AEN Gis Vu 7 YOUR Hi) SBA PROFIT BY BENDING 8/6 JIM 70 PRISON, THE LONE RANGER EEE MII CARLING, PONT WORK 87 10 ie . "N80 HARD I'M AFRAID I MEAN U6 Too LOWS oR ( SOUL TIRE YOURSELF ? CUT ALLTHAT HIGH BRAGS DOWN, SON, WHEN A MAN 4\ Sh Pe ee OT o| CORRIGAN = BUT MY WAY, WELL WORKS ARGUND THE y J 1 . vi i , HOUSE HE SHOULD Ja a bors i WU \ CLEAR THE FIELD AND BE ABLE MAKE AS MUCH n 4 » z I FOR DRIVING COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY FROM THE Choose A Goodwill Used Car CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ARE YOU GONNA BUY WHO ARE YA GONNA BUY SOMETHIN, GRANDMA P THINGS FOR OULD IT BLAST --r i / x yo A 18 THAT WHY WE'RE GOI BE ME, GRANDMA, ,.. HUI Tan GARDE EBay : v9) HEY: S001 You BSH: mee Yur cARmIER] J fi ERE'RE WE | | POWNTOWN ? HUH, 18 =] | COULD IT BE, GRANDMA pRAIES RAY " | oo You, BT Ce i GOIN' IT, GRANDMA ? MBE & [oA NC a. NER ACROSS! ARYS * of f 4 (3 & TN 0, 2 FAST! { bi : Spas PO \ | €A - ye A , , 3 bi/ (2 y AD x } ~~ K, oN TER PD dh " 3 AM ANCIENT ENEMY EDMONTON (CP) -- is spending $600,000,000 on a claimed 1,800 live ¥ RAT CO) ' EDMONTON (CP) ~ The 1981 berta trip along the Alaska highway shortly, The Dawson Creek 1. brary association sends the book- mobile out to supply schools and adult libraries along the highway. SHOWS HOW AYER'S CLIFF, Que. (CP)~ Davis Haslam, a camper at the crippled children's camp here, land qd a ud lake trout e fishing with camp director Murray McFarland, ? PHEASANT SHOOT TORONTO (CP) -- Open ses- son for pheasant hunting in the counties of Elgin, Haldimand, Kent, Lambton, Lincoln, Middle sex, Norfolk, Welland and Essex --excluding Pelee Island-is from Oct, 29 to Nov, 13 this year, with 8.Dag Limit of three birds a day. The famed Pelee Island pheasant shoot will be Oct, 26 and 27, with bag limits to be announced later, CAUTIOUS CITIZEN GALT, Ont. (CP) -- Polies here found that one job leads to another, During a recent hunt for a night prowler, police were © 1988. King Feantares Synicate. Inc, World vightts rescrvnd. DON'T FIGURE TO HAVE ANY 0 WHIZZER SOUNDING OFF ASAW, : E REATIN OUT BO MAKIN TL CHB ST Tl vas BRICK BRADFORD HW ut Disgay P¥ YOUR UNCA THOSE KIDS PLAYING Vor i" MICKEY/S KEEN! vd BAS PIPN'T COMPLAIN WITH A TEABAGHE ABOUT US KNOCKIN! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY asked to retrieve a pet dog for a man who would not go out and risk being arrested as the prowler, GOOD RESPONSE FORT WILLIAM, Ont, (CP) Firemen inspected more thas mse JL check during June and July het They reported they were ented entrance at only two per centof the homes, by dwellers who did not understand English, WILD GOBBLERS PLUM COULEE, Man, (CP)ne er og wild turkeys to Manitoba, elected school principal Peter Kutcher their president for the third time, Plum Coulee is 60 miles south. west of Winnipeg. BEES HELP REGINA (CP) -- An expert near Prince Albert. If the test shows a significant increase in yleld and quality, farmers will he avised to keep hives in their elas, GOOD GRASS ' CLARESHOLM, Alta. (CP)+y It's a good year for grass for some 35 farmers in this southern Alberta area who followed the example of the late August Lange in his experiments with Russian wild rye grass, Yields have reached several hundred pounds per acre, 4 CLOSE LOOK of PRINCETON, B.C. (CP)~--Skine divers were emplo; to observe the migratory habits of rainbow trout in the Similkameen Riuer near here, The provincial department decided on the water approach in studying 5, Jung tout after were 'pe. a TS ROUGH RIDE VANCOUVER (CP) -- Ermest , 11, was awarded preme ceived when he was swept fer two blocks down an open culvert into a rock-strewn creek. Ha NEXT TIME YOU'D BETTER "= CHECK A LITTLE CLOSER ON YOUR VISITORS | Walt Disney Productions 817 =~ 1 World Rights Reserved "= Distributed by King Features Syndi "I'm sure glad the geophysical year is over!"