BIRTHS 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 26, 1960 UN Standby So Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange | to announce brother, deri +0 ne TORONTO 11 AM, STOCKS Net Net Net ot ot . wi . By The Canadian Press Sick. Salts High Low 11 a.m vee ol sales High Low Il a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 1) a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a h'ge Proud parents yoreen t xchange--July 2 Econ Inv 1 3 52. 110 300 300 308 » Blgn-Bel 3 rents are Bud anc ' > ang Ee Gi 715. 1 16% 163 Hollinger 125 21% { ; | dend. leet Mig 100 int Moly Int Nickel 2900 325 MITCHE! St . . " jatinear 50 $34 34 38 Jn Steel I ' ¥ Adsouaie 3 4. 325 ; h 'By DAVE Mei1OSH [time J to scramble pound © Chatterton), are haby aRGY r Wos 0 4 : Viceroy B Ro oo 40 irish Coy 10 ( J Canadian Press Staff Writer and hurriedly put together the the s. 8 os. on aL Le ) INDUSTRIALS : 2% 325 32 5 Na 200 190 3 Ane Su 3 : 3 4 Ino bus 550. 38 3 : { O"™ AWA (CP)--The 2nd Bat- administrative unit which the UN : Net Qard Carpet 230810 30 W Cop wis : 0 50 Ans op i J Kerr Ada 00 $11 4 [talion ,of the Royal Canadian wanted. It was collected from sister for Susdn. 1 Soing we y 3 Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge pL 80 Si 82% Yoston B ; 35 4 Aumadque 2 7 ¥ 4 " Kileavhe 0 20 : /iment at London, Ont, prob-|various commands and units 2 ta Dis ELE TB mp. Of : 4 - 3 ip Si at * 1 3% +1 pig ; ably is beginning to feel that it is throughout Canada. Some men WHITNEY e B : 2s g 00 410 Be $1 1 Pgs Andian ( y s EF Mets 2: id ado h 47 a vs the best man, never the were called out for duty by mid (nee Harbron) of 316% ® t 5 Be : Ans Can 100 § ' adam 2 ee Lynx . 2000 : 7 groom, night telephone calls . . . 3 + 0 } Cc Fin $39 3 E b 2 5 62 " 0 79 ; The Y00-man infantry battalion Despite th lis unseeming haste General Hospital a . \ 2% i : ; Dupont 32 $16 5 19 Angst CAL SER ' 4000 37 3 365% is Canada's standby force on call|it was the Canadian administra Thanks to Dr. Orte \ 0 a 2 Ld N Ines 17 17 its 7 521% 2 2 igh p for United Nations|tive unit--signallers, supply of \ : 25 $19 1 9 andore 3 3 It Wrig ; 0 : uty anywhere in the world, ficers, engineers, transport driv. vo 8 58 y oi 20 25 inex 15: mEsn LE aiti-M 2 2 3 But e time the UN hasjers, medicals--which made the DEATHS N qa a 4 3 0: 5) iley § 3 5 49 . J 3 Ne 1 2 A 4 Canada for assistance, UN Emergency Force in Egypt 3¢ ot 15% 4 ' Ban $114 14 14% 5 1 1 0 1 i 5 5 ow x ' q he exception of Korea, thetic BA 2 2 ' 5%%¢ 5 82 \ . win om o 1as not been for infan When the Congo situation arose DENBOLY is I i 3 d-West 155 ! "x Gas 200 150 15 niaga 1 N Mlams oe: 2 rymen but for much less glam- about three we ago, Canada family Fesidence A IC Pow 5S y : J au A : : - fa 300 60 Nick Rim ) i 3 bo adminisirative personnel, [had its infantry battalion ready Y beloved husban Anne K - 3 2 fi 1 2 20 ; e 9 s § Mapas adatit 3 : 14 ( 1 yo 7 This has hapoened again in the to go h A F ; a NO NGas 1 1 2 J Q'srien No). L and of the current, But, again, the UN didn't want one " ; : ; : ; NW Util p ; y 359 an. : 56 : ; 3 : - Congo situation and thus called| Canadian infantry. It wanted the with memorial s e it [ 2 age-Hers ] 0% 9 20% oP 1 2 A ng 3 30 at 1 2 24 4 into question the makeup of Can-| Canadian Army's administrative Thursday. July 2 B Brey Sy Th. % n ! 8 Doe P ! 10. 600 610 2 yw om ot pers 2 4 4 wda's standby UN force know-how en aw t the Funera A 100 38 ) ) N Gas Rx p ' name 5 + y 500 ick ¢ ; > 3 | External Affairs Minister| : ; de pda Gn I. pu ay 8 9 Gas ve 8m el em 2 ) 9 : ; : informed the - Commons| FROM VARIOUS UNITS $ Royal Bank 86° 3 Mill City 5 7 7 i 4 Portage ] 1 Monday that the UN has asked! And again the government, this Russel 2 : ¢ N Cont : ) » : Se puso! ! 1 ply personnel as well as time a Progressive Conservative a 14( 3 3 Lily 10 3g ' 0. is } y Q@ Met! 0 7 % . allers and that Canadian sol: administration, had to tell the Shawin 5 Ponder 47 Snda 3 10] Quemont 850 80 | n these tra are being army fo r und up the necessary Simpsons 25 $a% 2 % Prove om 3 ) 3 ) 3 a Rayroe > ou ed against tropical dis.|men from various units across St Radic 5 13 Fr 3 p 3 y " : Rowan Cons ® 7 72 € Canad St Wire 5 95 5 3 k 200 + dig 83 183 tio Algom 1 ) 643 ] 2nd Battalion, Royal Cana- 8 6 s Submarine i 3 5 3 dv A a any A San Ant § UN FORCE PROBLEM dian Regiment, is r to move Inad OO 3 : 3 7% 7 10 710 ney ; a 4 fic said the govern-/on short notice and is equipped yne BE, " Whi Sil A ment wi >» to give serious| for tropical or Arctic operations. Y ) ) stan ) ¢ 1 once ie 1 8 } administrative personne Stan raigh d out 1 an"t be moved as quickly, even country's U f the RCAF had enough trans EE Fa S2t ON PARLIAMENT HILL force, a5 Sues oti. co] POLL Plamen handy. = Fo CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING - Ler ere 37 eet of mnie vin pe, ; Continued from Page : Own R ta jue UN. dut DpSther for 2 ai? fia. My . eo, ® Ihe A @: Opposition Rakes iis i on me sh . 5 anted a anadiar } teful The army ¢« survived by 2 50--Articles For Sale 51--Swap & Barter \ . f bh Vion ) a : ion ar A en 3 ep a group of ad- great granc 3 al at 1 r nnnel aiting at the R Kan KITCHEN dt THREE ece et ; f ris : a Lae Fsonnel .waling (Yonge St t t : o wround with nothing to adminis- on Wednesday Re wre * ai builtin. RA 31003, o ws : , i 3 AIR TRANSPORT . V T ls Overatien: iu the meir'te Brn igor | Fulton Ove Fy ' Toronto Stock Market GERROW { Al € € ARPOEL | r NOTICE OF Canadian Press Staff Writer 1 | I the most ¢ 0- much of the 400,000 words LIA DE ee t yb POSTPONEMENT OTTAWA i 130 ntious one dealing with resale! re the. tomnitiee col CHAPEL mn, : ve CITY oF QA OT 1 ud Br consi ho mews nore Traders In Doldrums Kindness be 0 tric ; i e nd MORE AMENDMENTS vas "good slation vet within reach on : 2 RE NG J Z 96( And 1 t \ ROBBINS ? TORONTO (CP Trader I t . AWE TICE t 1 plication i Vheele ¢ t 1 1 amendments, Both Liberal of t bill Provisior | Toronto Stoo k RA 8 2 tian off] Lir t r nl i CCF parties appeared to 2 Toug: lune C atior y session sees prices of tore for Mr. Fulton, who was i %: 2) : losing side of an I 1 ) he n 1eir attack almost sir Hull) who put or a stable trading scale. om 5 aie nti tial ded] Pickersgill ( ( ista-Twil st week, the Toronto indus-|electic Is pr it ome in gate g ee- 1 trial market dropped 14 pointsivestors ting th hands out of comedy to say f w nd began this week with a fur- their pocket nesses had opposed over er decline, Monday, the index por p ment amen nts I ¢ 0) ) 472.81 ter earl NEW YO AP Ie stock by M Fulton. anothe ti its lowest point since last market skidded sharply Monday : a ut a vote, it broad The hotte part of ¢ ber after being unable to maintain an joint opposition. other ' ned th definition of mer-! combines legislation a govern Some Toronto investors say the|early rise, Trading' was slow ¢ v Liberal ¢ Y ior ¥ 1el fiel not spelled! ment amend nent to allow manu- decline is due to prices reaching| Losse pread through the Conses i 2) y in legislati facturers or suppliers to refusela more realistic level after *in-|steels, motors, chemicals, rails, ot to distribu their products ¢ gd prices of the post-war|tobaccos, building materials, air- t-missiles and electronics ids leader 1 bel ure to pe I y k traders see the| Brokers blamed disappointing amends the Combines ron Products could also darkeni international situation|second-quarter earnings reports Investigation Act and the Crim ithheld from merchants 10 as the cause for cold feet amongland worry over international ten- A ir nal Code came under fire at 24|use misleading advert rf n and Wall Street does|sions. J ¢ : ve T y Fup ror} al 1 y-clause fers meetir of the House banking who refuse to- supply proper ser Toronto The Dow Jones average of 30 Ph. RA 8-3111 RA 8-8876 Whit ow in th City dsor ; rior - to third 1. fing rading.' committee ices | Trouble in Cuba over oil and/industrial stocks registered its ; do ! ' the Reg . col thal ia r holding . trouble in 11th consecutive decline, drop~ . " foi J Athy vid C tO Th bh ' rica with its huge mineral ping 8.19 to 601.68. IN MEMORIAM CTE R EG a3 > 25 Ge ndon nd fing Ab) deposits, ana further large North| Losers included U.S. Steel, off ---- ¢ spaad . ar f sq ¢ { A American investments, , ,[$1.12 $78.75; Youngstown, off ( ' sserit vo ond uble in the Middle st . . .[$2.50 at $97.50, Ford Motor Com- HURREN - y 1 REM iC p 'or fe y ay the uncertainfy of markets for pany, off 87 cents at $61 and pig x . : , bedro imit of soid lot has c arir o betweer anada"s own oil and a lack of lastman Kodak off $2.12 at Br ree] PETRI RE: | of a More Federal Aid | | Frost Toll Government of our daughter, V py wi t price bo wJ'\%s ot = pon! } ; ensee from jv ALAN DONNELLY r personal and corporation deal: boosting of equalization us suddenly J : t e 8 2 e Mink roa a: TEVA nd 5 Canadian Press Staff Writer come taxes and all of the sue. payments to match the tax yi! 1d ear ; > Jon eny OTTAWA (CP More provi duty, in Ontario: easier credit pol 1.) S un Wu wn ow' long the road 4 i . ; tant " ToS 1eads t EC ah hs \ r o > |cial demands for added federal The present tax-share deal pro-|in the Atlantic province ores o (| F cet W y a ng : la \ to be 1 J t 1 with 1 oncessions & rapital gr | Are memo : YD cL v te : 0 be ble| vid yvinces with roughly Sonces or a tr a a of By DON BEENEY "Keepin 1 " € BABYLAND " A / 9 i srsonal ine ,| encourage ndus trial develop tt k of personal income ment: federal constructio rel Canadian Press Staff Writer lot awa one-fifth of corporation in-|™ rpUera | CORI on of . x . Frost s x. and half of succession|Chignecto Canal across the nar-| OTTAWA (CP)--Premier Frost gur eonst p 2 ( a v i ' row neck of land betwéen New of Ontario said Monday at a ihe pd Dada: na J : Se ; ' ; the - proposals from fh ttawa also makes equaliza- Brunswick and Nova Scotia press conference that the 50-30 ghow.™ N 3 t n 3ric | yrovincial premiers s t vments to the less-wealthy Premier Shaw of P.E.l A| split of personal income and cor- LYO! r ; | "substantial increase" in federal| poration taxes he demands from mother anc ¥ . N re © fe ¢ t 'd irom e certain province 0 boost their per-cap . » ny 1 boost the Atlantic econ-/the federal government would fed b ge demands yield from this 'standard|2id to 0 come as well wer amendment from Frank POWERFUI € t t ! ! y Hak an k nes 1 I ard CF --Ske¢ w 1 nd rnight for gov- merchants 10 use them as It heyde) craf un their his brief to the conference, Iso proposed a reciprocal tax {ion Brean tat b 1 | CC tion arrangement and one " \ mprove services rais Lh "OV PS rompletely 1 » the average level OMY, improve ser and raise ye provmces SO tax collection agency, either at ithiest provinces, |!@XIng capacity "to a leve e lo manage the v "| the provincial or federal level, in : ! 4 ' { . | Sh v where s ; fins | . pro CARD OF THANKS ; mit of twenty-four | the tok Sodbiie ? 1 ke : ntarie and British Columbia, [Where Special financial assist cial alfal the fields of income tax, corpora. & A300 fe : | hear repre . r 1 I X II no longer be neces t Dominion- tion t : ssi i Mo Premie Lesage also handed | de® Earlier, he told the ax and succession duties. ttaw expected news that od provincial fiscal conference that| Onta would even agree to ntends for now Premier Benne f I he only alternative in Ontario to collect all federal succession du- ¢ collect federal funds/lumbia: A tax shan ; the/such a formula is ao indirect|ties and corporation taxes within hambe 1 h-ceil ailable for hospital insurance|Provinces one-quarter of the per- provincial sales tax the province and make all its Common ay commil- and the Trans-Canada Highway--|Sonal and corporate ome taX| ye declined to estimate the/Decords available to the federal state programs from which Que-|fields and half of succession|,. uni of money that would ac-|government. 1eretofore held aloof. |duty: federal contributions to al... io the Ontario treasury if Failing an equal tax split, the announced plans to|NeW national medical care insur-|yy o faderal government agreed federal government. should agree of Alberta. launch a hospital insurance pro-|@nce plan; joint action to expand the new tax-sharing arrange-|to an amendment of the British Saskatchewan and! gram |. 1 str another blow|{ransportation and communica ment he proposed, but he said North America Act so the prov- : 0 oC i ood of Newfoundland ince Ministe Fleming's| HONS services; trade boosting ie would result in lower munici-|inces would have authority to im. by] ves, i ect. R 7 3 point on the w d tended the ruta » to follow, rounding on ' ra $12,000,000 budget|/moves including a reduction in| "ove pose an indirect sales tax io z . i p ' SW rg Shi ma I 1s from the ie fiscal year ending|the Canadian dollar's exchange" 1d 1 Sal ¢ t March 31. These hopes have Value Any surplus monies oC vor NEEDY SERVICES ¢ goes ind clo 0 ready been dimmed by a lag|. Premier Roblin of Manitoba: returned to the Ontar 0 iaxpa) ol The provinces would be able te ard from the 3rd | expected rate of economic Broadening of federal fi ijby way of tax reductions, A€ .,,5ort their own hospital insur- st. 1960 to . {WILL MEET AGAIN rowth measures to overcome "eco ex eee |@nce schemes and many other ; 3 y t 1960 One more conference erhap {nomic inequalities" among. prov [needy services if they had ade- WADE r t y : r i id twenty-fiv TRANSPORT BOARD two, is expected fo be 1 be- HUGE BITE Inces; more revenue sources to » quate funds, he told reporters SOITOW We e to tha SPY } $ 2% C fore & al solut 5 E « Quebec's entry into hospital in-{pay for education® inclusion of «" in friends, neigh : ) £4 e ly J D. F. Qui Ya tavsha ; urace--at: an. estimmed SH0-imetal abt Lihat on - Parliament | "On equalization payments to n-w hdd pra t 1s Er. 3 ' ncine $ . ; a i 1 ' the Atlantic pr 0 1 Secretar + , Drovir Secreta place the pre -year ar-/000,000 annua! cost to the federal| costs in hospital insurance ttle that So ne er aL - & $$ 8 or ai, Smith for hi r A e 3 vr fea p ement March i 5 i take a big bite|federal p : ment for 5. a "1 would give the ine Di veare, . ns Bopd 8 t : S R : (31, 1962 Fleming's budget in the| power generatic t-A ance A veal oy give hem Sener [ekons and | e \ Fp HE a. : . t r ays etirement | Prime Minister Diefenbake 4st quarter of this fiscal year.|ing and. vocat YA hun -- f P \ The federal gover > WA and neighbo nd W ' istance d conference chairman e no, |The Ontario and Quebec pro- the unemployed e federal government should BOWMAN HARPER Chapel for Funeral Home 1 Dot Te Teriouoinic : VE w A A 65 lindication of what specific pro- posals would involve major de By THE CANADIAN PRESS [have no difficulty in getting other : ~ p 2 ches 1 ' | aicatior I [LH t | < n & da) DR " reve 5 38 » i 8 "" igs. Gordon Wade : ym 1 C rong t ge [posals the federal government|parture from the complex sys-|PUAL APPROACH Monday, July 25, 1960 Preven oDecnis ot has im: thot te re c on t uth } NA {may make when he opened theliem of federal grants for wide| Prem re S ay proposed tod The Commons opposition dug dir, Bs Po) TS of i, py Bon a © Roman' Wiat wn parallel with the south: TORONTO (CP)--Arbitrary re-| conference Monday variety of shared-cost programs. @ double-barreled attack Nin for a last-ditch fight on the ect a q Jag rest elds - - a t through |[firement af 65 is T ay But he urge a TI ag { Premier Lesage said Ottawalada's fiscal problems bas 1 ha ' i 'Let em 'e eir own f =) " ; + nf ABER \ . dd Wh l ! 1 bi I tide id awe h overnment's contentious com- Y ry . Please Note NOTICE TO CREDITORS § imencement {M-year-old Dr. George keep in mind the *'ver) i d get out ¢ is field com-|an immediate increase 4 nines bill, peppering it with pro- Jones, i ad perm op ; c arc has a chord equiva i S : re: aia " WW Otaws hoth!n \ i £ ovinces payments to ti ovinees | ig : ents," he said adding that up. Deadlines: vow in. ete - AND OTHERS ] ome men may be ready | ereases" made by Otta 0 ete vield t provinces! paymen 1e province "| posed amendments der the Fans arrangement On- lent one hundred ond one feet [retirement then while others ma 1 te e | » : rs to[re-assessment of needs and re. 3 hares . | t V a¥lunconditiona ax pay- | adde i 2 powers to a men nee a Eigh ppositi sndments this colun e te of on ne-eight inche be entering their phase of best|ments and abateme \ \ p programs alone sources of federal, provincial and| p ODF ' I Nol end ar] tario is subsidizing the have-not Births, Memoriams, Card NE ale Y 1°10 measured roduction.™ | conditional paymenis for shar Frost made no such|municipal governments . wl iu iv Liberals and CCF|ovr ices at the expense of ifs -- Dec C f ff hd ¥ ee A i s AL. $f gm pana t of whic e 2 3 h Thanks hee > uth Hy To support his contention he|cost programs Ke ways, || at the conference. But| Concluding an address inter split--one received conditional ove growth . 9 AM VE ersons degrees twenty-three mr ffers his sxberience Sinpel welfare hospital aranc < conference he indi-lrupted Monday when the Domin dditional revenues would R 5 » 5 A offers his own experience. Since| welfare d hospita rar 1 I conference he indi-| : eptance and another was set " DEATHS ~ 1gair t 0 23 returning as a professor of the|These had risen to an est ed 1e feels Ottawa should get|ion-provincial con ference ad-|4°COPH " mean that Ontario could contri : ibid . . Universit 0 uw. A Feet oe at ' i. . {journed, Premier Shaw proposed|°Ve bute more to municipalities and 1AM ¥ ( JE I t ever y | University of Toronto at 70, he|fotal of $1,258,000.000 ome of these programs, a Just Minister Fulton con- AE Df h f ' ear § \ has had time to indulge his|from $644.000,000 four years : ud hospital insurance, pro-| these changes in the current tax ustice lnister {expand industry and business. DIA 3.3 x 3 x | A nduige hisi irom / x y I . ap Raameaita tended that much of the evidence| -------- , passion for Canadian history and The On ¢ Premier Frost/vided Ontario gets its tax-share|sharing arrangemen given on the bill in the House has written two studies on rose r 1 blockbuste fe-| demand 1. A payment to the provinces i y | mar ased, who dic 307 W 0 , ' banking committee confirmed it| rol + 18th' dav ¢ y C rallel ie shell 3 v \ on ther provincis »m ier sof 15 per cent of federal personal] 3 Doom abou y ¢ Riel Rebe ion. He now is work- mand | 1 ould Other provincial p r en L: ad => Soni of fet 1 Iso Haut islation. bat: Liberal ommies an" ng on his memoirs alf of persons ne yrporation speaking Monday took an oppo lectior She > iy . inc s sllected within its|site approach, calling for added|cent of corporation pr md CCF MPs quarrelled with } ¥ ranslator of German works ax A oy A th iterpretation U.K. Businessman Peron] Retrtooes to the § n |and author of textbooks on Eng.|boundari yments by Ottawa in" this Per cent of succession duties in- thy WON EMAE wo orl a@ST FOTOVET t ement 8 terature, he say "I have] ( wegument about fed ared-cost field stead of the current 13-9-50 for C Nigra he +p i ted| i atur ays 2 : 2 en said 4 | Dies In London ! ) X © tk 3 rice ained considerable wisdom| eral ability to pay: he de As well, the other premiers all mila ? my Sad oi oe so DETROIT (CP) -- The first 4 1¢ Foot : i |since reaching 85.' lare ¢ st apply." wad proposals for a sweetening] 2. Equalization payments based|army = pers eine 'hinese sea *" ptain to bri LONDON (AP 1 i y } 3 H : ria | \ Ar 1 of 1 late di-|of the tax-share and fiscal-aid/or 'the wealthiest province--On- munized = against tropical dis-| shiv: I a Caps . Ik ring a Near bu ABD. 21 : Ji 4 e has hrst-hand knowledge of t Pp ; pI vents tawi akes tari instead the 'two| eases for possible Congo duty ; into t reat Lakes sai . year - old busine after t § ; and 106 ah the Riel Rebel aving been| cated tl remier | ost's hi pa i nts Otfawa make fo a fest a io. an " hb Fulton charged that ring-| Monday communism is just an. newspaper owne ¢ f ere e abutting a corporal with the Queen's Own|P0Sal. applied 'to a. Provinces. them IColumbis 3 ) « f the Chir gra.|Other chapter in China's great gd Hg : : 2 ther old mora thap tr take {Columb ¢ he Chinese immigra- 8 he was being tre ) } Rifle ; : t from per 1 ar DEMANDS SUMMARIZED 3. The y cl s to be racket ave trying to force tragic history $ 2 A 8 cars of service, he is the regi-| "0 Be Cn cn 000. I In summary, these were some|made for the final year of the/ members of the Chinese com. "It has been this way before it's oldest surviving member ir main request Current: aitansement v y' 'ox mity to. refuse to. co-operate With China," said Tsin Chi Chen, n the campaign. W injury suffered y 7 ) i ~ dT, 5 oo 1 me: everal months a J " cently a te tooth $563,000,000 on the basis of t of the | . y S Ii hear in | r and recently attended its 100th| ar figure Prémie infield of Nova Sco-/pires March 31, 1962 with the RCMP investigation 4 ain ot the freighter South. . ia "Substantially increased| 4. An adjustment grant, supple A. Bell, parliamentary |ern "Venture "and it may be of Melbrook, Ont., he BREAKS PRACTICE revenues' from a new tax deal; mentary to the t ntal pay-secretary to Finance Minister|a8ain, But communism cannot He was associated h m £ b 2) 5 anniversary dinner he of the great me 3 y i v per claims tho A native Journalism n , € was educated at the University] Quebec's w Liberal premier, |expanded equa zation payments ments, considerably higher than Fleming, said Canada intends to] [last forever, the Second World War - ¢ o¢ volow. of Toronto and Leipzig. He joined|Jean Lesa broke from the based on a pr ovipce's tax-rais-{the present annual adiustm join the proposed 20-nation Or-| The Venture is docked at sub. a group of trade i chnical} : lic ' he U. of T. staff in 1891 practice of Union Nationaleling abil eater federal| grant paid to each Atlantic sanization for Economic Co-op-/urban Ecorse periodicals In 1 43 1 ed| hers ; ; . . He drinks little, eats sparingly|predece by pre ting th ar or health hospital con-|:nce, PE.I now ts' $2,500,000 eration and Development | The captair and his family fled rom THe Blo . : I Tr a wd has ne er : smoked Buy. asf rst t ha oposal ever {( tion hospital insurance, and the othe r Atlantic provin Tuesday, July 26 {Shangh in 1949, two months be. Dy iateres ily : : hia ; 2 on ges E 3 5 a eine ron hat pro nee. i i hw ays. fokic ; Ne $7,500,000 each in annual adju { The Commons meets at 11 a.m.|fore Communist forces entered Telegraph of London Oshawa, Ontar i parents." YY are of oid for a 'provincial Bremicr Robichaud of Newiment® grants ending March 31 EDT to continue the combinesithe city. He now lives ia Hong i ' 3 share of one-quarter of the take Brunswick( A better tax-sharing' 1962 debate. The Senate sits at 8 p.m.'Kong