THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, August 17, 1960 § Bishop Raps U.S. Policy ST. ANDREWS, Scotland (Reu- ters) An American Episco- palian bishop says American, churches "have a great deal of Manaver: Lloyd Robertson heart-searching to do" as a re | |sult of their backing of a US School For Leaders \ JEN A Starts Conferences | RC ee Tel. MO. 8.3703 cll "while not dealing directly with the question of unity is meant to have a considerable in- fluence" on the Christian world as a whole, WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West FOLKS! PLEASE TAKE THIS LITTLE TIP: CALL US NOW FOR THE {formerly of Olympia, Wash., who now is hased in London with the Anglican Commune, He spoke al a press conference at the open- ing of the annual meeting of the World Council of Churches pol icy-making central commitiee Bayne said American foreign policy "has been orientated by and large in a military direc. | tion." FA report to the council's ecen- tral committee meanwhile re. ported improved prospects for a 4 |contazts with the Roman Cath.! Her 57 olic Church, heen » yo | A 12man executive committee | said that the decision by Pope John to call an ecumenical coun-| itable to the fast ine We an era hy I'he the sails the The Ship Under the Cros vers symbolic of the ship going aftermath he wapted to hear him, J In this sermon he near to us and these things he first experienced himself and then commended to us. The profound impression he has made is the of secrel prayer followed him 1] Wom Schoo! the people knew they The United Church ans Mi for Leader Ladies day a gates from the Belles Co hourg, Kingston, Lindsay, Osh awa, Peterborough, and Renfrew Preshyterials ved before the supper hour first day suggesting this the largest school Mrs. L reception Zith Ww. Grant have come World Church over all kinds Church helping all kinds of peo ple. The one compliments (he other and by reading these books we may discover what is God's will for us today Miss Bonwick's talk ting prelude to Rev, E BA, PhD, who was hy Mrs. D. R. Moffatt Dr. Long is the hushand of Dorothy long, Immediate past Ai president of Dominion Board. He the of General Council will be the the jonary Society opened Whithy Over id The Church is in 2 hing | Ontario end of on Mop 130 ille, a Colles: midst of all this aston and amazing ferment and we! know it will take years to pro- duce the entire Christian Society y 7 We are all concerned, CREATIVE SPIRIT There is likewise y of a very great pirit at work, We must Church a new possibility before ution in the of seas the fternoon dele i [ power ) A brief outline of the meaning each of the Beatitudes was by Mrs. Harris and there discussion, The word i keynote and the nning of this wonderful ser. It expre qualifica necessary to reach the King Jesus gives a new He sel those peo- 18 fe the mi regi of was a fil E. Long, i, introduced Kingston Dr vear ht be held ve the possibil- creative realize on init Tweed neoln Elliott of Tweed the d eled ir "Ww ] reeled wen das hey ha the Church beg 0 ha mon tion the comers and old In her most grad ses the Hew APPLIANCE MOS 3707-118BROCK ST ¢ Charla Place Oshorn og manner Dowdall of Carleto dom of Heaven registrar and M zn for Ii and her assistants made the as he does us, an ideal, a and hi standard by which to live so that Ecumenical } hour 1} lean, we might enter into the Kingdom, Church's Life, Mr A art of Mi Frances Bonwick from Dr, Long sald the welcomed 1 the Board of rmation and menical new troduced the I ir 0 . r \ ¢ | explained will d A t Some mare the past « ery seed of de ig ecroLary Movemen!i he gan in 1910 with three great , treams of Life. 1) The Faith and ; | Order of the Church. God 4 | trying to bri divided peo in one all world ons are contrary of God. 3) Stream of Lif nd Worl I Church repent of the SOK fhe Ecunienical Aspect a addre on room gnmen ol At inner Stew dele va word "Ecu word but future in the M A ton the he 1 not a ple around the ¢ Divi order pa used than ha I Sgn foard ind 0 been re h Pre printed means universal or catholic of which Christian It is be and movement ogether hould nm hy ( number movement 1 of 1 |] ten ana yo in of their d wide fe Are pecoming col ' x : learn how Io live and share their live I ind a are than | United ( I'he Mission VERTIS ad the coming a world wreh mem plan that denomination di m iaring a divine life and a com faith I'he Chr ipplied to our ey cannot Land racial prejudice wrch of Christ in the study 1 np ery neipal hers mon We live { Iransporidtion ve fast time have ned in ce 50 di leader of travel n a nm apid all for caste meet together friendly eriticl and make the Miss all the study durin EXHIBITION RIDER Cen 50 mas u ane and Ix the eight-year-old Ottawa tries merry-go-round CP Wirephoto Here Smith night Denni one world in sho of the ast Fixhibition A mile long to Ottawa around the i" fantastic excite Friday's openin tral Canadian train more than brought the midway There was plenty of give share world almost onlookers of to # Wi will, nse 4 ment for 0 { h thre re gradually com trave I'hese e Aare 1 Lyasdowae P selting up of idea decisions as not only rapid todas a out of the midway vhal lonar Study denomination the umty together Kven {he Church make n way horse over the world bringing the a the we are able to our the voices heard all These things are churches to, he and comes to one another the same same vear. This more effective and in accord w Christians in many vorld where we hecanse they belief Saviour sistance common Christ their and intend to he World Churche POs HE God and the wers He Lar J pre M Girl ceptio Pele for She Honeydale WI ui oh von Holds Meeting much ith the roup My active tether in Brook! ence past Branch Dean McK nf 5 The historic aspect is more im Before 1910 there great factor the sequence nations of have learned ted in the Church but to Worship and 1) Constantine 1 area : one ent one Ls were d hi portant three toric of wants. Teach him to disclipline himself and to accept responsib- lity An enjoyable reading was given etia ownlee il of Mr I n El AY | Ww. ¥ the Counce the one the Through Churches assist he ire not intere on can rally a Churches of the Emperor of Rome tradition of any one and vist he dent ll come together to another, such horough pre me th School WwW I y f iden af Mr pre Dean nd who Ww Study manvill Mrs. Charle Place Grant, Halle Hopkir ature ecrelat Do eton da Ca My w n director of sing ing; Mrs EB { Ameron Admaston and Mrs A Briens, directors of recreation Mrs. KA. Mellow, Kingston Mis sion Circle secretary Mr ( Hadden, Blackwater, Mission Band secretar Mr H. Griffin Carleton Place and My Jean Carr, Wolfe Island, ( GIT tary Mrs Or Bertrand Belleville Followin gates mel in the A where Mrs. W. D hymn singing, teaching words Lord we thank thee for our brothers keeping faith with us and Thee God be praised congregations com ing side by side Thee, Many tongues of many nations Sing the greater unity Mrs. A, C. Ameron of Admas- ton conducted the 'Get Acquaint- ed Hour" which led us all to the gymnasium room for a few min and then Miss Ph) vhich All The dele of M ipore and ecretar dele hall led in new Fxnlorer the dinne the ambly Gran for to of recreation Frances Bonwicl the Study The troduced Together ed to the A 1 and Mrs B. H. Soper of Smiths Falls led in a most impressive Worship Serv jce based on the story of the West China Bamboo Tree, She assured her listeners that ve, | like the Tree the Maste full control our live mold and His ntes rharge ne he Into the embly if Bamboo let Life have He will of of direct intention for 1 BIBLE STUDY My ¥ Ww ¥ Ha borough, conducted the Study ch morning fect the Mount The world has produced| riul ecachers. Some some wonder have preached cathedrals large churches. small churches, in open air s and by the! lake side reatest preacher has been Jesus Chr Sermon on| the Moun andest chap. ter in had heen teaching He spend all night in pr then He call ed His d ple ane they out to the followed. Now he mountain, He to get away and use us Peter Bible the sub- on the| and Sermon e is in theatr time the heave 1 Galilee Aer an vent cou crowd 00s up may have from the ¢ nto the wanted owd but orve one Lord Jesus Christ CANADA CONCERNED We ada 1 weop! hungry and diseased peoples Christians can we when churches money with one voice to government and get action introduced Books and power around the world. Western the civilization only be ef pool can the Miss Auxillary the gave autho of he Air tinge a balloon New we found that we nust concern oursel other accept the problems ave e of countrie united a fective thelr speak Only resources and Bonwick also Study outline of World" a brief r "Turning r trip around the wor of 1 and h by Betty Thompson who has written time Id \ dom outlook vid belong to State Ware a not prove Christen fo make ynonym- and So thing come from hecanse Church a Christian, 2 which tried voll it does ch and society o that Christianity vould be Great things have thi We know now you cannot identify civilization to Christian ity, There is no modern civiliza tion that positively Christian 3) The of Western e chu ous the ciety same is expansion the own the Is around our know the world pread until we m world continued But now Colonial period help for refugees all over the think about are gradually disarmament have come to The shure world nuclear helping war to BUY CANADIAN FIRM LONDON (Reuters)--The Brit ish Guiana government has con cluded negotiations for the pur chase of the Canadian owned Demerara Electric Company in the colony, the colonial office an- nounced Tuesday night. The pur chase will he part of the pro jected expansion of electricity development in British Guiana The price was not revealed HIGHEST JUMPER AND FASTEST PILOT Force Capt. Joseph Ki r (left) 19% miles over Mecixo desert today t who jumped from the 1s congratulated hy speed pilot | Toe Walker as Kittinger arrived here by air today, Walker earlier this month established a new world speed mark of BROC LAST TIME TODAY ART EVER FTN a TTT dt --e on HCW TH ONT EEL WHITBY Phone MO 8.3618 Evening Shows at 8 ond 8:20 Last Complete Show ot 8:20 SHATTERS YOUR EMOTIONS vs == OF HEARTS a TATA MULAD BY 200 BEATER FN aN ---- COLOR wy OF LUXE Raps Education| By Age Groups | PORT ELGIN (CP) Educa tion's traditional division on the basis of age are outmoded be. cause education truly contin. nouns and eontinuing. Dr. Solo T Kimball Columbia University| sald Tuesday. He spoke to the fourth international conference] on adult residential education ! The week long conference, | which precedes the world con-| ference on adult. education in Montreal, is being held at the) United Automobile Workers Edu. | cation Centre near this Lake Huron port. About 50 delegates! from Europe, Asia, Australia, the) United States and Canada are at.| tending Dr. Kimball suggested that the age separation of the education field be re-examined Training in technical subjects by the military undoubtedly ex ceeds all such training offered hy United States vocational schools, sald Dr. Kimball, and it is clear that the educational effort no longer rests upon the formal sequence of grades through) which a student formerly passed It may very well be that fu.! ture generations will find them living in environment f continuous ed n is of major elves an fam the he past said. | eration, Dr. Kimball X15 para a new 2150 miles an hour in an rocket plane, Kittinger's chute jump also was record AP Wirephoto Judge Upholds Darling Will LONDON, Ont, (CP)-The will of the late John Darling, valued al approximately $200.000, was upheld here in a judgment handed down by Judge lan Me. Rae The will had been contested hy James Racho of Egmondville, a nephew, who claimed the 90-year- old St, Marys man was under un due influence and had not testa mentary capacity when the l was drawn up in December 1 Mr. Darling, former creamery operator, died in September 1958 The will set out about 25 leg acies totalling about $59,000. Lar- test legacy was $25,000 to Lena Tovell, secretary in the office of Mr. Darling's lawyer, A. IE. Par kinson of St. Marys Family Monuments oF Creotea 1 Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. Monumental Works 318 Dundes Eost MO 8.3552 PORT meeting Inst Ch en's Mrs treet In the Vi Ne presiden old Honey the grandme and old, of as sever A Helen M Headqua pointmer the for Miss Plan Exhibit Miss Aue nish, Mr Mrs, J ed to arr Onta Wi letter position PERRY August Member Honey Wom held at the home of How Bee I'he of (he dale A bus A tober Mrs tute arle Am, on h "well attended Barthau absence of the president, slson Williams, the vice t, presided and Mrs. Har in charge being the ning well kindly Septembe fred charge I'he 8 Group was This meeting rogram thers were al vi velco As ed rol ior M nstitute from tute' sponses Mrs read of the 1 wa cKercher riers mnouncin it of Mig Smith of Home Ki ounty Gordon the ap Lol fo onom upon Mrs ed an motto rio ( Ida were for the WI for the Port Perry Fair irey Kent, Mrs, Roy Cor Alfred Prentice and Carnochan were appoint range the display replacing "B made to the the old is the trip the committee Edward Fines and were asked to make the necessary arrangement offered meeting and Mrs r Prentice collections of brough Harold chair for the program and called interesting kind to the old a long way; be good have come young way to go." and portant thing to an elderly person sense by titled, Edna Honey stitute College Mrs. Charles Howsam en "The Farm Kitchen" by Jacque Mrs, Lawson outlined briefly, the In holiday held Guelph recently decided to take first in Oc of have ver consi Mr Karl ting i a George Bry Mrs ant "YOUR FIRST STEP TO BEAUTY AND SAFETY" SEVEN ATTEND Several members of Honeydale Branch attended. The program concluded with an old-fashioned sing-song, led by Mrs. Nelson Wil. Prizes were won by Mrs, Miss her Kent the Al in Audrey home for group will be liams Moase Mi H Honey hearty vote of thanks to the host es and daughter Mary. The meeting closed in the nsnal man ner and an atiractive lunch was served by the group in charge. Mrs, I. Patterson, convener of Home Economics, has a class of | nine ladies learning to hook rugs. | These ladies are spending many pleasant as well as profitable] hours on this project. Women's In-| titute ACTOSS Canada are en. deavoring stimulate an inter- est in this almost forgotten art, | | all the My earliest re Women's Insti many unique re extended a Honey took the Broo For Free Hardy, who present falk on the they they have a long She paid tribute to stated the most im to of belonging, the CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. FREE GIFTS FOR MOM, POP AND THE KIDS. DROP IN AND TOUR OUR MODERN PLANT. CARDINAL CLEANERS LTD. CORNER HIGHWAY 2 & THICKSON RD. (Between Oshawa & Whitby) . Exterior of Cardinal Cleaners Modern Cleaning Plant (CORNER HIGHWAY NO. 2 & THICKSON RD.) OPENING SPECIAL 2:1 For a limited time only (Dry Cleaning) for the price of Bring in two suits and get them cleaned for the price of one, This offer applies to any two like articles of clothing. 8 2 with a ai3e to fit every need Dial OLiver 5-3311 OPEN HOUSE Thursday & Friday August 18 and 19 Until 9 P.M. - CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Estimates RA 8.5611