Money Charge Hamel, 30, of Montreal, who ad- mitted possessing counterfeit hoth 31, were remanded to Aug. Jnoney amounting originally to|24 for hearing on charges of pos. | day to Aug. 25 for sentence, said they didn't know the money | Police found 12 counterfeit $100/ was bogus, SBerisl Dramas 4:90 PM, A-Fige of Night Fok 5:15 PM, J-Butiato AM 5:00 P.M, L=Family Theatre S~Playhouse J 4~Bory's Cartoon Slory Book 5:04 P.M, Captain Kangaroe ds 8: M, ¥en 1=-¥un House Wo 2~-PBig Rasenls 1=Romper Room T=~Komedy Korner Sing Dong Sehool 4~Big Mac Show | 5:30 PM. | y Patrol 2-1 Led Three Lives 6. Fury { 15 PM WAM, 2=-Ramar of the Jungle 6:3 P.M. S--Burns and Allen | JoEarly Show 4=You snd Your ¥amily Feature Film 2=Check ure 6:45 PM, "30:00 AM. t-Highway Patrol $=December Bride 10:30 AM, Mm, T~Morning Show =Family Theatre 82-Plsy Your Hunch | B42~News; Sporis d~Jack Norz 6:45 P.M. 11:00 AM, 6543--News 11=dane Gray 7:00 PM, 52-Price Is Right 6~Tabloid #1 Love Luey 5-77 Sunset Strip 11:30 AM, 2~Rescus § 11-Boh McLean Show dLife of Riley ~Serigl Drama 7:05 PA, 2~Concentration F=News; Vieather 12:00 NOON 7:30 P.A. 11=Bugs Bunny S-Bachelor + ither 7-Restiess Gun T=Disney Vresents 4~News; Weather A--Danger Is My Truth or Consequences 12:15 P.M, A--Bpeaker of the Houes | 12:30 PM, | Jamboree 11=News S~Behind Closed Doors 7=1ove That Bob | 2-Masquerade Partly A=Beareh for Tomorrow 8:30 P.M, Hite 2-It Could Be You 11-6-Four Just Men 9:00 P.M, 12:45 PM, 7=Man From f--Closeup 11=Movie Matinee Blackhawk arson Show | #=Cuiding Light 2 Gren Movie Mys- Te At 1:00 P.M, S=Flay of the Week ~About Faces 4~Hotel de Pores f S~Feature Movie 9:00 P.M 6~Man From A~Meet The Millers * «Whe Blackhawk 2-Mid-day Matines 116--Flying Doctor t v y 7-71 Sunset Strip Untouchables 1:30 P.M, aah at The Wran, 7=Divorce Hearing ack Naex Markham ~The World Turns 9:30 PM, 2:00 PM, 11=I'm The Law 5 6=Football Huddle ins Md gourt Day 4=~December Bride Drama Series 10:00 P.M, 11-The Detectives 7=Football 6~Perry Mason Twili Zone Theatre Moment of Fear House Party 10:30 P.M, 3:00 P.M, 11=Pony Express 7--DBeat The Clock 8~Home Run Derby 2 52-Dr' Malone 4~Person To Person ne Territory | go Miljionnire 11:00 P.M, PM, 3:30 PM 11.76:5-4-2- News; Sports Bports | 11 News si 11:15 P.M, 7-Who De You Trust | }~Playhouse 8.2-From These Roots | 7=Playhouse 4=The Verdict Is Yours | 8= Viewpoint §portsreel 4:00 I'M, 11:30 P.M, 11:30 PM. 11-Bugs Bunny and Wrestling pte Show Friends 853-Juch Parr International Detee: | 7--American Bandstand | #=MGM Theatre 6--New 1:00 AM, $~Rendervous 6:50 P. 2--Bat Masterson Viayhouse #:30 PM [bins in his hotel room and Hamel took them to a suburban hotel in which they found $40,000 in | counterfeit $100 bills in a mat. | Hamel sald he pald a Montreal TORONTO (CP) -- John W. Mn, SLU for the "iio of Graham and Cynthia Waring, 40), was remanded Wednes-|gessiong counterfeit money, They! MORRISON'S For Tremendous Values MUSKRAT August Special FLANK ; 00 JACKETS . (dyed) Reg. 298.00 ; MUSKRAT August Special BACK I ( } 00 JACKETS . (dyed) Reg. 349.00 PERSIAN August Special LAMB (dyed) Reg. 495.00 NATURAL GREY August Special PERSIAN 00 LAMB . JACKETS Mink-trimmed jockets slightly higher, MORRISON FURS 12 KING ST. W. RA 5-6312 Ca ie TV SWIVEL CHAIRS Rod A large selection of nylons, friezes, etc, egular volues to 39.95. August Sale Price . p cree 24.95 18th CENTURY ARM CHAIRS Made by fomous Fry and Blackall in rich figured satins, 18th Century design, Regularly 59.95 .,. Civ , August Sele Price 39.96 2-PC. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CHESTERFIELD Upholstered in fine quality Cocoa Matlesse with Airfoom cushions, full innerspring construction throughout, A real beauty regularly priced ot 299.00 i August Sele Price 199.00 2.PC. SCANDINAVIAN SUITE Features genuine wolnut frames, Airfoam seat ond back in your choice of Beige or Green heavy-duty wool febric, Regularly 229.00 for two pieces, August Sele Price . .... fi iviry 179.00 SKLAR ARM CHAIRS Selection of various covers and fabrics regularly priced to 59.50. Famous Sklar consrtuction ond styling. 33.00 August Sale Price Casta ae a L 2-PC, SKLAR CHESTERFIELD SUITE Includes chesterfield and chair, both upholstered in heavy-duty fine quality Turquoise nylon fabric Regularly sold for 299.00 . August Sale Price 199.00 2-PC. SKLAR NYLON SUITE Features zippered foam cushions throughout, full pring construction, fine quality Sklar con- struction, Upholstered in Lipstick, Red nylon, Regularly priced at 319.00 ..,. August Sale Price 199.00 2-PC. SOFA BED SUITE Features Teal Blue nylon fabric with foam cushions throughout, Full innerspring construction, Regu- 129 00 larly sold for 199.00 August Sale Price L SPACESAVER DAVENPORTS These feature better quality covers and normally sold as high os 59.50, All include bedding compartment and each one is smoothly upholstered and tailored to make a beautiful piece of furniture for a bed-sitting 38 1:0; room or den August Sele Price " SEALY BED-CHESTERFIELD Famous Sealy quality construction and styling, Comes complete with famous Posturpedic mattress, 119 00 Regularly sold ot 279.50 August Sale Price " LAMPS -- LAMPS -- LAMPS These include our regular stock of floor samples ghe axis ; 20% Off o go BROKEN RANGES OF LIVING ROOM TABLES These are not complete sets, but constitute odds ond ends, left-overs, samples, some damaged 50% Off items .. TELEPHONE -- GOSSIP BENCH TABLE : These feature smart satin bronze fromes with color. ful plastic upholstery, Regularly sold at. 16.95, 9 95 August Sale Price ] COFFEE, STEP AND END TABLES Regular ranges of warehouse stock and floor 20% Off samples, All are complete sets 9' X 12' VISCOSE TWEED RUGS Your choice of Turquoise or Gold and Brown come bination. These regular Il for 69.95. sols Re Y ! eres 49.95 9' X 12' WOOL AXMINSTERS Feature a smart Rose Beige combination with all the beauty of famous quality Axminster weave, Regu- 19 00 larly 99.50 ..... «+. August Sale Price L) 27" X 54" SAMPLE MATS These are fine quality Axminsters, wool twist and heavy duty Wiltons, Regularly sold as August Sale Price 6'9 X 9° WOOL AXMINSTERS Your choice of Beige or Green, Regularly priced at 59.50 August Sale Price 39.96 CLEARANCE OF DRAPES Complete with track and fittings: Your choice of single, double and triple widths, in florals, moderns, all fully lined, full 90" width end including many 11 95 miracle Fiberglass drapes August Sele=--Single width L] Double width . . 95 Triple width . . . 49.95 6-PC. KAUFMAN DINETTE Features rich, beautiful silver fox mahogany. In. cludes tables, four chairs, buffet and hutch, Table slightly damaged August Sale Price 6-PC, KNECHTEL DINETTE Beautifully styled in solid elm with soft-tone Walnut finish: Includes table, four chairs, buffet and hutch, 299 00 Regularly sold at 399.00 ...., August Sale Price 4 WALNUT DROP-LEAF DINETTE TABLES Two only = regularly 89.50, To clear, August Sale Price Carrs uss eases 49.95 WALNUT CHINA CABINET Includes cutlery drawer, linen cupboard and smart gloss 68 95 top. Reguiraly priced 119.00 August Sale Price L Opens to a full é feet long: Features beautifully FOLDOVER CONSOLE TABLE Opens to a full 6 feet long. Features beautifully grained genuine walnut, Regular 109.00 line. 69 95 August Sale Price . . | Pramas . L LEATHERETTE HASSOCKS AND STOOLS All to clear 1 ar 1/3 Off 5-PC. CHROME SUITES Features large-size extension table wtih four matching chairs, This is a complete clearance of suites selling for much higher prices, These are genuine bargains. August Sole Price A 39.95 7-PC. CHROME DINETTE Features large 36 x 60 table that extends to a full 6 feet long ond also includes 6 matching chairs, 69.95 Regular 119.00 .. i vsauvs.. August Sale Price we 169.00 154-156 SIMCOE ST. S. 4 DAYS ONLY STARTS FRI. 9 AM We're over a barrel, because, frankly, we have com- mitted ourselves for shipments which are arriving for our fall and winter season and we are absolutely crowded out, There's no room for room groups, no space for space-savers and it is absolutely necessary that we move our existing stock -- and we're prepared to, due to GENUINE reductions of as much as one-half, To our regular stock, we have added odds and ends, discontinued lines, some damaged pieces, manufac- turer's samples and our buyer's mistakes, You'll find enuine bargains for every room in your: house at utherford's NOW, Act now, FOUR DAYS ONLY, SALE ENDS AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 5-PC. HIGH QUALITY CHROME SUITES BY LIBERTY Includes extension table and four chairs, One suite in Pink and Grey; one suite in Yellow and Grey, Regu- 49 95 larly priced at 89.95 August Sale Price LJ CLEARANCE OF BABY STROLLERS F Lloyd, Gend d Thistle, All styles, re ea ne Mn 0 OR 6-PC. OAK DINETTE BY KNECHTEL Features heat- ond stain-resistant Arborite tops: Includes buffet, table ond four chairs, Regularly 269.00, Our August Sale Price LARGE SIZE NATURAL FINISH CRIBS Include spring-filled mattress with plastic upholster- ing, these large-size cribs feature popular natural tones and have practical drop-side, 29 34] August Sale Price ..covvvvenrirrrnnnnrnnnins, L] 7 UNFINISHED FURNITURE Includes chests, dressers, Includes all branded lines including congoleum, on all floor samples and existing warehouse stock. BRAND NAME INNERSPRING MATTRESSES These include famous quality Simmons and Marshall, Regularly priced as much as 69.50. These include 9 95 4'6" and 4' only . August Sale Price L SMOOTH TOP CONTINENTAL BEDS These include box spring, smooth-top mattress and six legs, Features good quality, hedvy-duty India ticking. 36" size only, Regularly 59.95. August Sale Price : : Tanase nas 39.95 BEDROOM AND HOSTESS CHAIRS Variety of colors, covers and styles. Values regularly 9.88 sold to 15.95 ....... . August Sole Price, ecoch OSHAWA 3-PC. FRENCH PROVINCIAL BEDROOM SUITE Includes double dresser, chest ond regular bed in Antique white ond gold Regularly 339-00. a She Price . 9 ary oe 229.00 BLONDE MAHOGANY 3-PC. BEDROOM SUITE Feotures double dresser, chest ond bookcase bed with fine quality, heavy-duty plate mirrors, centre puides, etc, Regularly priced at 299.00, 179.00 , 't » August Sale Price This fine quality wolnut finish suite fectures Birch OPEN STOCK BEDROOM FURNITURE hardwood throughout, Ideal for summer cottage, spare room or for your bedroom: Buy a complete suite 58 00 or a piece, just as you wish Double Dressers Ll Single Dressers | . 00 Bookcase Beds 38.00 Chests 28.00 Ploin Beds : 23.00 PLUMP FEATHER PILLOWS esr ai 21" PHILCO TV original crore, Regular 399.00; 'Awpuns soe Pics 209:00 PHILCO 21" IN WALNUT Features TV swivel base for easy viewing from ony ner ecm. Repay vod. 42550, 288.00 FLEETWOOD 17" PORTABLE ro le od ey nore 108.00 PHILCO 21" SWIVEL TV To a er aay I. wis HOMO GRUNDEG STEREO COMBINATION HI-FI aeckers, FM short wave and standard broadcast, 24" size. Regularly 249.00, model Reguiar 329.00 re upon Sue vere 168,00 August Sale Price August Sale Price | . . Features famous quality Grundeg construction, Beautiful dark walnut cabinet: Highlighted by four s is true stereo and t hi-fidelity at its best, Regularly 369.00 pe ' oil Wi ei 269.00 FOUR BURNER ELECTRIC RANGE 00. August Sale Price | 149.00 McCLARY AUTOMATIC RANGE PHILCO AUTOMATIC DRYERS Regularly 249.00, SIMPLICITY WASHERS With pump and filter, McCLARY 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR Full 13 cu, ft capacity, used -- in excellent con- dition usu es August Sale Price 169.00 ® All Sales Final © Immediate Delivery Only ® No Phone, Mail or C.0.D. Orders ® Goods Subject to Prior Sale ® No Declers, Please 4 Lh AWW iv CREDIT TERMS OF COURSE y F URNITURE PHONE RA. 5.6559