TAL OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, August 13, 1940 | ---- 4 ~THAT BEING FIRED 4 IT'S DIFFICULT FOR ACTUALLY A " 7 ENOUGH TO AN ADORING GIR). J ' . ERE, RATE A TO UNDERSTAND \ 4 THE LAST 27, ! OF | WEEKS pay . | YEARS, DEAR, THE AGAIN =O FRIEND = r WEEKS FOOD EE NEW YORK (AP)--A union AGAINYI {leader who returned recently from a visit to the Soviet Union] sald Thursday Americans have , vibeen given a false picture of, Russia, : . Joseph Curran, president of the' National Maritime Union, said Americans "have been fed stor-i jes that the Russians are back-} {ward--that they are prisoners,' - | waiting for someone (o lead them oul of the darkness." 3 od 22 "They are moving ahead » I NEVER SAW YOU INSUCHA T] WELL WHYALL| | SHES GOING TD ASK YOU TO : i » 0 HERES PO AN ERRAND A PANT THE PORCH. N01 DON'T | | Geared. There Tn a tremendous a lo WASTE ANY OF difference since | was there in | 1945. They walk the streets much, , {much more freely than under: | Stalin." : { |Chad Republic | Leaves France JULIET JONES FORT LAMY, Chad (Reuters). The prime minister of the. {Chad Republic, Francois Tom- balbaye, Thursday officially pro- claimed his country independent ~|of France, h Delegations from all paris of =| TONTO, WATCHING THE HOME OF SAM FRG Y] ¥-Y0U. ) | |the country, twice the size of ATES, GEES "FIXER FEENEY RAP ON THE DOOR. MB PAR { France, assembled in the capilal * d for the proclamation making {Chad the eighth fully sovereign state in the French African com- | munity, Three more republics, the Cen {trafrican Republic, the (former French) Congo and Bagon follow | suit next Wednesday. Mauritania {expects fo proclaim independ lence in November, " | Immediately following the pro- clamation, Andre Malraux, French minister for cultural af- (fairs, read a telegram from | President Charles de Gaulle say ling: "Chad enters the concert of | nations, In the heroic days of {the war she did not fail to stand THIS 1S A Wil STLE wWTHE DC rl Tare] [AT LAST A SALESMAN ' ' . Yi i - {by France. She can rest assured THIS IS A WHISTLE YOU BLOW THE ILLTAKE | | AT LAST A SALESMAN } . TEAS 4 z THAT ONLY WHISTLE AND eke WITH SOMETHING No - ~ . ™. today that France will not fail ll MUGGS AND SKEETER THE LONE RANGER | AN ANT | WHEN THE ANTS , USEFUL' / {to stand by her." COME OUT . Tombalbaye said the eountry You sTome pd 5, 7 {would not forget what she owed ON. THEM G ' «4 4 fo France and de Gaulle ; oC The Chad Republic, in the / | heart of Africa, has a popula. v tion of 2,721,300, 'Royal Salute | 'At _Fair Isle | PAIRISLE (Reuters) -- The royal barge weathered heavy h swells Thursday night and safely : jcarried Queen Elizabeth and FOR DRIVING COMFORT AND DEPENDABILITY ee, Tow 11 FROM THE Lian Talend walked, toms. 1 | [the Jetty landing wp 4 a \ | » A ras gn "NF 2 o Mx SECRET AGENT X 9 © I Ting Fouturen Syndicuin, Sony i Choose A Goodwill Used Car cLirrmmLs MOTORSLTD. |:iii# accompanied by Princess Alex- | andra and her brother Prince | Michael, the queen's cousins, | The party was received by the {Earl of Smyss, ehairman of the | National Trust for Scotland, wha 5 is a brother of Lt.Col, Martin', Charteris, an aide to the Queen. The royal party boarded one of the three-mile-long island's - \ few motor vehicles, a former ™ )'s | army truck freshly painted in H green and black. As they drove . (1/ (f fl oh ' -_ off taward the village the island- eC TAA ra -- " L hs » " RC ge Vi pig " y 4 PL ers -- wielding shotguns, rifles gp 4 ; . = 3 % § and revolvers--fired a 'royal. salute" of 31 guns and cheered" them. . | 2 " Rlert Pilot #2 Saves Plane ROME (Reuters)--8plit-second thinking by an American and a J British Airline pilot prevented a mid-air eollision over Rome air- {port Thursday. i A Pan-American airliner with _ |81 passengers aboard and a Brif-is ish European Airways plane with {49 passengers were going in te {land when each pilot spotted thes {other plane and saw a head-on collision was imminent, British Pilot James Bell promptly went into a 2,000-foot nose dive while American Pilot D. W. Mitchell put his Boeing {707 jet airliner into a steep climb, " | The BEA passengers had not. yet been ordered to fasten their « | safety belts and 11 of them were br |slightly injured as they were " thrown about, The Pan-Américan {1]) passengers had their safety belts _ -- fastened for landing and none (was hurt. No Canadians were f \ } hoy, {aboard either plane. . en A Pan - American spokesman as HN said the planes were flying at . an altitude of about 8,000 feet a all ------ i wes land both had been given per mission. by air eontrol officials. | MERRY MENAGERIE to ane | LOBSTER EXTENSION World Rights Reserves | SUMMERSIDE, PEI. (CP)..! |The Summerside Lobster Carni- i val committee will ask the gov-.- | ernment to extend the spring lob vo | ster fishing season beyond mid- Yuly along the Prince Edward .. | 1stand coast. ne SALLY'S SALLIES GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER BRICK BRADFORD LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY AR) N gE) Wee, L. bp. 8-18 Distributed by King Features Syndicate NAS Tat Tague Jasper wus Tet Yeole EEE EE.