The Oshawa Times, 27 Jul 1960, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 27, 1960 §° Dri WHITBY And DISTRICT Drink Before Court, era er our stn oo mea . .s =» officer arrived. He said that his | She said that her husband went ailed On Drivin wife had refused to allow him to into the retail store to purchase drive the car and had planned on | beer but was refused. * y | taking a taxi home. He said that| PC Place was recalled to the | A Pickering Twp. resident ers' retail store in Ajax on June he had been at the trunk of the stand and again he swore that 4 1 whom acting Crown Attorney 17. He said that because of the car when PC Place arrived. | Hepburn 'was at the wheel when Bruce Affleck charged had been erratic manner of driving he at ADMITS DRINK {he arrived. He added that Mrs, drinking prior to coming to court, | first though that an unlicenced, During the vigorous cross-| Hepburn had had too much to | [ was Tuesday jailed for 10 days driver was at the wheel. {examination by Mr. Affleck, the drink too. 2 for having the care and control| He took Hepburn from the car, | accused admitted that he had| "I have no reason to dis A 0S of a motor vehicle while intoxi-|he said, and observed that he consumed one drink on Tuesday believe the police officer," said vated Lorne Jlepbors, 59, of was "in a very drunken evadi- | Ioriiug before Comibs to court.| Magistrate Ebbs, "and every 2 gia hi . + a ie 088 vor Greenwood road. who appeared |tion "Why? asl Mr. Affleck, reason to disbeliev L :| Whitby Public School Board school site. We might as well i had bun discussing, Marvel) fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs in| PC O'Grady, of the same de-|"To fortify your courage?" {He loll ve a re {would be well advised to change make up our minds Dove J Seven artin Bg a Sons] the $216. | Whitby police court, was also| partment, said that he had ob-| "You have no respect for the drinking and I have no hesitancy [the name of the new Blair Park|what has gone on and I think we, choices. Li Jer approve the $216 hibited from driving anywhere served Hepburn at the police court," the acting Crown Attor-|in convicting him." ischool. Every time the name have been misled. This year 1600 or Yeo dt, in Canada for one year station and had had to help him ney told accused, "You smell] In addition to the jail term comes before council, members will go along with this school but| Councillor William Davidson:| PC Eric Place, of the Ajax through a door. He also said he pretty heavily of alcohol for one and suspension, His Worship or- see red next time I will have facts and « remember council approving|Police Dept., told Magistrate was intoxicated. | drink." | dered Hepburn to pay court costs At this week's meeting of coun-| figures before discussing if _ 1$190,000 for this school. They call-|Ebbs that he had observed ac-| In his own defence, Hepburn| Mrs. Hepburn also told the or serve an additional 10 days cil, a bylaw to authorize the con-| "We have saved $16,000 on this ed for tenders and the price went cused trying to back his car out admitted that he had consumed |court that her husband was out. |and impounded his wife's car for struction of the school and thelschool," said Mayor Martin.|yy to $216,600." Plumbing and of a parking place at the brew-'a part bottle of whisky that after- side the car when police prin oh months. raising of $216,000 by debentures|* They originally askel for $232.- heating contracts for this school |---- BSR ERC - i -- ee lto pay for the school, received 000. This council is responsible ne up by $9900 over the contract two readings but only after an- for this saving and no one else." for the Palmerston Ave. School, other bitter discussion about the, 'Do boards ask for new ten-|,, identical school, and electrical cost of the school. The board first ders?" asked Councillor Mrs. |gui.trades are up $6000 over the |applied for permission to build| Joyce Burne. Palmerston Ave. job. the school late in 1959 and since| "Not in this case," said Deputy-| «The theory is that everyone {then its construction has been reeve Warren Mowat who worked on the Palmerston the subject of many heated de-| "We spent time with the con-|Ave School lost $10,000," said bates in council and with the tractor and with the architect," |\ayor Martin. board said Councillor Davidson, "and| The committee of the whole? | Mayor Stanley Martin reported Gidn't get to first base. |council ther approved the second thai he and Councillor Davidson | gre x . {reading. The bylaw now goes to had since mei with the school CA Tu it he had |the Ontario Municipal Board for board. smee council's last meet-lyo0n" advised that cheaper | final approval. 2 ing. He sald that it was his opli-| s.ji5015 could be built but that Si ~~ ion. that the board planned to the board had insisted that this| ave between $8000 and $12.000 . the class of school they must ov ji YouR LOCAL n the construction of the school. 2 4 $ k have. ' "Sia . He said that at their meeting PERT In the earls ner of If wok came before the pub- | hat Deputy-reeve Mowat advised ) ith the board, they found Charles Chayto y ; lic during the summe cel |e member, who said t this Counc il that the board had been al olebrations, h was C dered to re-tender but the dustrial Commis ok on A ennial celebration € saving would come about, was Once ordered to re-tender but the IF YOUR T. i more than rewarded for it be- | 1ble attend board had appeared before coun- AA mable al the task of editing and 3 came a collector's item and | c¢ii and haa won its point. He 3 ¢ RE igs wor " =| "Besides," said His Worship! cnig council had ae GOES ON THE BLINK ing a Centennial Boo 3500 copies were snapped up | Pr said council had approved an ex- ' town. On many oceasions be and the book still remains in | I am amazed to find out Now penditure of $216,000 but with Just GIVE ve ACALL . : 4 fore the book was published he | demand. Above, Mr. Chaytor |Many prospective puplis Nave jones that $10,000 more could be WE'LL BE THERE Wh t summer. I think considered throwing I he | leoks again at his book Photo p should he taken immed- aved AS Quick AS A WINK | iately." | towel and giving up but when Oshawa Time "I feel we have been led down 4 ; |the garden path," he said ! " J , : PROMISED SAVINGS Councillor Paul Coath said that pr AF Iz 1 i 1stria Ol | i 1 | l | llor Robert Hastings said!/he did not get the impression / by 4 « » { council had been more or that anyone had promised a sav- 0 4 a Stock Up for s promised by the board that|ing of $10,000. Councillor Brooks le T L : Ithere would be a further saving argued that he had been told by h 0 eave 1 Y of about $10,000 in the construc-| at least one member of the board 4 p N tion of the school that they could save more money | 4 ? 4 i E> "N " 1 1 am ready to stand be-jon the school | 5 1 fl qn 5 - | hind any move to ask the board SETS $206,060 Whitby Industrial Commission- sured. Ocean . going ships will er Charles Chaytor Monday an- soon -- very soon be calling vat ; ! Harbor, (to look at this matter again," he Councillor Hastings moved that nounced that he would be re-iregularly in. Whitby il f ; z / 7 i a hi tion t x the! Alr y 5 sal C ne. rove only an expendi- 5 % gigning his position to accept the Already, on Thur sday of this Said ounci app! \ € RADIO-T.V. 4 : Jul th t ice of Indust Commissioner | v eek, the first of them. the We have kicked this around ture of $206,000. Councillor Coath Ri . Ye : 4 % 2 office of Ine 3 § ot Hi ¢ SALES- SERVICE 4 ; a . in the Township of Scarboro rica Smith"--a Swedish ship and around," said Councillor said that such an amendment Mr. Chaytc vas od t if 1g from Aboe, Finland, George Brooks 1 understand | would be contrary to the second APPLIANCES the positio a with ¢ at Gothenburg and that work is now going ou at the reading of the bylaw, which coun- a Co Fo a \ nday Vidd ough, London, etc., will M08 3707-118BROCK SLs night and expects to assume his be unloading well over 700 tons new office in six to eight weeks. of steel] here (at 8 am. on] During the seven years that he Thursday = morning This is] was Whitby commissioner the symptomatic of the great future population of the town has more ahead for Whitby Harbor | than doubled and mz ustrial 'The population has grown by DAMAGE ACTION the committee had requested in- H enterprises settled anently .hout 100 per cent in the past] Council was advised this week | formation on the line's operations in Whitby as a consequence of is | seven years, from about 5400 to in a letter from Duncan McIntyre, in Whitby but had received no expe promot on about 12.000. The town has be- that David Ross would accept|reply s Industrial Commissioner, some world - renowned through damages of $500 in his claim| | 12 Mr, Chaytor was -instrumental in the splendid team-work of the against the town. Mr. Ross leas-| BUY FLOOR COVERING bringing about the expenditure of whithy Dunlops. We have had aned a portion of the harbor area Councillor Joyce Burns, chair- over one million dollars on the gutstanding centenary celebration |as a site for a house but the town| man of the town hall committee, Campbell's development of Whitby Harbor. |week, etc. The town has shown cancelled the lease shortly after reported that Cherney's had re- Mr. Chaytor had the following remarkable progress in so many |the building was moved to the ceived the tender for supplying GOLF BALLS ; HEAPING to say to the "Oshawa Times vs and all through excellent |property. The letter was turned | floor coverings for the offices in 4 4 when asked to comment on his| cooperation by all concerned. |over to the property committee. |the new town hall and a rug in| BASKET resignation " " the mayor's office, The tender| WITH ANY I go to Scarboro then with RESIGNS FROM COURT |went fo the lowest bidder. Shel "It is with sincere regrets tat sentimental thoughts of the mem- | | Lam" to Jeave the Town of ors of a teens Kindness Sion! ec. men oft aed, 1, yn exders fr | GOLF SET Whithy, 2nd_my we Jricnds and 'happy Successes through €0- | Court of Revision. i will |tenr rk had been rejected | in making my job here not only operation, but I go with the sure send a letter of thanks to Mr.|and new tenders would be called. $39 95 | 19 LL] al 8 yy oniyiknowledge that the enormous |paseoe and the applications com- . 0 " yery Pleasant but also successful {200.000 municipality offers as | mittee will name a member to fill LONG BYLAW { to an impressive degree. _The great or greater challenge and the vacancy 5 : | A bylaw to regulate traffic, with many officials and individuals |gpportunity as did Whitby when a 38 sections, was passed by coun-| who have supported the work can || first came here just a little| SIDEWALK PROBLEM oil. Actually, it incorporates alll] OPEN 'TILL 9 P.M. 3 VACUUM hardly know how well their sup-| over seven years ago. In this I| Following letters from Harry | the former traffic bylaws of the THURS. & FRI. i port and "tips" assisted -- not|would take the opportunity to|Donald and another Trent street|town. The bylaw prohibits angle PACKED only in the plants already estab: gay a sincere "Thank you" to all resident, the mayor and chairman | parking anywhere in town and lished here and providing hun-|my friends -- whom I shall re-|of streets, Councillor Robert|algy limits the parking of com-| SPORTSMAN"S | dreds of new jobs, but also in the | tain asc such | Hastings, were given power to i vehicles in residential new industrial development on its| 'Certainly I am proud to have |act in deciding whether a decal gp hr to! way. . Li been chosen by Scarboro as their | walk will run along the north side|the hylaw was an amendment by CORNER The development of Whitby Industrial Commissioner and look of Trent street, between Centre| Councillor Brooks that the speed 105 BYRON ST. § Harbor since 1953 has progressed | forward with anticipation to this|and Henry streets. The appli-|/jimit in school zones be set at ih steadily forward to the state|great opportunity." cants pointed out that no homes 15 mph, | WHITBY where today, at the completion a face the walk on this side of the of oe Sredsing WORk Just newly street. ASK CONSERVATION CHANGE | completed, it is possible to ac- Councillor Paul Coath moved commodate about 85 per cent of Band Concert SHOPPING CENTRES that the clerk write a letter to all ocean - going ships. Whitby The planning board will hear| Hon, Matthew B. Dymond ask-| Harbor now is on its way to the applications for two shopping cen-/ing him to take steps to alter| greater things which the work of| J]1 FAI n tres, one an enlarged plan of a||egislatior setting up conserva- the Industrial Commission has en- cenire 2 be i ot Du ndas|tion authorities, to give munici- F R E E - _. square, Dundas street west. Both| yi; J y ih en resented a! coun and | Palities more control over the au- PLUMP & TENDER . S Y ve ; By thorities and representation by| | 1 Admits Assault turned over to the board for a re-| nonu1ation f ; 2% 70 3 LB. AVG. port. The second plan covers a | NO. 10 | uitby Brass Band will give proposed centre on a 10-acre site ASKS PARKING LAW | . 2 another concert in the Whitby|on the east side of Brock] Councillor Robert Hastings i Of Taxi Driver {Centennial Park on Thursday street north, on the Dradley made a recommendation that the CASTING REEL i night at 8 p.m. | farm | traffic committee study the pos-|} ; : i A Toronto man who admitted| They will be conducted by | sibility of a law fo limit parking evel wind, precision made of ; Ls. assaulting a Pickering Twp. taxi Bandmaster Russell Entwistle NO AMALGAMATION in front of private residences to fine quality materials. driver who had been retained to who will lead them in the fol-| Councillor George Brooks, of gy minutes for all cars, except-| drive him back to Toronto, was lowing arrangements the committee for protection of|ins vehicles which had permis-| WITH ANY Tuesday fined $10 and costs. Following "O Canada' the persons and property, reported gion from the residents or in David Unden, 45, appeared in|band will play a march titled|that his committee did not favor areas set up as parking zones. | Whitby police court and pleaded |*"Black Dyke"; a selection of | the amalgamation of police and} -- rr | ROD IN STOCK guilty to assault and also com-| "Songs of England" and a trom. |fire departments, They rejected I mon intoxication. This latter hone solo *'Bless this House' such a resolution sent to Whitby | charge was withdrawn by the Tue band will then play an.|PY Peterborough council [| Family Monuments 1.49 to 16.95 ig Crows Atipriey. Bea other march titled "Voice of the| PEDESTRIAN CROSS-WALKS | . g D! lorney oe Guns", "All in an April Eve! A bylaw to establish pedestrian ROR Sale Prices prevailing on all oF ONTARIO GROWN ICEBERG Complete with bog FOR THE FINEST BARBECUE COOKING Half or Quarter Chickens . 45¢ | Affleck told the court tae ath : ar i + : : Rick ning", "Tammy", a novelty, and |cross-walks, giving pedestrians PE ering aX Uri irijs march. "Sons of the Soil". [the right of way over vehicles Created To Sommer Stock to a home on Sp uce Hill road at Following the interval the band | Was passed by council. No site of AE/ Individual i 10.40 p m., where he was to sick Will start off with "Lodestar", a the cross-walks was named in the Requirements OPEN 'TILL 9 P.M. up a fare and go to Toronto mare, a Fomasia, = "Country [bylaw THURS. & FRI. 3 i When he arrived, he said, Unden Life", a Euphonium solo --| CANCEL BUS FRANCHISE BIG CITY siezed him and tore his shir Love's Old Sweet Song", "Field| Councillor Brooks also report- STAFFORD BROS. 7 3 Later, when Pickering Twp. Review" and finally, two hymns. ed that his committee recom-| Monumental Works SPORTSMAN S Police arrived, Unden was still ---------- nen ied. that the franchise of | anxious to fight ADDITIONAL WHITBY NEws Burley Bus Lines in Whitby be| 318 Dundes East CORNER Unden told the court it was the (cancelled if the firm does not| MO 8-3552 first time he had been intoxicat-| ON PAGE 30 |reply to a letter from the town| 105 BYRON S., WHITBY ed since the war | within seven days. He said that| = | dnt OR HAMBURG ROLLS BROCK YT | Precast Concret & STOCK UP YOUR FREEZER WITH THIS SENSATIONAL LOW PRICE LAST TIME Evening Shows at 7 and 8:30 TODAY Last Complete Show at 8:30 3 : FRESHPAK FROZEN rr. | SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY | TIP TOP FROZIN si india Rison | OF A DOUBLE AGENT BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT LEMONADE ~ WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. Orange Juice Current Range of Products include: PINK 6 OZ. ! ¢ i SEPTIC TANKS ® CURBING gk TIN 6% Oz. DURA STEPS ® WALK SLABS 5 us TIN YOR : | RAILINGS ® WELL TILE = | Eivcol BORGNINE PATIO SLABS ® CHIMNEY CAPS 5 ALL STEINBERG'S STORES WILL KERWIN MATHEWS : semi . CONCRETE PRODUCTS {= ® ) pik BE CLOSED MONDAY AUG. nook ho | tarter 980 "Pinky" Stamps DUNDAS ST.--WHITBY = UNTIL 9 P.M. NORTH PLAZA--AJAX : MILE CUSTOM PRECASTING . VALID TO SAT JULY 1960 Adult Entertainment wd tn Bt ts Il Ph. OLiver 5-3311 ! U 301960 Swvewwvwwwwewwl

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