Dh SE SIS SE ian 0) 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 12, 1960 i cause it removes heat from furnace and ® Three infinite heat switches to maintain-constant temperature. the rooms with no sharp, sudden blast. Removable tubular bake and broil elements, oven racks and guides come out Sl pi J : EB EATON Semi-Annual Sale, TECO Oil-fired = i * ° "Del VIKIN - Save! Oil-Fired TECO Furnaces e uxe | -- me ioe 8 © Save 63.00 on this forced air model ! : i : 2-speed continuous-running fan . . . constant warm-air 4 circulation for more comfortable, healthful living ! Electric Ranges 1 2h New two-speed fan reduces heat loss be- pipes, puts it in your rooms. Fan runs at Save 40.00 on this "Corsair" model with "Intermatic" Joe: Speed until heen call for eit range timer, roast guide and removable rotisserie : X / : already running, heat is moved gently into ® One "Thermal Eye" surface unit, acts as thermostat, automatically turning on ' " 0 ; Cy . i : When thermostat is satisfied and tempera- and off to maintain desired temperature -- makes any pot or pan auto- 1 i . : ture in the heating unit stops, the fan re- Ted appliance outlet. * g 2 : turns to its lower speed. Ey ning. eon and light i 'i Li ; 4 fumoee, Model ACI0-197; with twi-apeed "'Fiberglas" oven door seal helps prevent heat REG. 279.50 is 4 fan, oil burner and controls for. 6 to 8 loss. Aa i . rooms. Fluorescent backguard lighting. . i : ; i Large size oven, approx. 25" wide, 20" deep, EATON Semi-Annual Sale, : ° REG. 362.00 17" high. {Model EB30CW). Each . ® Spacious storage drawer for pots and pans. : i "Intermatic" Ranger Timer and Roast Guide 50 : Tony 00 on the 30" Range ® A luxury convenience . . . built in to the back- 3 : guard! Set the hour you wish meat to be done, vn. } di i EACH turn knob until dial indicates the pound size of ~EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms moy 7 ! your roast (beef, veal, lamb and pork are shown), be ey Jlesived with : ~s i B m-- . in Installation not included. Quotation on in- and the necessary cooking time registers auto- : stallation cost on request. matically. Turn oven to 325 degrees «-- the rest 5 ; : ? } | : is automatic, i - -- © : EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 55. (See insert Illustration) 4 A a i - a' PHONE RA 5.7373 - wge § i ; | i duet) HR Room Air Conditioners - , -- Sg | : LETT (IL To Clear! i Save 30.00 to 70.00! Floor models, demonstrators . . . "Henry Herbert" Console | FREI!" =" 7B priced or notovorthy savings! Please, no telephone or mail orders Pianos by Mason & Risch | FRE | Gg 3.00. ooumsor tons EATON Special Price, each 3 impressive styles at special low prices! rp | " 169-00 Fine examples of meticulous Mason & Risch craftsmanship, these full-size i ; > instruments (88-note keyboard) compare favourably with many higher-priced FA EE ee) 1 ONLY -- "FRIGIDAIRE". 1 hp, 115- pianos in tonal quality and musical performance. Available in Hepplewhite, 1 i "a volts. Reg. 299.00. French Provincial and Modern styles, cabinets are approx. 5" x 24" x 40" 2 Bo y Bo EATON Special Price, each EON Semi-Anucl Sole, such. ......... 095.00" 795.00 7 A by CA) £ 249-00 -lepplewhite design in art walnut Hepplewhite style in hand- finish. EACH . . .. 695.00 rubbed mahogany finish . mn 5.00 > :, -- ", "" -- : (Large illustratign): French Provincial design : bh i B ! ONLY = COOLERATOR 00 1 hp. Modern design in light or 165 00 in fruitwood on walnut 1 00 is S-volts. Reg. 279.00, i . . y APE n ; a Swedish walnut finish finishes EATON Special Price EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms with NO DOWN PAYMENT may be erranged. Your pre- , 00 sent piano d es pert pay . 'Benches extra, 4 aul TR ' ® French Provincial Styling 'T.EATONCS | w NATON'S LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 360 PHONE RA 5.7373 1 ONLY -- "COOLERATOR' «== (Slightly used) -- 1 h.p.) 230-volts, Reg. 329.00. EATON Special Price Decorative Mirrors Framed Reproductions : Ry, 1 ! 2 50.00 Of heavy sheet glass, approx. 20 x 30" Of Dutch Street Scenes . . . four sub- 2 . . . handsome additions to your decor, jects from which to choose. Approx. ] ; EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 259 may be hung horizontally over man- overall size 10 x 12", with 2" ivory tels, sofas, dressers; or vertically over tone frame, and an embossed inner console tables, in halls and vestibules. rim in the colour of gold. A group of : , 5 Complete with 4 holes and rosettes for 4 makes an interesting wall treatment. Capacious 15 cu. #t. hanging. EATON Semi-Annual Sale, i H on Semi-Annual Sale, ™ ks vers 1.49 4 Viking Ee Home Freezers Feature value! Feature packed! PHONE RA 5.7373 --_-- 9 a 4 y Convenience and economy . . . with ' 3 Si : sl 4 A i this freezer that combines a Feature value price plus the EATON Guaran- tee: "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded', ® Stores about 525-lbs. frozen food. ® Special quick-freeze and regular storage sections. ® Safety catch opens from inside or outside, Outside lock. Adjustable temperature control, Approx. 36" high, 60" long, 31%" deep. EATON Feature Value, Model H6015X, each 249.00 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 259 PHONE RA 5.7373 SAVE 15.00! END-OF-LINE CLEARANCE . . . Slim Four-Seater Sofa Suites Innerspring Mattresses by 'King Siecp' oie Reg. 49.50 If you've a long wall -- here's a slender sofa to fit it in high style! Four moulded foam i go ; rubber cushions give elbow-angled comfort to a minimum of four or more people (a boon Worthwhile savings on good quality mattresses from a noted maker! \*/ith on TV nights!) It's an outstanding Semi-Annual Sale value , . . of dowelled, glued and #* button-free smooth top, sturdy innerspring construction; handsome coiion mortised frames, striking textured cotton-and-rayon covers, including decks beneath the ticking cover. 39", 48" and 54" sizes. cushions; and the extra protection of arm caps. Green, ' beige, brown, natural, silver grey, chocolate or gold O% 2a colour, EATON ecial EATON Semi-Annual Sale, 4-Seater Sofa with 2 @ i . Price N.S TY Matching Chair, 2 pcs. Ene A 4 ememe EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 470 PHONE RA 5.7373 . EATON'S'LOWER LEVEL, SECTION 271 ™% PHONE RA 5.7373