The Oshawa Times, 13 Aug 1960, p. 8

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§ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, Avgust 15, 1960 Isaiah's Vision of God The Isaiah had a vision o One cried to another, the Lord sitting on His throne in the temple. Above it Hod the sera. phims, each one with six wings, -- Isaiah 6:1-2. The door moved at ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts: the whole earth is full of His glory." Isaiah 6:24, POPs VV Zz LA No \{) The Lord asked who would tell His people of His message. And Isaiah said: "Here am I; send me" -- Isaiah 6:8. MEMORY VERSE -- Isaiah 6:3. Isaiah cried, "Woe isme! ,..I ama man of unclean lips!" The seraphims touched his lips with a live coal, say- ing, "Thine iniquity is taken away." -- Isaiah 6:57, saying, "Holy the voice. -- . Isaiah. "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is fuli of His Glory." -- Isaiah 6:3. Vacation School Has Closing By MRS. LORNE JONES | BALSAM AND MT. ZION -- Miss Carol J f Picker os og i Mis ol James of Pickering The Active Service will meet on will speak on Sunday in the Mt. August 17, at the home of Mrs. zion Sunday School. Allan Carson. | Mr. and Mrs. Ted Appleby and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- Avoy. ' S.A. Will Send Food To Congo JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)-- South Africa has agreed to supply food to the troubled Congo with- BIBLE LESSON Vision Result day were leaders, Mrs, Scouts Return From Point MAPLE GROVE---Maple Grove Boy Scouts have returned from a week in camp at Presquile Point, under Scoutmaster Bruce Mac- Donald and assistant, Dick Bai- ley. Those who attended were David Mann, Bob Plazek, Danny and Kenny MacDonald, Ricky Bailey, Jim Budai, Douglas Pin- gle, David Allison, Gordon Fin- ney, Jim Geddes and Peter Holmes. AT CELEBRATION Those from Maple Grove who attended the Girls 4-H Achieve- ment Day in Bethany last Tous on Brooks and Mrs. Ken Kuhnke and Dianne Martyn, Betty Snow- don and Carole Greenham. Cubs who attended weekend camp at Presquile Point were: David Barraball, Randy Snow- den, Larry Sol, Marvin and Dar- ryl Dobbs, Bill Hurrie, Michael Laverty, Glen Finney, John Me- Guirk, Billy and Larry William- son, Frank St. Pierre, Charlse Scott and Billy Mills, Akela Bert Snowden was in charge assisted by Robert Barraball, John out any strings attached, the Rand Daily Mail reported Thurs-| day. | The newspaper reported that Not Visionary By NEWMAN CAMPBELL "We are now about to study one of the most transfiguring ex- | periences recorded of any servant of God in the Old Testament, with the tongs from off the altar; And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched the United Nations in New York thy lips; and thine iniquity is was holding talks with the UN taken away, and thy sin purged." [Children's Fund (UNICEF) --Isaiah 6: 5-7. aimed at defining types of food comparable to God's call to Abra- The voice of the Lord said, needed in the Congo, ham, the experience of Moses at "Whom shall 1 send, and who will] This was a change from a the burning bush, the call ofl 06 for us?" Isaiah answered, Statement July 24 by South Afri- Samuel when a boy at Shiloh, |G I: send me."--Isaiah!can External Affairs Minister y t|"Here am I; send me."'--Isaiah| can aus and the experience of Saul ofl.'g : Eric Louw, who said his country Tarsus on the road to Damascus.| " * i il What we are to study is a vision,| So Isaiah was commissioned by but the result of it was not|God Himself to warn the people visionary. The experience led toof the woes to come unless they the greatest prophetic ministry | came back to Him and were carried on by any one man in the healed. 2,000 years of Israel's history be-| Then Isaiah asked, "Lord how fore the advent of Christ." long?" He answered, "Until the That is a quotation taken from cities be wasted without inhabi- Peloubet's Select Notes, edited by tants, and the houses without man | the Rev. Dr. Wilbur M. Smith.|(and the land be utterly desolate, CITY HALL . Isaiah writes: "In the year that|and the Lord have removed men| FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)--A King Uzziah died (742 B.C.), I|far away, and there be a great city council committee is study- saw also the Lord sitting upon a forsaking in the midst of the ing means of possible revenue for throne, high and lifted up, and|land."'--Isaiah 6: 11-12, | construction of a new city hall.| His train filled the temple. Above| So were God's chosen people The present building is too small| it stood the seraphims; each one|yunished for their worshipping of and in a bad state of repair, had six wings; with twain he cov-lidols and their other sins, EE ered his face, and with twain he| ----M -- covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.""--Isaiah 6: 1-2. POISONED CATTLE Hall officials informed anxious| "And one cried unto another,| PRESCOTT, Ont. (CP)--Some| citizens no one would be arrested and said, Holy holy, holy, is the cattle on Galops Island in the St.|or fined if they appeared down-| Lord of Hosts; the whole earth is| Lawrence River near here have town without a "booster button" | full of His glory. And the posts been fatally poisoned by licking on their lapels. The buttons were of the door moved at the voice of| Paint pails, and drinking water issued in a publicity campaign| |him that cried, and the house was| contaminated by paint, from an for support of an experimental] upriver bridge. ' shopping mall. refugees. At the time of Louw's state- ment the newspaper Die Trans- {valer, a Johannesburg organ for the ruling Nationalist party, com- mented that if food were sent it would be only for Belgians. PUBLICITY GAG ST. THOMAS, Ont. (CP)--City Geddes, Joyce Mills, Marie Coon- ey and cooks Mrs. Bob Barraball and Mrs. James Geddes. Akela of the 2nd Pack conducted the Sunday service and Eugene the South African delegation to!Dobbs motored down Sunday|/W morning with roast turkey. for the boys' dinner, PERSONALS Those from Maple Grove who attended the wedding of Mr. Lorne Crago to Miss Marguerite Smith in Tyrone United Church on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jeffery and Gary; Mr was sending food to the Congo,land Mrs. Cecil Jeffery, Mr. and| ¢1ough from Camp Shilo, Mani-| but on condition it went only to Mrs. Steve Doyie, Mr. and Mrs toba, with his parents, Mr, and| Lloyd Snowden. Mr, and Mrs. William Gaston, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooney and family on Saturday evening. AFTER HOLIDAYS Ivan Mills has returned home after holidays with his uncle-and aunt in Acton. Bill Mills spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hope, Port Perry. His cousin, Johnny Hope, returned for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills, Mrs. Tom McGuirk, Sr. Ot- [tawa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. | Tom McGuirk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Windsor, | Betty and David, and Don Dick-'tritious breakfast. won have returned home after spending their vacation visiting relatives and friends in Prince Edward Island, They motored down via the United States and back along the Canadian route, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Martin and Lynda were Sunday' guests of Mr. and Mrs, Al Christie and Darlene, Epsom, when they cele- brated the Christie's wedding an- and Martin's , and Mrs. P. M. Lavrety| and family, Dunnville, visited and Mrs. Jim Laverty on Sunday. Mrs. Jim Farrow and sons, Bowmanville, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Finney. ENJOYABLE TRIP Mrs. R. L. Worden, Bowman- ville, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin and Lynda on aw enjoyable trip to Buckhorn and Burleigh Falls on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Steve Doyle and family visited bis brother, Wal- ter and Mrs. Doyle in Richvale on Sunday. Mrs. Otis Pritchard and sons, John and Paul, Manotick, were weekend guests of her mother, Mrs. L C Snowden. John is staying for a holiday and Peter, ho has been visiting his grand- returned home to Mano- mother, tick. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Brown visited their son, David, on Tues-| day who is a patient at Sick| Children's Hospital, Toronto. Lit- tle David suffered ~ multiple in- juries in an accident at his farm home last Wednesday evening. Laird Wilton is spending his Mrs. R. S. Wilton. Miss Lynda Martin is spend-| ing this week in Epsom with her |cousin, Miss Darlene Christie,| |who has just returned from a !month's holiday to the Cana: | dian West Coast and the United States. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Burton, Bob, Heather and Donna have returned from holidays at Missis- sauga Beach, | GOOD BREAKFAST An egg or bacon is considered |an essential ingredient of a nu- FOR BETTER HEALTH Accurate Pollen Count Can Not Be HERMAN N. BUNDESEN, MD WE CAN predict the weather with a pretty good degree of accuracy. But we can't predict the pollen count, And for several million per- sons suffering from hay fever or asthma, the pollen count is probably a lot more important than the temperature these days. NOT ACCURATE The pollen count which is print- ed in newspapers every day dur- ing the pollen season is not the accurate guide we would like to have, ! The count for ragweed is made with the aid of a vaseline-coated glass slide which is placed in an unprotected area. These slides are collected at a specific time each day and a microscopic ex- amination determines the number of ragweed pollen grains present. YESTERDAY'S COUNT This count is probably fairly accurate, but it tells only what occurred yesterday, not what will occur today or tomorrow. It does, however, indicate what might occur today or tomorrow. For example, a pollen count] of, say,*between 25 and 30 grams can mean considerable trogble for asthma and hay fever victims, RECORD HIGH In my home state of Illinois, a couple of years ago the count | rose to a record 1500 in one area. | Now when, the count is highs one day, it does indicate that | it will probably be high enough to cause difficulty the following ay, However, variofis elements such as rain and wind direction! and velocity enter into the pic. ture, | I Predicted A westerly wind, for example, may have an entirely different effect from an easterly. wind upon the pollen count in a speci- fic area. . In other words, today's breezes may not mean sneezes. especial. ly in communities adjoining large Lodies of water, The wind com. lug in from over the water will probably not be as laden with pollen as is wind blowing in from across prairies. TWO FORECASTS So it's generally a good idea to keep an eye on the weather ickecast R22 well as on the pollen count. t way you can to reconcile the two, ny There is one forecast, however, that I can make with a pretty good degree of accuracy: the hay fever season will last until the first killing frost. QUESTION AND ANSWER Mrs. F. M.: What would you suggest for a person who con- stantly seeks a doctor's advice for aches and pains and is always told there is no existing ailment? Answer: This patient may have an emotional problem and should seek psychiatric consultation, An electric fryer-skillet with its own lid is an ideal aid for a porch or backyard pienic. SOUTHMINSTER United Church 1109 CEDAR ST 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH E. A. Lovell School John & Centre Sts, Carl A. Kartechner | SU THE SALVATION ARMY SIMCOE AND JOHN STS. MAJOR AND MRS. MARSLAND RANKIN, Corps Officers SUNDAY SERVICES 10:30 AM. | 9:15 AM. SUNDAY. SCHOOL i I | | | vu C. W. LEWIS STUDENT MINISTER "YOUR SOLITHEND WORSHIP CENTRE" WESTMOUNT NITED CHURCH FLOYD: ST. AT GIBBONS Minister: Rev. Wm, A, Gibb Marie Taylor ARC.T., RMT, Organist and Choir Leader 11:00 A.M. Vacation School closed on Fri-|family are at a cottage at Stur-| filled with smoke." Isaiah 6: 3-4. day evening, when the pupils put/8eon Lake for a week. Then Isaiah said: "Woe is me! on a worship' period and songs| Miss Betty Evans of Claremont| FOr I am undone; because I am were sung that they had learned.|is holidaying with her cousin,|@ man of unclean lips, and I dwell Drawings, plaster paris articles,| Doreen Jones. |in the midst of a people of unclean folders and paintings were dis-| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Empring. lips; for mine eyes have seen the played for the parents to see ham and George and Mr. and King, the Lord of Hosts. what had been accomplished. |Mrs. Donald Jamieson had Sun. 'Then flew one of the sera- Credit was <iven to Rev. T./day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. |phims unto me, having a live coal Fleetham and leaders on behalf Walter Armstrong of Scarboro. 'in his hand, which he had taken of the parents, | Mission Band will be held onl Saturday afternoon on the lawn of Mrs. Earl Disney. | Misses Susan Sherian, Linda Graham and Diane Graham are holidaying at Hall's Lake. | Rev. Harry Moore and Mrs. Moore of Prince Albert, Saskat-| chewan, called on friends one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Parrot and Allan called on Mr. and Mrs. | Burnett Jamieson on Sunday. | Miss Brenda McAvoy is spend- ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Ward of Claremont. Neil McAvoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norval McAvoy of Layton] is visiting with his aunt and| The Christadelphians | CHRIST'S BRETHREN -- SEE MATTHEW 12:46-50 Invite seekers after Truth to apply for Free Bible literature. NO OBLIGATION Write: | CHRISTADELPHIAN ECCLESIA Post Office Box 121 Oshawa, Ontario ™ Christian and Missionary Alliance Richmond St, E. at Cadillac = Rev. C, V. Freeman, Pastor | Guest Preacher: MR. DAVID NICHOLSON of Brantford Graduate of the London Bible Institute WED. 8 P.M.--MID-WEEK MEETING GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU ST, SUNDAY 10:00 AM.--"REMEMBERING THE LORD" 12:00 NOON---Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 7:00 P.M.--GOSPEL SERVICE, Speakers: L. RUSSELL of Oshawa and DR. HAMILTON of. Argentina Wed., 7:45 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Meeting Listen to Family Bible Hour CKLB Dial 1350, Sunday 10:30 p.m, A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL ~EIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. N. F. Swackhammer, B.A. NORTHMINSTER UNITED Rev. H. A. Mellow, B.A, 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP IN NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (Simcoe at Rossland) 11:00 A.M. --HOLINESS MEETING 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC RALLY Music by Citadel Band and Songsters 2:00 P.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASSES Tues., 2:30 p.m.--The Home League (Women's Meeting) I Wed., 8:00 p.m.--Prayer and Praise Meeting Daily Vacation Bible School--Aug. 15 to 19, 9 a.m. = 11:30 a.m. EVERYONE WELCOME CHRISTIAN SCIENCE | FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNE ST. EAST Branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Massachusetts SUNDAY SCHOOL--11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11 A.M.--SUBJECT: SOUL" Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 o'clock includes testimonials of healing through Christian Science, READING ROOM HOURS IN CHURCH EDIFICE, Monday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. EXCEPTING HOLIDAYS Carvary BarrisT | Affiliated with the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada Pastor: REV. W NIVEN AITKEN BIBLE SCHOOL -- 9:45 AM, -- ALL AGES 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M.--EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Speaker for the day: Mr. Ernest Winter BAHAI'S BELIEVE . . . +». THE BAHAI' WORLD HAS AN ANSWER CENTRE AND JOHN STREETS i - | MORNING WORSHIP 9:45 AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES A CORDIAL WELCOME. TO ALL "THIS IS THE LIFE" REGULARLY ON Television | | HARMONY | UNITED CHURCH Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A, B.D, Minister Ross Metcalf, ARC.T, ACCM, Organist and Choirmaster BYNG AVENUE PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Telephone RA 3.4477 10 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 AM. & 7 PM. MR. RICHARD * COOPER EVERYONE WELCOME 10:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP GUEST SPEAKER: Mr. James S. Young A Hearty Weicome To All from Capernwray Hall, England I I I I | I Today, all over the world, some two million peaple called "BAHA'IS" are ||| "CALVARY ECHOES" SAT. 7 P.M. engaged in the greatest adventure of our times. They come from every possible religious and economic background, they represent every race on earth, they live in 250 different countries or islands of the globe yet they are united in one common faith, CKLB, SUN. 9 A.M. LAKEVIEW PARK WED. 7:45 -- PRAYER & FELLOWSHIP | Their success in overcoming the age-old religious antagonisms and racial | prejudice which divide men has proven beyond doubt that human nature Ch Change In the BAR EAT ford dout that humen nature PENTECOST AL CHURCH of that spiritual life for which a whole worid is seeking, 245 SIMCOE STREET REV. JAS, PIERCE, MINISTER Telephone RA 3-4477 For further information Please Write: 29 GLADSTONE -- PHONE RA 5.7578 10:00 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL Transportation RA 5-4558 11:00 AM.--"THE POWER OF THE | | King Street Pentecostal Church CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH 'Rev. Warren G.. Dickson, B.A., Minister Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-Choirmaster 11:00 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP Guest Speaker: MR. EARL HANN EVERYBODY WELCOME REY. J. M. McKNIGHT HOLY SPIRIT" / P.M. DRIVE-IN CHURCH OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE AT LOBLAWS SOLOS AND DUETS PASTOR PREACHING AT BOTH SERVICES Plarn-on Attending Oshawa's Only Drive-in Church SERVICE AMPLIFIED TO YOUR CAR Weather. Not Permitting -- Service in The Church 7:00 P.M.--""WHERE IS THE FLOCK" Tuesday, 7:30 P.M.--Young Peoples Wednesday, 8:00 P.M.--Prayer, Praise and Preaching Thursday, 2:00 P.M.--Women's Prayer Friday, 8:00 P.M.--Men's Prayer We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Worship With Us 7. P.M. EVENING WORSHIP IN FIRST BAPTIST (862 Hortop Ave.) REV. N. FRANK SWACKHAMMER, B.A. 9:45 AM.--SUNDAY SCHOOL For Transportation, RA 5-1661 AMPLE OFF-STREET PARKING--SUPERVISED NURSERY ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY SERVICES St. Andrew's United Church MINISTER: REV. GEORGE: TELFORD, M.A., D.D, Organist and Choirmaster: MR. KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M. 11:00 AM.-- ST. ANDREW'S. AND SIMCOE ST. UNITED CHURCH CONGREGATIONS WILL WORSHIP TOGETHER IN ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH REV. G. TELFORD will preach 11 A.M.--Open Sessions of Sunday School WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR SERVICES ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Centre and Bagot Streets Minister of First Baptist at Both. Services Bible School, 9:45 A M., in First Baptist Mid-Week Fellowship in First Baptist, Nursery Provided for 11:00 A.M. Service Wed., 8 p.m. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX & ST. LUKE ST. PAUL'S Presbyterian Church KING ST. E. and WILSON Rev. Clinton. D. Cross, B.A, L.Th. TRINITY 9 9:00 AM.--HOLY. COMMUNION 11:00 AM.--MORNING PRAYER--REV, C. D. CROSS 7:00 P.M, --EVENING PRAYER--REV, C. D, WILSON RA 5.2386 17 ERIE ST. DIAL RA 5-3872 REV, R. E. DARGAN, Pastor FREE METHODIST CHURCH Centered in Christ . . . World-Wide in Scope . « « Interested in you 10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES. 11 AM.--MORNING WORSHIP SPECIAL REPORT OF OUR 65th ANNUAL CONFERENCE by Mr. John W. Sigsworth CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH Mary and Hillcroft Streets Rector: The Ven. H. D. Cleverdon -- Phone 5- 5795 8:00 AM. -- 11:00 AM. -- 7:00 P.M. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Ninn Street nited Ghurel REV. MERVIN A BURY MA. B.D. Minister Mr, Rhyddid Williams. Choir Director and Organist Youth Department ' Nursery and Church School 10:15 a.m. Tie 11:00 AM. 11:00 AM.--"THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP" Part II -- "The Disciple Prays" Preacher: Mr. Russell Crossley, B.A. Read: St. Matthew 6: 5-8 St. Luke 11: 5-10 Soloist: Mrs, J. C. Smales ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Streéts, and Block East of Albert BAPTISM OF INFANTS & BELIEVERS REV. H. Gi D. RICHEY,, 4 : ' i Rev. Derek Allen, BA, TCD. A Combine Services of Worship 445 Beverley -- RA 8-6014 Mr. Frank Walter, Organist end Choir Master MEETING IN ADELAIDE McLAUGHLIN SCHOOL 11 AM.--Rev. Kenneth J. Matthews "lI AM A DEBTOR" 11 AM.--Church School will meet in the School 11:00 AM. MORNING WORSHIP "THE SUFFERING OF OUR LORD" 11 AM NURSERY CLASS A Cordial Invitation to All J 9:30 SERVICE ONLY UNTIL SEPT. 4th ST. MATTHEW'S CHURCH WILSON RD. SOUTH & HOSKIN AVE. Incumbent: The Rev, R, A. Sharp -- RA 5-7064 8:00 AM. =~ 11:00 AM. NO EVENING SERVICE UNTIL SEPT. 4TH 4ST. MARKS CHURCH STEVENSON RD. NORTH ON BEURLING AVE. THE REV. J. N. LOTHIAN. S.Th, 476 Beurling Ave. -- Priest in Charge 11:00 A.M.--~MORNING WORSHIP PM-- : ® The Family Gospel Hour : ® Farewell Service for the Dargans ® Special Singing ® Everybody Welcome PASTOR WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES You are always welcome at the Friendly Church of the Light & Life Hour. Listen Every Sunday, 9 a.m.,, CHIML Hamilton. Albert Street United Church REV. S. C. H. ATKINSON, Minister MRS, BRUCE SEARLE, Organist and Choir-leader 10:00 AM.-- REV. VICTOR VOGEL Of Locust Grove United Church of Christ, York, Pa. 7:00 PM.-- BROADCAST CKLB NO SERVICE IN THE CHURCH

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