45--Real Estate For Sale |47--Automobiles For Sole |47--Automobiles For Sale 50--Arfticles For Sale | 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, August 17, 1960 TF CHARMING four.room bungalow just AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite in A-1 condi- 85 OLDSMOBILE, fully equipped. Tele- ¥. GOODRICH Stores Sires, bat 52--Legal J of hospital situated on a quiei tion, low mileage, al go-Kart, forced | shone RA hr Kelvinator refrigerators, SOVIET TEAM ARRIVES 59 TRS spor hite- vision. Thrifty Budget | "lan, A 5.4543, Call pam FABULOUS savings during our Au gust Furniture Sale, Bunk beds, eight ROME (AP)--The first contin gent of Russia's giant defending champion team arrived in Rome pd Equipped with a full basement, new $604 down and take over payments. BA| A 3-978. icces complete, sale price, $38; fac ry clearance of cpring tilled mat Monday for the 1960 Olympic Games, The second contingent. of. |furnace, storms and screens, three 48--Automobiles Wanted ticking, priced for American athletes also arrived, | piece bathroom, ly A ny Shring 305 PONTIAC 730 Conen, good, ox J , runs {on bungalow, Co-op listing. W. McAuley, |decoraiea Sad is lsted at only $8500, | cellent tires, radio, King West Motors, LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want auick sale, $16.68 up, Smoot lop quilied old, 6-room frame bungalow BA 5118 ing, pric p ba Dede, single _ sizes, com. : $19.95. Wilson Furniture, 20 Chureb Street, is YANKS GET HURLER NEW YORK (AP)--New York Yankees Monday night bought | Realtor, 26 Prince Street, RA 3:2512 or low down payment will buy, See|opposite Shopping Centre, bue with ottached double garage DOMINION Appliances (a "division of pitcher Bill Stafford from Rich. MO 3.976) " ie ne by calling Bob Stevenson st! i cueURGI FT deluxe coach, Beautifull decorated ond MODERN, three- bedroom bungalow, R 6268 8, D, Hyman Real Estate| n. Swiee radio, expert says its "per: autifully ecorate, londscoped on 32 ocres of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's Market, Hampton. A complete line of mond Virginians of the oe Tntatua tional Leag fecorated, storms and screens, oil fur- thei SALE -- $3000 down, six-| | fect" merhanically, $995, King West a e, near GM south plant and schools, {roomed brick bungalow, nearly new, Motors, opposite Shopping Centre. rich garden soil with fruit bearing trees. This voluable appliances at hard to beat prices, COl- fax 32241, They sent srmed Bill Short to Richer on option. Stafford, 22, had en 117 onthly. $2500 down. RA 86818. | arage, oil heated, hardwood and file 5 PONTIAC Sirato-Chief, two-door, AUTIFUL five - room yellow brick floors, four = place ahomimum doors Saniezd gear shift, AL condition. 78 property ideally located, galow, attached breezeway and ga-| 4", 0 Cony oreens, 142 Hilleroit| Cob Street after § pm. _______ 1, four years old 0, » '49 STUDEBAKE an rumnin MUST BE SEEN to be appre id, No 2 Highway UDEBAKER sed i ' Pri ith of USED parts and repairs for all makes cigted! Private with cos of wringer type washers, % hp motors, fers only. Phone RA 5-8840 $5 to $10, guaranteed reconditioned Me ---------------- washers and staves, Paddy's Market, record at Richmond, DELVECCHIO SIGNS DETROIT (AP)--Veteran for- ward Alex Delvecchio retutped Street, RA 58188, 1% if ast of Oshawa limits, Large - , $50 best off Two ear i dies want of nba iot, natural fire-| WELL-KEPT (wo - storey six room | ale 550 of ent Tas Hampton, CO 32% we PRIVATE SALE woe MOULDED plywood Pa 3 BEDROOMS his signed 1960-61 contract to troit Red Wings Monday, He be- * 0 ted through-| hou tuated 'near church, school | | br Fd Bg Pisin Aig. Sg i and shopping Reasonably priced, Tele. | 5-309. hone RA cruiser, "59, ercury, complete with a Ba, controls, skils ete, 1v4 STOREY--GARAGE on large londscaped lot--oil came the NHL team's 14th player to come to terms, Delvecchio, 28, - | pl |'s8 BELAIR coach, one owner, excel 10T w lent condition, everything Best offer, RA 6-4914 after 12. 20-FT, OUTBOARD cruiser, heated, just North of Comp Somac. $11,500. Particulars will be playing his 10th NHL sea» son, LOT with oy 75 by 200, between shape. Apply 149 Banting JRA RA equipped, foam matiress. Call Phone RA 8-0478 BANKS' 608th STRAIGHT Whithy and Oshawa, Thickson Road, | 3-457 37982, 2.4653, DINING room suite, solid black walnut, eight pieces, good condition, reason: able. MO 8.2495, wr GAs "stove, good condition, Phone MO 88755, CHICAGO (AP) -- Star short: stop Ernie Banks of Chicago Cubs received a clean bill of health after a complete physical examination Monday and will play in his 608th consecutive game against the Los Angeles Dodgers today, Banks has a sore muscle in his left shoulder, but it is not severe enough to keep him out of the lineup, FOOTBALL DEATHS Football accounted for 108 deaths in the United States dur. ing the five-year period 1955-59, 45--Real Estate For Sale '45--Real Estate For Sole 45--Real Estate For Sale | . 66°, one VIVE . room bungalow, sunroom, air-| pxCELLENT six room rug brick, Sm S000 building a > Kedron | conditioned, aluminum storms, Screens, ioroy and half with three . room base: | awnings, #i hardwood floors. A | ment apartment, all large bright Jooms, Street. RA 33110. [clean as a pin, hot water oil heat So -- | Targe landscaped lot, fruit trees "FOR SALE |garage, on Simcoe Street North, Ask gar ing only $16,900 with $500 down or trade | Completely modern, 2 yeor esidential street. In perfect condition,|to sell. Phone MO modern and up io date in every way. |g Cup Ai aw Trg a om RA 327 sports ear, or, Fed w cover, 10.506 miles, Five room brick bungalow double garage -- North Oshawa -- $11,900 No real estate commission RA 5-164] $1,000 DOWN buys lovely 4-room bungalow tiled kitchen & both, oil heot- ed with gorage. Located on Stevenson Rd. N. contact GERALD BARROW BROKER RA 5.3852 ATTENTION HOME BUILDERS Pre-serviced lots now ovailable in Hillcroft Heights, Suitable for all types of homes -- HILLSIDE, RAVINE, WALKOUT BASE- MENTS. NHA approved. All sizes and oll prices. For Additional Information Coll: Harry Millen REAL ESTATE RA 81679 HARRY MILLEN! REAL ESTATE EXTERIOR PAINTING VARIOUS BUILDINGS, ONTARIO HOSPITAL COBOURG -- ONTARIO SELED FIXED SUM TENDERS properly endorsed, on forms supplied by the Department, will be received by the Ten- ders Secretary, Room 6630, East Block, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto 2, Ontario, until 2:30 p.m, (EDT) on TUESDAY, AUGUST 30th, 1960, for the Exterior Paint ing of various buildings os specified, ot the Ontario Hos- pital, Cobourg, Ontario, . Specifications, Tender forms and Tender envelopes, mey be obtained from, or viewed ot Room 6527, Department of Public Works, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Tenders will not be consid- ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works, Ontario, in accordance with the terms ond conditions as set forth therein, The lowest or any tender not necessorily accepted, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario, August 11th, 1960, J.D. Millar, Deputy Minister, Department of Public Works, Ontario, SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, 5. RA 3.9421 CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W, HOUSTON'S GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE, MOTOR TUNE -UP AND GENERAL 'REPAIRS, 67 KING ST. W. RA 3.7822 CASH 'FOR YOUR CAR like new. Telepl ne RA | TRADE UP OR i FORD deluxe, piish button radio, | DOWN hers, snow tires, one owner car, | LIENS PAID OFF perfect condition, Best offer RA 5.4935 '58 CHEV. sedan, excellent conditic on {two tone, best offer, Telephone 3735 or 352 Gliddon Avenue, mediately Make offer. ¢. Phone RA 8-1837 brick, one and a half _= modern, private shaded lot, $13,900 with $1900 down, Phone TA 33699, 70 WN buys 1 990-1, frontage, east of Courtice hone RA 50826. & . door '50 Pontiac, $63, in | hi eonditi Telephone Mrs, | Noble RA 50877 LOT for sale, 76 x 200, between Whitby | 5 "DEW station adi, and Oshawa. Elizabeth Crest Avenue, |. 769 $1700, Appl |Co_3.276 25 itol gam. "CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con: PR ER - sedan, exc FOR BALE -- privately, (hres | TAR, will finance from 6 to 9 p.m. room modern bungalow, large tenoed 9 145 Albert Street, lot, traffic-free street near school, deco. |. hy rated, concrete driveway, MO 8.5633, '06 "CHEV A-1 condition, leaving coun TI pp = take over payments 1001 MeCul- $1000 DOWN, immediate possession of h Drive, Whithy, after 6, a 1% storey home on McLaughlin Blvd, | hd Has five rooms and bath downstairs 'ds Pi and one large room up, Natural fire. (Phone RA 5-283 a place, oil heated, good garage. Full si NASH hydromatic, radio, white price $10,500, One mortgage on rea-| yas sacrifice, best offer, can finance. sonable terms. Ernie Holmes Realtor. |neo, 3.4782, 204 King Street East. RA 5-2363 or RA 56382, | "56 DODGE four-d | | twotone, Best cash offer, 46--Real Estate Wanted (369 Drew Street MODERATE priced homes, 51 FORD, automatic, two-tone, radio, | business ow mileage, excellent condition, Fhone property and farms wanted for clients, RA 5.7782. dome with all cash, For quick sale 2 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Sw gle uley Healtor, ny Prince) (5 2% per cent, Six months to pay, For -- -- A aan ~~ | personal service at your home call RA 02, |'50 VAUXHALL, private, one cwner,| | perfect condition, 15,000 miles, $1285, Must sell, . OL 5-436, |'5h VOLKSWAGEN, fully 8 acre building ik, Fo Tele - fully wi LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER MARY STREET Smart six room fomily home with natural fireplace, Holly~ wood kitchen and dinette, Good size lot, can be bought for $1500 down. Phone Jim Cruikshanks ot RA 8-5123, G. NEWELL REALTOR PICKERING $1500 down, $13,000. Brick six four piece bath, broadloom, aluminum storms, basement, Oshawa N. Romhanyi, RA wagon, two (one, T rr i tion, also Norge ri ust sell, RA 1060 TV Special 21" consoles, start at $218, 95 at Parkway Television, 918 excellent cond). A very reason-| 3, e city for used furniture, Pretty's Used Furni- ture § Store, | RA 3 3271, 444 Bimeoe South, ammunition and hunting sup. new and used, terms 10 per cent down, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, RA 5.6511 LOWEST prices in tomatic, radio, RA 5.8132 ST prices in town! | aby ear riages, new 1960, car-bed style, $27,00; Large full panel eribs, half-price clear. out, $19.88; spring-filled erib mattoegses, $9.88; playpens, $8.88; high chairs, 740 and strollers, 85.88, Wilson Furni- ture, 20 Church Street, TWO size 550 - 15 ree aps, ike new, best offer, Phone RA 8.0308 after 6 p.m, TYPEWRITER, 14° Reminglon sian. dord, $40; Savage 22 - 410, gun, $35 MO 86624 ELECTRIC range, heavy duty, four. burner, excellent condition, owner sell ing because of moving to apartment, reasonably priced, Call between 7.10 rooms, 4 We are in desperate need of 2 homes in the West end, one with good down payment, if you can help call-- LLOYD AYERS |» REALTOR--RA 3.2254 screens, Call Mrs 8-1263 $11,900, terms gage, im oculate decorated, landscaped, six large rooms, four somuipped, 592 6% mort- tastefully brick, piece Don't' miss 11 ONTARIO ST. RA 8-1679 bath, basement this opportunity, Whitby. Call | Bill Collins MO 8-3843 | | | | 7-- Automobiles For Sale 'M DODGE new, $1895 Ritson Road South Regent, two.dc hor, Just like Robinson Motors Ltd., 574 CHEVROLET automatic, one owner | car, in real good condition. sold MO 8-504, Must be | "WILBAK MOTORS RA 5-0732 p.m. B47 Simcoe Street North. Apt No. 2. Mr, Rosen GAS conversion burner for sale, cheap. TELEVIS ION LOG RA 51623 after 6 p.m 50--Articles For Sale |iuiin ivy hoa, "iaketioid" aii BUILDERS and home owners, special equipment, 15 HP Evenrude motor, No "Call | discounts on new 1960 built-in oven and down payment, Very small terms, RA | cooking tops, Kelly's RA 85153, [5 5225 between 12 and 1 p.m, 5 | ever Aum Ate, radio, S95. Robin ls) "PONTIAC coach. good running, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes,| 18 FT, 6° moulded plywood paceship| 'h Motors Ltd., 574 Ritson Road South | j0.n radio and heater, $125, Tele: parts, attachments, brushes, guaran cruiser '59, 35 hp Mercury somplete skis, ete Iphone RA 8.5387 {teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free, |with steering and controls, CLEARING AT | 51 OLDSMOBILE automatic transmis. | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. Reasonable. RA 8-4914 after 4. { n, two tone, whitewalls, custom |'c®: RA 80501 anytime, TENTS, camp stoves, camp cots, tar- radio, all power equipped, in perfect AUGUST bargains on ed furni.|paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales ON LY | condition, Sacrifice, Apply second house |ture, bookcases only 99 cents with sny and rentals, 'Oshawa Hardware and 0 north side from Garrard Road on Ross [piece of unfinished furniture, Students'|Electrie, 8 Church Street, RA 2.7624, 10% DOWN Pontioe, V8 Volkswagen 5% DKW "1000" hardtop, as new, fully | equipped, $2660 new, sell for $1660 Take older car. RA B-1610, VAUXHALL station after 4.30 p.m. RA 5.3060, HAVE FOUR-BEDROOM HOME WILL TAKE TRADE Are you a big fomily who has outgrown your present home? Then trade it in on this huge 1600 sq. ft. Colonial Home in Brookside Acres. Four bedrooms, two baths, attached garage Hanover kitchen with built-in stove and oven. . Call Winse Bradley ot RA 3-2006 and let him show you how the trade works Pickering WH 2.5770 Toronto EM 2-3625 WILSON Realtor Oshawa Shopping Centre RA 5-6588 LET'S DEAL Trade in your old home on this beoutiful 4 bedroom 2- storey with attached garage Living room 13 x 21 with wall-to-wall broadloom. Sep- arate dining. room with large kitchen, built-in stove and oven, copper tile--2 piece bath down; 4 piece tiled both with vanity upstairs Lovely sundeck over the gar- age. For full particulars call o-d LAST CHANCE TO WIN A 1960 CORVAIR MODEL HOME TO CLOSE WEDNESDAY EVENING CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltop WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale CBLT-TV Channel 6--~Toronte WROC-TV Channel S-Rochester WBEN-TV Channel 4-Buffale 130 AM, THURSDAY EVE, 7-Fun House 5:00 P.M. 9:00 AM, l~Family Theatre 11--Romper Room 6~Woofer 5~Playhou a Helo) rd Cartoon Slory. 2--Byline 8~Three Stooges 9:30 AM, A 11--Movie 7---Romper room S~Burns and Allen 4-~Life of Riley 2~Checkers 10:00 AM, 52-Dough Ra M! 4~December Bride 10:30 AM, 7--Morning Show 52---Play Your Huneh 4~Jack Narz 11:00 A.M, 11--Jane Gray Show 85-2-Price Is Right 4-1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 11~Bob McLean Show §-2--~Concentration 4~Serial Drama 12:00 NOON 11~Bugs Bunny and Friends un 83--Truth or one | 574 |S MONARCH four-door, clean, |owner, $595. Robinson Motors Ltd., Ritson Road South PLYMOUTH Savoy, four-door 8. wagon, WEDNESDAY 5:00 P.M, 11---Family Theatre 6~Travellin Time S-Playhouse 4~Bozo's Cartoon Story Book $~The Big Rascals 5:15 P.M, 4~Big Mae Show 5:30 P.M, 7-My Friend Flicks 6--Huckleberry Hound 2~Felix The Cat 6:00 P.M, 11.6~News 7~Farly Show 4--~Western 2-Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M, 6-Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M, (1=Family Theatre 8-4-2News; Weather 6:45 P.M, 3-pHuntley.Brinkley EVE, mp GLEAMING CAPE COD $24,800 -- Yes, gleaming is the word for this tempting home located in the favored Brookside Acres. Living room 12 x 23, full dining room, copper tiled kitchen with built-in stove and oven, 2-pc. powder room down, while up we have 4-pc. bath ond three nice bedrooms. Inspect today by calling Charles Smith ot RA B-8254, LONG, LOW AND LOVELY $18,500 -- Charming ranch style bungalow, with attached gar age, north-west location. Large living room, full-size dining room, patio, Accessible to all conveniences. Excellent financing available. land Road West, desks, $14; chest of drawers, $17; |JARGE heavy dut y floor Poise, for Pv I Gs [760 CHEVROLET, 4000 miles, Will me. |Po0kcases, $5.99; vanity dresser, 820i|.0mmercial use, RA '1920 t trade. Apply 63 Drew Street record cabinet, $18; bookcase head. cep i pply 61 __ board $16; room divider, $22. Wilson MAYTAG, world's arid manufactur. p {1050 NSU motor bike, A-1 condition, |Furniture, 20 Church Street, er laundry Sauipment, avion.atie wash. ¢ hone 38 A 240; dr} 4 deluxe | Phone RA 3.6447 FRIGIDATRE, Westinghouse, KeIVInA:|aistiac' at Kelly's. 2 floors, 32 King Silver Hawk, |'5% PONTIAC tor, McClary, used friges, ranges, |sireet East. RA 8.5153, phone RA 8-408) washers, $49 up. Kelly's, 32 King East DINING TR a. ot , pleces, ve 's5 METEOR Niagara, good condition, |CAPE-COD Colonial chesterfield multe, $100 ago nal jg 4 Th heat offer above $750, Phone RA 3.9911 [reversible foam rubber cushio ruffl- |pusret, china cabinet, drop leaf table, |nfter 4 p.m ed removable valance, Special sa, six chairs. Kelly's, 32 King East, rr TT save $50, Kelly's RA 8-5153, [30 PARISI HAY fever allergy sufferers, new vor. [ya Moga lectrofilter removes 99.5 rakes, radio | ree - re ------ OUTBOARD motor, new Soft 36 ng ollen 30 Ww fender skirts, Lorraine blue, A-1 con. RA 515: v |dition, $2795, RA 5-6932 20" reversible electric fan Phone. OL 5-4836. {1057 BELAIR in perfect condition, will [pay top price, Phone TUrner 52384, Port Hope, automatic, Studebaker, sedan delivery, Tele: Ford, Victoria, Hardtop, Olds,, hardtop, ered Chev, Wagon Chev Pontiac 4-door deluxe, Pontiac 4-door Pontiac 2-door Roy Rogers Huckleberry Hound 6:00 P.M, 11-6---Metro News T--~Early Show 4..Drama Series 2~-Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M, 6-Mr, Adams and Xe 6:30 P, 11-Family Theatre bdo Weather all pow- NE. Pontiac convertible power steering, power "white walls, wheel dises, 2 - door Station '55 '55 '54 '50 MARIAN AUTO 25 GRENFELL ST. RA 8-5179 two-door KING SIZE COMFORT $16,900 -- Four bedrooms, finished recreation room, two na- tural fireplaces, two baths, garoge. Well-trimmed shrubs, Close to everything, just thirteen years old. Will consider low down peyment Bradley, RA Fie 2006 Charles Smith, RA 8-8254 Winse Bradiey, Harry Millen, RA 3.2524 METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. DIAL RA 8-4678 OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS 10-ACRE BUILDING LOTS -- Only 1 left -- 330' x 1320", Good land, close to Hwy, 401. SIC] fore rent and for sale, hospital beds, safety sides, wheel chairs, invalid wi rs, Com: modes, health lamps, canes, erutches, also roll-away beds, and eribs; reason. able rates, daily, weekly or monthly, free delivery and ik up, Phone Ald- Rentals, RA 5.16 60 re dcton Gale, electric new from, uiboard Marine y §705, 9 am.9 dy 'Andy. "RA 84111, i TV, RCA Victor, ch, brand new, finest made, regular $895, now only $665, 9 a.m, - 9 pm, Handy Andy, RA 84111, AWNINGS, piain colors Sr ay stripes, Prompt service. Free estimates. Order now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North, CHESTERFIELD suite, reversible foam cushions, self doth deck, jold hardwood frame, walnut trim, $109 Al stamps, collector's {bought and sold Stamp Store, 64 pennies, 1922 to 1026, nickels, 1925, 1026 far six, also Victoria coins in good condition, REFRIGERATOR sale, new w 1900 | big 10 cu, ft, family size, 5 yr, warranty, Kelly's special §199, 2 floors m 153 COAL furnace and "pipe tion, Reasonable, Telephone. FA Saas or 475 Adelaide West KELVINATOR refrigerator freezer 12% ecu ft, aytomat pound capacity, Jnsh COINS, ion Cojn and Wi anted S---Huntley . Brinkley Report y BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, =~ OSHAWA (Just Eost of Wilson Road) RA 3.4494 Res, 5.5574 ANDY NAGY"S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W,, OSHAWA RA 3-7132 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT, Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. RA 5.5646 | RA 5.0331 TRY WELLMAN'S 10 PER CENT DOWN - EASY TERMS RA 3-443] PONTIAC STRATO CHIEF -- Auto-matic, twin grip, Dif« ferential, oil filter, windshield washers, new cor guarantee, CHEV BISCAYNE -- 4-dr,, a beautiful powder blue, AUSTIN A-40 -- finished in gleaming black with white walls and radio. HILLMAN MINX -- 2-tone, new tires, up to 35 MPG. Just traded in METEOR VICTORIA -- 2.dr, hardtop, 2-tone, radio, auto- matic, white walls, Thunderbird engine, 5 FORD CUSTOMLINE -- Fully equipped, best buy in town, oc start: DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR INCOME HOME Six 12 storey, situ- ated on large lot, complete with storms & screens. Heavy duty wiring, auto. furnace and natural fireplace, Full asking only $8,900 with down payment, low This home will sell be sure and call now RA 8.4651 and ask for Ossie Martin - after 9 p.m. dial RA 8.3404, NORTH END 2 bedroom bungalow on Park Road North, has large lot 947 x 244'. House consists of large living room, large kitchen, 2 family sized bed- rooms, modern bath and home is loaded with extras -- Garage, Low down pay- ment, For appointment to see coll Ossie Martin at RA B-4651. 3 bedro bungalow low down payments. Choice of design, N.H.A, financing, featuring front, cer- amic tiled bathroom, heavy duty stove cable, tiled splash back in 'kitchen, choice of tile, forced air oil, 1 alum- inum door, choice of lots, $1000 down, full price $12,000. Coll Sally Wallace. Sally Wallace Ossie Martin Pat Patterson Doug Gower RA 8.4651 Tabloid 5 Vikings Ci 2~Manhunt 7:15 P.M, T--=News; Weather 7:30 P.M, #---Leave It To Beaver T-Misie For A Bummer 5:2--Wagon Train 4~Dramatie Series 8:00 P.M, 11.6-RCMP Selling or Buying-- "Stew" is worth trying Credit good? $25 DOWN BUYS ANY CAR '53 PONTIAC in good run.' ning condition $145 53 CHEVROLET sedan, two tone, outstanding $495 51 METEOR ' convertible, truly a bomb, red with black top, custom radio $245 '55 FORD, custom radio, white walls, quiet motor, good tires, washers $595 '56 DODGE, Regent, radio, 2-tone, no rust, beautiful car $695 '55 CHEVROLET, Deluxe coach, white walls, 2-tone, very clean car $895 '58 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 2-tone, custom radio, care- fully driven car $1595 MIKE STARR'S GARAGE 314 BLOOR ST, WEST her 1 elec trie stove, 5-4452. 0 40 HP Scott aio tor, reduced to clear, paceship hoat, equippes RA 8-5924, "Furnity AUGUST fale now on! tremendous savings! Floor covering clearance of discontinued patterns, 25 cents per foot; Arborite students' § ro desis, $10.95; Serta and arly 8:30 smooth top mattresses, reg. frigerators, TV' half price, 820.95; coffes and end | We=Live A Borrowed stoves, ete. For top cash' offer, eon: (fables, §5. Ten-piece living room hs Ale tact 19 Prince Street, Phone RA 81131, ineludes table and lamps, $99, Wil ode. Furniture, 20 Church Street, ever, upright mbination vanish El freezer-frig, two doors. Kelly's, AIR conditioner, portable $49 up, de. humidifier, automatic humidastat, h dies 13,000 eu, ft. 5-year Kelly's, 2 floors, 32 King Ei d, demonstra: ft, plywood 52-It Could Be You 4~Search For Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11=-Movie Matines $~Guloing Light 00 P.M, 1-pooit Faces SMov Moot "The Millers 2-Mid-day matinee 1:30 P.M, Y-Divorce Hearing 4~As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7-Day In Court 6--~Ches Helene 53---Qui * A Day $= Drama Seriey 2:13 P.M, room WE 7..Ozzle and Harriet | -Doams, . ~ (3:2~The Price E Spanish Blectrio Guitar, | 9:00 ge Jo Rim solid body eo pick-up, 4 th old old. Phone MO wh 8-34 FIBRE-GLASS boat, "one pi con. + |struction, "Princecraft," regular 0106, now only $000, windshield, steering, running lights, deck hardware, uphol- stered sels, gas controls, speedometer and compass, 9 a.m. 9? am, Hundy Andy, RA 8.4111, DABY carriage "Gendron Auto M periees, Playpen, rangette, eater, 20 colume encyclopaedia with book ease. Phone MO 8.8525, price small toxes fast, dial 1 RAVINE BUILDING LOT -- 70' x 132', Treed, open on 2 bar) {yah sides to parkland sewer and water. $3,500.00. After 5:30 call Dick Barriage at RA 5-6243. LAKE FRONT LOTS AT RICE LAKE -- 75' x 200' treed lake- front. $1,650.00, $1,750 00, $2,250.00 BACK LOTS -- 75 x 200', Close to water, drinking facilities, beautiful lots at $700.00 with $100.00 down. $1,000.00 DOWN -- 5-room stucco home with attached gar- age. Large lot and quite attractive. > 000.00 total price. After 5:30 call Joe Maga ot RA 5-919 BROOKSIDE A New modern 6-room ranch style bungalow with attached garage, built-in oven, broadloom in living room and dining room, ceramic tiled bathroom with vanity. A real good comfortable home aot $18,500.00 with $5,444.00 down, and balance on | N.HA mortgage 11-6-5__Happy 7-The Hawalian Eye 4=The Millionaire 3~Happy 9:30 P.M. 11.65 ~ Tate 4=I've Got a Secret 8~Tate oh 10:00 P.M, tio | WA==First Person 7-~8ea Hunt §:2-This Is Your Life 4~Circle Theatre 30 P.M, ] 116A Case For The 11.6--Closeup T-Joanne Carson Khow §-3--Bachelor Fal 4~Zane Gra Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-985] Every job guaranteed. PAINT, | interior, exterior, 2.05 "gailon, All colors, Guaranteed, flat, glo Oshawa Hardware and Electric, Church Street RA 3.7624, G building soufh of Oshe Charles Street, some material Courts 7~Interpol Calling 8~Man Hunt 2-Four Just Men 11:00 P.M, 11:7-6-5.4-2--News; Weather; Sports 11:15 P.M, T~Playhouse 8 Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. [1=Late Show 8---Trackdown §-3=Jack Parr 4=Theatre THURSDAY 8:00 A 1=hultals AM oday acti Roundup Dr Malone 2-You Bet Your + Millionaire 10: HH 11-This Week In Football 7-8an Francisco Beat 6-0On The Scene 8-~Not For Hire 4~Panel Quiz Toman ! Territory 11=News 7-Who Do You Trust Sighting Words 53-From These Roots Verdict Is Yours REMINGTON typewriter, also desk and chair in good condition, private, RA 8.8882 'OWERS, 40-foot r, hot dipped galvai channel head, Installed and guaranteed for one year, $37.95, TRIO Television, For free estimates calle RA 8.6701, OCCASIONAL tables by Peppler, iid crossbanded veneer, solid w ALUMA SEAL CO fetid RA 5.9365 ANYTIME end or men. --------a oreo mem | SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and $339 ym brick CRESTVIEW GARDENS New homes in this area are now starting. Model home nearing completion, Let us show you just how good o home you con get for only $12,600.00 with $1,256.00 down, or as low as $700.00 down if you qualify. Coll this office for an appoint- ment os the number are limited ot this price. TRI-PLEX Just listed -- Brick triplex, just 7 years old, excellent condition, well located, Total price only $18,500.00 with $8,700.00 down. After 5:30 call Dick Barriage at RA 5.6243. AFTER 5:30 CALL Sabre tt Elliott, RA 3-9290 Marion Drew, RA 8-467 DE 5.9191 Dick Barrioge, RA 5-6243 WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Furnished bedsitting| FOR RENT -- three room apartment, room and Kitchenette frig, stove and | all conveniences, private bath, Phone sink, private entrance SWes adu alts, Li MO 8.5627, Whitby. | est, % . | Dundas Street - FULL time female help wanted for| Hollywood Motel. General work, Age not Important, Pho 0 8 8-2646. WANTED -- Rellable woman to look after baby while Wather teaches. Phone MOhawk 8.4828, PRIVATE sale i six-room + pleture window, overlooking All gluminum products w= Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving. One contract, nothing down, t1-pusy Bunny and Friends ends T--American Bandstand Millionaire 4-~The Brightest Day 53~The Thin Man 4:30 Popeye Ni stone bie VTi 11:15 FT . Playhouse 6 Viewpoint 2-8porisreel 11:30 P.M, pier Show International Deteer sa He Paar 4=Play of the Week 11 5-1 4~Captaln Kangaroo 3-~Checkers CROSSWORD PUZZLE 5, Like the tyl "The low with motor and oush. ® p.m. Handy Andy, RA URED (ires, most all sizes, 11 nd up. B, Sto R F, Goodrich BOAT and motor together or seni 18 ft. moulded plywood, HP motor, like new, best offer, AA 59005 or HA 5.9713, BROADLOOM, lamps, giftware, wall plaques, room dividers, Imported, Den. mark, Finland, Italy, Portugal, India, from $9.50. Two floors to serve you. Kellr's RA 8-515, 32 King E. "and chair in must sell, Tele 20 miles from WHITBY on No. 12 Highway, 8 year old, J storey Brick Home, contain- ng 4 bedrooms, living room, flarge modern kitchen with double sinks, modern 4-piece bathroom and large den. At- toched garage, large, nicely landscaped lot with circular drive. Similar type home in town would cost well over $20,000! © Present asking price: $17,000 with substan-* tial down payment Good discount for oll cash. ' $8,500 ACROSS OID ya * distance (5101S KE : 22. Ison celes 23, Sailor 24. Land mease ure 25, Male shee 27, Scenio environs ment of aplay 31, Pairs 33, Sandarag tre e 84, Gull-like bird OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR RENT MARINE STORAGE and SUPPLY Ltd. Brooklin, Ont, Oliver 5.3641 SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now, Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 ICE CREAM BRICKS 18c Each SLEEPING BAGS Regular 11.95 Special 4.98 HORTOP VARIETY 684 HORTOP ST. 300 feet north of Rossland Rd. on Hortop St RA 8-0925 in good one | 12, Of bees 7. Armadillo 18, Female term 8, Circlet of address 9. The 34, Cheerful RA 5.4363, ORDERS taken for or aluminum, Phone RA 3.4989, 1) OU, FOOT refrigerator, h heavy duty stove with cable, washing machine, studio couch, space heater, five-room with blower, ther mostat and 200 gallon tank, Steel utility cabinet, boy's bicycle, 18" wheeld. ™ Centre Street, Whitby, MO 8-2420, COMBINATION crib, youth's bed, with two mattresses, blond, . new, also white metal portable shower. Phoe MO 8.3612. OLIVER portable typewriter, one year old, in new condition, private, Phone RA 3.3042 or 138 Gibb Street, ELECTRIC refrigerator, very good Phone OL 5.3080. ply 82) radio, white walls, finished in FOR RENT small kitchenette, stove and Suitable for couple. 305 Perry Street Phone MO 8-4470, hitby, FOR SALE -- "One clectri reir washing machine, and ra 120 Brock Street North, Whitby. FURNISHED rooms wilh housekeeping | curden and frult trees, fireplace. at- privileges, it desired, central. MO {4 rage, Nean shools pia Er 3! or | PING centre Phone MO 8.3068 SA E of of women's dresses, sizes 64 | FoR to 24%, all colors, Art's Clothing Store, | 125 Brock Street South, Whitby. FERNHILL bingo fond ht at Avalon at and $10, Seven | SEEN : 85. Stir 36. Certain ~ 9-.room, 2-storey Frome Home containing 5 bedrooms, very large kitchen living room, utility room ond large pantry. Situated on 3 acres of good garden land completely fenced. Can be had for just $3,500 down payment and one mortgage , ot $50 per month. Taxes $58 per year. Myrtle R RENT -- furnished light house. keeping room with private entrance Xelephone MO 8:2332 or apply 542 Mary Last War cor 88, Subside 40, Spawn 24. Lily Pons rendition 26, Gray friars 28, Affected manners 290, Mediter- ranean oak 80, Sun god 81, A particle 32, Floating (bot.) 35, Swab 88, Wading bird 390; Light sarcasm 41, Trumpet sound 42, Unusual 43, Swiss capital (poss.) #4. Aquatie birds CHEV'S ~~ 2 to choose from. Top value at reduced prices. CHEV BEL-AIR CONV. -- Radio, auto-matic, white walls, sharp. PONTIAC 2-DR. -- Ideal second car. HUDSON 4.DR miles, HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents $10 per wk, Boats & conces $15 per wk. OUTBOARD MOTORS 5 HP $16 per 72 HP $18 per 15 HP $28 per wk. 30 HP $40 per wk. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH per wk, per wk, per wk. odel 18, Forbids APARTMENT -- Two nicely furnished rooms, bed-sitting room and kitchen, frig and stove, private entrance. Ap: ace Street. 5 BUICK special, Ll be complete, | Toe spring mattress, new, Sacrifice sale. Phone NA 3.2451 25 HP, standard Johnson outboard Jiolon excellent condition, Phone RA Rood © ndition, offer, h -- 1 owner, new tires, 51,000 original $500 MO 23465. al FOR RENT --Two - room unfurnished ent, available Sept. 5, parking evenings, MO 8.3188. Wi Licensed Body Man tox auto repair, plece work, Phone MO 2.4009 or apply Mohawk Body Shop, Dundas Street West, Whitby Brick Cot- Pleasant S.room, 2-storey tage on nice lot surroundings t 5 minutes drive from centre of town, Full price $7,000 with $5,- 000 down. Whitby TRADE UP OR DOWN TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR LATE MODEL CARS ASK FOR KEN OR ED WELLMAN'S YOUR AUTHORIZED RAMBLER -- HILLMAN DEALER SINCE 1950 NONQUON RD. 51--Swap & Barter THREE - piece bath sets, pressure systems, cabin cruiser, motor, trailer: '56 Plymouth, 'S1 Austin, power unit, garage doors, sinks, cabinets, plumbing supplies. H, Chinn, Park Road South at Hillside. USE THE OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED, COLUMNS JEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary sr Ward, wk, wk, Modern Bungalow in town 3 bedrooms, fully decorated, can be had for just $500 full down payment! Builder's Choice! Modern 3- sbedroom bungalow. See this home first, then settle down. Asking $2,000 down, Carries or $69 monthly plus taxes No N.H.A. required. Oshawa Marthe and Allen Ltd, 215 Dundos St E., Whitby Phone: MO 8-8531. Even- ings: TE 9-1812 (Pickering) or YU 5-7780 (Port Perry), seas CREME E cold | $12.50) includes syie, cut, oll fA and set by "maginative stylist, MO 8-314 10 HP $42 15 HP $47 We also rent stoves, lanterns cots, sleeping bogs, etc WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service 1415 Dundas E, MO 8-3226 FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 31 1. White frost 2. Tawish month 3. A green stone 4. Excla= mation v