The Oshawa Times, 12 Aug 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, August 12, 1960 BIRTHS Ms. 358 Mis, John ond (nee nounce the birth of 8% ozs, on Thursday, Aug. 11, 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital. A bro- ther for Johnny. SCARLETT -- McCLIMOND -- McClim Allan and Jean (nee to Dr. Russell and nursing staff. DEATHS GORDON, William yin -- At his son's home, Whitby, Ont., on Wednes- day, Aug. 10, 1960, William James Gor- don, husband of the late Susan Gor- don; dear father of Thomas of Whitby and David of Toronto. Resting st the "Danforth Chapel" of McDougall and Brown Ltd, 1491 Danforth Ave. (enter parking area from Parkmount road). Service in the Chapel 11 a.m. Saturday. Interment Pine Hills Cemetery. GRAHAM, Mary Jane -- Entered into rest at the Cottage Hospital, Ux- bridge, on Thursday, Aug. 11, 1960, Mary Jane Smith, beloved wife of James Graham of Claremont, Ontario, in her 93rd year and dear mother of Stewart Graham of Claremont and Elizabeth Margaret (Bessie) deceas- a Mrs, Graham will rest ot McEach- e Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road, ie Fuser after 7 p.m, Thursday. Fu. neral service in Claremont United Church on Saturday, Aug. 13, at 2.30 p.m. Interment Claremont Union Ceme- tery. (Casket will be open in church from 1 p.m. until time of service). JOHNSTON -- At the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday, Aug. 11, 1960, Alan Dale Johnston, beloved son of Gloria and David Johnston of Port Perry, aged nine months. Private service at the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Brooklin, on Friday, Aug. 12, 1960, at 2.30 o'clock. Interment Groveside Ce. metery, Brooklin, ZAP, MIKE--At Mount Sinai Hospitsl Toronto on Friday August 12 1960 Mike Zap formerly of Oshawa, beloved brother of Peter and Paul. Resting at the Earle Elliott Funeral Home 715 Dovercourt Rd. Toronto, (Just South of Bloor). Funeral service in the chapel Monday 3 p.m. Interment Prospect cemetery. GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. RA 8-6226 390 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of all types. 1435 KING ST. E. Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 LOCK'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements ond TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Aug. 2--0dd lot, xd -- Ex-divi rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS ' Stock Abitibi 195 $39% 39% 39% Alta Gas 1170 $23% 23 23% Alta Gas pr 10 io Alta Gas wt 1424 Alg Cen wt 250 Algoma Argu Atlas Steel Auto Elec n 210 Bank Mont 115 Bank NS 350 $60 Bank NS rt 2588 455 Bath Pow B75 Beav Lmbr 3000 C Bank Com 236 Cdn Brew 590 C Br Alum 250 CBAL B wis 425 CF Prod 250 Cdn 0il 986 CPR 975 Cdn Pet pr 804 Cdn Wall B 25 CWN Gas 225 Conduits 225 Con Gas n 370 Con Gas WI 700 Creative Tel 102 Crush pr Dist Seag 260 D Dairies pr 210 $2134 Dom Elect 210 $63 D Fndry 50 $41% 12 D Fndry pr 25 (Quotations 1 neents unless marked $. idend, xr--Ex- Stock Sales High Low 11 $98% 98% Dom Tar $12% 12% Dom Text $9% Fam Play $21 225 $17% $9% $24% 24 Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge +% + % -% +5 + % + % + % Ind Accep I Ac wis 1 Bronze pr Inter PL Inv Syn Jockey © Jock wis Nor Star pr NO NGas Nor Prone Page-Hers Pembina Premium 700 QN Gas 12200 Roe AV Can 250 Royal Bank 85 StL Corp St Maurice Salada wts Shawin Silverwd A Stedman Steel Can Steinbg A Tancord Tor-Dom Bk Tor Star pr T Fin A Tr Can PL Trans-Mt 4 Trans PPL 16% Un Gas 13% Net Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge 100 $61% 61% 61% + % 195 $35% 35% 35% + % 100 300 300 300 --10 S13% 13% 13% sm. oy [1] Stock 98% U Fuel A 12% Walk CW 9% Webb Knp 21 Westeel zl 17% 5 $33% 33% 33% 9% 25 $90 90 90 50 $107 107 107 z10 $24 24 24 500 260 260 260 Asbestos 275 $23% 28% C Bronze z10 $20 20 C Paper 225 $41% 40% Dupont 100 $20% 2% Price Br 75 839% Ooms Asamera 1000 Bailey § A = Banif Calvan Con n C Chieftn 1000 Weston 6 pr Wood J A F FEE REF Zenith Curb F FER L + FEEF 2 C Husky wis 0 Cent Del § C Dragon 50 C Mic Mac 1000 ++ +++ © ¥ Home Oil B 1150 HB Oil G 5! Marigold Mayfair Medal Midcon Pac Pete Permo pr Petrol Place Ranger --% Reef Expl + Y% Royalite Secur Free +50 Tidal + WB Triad Oil Un Oils Wespac Wstates Yan Can 16% + % Curb 13% Dalhousie % + % Stock Advocate 1300 Akaitcho 1000 Am-Larder 1000 Amal Rare 4000 Atl C Cop Bankeno 3000 Barnat 6000 Bary Expl 3000 Base Metals 1000 Beicher 1000 Bidecop 11000 Bouzan 1500 Bralorne Camp Chib Sales High Low 11 a.m. -- 4100 17 250 * 4000 675 C RL 200 amp 17 C Tungsten Chester Chib-Kay Chimo Coch Will Coniagas Coniaurum C Disevry C Fen C Halliwell Con M and § 250 C Mosher 100 C Red Pop 1128 Coulee 500 Crestaur 1250 D'Aragon 500 Denison 100 Dome 120 Duvan 500 100 265 500 000 Frobisher 1500 . Gaitwin 6000 Geco Mines 2125 Giant YK 960 Grandroy 5000 Gulf Lead S00 Gunnar H of Lakes 12250 Hollinger 230 Hoyle 100 Hud Bay 215 Inspiration 1500 Int Nickel n 385 Iron Bay 500 Iso 1000 Jelliroe 28500 Kerr Add 420 Kilembe 500 220 Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange N Dicken New Hosco Newlund N Mylama Nipissing Noranda Normetal N Coldstrm Northgate N Goldert Norvalie O'Brien Opemiska Orchan Pamour Pee Expl Pitch-Ore Placer Stanlgh wis Stanrck Steep R Sturgeon Sunburst Taurcanis Teck-H Temag U Asbestos Un Keno Upp Can Ventures Violam Weedon Wiltsey 92000 Young HG 1500 7% 76 Sales | 11 am.: 587, 000. There have been no reports of late about the reported plan of Kruppssto open a branch factory been some excellent new books on the subject of this international family. One of the best of the lot to come this way is "THE INCRED- IBLE KRUPPS" (Holt, Rinehart and Winston) by Norber Muhlen. The author's deep and painstak- ing research and scholarly ap- proach to his subject, is evident from the opening chapter. This is a book well worth reading. Muhlen made several trips to Germany where he had access to "The Incredible Krupps" Saga Of Steel King in Whitby district, but there have| said rity. systems had to be started in the] were considered as important as appeared as favorite customers, one that should be treasured hy Arctic to ship the ore out. Althe earlier uranium discoveries in| the champions of peace and pros-| Oshawa and district residents in- $2,000,000 project, its first output| ye Blind River district and the| by 1961 was scheduled to be half} and natural gas boom in the terested in this international fam- medium 25-28; Krupp thus won sources of fu-|y and its achievements. There is boners 12-19. MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) -- Top quality slaughter steers and heifers traded actively at steady prices this week with lower grades un- der pressure at the Ontario Pub- lic stockyards. Cattle trade this week was sim- ilar in many respects to the pat- tern set last week with the top quality steers and heifers in de-| mand and cows trading actively| throughout the week. Good bulls were steady while plain bulls w ere slightly lower and replacements were steady. Veal calves were steady. Hog prices were steady and sows 25 cents per hundredweight higher. Lambs were fully $1 per hun- dredweight lower than last week. Cattle receipts were 2,600 head more than last week and about 200 head more than the same week in 1959, Total receipts were estimated at 7,000 head for this week. Receipts from western Canada totalled 335 head, 165 less than last week while western stock calf offerings were similar to last week at 165 head. There were two carloads shipped to eastern Canada and no exports to the United States. Slaughter cattle: Choice steers $24.50-25 with odd sales to 25.50; good 23.50-24.50; medium 21.50- 23; common 16-20; good heifers 21-22 with a few choice to 22.50; medium 20-21; common 15-19; choice fed yearlings 24-25; good 23.50; good cows 15.50-16 with es to 16.50; medium 14.50- 8 15.50; common 13.50-14.50; can- ner and cutter cows 11-13.50; good heavy bologna bulls 18-18.50; common and medium, including heavy fat beef bulls 15-17.50. Replacement cattle: Good han- - |dyweight stockers mostly 22-24; stock calves up to 26; common land medium stockers 18-21. Calves: common 19-4; Sees More Steel Needs HAMILTON (CP)--A mounting demand for steel in September was forecast Thursday by Lee T. Craig, vice-president of sales at the Steel Company of Canada. He said Canadian automobiles and agricultural equipment plants will be in the market for more steel to start 1961 produc- tion runs late this month and early in September. "We feel that the low point (in steel output) has been passed and we can look for a pickup in demand," he said. weight lambs 20-22 on a careful sort; bucks discounted $1 per hundredweight; medium lambs 18; common selling downward te 13; feeders 16-18; sheep 39 ac cording to quality. Choice vealers 28-30; a million tons and by 1965 an out-| prairies of put of 5000000 tons was antici-\what Eaton amd Krupp "ad in 4 foothold for future competitive jiu personalities, together 1th 19.25; lights 21-25; stags 15 on : pated. Western Canada. |ture vital raw material but also|, fine view of the different fam-| Hogs: Grade A 28; heavy sows Walmsley & Magill OFFICE EQUIP. LTD. 9 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 5-3506 common was an interest in Soviet Struggles with the United States.|much unhitherto published dresscd weight basis. These early iron ore discoveries| Russia. To Eaton, the Russians! This is a fine, scholarly book, | m | material. . Sheep and lambs: Good handy-! the terror impact of its former| products kept the past alive. My argument is, Thomas Hardy 'that war makes rattling good history; but peace is poor reading'. For the same reason people tended to remember the armorer of war rather than the plumber of peace." EARLY DISCOVERIES As a plumber and salesman, Krupp was on the lookout for new raw material reserve. Germany | could satisfy only a third of its demands. The firm explored the Sahara for iron ore and copper, and established a foothold in Can- | ada, near Ungava Bay, where ore confidential files and scores of reserves near two billion tons personal interviews with key fig-| were discovered. Cyrus Eaton in- ures. vited a West German (irm to It is unbelievable that only 10|share in the development of the years ago the present Krupp |area, to which he had the rights. owner suffered forfeiture of his|Since the ore was of low grade property and a 12-year prison|a processing plant had to be for alleged war crimes. | built to transform it into pellets. | His property was completely de-|New harbors and transportation molished by the greatest bomb floral requirements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 CARD OF THANKS tration in world history. HALL -- We wish to extend sincere thanks and apprciation for many kind: nesses, messages of love and under- standing, and beautiful "oral offerings from our relatives, neighbors and Krupp today rules over an in- dustrial empire equal to any giant corporation in America. His pri- tendered during the illness and death of a dear mother and sister -- Annie Ellen Hall Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this column: Births, Memoriams, Cards of Thanks = 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11 AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 Order Discount Rate Decreased WASHINGTON (AP)--The Fed- eral Reserve Board authorized the federal reserve banks in New York, Cleveland, Richmond, and Kansas City Thursday to de- crease their discount rates from| 3% to 3 per cent, effective today. The discount rate is the inter- ly abroad, continued to identify Krupp almost automatically as mary business before 1945 was the forging of armaments. Today the first abstains from the manu- facture of weapons. Germany's role in the new world of today is sharply reflected in the case of Krupp Says Mublen: "Public opinion, particular- 'the former arms-maker'. The firm's own previous publicity and Small Wheat Stock Bought CHATHAM (CP)--K. A. Stand- ing, secretary-manager of the Ontario Wheat Producers Mar- keting Board said Thursday the board has purchased only 70,000 bushels of the 1960 crop to date, contrasting with 1958, the board's first year, when wheat was bought in large supplies. Price Cut Clears Stock LUTON, England (Reuters) -- Vauxhall Motors, English subsid- iary of General Motors, an- nounced Thursday that. its policy of allowing dealers to cut prices on 1960 models had resulted in quick clearance of stocks. The cut-price policy, unprece- dented in the British motor trade, was introduced three weeks ago when Vauxhalls had more than 2,000 of its 1960 models in the factory and dealers had heavy stocks which they could not clear. Dealers were allowed to cut up to £97 off a Vauxhall Cresta's list price of £1,014. Interest Rate Up Sharply OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of Mi. Standing said the situation probably springs from the short crop and growers' response to a| board appeal to find storage for est that member banks pay when borrowing from the federal re-| serve system. A reduction is a sign of easier| possibility that it might be needed |declines. money and a trend generally to- ward lower interest costs. | NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Imperial Investment Corp. 1td., year ended June 30: 1960,| $1,394,583, $1.10 a share; 1959, | $1,011,429, 96 cents. | John Labatt, Ltd., year ended | April 30: 1960, $3,768,295, $2.63 a| share; 1959, $2,413,866, $1.90. TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials led the stock market higher in| all sections Thursday. | Index gains: industrials 2.88 at| 485.94; golds .64 at 80.53; base| metals .61 at 154.13; western oils 45 at 86.74. Volume was 1,715,000 compared with 2,081,000 shares traded Wed- nesday. Howard Smith paced papers winners, up a point at 36, with Great Lakes Paper up % at 40, MacMillan, Bloedel up % at 14%. International Paper dropped a point on lower six-month earning figures. Algoma gained a point at 32% to pace steel winners. Canada Iron Foundries jumped % at 16, and Atlas and Stelco went ahead % at 21% and 66%. Dominion Bridge lost a point at 15. | B.C. Power was strong, up 1% at 33%. Imperial Life was off two points at 81, Dominion Stores off 1% 'at 58%; Dominion Dairies up 1% at 12, and Trans-Prairie Pipe Line up two at 16. Ventures gained % at 24 to lead mines. Labrador and Meclp- tyre-Porcupine eased % at 18 and 2% Senior uraniums were mixed, Calgary and Edmonton gained 3% at 15%, Home A was up 65 cents at $8.90 and Hudson's Bay improved 62 cents at $10.12. Devonian, after a day of ups and downs, lost 35 cents the wheat. chased wheat will not be| ported, he said, because of the for the domestic market. A nine - cent -.a - bushel levy is provided so the board can stabilize the market by purchas-| ing part of the crop. Any unspent | portion is returned to growers. Canada interest rate rose sharply {to 3.16 per cent Thursday from {3.08 last week with the sale of $95,000,000 in 91-day government (treasury bills, The rate increased after regi- stering three successive weekly After climbing steadily from 2.90 per cent at July 9 to 3.49 per cent at July 14, the rate fell to 3.44 per cent at July 21, to 3.17 per cent July 28 and to 3.08 per cent Aug, 4. CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1 Excla- 4. Siberian Mongoloids at $3.40 on saels of 83,200 shares. GIAIDIS BIS TIE M] AIRMIE[TRETIRIEIAIT] ee a [0S WG 1015 ARIAT IN[1 [GE [REIKINIAIVE] EVENTIREASES] ENDS IWOES] is just the It's only when you've put Olds through its paces--when you've thrill- ed to its power, revelled in its luxury, banked on its economy--that you begin to realize just how much car you've bought. No wonder "Car Life Magazine" votes Oldsmobile *"1960's BEST BUY" in the medium price range. See your Olds dealer for the whole story. PERFORMANCE Model illustrated: Super 88 Holiday SportSedan (whitewall tires optional at extra cost) ECONOMY VALUE emergencies when you need it. a tradition of trouble-free solidity. without flinching. life--Olds is it! begining Olds invented automotive rocketry and the two superb Rocket engined' provide dramatic proof. Feel their power on the highway, on the hills, in The unexpected! But Olds has thrifty habits . . . Regular Rocket Engine that meters gas in penny-pinching style .. . bigger, longer-lasting brakes . . Level all the way without vibration! That's the type of smooth treatment { Olds give you. Rough road, brick or broken concrete, Olds levels them all Olds is a careful car. It protects its value--nurtures your investment over more years of motoring pleasure. For the automobile investment of your A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE OLDSMOBILE 8898 VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER ©-1860-8 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES wv 140 BOND ST. W., OSHAWA, ONT. HARRY DONALD LIMITED WHITBY, ONT.

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