TO BE MARRIED NEXT MONTH The engagement is announc- ed today of Marilyn Dianne Hendershot and Mr. Samuel Donald Jackson, The wedding is to take place on Saturday, September 10, at 4.00 o'clock in King Street United Church. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Jo Aldwinckle, visiting her brother and sister-in-| Muckler, Gibbs street, while her law, the Reverend Dr. and Mrs. |daughter, Mrs. Frank Boyce, Mr. Arthur Reynolds, at their sum.|Boyce and their daughter, Bar- mer home at Leith, She also at-|bara, all of Kingston, were visit- tended the performances of King|ing Mrs. Hazel Muckler at Sud- John and Romeo and Juliet at bury. Successor to Margot Fonteyn May Be Canadian Lynn Seymour atre and the Festival concert on HMS. Pinafore at the Avon The. ' $ | the Shakespearean Festival and Miss Noreen Tucker, Adslaide |avenue west, and Miss Audrey Women Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 Gay, William street east, left last Sunday afternoon, | Soy oh by plane for Los An- Miss E. A. McMullen, Mrs. G.|geles, California, where they will Martin and son, Mrs. Fred spend a month's vacation. Fernley and family, Mr. and| M . Irs. r, and Mrs. George Ark- Mrs. P, Denyer and Mr. and Mrs. wright, Stacey avenue, Were 8. C. Karr, all of Oshawa, are, nored at a surprise party on THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 10, 1960 7 holidaying at Rockwynn Lodge, |g. rda ; § y evening to celebrate Burks Falls, near Parry Sound. | their silver wedding anniversary. PERSONALS Formosa - Barnes wedding recep. tion in the Piccadilly Room of Hotel Genosha, on Saturday. Out-of-town guests at the For- mosa-Barnes wedding on Satur- {day morning, in St. Gregory's | Roman Catholic Church included; | pr, and Mrs. Ionel Pettys, War- {mensburg, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver, Chatham, Ont- ario; Mr, and Mrs. Percy Horn- by,Mr. and Mrs, Paul Sapiano, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sapiano, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sapiano, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Berwin E. Adams and the prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson Jr., all of Oshawa. Diane Barnes United in Marriage Mr. and Mrs Herb. Palmer, An- Mr. Donald Barnes of Oshawa ton Mills, Ontario; Mr, Thomas was master of ceremonies at the Gilbert, Islicgton, Ontario; Mrs. Peter Sands, Highland Creek; Mrs. Harvey Bath, Ashburn; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Toombs, Man- chester, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs, Charles Formosa, George Form- osa and Charles Formosa, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Fofmosa, Mr. Norman Vella, Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Borg, Harry Grixti, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Schembri, all of Whitby, L/S R. P. Lowry, HMS Cayuga Halifax, N.S.; Miss Betty Cars- > well, Maple Grove. Mrs. A. A. Crowle, Mr. and Mrs, Division street, has returned home after with her | Friends gathered at their home One way of letting your friends] y know that you are back from your| and presented them with a coffee vacation is to call the social de- table and other gifts. partment of The Oshawa Times| " (RA 3.3474) for an item in the| MT, ad Mrs T. L. Wison | personal column for which there[ 2d ME. and Mis. A, 5. Shaw lis no charge. News of social{SPent a social evening in Scar- |ebents, showers, teas and anniver-| Porough on Monday. saries as well as visitors from out] Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Prit- of town are always welcomed. chard, Colborne street east, have Mr. .and Mrs. Edwin L Well-| Soe pi if Ti Mr. Mrs. . -Ispent in Niagara an uskoka man and family, Jones avenue, | districts and report an enjoyable are enjoy a motoring holiday. |vacation. The many friends of Mr. F. E.| Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rzany, Sta- Hallitt, Colborne street east, are cey avenue, and son, John, were By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special to The Oshawa Times LONDON -- A young Canadian ballerina, Lynn Seymour, who has made some brilliant appear- ances with the Covent Garden Ballet Ci y, is being hailed as the most likely successor to the British ballet star, Margot Fon- teyn. As a member of the Royal Ballet, Miss Seymour stands out head and shoulders above her colleagues. Headlining her as the succes- sor to Margot Fonteyn, the Even- ing Standard gives this glowing appraisal of her talent: "From among the brilliant at the Palisades, New Jersey, and Troy, New York, for a family re- union over the weekend and tc {meet Mrs. Rzany's sister-in-law {who is returninug on Friday te {her home in Poland, after a holi- day in the United States. sorry to learn of his illness and, ---- - glad to know that he is making team that Dame Ninette de Valois has built up, few individ- uals are given the opportunity of shining in what is now interna- tionally known as the ballet com- pany with the world's finest tech- nique. Yet such a person is Lynn Seymour, a young Canadian. "Her real beauty is that of a graceful body in motion, She transcends even the Royal Bal. let's technique ard imposes her own individual interpretation of the role she is dancing. "Here, indeed, is tomorrow's star. For, in addition to her other attributes, she possesses a fine intelligence and a clear mind, without which no ballerina has ever attained the title "assoluta". ENGLISH TOUCH BEER, England (CP)--An or- gan from the Congregational church of this Devonshire village has been sent to a Sunday school in Ibadan, Nigeria. improvement, Mrs. Mae Vince of Kingston has been spending the past week| brother, Mr. W. D.| SOCIAL NOTICE With J. M. Formosa, Saturday Gregory's Roman Catholie ling and deep peplum at the : ing for a wed-| waist. Her hat was a small model hen|of matching eurged silk and yel- iriam Diane Barnes, daughter low roses compris er corsage. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Barnes| Assisting was the bridegroom's of Oshawa was united in mar- mother who chose black nylon riage with Joseph M. Formosa, | chiffon with white hat. matching son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles | accessories and a corsage of Formosa oi Whitby. The Rever-| American Beauty roses. end Lawrence McGough perform-| For the honeymoon trip to ed the double - ring ceremony | points in U.S.A., the bride don- and said the nuptial mass. Pres- ned a sheath dress of madonn St. Church was the sett ding at 10 a.m., August 6. Ww ENGAGEMENT Mr. "and Mrs. Berwin E.| Adams wish to announce the en-| gagemeiit of their daughter, Mari. | lyn Dianne Hendershot, to Mr. | Samuel Donald Jackson, son of| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jackson| Jr., all of Oshawa. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Sep- tember 10, at 4.00 o'clock in King Street United Church, Oshawa, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Woods, | Oshawa, wish to announce the i sanctuary was the blue crystal charm compl t- oo n em Dean Paulled with a three-quarter length Dwyer The wedding music was | stroller coat, a white organza hat, played by Mr. Jack Driscoll who/ white accessories and a corsage »compar Mr. Paul Formosa of roses. po pis Rah All Beautiful,"| On their return the couple will "Panis Angelicus," "Agnus Dei" |reside in Oshawa. and "Ave Maria." Given in marriage by her fa-| Ease Beach Rules ther the bride wore a full length : For Senoritas gown of carnation white Ameri- can silk organza over net with] satin fashioned with a scalloped] MADRID (Reuters) -- Tourists neckline accented with lace, em-|yisiting Spain late this summer broidered in sequins, and sheath may he in for a rare new form sleeves. Lace applioues also high-|¢ sightseeing here -- eyeing vis- ighted the bell skirt A crown of tas of lightly - clad senoritas on a) r fingertip veil of |Snanish beaches idered net, and she carried "Until now. the women have de of red roses and white yon barred from baring too anotls much by a so-called "bathrobe : of their daughter, Elinor Margaret, to Mr. William | Joseph Kirkton, son of Mr. and| Mrs. Lawson Kirkton, Bowman. | ville. The marriage is to take| place at Northminster United | Church on Saturday, September | 10, 1960. at 3.30 p. COCONUT CUSTARD For a deliciously flavored! baked custard follow the usual recipe, says the Poultry Products Institute, but soak one cup of shredded coconut in the milk for half an hour. Drain, scald milk and make custard as usual, add- ing soaked coconut at the last. With prices slashed to Footwear, tremendous savings. Now is the time Hurry for best selections, 6 rd SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF SHOES CONTINUES rock bottom on all men's, ladies' . before school opening . MEMBER OF: BURNS (0. LTD. KING AT SIMCOE ST. RA 5-4611 f | | ond children's Sumner e « to cash in on these -< a ve. 'The Better - Shae Guild stcdomat sun Oshawa oe, PITT? Pour Tine San "<< < Bake as usual. Chill and serve plain or with cream. Nice as a| pie filling also. | ae Te 6] Mrs. Paul Formosa of Oshawa jaw » But a new list of rules is- was matron of honor wearing guoq this week appears to have Wedgewood blue silk organzajjsocened restrictions. over net and taffeta. Lace ac-| qne omission is regarded as a cented the slim and alto concession to the all - im | net bod bustle bow, the. ne of the n ant tourist dollar which has billowing street length skirt She |, / cri SL oheve. Decome a staple of the country's| carried a cas dle of pink chry revenue. | Jame with white stephano-|""p long. have overlooked | and Miss Be v ell of Mz Jeithe scantily-dressed tourist while | Grove were bridesmaids wearing insisting that the natives follow full skirted, street length | the law to the letter. | gowns of petal pink nylon, dotted | The strongest advocate of the | in white, and mounted over net restrictions has been the Roman and taffeta. The slim bodice fea-| Catholic Church. | tured a portrait neckline, and a| The Spanish primate, Enrique petal pink taffeta commerbund Cardinal Pla Y Deniel, recently | with bustle Bow and sash ends declared that women should highlighted the skirt. They car-|avoid wearing sleeveless and ried cascades of pink carnations. |low-necked dresses, and mixed | All the attendants wore short|bathing was also something to| white gloves and side-swept pic- keep away from as "it always ture hats to match their gowns. |soon leads to sin and scandal." Mr. Frank Formosa of Whitby| Last year, a British model was performed the duties of best man, [fined 4,000 pesetas (about $60) | and ushering were Mr. Norman for slapping a policeman who ob- | Vella of Whitby and L. S, Lyle| jected to her wearing a bikini Lowry of Halifax, N.§ outside the beach area. The reception was held in the| a Piccadilly Room of Hotel Gen.| HOUSEHOLD HINT osha, where the bride's mother| For waffles with a crunchy received wearing a Chantilly lace | texture, add some whole wheat gown in a soft sand shade on|/flakes to the batter just before sheath lines, with portrait neck-'baking. | VWALKER'S of Oshawa Shopping Centre THE FIXTURES: DAVIDSON'S Semi- Annual SATURDAY, AUG. 13 Still Many Wonderful Values For The Whole Family BARGAIN GROUP Odds and Ends of Men's CASUAL AND SPORT SHOES Reg. Value 6.98 to 9.98 1:3 CLEARING AT 2. WOMEN'S AND GIRLS' Summer Sandals, Flats and Meshes 1.99 NO EXCHANGES, NO REFUNDS-- ALL SALES FINAL DAVIDSON'S Operated By E. A. Southwell OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TO 9 P.M. 31 Simcoe North RA 5-3312, Reg. to 5.98 CLEARING AT are being moved into place . . . the latest of their kind to make your shopping at Walker's an enjoyable experience by display- ing all merchandise within easy THE STORE INTERIOR: A New Store To Serve You! OPENING SOON reach. is spacious for leisurely shopping, and the decor planned to be as pleasant as your living room. The entire store is air condi- tioned for your shopping convenience. THE STAFF: are your friends and neighbors who live in Oshawa and district, and look forward to helping you with your apparel and house- hold needs. THE DEPARTMENTS TO SERVE YOU: Men's Wear, Boys' Wear, Infants' Wear, Children's Wear, Girls' Wear, Pre-Teen, Misses' and Women's Sportswear, Misses' and Women's Ready-to-Wear, Millinery, Linens and Bedding, Lin- gerie, Foundation Garments, Hosiery, Handbags, -Gloves, Jewel- lery, and all Accessories, Dress Goods, Simplicity and McCall Patterns, Drapery, Ready-made Drapes, Curtains. Of Oshawa Shopping Centre REDUCED TO CL BATHING SUITS SPORTSWEAR Lr. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LAST CALL! TOMORROW - FRIDAY - SATURDAY OF ALL SUMMER SPORTSWEAR AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES! ONLY DRESSES REGULAR TO 16.95 UNBELIEVABLE 4.97 ONLY DRESSES REGULAR TO 24.95 UNBELIEVABLE 7.97 ONLY DRESSES REGULAR TO 29.50 UNBELIEVABLE 0.97 AT THESE PRICES YOU'RE SURE TO WANT 2 OR 3 COME EARLY REG. TO 5.95 UNBELIEVABLE ONLY 1 97 EAR SHORTS - TOPS - SHIRTS SLIMS - JAMAICAS - SKIRTS . ONLY 2.97 LIMITED SHADES, REG. TO 6.95 UNBELIEVABLE SIZES, QUANTITIES SLIMS, BERMUDAS, SKIRTS, BLOUSES, LIMITED SHADES, SIZES, REG. TO 8.95 UNBELIEVABLE ony 3.97 SHORTS SHIRTS Reversible QUANTITIES Suits - All Weather Coats Car Coats - Jackets 15 Price and Less LIMITED QUANTITIES, SIZES, SHADES Skirts - Sweaters ALL SALES FINAL -- NO C.0.D.'S --'NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE SMART NEW FALL TOGS ARRIVING DAILY SEIGNEUR'S OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE