WGRTV Channel L-Bufinie TELEVISION LOG ¥ | CHCI/IY. Chanse) 11-Hamiliop CBLETV Channel 6~Toronis| WKBW-TV Channel T--Bofiale WROC-TV Channel S--Rochester) § WBENTYV Channel fButishs| SATURDAY EVE, § M 116-87, Lawre o-Movie | Film Featurette '| a Twilight Theatre 5:30 P.M, 116 Cartoop Party b--Award Theatre 3-~Twilight Theatre 6:00 P.M Reflections * Se Wrastling {1--Laave it To Beaver 11="Fhe Riflern sn Hour S~Dennis The Menges s-~Highway Patrol 4~U of B Round Table 2~This Man Dawson 7:30 PM 11~Btorie T=Dick Clark Caribou Country 5%~Bonanza 4~Perry Mason 8:00 PM (LwSen Hunt | 7~High Road $=Man From Interpol 8:30 PM {Ldn the Law TeLeuve It To Beaver 6-High Road §2-Man and The Challenge Wanted, Dead or Alive 9:00 PM, 118 Great Movies 7~Lawrence Welk 52-~The Depul | fAdventure Series | : BLD RE, "Ey | | | 0:3 PW, $-Lawrence Welk Show nee North il=Denpis The Mensos 5-The Innocent Years T-Ted Mack Amatenr | 8 of the Century ie | l A | T~Bowiing Stars 6 "8it Back With duck" 4-Film Feature 2~Family house 115 PM, --Queen's Park Report | 1:30 PM, il~Hev, Oral Roberts T= Playhouse 3~-Family Play! ouse 2:00 P.M. 11-The Church I» » Actio $Jupior Mageznne 2:15 P.M, 3-Family Playhouse 2:30 P.M. 11-Rolier Derby To Holds Barred Rocky Jones 3:00 PM, I~Cpen Hearing B-Good Life Thealre b--Bengal Lancers 2~Family Playhouse 38 PM, 11-6-Country Calendar 1--6ix Gun Theatre Fro Football 4:00 PM 116-Holiday Fdition 2~-Benate News 415 PM, Yesterday's News reel 43 PM, Roy Rogers Show Br Zero 1960 5:00 P.M, 116-News Magazine T--Malty's Funday Funnies 1 Blooges 4=Film 2--Crime Doctor Bid PM (1Rtories of the Century Lone Ranger Tou f-Belence 5-Felix The Cat Captain David Grief | 4~Face The Nation 11:30 AM, Bob Mclean Show BBL oneeati ation b~Berial Drams 12:00 NOON 1L-Bugs Bunny T= Restless Gun aTruth or Consequences | dmNews; Westher 12:15 P.M, $-Matinee A-Bpeaker of the House 12:30 PM, News T=Love That Bob 6-4--1t Could Be You 12:45 PM, [L-Movie Matines 4~Guiding Light 1:00 PM, T--About Fhoes s~Fepture Movie A-Meet The Millers 2~-Mid-Day Matines 1:30 P.M, T-Divoree Hearing ~The World Turns 1:45 PM, b-News 2:00 P.M, 7-Day In Court 6-~Adventures With Noddy 52 Queen for & Day 4~Drama Beries 2:50 PM, 11=Movie | T--Gale Storm 2h-Lovetta Young é~House Part | 300 PM T-Bent The Clock | 68--All Star 52-Young Doctor Mulone Millionaire 330 PM, | H-News 7-Who Do Ydu Trust 6-Baseball 3 2---From These Roots bBarch for Tomorrgw | Basehall | | | : | 1 | Knudsens present them with an end-table C, uniskilen to Bearbore, VISIT HERE spent a few days Miss Elsie Oke, {Albert Mr, and Mrs, Reg Weaving and Ricky, Thornhill, were Satur- day visitors at W, H, Moore's. Mr, and Mrs, O, Beaumont and Jimmy, Toronto, spent & few Or days with Mr, and Mrs. A, beater, Mr, and Mrs, molr, Oshawa, Nr, stan Aunger, Edmonton, is visit- | IM Gordon Mostyn Howells, ACI, has re-| turned back to Camp Balint Vester | {after spending 8 month with his R, 'parents, Mr, and Mrs, W Howells, IM days with her nephew, Mr. Alva [Leadbenter, before returning irom holidays with the Lead- {home to England, he Miss Alice Stephenson and |brother, Harold, Willowdale, MY. |family were with Ross and Brian land Mrs, Stan Aunger, Edmon-iy.. Ledron, lton, were Sunday callers at Mr, land Mrs, W, H, Moore's, Mrs, P, F, Mr, and Mrs, Floyd Pethick and|and Christine, Fairview, Pemn,,| On Departure ENNISKILLEN -- On the eve guests of Roy McGill, and ten ning of Aug. 8, a few ladies sct- guests of Lysl Brocks, Bowman ing as representatives of the eom- ville, munity, convened at the home of Mr, Mr, and Mre, Lykke Knudsen fo chester, and lamp, a token of apprecia-| Mr, tion and friendship of the com- Perry, munity on thelr departure from felder, Wes, Rickett, ville, were Mrs, ¥, Dorland, Bowmanville, [Arthur Leadbeater's, with her sister, Mrs, James Cook and brother! Mr. and Mrs, John Cook and Jim- my, Oshawa, Adam Sharp's, Miss Alice and Harold Stephen son, tea guests at Mr, and Mrs, R, Lead-| Mr, and Mrs; Grant Werry, Charles Cath. Sunday dinner guests sf Allan Mrs, |Werry's, ing Mr, and Mrs, H, Stevens and spent the weekend with Misses Sandra and Sharon Werry. ond Stanley, Toronto, were with Mrs, E. Cupid, Forest Town, family, Toronto, were Bunda; Mansfield, England, spent & few | visitors al A, Leadbeater's, Maur. Bradley, Oshawa, boro, Mrs, Clifford Hetz, Faith THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, August 13,1960 11 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Feted SEITEE i it ESSER : : tine and Mrs, Bill Conn, Man is visiting this week af Perguson's, and Mrs, L, Pearce, Port Mr, and Mrs, B, Moerseh- Fisherville, Mr, Cryil Nye, Carson Nye, Dunn- recent visitors at and Jamie, # : glue ¥ i Rf SEE BEER Bee § aes eR § Hi LLY were visitors at Willowdale, were Sunda miston's, SF ® EER [EER iss Betty Jame Werry were TEE Miss Jackie and David Veale a | |& | Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Jackson $ i | Fy HEE J. Ormiston's, Mr, and Mrs, A. Leadbeater, r., and Mrs, L, Leadbeater and ES 88 ERE B® y Leadbeater returned home ater boys, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Werry and pee i Mr, Al and Mrs, Garnet Towns lan, Joyce and Barbara, Peter- Provincial police said the gum apparently was In the hands of 8 Girl 15 Shot Dead TRENTON (CP)~Myrna Wi.| NORTHERN RESEARCH son, 15, of nearby Smithfield died| Norway's Arctic island of Spits. in hospital here from head bergen is being explored by wounds suffered in a gun accid-|several archaeological teams in 6:00 P.M, 11-Bob Cummings Show | 7=Brave Eagle 6~Disney Presents f-Meel The Press 4-FY1 Beries 3-People"s Court 6:50 P.M Adams and Eve ~The Verdiet 1s Yours | Robin 4:00 PM, ' Bugs Bunny snd Vriends Toronto, were Sunday Mr, and Mrs, Elwyn Dickey and| |visitors at 8, R, Pethick's, {Velma, Mr. and Mrs, Allan | Mrs, 0, C, Ashton and Charles| Wray and Julie, Bowmanville, | 7-American Bandstand |is visiting her brothers this week | Mr. and Mrs, T, Grawbarger, Resell Man lat Quebec, Mrs, E. C. Ashton, Restoule, Mr, and Mrs, Ralph| Serials [Maple Grove, is with Mr, 0, C,|Lamb, Mr, and Mrs. A, Herring, 4:30 PM, Ashton and Lois, Mr, and Mrs. | Oshawa, were visitors at Lorne Popeye tan Aunger, Edmonton, visited Lamb's, , the Ashton home, Mr. and Mrs, A. L, Wearn and Kakin Edge of Night Susan wore with AM, Weam's | &~Have Gun, Will | Travel 2-Buspense B50 | 10:00 P.M, T-Jubilee USA 4=Gunsmoke | 10:30 mm, | 11 8-Twilight Zone | T.dohnny Staccale juvenile when it discharged, An Inquest Is to be held inte the death of the girl, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Wilson, BLD Ru W014 5 ww vy veo ™ Wms dba lhdddahs 11=Mr TF rontier S-Maveriok | 420th Century | | | | H-376 791 SQ.FT. 18,15! CU. FR id LEA LA 4 CUBE. + 113) protects entry, Standard Build ers' blueprints costing $0.75 a | set are obtainable in Canada for this Design No, 376, Now available from address below a new and enlarged 1960 Book of House Designs entitled "A new Selection of Low Cost | Homes for Canadians", price | Sports S~Rescue 8 2 | 5=The Rebel 4-Taw and Justice | | 8~Award Theatre 11:15 P.M, 2--Harbor Command | {fl ate Show 11:00 P.M 7-Playhonise 6~Fenture Panorame A--Bports 11:30 #° | $=~Movie 4~Playhouse 2~Award Theatre 1100 AM News and Mr $1.00, Contains 114 designs In cluding 1 storey: 12 storey, two storey and split level homes, plus much useful information on building terms and require. | ments, Order your copy today Also included in this Design Book is full information on how to order the blueprints, HOME DESIGN NO. 376 Designed for your present and future needs, this 1% storey home has every feature that a larger house demands but Is still quite economical to build There are two bedrooms and a bath both upstairs and down The dining area, though com bined with living room, boasts a lovely bay window that sets it apart from the living area, Good sized closets are plann- ed throughout and there is also ample linen space, There is a side service door to kitchen and good table space is allowed for in the kitchen, Tasteful lay. out of rooms, all located (o ad vantage with relation to one an- other, is a fine feature in this home, Notice that front porch HOME WORKSHOP The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of House Designs entitled "A New Selection of Low Cost Homes For Canadians," (Please make remiiiance payable to The Oshawa Times.) | f=Church In The Wome 8:15 AM, 2-Christian Science 5:30 AM, THerald of Truth B-Bard-Ranch L-Bacred Heart 8:45 AM, ~Man To Man 9:00 AM, «Rev. Oral Roberts 7-The Way SBar-5-Raneh Popeye Playhouss 2-Farm Home snd Garden 9:15 AM, f~Morning Gospel | it W | 11=This Is The Lie 7... Mission 5-Tim McCoy Address | FIRST AID TO AILING HOUSE By ROGER C, WHITMAN MILDEWED BAMBOO SHADE siding has weathered and chalk-| i QUESTION: We have bamboo ed away in spots down to the| 3c "00 Parhavas drop shades for the porch, Last|primer coat, What type of paint] ym Christophers year gaby mildewed, Can they would be most satisfactory? What| 7-The Living Word be painted? is the best temperature for ap-| S--Chvistian Bejence ANSWER: Yes, they can be|plying the By P 1 4=Lamp Unto My Feet TORONTO council has | ammonia | meetings in Its | hers, officials in QUESTION CLEANING GRAY MARBLE | 11.642 News; Weather | # and | No Liquor In Chambers |elerk's office said Thursday, We recently bought a new home. Whoever | QUESTION: How can I clean derman's statement that liguor They were replying Walter Cronkita Arthur Murray 7:00 P.M, 1 Father Knows Best | 7--Broken Arrow dL assie | 8~Overland Trail | Tiab PM 11-6 Hatful of Mugle 7=Muverich $1 6, Marshall 4~Dennis The Menace | 8:00 P.M, 1-Stories of the Century #4 Sullivan Musie On lee 8.30 PM, I Love Lucy T=Lawman 0:00 P.M, | 11-8--Encore | 7=The Rebel | 88-Chevy Show 4~GE Theatre 130 PM, T=-The Alaskans 4=Alfred Hiteheook i ' 1--8an Francisco Beat 6-Hotel De Varee 52 Loretta Young 4. Lucille Ball and Armaz 10:30 P.M Saher of London Not For Hire Outlook What's My Line 6 64 »¥ | ET) n | Foe | i + $~Phil Silvers Show 2~-lock Up 11:00 P.M, | 119.8542 News; | Weather: Sports Award Theatres 1:15 PM, «Playhouse «Camera Three Mavie Award Theatre Late Show MONDAY 8:00 AM. 7--Buffalo A.M, 52~Today | 4=News;i Roundup | - 8:15 AM, | &Captain Kangaroe 8:30 T=Fun House 9:00 AM, Romper Room Ding Dong School Popeye's Playhouse District Attorney 9:30 AM, Movie Romper Room Burns and Alles Life of Riley Checkers 10:00 AM, 52 Dough Re MI 4--~Decemhber HRride 10:30 AM, T--Morning Show §-2~FPlay Your Hunch t-Jack Narz 11:00 AM, 11.-Jane Giray Show #3-~Price 1s Right 4-1 Love Lucy 1 5 + % 11 | projects {such ope had heen have been hidden but would. be| cP) Mette Tor! plainly marked under the word George Moore family are holl- | water to remove all trace of the served liquor, wine or beer at the metro j | to an al ! Actress been | "pafreshments," the official sal . Metro councillors yan up a bi scouneil cham-{ or 1 731 for coffee and dinners n the first half of the year, 1" 6 | AE 2..Checkers and Can Can 1:45 PM, Baseball MONDAY EVENING 5:00 PM, Theatre Safari Playhouse Bozo's Cartoon Slory Rook Three Stooges B15 PM, Big Mac Show 5:30 P.M, Captain Gallant Cartoon Party Woody Woodpeckey 6:00 P.M, 11-8-News T~Early Show 4=Western $~-Highway Patrol H Mm, 7 f > 116 6-The Vikings 6:50 P.M, 11~Family Theatre 2-News 6:45 PM, 118-4-2~ Weather; News Be-Huntley-Brinkley Report 7:00 P.M, S-Tabloid S=The Four Just Men | 4==Death Valley Days 2-The Vikings PM, Weathay PM, 11:8--Don Messer Show T=Cheyenne Charlie Farrel 52--Riverhoat 8:00 P.M, 11:6 Ann Sothern Show ~The Texan #130 P.M, 11-8--River Boat 7-~Bourbon Street Beal §2-Tales of Welle Fargo &~Father Knows Best 9:00 P.M A-3-Peter Gunn 4Celebrity Talent Scouts 9:30 P.M, 11.6-Swing Gently Adventures in Paradise §-8-~Goodyear Theatres &=Drama 10:00 P.M, §-3-Summer Special Comedy Showoase 10:30 P.M, 11-6--Robert Herridge Theatre T=Mike Hammer dedune Allyson 11:00 P.M, 11.7-8:5.4-2- News) Weather, Sports mem Playhouse ~Sports Sports Roel 11:30 P.M, Late Show Philip Marlowe 2~Jack Parr ~Mystery The 118 | FNows Show | | | I [Mquor ever served by Metro was minutes ¢ lat official openings of special|businesr a soélal hour was en- been no|joyed with a hamburger lunch, have the first six There nings In months of this year, and If there liquor costs would not d, ill | Mr, and Mrs, E, A, Werry ac-| companied Mr, and Mrs, Albert| Cl {Zilversmith on a very enjoyable| 'ent at g friend's house Thursday. the summer of 1960, aremont [trip to Crysial Beach, Niagara |Falls, and Buffalo, over the {weekend | Miss Jackie Veal Betty Jane Werry, | Mr, and Mrs, Ambrose Robin-| son, Port Hope, were Sunday] |visitors at Mr, and Mrs, ¥.| | Toms' | Mr, and Mrs, Keith Ormiston |and Michael, Courtice, were Sun-| |day callers at Mr, and Mrs, Roy | McGill's | Mr, and Mrs, A, Brunt were with W, Mark, Port Perry, | Miss Betty Wright spent a week with Mr, and Mrs, P.| Tresise, Oshawa, Misses Gall and Kathy Tresise have returned with her for this week, AT MIDLAND Mr, and Mrs, Carl Ferguson! spent the weekend at the homes | of A, and F, Geer, Innerville, Bert Hunter's, Monk, Bobby ¥er:| |guson's, Conn, Roy Hunter's, | Grand Valley | Miss Reva McGill spent week at Midland and North Bay, Mr, and Mrs, K, McGill ano children were Sunday dinoet GREENWOOD le visited Miss | Beautify your home the modern, fune- tional way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire now, By MAY E, BROWN GREENWOOD -- Mrs, Emer son Ormerod of Toronto spent the | with Miss Edith and brothers Howard | weekend | Ormerod and Bill, My, and Mrs, James McLean of Cumbermere visited last week| with the former's uncle, Irvin McLean and family, Douglas Morden and family| and Mr. and Mrs, Fred Byers were on a trip to Algonqun Park on Thursday of last week, Rev. H, and Mrs, Moore of Prince Albert, Sask,, visited with Percy and Mrs. Clarke and call. ed on old friends on Thursday and Friday, All were pleased to| see them again and to know they| are both looking so well, They| were on route to thelr son's home at Deep River, Mr. Campbell of California 1s visiting his brother, Tom Camp-| ell and family, The Evening Women's Assoc. ation met at the home of Mrs, Charles Closson on Tuesday eve ~|mng, Mr, Glynn Eastwood led the A senior official sald the only worship service, Following the of the last meeting and | The Wm. Brown family and Glynn Eastwood family spent [Sunday afternoon at Port Holster, The George Staley family and rth country, daying In the no BIRD SHOOT AURORA, 'Ont, (CP)=A shot. \ modernize and slash fuel bills with a TIMKEN : SILENT acoacizic. gun campaign Is being waged] Jean Simmons entered here against 1,000 starlings after CONVERSION FUR Tired of bumping your head on overhanging pipes? Sick of looking at an octopus of unsightly pipes cluttering your basement ? Change now to a Timken Silent Automatic Conversion rhace. You ean have this furnace installed and still keep your existing burner, You elimi- nate expensive installation cost, You enjoy controlled, luxurious abundant heat night and day, And as a bonus, you have a spacious, modern basement you can use as a smart workroom, living centre or playroom, Don't wait until the busy season, Phone or write us now for FREE HOME HEATING ANALY« SIS. NO OBLIGATION, McLAUGHLIN HEATING A DIVISION OF McLAUGHLIN COAL & SUPPLIES LTD. 104 KING ST. W,, OSHAWA RA 3-348" RR -- Why...take chances on Quality PRODUCT QUALITY IS GUARANTEED WHEN YOU BUY FROM . . . CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION PHONE OLiver 5-3311 noo 3-Cowhoy Theatre painted. But, first, the mildew| ANSWER: Any top uality ex-| fungus) must be removed, Scrub terior house paint gives satisfac-| S=Industry un Parade the shades with a stiff brush! tory service, if manufacturer's in. 10:30 /.M, household bleach, Then apply a|are carefully followed, Instrue-| TeMoring Shaw | exterior. paint. surface preparation, primer coats| , 11:90 AM. bs. necessary, paint thinning, etc. | 3 This Ts The I y |ELIMINATING "TILES" Yr ATRL, ot Film Featurette By RUTH W, SPEARS | QUESTION: The lower half of lower than 50 degrees for outside *= The Big Rascals Sewing and mending are quick. ithe plaster bathroom walls have painting, The best time for paint | Off To Adventure case which holds everything for |I would like to smooth out the heat has usually dried out mols. | 12:00 YOON major jobs, The little donkey walls, either for & painted sur-|ture, Summer is not the ideal|!1-Bugs Bunny pairs. Pattern 238 is 50c. This|{Some grooves have been filled stuck in wet paint; paint may a pattern also is one of four full- fairly well with paint over the blister when applied to hot sur- 1 Reg Gene utry ful' Gifts Made of Wood, which "dirt catchers!" Do you have| 3 12:15 P.M provides something special for any other suggestions? GREEN STAINS, FAUCETS 12190 P.M. QUE have Ereer i. News 5. the grooves would be much the| Stains lately under Address orders to The Home easier way, This is used by pro-| I've heen unable to remove these &-Boto's Cartoon awa. lier cracks bel ing vail, | 678 The stains began to appear ter cracks before painting, Avail oqo. wo replaced old piping with 1--Autifnment Ottawa ! or the stains? Is there any way to|11~This Is The Life pv} REMOVING LINOLEUM prevent them? ¥ ] , Lg . od *| through the air In water causing 4 \ ri iii {to remodel our kitchen this sum a slight oxidation of the copper! [LN | |] | {wall covering (linoleum type) off] 4 i : . --v-twT . k ' ' ime in the pipe. This will stop in ( | 44 G ROV! F ST! ||the walls, Is there a quick and| time, The stains can usually be Fl! ANSWER: Yes: Pry one corner! and half mixture of household | lof the wall covering near the ammonia and water, followed hy NUMBER SIGN J | rest of it away from the wall, PAT TERN 446 [| with a firm steady motion, A quaint old sign showing guests arriving by coach cut out 4 4 a finished the woodwork did a poor|d ray marble top of a table? It expenses were "disguised" under the tert Q Jon | makes a beautiful number sign De pod [ae atau. and. Scare oa: it p ¢ guised der|the entertainment world as a|attempts to rid the birds by fire | for a home of today. Pattern 446, } several places on doors i g ow Is it polished after clean: meetings, | London, England, being arranged. designs as well as alphabet and [finger marks Which I found were| Tn ah - -- -- Seuf > {s 50 cents. Add your under the varnish after trying to! ANSWER: Marble clean on A are available at some large house ttern also is one of four in the to correct this? Duin Phi Rg Seful Cut-Outs Packet No. 57 -- | ANSWER: The only way to re. | "ita and hardware stores, The Home Workshop Dept. The bare wood; then clean off the| DY applying hydrogen peroxide Times, Oshawa. finger marks from the wood and clear water and wiping dry. To {refinish the woodwork again. remove slight scars, sand surface 4 by rubbing with putty powder | QUESTION: Our bathroom has 4 Sug- | metal tile which is rusting near and a piece of damp felt, Suk | Institute of America South Fifth (enameled this section, but itiave 32 Mt. Vernon N.Y. for starts to rust again, How can we ; \ |ecare, ANSWER: Rusting is due to n presence of moisture, probably SHOWER TILE LOOSENS | having a reputable plumber .in.|¥ith the wall He ln my Shwe, |spect the installation. coming off. My house Is three) { , 4 irust down to bare metal, Then Purchase is. soadition appeared) scrapers from scraps of metal (containing fish ofl, and WIdElY| gh house has expired. Three ties| mounted on wooden supports, Pat available at most paintstores; nave dropped and several more | uides for five different mount. of all trace of grease, wax, grime (hege tiles to stay up? gs, 1s 50 cents, This pattern also|ete. When primer Is thoroughly| ANSWER: If there is no pipe to make the Neighbors Smile enamel. | waterproof adhesive was not a ins many full . size used to put up the tile, Water. which confains many full - $5¢|pvrpnion PAINTIN ot. 1.75. Address orders to The| © lanning to|ayallable at large hardware stores Home Workshop Dept, The paint my house this suthmer. The and some tile dealers. Follow) 10:15 A.M. and a detergent solution or a structions on the paint conlainer|'j--Breve Theiire top quality, mildew - resistant|tions should he observed as to| 4=Unele Jerry g $-This Is The Life | The temperature should be not 11:30 AM ly done with this hinged sewing been scored to look like tile, Now |ing Is during the fall; summer| ¢.Camera Three carries essentials for small re-|face or washable cloth covering, time for painting: insects get Roller Derby 4=Film Featurette size patterns in Packet 68 -- Use- years, but some are still real faces. $-Dateline UN everybody, young or old, all for| ANSWER: Spackle applied to| QUESTION: We our faucets. &-Good Life Theatre Workshop Dept., The Times, Osh- fessional painters for filling plas-| with the usual scratchless cleans 12:45 PM, able at paint and hardware deal-| new copper, How can 1 remove 1:00 PM, : QUESTION: We are planning ANSWER: The stains resulted {{mer. We want to take the old| when it stands for any length of | | leasy way to do this? {removed by wiping with a half-| HOUSE i ceiling loose; then just pull the a thorough rinsing with clear onto i MARKS UNDER VARNISH with a jig saw and painted black | na nas Also|an item of $766 for coffee during|child dancer at (he age of 14 in|hoses failed, Weekend shoots are which gives the full-size tracing and baseboards, there are dirty ow ame to the sign if you like. This wash them off, Is there any way ing and polishing preparations | Slig 3 2 all for $1.75, Address orders to move the present flnish down to Slight stains can be removed {and ammonia, then rinsing with [RUSTING METAL TILE lightly repolish the entire surface t sendi D cents N le (the Tawl. We have: sanded and gest sending 10 cents to Marble co f correct this? a copy of thelr booklet on marble | {seepage from the bowl, Suggest QUESTION: 1 have a problem | Remove any loose or flaking years old and within a year after No mud tracked in if you make |APPIY a rust-inhibiting primer,| wg) My service guarantee on tern 237, which gives actual-size first, being sure surface Is free|are coming loose, How can 1 get| is in Packet No. 71 -- Novelties dry, apply coat of good quality | leak behind the wall, 1 suspect a| for useful cut-outs a roof cement for setting tile is ides QUESTION: 1 am Times, Oshawa, loriginal finish on the aluminum label instructions for use,