rw . 4 |of Robinson, W wy 2 misunderstanding. -- To Fourth Place FneBawan | Wanted To Be A Botanist, Emr Aes By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Miami were rained out. The For White Sox ! cult to make, jueatiete. Ix y * TWILIGHT TIME Rochesier Red Wings won't Leafs now are 1)'z games Ib NEW YORK (AP)---The trans Fo oxXin ana er | "You must bout 4, free of any obligations se give up fourth place--the fival (romt of second-place Richmond. s01ion in which they obtained Roy IR b told Robi : "and! the SoutTact dis bot provide for International Leagu Playoll spo! yi ic biggest lead of the $eas08. Sievers from Washinglon last {close to the twilight of your ca-/@ Postponemen . . ~withoul a fight, A shihdon : i p av, The ih plate Jersey City The Red Wings uscd an eigh'- spr) may (urn out to be the best MONTREAL (CP Al Bach- heavyweight Bob Cleroux of in a bout you've got to be there an alias for the introduction of Yeer. We lupe you have many LINGUISTIC STATES Reds had narrowed their margin [U8 5 ond i ng getting gh deal the Chicago White Sox ever man is a trim-looking man of 40| Montreal and Burke Emery, the yourself, You ean b Just let him Be EXIMQ SCORY to stop you at this stage of the. The large bilingual Indian'state 16 three games with a double hits, three walks and help from made who set out as a youth to become Canadian ight - heavyweight find his legs with any trainer OLICE ; game." of Bombay has been div nto * oo od # pair of errors, to nail down a botanist and ended up as a box- champ from Lennoxville, Que, they might dig up for him, It would have been all right, hy e. cade' sweep Monday night but aor Wa : " i catcher Earl : ' In asking the commiss -|Gujerat and Maharashtra ve beads Rudiiois My nig Tg the opener behind Ray a 2, $1000 vy Satcher gan ing manager. ; He logs thousands of stiles iv As a boy Al spent a lot of time 2m 1 colldu' see without IY consider HA i roa major language fo Tuesday night after the Red BH. CC ing of the might- Mincher the Sox acquired the big . The gentle - mannered New his car each month op both es in the gym tagging along with bis| PoC ie "0 petier go down quick IMson said his failure to appear!their own states. Wings captured a iwinbill, 96 0 TOYO A Kay (0 the vic. guy who now is carrying the) Yorker, following his [father's of the border setting up maiches father Frark. The father, mow| orb r oon smelled out the! i r-- and 6-5, €ap 1» ep / "team's power load on his broad footsteps, has been in the fight oF Bis boys, They YS abpeareq by semi - retired, managed three joint - In other league games, Colum shoulders game for many years but he still sav js Hallas, Sides. Mont. World champions Maxie Ros- "He hit ith a body shot] hus defeated Montreal 10-7 while TESS 'ES JE thoisat » ah feels he missed his calling, And: ue nee A ya 2 enbloom, Lew Jenkins and Bob e hit me with a y shot 5 Although he did mot begin fo "0 oT or driving interest teal and Sherbrooke, Que, Olin and down I went. I guess il a front-running Toronto walloped Burgess smashed two °C" 7 larly until mid - June 1 in a " : . 1 : a: drove in five runs to lead the = C= 3 4 econd to 10 give it up. It was my eyes. A CGex to ~ he did develop interest in physi-| -~ i Jets, His first smash sparked a 'uns wilh zi and is second They were too weak for the "I've got a wife and two young = ht to" Buen now he Cort to get out of the ring and rossi . Minnie Minoso in runs batted io pv ids but I'm home Idom the I had to sneak through the alleys 4 . rth and wiped out p - microscopic work botany re kids but I'm home so seldom they es early "Pim p English Soccer fretun lout Re His second WIth 7. Minoso has 79, quires " hardly know me' --but he feels gots gary Loring Joadvork fo get to the hotel from the stad- Ris. Figures include Sunday games. " g.chman handles a string of it's necessary lo nurse a young s ' ium, came with two on, George two miles {ey hit an inside-the-park homer What's more, Sievers is in the fights in Canada and the United scrapper along properly | In Wis hotel room, Al learned Season 0 ens for Montreal, Bill Hunter ' was running for the American League States that includes world-rated, "When you've got a green kid FOUGHT ONCE the athletic commission had de-| $ 00 : the loser while the official scorer batting championship. He col Back in 1930 Al appeared on a cided to hold up his purse 4 1 : ] SPORT SNAPSHOTS |__ THE SINAWA TIMES, Weineudy, Augen 17. 1940 J] Red Wings Cling Roy Sievers |e had spoken to him in behalf! for the Gonzales fight was Egiised | a] j« seeking to make Diomedes lected 10 hits in 25 tries last week oro fight card in a South Atlantic. "But 1 wasn't going to 'wait d Olive the winner and boosted his average seven State and he shudders every time around. I packed my bags and n d I ay | The Jets' pitcher of record is points to 319. As a result, he arry ero he remembers. it, started {0 go downstairs. I spotted . ; : reliever Dan Dobrine, who never moved into second place behind | what happened was that a boy! iWo husky Buys there Just laying LONDON (AP The English tired a batter, The Jets got teammate Al Smith. . vise was supposed to fight disap-| for me. I ran down the back fire soccer season kicks off next Sal- ue third out on his first pitch Smith gained three points to . 'peared just before ring time, Up. escape, made it to the train sta- urday t mpect of more wpe Angel Scull was thrown out 325 with nine safeties in 24 times 1 al 1A der such short notice no replace. ion and left town. | matches and a bigger audience y.ving to steal second base, Olivo at bat. Bill Skowron of New York 1} ment could be found, a Ts than ever before then came on in the next inning. dropped one notch to third at 317 5 ' i ; ¥ th me talke: The new: Leazte 1 : leashed 2. Y7-hit ab. hy i the No, 4 hitter, VANCOUVER (CP) Harry Jerome's gradual approac h fo A Bu Who va ith me talked Su ar Ra Gets played in mid vee by al 4 rong > Rich nd ng picked up one point to 313 Jerome left Tuesday for Rome peak form "with daily two-hous me into going on € Jak 2 ag y ay midweek al tack against Richmo scoring pick : : ' . y , , wery alway conditic © nandful of the 92 league clubs, «. ii . ay in the last two in- In the National League, Norm and with him go Canada 5 best workouts le ompetition every i ho ling had to do hin . 3} will add still more to the alreads as n( P 7.7) was the rket hea a aplp hopes for an Olympic gold medal two weeks will leave the young. S80 T5 ad h I % eo Y nings. Rip Coleman 7-7 y Latker of the Los Angeles Dods in track and field since the hey- ster stronger and fresher than his Hin 50 1 agreed I n n THE COMPACT . congested fixture list winner and Jim Bronstad (7-11) evs and Willie Mays each opponent was a tough but 3 ANCOUYE , v N Al And league and cup games are lost slumped seven points, leaving day of another Vancouver sprint U.S. counterparts. mpathetic middleweight, It wa . . | als Sur GRO Rup samy us Larker on top with a .339 mark --peerless Percy Williams But Jerome felt the continvous * "| BE Eh. 1i Was itle Bout Bid ! for the first time und the San Francisco star in Jerome, 20, who along with meets entered by U.S. runners coo voor who hastily assumed ! | vould give them better condition y wr The Foolba Association econd place at .334, Larker had Armin. Hary of Germany has a which runs the English Cup, and i% hits in 23 trips last week while (ime of 10° seconds pending for ing. However, he agreed wit BALTIMORE (AP)--The Mary n p state tic C yous or. the football league have been NIGHT Vays turned in a four-for20 (po world 100-metre record, is Williams that US, runners face GRANDMOTHER ON a Sa Niele Commission | oss % working out detail th the BBC howing ate | ce in this the problem of over-training Q ay p on 0 . eo 4 Ind lent Tel I rated a solid chance In J » Sugar Ray Robinson, who was ry and Incependent Television. Tae Dick Groat of the League-lead olympic event and almost a re ra -- I TEA { snded ly 19 for es final agreement is not signed By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ing Pittsburgh Pirates advanced 200d > chance in the 200 metre PHYSICAL CONTRASTS OLY TARE A tniely Mary for - "4 but officials said 26 league and New York Denny Moyer, one ttt) Groa who " Tt , Jerome, who also set records in . ay A x iF ) i y y ne spo o third aroat, who williz al vas 20 when he v ONIX (Reuters) ql ¢ op 0 "ray cup games are likely to be tele- 152.3, Portland, Ore., outpointed Jeads both leagues in hits with vept a a title at the 192¢ the Canadian open 100- and 220 ( 14 / ) IN a Wels BIL i here against Pedro Gon 333 Jin live ving RpAS (KE awit "3h iba atting 2172 RAR hs 3 a VE prints y J J Ate Ad 1s hie wy . vised ne during Le fea i 7 Benny (Kid) Paret, 151, Cuba, 10 149, is batting .317 an MCrease cones at Antwerp Canad yang ats m uring the sume grandmother for its Olympic The National Boxing Associa- yA, 5 volutionize itish soe. ( ») ve 4 DV ast we sents a sta ¢ a n ; 3 ASS is revolutioniz r I $0C- (pon-title of five points over last week hasn't had a gold medal in the J I a startling a olorfu team probably the oldest (tion and the states of California, SIMCOE ST cer. For years the bosses of the' gyesen, Ariz.--Don Jordan, 149, Roberto Clemente of the Pirates Int since contrast to Williams in his phy Dorson to. compete in the land New York, not NBA mem.| ATH . game, worried by steadily-falling gele » an is at nt | 1, sical stature and approach to PO" elihhiid : Sion | sate receipts, have refused to al ho Angels 5 i Sutioinied dulian is fourth at .310 Jerome. who failed miserably ™ pproa tome games, Mrs. Brenda |bers, recognized the suspension. | CORNER 0 Re ; aldez A geles running 4 . : a merican Gi B i p as ve obinson, 39 . year - mer low any matches to be televised n the 1959 Pan-American Game Williams. considered "too, Williams, who has five Robinson, 39 - year - old forme CONLIN'S RD. ' San Jose, Calif,--Luis Molina ? at Chicago a year ago, ha grandchildre 1 be ¢ world middleweight champion, ont the ¢ inal a veek a ag L 3 grandchildren, will be one 0 ¢ . except the cup final and midweek 139 San Jose, knocked out Art REMEMBER WHEN «+ ¢ ounded IMo international ining 0 in at Aniwerp, Nas 4 the British horseback riders has been offered a title shot in % igh rung, nervous sprinter . ' international gar po : THE oh . * Five oF En biggest guns Ramponi, 137%, Richmond By THE CANADIAN PRESS form in his freshman year at fo had little love for the sport in the Grand Prix dressage Los Angties Oct, h againm the d in » Eh Cali, 6 Hammering Henry Armstrong greg l wrsit who had litle love P83) went 3 . » 1a current division champion, Gene) » it z ots é g } ® Oregon Universi 4 ol OVE She rode in the last . ' 7 - Wolo, So Wander - gro Miami Beach Kenny Lane. absorbed a heavy battering by Jerome has the sige, loves | ihe Olympics at "Melbous ne four ¥ ullmer. PHONE RA 3-931 | After 7 pm RA 8 5912 field Wednesday and West Brom. 137, Muskegon, Mich., outpointed champion Lou Ambers but finally DISCUSS PROBLEMS sport and is a perfectionist His years ago Charles H. Rosenbaum, Mary- Douglas Vaillant, 141, Cuba, 10. outpointed the Herkimer Hurri-| Jerome and Williams, now an running style is smooth and ap- land commission chairman, said wich Albion - refused to enter » "8 3 } i the League Cup because they Los Angeles Johnny Smith, cane to win the world lightweight insurance salesman here, gol 10- pears effortless the California Boxing Commis- said there were enough matches 155, Los Angeles, knocked out boxing title 22 years ago tonight, gether for a to cope with already Tiger Al Williams, 160, Los An- Armstrong Had abandoned the meeting and discu sed the The other 87 clubs of the four geles, 9. featherweight title the previous Games and the like y problems divisions of the league have heen Richmond, Calif, Bobby, Scan. year. to move into heavier ranks Jerome. son of a CNR porter paired for the first and second lon 137 San Francisco. out. and after copping the lightweight will face laier thi month at rounds, to be completed in mid- pointed Chico Santo, 135%, San crown he won the welterweight Rome week before the end of October, Frangisco, 10, title | Williams vas confident two-hour luncheon ALL SUPREME BRAZIER Grill only. 24" Coppertone Bow!. 572' Rubber BARBECUES Tire Wheels. Chrome legs Collapsible for REDUCED easy storage. 28" high Reg. $14.95 NOW 9.97 IMPERIAL BRAZIER AND ROTISSERIE Fully collapsible for easy storage, Has Coppertone Rote Reflector, etched aluminum motor box with convenient control switch, tubular chrome legs. 28" high, just the right height for easy barbecuing Reg. $29.95 NOW 19.99 BAR-B-WAGON Biggest barbecue wagon in years. Coppertone Reflector Hood, 24" bowl, automatic 4 hour timer, motor tongs and fire rake. Roomy 25 Side Shelf, Overall height 42" Width 26". Length 53" Reg. $39.95 Imperial Brazier NOW 26.65 Bar-B-Wagon 15% OFF V/30F ALL FAMOUS ALL \ ; Dodge D-100 Sweptline A quality product of Chrysler Corporation Engineering LAWN BOY MELNOR rowan || SHE EE | Hs wheel bm deal em dlays for MOWERS No. 860---3-arm revolving. Reg $4 25 sit Now $2.85 Ne, 525---Swing 'n Spray Oscillating. Reg. $6 75 Now $4.50 y 18"Lawn Boy -- Reg. 79.95. NOW 67.95 | | M no--tom tim, oo Si ee the tr uck that heats em all! " -- No. 700--Swing ' . Reg. $10 95 Now $7, : 21" Lawn Boy Reg. 89.95. NOW 76.45 0. 700---Swing 'n Spray Oscillating. Reg. $10 95 Now $7.30 Now is the time to buy a Money-Saver Dodge that must not be missed! Buy a Dodge now : . No. 1000-- ' i . Reg 5 : 21" Quietflite ali Reg. 99.95. NOW 84.95 0. 1000---Swing 'n Spray Oscillating. Reg $14 Rh 7.49 truck. It's Mid-Summer Sale time and your and you'll not only save rea/ money .'ll local Dodge dealer is getting down to business also get a truck that's full of life and eager ALL ALUMINUM LAWN CHAIRS REDUCED Vs with the best deals and highest trade-in prices to show it. Job-test a Dodge truck today at you've ever seen. This is a truck opportunity your local Dodge-De Soto dealer. FREE DELIVERY -- NO DOWN PAYMENT -- EASY BUDGET TERMS SAVE ON A DODGE TODAY ! Open all day Wednesday --Friday till 9 p.m.--Saturday till 6 p.m. ROBINSON MOTORS (OSHAWA) LTD. MILLWORK 574 RITSON RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO in scat vom ND | MIMBHON 3 ELMS MOTORS