The Oshawa Times, 17 Aug 1960, p. 7

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a HAPPY LITTLE MICHAEL A picture of health is Michael Patrick Mr. and Mrs Rudolph Athol street son of Junker, celebrated hi July 18 by Ire east Michael first birthday on Photo d i Miss Marlene Jean Crowells Honored Prior To Marriage Crowell Hub lean Mi Miss whose Marlene marriage to Oliver Gillard will take place on» linen shower held al the home through the al St. Paul has heen pre-nuptial August 20 Church eral Saturday Preshyterian honored al events Mrs. T. R. Crimming miscellaneous hower at home on Oakes avenue, the guests being neig of the bride-to-be, Mi Law P'oronto mother of (he assisted her daughter and ar ranging the shower Miss Lois Terwillegar and Miss Barbara MacDonald were co hostesses at a kitchen and bath room shower held al the home of the former on Roxborough av enue. Assisting were Mrs Bruce Terwillegar and Mi John Mac Danald A miscellaneon arranged hy Mrs. David Speirs, aunt of the future bride, al their home on Vimy avenue Mrs, Wil liam Morrison, Oshawa, and Mrs Frank Crowells, Pickering, as sisted In preparing the buffel funch and served lea her hhors hoste in serving hower Vas held a) | { Davidson and Miss co-hoste Miss Carol uth Lloyd were es al tof the former on Harmony roa north. Mrs. Robert Davidson and Wiss Brenda Walle sisted in erving A miscellaneou hower . was held at the home of Mrs. Ronald MeNaught Cadillac avenue outh, who assisted by My Jack Brown, Whithy, and Miss Barbara Brent Raglan The hower was attended h of workers of the bride-elect he Nu Phi Mu Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi, the sorority which the bride-to-he is a member, pre sented her glass howl A va the co ol with a ent aceounts General bride the of Co-workers from payable department Motors presented (he vith a smoker Following the al, on Friday future tand edding rehear enin hridal party will he entertained hy the prospective hridegroom s parent Mr and Mr Tack Johnston their home, King Oshawa ; the street eas! Cherry And Plum Crop Light But Tomatoes To Be Plentiful This year's crop of sweel cher ries from Ontario orchards light, reports the Markets Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, So, when you see any in the stores, don't miss the opportunity lo provide the family with this special treat. Eaten out of hand, sweet cherries are delici- ous as dessert or for hetween meal spacks and also provide a holiday from the kitchen for the cook Sour cherries are scarce this year. They are pie favorites and for that reason are frozen for later use in cherry pies. If cherry pie is in demand In your home, as it is in most, be sure tc gel an adequate supply the freezer as soon as vou can Currants and raspberries are now on the mar ket, Quality od and fair about an average crop in Ontario this vear. Early cling stone peaches are available now 00, All varieties of are an extremely light crop thi year. Early Golden and Methley are first to appear, followed by Loo ) for gooseherries lume Ontario plums Shire. These should he available now, with Burbank putting in an appearance next week When it comes to salad ingredi mis, tomatoes are hoth plentiful and good. In fact, the crop the best in some time and with a food deal more central packing this vear improved, uniform quality is predicted Is MORE READERS VANCOUVER (CP Circula tion of hooks In municipal public libraries in British Columbia ha increased hy 265 per cent in 10 year says the annual report of the Public Library Commission In the same period in the areas covered by 40 per population has risen cent STILL PLAYING HUNTINGVILLE, Que Andrew plaved Cp Robinson the violin at the square dance mark ing the th wedding anniversary He had dancing on himself and his wife played the violin for their wedding night for ---------- w' BREATHE PURER, FRESHER AIR IN MINUTES WITH PURITRON® New oloctronic miracle helps rid the air of dust-polien, odors and smoke! Wo Figger than a racko, this portable Paritron can do so much forthe mr ma 15g MSR place Whe a basement FOO , , . oven an wnventilated TWOPAE FOOMm, apartment - howse kitchen, or office without windows. Just plug it m. It cleanses the aw electronically, then recirculates it in a constant fresh supply. (Imagine sleeping in such clear air.) Wonderful in a kitchen, Puritron actually "inhales * grease par- woes before they can sain walls. White or gray & does all wesay, or your money back, 28 KING ST, EAST 3 From ig RA 3.462) a tum Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 17, 1960 7 PERSONALS Miss Laurine Ogilvie well avenue, recently spent a week in Flint, Michigan, where she atiended the General Motors Institute graduation hall. She was the guest of My, Denni Yogerson of Pickering, Crom-| Mrs, Albert Lott, King sireet east, is visiting her sister, Mrs William Dunkley, in Stirling. Mr, and Mrs, ¥rank Malcold,! Hortop streel, have returned from a motor trip ta Grand Can yon, Arizona, Los Angeles, Ban Viancisco, Balt Lake City and Denver, Burban of Brooklin New York as a recent guest at the home of Mi and Mrs vicholas Chmalowsky, Monirave Miss Mary Ww avenue William have returned the Doon School Doon, Ontario Virs frotier streel and S010 aitending of Fine Aris in Mr, Alex Miller the Toronto College of Arts the instr tor for the advanced class in oil painting Vir Via from ol Was | Mrs. Arnold Duke and vir. and Mrs, John H, Long have returned from a holiday on (he West I'hey travelled by Canadian Pacific Railway mountains Van couver and by boat to Victoria B.C, and Beattle, Washington, By maolor Butchart's Gardens on Vancouver Island ; and the big Base at Esquimalt In British Columbia they visited the shore as fal Horseshoe Bay and Fisherman's Cove and outh Westminster. On the way home they spent a day in Port Arthur where they visited Mr, Duke's sister, Mrs, William Smith, and Mr, Smith Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wales and family of Windsor, Ontario, are guests at the home of Mr. Wale mother, Mrs, L, KE, Wales, Elgin treet eas! ' Mr. and coast, lo to Navy to New Mi Adelaide and My el) east Rus avenue Craddock Oshawa Michael Cunningham of Porcupine, Ontario in Clearwater recently where they atlended funeral of their the Mrs Edith Sierens, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lane of Fasthaven street have had as their guest for the past few days, Mr, Ronald Backman, a child psychologist from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Mr. Backman is relurn ing to Halifax this week, were Florida Lhe sister, late The Golden Age Club of Osh awa held its annual picnic at Lakeview Park recently, Mrs Charles Brown and Mrs, John Smith were the general conven: ers, Mrs, Bmith he games and conlests with prizes awarded to the winners Mr. H, Hughes contributed some selections on the melodian and Mr. Smith arranged the dart hoard games, Supper was served five o'clock, Mrs. W, J. Col lins led in the singing of the Grace. Mrs, Brown (hanked all those who had helped (0 make (he picnic 8 SUCCess, had charge of One way of letting your friends know that you are hack from! our vacation is to call the social department of The Oshawa Times (RA 3.3474) for an item inl the personal column for which there no charge, News of so-| cial events, showers, leas and an niver well as visitors own #re always sAries as from out of welcomed Mrs. Harry Suddard have returned from pent al their sum gl Head Lake Vr Greta sireel in vacalion mer home and Bimeoe {, Miss Aylmer Miss Charlotte Abbott street north, ha Margaret Bruce Quebed As A gue from TPONEMENT announced for Mi Brooklin P( reception saturday, August 20 Mrs, John Blight the occasion of their 50th wed ding anniversary has been post poned to a later date on accounl of the illness of Mr, Blight for and on The BRIDE-TO-BE The engagement Is announe ed today of Miss Joan Hunter and Mr. James Harvey Arnott The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon C Hunter of Toronto and her fiance 1s the son of Dr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Arnott of Osh awa, The marriage will lake place in Rosedale United Church, Toronto, on September 2 Photo hy Le Roy Toll OFFICE CLOSED from Aug. 1310 2 attending Post Gradu | am ate lectures for this at the Polmen of Davenport, lowa week School ti Chiroprac ( the newest the 0 learn of developments in field of Chiropractic Sincerely RONALD W, BILSKY Chiropractor Professional Announcement RONALD W, BILSKY, Shop For Back-to-S WOOLWORTH'S chool Values New Fall 2.98 Choose from SHEATH STYLE NUBBY TWEED OR FALL PLAIDS SHIRTS Sizes 10 to 17 Fashions each SAVE Sizes 8'2 to 11, MISSES' DIAMOND PLAID BERMUDA HOSE REG. 1.50 PAIR--SCHOOL SALE PRICE Only 98¢ pair 42¢ Attractive colors Shop with Confidence Where You See This Seal of Satisfaction Located in the Heart of Downtown Oshawa vod AT THE RECEPTION Joseph Mosienko I Perry and the bridegroo the sui Mr, and Mrs Kerr of Kingston, The will live in Oshawa Photo by Married recently Simcoe of Street United Church were Mr and 'Mrs, Everett Adrian Kerr The bride, the former Miss Toanre Alexandra Mostenko, Is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs SOCIAL NOTICE Practical Items For Room's Dec There pensive wavs room's decor A kitchen still al of Ir ENGAGEMENT The engagement 1s announced of Irveen Mildred, only daughler Mie. Cecil Trvin Merritt of Osh awa, and the late My, Merrit! M David Norman Powley on of Mr, and Mrs, Frederick Bert and ram Powley Toronto The if marriage is take place on (hosen Iny, Sentemher H60, at in Christ Memorial are ever to add grat 80 MAN) ol 10 for instance extremely liny nl in Live every Acce A huge with care | 17 630 pm Church doesn't have to he touches well-planned It's the little ENGAGEMENT the finished Mr, and Mrs, Gordon CC, Hun ter of Toronto announce the en tigement of their daughter, Joan Consider your to Mr. James Harvey Arnott. son pointments, Are the of Dr. and Mrs, Harvey C, Arnott "4Cks and shelves of Oshawa, The mal riage ii unetional? Or are take place in Rosedale United l00k at Chureh, Toronto, on I'riday, Sep Are tember al 7.30 p.m, kitchen IN THE BATHROOM towel Just they m 100 to han any your content ) towels on eo sory | bathroom old % # 'ort m 8 | BS ouple eland or nex elo a can be Atirae and ex pensive (o have an air of luxury thal give look, np FINES purely ey Ie RB your rod"! * simple bathroom "THE STARS SAY |How To Help The Painters By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Some adverse planetary aspects now influence personal relation ships especially where family matlers are concerned, $So do your best (oo maintain harmony and avoid friction, Also, don't make changes ) plans now run ping smoothly, FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that this new year in your 'ife could prove a highly constructive one, Ocen- pational goals which you may hitherto have considered unattain- able could well he achieved by the end of this month-if you are willing to work hard. Do not over: tax yourself, hovever--especially during September and October when you may have a lendency toward needless anxiety, Look for good. financial breaks during November, mid-December and early 1961, and a possible business promotion in mid-March [Romantic and social adventures are indicated duving this month, in late December; also In May and June. The 'atier month could also bring some excellent news from afar, Stars for early Janu ary forecast an opportunity for business expansion A child born on this day will be and endowed ability, extremely clever with fine drama SAVETY MEASURE VICTORIA (CP) All school buses in British Columbia will have special traffic signals either flashing lights orf & sema when school starts this fall. George Lindsay, motor vehicle supervisor, said red flash ers will be placed on the roofs front and rear as warning (0 molorists phore device hisses additional ol Why shouldn't a pretty pot holder have a decorate hook? Look around in your faverite sore and see what a wide selec tion of towel rings, soap dishes By ELEANOR ROSS Expecting the painters month to do their Bit to pit home in beautiful shape for fell" Well, here's a word to the wise from one who has been through this operation quite a few times and who has evolved a set of good working preparations Plan your redecorating sched ule well ghead of time and you! will speed the job and mainiain household order while the work is! next | Do A Quicker, Better Job of work lo be done, the type of int to be used and the folal cost, Specity the use of a quality paint. Remember, the chief cost {actor is labor----nol the paint so good paint won't "add much fo the cost but will assure a long-lasting, good-looking Job Lolor wslection should he de cided before the painters arrive The painting contractor will bring along color samples if requested in progress, ' Today's modern paints are »0 CAN BE MIXED odorless and. quick-drying that If you prefer a shade nol an they do a good cover Job in one the card, the painter can have the coal, as 8 rule, desired color mixed for you Bul | PROTECTING FURNISHINGS | be Cortiin the color choice is fing) | Professional painters know how ¢ or¢ Ne starts painting. Don {to protect furnishings with drop 8Ye him a swaich of cloth or a y piece of thread and expect him cloths and & minimum of furni h fect) ture shifting, You can do your hit) '© Match it perfectly, by ashing in advance how they, And be sure to have the painter want the furniture sel up, and by! try out a sample of 'the color on storing all. bric-a-brac before the # plece of wood so you can he last minute. Then the rooms will positive it's what you wanl, be all ready for the paint job and he men can get right fo work without any unnecessary {time-consuming delay. Remember you are paying for time! stds ideal for scrubbing When the painting is completed, insides of baby's boolees, it shouldn't take too long to re . arvange the furniture and replace lamps and ornaments Your clothes will have fo be cleared oul of the closets to be painted, of course, hut this is a minor job and you'll have them hanging in their accustomed place In an hour or so. I's a good op portunity to go over things and do some minor repairs if such be Necessary | If you wish, you can remove light-switch plates and hardware {from doors and cabinets, al though this is really unnecessary for the painters can mask these items BLINDS AND DRAPES On the other hand, i will he {necessary to take down Venetian blinds and drapes, If vou're send HOUSEHOLD HINT A bottle brush dipped in hot Is the * VENETIAN BLINDS "DRAPERY TRACKS and shelves for the bathroom are ing these out for cleaning, have on display There Hghts chrome are such practical de sea horse motifs brass, or nx 1] in| room Is pul handsome them delivered afler the painting I8 finished and the rest of the in order Before the actual job Is begun, fleur-de-lis designs, These attach| make sure you and the contractor easily to any wall, as they come have agreed on the exact amount cauipped with adhesive backs or screw fixtures make your colorful towels more luxurious--and your and heth luxuries even more al tractive, THE for KITCHEN the kitchen FOR And rime hooks are amusingly ith barnyard birds y metal or painted wood A practical item, remember can be just as practical though it's ultra-pretty, fowe n For every baby... Friday, | +. because never before have Reinz Baby Cereals given mothers and babies so very much more. You see, these are the cereals that can't help get. ting better and better because the Heine people ave never satisfied, Day after day--with lowe and eare--they're made just a little bit better, Try the easy, easy mixing --easier than ever before, So smooth, so appealing in hight, bright texture, Try the mild, gentle flavours--so haby-pleasing, every one--=Oatmeal, Infantsoy or Mixed Cereal, Find out why we're so proud of these extras digestible, perfectly nutritious cereals , , and why we want you te have a big hox freed Just 12 easy-to-gather labels... from any Heinz Strained or Junior foods and this coupon, Send them to Heinz, and soon You'll receive a voucher good for ane free 16 02, box of Heinz Cereal rom your grocer, HEINZ BABY FOODS DEPT. A. CG, LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO, Doni Si: Enlosnd Nod 12 baby food labels. Please send me 3 voucher salting we ieee 16-08 package of ew Oatment, Indanisoy or Muted Goronl from my goons ADORESS the good they de your PENI BNNIINIRNIN IRN INS OFFER EXPIRES September PROVINCE They do) look! SOAPS memo pads and pol holder fashioned | bright sven OW is he TIM : hi TO INSTALL YOUR WINTER SEAL ALUMINUM SELF-STORING WINDOWS AND DOORS ® THE FINEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER! ® Completely Guaranteed ® RN LARGEST SELECTION of Aluminum Awnings Available: See the New KOOL-LITE "PREMIERE" Awnings Before Buying ALUMINUM SIDING Horizontal or Vertical Aluminum Siding for new homes end oll modernizati Coated in a variety of hare menious colors te add long-lasting beauty te your home, Eliminates painting , + + woshes clean , o deflects hoot , , . insulates, ® SAVES ITS OWN COST eo ® VACU-FLO eo THE BUILT-IN VACUUM SYSTEM FOR INSTALLATION IN NEW OR OLDER HOMES Also Your Headquarters for ® BATHTUB ENCLOSURES ® FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT ® INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS All Products Guaranteed ! FREE ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION LES EVENISS SALES LIMITED 13 Prince St. RA 5.4632, Evenings RA 3.2707 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED

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