* 43--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale (47 --Automobiles For Sale |50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale [52-stegel THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, August 2, '50 VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs, [#0 | SALE -- Bet of five golf clubs | NOTICE TO CREDITORS | Will sell as is or sell parts, Good tires [nearly new, with golf ag Call RA | radio heater, etc. RA 8.5072. '8-8359 | AND OTHERS ['52 PONTIAC sedan delivery, with 60 HORSEPOWER Gale, electric start . - | windows, radio, solid front seat, good |ing. brand new from Outboard Marine In the Estote of PATRICK {motor, tires, mechanically sound. Call | Regular $940, now only $795, 9 a.m.-9 E O'DONNELL, Sclesmon, IRA 3-3405 after 5 i? p.m. Handy Andy, RA 8 $111 | Deceased | 1950 MERCURY, customized two door,| COLOR TV, RCA Victor, 21 inch, brand 0 D WN | radio, "53 motor, in excellent condition. | |new, finest made, regular $895, now All persons having claims {Phone RA 5.4513 only $665, ® a.m. - # p.m. Handy Andy, . against the estote of | |'55 METEOR coach, radio, whitewalls,| A 84111 . PATRICK E. O'DONNELL, | LONDON (AP) --- Princess | asked as he entered Mrs. Joan in A 1 condition, reasonable. Phone |FIBRE-GLASS boat, one-piece con late of the City of Oshawa, Margaret and her husband, Brace's shop | | RA 5.9477 struction, "Princecraft," regular $1198 ( : Fa - . [te only $990, windshield, steering in the County of Ontario, Antony Armstrong - Jones, did Armed with the pies, he ONE MORTGAGE a Tomo mewn in "good _eondi- {running lights, deck hardware uphol : ; Salesman, deceosed, who died | some baby-sitting Sunday. But marched back to Anne who was ; {58 CHEV. station wagon, two wr rr bbe vig ES a oedimoier Dressed-Kiln Dried--Clear on or ohout the 18th day of there wasn't much sitting | waiting in their ear. $73 Monthly |radio, signals new metallic paint job, | Andy, RA 8.4111 May, 1960, are hereby noti- Most of the time they were | Up ahead, Princess Margaret in motion, trying to keep up | and Armstrong - Jones looked best cash offer. Phone after § p.m..| ono oir oa } x 8" 2x4 2x6" fied to send in to the under- 3 Joga signed Personal Representa- with an active pair of royal | back apprehensively. | The caravan reached Sand- | {RA 8.1923. |20" reversible electric 'fan, 3 spesds Yes, automatic oil heat |58 NASH hydromatic, radio, white-| Phone OL 5-433 : : tive of the soid deceased on children walls sacrifice, best offer, can finance. | CWE 20c lin ft. 20c lin. ft. 30c lin. ft. g + i lunch, but b: ful for these 6 bi MO 8.4762 (KEEP your basement dry with or before the 9th day of Their charges were Queen | Tingham for , but by early $695 -- is your full down payment for these 6-room bunga- 4 K {humidifier from Parkway TV seven iA 1960, full I 1 : afternoon, Charles and Anne-- lows. No second mortgage and nothing extra to buy. Don't be {8 FORD coupe, '48 Merc motor, (day free home trial. 918 Simcoe Strest 2 ugust, , full particulars Elizabeth's eldest offsprings-- ed by M ot and too late, as only o few are being constructed under these terms, |chromed, extras on engine. Phone RA North, RA 3.3043 MILL VALLEY LUMBER of their claims. Immediately | Prince Charles, 11, and Prin. | Supervis y Hangar Completely serviced area with sewers, roads, schools, shopping | +263 after 8 p.m | VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes ; after the soid dote the soid | cess Anne. 9. | Toy _were out on the road g ' ' '55 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con-|parts, attachments, brushes, guar Personal Representat 1} y ' | again. and bus service already in. No pioneering and no mud |dition, will finance from 6 to 9 p.m. teed rebuilt machines. Estimates fren CO. LTD Dnt To ye A convoy of 'royal cars They wanted ice eream. |145 Albert' Street | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Sery ' : headed north for Sandringham, Vainly, they searched several rm - - | RA 8.0591 tine said deceased having regard ' B : . 55 PLYMOUTH V3, four doors, radio, | '*® anytis g reg the royal family's residence in villages, but all the stores were cc automatic transmission, = whitewalls,| AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes 66 RUSSETT AVE. (Off 1264 Simcoe N) only to claims of which she Norio. Moraaret arid Yer fis good tires, low mileage, excellent eon-| Prompt service. Free estimates. Order RA 8-6264 | shall then have notice bard i t bile closed. / | dition. Apply 37 Fairbanks Street, now for early delivery. Chair and table > : ] and were ini one automobile. Finally, greengrocer Brias rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North - . -| DATED ot Oshawo, Ontario, Charles, Anne and a detective | oo Bn said: | 55 FORD -- custom deluxe, one owner | & |car, in excellent condition, push-button | USED parts and re) HAY fever allergy sufferers, new por- SPECIAL! full sized sleeping hags,| this 14th day of July, 1960. were in another. The third ma- "If you want ice cream, . . s p ye wash r s table lectrofilter removes 99.5 per while they iast, $4.95. Apply Dominion c ' | Ey . : 5 'y WwW T LAMSON io A a aes, 0, Take 5 to ig te cent air borne dust and pollen, $39 up. |Tire Store, 48 'Bond Street West. DORIS RAT IEE O'DONNELL | chine carried ugsage : | there's a pub up the road that's v xecutrix, About 11 o'clock, rince | just started selling them ad Ts : Kelly's, 32 King East. RA £5153 | '52 FORD, in od fit ki washers and st 5 E J .... |USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. up. y i J REAL ESTATE $225. Call Bi Bonds a ne Hampton, CO 37 : DINING room suite, 9 pieces, save |B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. by her solicitor Charles decided it was time to Five minutes later, Charles Wayne Street NEW all-wool Oriental rug 2. $100. French Provincial frultwood, | prane -- good condition. Telephone | MANNING F. SWARTZ fortify the inner man. He or- | and Anne -- d ed in blue ' ress | iffet, china cabinet, drop leaf table, : 5 BUICK, very clean, asking $250 or|MO_8-4116 x chairs. Kelly's, 32 Kiog Ent. | 38340 Barrister & Solicitor, dered his car to stop at the | jeans -- were seated on bar RA 5.8831 best offer. Phone RA 8.5468 ONE #.t. pram dinghy, used once, FEE =r Ommawa's ren | PAINT, interior, exterior, 26Y% King Street Eost, | village of Knebworth. | stools, eating ice cream while Y a 50. Apply 61 Rosehill Blvd Ee ow oe Fig ¥5 AL the leading| All, colors, , Guaranteed, Brectris ___ Oshawa, Ontario, "Two pork pies, please," he ' their baby sitters waited. NG [matic transmission, radio whitewalls, CHESTERFIELD su i rit Kes Li Variety or rer a wn CS FS AT A rs window washers, 500 miles. Can ar. |foam cushions, self-covered deck, sod | Drives tn choose Tens, $00.95 moe o °nd(Church Street RA 3.7624, |" TTHE CORPORATION OF " ) ; ATTRACTIVE ranch type bungalow,| LAKEFRONT cottage, View Lake, fur | range trade or terms, private. Will hardwood frame, walr m. Spee istor radio. Meagher's, 5 King RENT a felevision set for your sum: J i located near Oshawa Missionary Col. nished, four rooms, sunroom, 'hoat [sacrifice Must he sold, $2695. 342(si99. Kelly's Furniture poliance, Sireet West | mer cottage, rates by the week or | THE CITY OF OSHAWA . LJ L lege. Six rooms, four-piece colored Price $2100, terms. Marvin Nesbitt, Frontenac Avenue ELE RG Tomi how He : onth, Meagher's, 5 King Street West . 1 ers ep ne- are bath with built-in. vanity, three bed: |Nestleton, Blackstock 44 R 11. Fred sq poNTIAC Laurentian. 170000 mien, imi eiiny, furniture? we vd ! ; oor complete with all| RA 3.9425 NOTICE OF | rooms, six per cent on mortgage, $2900 Cook Realtor Ltd ew car condition, will take trade |stoves, etc For top « offer, « ER m--1 STREET CLOSING down payment, immediate possession £1099 9 rew Street. RA 5.8172 tact 19 Prince Street. Pt RA 81 r highest prices in the city for | 3 9 NEW income home on 2'2 acres or less 1sed furniture. Pretty"s Used Furni-| TAKE NOTICE that the Coun | e urne Call 8. Macko Realtor RA 8.4661 NEW IBer i a pores - x5 Hin CLEAN or 1 | . esired on No. 7 and No. 12 Hwy p i condition | ¢ 1 quart b t Hitable Er Be iy Ser | $ C | KENDALWOOD area, This six-room zoning 1 15 minutes throughout. Ph 8.0921. Fina local produce 0 some Simee Souls. FOR SALE cil of The Corporation of the SHELBURNE (CP) -- Ed weeney arg 4 built \ Busine Commercial J 1 AND t 1560 | e, custom-built modern bungalow va, 2 kitchens, | Service, 449 Ritson Road South Stroud's Food Market, 51 Simcoe Street bargains, new styles 1% i . : ) converts to cor bed, City of Oshawa of a meeting yvurki of Woodstock will face is situated on half-acre picturesque lot a 5 bal -- th haw J wen i ie I permanent awnings cash, bal i Tidiced Prices and sags North, Of ; Natural fireplace, attached garage. ance on mortgage, reasonable interest EARING Hi. Ted SY tices i; yrasy 15 FT. mahogany ply. de run-at : $ full NEW 18° OPEN to be held on Monday August [sfrong international competition beautiful view of the city. Must be wit, "go Ee en Times e Yr B 22 LOTS | comple tepth n « e ' 15th, 1960 at the Council te rail » sold; can now be bought at a reduced Past p ac hardtop, '50 Chev 16 e Sout} gfi mattress, : RUNABOUT BOAT Sri 4 i" . this weekend when he defends his price, Call §. Macko Realtor, RA 8.4661 MODERN storey an half . brick, on on pickup, ° Stew" at Mike po ) high chairs, $7.88; Chambers, City Hall, Oshawa, jie for the second time in the uron Stree eatifully kep ome, d ers: $ Wils rurnit 7 Sap . | S THREE . bedroom bungalow with L-| situated on 70-foot frontage. Grounds rT se Try ~-- | REFRIGERATOR + y ison Furniture, 20] 7 4" yide beam; sturdily | ©t 7:30 P.M. intends to pass |, adian oid time fiddlers' con-| shapeo living and dining room, be.|nicers Jandscaved with feu tree ag | 91 PO sedan. MO 8-5110 0 cu, ft 1a -- | constructed with 42" deep a by-law to stop-up and close | | TORONTO (CP) -- William R tween Whitby and Oshawa, large!(jouer beds, Available immediately private deal, '57 deluxe Pontiac Kelly's special §1¢ at tremendous sav plywood hull, ook frame, | that part of the public high- . a . 1 " . fenced in lot. Low down payment. RA Can he bought with only $1500 down coach, radio, low mileage, 'one owner 1 8 = of discontinued pat h / J 1 : known nson | Entries for the 10th annual Sweeny, 78, who as 'One-share 3 n hon e ners " EB | w S > v Lo} : 3 "" % 8.0387 |payment. Call 8. Macko Realtor, RA »n. Telephone RA 5.7285 bi RE : 30 bul ven anc ; y cheerful designs for nome me oon gn 2 California roy did 4 bo To er fol event, to be held here Friday Sweeny" needled directors at | 8.4661 56 CHEV. fully equipped, must sell, cooking tops 5 RA 8.51 ' nt rs opie: hn i ha im, com. b<45 0g or exec x 10 and Saturday, already exceed the many a board meeting, died Mon- ] pasonn rie 1 condit . i 3 WS ; 4 J RANCH STYLE {[DUVR 1oom bungalow. oil heated, £27 |reasoushly Priced, Al condition. Apply FRIGIDAIRE tinghe ir % 6 by 9, only $2.95: vinyl eoat-| Coo" ye Wore o | record 104 entered last year in|day. ° 7 ac ailable [99 Quee cet, Bowma e py ect . 5 shie S ; ; da 8 hig 50 ed . ges special clearout, 45c per ALL ond Singular that cer- Ipoh the old time and novelty] A one-time taxi driver in Eliza- now. Write Mr A. Jakeman, Box 41 3.3873 Ary L 08$€58i0 | ! ' hers: 300 Lp v's. 32 Rin i ; all coverings, clearout| € One week possession on this Lorong or phone Orono 1738 |WARLEY Davidson 47.78, windshield, | nu CT Wilson Furniture, Motor: New 40 hp. Scott, toa parcel lily ord [classes : beth, N.J., he came to Toronto 50 CAPE-COD Colonial che ' ; h Stre | electric start with generator. and premises, situated, lying | Among the competitors will be| years ago to make a name for large. 6 room bungalow with | GRANDVIEW GARDENS -- three bed. (saddle bags and buddy seat, good run. CAPE-COD Col ; ; [i attached garage on lorge lot [room bungalow, nine months old, iand. ning condition, $250. COlfax 3-2369 Tey A Spec s FIBREGLASS your wooden host for! - Capacity: 6-8 adults com and being in the City of Osh airline pilot Roy Renwick of Ber- | himself in the city's Bay Street ' Et o i 0 1 | n r e boating 3 a | i i i i 0 5 225 hii lond ld J a sane bi "veautit K] CHEVROLET, very 00d condition, sav Cell 1 : carefre ting or we will do tha job fortably, will sleep 4 to 6 | eve, County end Drovince of muda, represerting the first en-| financial district. purcha ary Phone RA 8-3893 bi FOR SALE -- Spanish Electric Gu als, plus easy to iollow instrue.| Terms: $500 down, balance r Deihg. comp D try from outside North America.| The goateed investor was a near Se venth Day Adventist ye 77 METEOR A condition, | leaving solid body. single pick up, ths old | fons risman's Corner, 105 Byron] arranged if desired : part of lot 4 according Yo.2 |U.S. ENTRIES dramatic exception to the more be lege close Jy bus step 47--Automobi es For Sale [country ust oe exception of 8 to 7 i au] tee, South, Whitby, MO e00)). - Can be seen ot Lake Stuee Plan of ports of lots 12, | United States contestants are| retiring tycoons of Bay Street. : price enly . $13,500 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, Save up to PM p for Sct Remingt Sun.| SNPAINTED hookcases only 93 cents, > aie. SCHgog and in the ird Conces- coming from New York, Maine, | His practice was to buy one share with $3,7000 down. Owner i 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For [ ve on bg iid or J. ORDE MARINE sion of the Township of East Pennsylvania and Indiana in companies that he felt could moving out of town and very |personal service at your home call RA ent servi cag 5, 5 King reet $i7; desks $14; bookcases, 5.99; van. PORT PERRY Whitby, now in the said City Alberta and western Canada be better managed. anxious to sell 3-2002 WwW | | L | ity dresser, $26, Wilson Furniture, 20 a registered in the Registry Of- | : 58 BEDFORD panel truck, in excel GOKARTS. Rees v as Church Street YU 5-2351 fice of soid County of Ontario | hampion - Alfie Myhre, 22, and This holding allowed him to at- SIMCOE ST. N OO yuo Roarest ofa: $149, complete with . r nd Cul TWO-piece chesterfield, _ continental ond known os Gamble's Plan, | Ned Landry of Saint John, N.B.,/tend annual meetings where he ! 3 A ne i : or call { leaampion in 1956 and 1957, will| would badger company directors : . r cs RA 8.5187 between & a.m. and 5 {ions 9 a.m sed, double mattress. RA: 8-0812 the boundaries of said parcel | A Large 6 room, 2 storey brick : » 3 e ayy hi LJ 8-411 INS, stamps, collector's supplies] G. WEHNER being des ribed as follows: |compete. | with embarassing questions ( 3 T st py. roc pment Y' t d fo + 1 a - | § C o : " 1 2 MS T buyer ha he of SICK m equir P d sold at Royal Coin and] RA B8-6264 until 5:00 p.m. PREMISING that the westerly Eniries are also expected from "I look at things and sometimes home situated on a large / 4 portunity to own this beautiful '58 Olds - ale, hospital hed fety sid F tore Ki Yes wh " hedged lot, oil heating, 3-pce. | monile "98" two-door hardtop, Fully For Your chair d al , commor A 8 Of Jest, yanied RA 8-6896 after 7:00 p.m. | limit of said lot has a bearing (Mel Lavigne of Honey Harbour, I don't like them," he once told po | M . ' both iol Tl CL Dien LBB CB AUSTIN AR bealtn § es, crutch far also Victoria coins tn good of north seventeen degrees, |winner the first two years an interviewer, "Before I'm ntl nied c mac conditio: cwner ( away be ; easonable rat Eh { . rf Sently rented. Not a new >) yr mor e de 51--Swap & Barter forty-five minutes, thirty sec- | will consider any reasonable offer Call daily, weekly Novelty champion Al Cherny of | through, they're corrected." Fo orice in $3900 om, [RA 42128 between 3 and 8:30 p.m GOOD ASSORTMENT [ery 'and pickup. Aid ental Conversion burner for sale, cheap. | price bath sets; P onds west (N. 17° 45' 30" |Wingham, is a strong contender| '"One-share," as he came to be ull price only $12,900 wit '58 CHEVROLET automatic, one owner USED CAR 31644 a. rpm -- |systems, eabin cruiser, y il W) and relating all bearings [for the open title and first prize known in the financial district, $2,900 down car, in real good condition. Must be S DOMINION Applianc (a ) OCCASIONAL tables hy Peppler, 5-/'36 Plymouth, '51 stin, power unit, o is h sold, MO 8.8594 - Beatty. Bros.) ne t Paddy's Ply crossbanded veneer, solid walnut garage doors, sinks, cabinets, plumbing| herein, thereto; of $1,000. A further $1,000 is often made people turn as he TAUNTON RD. E " ' oil finish, no polishing, step, supplies. H. Chinn, Park Road South] COMMENCING pt a point in |oferfed in other prizes. All pro- walked down Bay Street, sport- "54 CHEV i A " . M a cong nish, n : \ Ba ; BA PTISTE LAKE | radio, hin Rardiop, ood, Sonditon, RA 5 033 1 2 r ot ha ' .t 3 or cockta $29.95. RA 8.5153 lat Hillside the interior of said lot 4 ceeds go to charity. : ing a flower in his lapel, his cane : Female entrants include swinging and his Panama tilted $600 down, large 2 bedroom [etc. RA 8.0870 - - | which point may be located cottage plus spacious living = |'55 CHEV, four-door deluxe, immaeu " Powe Revi mplif apable of 52] Legal 52--Legal {ios Tollows Dorothy Houston of Earlton, Adalcockily over a shock of unruly, room and kitchen, combined, ' late, one owner. Phone RA' 5.3835 or 1960 plete with recor equipment BEGINNING ot the south- |Moore, Rosemont and 11-year-old| white hair. cupboards end sink, full te. for rer Ir reser > F.N. 219-60 BY-LAW NUMBER 3784 westerly angle of said lot; Ellen Ruth Walker of Hamilton,| At a meeting once, he insisted PCrOpIons ¢ screened in porch, completely ok pardio, Py omatie, - mow STUDEBAKER vation phone Mea R 221-60 OF THE THENCE north seventy-two |competing for the second year. |that the chairman read the com- furnished, good swimming + ! } ROOMS of i 3458. Thi {egrees fifty seve inute Oldest fiddler is Pat Reidy, 67, pany's annual report in English |"54 CREVROLE pos g 5 CORPORATION OF THE | - degrees y-seven minutes dest fiddler is Pa y, 67, pan end fishing as HEY a as sod métor i | LARK le es es and CITY OF OSHAWA | thirty seconds east (N 72° Iwho farms near Mount Forest. |and French because the report |'88 PONTIAC sedan, good condition,| Tw door Sedan Delivered coffee tables, boul | ! bp bv-low to further |" 57' 30" E) along the souther- The finals Saturday night will|was printed in both languages. LLOYD AYERS best offer. Telephone RA 5.6656 ea pillows, etc. $25 down dei: ing o bys . the : ly limit of said lot ten feet (phe broadcast coast-to-coast by the| He ignored the discomfiture of i c anteed: best valu ama oo nina B " { |'88 CHEV. convertible, radio, back nishtngs. 134 Simeo t So ? the ory ne goning ylaw.ob |. von; |cBC. [the Shairman who was ignorant | CREAR rench. {58 Hillcroft Street RA 5.6195 AAAs ee purchase of . 1 ° y i | In later years, he capitalized on RA 3- 2254 "85 CADILLAC Sixty Special Full | shi dining. re wite, Offer. good STARS desirable to further amend grees Kk ry-tives inutes th ry - " his al of i and [power equipment, reduced to $1475 fo 14 tr " tars Zo By-loy 3415 . | seconds we N 17° 45' 30 i | Wilbak Motors, 137 King West. dg SABYAN for a Jroiien si Ys Sa) 4 ning. By-law Da W) porrollel to the. westerl aln 1 ow investments to become president treet South, cr E ONTARIO MUNICIPAL amended by by-laws 344], pov y of the Concourse Building Lim- ited of Toronto. He was also a JOHN A. J ee | MOTOR SALES SS Toi "BOARD | 359, 34z0, '3573, 3503, | Wowk' of said int twenty-four "aw 'SABYAN MOTOR LIMITED peautira) & majosany ea y f |: 3e23, 3532 3547, 36s, eerie: fe pom o Rape Victim {director of several mining com- 334 RITSON RD. $ Phone RA 510 MATTER OF Section | 3721, 3734, 3746, 3758, : : {ni : inisgi ines B 0 L A H 0 0 D SALES LTD Dial RA 3-341 Wom is mT RL. 2 f The Plonning Act, '| and 3769; THENCE . continuing north | MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. a I ined LIMITED . { eens | HAM price Y 80 +} : NOW THEREFORE, BE IT Severson degrees ty tive {sp} Stale police yeported oy Chibougamau Mines Limited and . STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN 6 HP AIR condition efor anc ENACTED AND IT IS HERE minutes thirty seconds west |day an autopsy showed that Mrs. | ine Mines Limited. REALTORS--INSURANCE SALES ond SERVICE TAKE YOUR CHOICE a Bi OR TIE MATTER OF | BY ENACTED as a by-law of (N 17° 45' 30" W) seventy- Francis Lacey, victim of 5 Cul Porcup) In 1935 167 SIMCOE $ 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH FOR ONLY {RA 5.31 Yon of 7 Roof an ada The Corporation of the City six feet Jive ond, one-quarter |strangler on this fashionable re-| "° : : OSHAWA, ONT. | GUNS, ammunition and hunting diy he Lorporation of | of Oshawa by the Council inches (76" 5%4") to the in- [sort island, had been' sexually : ty of Oshawa for ap- thereof as follows: tersection with a curve to the molested, RETURN JERRY JANES RA 5.6544 | __Toi: Ramon 33401 ae | $1 49 50 DOWN | down Dominic tern per cen 'f if By-laws 1 Section 32 of by-law left having a rodius of two |" Police also said the autopsy in| MONTREAL (CP) -- Montreal BUYING OR SELLING SEE - | . badass RA 54 e N 5, " 215.40, By. | hundred feet (200) and con- |dicateqd that the 49 - year old! Alouettes placed two imports on camp « |; . t A / na eq. C Ste H H i YOU CAN AFFORD : | 56 CHRYSLER Windsor |pautins. sieeping rn il 2 0p y Passed: | hereby further emended by necting a point on the west- |wealthy Dearborn widow had| waivers and returned import end | | | REALTOR {up lights, window washers Apply | $2485 00 325 TO $100 worth of free gi with fh hat" WHEREAS it is deemed | THENCE north seventeen de number 3415 as amended is THIS ONE and rentals. Oshawa Hardw 4 ha . deleting therefrom the words: erly limit of said lot one hun- |heen raped, {Jerry Janes to British Columbia Tounton Rd.: 6 room white TED CAMPIN Power testing ony brakes, |Eiectric, 8 Church Street. R 0: P.FN. 221.60, By. "'(s) new motor vehicle dealer- | dred ond twenty-five feet | ya police report came on the|Lions Wednesday. Centre Milt , 4 automatic anc radio And otor t ether ¢ . : frame storey and o half, will MOTORS A BOAT and holes ioEelliep or ; aA h 1040 ship including e garage for {125% notary therson from fourth day of the investigation of | Crain from the University of " " or § ! | h hicles: | the south - westerly angle % rel Ovid 14 4 Mississippi and guard Earl be sold for. the best offer. Bo 56 01.DS. 98 SEDAN ip nnnulded plyw : | servicing the vehicles; the mysterious slaying. A hunt Mississipp] lance on very easy terms 607 KING ST OSHAWA Power steering and brak |5-0865 or HA 5.97 APPOINTMENT FOR | ond by substituting therefor thereof with a point on the |r, clues to the kilier continued, | Kohlhas from Penn State were Oust Eost of Wilson Rood) HEAR INI the following ly lin ; Auction starts today. Call Ted t radio and automatic BROADLOOM southerly limit of said lot 4, Earlier police questioned and placed on waivers. Janes came "(s) new motor vehicle decl- one hundred and twenty-five lion Lojoased a former mental | to Alouettes in a pre-season trade Cunningham ot RA 5-6544, RA 3- 5. 5.557 ; o Red { ' RA 5.2358 a [RAY 4494 . Re 3-5 4 57 PONTIAC COACH af antl, Jaly, Foriufe ; E ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ership including a gorage for feet (125) easterly thereon hospital patient who had sent a With Lions. A club spokesman J | rd. One owner y > Kin BOAT by appoints Tues servicing the vehicles; but from the south-westerly angle postcard from the island. They here said the trade was contin. WAITING FOR ANDY NAGY 'S '57 PLY. WAGON KELVINATOR | ; the nih day of not including the storage or thereof; sald he had an "airtight alibi" gent on Janes making the Mont. sabi rosting v inatior A ¢ it 'the hour sale of "used vehicles," THENCE south-easterly along [and they were convinced he had | real club. A BARGAIN G BODY SHOP . Vacation special. One owner i reezer-frig vo € lock the fore 2. Sheet number 8 of Ap said curve to the left, an arc a Then forget .it There's no MERCEDES-BENZ Ta nothing to do with the case such thing! However, we do DKW Shain '57 DODGE SEDAN ode a re HO A ! . time), at the Osh pendix 'A to by-law 3415 distance of one hundred ond | ppg Lacey disappeared: last|play "bride," was strangled, and have @ home that is really S . Six cyl. automatic. redio 1 0 ed Nay Chambers, Osh- as amended is hereby further two feet eleven ond five Sunday Searchers found her apparently assaulted se xuvally, priced right. Only 2 yrs. old SALES & SERVICE ' Kelly's, 2 5, 2 Kir f va, Ontario, for the hearing amended by changing the eights inches (102° 11%") |, 0v Thursday. | sometime Friday night. Satur- 5 room bungalow located in 408 KING W., OSHAWA AT B. F. GOODRICH St es, b Il partie nterested in lond use designation of part to the intersection of a line . : - ----|day morning, a search party the north-west part of the | RA 3- 7132 teries tei nator refrigerators, {ele ) opposing this of the land on the south side drawn parallel with the south- | found her partially nude body in city. Loaded with extras in -------------- - Moise RANI, ; plicane Y of Frontenac Avenue shown erly limit of said lot through 3 a shallow grave in a vacant lot ol sta | 3a RoRSE power Wisconsin . mor DATED a ronto. this 30th as R2B on the said sheet from the point of commencement; 0 ice IO e near her home in this suburb cluding a stone fireplace, | mixer, also five 'bri e rir ds is 30th ) h herd nes ( Twindow, vanity in bath. | CASH MO 8.5934 j f June, 1960 R2B to R3 so that the said said arc hes a chore equivo- north of Chicago. oom, frid ston r she BIG bedding buy v y sheet number 8 as amended lent one hundred and one feet | ea ; ¢ : tod rhathyee hive ta yo FOR YOUR CAR MOTOR SALES factory I iat 8 Vict il by this by-law will be as ten and one-eight inches 1 ur er Wok iy Syed fic . 3 tresses tickir . \cting Secretary, ow! v g (101' 108") meas 4 A . The price? $13,990 Call Ted VAN HEUSEN 331 Park Rd. S. 107 oF 5 ; sh iy the Ie ised sheet 8 ou Di reosured oa | WHEELING, Til. (AP) -- Sher-|/day night at a forest preserve Cunningham at RA 5.6544 | 5 " hed ¢ nismalche ome y e By-lows reterred to in gine} o oh is by-dow os degrees twenty-three minutes [iff's deputies are combing, inch by rangers who said he was act- or RA 5.2358 | MOTORS RA 3 2284 ; ! ; e notice read os fol- Schedule deg 2 pe 3 i ES es BS Ig, ao, bunk ght pie ple P 3. No part of this by-law | i --------iie -------- price $58. Smooth top m te | . unsolved child murder--the sev-| Chicago police erime labora- Members of the Oshawe ond 48--A : by famous n Fi shall come into force without THENCE south seventy-two hi a A --Automobiles W ) y * the , ; y 4 y District Real Estate Board 149 KING ST. W. | $ anted niture 20 Church Street BY-LAW NUMBER 3758 the approval of the Ontario degrees fifty-seven minutes {enth for the Chicago area in the tory technicians were fo run |LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want OF Municipal Board but subject thirty. seconds west (S. 72° |last five years. | tests on two bloodstained shirts cars at wresking. Highest prices paid | cp HOME APPLIANCES THE CORPORATION 4 : x o 8 SEE HO ® ICES N OF THE thereto this by-law shall take 57.30" W) along the last year -old _moppet who liked to of the shallow grave. 84, Finally Passed ! Little Betsy Benham, a five-| found Sunday within two blocks | q | WHITBY CLASSIFIED 4 | OSHAWA LTD ITY OF OSHAWA effect from the date of its mentioned parallel line sixty- Bd nib I HOUSTON'S GARAGE 90 SIMCOE SOUTH ' a by-law to. further passing six feet five and one-eights { ; y 4 1 the 2 By-I ia f h hes (66'. 5Va") R | mer oning By-la f y-law read a first time this inches B more or AND | SEF VICE STATION FOR FRIGII AIRE tv of Osha bi abides 17th day of May, 1960 less to the point of com- | CROSSWORD PUZZLE " 2 RAKE 5 IS OM- SALES AND SE t E By-I d d cement SEPTIC TANKS cleined the sanitary [HOME owners -- Shingling, siding ir 51 EE phe yy Ea ANL - deemed desi y-law read a second time mencemen - a way, new tanks Installed. Walter Ward, | sulation, eavestroughing, painting, rath PLE TE BRAKE SERVICE, Domestic and Commer bl urther yea this 17th day of May, 1960 and to fix the sale price ACROSS 2. Jewish = Shestaut ee phone Mo ue Win No Ton 3 Green SEER RL TUNE P AND RA 2-5 32 number 3415 Be | By-law read a third time and thereof at Two, Thousand ¥ Rung > a FE) ig Rite t Romy Bo Dundes won| OR SAE = RE TIT Oo ie Se oiall Spm me | TWIT They | Da fn Coes Be 6B Ss ast, Whith post, odor andl weedless for flow NA ATARI 5 " er 44) 3459, 3480, 0 ay, 500.00) and to authorize the i Z . eo RA 3 7822 a ROTARY POWEF MOWERS 1537, 3572, 3593, 3623 Lyman A. Gifford, sale thereof to the abutting Const Cir 5 mse For RENT -- Sleeping rooms or light ts: Shrubs, awns and gardens. Phone | ___ $37 9 fh M ousekeeping rooms, with conveniences. | MO 8-45 an | up 3632 3647, 3665 721 ayor. owner at the said price. + Apply 305 Trent West, Whitby HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Go SPOT CASH 37.95 ur 3734 and 3746 v. 372 L. R. Barrand, AND TAKE NOTICE that the |B Delicate 8 eign: ONE double, one single room, furnish. d0WD payments. W McAuley Realtor PAID FOR MARINE STORAGE NOW THEREFORE: BE IT Clerk. C 4 ) : purple » Calyx ed, telephone. one block from four cor. |MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512. / > FOF ) Chin Ee : otincil at the said meeting | 32, Disease leaf ners. Phone MO 38117 _ [SEPTIC TANKS chines he Samay Good, clean ors. Trade up & SUPPLY LTD A ISD AND 7 1s hips Sheet number 8 of Appendix Wl tear in, vovion or by We, | Rye %. Critical FOR RENT Two-roomed cabin fur y, new tanks installe alter Ward,| or down, Liens pald off : | } Y d ) as a by-law «¢ "A" to by-l counsel, solicitor, or agen . Oil of rose eman ished, suitable for one. Eur. Partien-| 300 Chestnst West, phone MO 42163 DODD MOTOR SALES BROOKLIN, ONTARIO The Corporation of the City rateired y iii r 3413 any person who claims that petals 8. Matures lars call MObawk 8.3423 Whitby SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freeses ' WVIUR > OL 5 1 nf Oshawa by the Council ve in fora his land will be prejudicial i FOR SALE -- Attractive Brick thes. [from only $279.95. For special prices 314 PARK RD. § 364 2 u graph numbered 2 of bylaw and will be prejudicially | 34, Trritate 9. Wander ractive brick three « RK R foes - hereof as follows : oy bedroom bungalow some sxtras Pri. (OD Tanges, fridges, washers and dry RA 3.9 yet ; as OS 1 | 3784 moy be examined at affected by the by-law and (collog.) 20, Let it vate drive, attached garage, $3000 3) cantaet Mid Town Furniture The : 421 SALF ection 32 of by-law num the office of the City Clerk who applies to be heard | 15. Pronoun stand down food pireet, near everything Newest Ls id or in Whitby |____ ---- ----1 Aluminum Ps ni r ; A as ame red 1s here i City Hall. Oshawo DATED THIS 19th DAY OF | 16. Hound dog (print.) asonable I urther amended b } | CREME cold wave $6.08 ( Te} ! best qualit " ; : 'er omended by add Dated at Oshawa this 2nd JULY 1960 | 17. Gold (herd %6.Small boy ole regular v 'g at the end thereof the | 4 fA 1960 | 38, Handles 317, Malt kiln 312.50) includes style, cut, ofl shampoo price fully quarante wing ay of August, 6 L. R. BARRAND," roughl 28. Soliloquy and set by imaginative stylist. MO hy Double hung jows on L R. Barrand, | ugh y : and, 4 Dots hung v orn} dryicleoming: and lous. City Clerk. City Clerk | 20,Condense 1's STOREY Colonial house in nice set. | gi now fry pickup depot" a 20 2 hog ting with attached rage Phone MO | | J Lymer Aluminum ection 34 of by-law nun Notice to Property Owners in TH IPMENT RA 8.538 1a omended shire | Ea whit Tours, whi: | URMAN Forces nil, nei FOR RENT -- Sleeping rooms or tight further amend et 4 housekeer ping room | TRADE UP OR Sal if oy oY Sundin. rd Datlington 1g at the end thereof the th eniences ly 305 Trent Street West. | j N s the time te ] Township abutt the Cit | . - | Ero ite Sw] FOR RENT DOWN Now i im vig | Terie Xn Stripping ct rE EXPERT rowtilling for gardens and| Tents $10 per wk ENS Pp have a beautitul hom 2) adry-cleaning and laun Oshawa Zoning by-laws num in fat | LIENS \PAID OFF with aluminum door i ip depot bers 3758 ond 3784 | TORONTO (CP) Police are | 28. A novice lawns, Don't call unless you want the p 7 ; at K > oats & cances $15 per wk be Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614 v v, and windows be : of - this 'by-law Take notice that the Ontario |searching for a. masked man who | 29. Tease NEW office pace & Whithy. #0 oH OUTBOARD MOTORS WILBAK MOTORS duality, lowest price i I come into force without Municipal Boord has appoint. ~ |forced: fwo 'couples out of a (eollog.y RN Picteannal Bui Mo a] 3. HP ' $16 per wk town 'Ouick ervi pproval of the Ontario ed Tuesdoy the 16th day of [Parked car Saturday night and | 30.Reclines evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 7)2 HP ..... $18 per wi ; . : ; A Board but subject August, 1960, at the hour |Made them undress at pistol | 32. Lives ol RTT Sale| 1512 +eers 325 bev wi RA 5.0732 ALEX VAIDA re ty {1 Aust, 1960, or the hour | [078 35. Dilapidated bathroom. Also one furnishe 30 HP $40 per wl ogg meee RA 2.0851" f from the date of its (local time), at the. Oshawa When one of the victims, Leo 0] ett between 3 and 1 Tedrhome BOAT AND TRAILER WitH |20----Articles For Salo ; ; Council Chambers, 'Oshawa, | Fortney, 22, of Toronto, showed | 38: Close to -- meio 1 og 43 ONE set of cana encyclopedias Every job guar v read a first time this | Ontario, for the hearing of all resistance he was shot in the leg. 37. Maxim . 5 par wi NE set Sieans. ancy aga; ith -d f April 1960 |" parties interested in support He was treated in hospital and rp! FOR C C1 LL PAINT 10 Hp $42 per wl months old 8.0000 for more , TH ad o second time | ing er opposing the applica réleas sed a. "CALL 2 ? per wk et - xis a . t A+ of April 1940 tion for approval of the said | e couples 'were sitting in the | | We also rant stoves, lanterns DB Fh : Sie OBIS Soe read a third time and by-laws, eapies of which are [car near the Humber River and | by Gracting Dodd & Souter | | cots; sleeping bags, ete ear old, sell Apply 113 : Bday [ | this. 4th day of printed elsewhere on this [2 West Toronto golf course when | ys sat t April '10 ae the masked man dressed all i : For {ras sstirnn pag 8 n Paint and Wallpaper Store | WILDE REN' I Al S [MAYTAG Worlds largest ufactys man A. Giffore Dated at Oshawa this 2nd black. appeared beside the car 107 Byron Street South | rs, f 324 iryers § Now on ( Mayor day of August 1960 Waving a pistol he ordered the MO 8-5231 Service |e. hi dryers \ RB rd aries. I : a 5 1415 Sa Play at 'Kelly's, 2 floors ryt l arrand, arrand, our occupants to step out an 5 Dundas E., MO 8-3228 Street Ea st. BA 8-5153, | RA 5-93 65 ANYTIME Clerk City Clerk strip. MOCO iN WIESE 0 EHLERS STE 4 oe EF STDERR (m0)