Coll The Direct Classified Mumber RA 3-3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mendey, Avgust THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS 8AM. to 5 P.M, MONDAY ts FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 70 12 A ---------------- gree -- I i, MONTEITH BL, nd! Co, martared Acosuptonts, RA 5.9527, 136 Simeoe Street North; Ajax WH DEWAR snd Co, Accountants wha Auditors, Cot Glen Bldg, 11 Op oe Sirest Oshaws, Ontare. BA pi pW. WILEON, Acoountant, , hy Onterin on, BOB DLANCY'S Ontario Accounting offer complets bookies ng services for small business. 118 oot, Room y Office RA Ro es , RA 37601 8 7 ine -- Company, Cert fled ie Acoountants, 172 King Striet East, Oshawa, wrie, RA! ada red RA I ALE, VRIEDLANDER, WUNTER and | o Aceountapts and auditors. 1icensed Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa; B, 1, Yale, CA; Friedlander, B.Comm., CPA 2Barristers BUMPUREYS Boyibyn and Willman sters, Solicitors; R Hum ore GE) G. 8. Boyehyn hs Ww A Himan, LLB; Wis King Street East Phones: Office, BA 51177; Res RA 54604 or Whithy MO 827615 RA Bou y to losn RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas HW Greer, Associate Barristers and Soll citors, 130 King Street East, BA 86248 Mortgage loans available THOMAS M. RUNDLE, ba fr, sol vitor and Notary Public King Slreet East. Phone HA 1768. GREER, Murphy and MacDonsld, Bar risters, Solicitors 4d Notaries Public 6 King Street East, BA 54717, Russell J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald OREER and Kelly, Barristers, Soliel tors, ete 7% Simeoe Street South, | RA 3.227% flesidence phones Greer, BA, Be, RA 53968; Ter Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 55832 P07, SALMERS, BA, barrister, solinl tor, ele, 13% Simeoe Breet North Office RA 5 1141 Residence RA 5-6042. | BOWMAN, David 1, Barrister, Solici | tor, 34 Bimeoe South. HA 59502 Resi. | dence, RA A0264 WMeGIRBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages. 30 Bimeos Strest North RA 5.9888, Charles ( MeGibhon, QC; Edger VV, Basiedo, QO JOHN A, CAMERON, barrister, sole) for and Notary Public, 18% King Strest| Fast. RA 5.2060 NHA and private] mortgages arranged CREIGHTON, FRASER MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Neo tary Publir, Bank of Commerce Bldg 8 Bimeoe Birest North, RA 3.5466; T, K Creighton, QC; N Fraser, QC; 6, K. | Drynan, G, I. Murdoch, NHA mort gages arranged JOSEPH PF. MANGAN solicitor. Money tn loan King Streei Fast, Oshawa Residence, HA 5.3405 MANNING ¥ SWARTZ Barrister, Kall r Notary, Money ta loan eiste, Brues V, Mackey, BA Henry Block, 264 King Street East, RA 1.4007 | Residence, dial RA 3.4029 DONALD BLAKE DODDA oa | and Solleitor, is King Strest phone; Business, RA 5.5501; Row hind HA B3473 : DEYNAN and of HA A-9232 of Opiom eontant North (at Colborne), RA 3.4181 optometrist, Please downtown Dominion Street Invalides ex Dial RA 5.4587 FF RIOWARD BLACK, Dr Ll the examination of eyes, os, 138 Simeoe avanings by appointment CH YUCK, RO pas accounts at Bank or 74 Burk amined al home T=Surveyors BONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On. | tario Land Surveyor, eommer- al EH Joi Bloor Street ask, "WROLIDPE, BATE 71 216 Adelaide Avenue Ww Land Surveyor, East. RA 5.6081 a ¥. WORTON and Associates, Land Surveyors, Professional FH N 08 Dundas Street West, MO RA081, Ajax 738 8-Building Trades ALL Winds of kitchen euphoards, garages, conerele Ar Free estimates, RA 5.6037 CALL Laurier MoKenna HA" 5.7884, for | yplexing, paper hanging, painting, in. | erior exterior, workmanship guaran: | teed, Fr timates COLONIAL HOMES | Manufacturers of Quality On repairs, roma, work hullding and recreation hock Homes RA 8-4614 Simcoe St, § W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8.2563--MO B-3R09 204 CHESTNUT ST. W P.O. BOX 329 DODD & SOUTER PAINT~WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For Free Estimates Call DAYS MO 8.5231 EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St Whitt CLIFF BROWN GRAVEL & SAND LOAM Prompt Delivery RA 8-895 BUILDERS ed bathroom sup fixed, complete with four fitting Large color range 90: sq. ft First class tradeiman, Phone anvtime RA 81177 PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS SIDEWALK SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING WELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED Oliver 5-331 Cottages, Garages {Ing of tor LARLY 134 Oshawa f Ceramic plied ond thers, |AERVICE \T3--Gardening & Supplies (PLUMBING and heating pipes, | tinge, fixtures. new snd » chang Lng from septic tank 16 sewer a Spe erally, Installations ot rensonabie rates {information and estimstes free on on type of plumbing. Disl BA 54241 Foley OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. | LOAM GRAVEL FILL STONE RA 3-3528 eo CLASSIFIED AD RATES } or less 8 worse . Charge Can Anh # CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 6 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 476 402 "not oS oid within 7 doys the Kaige rate will haga Above roles apply only to originel orders for consecutive Inserfions insertions ordersd of @ later date constituies a new origine! order Professional and Business listings 7.50 per month for 3 fines dally loch gdditions! Wine $1.00 per month, Each Initial letter, abbravigtion, $ ond 5 sgn, figure, counts as © word, Box charge |5¢ additions). All Clossities Advertisements MUST be in by 5 pm. the doy be fore publication, Office hours Baily 8.5, Saturday B12 REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times shell not be responsible for errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for mors thon one incorrect insertion ony adver fisement, nor the price charged for a 3 nsertion of the advertisement in arror occurs, And also reserve right 10 classify advertising ecsording 10 its own classification in the case of display advertise ments The will not be held responsible more space thar thet In the ectugl enw occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly but ossumes no lability y W any inaccuracies n_eany form Sh dB Bl COMPLETE GARDEN SERVICE 8-~Building Trades Go ALL plumbing and heating {Phone RA 53531, Herold R 44, plumbing, hesting and ing, 255 Simeone Street South |ALL types bullding repairs, roofing, Pisa A chimneys, fireplaces, side walks, stoops. RA 8.0394, Gordon May BULLDOZING and inl 226 148 Mh bt For complete garden sery- " ice and maintaining fo sodding and fall planting y Coll RA 8-6366 OSHAWA LANDSCAPING M HOME which fhe AURORA SAND & | m GRAVEL ! Lr ur m VALLEY FARM RD Phone M Operate give ie of fens i" 4) 6t ant supplies landscar Stark, engineer rémoyed RA 8.1798 Fi LANDSCAPING excavating (13--Gardening & Supplies 17 Money To Loon CLIENTY mont. | Sage. Morigege and agreement of sels purchased Creighton, Fraser qgoges, hort origoge East 34697 $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for immediate loan on First and Second impro tial Summer ited TEmple 9.2°F 41 Ne 18--Loon Wanted LOAN wanted Centre Kuaranieed tween 8 and 6 or 180 wr FIRNTY or evenings (31---Articles For Rent 22--Radio Repein i ro-- . i (ewr ; FONE ERIE quirements from the a) | en, tes for month of nt 1 [ener is 1oan on Su! SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT I" DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8.5286 All Work Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS TV TOWERS 40.11. self supporting tower Hot dip galvanized. No paint Complete with new Wave BHA mortgage SITERges ' Drynan snd Mur CEMENT mixer (tools, wheeibRrrows, mmp hole diggers, post Ariver Pirin well Sindiass Also for sale, cement RA 81 5 SALES RENTALS stoves, comp sleeping MONEY TO LOAN for all types of mort first ond second ortgages on all types of real tate including vacant lands; morigege for ond second Terts, comp cots, torpauling, bags, lanterns Coleman comp stoves $13.45 OSHAWA HARDWARE AND ELECTRIC B Church RA 3.7624 Ges for term siders, Hirst (37--~Male Help Wanted |44--Houses, Apts. Flats |440--Rooms For Rent STATE Seeman wanted oy "| (RFT Ls on wanied | #604 com Resilor, 2 Primes etrest, BA 32512 4 THREY IMO 8.5785, deri a i | FTABLEMAN GARDENER t5 main | DOW [iain gardens, lawns and small statis | youn 158608 | iy (of plensure nding horses on sem in Toronia wees. Seperate [dence wipplied. Good salary, Perms ponition ie nd on ene, TRIRIeRORy quired. Mart Sept, 1 to 16h All epiheg | heer y Aly Box D0 |( np URNISHED treated confidentinily {The Oshawa Times ne sales Pires Bath, {OAN use two men a ones, 8 sales} Pa 50 pes |brance Apply W7 Drew Stroet [experience Recessnry, tran | furnished, average $1.90 10 hour, Vor appointment, phone Watkine, yppER dupes [8A #2008 IS THIS YOU? and ogreements purchased Apply 261 King Street Telephone RA Master channel antenna Total price, installed and guaranteed for year 59.9% TV Enterprises 253 Drew St RA 3-3553 all - 32--Articles Wanted WANTED piano for Oshaws Christian Youth Centre. Vhone Steve Zurbs, RA {8-056 COINg, height r sale Swartz, Oshawe wllectore Royal King Street Hamp, and sold wt Stamp Store, "64 Wanted pennies 1922 to 1925; 1925, 1926 far, six Also in good condition WILL pay 82 bb Aa ao OUR SERVICE CALL silver dollars 1938, 4, INCLUDES ALL THOSE Phone BA 55223 ban and country, and EXTRAS t 1 CASH FOR SCRAP ! ! er cottone WE BUY STEEL, METALS, BATTER| PAPER, RAGS Etc Da Soturdey M CREENBERG % SONS LTD 308 B Cain and West ONEY TO LOAN Mortgages Agree Sale, on vacant ond property, residen industrial, city, Cana) ents for '4, 8, 'H ved and sib Sum day service All tube Picture ame nd Securities Lim 1412 Oshawa Street checked HA Simcoe ney Phone tube cleaned 4k 1568 Tuner cleaned, if needed Complete RA 3.7833 WANTED AP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 3.2043 RA set-up 1,000 doimrs, Will . for security, Va 3 months bullding $35,000 in Ajax Shopping "DO IT NOW small bonus snd good inter Phone BA 88081 he Beautify Your Home Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER Coll us for a iw second mortgage guaronies CR mortgage wanted on six-room house in downtown Oshawa, Call rite Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst t, Toronto 16. Phone RUspal 35-1733 Russel 70387 RA 3:3374 free estimate Taylor Whithy MO B5612, Free estimates, Rro 2% Willeourt Drive ERVICES 19. and ITT--Business Opportuniti ; STORE, suitable for plumber, eleetr elon ele. RA 39248 after 6.30 p.m SERVICE station 2, Newpastie, Ontario MacDonald evenings write 258 Tresane, Apt | station snack bar and Living segommaodation for lease on Highway 12. North of Greenbank. Excellent op portunity for aggressive couple, Write ar phone WF. MacDonald, 286 Tre sane, Apt, 2, Oshawa, RA 8.0062 eve MAJOR OIL COMPANY VAN BELLS GARDENS HAS MA 3 5757 MODERN BOWMANVILLI SERVICE S [ ATION T4--MHousehold Repairs aged FOR LEASE foes ot fie " in CENTRAL OSHAWA od new, Why pay more? Financial os | 4 Bam I, Complete service. Weed |in'W ntrol, Free Hv ED timote KNOWLTON RA 5.6047 velng ants Dept Ham PHO for lease on Highway Contact W. V.| RA 8.0062 2, Oshawn or | Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, We st of | hg CAR Islan PARSE HA e a good selection plant boxes, Evergreens, shade trees and potted roses ust 2 HA RIDE starii horn HA & ENING Ancorating, Free esti RA A742 recovered Our rates wuaran | Up Dial are reasonable, Kalistaction toed, Mattresses rebuill. Oshawa holstery Cn, 10 Bond Street West A 80311 PAINTER and paper hanger and exterior and plastering Free mates. RA #2201 Interior wsti Chim. | linings Free {YOUR jopal {meys built {installed estimate ohimne repal cleaner od, Nan aoumed sistance If necessary and furnaces RA 5.290 CHENTERFIELDSY and ola eoversd like new at Modern Uphol {Wtreet North, Cal eatimate Re M 0: Pl th $ Week Training Period chairs re Gel the best for les tering, 92614 Nimeo RA H643) for a free Salary $65 per week paid during training period RIDE mailed post on-drinkey MOTORING tr 1.38007 Monday - Frid hypass to 04084 PASSENGER would like ride to S¢ WEIGHT ELECTROLYSIS Personal LLY 1. for Toroms eston- Ron Enc SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Want car TRIO. TELEVISION RA 8.6781 BOND 57 Friday Toronto by-pass MO 4084 (rubber goods) plain * senled er ries list, Six samples, 2 $1.00. Mail Order Co, Box 9 leaves Monday nl cut-off oh also ete all for wrecking and metals, bought. Open Saturday day. Phone RA 5.2311 CEDARDALE SCRAP IRON METAL LTD IRONS~--METALS PAPERS----RAGS SATURDAYS ALL RA 5.3432 FREE PICK-UP supplies crop paid in with | 4 samples A-11, Nov-Ribber iiton, Ontaris TERTANT desires to 0 years Oshawa "es in 89 BLOOR hachelor meet refined SPECIAL! Heat old. Vieass | Cold wave 86.00 Time 196 Pine Avenue gentleman permanents, 88 50 Page Wairdressing RA 5-hisi leaving for Prince WRT ------ ¥dw d, Friday, Can socommodate five 24... wiharket "Bosket Good sober driver Phone RARFRERRIES for sie, 15 pint, pick yourself, any day Sunday. 11802 Cedar Street neers 158 penis exeapt California around Aug ' 0, Woom for one passenger. Phone OPEN DAY 50 Ponting leaves 25---Pets & Livestock for Toronto, SADDLE NE WANTED ay ng August 15 Weston fam MHoute Rosa horse, five years old, gelding SIDENC R 5 ny A Toronte ol i anered und Average sie ESIDENCE A 541 eutolt, MO | Coiiarn saddle. - Apply 137 Park R ny 100 ANNIS STREET South (rear door) -- p---------- - arriving at B18 am. Kindly eal PEDIGREE Cocker spaniel, femais,| 33~~Employment Wanted 027 with papers, 18 months old. Apply 29 CLAN rece : . p i plionist typist, thorough Elena Avenue or phone RA 5.2310 experianced, part time acceptable Write Box M17 Oshawa Times GENTLEMAN with own cement mice wollld like work, free estimate RA 5.7086 WANTED home, ¥ for Mrs read Apply Mast BEAUTIFUL haby training, talking Broad, 114 Elgin COCKER Spanial puppies for sale, Tel |ephone RA 5.671 [REGISTERED Chesapenke Bay He: | trievey pups, Cecil Neal, 36 Carrying | EXPERIENCED Place Road, Trenton, Ont + (Part-time work BOARDING. Trimming, bathing. defies j# Ph on ng aubena Kennel FO ALE A otland '36--Female Help Wanted [years old, roan, four white fest full show pony. Call FA 44797 after & p.m hudgies strain Nlrest REDUCING t efficient up-to-date shed Initial em vl easiest method to Bookkeeping to wperienced. Phone carpenter require Phone RA 5.7006 afte extra pounds msultations free THE INSTITUTE OF ETHICAL HYPNOSIS 11 ONTARIO ST OSHAWA RA B-0171 pony, wo # good | WAITRESS Orillia, Apply In person 5 Hloor Street East Ke rn TL =lOAPABLE, kind, Christian, let o |26---Farmer's Column [aged woman us housekeeper for elder moval of supertiuous hair Iy lady and business daughter. Dulles. Murdutt: will DEAD farm stock ploked up promptly. | po oin® shout Sept 1 13 Ounawa Times 16th and 17th SWITCHBOARD operators, Hotel only, Apply 10 Bond Street awn RA K4604, 10 to 4 WOMAN = executive type, (0 be train exporienced, arie be In Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone | WANTED shawa, Aug experienced immediately, good used] East, Osh two row corn planter with fertilizer | attaghments, any make, Will pay top one Genoshe dates for on 056 appointment For RA 5.0807 Monday to Wednesday 7-9 PM full and re-uphols for re-cover Charles Street, reparon material Dalton, 73 particulars call FURNITURE tered hee Our ng, Brues R RA 37312 CALL Joe RA KH644 painting and handyman PAN ink for' carpentry Wark guaran CHEATS REIELDS rebuilt like new y PAY more ( recoversd rites rEANN ale tisfaction guaranteed Mattre en rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery | Sport Co, 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA WA 37 30111 I PAINTING tradesman [tone work IRA 82558 LAW pay FOR weed killing, spraying and prun your shrubs and evergreens, gomplete Garden Serviee, Call RA Oshawa Home Landscaping ANY kind of garden work by expert reasonable rates. RA 8.150 IPROFERRIONATL CHOICE LOAM FROPERSIONAL FOR SALE ivies. Bema ited Mid GRAVEL-~SAND--FILL "EL IRNACE SALES ton' Gevelled + AND SERVICE RA 5-2156 H. M. Mackie Co. Lud w- RA 5 DECORATING hy exterior, Roxa Free sstimates interior n guaranteed paint and attention to free. Al paer all ine! FI 5954 GRANDVIEW a Go ¢ SOD SUPPLIES labor pl We specialize In As) fertil -- - - le ized field sod. Prompt de- | 13===Instruction d liveries for Oshawa and Diss PRIVATE 1 Bl trict, Field loading for truck 18 years Act now ers ond special rates tor con "RA 8.8111 LEARN CALL GRANT ; d by the Pp lice Commi skion make FOR SOD ully trained instructors sandard, Automatic cars FINEST QUALITY REASONABLE RATES MO 8-3015 hey udent oounsellor or iRterview only RA 41084 £3R y Driving RA 8.0091 |, | 16--Insurance ALINTATLY Auto {to 20 per oenl. six months to pay, For personal serviee al your home gall GARDEN [mii a SUPPLIES |17--Money fo Loan | Finsy "and ssoond mortgage ale A agreements purchased and sold. Hem "NIAGARA BRAND ' Rik and Heant " Raristers 1 King| L BUG KILLERS 5 motes "KING CALCIUM" . [sd" second mort RA BUG KILLERS f [Abd Ft WEED KILLERS REY Jahiie. 20 BIRD BATHS WE HAVE clients ¥ PATIO POTS [Bint on fritihe LAWN SPRINKLERS LAWN SOAKERS PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS CURBING QUALITY PAINTS QU Wine Server MONEY AVAILABLE TO HOME OWNERS CLOSED SATURDAY 12:30 PM JULY - AUGUST COOPER SMITH CO. DISCOUNT CANADIAN 16 CELINA ST hoes Pres vouth QSHAWA i Insurance. Save up available for fest) Aion ARAN sale purchased Rarrister and No | King East, Oshawa \onles available | foond moertgages mortgages and Louis 8. Myman,! East, Oshawa. RA SEABOARD LTD marly Bel 20--Cartage own Mok ok-up truek |21--Personal Service ba So LAWNMOWER & 2 [Q DRIVE ; ponlan TV 6 cash priee Phone OL 5.3010 pieked up or delivered, moy 27 Fuel 4 Wood jobs done by man with PRY hardwood ends Phone HA $4069 nacey, stoves ond delive | {ed for managerial position, Must over 40, Business experience not neces sary, but background in elubs, or business organizations helpful Box B21, Oshawa Times 1] removal suitable for fur | fireplaces, ato, #5 large] - five HA R2063 school-age ohildren while mother works 28-~Summer Properties TWO summer cottages for unt, also, camping on Shadow Lake ground. | 14138 | You RIGHT . room summer collage, fur meties y . diate TRY OUR ished, Whithy "on the iake, (mmodiate and guarantee, There is N a hig demand f on Se BAR-B-QUED PORT PERRY fake Sougor lake 3 0 dan n J ie Avon Ser CHICKEN front cottage, private, three hedrooms vice among families near your A with flush toilet, fully equipped. YUkon you need money 15¢, Hamburg 52014, Saturday te Wednesday once for more informa Mill TWO bedroom abligation, Call LE GR with all convenience Neet a 1887 EXTRA MONEY Apply Jasper Forman Lindsay, FA 45308 LAKESHORE cottage Lake Simeoe, all [view 5.2017, Orillia Agents, Clubs, ete Sell Canada's finest Xmas cords, Novelties, ete, Over 250 items includnig Deluxe, Religiou Velvet Chrome, cottage, all conveniences, | fveryday and Personal cards safe heaoh, hoat, available for Roptem her, Fox's Beach, Lake Dalrymple, RA Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, Dolls and Jewelry, Many ATA Gift "items Prompt Service MARJACK LODGE STURGEON AKE eh For colored catalogue and Whim approval, write leandron Greeting 1253 King St. E, Ont N mower and outboard motor re and sharpening service, Rossland a Centre, 63 Hossland Road West 162 or RA 8.1704 used Avon Cos You know their qual have iy no home, If h & Chig Mat Dog MODERN RA We call at tion, No 6.0627 Shakes furnished and hoat. Beauti and play 20 to and of soa 4 Franes eoltage on | Street ENGINE SERVICE & Rotor Til Bought ed Clinton uson Power Products, Pin r Service. B81 Central Park Phone RA 5.4633 | for rent, on conveniences. FAlr SALES & Cart Engine Used vl Sold Engine Auth vd Fishing, = swimming phere Radio Repairs radio repair friendly otme mp! ny ked Ww \ rates for children Card Ce nia Park, P.Q., Duns Hamilton 4 ---- inatalled while t TV, HLF, radios, small dant Flectronics Servios Contre West. RA 8ag11 radio, oar radio repairs 5. Thompson Eleotronies, 157 Avenue, RA 318798 (Fred) RADIO SERVICE old wail, used home meals Special All Thurst +H ford 25R2 LITTLE BUCKAROO NEED extra money? $50.00 and more, can easily be earn by showing our fabulous Christmas cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbours RANCH DAY CAMP Oun exciting, full = colour Christmas catalogue makes it 7 easy to get plenty of orders $10 WEEKLY Ni experience necessary INFORMATION R A 137 end no money. Write today . for samples, on approval, of 280-- Trailers y Pf REAUTIFUL '80 model North fast-selling items and free Is alee 4 , catalogue Monarch Card house, (raller tows hy average [sleeps five, shower. toilet, hot Co, Dept. 16, 47 East Ave, tank, refrigerator, Propane stove Homilten A2300. Saerttion for $1500 or best offer aang BBLS BTR PRIVATE SECRETARY LAL Legal ed 10 Allowance for Picture TOWERS different your Tube type ' h ¢ All heavy golvonized gouge teal. Installed ith a 2 year warranty ntenna ved $10.00 en & Lou's TV 8.5804 or RA 5.7844 FREE Star | oar water Paid | room RA SURVEY SPECIAL ON FAMOUS SAMPSON 15-FOOT house trailer smartly furnished, with space heater {Propane stove, hot wialer heater frig twin sinks, shower and tub. RA R130 | FOR RENT « Tont traller hy week $2% acoomodates six people. Phone MA f (REITY new uondition, law firm Exper |29--Summer Properties For Sale TV T WER SALY wmmer cottage, fur Balsam Lake 100 ft laketront, 1 drive, three bedrooms, 17 fn, Ny AE room And Kitchen combine oy | with fireplace, poathouse, dock, sand beach 3.13 all vimming and fishing excellent. Phone $ ¢ f 10 8 pw, RA 30 wm - | | "| lence preferred, but not ex sential. Applications fully FOR nis hed neh confidential WRITE BOX 909 OSHAWA TIMES BLK KHORN St oT EMONG RECEPTIONIST follagen a FOR MEDICAL OFFICE Lakefront lots clean shore Should be neat, accurate, and OSHAWA TV well treed Good hy pleasant. Stoté age, educa 361 GIBBONS ST, ir T Low i Private funds. R. HORTON and experience if ony Box 825, Oshawe RA 8-8180 north AX 20492, | New sale roads "m Vierest tion Write Times doe 4 wippiies | nickels! Vietoris coins | Phone do » RA 80360 time South End Restaurant, middie Write Box 037, be ohurches Write Phone HA #0818 ls APARLE girl to live in to mind three days weekly, 'MRS. AVON CUSTOMER" You are preferably maorried and own o cor, age 30-50 You are o self-starter who con plon your own activity You are ambitious ond wont better things for Your femily We ore on exponding world wide Insurance orgonization We wont a good selesmon | ond we are prepared 10 give | excellent training. Sales ex ! perience preferable but not | essentiol. Salary plus com | mission with all fringe bene fits, Reply box 720, Oshowo | Times | FIELD REPRESENTATIVES [rm FOR THE 1961 Don non Bureau of Statistics Department of Trode ond Commerce TORONTO $4,620 $5,160 TEMPORARY POSITIONS PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT OCTOBER 1st, 1960 to SEPTEMBER 30th, 1961 DUTIES: To assist in orgoniz ing field offices for the 1961 Censu investigate ond local proce documents; to struct stoff dutie CENSUS 10 report on problems; to assist in Ing census ahd and 'other related fram n For full particulars as to resi require and epplication form en posters on display at the National Employment Service and Post Office. Apply BE FORE August 25th, 1960, te the Civil Service Commission 25 51. Clair Avenue East Toronto 7, Ontario Quote Competition 60-7 954 dence, qualification ment in reply sisi qualifies ONLY For Rent Fm Street. Aveilatie Aug i se. on Masons | 17. Phone BA , private beth, hus service, rom spRriment CupheRIns, PRIKIng, FE Phone HA 406 |FOR TENT -- Seven room house apartment, {one child welcome, new home, thies |S completely 182 Charles, central, Clinic, five rooms, abie now. Prostestol | 50546 [COMPLETELY pi sds furnished spotless [three - room apartment. Airy Witehen Ihas refrigerator, heavy duly stove, sink and euphosrds. Laundry and park ng (acilities. Television antenna, Busi ness couple, ahstainers only, 137 Elgin [Street East, RA 5.1588 {LOVELY 6 room house on Ierge treed | Int, central, Phone MO 8.4260 Whithy | INSTORE for rent st 90 Simeos Street North, frontage 42 x 120° deep, proximately 5000 sq, ft {from William Street, Phone RA 32011 | tor WA S025 | rive room apartment, or will | hose for small down payment, #7 Or: | Avenue, Phone KA $6922 [er room sink, euph entrance 1 Road room house 10 buy, basemer ng. 579 King Street 5607 NEW house for Kast, oil heating mare information THIEN mpariment, south his, private entrance HA 57928 niter 7 youn Cromwell enll BA A NORTH, central |ment, $70 monthly sion, couples onl Bimeoe Kireet North THREF cuphonrds {ona FOUR bath ards in kitchen, pri avaliable August 13 112 vorth with garage, option | Wael, Phone RA! rent hot water tank, For 76 Harris Avenue unfurnished basement east district, near and hath, Phone roor room house for rent at 639 Avenue, Apply at house or 63% one Immediate Lioyd Realty RA 85123 room apartment heavy wiring Genernl Motor sink TV outlet, 1260 ney Both gn Mond THREE wiring, room apartment euphonrds In the Kitchen, room, large hall, Apply 164 Street, close to Shopping Centre phone RA 5.5053 NTORKE for rent central, barber location 5pm SIMCOFE Sireet South, third floor, nished apartment, vacant August 1, fwo adults, RA 5.5662 aphiriments, available 8 Street, Two, three and four [rooms Completely modernly equipped, | Phone NA 5.3038 buth or well fur: lone or | [EIGHT | Wayne 41--Room & Boord {ROOM and © clean, quiet { Road Routh rd for ierman gentlemen, home, #1 Pa | ROOM and board for gentlemen, privileges, Telephone WA 5.7043 «| ROOM and board for gentlemen [to down town. Apply 23 RA Fant 17014 home clone Elgin Street MUST be seen in new home, Iarge room, upsieirs apartment, sepa pirate entrance and hath. Reasonable vi rent, including heat, hydro. RA 3.2335 alter Spm TREY room furnished apartment, | putltAn euphosrds In kitchen, TV in cluded, Available immediately, Apply 206 Nassau TWO furnished rooms, sul one or two {gentlemen refrigerator, builtin eup 43--Wanted To Rent WANTED Comfortable hed.sitti near King Fast at Ritson, re Please phone RA 8.5077 tor rent, pentral Simeos South, reasonable #0896 after 5 p.m | WANTED by school teacher, two. hedroom riment I, near Queen Elizabeth Nehoo! phone 11, ring 11, Omemee, Ontario fi room sonable |sronK rent, house location, 140) td RA |THREE by Keptember [NTORE for Tele: honrds, wink all conveniences. 294 Bently or THA 2.2025 ng THREE - room a. trance and hath TV aerial, $65 3 2020 apuriment, private en stove, refrigerator and monthly, Phone RA heated, hot bby room" apartment, adults preferred walter, o-1o |weloome or | parking, North Oshawa nA rent, windows, 1000 square foot floor space off streal drivedn location. RA B-1206 44---Houses, Apts, Flats For Rent NIX © room bungalow, 103 Wilson South, Rox 916, The Oshawa u FIVE room boards, hot Times apartment, hullt-ln eu water healing, garage {village on paved road, Oshawa 14 miles § [CO 32304 {TURES room apartment finor, kitchen, sink, wiring, reasonable, Phone RA 8.8404 THREK room apartment, new heat supplied, $55 per month able Sept, 1, Apply Apt 1, Btreet FURNISHED (wo room apartment, suitable for couple entrance, 480 Draw Street South ™Oo room suitable for Ktreet | THRE LU] room {wolf - vontalned, reasonable, ahstainer (available Sept 1 1213 Sun Valle, | Court, RA 5:19568 INEW house for rent, preferably {news man, Apply 76 Harris Avenue IMODERN two cupboards, hea very centra stov Avail 87 Gk haseme furnished adults. Apply 185 Albe. basement | hedroom apartmen ground floor, in apartment building sublet, parking. 116 Saguenay, Apt FREE 2 WEEKS RENT Modern | | one-hedroom apart | ment $85. 105 Craydon Rd MO 8-4770 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS bedroom Apartments trically equipped. best tion $100 Apply Simcoe St. North, Apt RA 8.8476 OFFICE SPACE OVER KRESGE'S FOR RENT | AVAILABLE SEPT 2600 SQ. FT CAN BE DIVIDED RA 5-0732 call elec loca 498 15; I st OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT elevator service New building, Centrally lo cated Moderate available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON | Phone RA 3-3474 Passenger in downtown oreu rent. Leases now Roed | central on second Private Apartment, | apartment, [ness busi to ohildren OUR 1 King Available THREN room Stroet West, immediately couple only room apartment, with couple preferred, close to hos Apply 418 Jarvis Street Ip: WILSON Road North at Lansdowne in $106, new two-bedroom - sound apartments, large living room, sepa rate dining room, decorated to suit stove and refrigerator, bamboo drapes, ample parking, Occupancy Call D, Hazlett, HUdson $7084, Avenue Road, Toronto {THREY | water, ony | APITY | pital vy I room f{lnt, private hath, hot TV aerial parking, Adults only, 41 Albany Street or RA 5:3760. [TWO room couple only, light, heat, water, hard. wood floors, tile kitchen, builtin cup boards, heavy wiring, reasonable rent Phone RA B-0111 or RA 8.7877 STORE for rent Main Streel, well {established barbershop, centrally lo [eated, suitable for other small busi Phone RA 3.4348 after § p.m i TWO - room furnished apartment, near |Shopping Contre, working couple pre | ferred. Apply Andy Stefanko, 378 King Street West | HOUSE {, | sub -tet apartment, suitable for nt Six rooms, could be partly newly decorated One or two weleome Immediate posses 5, sion 12 MeNwughton Avenue {THREE building, monthly wo room second flooy Hast | ATTRAC TIVE clean two . room base. ent apartment, private bath, refrig furnished or unfurnished, hydro, water, phone, East ond; city bus, | A274 Apply room apartment, apartment modern kitchen, TV outlet, §73 RA SA215 Aharimem for rent on| Apply 256 Athol Street dh range aerial, parking {separate entrance $15 weekly, RA TWO - room, furnished apartment, pri - [vate bath, refrigerator and ocupbomrds, [use of automatic washer and dryer, reasonable rent, RA 3.4404. THRE room apartment, near Shop ping Centre, bus top, parking space, mmediate possession, RA 56100 or RA 37804 . THREE . room apartment, od, sembprivate entrance | Royal Street ™o | Hoor | tral, unfurnish. | Apply 82) room furnished apartment, third conveniences, heat, lights, oen $60, Child weleome, RA 39180 TWO room barement apartment, furs nished, hed . sitting room and Kkitohen, near hospital and G Rachelor or WISHED room, with wie, Priveie eniranes, Apply 184 Bently Avenue, #aining acilition, hested, THREY rooms outlet, private en [able August 15 - Routh For more rate, south of Oshaws pear wo rooms, npoareh, AVM | heavy duty, private entrance and hath, BA TY sntenns parking. hone BVI, ROOM in private home, § very ry conira spring maltress, sult gentleman im comkin central, spuriment, Now rent [ #5 Bloor Breet and | Maula. | heavy duty | Grentel) | established, | RA 34043 after | for | four, | with twa Inree i unfurnished apartment, bath, proof i working couple preferred. RA 5.210, APARTMENT Large bedroom Apart ment in apartment building; kitchen equipped Simeoe Street North. $100 monthly RA 53302 | | TWO BEDROOM | APARTMENT fw blocks north of King at Lonsdowne Drive living and dining room and fridge, sound proof Immediate posses Four Street large stove building GOWER-- REALTOR RA 8.4651 44a--Rooms For. Rent [ | ONE large front room, ground foor,| {furnished parking, use af phone, house. | [Xeeping privileges if desired. Call RA| 24130 | {ONE bright, spacious bedsitting room with modern furniture, in clean home, eon hing facilities if desired. Ope min ute to Shopping Centre. Men only | Fernhill Rivd RA 5.998 |eLea ) comfartable, [Large double room, Twin {fined gentleman, Very central | Elgin East. RA 9% LARGE furnished ar unfurnished room, ground floor, private entrance, parking | 1302 King Street West single room ds. Re. Parking errs amd (#49 oot poritng "rooms, sink and ahstainers only, isa COMYERIENCRS, "tw mites north of Yen -- -- oo ; onsen. Yikon 57548, aaa " Eo for only, close canirel, phone RA J re the bath. $7 Park "ioe mation, esll RA ~ four # neat, RA Elgin ire [ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, able in ri home, #2 LJ on "avail Park Road sr between | North, 57 pm WEEKLY, privileges, 180 Bruce p.m Entrance ALA gg RL wove, 7e- entrance, very central room, ion furnished room, couple Also one "ow Simos § A on light housekeeping room, Around (loor, furnished or unfurnished, Koad South, RA 5.0429, NICELY furnished housekeeping r [for Jentiaman only, $43 Mimeoe Sireet A 34376 |45--Real Estate For Sole | Cowon = fl galow, New tile flooring, completely redscors. ed. Inside plumbing. $2000 down, $67 monthly, $6000 b vate. RA 30180 FIVE - room brick | all Inrge, bright, clean Teoma, li conven isnees, Private ni bedroom apart. Kept Jot, central indall Real Esta HA B-0420, Oh. a ------ cooL SHACE Nice screened sunporch ov looking garden. Shade trees hedges and climbers, etc, ot the rear of nice comfortable 4 room bungalow, modern kitchen and 4 pc. bath low cost oil heating, Heavy duty wiring. Extros and garage. Asking only $10,500. Terms Age of owner only reason for the sale of this charming pro perty located on Rosslond Rd. West. | block from Simcoe St. N, Call us for appoint ment to inspect CO-OP list- ing W. McAULEY REALTOR 26 PRINCE ST payment RA 5-2512 or MO 8.5765 Wilson Realtor | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 READ THIS $1,000 down take over the payments on this one year old, brick and stone beauty, 6.rooms 3-bedrooms 4-plece tiled bath, Partitioned base- ment for future recreation room, Coveted North Fast area, Your dream home only $13,600, Fast possession, Call to-day.' YOUR CHOICE Have your home custom built, N.H.A. mortgages available, Down payments from $790 Many locations to choose from, For full particulars with no obligation, CALL TODAY, August 1. | ai Open evenings end all day Saturday OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd, REG, AKER-=Pres BILL McFeeters--Vice-Pres, INCOME PROPERTY Here's your opportunity to have a good home plus on excellent income, in a most desirable location, Cadillac Ave,, property consists of 4 apartments, each with own plumbing, well decorated, and in good repair inside and out, new oversized oil furnace just installed, Owner leaving city, Priced to sell at $17,900, about half cash required Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5.0243 PICTURESQUE LOCATION On highway close to Oshawe, beautiful brick bungalow with breezeway and attached gar- age. Stream runs through property, very modern home, extra large kitchen, beautiful bathroom with tiled walls and maroon colored fixtures, live ing room has stone fireplace, two . good - sized bedrooms, forced air oil heating, large landscaped lot. Price just re. duced to $13,900 with rea- sonable down payment. Phone now to see this desirable property, Owner leaving this district to see, call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5.0243, AGENTS FOR BEAU VALLEY HOMES For afl appraisal without oh- ligation on your present home, call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5.1726 LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE Member of Oshowa and District Real Estate Boord. Rin, a i i