Wednesday, July 27, 1960. 29 47 --Automobiles For Sale sedan. MO 8-5110. 45--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, CENTRALLY located in Bowmanville, (sACRIFICE SALE, $12,900, large bun- eight-room house, four bedrooms, hot|galow with paved drive and two large | 45--Real Estate For Sale FIVE - room alr | water heating. Write P.O. Box 146, Bow- | patios, landscaped front and back, conditioned, aluminum storms, screens, fy private Seca, "57 deluxe Pontiac manville. fenced yard, finished Yoon in base. land, resi-| ment, suitable for ce, plus recrea- Sen r awnings garage, hardwood floors, Ap-|coach, radio, low mileage, one owner ply 151 Nassau Street, RA 3-33110. condition. Telephone RA 5- A 57285, dential district, sewers, water, must sell|tion room roughed in, and three-piece Reasonable for quick sale. RA 3-4434.|bath roughed in. Aluminum storms and $700 DOWN detached Fee balivis '56 CHEV, brick bungalow, two screens and doors. Hurry for this one. Call John Bolahood at RA 5-6544. John $1 2 200 Whitby, NHA mortgage fy 6. per ba ' sacrifice sale. Private. MO 8.5205, On Byng Ave., Simcoe North A. J. Bolahood Ltd., Realtors. MODERN, five - room brick bungalow, Ross- $1000 DOWN -- will bur. you a good|'d® CHEVROLET, A-1 condition. Phone or Deon Ave., Wilson S. cus- home, best location. Scabies. RA 8-0003, 91 Gibbon Street. tom built new 3 bedroom ° RA 3 landscaped, newly land Manor sub-division, features bath- Joe ealior. 35 Prise iret 12 OF\.48 PONTIAC, completely rebuilt and brick bungalows, large living $200 RA 3.9973. room, kitchen with dinette, large kitchen, four-piece tile, LAKEFRONT cottage, View Lake, , Sune nish '8 STUDEBAKER Champion, sashless windows, many jex- new tires, 3 45--Real Estate For Sale EIGHT - room country home, acre of land, all modern conveniences, bus ser- vice to schools, close to Highways 7, 7A and 12, $4000 down. Two miles from Port Perry. Contact R. V. Archer, Port Perry. BUNGALOW ~-- Three years old, Wil- son Road South, near schools, large lot, asking $9900, only $1000 down. Jones Real Estate. RA 5-6412. 44--Houses, Apts., Flats |45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale el BAPTISTE LAKE room, unfurnished apaitment, Sow ssartman second To For Sale -- 7 room fully furnished cottage; four bedrooms, 3 pc. bath, large living room with fireplace, glassed-in sundeck, double garage and drive-in boathouse, workshop, Lh serous 750 Fook frontages Tost vot of |city limits, good for subdivision, RA -9945. JOUR - Have you @ house to sell? For courteous, conscientious, ex- pert handling, call STEPHEN MACKDO REALTOR 187 King St. E. RA 8-4661 Members of Oshawa and ___ District Real Estate Board "ROOM apartment, private entrance, bath, sink, cupboards. 253 Division Street. RA 8-0144. THREE unfurnished rooms, sink and cupboards in kitchen, TV. outlet. RA 8-3818 or 124 Tyler Crescent. 360 MONTHLY, one bedroom, modern | kitchen, bath, sundeck, near school | and d shopping Phone oL 5-3394. TWO furnished rooms, refrigerator and stove, private entrance, washing facili- ties, available now. RA 5-5617, 43 Nas- sau Street FOR RENT 4 room bungalow in the vil- Jan loge of Leskard. Large lot. jm (Appreciate references). $28 LLOYD REALTY | a month. Phone Orono 1 ring 16. or write Hamilton Insur- LIST WITH LLOYD Ororio Ont THEN CALL YOUR MOVER 5-FIVE- 5 Ptcunve JR. EXECUTIVE HOMES Prices from $17,900 to fully equipped, priced, Ril comin: 99 Queen Street, Bowmanville. 3.3873. OVER A QUARTER CENTURY OF SERVICE SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REG. AKER, Pres. BILL MCcFEETERS, Vice-Pres. WILSON ROAD SOUTH List price $13,500 -- 52 room brick ranch style bunga- low, located close to King St. E., 3 bedrooms, oil heated. Lot size 44' x 136'. A good home, priced correctly in o residential area. Coll Don Stradeski, evenings RA 8- 8423 all conveniences. Excellent swimming, boat- and woodwork, $3500 down or arrange- be. ', Price $2100, terms. R 11, Fred ments may be made. RA 5-1053 large RA (Cook Realtor Ltd. THREE - bedroom bungalow with L- shapeo living and dining room, tween Whitby and Oshawa, fenced in lot. Low down pay p $350 FULL DOWN, six-room solid brick bungalow, full basement, private drive, |, carries $80 monthly, three spacious living room, immediate i session. Mr. Lauzon MO 8-8311, Bre- thour Real Estate Ltd. SACRIFICE Sale -- Th brick bungalow, two years' old, on large lot, all landscaped, fenced, $2000 down, carries $68 monthly, One NHA Six per cent mortgage. MO 8-3069. BARGAIN in north-west Oshawa, three- bedroom brick bungalow, in best resi. dential area. Natural stain an im only $12,500 for quick sale, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, RA 5-9870. room, with vanity, stained cupboards Be Marvin Nesnit;| condition, four 025, "MO tras. RA 5-6031 ing, and fishing. Immediate possession. To inspect call Charles Smith, Harry Millen Real Estate, RA 8-1679. RANCH STYLE One week possession on this spacious 6-room ranch-style bun- galow with attached garoge on large lot, only 1 year old, fea- tures 4-pc. tiled bath "with vanity, No. 1 oak and tile floors, forced air oil heating. Located on Nash Rd., only a stone's throw from bus stop and close to Seventh Day Adventist College. A '50 P Parisienne two-door hard- top, a automatic, radio, 16,000 miles, one . RA 8-4184 after 6 p.m. DOUGLAS L. GOWER. 'REALTOR IN COME 10 rooms, 4 apartments, cen- trally located, full price $14,- 900 with $3,000 down. Pre- sent income $155 par month JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 '69 IMPALA, two-door hardtop. Tele- phone RA 3-2156 evenings after 5.30 or apply 153 Centre HARLEY 47+ ised saddle bags and buddy seat, good runm- ning condition, $250. COlfax 3-2369. '53 CHEV. coach, good running order, $295. RA 8-3588. ance Service, . -- '54 METEOR sedan delivery, in good n; offer consid- 44a--Rooms For Rent ered. RA 58313, ATTRACTIVE furnished "rooms, avail. able in private home. 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m, RA 88671. FOV! . room unfurnished apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only,| available immediately. FOUR - room apartment, separate en-| trance, heavy duty wiring, vicinity| King and Wilson, adults only. Phons RA 8-6279 evenings. RA 3-4992 TWO unfurnished or partly furnished housekeeping rooms. No children. Teie phone RA 8-1325. | HOUSEKEEPING apartment, suitable | for three gentlemen or girls, also single rooms svailable, RA 8-0852. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. ONE large bedroom and kitchen boarders wanted. Good home, English speaking preferred. 51 Colborne East, RA 5-7687 also| $29,000, oll districts, down payment and financing ar- ronged to suit anyone, fire- places, family rooms, gar- ages, carports, recreation rooms; three, four and five bedrooms, For an appoint- ment to inspect any one of these fine homes call RA 8-5123. QUALITY AND VALUE BUNGALOWS from $11,200 Low and medium N.H.A. mort- Fire- rooms, Priced $15,800 down payments, gages on the balance. steal at $13,500 with terms, SIMCOE ST. 'N. Reduced for quick sale, only $12,900 full price with $2,900 down, large 6-room 2-storey brick home on large lot completely hedged, oil heating, 3-pc. bath, garage, nicely decorated and spotless condition, Be first to inspect. ZION $9,000 full price -- 5-room clapboard bungalow on large lot 70 x 390 ft., right across from school; forced air oil heating, low taxes, about half cash required, SERVICE STATION Esso station on No. 11 highway, situated on 1 acre lond, V3 all EXTRA GOOD VALUE Cosy 5 room bungalow, con- sisting of 3 bedrooms, ond living room, kitchen and 4- pee. tiled bath. Forced air oil heating. Recreation room with bar. Private drive to a large size garage. 42% mort- gage. Bus service every 20 minutes, shopping 3 blocks. Call Russ Reeve, evenings RA 5-4840. WANTED A LARGE FAMILY with free apartment for pur- chaser. Could be converted to five apartments, DUPLEX Hortop Ave. Four rooms up, four down with good income, full price $13,500 with $3,- 000. Would suit any size family. See this home today and give us a reasonable of- fer. For more information call this office. BASEMENT APARTMENT Whitby. Five room bungalow with four room apartment. Good income with rent free $11-900 INCOME HOME 2 family, 2-storey home, brick construction, Athol Street at Wilson Road. 7Y2 rooms, clean condition. Asking only $1500 down. Phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. SPLIT LEVEL LOOK! $1350 DOWN Six room brick bungalow, down payment includes, live ing room suite and rug, din- ing room suite, range ond refrigerator. W. T. Lamson, Real Estate Ltd. RA 5-8831. Fairlawn Street, 7 rooms, 2 bathrooms, aluminum storms and screens, Very clean home. Good area. Asking only $3,000.00 down. To inspect REALTORS RISTOW & OLSEN only $1595. st c in Oshawa, Smits Sports, phone RA 3.9311 or RA 8-59] 1955 BUICK, Super, 0 door sedan, automatic, two tome green and white, beautiful condition, only $1195. Smith's Sports, phone RA 3-9311 or RA 8.5912. "53 PONTIAC, Hg condition, Phone RA 5.7285 or treet, 58 ee Rly one owner car, in real good condition. Must be sold. MO 8-8594. '46 CHEVROLET, very good conditi $45. RA 51053, i '51 PLYMOUTH sedan, excellent con- dition, low mileage, $200 cash. YUkon 5.2505 Port Perry, '5ST METEOR A-1 condition, aving country, must sell MO 8-2646. "Phone anytime the exception of 5 to 7 p.m. '54 CHEVROLET, yea), good motor, one owner. Price $550. 5-2647. '53 PONTIAC a good _ condition, best offer. . Telephone RA 85-6656. 53 CHEV. convertible, radio, back- up lights, window WasBers, Apply 58 Hillcroft Street. RA 5-61 '59 CHEV. Belair sedan, A ToraiE, radio, whitewalls, wheel discs, padded dash, electric wipers, washers. Getting 25 miles per gallon. RA 5-8008. '58 CHEV., good condition, body work and new paint job. Must be seen to be appreciated. Selling for $395 or offer. RA 5-3710. '58 CHEVROLET, four-door hardtop, excellent condition. Will finance from 6 to 9 pm. 145 Albert Street. '53 CHFVROLET coach, excellent con- dition, very clean. 299 Drew Street. '56 OLDSMOBILE "Super 88" equipp- ed. Best offer. Telephone RA 58504. '0. FORD automatic, fordor, one owner, $1895. Telephone RA 5-2802, '85 CADILLAC Sixty Special. Full power equipment, reduced to $1475, Wilbak Motors, 137 King West. ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to 20 per cent. Six months to pay. For pessonm service at your home call RA places recreation carports, garages land- scaping. For appointment t inspect any one of our many exclusive listings call RA 8-5123 front bedroom, private central, RA ¥ SHED home, quiet, good locality 5-5748 TWO jurnished rooms, with refrigera tor, and cupboards, suitable for couple or bachelor, close to Duplate Apply 553 Howard Street NICELY furnished room, very central suitable for one or two people, reason able rent. RA 8-5526 FURNISHED room with two beds shared with friends, cooking privileges frigidaire. 57 Montrave after 4 p.m.| SINGLE room, board optional, central 8 minutes from downtown Home priv ileges Telephone RA 39 ONE furnished room, and kitchen fo couple. Also one furnished oom for gentleman. Apply 620 Simcoe Street] North ONE or two rooms suitable for one or two gentlemen. 116%4 Olive Avenue RA 8-8630 THRE furnished cooms privat bath _centraily located. RA 51607 | - asphalt, thriving lunch counter, plus sports equipment, approxi- | 7 room brick, 2V;-storey mate $100,000 yearly turnover. Owner selling due to poor home with garage, very cen- health. Asking $18,000 down. Full price $58,000, Open for trally located. Large modern offers. Pictures can be seen at our office. kitchen, family size dining LLOYD AYERS Sa heated. Low taxes. $2,500 REALTOR--RA 3- 2254 down. For further information living. Full price $11,800. with $3,000 down, one mort- gage for the balance. Shown by appointment only. DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR call Jack Appleby at. RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. RANCH BUNGALOW Attached garage, all stone front, finished room in base- ment with shower. Twindow and aluminum storm doors. All large rooms, decorated, , vanity in bathroom. Large lot, asking only $17,500 $5,000 down. Phone Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. CELINA STREET 6 room, 1V2 storey brick bungalow, 2 bathrooms, new furnace, low taxes, Must be sold at once. Asking only $11,900. Phone for Jack Appleby RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. N.H.A. RESALE $800 DOWN $800 1 yr. old brick bungalow, 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms. Near school and bus. Owner mov- ing to Toronto. To inspect call Jack Appleby RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. NEW--NHA 6% MTGE. 514 room brick home with al- uminum storms ond screens. Built in range and oven. De- corated. Many many extras. On Grandview. Carries com- plete for only $99. monthly, at only $2,000 down. To in- spect call Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. NEW---NEW---NEW ATTACHED GARAGE Marion Street, lovely 3 bed- room bungalow. Nearly com- pleted, Good area. To inspect call Jack Appleby at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398, GIVE AWAYS 3 room insul brick bungalow, very clean. 4 room insul brick bungalow with three pc. bath. 4 room insul brick bungalow, out of town. Call Bill Rat- cliffe for these buys at RA 5.6544. HOLIDAY SPECIAL 7 room, 2-storey brick home, Modernized throughout. Newly decorated. All large rooms, good location. Owner anxious to sell. Asking only $9,500 with $1,200 down. Call Bill Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544, JUST LISTED INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE 1960 DREAM HOMES AT BEAU VALLEY DAILY--2 P.M.-9 P.M, EAST OR WEST Whichever suits you best. Two, three bedroom brick bungalows, each close to pub- lic and separate schools. N. H. A. mortgages can be as- sumed ond early possession arranged. Call Paul Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings. SIMCOE ST. N. Six room, two storey stone ond clopboard home, taste- fully decorated and in excel- lent condition. Two car gar- age. Listed at $12,000, with $3,000 down. Please call Carl Olsen at RA 5-3412 or RA 8-5107 daily. NEW N.HA. 6% Five and a half room grey brick bungalow in the popu- lar east end listed at $13,- 890. Very attractive holly- wood style kitchen with Cali- fornia redwood cuboards and large bright dining area. Three bedroms, four piece ceramic_tiled bathroom with built-in vanity. Large living room with valance box over lovely picture window. Down payment just $2,579. To in- spect call Ray at RA 8-5107 CENTRAL 4-PLEX Newly remodelled and pre- sently rented, producing $270 monthly at modest rentals, Older red brick construction with new heating, wiring and plumbing, Offered at $22,- 900 with about $8,500 down or mortgage free house on trade. Call Paul Ristow at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-8152 evenings. HORTOP ST. Six room custom built bunga- low only four years old. 13' x 23' living room, full size din- ing room, 9' x 16' kitchen, three bedrooms. Lovely large recreation room with many built-in extras. Attached gar- age, deep lot. For further in- formation on. this lovely home please call Carl Olsen at RA 8-5107 or RA 5-3412 even- ings. We have to offer the finest selection f homes in Oshawa-Whitby and District, RA 8-5123 RA 8-5124 RA 8-5125 41 Gladstone Ave. call Henry Stinson, evenings Phone RA 8- 465) © RA 5-0243. corto LIST CO-OP THROUGH THIS OFFICE BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE St N. Members of Oshawa and D OO N - SWE Jfinkiny 5% Satins sot RA 3- 2265 or RA 8- 1624 REAL ESTATE -- INSURANCE Ee HY BRUCE $ m brick home clo JOHN A. J $1 ars old, roof 4 polafoop | Bre MITED kitchens WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 BRAND NEW NORTH-WEST AREA Five room brick home with 3 good-sized bedrooms, 4 piece ceramic tiled bath, storms and screens. Asking $12,700, full Brock Street South, Whitby-- cresn 9 ' 5 room clapboard bungalow | price with $2,000 sown, For --oil heating, $2,000 down YY particulars eo | To-day, Call Audrey Moose MO 8- REGARDING 4088 or MO 8-5853. YOUR OLD HOME WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRADE IN YOUR OLD HOME OR EXCHANGE IT FOR A NEW ONE? If you have an older home, the financially safe and sound way to buy a new one is conditional upon the satisfactory sale of your old home, LET US GIVE YOU A FREE APPRAISAL WITH ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGA- |, TIONS. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR MODEL HOME AT HILLSDALE TERRACE FREE CAR East on Rossland Road to Centra! Park Blvd. North Ltd Lioyd Realty 101 Simcoe OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM OPEN EVENIN SATURDAYS Two bedroom bungalow --- solid brick, oil heating. This well kept home is seling for $10,500 -- Low Taxes -- to heat. Call Phyllis MO 8-4743 or se to downtown, taxes only years. Full price $8,000. LARGE furnished ground floor room home privileges g t to share, Central. RA 8 TWO or one room for rent, suitable for single man. 46 Mill Street, After NET 6 p.m. RA 8.0290 | REALTOR S--INSURANCE FURNISHED room and small kitchen, | stove, refrigerator, TV inlet, parking] 167 SIMCOE S. space, walking distance South plant. | RA 57821 after 6.30 p.m | RA 5:6544 HOUSEKEEPING room in modern | house, suitable for young lady, close to | SPLIT LEVEL anly. Two mid. | PLUS INCOME town, shopping centre and hospital RA | a Street | Beautiful split level h 5.9647 SINGLE rooms, men utes from town, 142 C ROOM. for light housekeep- | ; sizae lor ing very central, bus, store at door,| "ith fireplace, in large L- | shaped living room. Com- pletely decorated ond land- scaped. Double garage. Plus a basement apartment for an RA 86844 LARGE furnished front room for two extra income. Terrific value $16,000. Call ot once for responsible girls. Phone RA 5.05 appointment, Ask for 'Ted $11 WEEKLY. two furnished rooms cooking privileges, also single room.| Cunningham ot RA 5-6544 or RA 5.2358 central. 180 Bruce Street between 4.5 p.m { $900 DOWN $900 3 bedroom solid brick b TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will | Located on Minds Parkay floors, solid birch kit- furnish Apply side door, upstairs, Ritson Road South after 6 p.m Many extra $12,500 ight keeping if desired nverted into a duplex bring a oil* heating, low me cc and bathrooms, Pickering -- 6 rom split level brick home featuring 20' liv- ing room and stone mantel, nicely decorated and land- scaped. Broadloom and tile floors, attached garage--Call Audrey Moore MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853 sgalow ideal for retiring couple, lo- 2 bedrooms, nice living room with heated, garage, room. cod down payment OSHAWA BLVD - Bu cated close to bus service, fireplace, dining room, oil Selling at $13,000 with gc PORT PERRY -- 6 room frame home on lot 132' x 165°, many fruit trees and berry bushes, 3 bedrooms, x 14' living room, oil heated. Full price $11,500 with $2,500 down '57 BUICK hardtop. Jutomatie, snow. tires, Telephone RA 3-411 '57 DODGE Standard ed and over payments. 78 Bloor West. NO DOWN payment, "54 Dodge, four- door, excellent condition. Must sell also "57 Ford Fairlane, fatty hi uipped. Phone RA 8-5943 after WILL sell for cash '53 Mons eon. vertible, body in perfect condition, new paint, radio, skirts, ww tires. RA 8-0569. '50 VAUXHALL Wyvern, needs repairs, Will 'sell as is or sell parts. tires radio, heater, etc. RA 8-5072. A DISCRIMINATING buyer hak the op- portunity to own this beautiful *58 Olds- mobile "98" two-door hardtop. Fully power-equipped, low mileage, the car s in immaculate condition. The cwner will consider any reasonable offer, Call RA 3-2124 between 5 and 6:30 p.m. '53 CHEVROLET sedan, exeationt con- dition, will finance from 6 to 9 p.m. 145 Albert Street. '49 MORRIS Oxford, Mary Street. RA 3. '59 PONTIAC rea four-door sedan, in excellent condition, with Sitoniatie transmission, radio, ete. 0. recreation take Small farm with 6 room frame home, 3 well with pressure system at house, Down payment $5,000. Price $12,- SEAGRAVE FARM, -- bedroms, barn with well, spring fed pond in pasture. 500 WILLOWBANK COURT -- 6 room brick home, forced oir oil heating, aluminum 'storms and screens, decorated. $12,800 MARY ST. -- Located in the north end in nice residential area, 5 room brick, 2 bedrooms, 12' x 24' living room, 4-pce. bath, oil heated, asking $12,900. AJAX -- Attractive 5 room brick bungalow, nicely decorated, 3 bedrooms, paved streets, 100 amp wiring service, aluminum storms and screens, Only $2,000 down. SUN VALLEY -- $1,000 down -- 5 room brick bungalow close to school and shopping, 3 bedrooms, 4-pce. bath, oil heating, early possession furnished 3 bedrooms, nicely Pickering -- 2-storey house in excellent condition--large living room with natural fire- place -- 4-piece bath with vanity. Call Mildred Bilida MO 8-2167 or MO 8-5853. Henry Street, Whitby---beau- tiful 6-room ranch bungalow with built-in stove and china cabinet. Large lot -- trees, patio, extras. Co-op Listing Call on these and our many other listings at MO 8-5853 anytime. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 Brock Street North MO 8-5853 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board e furnished rooms, stove, re. | private entrance, parking also furnished single 9 Centre Street TWO I: frigerat very roo nw SINGLE furnished room. Apply 41 Osh-| awa Blvd North | central unga- n St, low Me Avnly. 09 chen cupboards Full price $75.00 monthly . bedroom and ator, built-in cup and all conveniences y 887 Ritson Road South FURNISHED, single, nice, clean room, with or without light housekeeping, | central, close to hospital. Phone RA 8-5984 45--Real Estate For Sale E, $77 "monthly payment | andscaped decorated, minum windows and xtras, $12,800. Joseph | RA 5-9870, | | only rest and | principal. Don't miss this one | Grab the phone call Ted Cun- | ninghom at RA 5-6544 or RA | | 5-2358 | | | nte '50 CHEVROLET, $125. Apply 231 Bloor West or phone RA 8-3364. '55 PLYMOUTH V8, four "dont; radio, good tires, low mileage, Sxcullens eone dition. Apply 37 Fairbanks Si '60 CHEVROLET a auto radio, matie window washers, 5000 miles, Can ar. range trade or terms, private. Will sacrifice. Must be sold, $2695. 342 Frontenac Avenue. 52 FORD, in good condition asking $225. Call after 5 p.m. Apply 26 Wayne Street. '59 PONTIAC Laurentian, 17(000 miles, new car condition, will take trade $1995. 369 Drew Street. RA 5-8132. FERNHILL BLVD. -- 5 room brick bungalow with basement apartment. Ideal for couple or young family getting started. Oil ns heating, storms and screer RISSMOUNT AVE. -- A beautiful home to visit, a wonderful home to own. Modern in every way. G.E. remote control wiring, stone fireplace, excellent living room. Must be seen to believe. TRENT ST. $1,500 down will this beautiful 3 bedro bungalow with priv Large back yard landscaped. Immediate $400 DOWN | session. Buy now and settled before the kidd 6% MORTGAGES start back to school. For ap- Solid brick, decorated, Alum- gointmens_ call Howard. Me storms and screens, Cabe aot RA 5-6544 or RA T. Lamson Real Estate buy you 2 contact Mrs. Irene Brown, RA 5-3867 Roland Tierney, RA A 5- 5207 0 Re altor, Open Evenings & All Day . Saturday Mrs GOLDELL HOMES offers everyone UNUSUAL VALUE 1/2-STOREY, 6 ROOM BRICK HOME WITH SUMMER KITCHEN '56 RoyM Enfield motorcycle, cheap for cash. Apply 373 Olive Avenue. '51 CHEVROLET, radio, extras, re- 3-4164 RA 5-8831 THE GREAT WHITBY CLASSIFIED LIVF High a poultry, also feathers wanted | nark prices paid. Jake 8- -3644 collect. CREME cold wave $695 (regular $12.50) includes style, cut, oil shampoo imaginative stylist. MO FOR SALE -- Norge washing machine full skirt, pump, ex condition MO 8-3194 after 6 p.m WANTED -- Grade 12 Mathematics teacher two hours per week. Call MO 82466 BUNGALOW, automatic $65. Phone three bedrooms, full price $10,500 garag Owner 3 RE NT ~ Sleeping rooms or light ooms, with con 2 s 'Apply 305 Trent Street West, Whithy EXPERT ro otillir 1g for gardens and lawns. Don't call unless you want the best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 8-2614 NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq. ft., parking lot facilities. Call Professional Building, MO 8 nings. MO 8-4003 Feb 12! TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring share bathroom Also one furnished room for gentleman _Telepnone MO | iid between 5 and 7 FOR C.LL. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint and Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8- 52 o%y. AUCTION: Sale of Househcld Furniture fo The property of Miss | Elma Richardson, 305 Byron St. North, Whitby, Ont., on Wednesday Aug. 3rd at 6.30 P.M. 1 Dining room suite (good), 2 bedroom suites 1 piano (good). Numerous other articles. Ted Jack- son, Auctioneer. | e, | Or |ers FOR SALE -- Filter cleaner, $90. Phone MOhawk 8.4757 FOR RENT -- Apartment, three larye rooms, garage. Apply 135 Byron Stre South. Available immediately | | Queen vacuury | VALUE - COMPARE The A rnwood . ung moderns "Shit Tov 6 Rooms Big Bc Beautiful N.H.A. PRICE FURNISHED Three room apartment 7 n Whitby apartment building, Vaca PAYMEN August 1. Telephone RA 5.3214 . = {oo AY MENT FOR SALE - Rotten manure or com post, odorles: and weedless for flow | oI Shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone VALUE o COMPARE HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good | The Goldene down payments W McAuley Realtor | (MO 83231, Oshawa RA 32512 i SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary | Designed for indoor and outdoor way, new tanks installed Walter Ward {living -- patio, 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 82363. 9 NHACPRICE ...,...... v4 $13,660. DOWN PAYMENT .. $1,760. -- Your plan, SIX-room modern Northern Heights, 8-5964 Whitby. SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanitary way, new tanks Installed Walter Ward 204 Ci hestnut Wes phone MO 8.2563 brick bungalos $100 monthy. MO HOME owners -- Shingling, siding, In salation, eavestroughing, vainting, eash wrms. 225 Greer Whitby Phil Harper MO 28-4558. 49. SPECIAL, new Kelvinator deep freezes from only $279.95. For special prices on ranges, fridges, washers and dry contact Mid Town Furniture, The Appliance Dealer in Whithy 1981 or MO 8-5740 | HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents $10 per Boats & canoes $15 per OUTBOARD MOTORS 5 HP $16 per wk. 72 HP .. $18 per wk. SHE. $28 per wk. 30 HP $40 per wk. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 5 HP $35 per wk, 10 HP $42 per wk. 15 HP $47 per wk. We also rent stoves, lonterns cots, sleeping bags, etc WILDE RENTALS [ore ov = 202 emon Sales & Service 1415 Dundes E., MO 8-3226 Newest CHOOSE NO PIONEERING--CONTROLLED se to 3 schools, the new proposed McLaughlin High School Braemor Gardens is clc Braemor Gardens tion wk i Braemor Gar here wk. somenes: ALL EST GIVEAWAY of them all VALUE lot, is close to churches, shopping and transporta- dens is architecturally planned and controlled, no HOMES ARE DESIGNED FOR GRACE & SPACE by GOLDELL « + OPEN FOR INSPECTION | Every evening till dark | VALUE - COMPARE The Ridgeway The family home 4 bedrooms ~-- 2 washrooms Carport -- Family Room N.H.A. PRICE DOWN PAYMENT ...... $2.40, VALUE - COMPARE The Stanford Our contemporary favorite Bungalow -- 3 Bedrooms N.H.A. PRICE bricks, shingles, paint, etc. both public, separate and AND GARAGE. SET ON A SPACIOUS, LANDSCAPED LOT WITH APPLE, PEAR, CHERRY TREES AND GRAPES IN BACK. TOOL SHED FOR MAINTENANCE OF GARDEN. THIS EXCEPTION- ALLY CLEAN' AND WELL KEPT PROPERTY IS NEAR TO SCHOOL AND TRANSPORTATION. OIL HEATED, INSULATED AND LIVED IN. SELLINGs FOR $10,500 WITH LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND. $75 MONTHLY. CALL JOHN WACKO REAL ESTATE, RA 5-6569 OR RA 5-7472, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, s Rd. N. & Annapolis METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST. E. Dial RA 8-4678 BUILDING LOTS AT RICE LAKE Lakefront lots -- 75' x 200°, treed lakefront, $165 $1750.00, $2250.00. $9650.00, Back lots -- 75' x 200' close to water, beautiful lots at $700.00 with $100.00 down. COTTAGES at Rice Lake and Coesarea Caesarea--nearly new modern cottage. Completely finished and winterized, furnished, patio, barbecue, 12' x 12 cabin, also 16' boat included in low price of $4500. 00 with $1,00.00 down. drinking facilities, Rice Lake -- 3 bedroom cottage, Johns Mansville siding, finished walls inside, modern kitchen, pressure system, hot and cold water, excellent lot. $4500.00 with $500.00 down 3 bedroom cottages (new) wired, $3,000.00. $500.00 down. good lot, Suburban Stone Home -- beautiful 8 room natural cut field stone house on 10 acres of good land on paved road, 1 mile from Oshawa. Large rooms, oil heating. Call for an appointment, to inspect, Highland Ave. -- Transfer out of town brings this brick 5 room bungalow on the market. Complete in every way, landscaped and decorated, close to schools and new shopping area. Priced to sell at $11,500.00 South East Section -- $1,500.00 down, 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage on large lot, walkout basement, stone front early possession, 10 Acre Building Lots -- only 2 left, 4 just sold, 330, x 1320', good land close to Highway 401, Building Lot -- Jackson Ave., 68' 7x 103, sidewalk, tarred road. $2, 300.00 Ravine Building -- 70' x 132', treed, ravine building lot, open on 2 sides to park land, sewer and water, $3,500.00 5:30 CALL Marion Drew Joe Maga ... sewer, water and AFTER Everett Elliott vas 3-9290 Lloyd Metcalf .... Dick Barriage .... 5- 6983 8-4678 This one won't last at this price. Climbing roses frame this cute 5 room insul brick bungalow. Located close to downtown Oshawa. Aluminum storms and screens, all round. Laundry tubs and oil furnace in the full dry basement, Only $500 down at $7,900 full price. Call tonight for Ted Cunningham at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358. APPLE HILL $3,000 down, $13,990 full price, modern 5 room ranch style bungalow with finished rec-room and many other ex- tras. Must be sold. Call now for Ted Cunningham at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358. $1,000 DOWN $1,000 Why pay rent. When you can own your own home for so little down. Spotless 4 room bungalow, newly decorated. Hardwood and tile flooring. Taxes only $130. Owner mov- ing. Must be said. Call Ho- ward McCobe at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164. $600 DOWN $600 N.H.A. resale, only $12,900. Sodded back and front, fenced Rec-room has floor and ceiling completed with smart bar in- cluded. Three bedrooms. This is what you are looking for. Call Howard McCabe at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-4164. WHAT IS YOUR OFFER? Owner moving out of City WHITBY MODERN LIVING Just off No. 2 highway on a paved street of attractive homes in Whitby, this beau- tiful ranch bungalow awaits. Seven lovely rooms and a complete apartment on the lower floor for the help, plus. large recreation area. Attrac- tive covered breezeway, flag- stone paito and attached double garage all on a large beautifully landscaped lot with plenty of trees, shrubs ond flowers. Good value and asking only $34,000. To in- spect call Keith Lunney at MO 8-5823 or MO 8-2650 evenings. FAMILY HOME This lovely two storey picture home with eight large rooms and 2 bathrooms, also built- in garage and garden tool- room is flanked by other ex- cellent home and the lot is beautifully landscaped. T.V. antenna, drapes and rugs in- cluded ond complete with storms and screens, $26,000. Call Keith Lunney at MO 8- 5823 or MO 8-2650 even- ings. Phone either 19 Athol St. W. Oshawa office RA 5-6165 209 Brock St. S., Whitby MO 8-5823 Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board gon ipned engine, $150. Phone RA '59 SIMCA deluxe, A-1 throughout. Phone RA 8-0921. Service, 449 Ritson Road South, CLEARING at reduced prices and easy terms, 51 Chev., "53 Rambler, *55 Ford, *55 Chev. '55 Pontiac hardtop, '50 Chev. % ton pickup, Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's. RA 5-5646. WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. RA 5-0331 condition Fina otherwise home could not be 46--Real Estate Wanted bought, This home is located in a quiet residential district only 10 minutes from down- town. Beautifully decorated, oluminum storms and screens all around. T.V. rotor with tower. No. 1 broadloom in bedrooms, dining and living room. Inlaid vinyl plastic in kitchen and dinette, and bath- room floors. 2 baths with all walls tiled and vanity. Beau- tiful birch kitchen with built- in stove and canopy and ex- haust fan. This home is an exceptional good buy. Has to be seen to realize the value. For appointment call Howard McCabe ot RA 5-6544 or RA CASH TRADE UP DOWN OR LIENS PAID OFF RA 5-0732 FOR YOUR CAR WILBAK MOTORS SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER, VOLKSWAGEN SALES and SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. Tel.: 'RAndolph 3-3461 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (ust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res. 5-5574. ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE 408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 3-4164. MEMBERS OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD I; 53 PLYMOUTH coupe, dition, private. Apply 751 Stone Street or RA 35-5555. very good co |47--Automobiles For Sale n- CASH FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W. (Continued on Page 30)