12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 26, 1960 wisn 1HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [a : 44--Houses, ats |44--Houses, Apts., Flats 1--Accountants 13--Gardening & Supplies 17--Money To Loan ;22--Radio Repairs 29 Summer Properties (36--Female Help Wanted How ae 2 Apts Fi For Rent | . muda ne epi WAITRESS -- full art-time. A or Ke MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEL, and CLASSIFIED AD RATES | TREE removal and pruning service. [SWAPS are tops in Oshawa So FT radio, installed while-U-wait, used| or ae wa Loi fg pom Tet 1. iid Co., Chartered Accountants. RA 5.3527, WHitehall 2-2205, Pickering. Classified. Read the regular swap|TV's, repairs TV, HLFi, radios, small| rr WILSON oad North at Lansdowne -- 135 Simcoe Street North; Ajax WH 25 words or less || ------ tere ------------|offers every day. They're unusual, ex-|appliances. Electronics Service Centre. WANTED -- hairdresser experienced, $105, new 2-089. Cash Charge §| ANY kind of garden work by expert.|citing and interesting. 81 King West. RA 8.3211. | Kawartha Lakes for pistiime bei Nain bese Fo Bl Li living room, sepa |$%0 % mont "HA 599. 178 Albert 3 E Di i crs reasonable rates. RA 8-iass. | ax; ! ys rate dining room, to suit, 25a Audriore Cor Orn Bate on 3 ONE uTvE = IV: 2amio; car radio eval. | Ry oo fe Be Bo S 2 kes. Thompson Electronics, 7 1 ki 0 August 1. SMALL four - room bungalow, outside Soe TT Owes, Quelle. Ral, CONSECUTIVE COMPLETE MONEY TO LOAN (Eile Senne: RA sma rear." EARN Call." iariet, Hodson 97984. 204 conveniences, Lawson Road, $45 mont: i 1 | Avenue Road, Toronto. VRE FREOLANER FO TER $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for LOTS AND | : Co. E YREDLATE wad avis [oR It not paid within 7 days the GARDEN SERVICE immediate loon on First and SAVE--SAVE--SAVE EXTRA MONEY THREE - room flat, private bath. hot MODERN ranch bungalow, thmee-bed- ates 23 is Va FOR ji ginal ! ; Second Mortgages, -Agree- Agents, Clubs, etc. Sel] [|water, adults only.' Apply 31 Albany|room, jarge 3 dving room, dining room, awn, hn. Fue CA: ¥. orders for consecutive insertions Gavejens Plaughed, sad, ments fer Sale, on year! gn TV. TOWERS Canada's finest Xmas cords, Street. Phone RA 5.3760, 117 Bell Drive, Whitby, MO 8-4972, Subsequent insertions ordered at a landscaping, wood cut, improved property, residen- : Novelties, etc. Over 250 |THREE - room apartment, with bath, ix ZIOPRING and Company, Cort later date constitutes a new original removed tial and industrial, city, sub- | Do it yourself kit items includnig Deluxe, central couple preferred, close to hos. |TWO room basement partment, Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. RA [J °rder - urban and country, and Sum- ° ¢ | : Rel 5 V, h s Street. private entrance, aerial, ph Professional and Business i s $1.10 to $1.60 per foot. | 'Lindsay dist t Pigeon eligious, elvet, Chrome, 5:3509. $7.50 per month for 3 line RA 8-1 798 mer cottages. s y : He Everyday and Personal cards. 4 lg Ju ished house trailer. lhydro, water, $15 weekly. RA 52074. THREE - bedroom house rent, UNFURNISHED rtment, central, Cottage lots $1,000 and up. Dolls ond Jewelry. Many [one child loom ea decorated, jue yaar did Wn, Raw Sour? gE Jugun We will custom build and fin- Gift items, Prompt Service. [new home, three-piece bath, heated, | » BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting |} Each additional line $100 per | -- rt-------------- | Lake, 54 miles from Oshawa Services offer complete bookkeeping || month. CROSS T NAY Summerland Securities Lim- | OSHAWA TV Wraps, Ribbons, Toys, Books, AY services Jor small uses, 1 ood, Each initial letter, abbreviation, YVYi ited, 112 Simcoe Street Street West, Room 1. ice -0397. , figure, counts : > Pg Bo Yoon c sin: tious I SOD SU PPLY Noh, Oshawa. Phone RA 361 GIBBONS ST. Aull For. colored. catalogue - ond heavy wiring TV outit, private en. Otiaws Times. I D. WILSON, Chartered All Classified 2 once your cottage isplay samples on approval, write rance. Cal rew Street. HOUSE -- seven Toms, Saved arive a | Accountant, Oshawa, Ontario. RA | MUST be in by 5 p.m. the day be- A-1 ro tilized sod cut RA 8-81 8180 cottage open for inspection, W. V. Jeandron Greeting AEARTHENT good location. Phone int EM 3.9084, fore publication. Office ho | resh daily, prompt delivery. MONEY T0 - Plenty of shade trees, good Card Co., 1253 King St. E - 8-5, Saturday 8-12. Sy s | enty of shade trees, goo a g VL E. i ~ room, furnished apartment,| THREE - room apartment, private 2--Barristers € igior tote | Hamilton, Ont private; | bath. "Avply_ $39 Albert Street. Tele- ¢ . fishing and boating Via ramon, un 7 FRAMERS, BA, Darsisier, 30 || | The Oshawa Times shall ot be A 5-8504 V TOWERS Wighweys: 401 dnd. 35 to Abul 81 Huron ret > = Office RA 339015 Residents RA S358 |] mente submitted otherwise. thom in i LOAN d: ; f 3 t TOP-NOTCH TWO - room furnished apartment, third OWNER, rand Te Torr, Jovel Office RA 5.3741; Residence RA 35-5542. |] ments submitted otherwise than i LANDS CAPING | 40-ft. self supporting tower. | Lindsay cut-off, turn right on |floor, conveniences, heat. lights, ecen- Took: BOWMAN, David L., Barrister, Solici. | ¥iting, nor for more than or CF | Hot dip galvanized. No paint. | N 5 mil just: 560 Phone RA'3:5180 ing take. aluminum Storms. fished avid L arrister, ' ® ; . SERVIC os C re nile d » 8 ls tor, 314 Simeos South. RA 5.9592. Resi. | incorrect sation of oye , SERVIC Monies for all types of mort- Complete with new Wave. | Tiée shld SECRETARY | THREE rooms, second tio, dence, RA 80264 | Boi PRI v nursery gages; for first ond second Morr | Then county road to property ed. cf children welcome, $50 monthly. RA (low down payment. RA 3.3876. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, | the advertisement ir r . y.3 ravel, sand mortgages on all types of real 4 a taile {| 6 miles. Follow yellow ond | TWO b apartment, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for [| uc Ang ois reverve the o oF AE estole inehuding Vasant Tondss Total price, instal a I lock oriche morked "Sdn | Position open for an enter- |FIVE room winterized cottage st Bow: private Sntrance, stove, dmmperies, first mortgages. 20 Simcoe Street North, 15 classify advertising according to i . . C guaranteed for year, 7. c OWS marke ~ } ache | 5 cretary to assist the manville West beach, large lot, $45 i large se of ) Free 'estimates short term mortgages for Lots ond Cottages" prising. se y month. Apply 60 Hunt Street, Bowman. (hydro and heat. Telephone. ¥ RA 5-7001. s anc tta v le. h McG , QC; sification A , : | RA 5.3566. Charles C. McGibbon, its own classification, ED KNOWLTON builders; - first and: second TV Enterprises vale all:<channel antenna Edgar F. Bastedo, QC In the case of display adver be president of a progressive |Vil THREE-roomed apartment, with _pri- JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA, Barris. | ments The Times will not t eld RA 5 47 mortgages and agreements Phone or w frass So company located in the ex- TWO apartments for rent, two rooms vate entrance and three piece bath; ) ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street | responsible for m for sale hased Apply | Ct 2ealty 29 Elain St. Wes on main floor, or four large roms on also built-in cupboards, refrigerator North. Phone RA 8.3511 that in which = Soe Purchase Lipp 23 Drew. Elgin St. West, panding town of Ajox. Must [second floor or will rent together. Ccr-|and stove in kitchens bus stop at door. Ne Dh. neavour GRANDV View M. Swartz, 26% King Street 3 358 r one FA 4 ret ner of Prince and Bond Sirests. also [623 Olive Avenue. HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman, || occupies. The pu A ud - / Fac yale L . ) al ' have ability to interpret bo- Solicitors; R. H. Hum.|| to reproduc ! ) "AN CJ ast, Oshawa. Telephone RA : tt: Solashtd y Pp small store or shop, APPISITHREE room, seif.contained apari- we "Boy hyn, BA; W. A. |] correctly but assumes SOD SUPPLIES 3-4697 Je id 'g gsman_ on sic instructions ond anticipate 26 Prince Street, A381 or MO ment, continuous hot water, heavy duty ing Street East || if any Inoccuracies in a © A ' . |23--Women's 3 Column i Sal y y | wiring near Shopping Cente, bus stop, ' Office, RA Res, RA || of advertisement ore contained Vy ze in rarkls 18--Loan Wanted SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $8.30, ma, , =e ----| requirements. Salary COM: |FEREE room upstairs 'apartment parking space, immediate possession. or Whitby MO 8.2761; RA 55200, | therein. 3 ce. - -- (Cold wave $600 Hairdressing, 3 1--Articles For Rent mensurate with experience | with Winnie ul Pes: Separate en: |RA 5.6106 RA 37534 Money to loan. liveries for Oshawa anc [810.000 on $60,000 security, #o0d Toler. |S, ave S6l0. Page H . ond ability. PHONE $rance, | cen'? a pn Anes TWO - bedroom a arian $00 per JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici-| ¢ t F na for Tu est, terms to suit lender Summerland | - CEMENT C refrigerators, onth; or 3 lolary Securit Ami 2 & North, | 1s. 'wheslt I ' Fy * . tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street 8 Building Trades ial rates for « Sanuiitie Lirited, 112 Simcoe North |24--Market Basket elt sur WHitehall 2-2120 TWO - room apartment, private bath, Hawi gy Joke hers, dryers p--t) | a. RA 5-356 | lige i built-in Fast. RA 3.2260. NHA and privats| kitchen, and . Eugene Patter- mortgages arranged 19--Personal RASPBERRIES for sale, $7.50 a arate, © Ddlass. Also ~ |rent. Phone RA 8-0263. son of Douglas | r Gower, Real Estate, GRE ER hi Kelly, Barristers, 8a Soli. | Fone oA g re hiss c er RA 8-811 HYGIENIC ® "(rubber goods) I Hn 4 shale, Pose Ra 25m i : NEED extra money? $50.00 EA i SEE n ro ry Rai '% S --l IE supplies (rubber g00d 8). | RA 8-085 : ) a - RA' 32278. Residence phones: |ing, 235 Simcoe Street South mailed post paid in plain sealed enve- | SALES RENTALS and more, can easily be earn- tral i shopping and buses. Phone RA | August 1. Apply 65 Harris Avenue. Greer, BA, Sc. RA 5.3368. Ter-| GATE, Laurier McKenna RA 5.7361, ~ ~ {lopes with price list. Six samples 25 RASPBERRIES -- best quality, priced - ed by showing our fabulous THREE shed rooms_ third fioor, ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL. RA 8-5832. gyptexing, paper hanging, paint \/ cents; 24 samples, $1.00, Mail Sider | low for, anping and fre 2 ng. le ; Tents, comp stove comp Christmas cards, gifts, toys, pao --four central, |heavy duty wiring, $45 moni cen i TH IN N 0 an ara -~ ept. Nov- . illed ill deliver quantity i shawa ' ' r § ' 3 thly, THOMAS RC NDLE. Sarvister, Cn Fee Pie oo r, Jo kmanship -r Dept A yoy-Eubber Co., Box {sie no deliver duantity | cots, tarpaulins, sleeping to friends and neighbours. Mot water, self-contained, Felephone RAftral. Apply 143 Agnes Street. citor and Notary ubli tima > ~ a ee lohterns | Street East. Phone RA 81763. > try work and cob-| pr a\ [RASPBERRIES for sale. Phone RA| Dags. lanterns SEVEN . room House, (ntarsished, ' RA C od | "D> she ¢ 4 ome tiled bath, very reasonable. Ni RALPH JONES, BA and Thomas H. crete work. Free estimates. Telephon ; = Jian LADIES! 18-0347. Colemari camp stoves $13.45 | Christmas catalogue makes it cold be used for Shy phetaners only Por Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli-|after 5 p.m. RA 5-3820, Te tsp ¥ os OSHAWA HARDWARE AND | 20sy to get plenty of orders. miles north of C on .| session 1 heavy duty wir citors, 130 Xing Sires! Ran, RA 8-6246. | PLUMBING and heating pires (fittings ts 'Lavelied Don't let your hair spoil. your |25--Pets & Livestock ELECTRIC experience necessary. OLiver 5-3596. ing. Ti RA 52677 or 120 Elgin ge loans available fixtures, new and used, chang or x vacation ay o visit t -- § - Send no one t o THREE -. A h Street East. CREIGHTON, FRASER( DRYNAN FL fank to sewer a specialty. RA 5-2156 W y SADDLE rold ge { 8 Church RA 3-7624 | Nid 1o Jone. Wits wut | ment, tree.moce. bath. nowy' wires. | GPFER five - room duplex, vacant MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No. |stallations at reas era Infor Bd - EDWARD'S BEAUTY PARL OR [Quiet mann a rag 150 -- f a PP . {separate entrance, adults only, imme-|Septemoer 1, very central, south of y Public k of Commerce Bldg.,|mation and est : : - 5 Celina St geste k Rd SICKROOM SUPPLIES . | g items and free [diate QDossession $60 monthly. Phone Clinie, 52 Charles Street. Protestant ey | . outh (re hor) | ROO > pgs ghton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC: G, K. | * Fl wering and Tropical Special Permanent Waves 6.50 | oii] B Sale Jue _ one So Kh Qur exciting, full - colour THREE room apartment, private to. 5 Simcoe Street North. RA 3.3466; T. K. |of plumbing. Dial RA 5-42 narch Card RA 86115 Phone RA 5-0846. 4 REGISTERED Beagle pups, 12 weeks . s Dept. 16, 47 East Ave., |THREE rooms and bath, clean, sepa- ve - storey, six-room brick house and irdoor." SRA" wort COLONIAL HOA ME 5 fir For an appointment loid, good hunting strain. RA 5-5069, | Hospital - beds, bed sic Hamilton. ¢ rate entrance, children welcome $30|garage, oil heated, close to bus and Bares ar a liage nts, | Please Telephone RA 3-7633 |= - haat. ch - : X monthly. Apply 46 Russett Avenue. RA |schools, $95 per month. Phone RA $-6711 JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, Manufacturers -- feb -- |BOARDING, trimming, bathing, efile | wheel chairs, In valid walkers, I= 6206. 5.30 and 7.30. - one; a V, -- ! soiicilor. Money to loan. "Office 14% an We still have ation} |ing. Waubena Kennels, RA 56331. _ canes.. crutches. Also roll-o- | 37--Male Help Wanted _ | THREE oom apartment, heated, 50% | EIGHT soarment Sealab i (dence. RA 53405 '| Homes, Cottages, Garage ois ; ELECTROLYSIS [BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, re ady for . 3 OPPORTUNITY for aggressive 16-20-|\ water, parking space, adults preferred | Wayne Street. Two, three und ns Fr EE = | ig = training, talking strain. Apply Mrs way beds and cribs RA ar-old boy. Full benefits, good work- fut baby NORA Sass Oshawa. rooms. Ci NING . V , arrister, | hade tree nd potted S 21g re. or ling 1ditic A in own writing, er pm tor, Notary, Money to loan. Asso. RA 8-4614 { Removal of superfluous hair, (Broad: 114 Elgin Street East. ~~ | 5 j444 i PRY in Phone RA 5.3038, particulars to Box 937 THREE . room ap: riment, apartment | Bruce V. Mackey, BA, Henry f POODLE Dies, intature, : -- om-- awa ull : apartment, apartment! HREE room unfurnished upstairs k, 26% King Street East. RA 3-4697. 134 Simcoe St "el . Marie Murduft will be in {TOOINE Pupp - 3 x Times |building, modern kitchen, TV outlet, |apartment, business 1p SORE or one A 2 phi \ ND } 3 t , ' ne men fc orvi $75 monthly. RA 5-8215. 3-4029 ee ---- -- i VANBEIIEGC Oshawa, Aug. 16th ond 17th. [pion sired, very rea » | | part t men for servicing ly. RA 5-821: child Bui with DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister| | 0--Sh n Servic VAN BELLE GARDENS Ph v 3 Fe.Hotel Kennels Kennels RA 5.506 \N Watkin's route; For appointment, phone | APARTMENT, unfurnished, available | ink, newiy decorated. RA Bo80, and Solicitor, 26% King Street East, | arpe ing e 2 Mile Oshawa one Genosha ote on 26--Fe ; Co To em = | i® pha : or ee aut L RA >a TWO three-room furnished apartments, > lephone: Business RA 3-2201. Resi- | FIRST cla ass sharpening, m Ww these dates for appointment. 6 Farmer' . column {APPLI E salesm an "with furnitu | THREE bedroom me, able Aug.|obe mewly remodelled, with private ce, RA 85373 [and an tools. Work r MA 3.5757 eee tem, FROM THE HILLTOP [experience for new Oshawa store. Ad:| ust 15. MO bia," Whitby, evenings. © |bath, gas stove. Abstainers. Adults. 5 tO South RA = 5 wa ste vancement to manager for right man. 'and MacDonald, Bar. Mosier, 550 Wilson 20--Cartage ONE registered Hol stein cow for sale: Refeences Write Box 932 Oshawa. | FURNISHED three.room Fiat, bulliip| ri ate barking. RA 5.8352 Solicitors and Notaries Public, |8-50 Bre : y b 4 {one grade Holstein heifer, due to fresh. Q Eyes b THREE - room apartment, private en- g Street East, RA 5-4717, Russell |= meee BOWMANVILLE PICKUP truck with hitch, will move |en soon. Phone RA 3-9547 - 1 PART-TIME -- We require a man fo | Veiances, Shae Sntranes, a8 opne trance and man enh, Private ei: Murphy and James A. MacDonald. |]1--Business Opportunities| furniture, appliances, trailers, boats | outside contact work. No selling. Appli- aid epi dren. Centra) RA 3.4274. . di p - etc., to cottages or local. Reasonable DEAD farm stock picked up promptly. ' ' ' cants should have some free time dur-| IODERN three - room apartment, & Ont risk FOR RENT -- Small store o P C rates. RA 8-0818. hone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-222! Tents 9' x 9.9 x 12°, ave '. Must be able to [ground floor, near North Simcoe School, TWO - room furnished apartment, frig --Optometrists Bond Street. Apr treet --~ a | Margin Fur Farm, Tyrone riter, Answer to |private bath, kitchen, cupboards and abd stove, $12 weekly. 15 Colborne . 3 - . ease' ; H- hold : - stoves, lanterns, camp i type Street East, H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please RA 3.2512 or MO 8 14--Household Repairs __|21--Personal Service |DEAD farm stock picked up prompt) dis a P box shawa Post Office fsize. RA $9445. Steet ay accounts at downtown Dominion |G; RAL store, with post f - ---- | Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2221 cots," air mattresses, COLLECTOR Permanent part-fime (TWO room furnished apartment, pri.|TWO furnished rooms aiso private or 74 Burk Street. Invalids ex-|room house adjoini our-re apart- CHESTERFIELD 1 old chairs re | TAWN mower and outboard motor re rwill Farm, a one x for moi household magazine ac-|vate bath, available August 1. RA 5-9696 |apartment, kitchenette, lving room, d at ¢ Margwill Fur Farm, Tyron sleeping bags, various Dhaba mined at home, Dial RA 5-4587. | ment over store n r C Loe covered li v. G for less Pair and sharpening service. Rossland - ping bags, 0 ~ssential, State amount of {TWO - apartment Totes, orivals ave, bedroom and bath, car parking. Apply F. RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom. heavy wiring, wat tener, st at Modern Uph 5 Simcoe RA 37488 or 2 AT Road West, WANTED - -- immediately, good used sizes Outboard Motors, time available, Write Box 831, Oshawa 0: TV anpana. aor Pate 306 Pacific Avenue. etry, the examination of eyes, contact OPtional - Health force e. On paves 1 Il RA 8.6451 for a free M620orRASIZM. =~ = tw : er with fertilizer | d 5 Times yeation, Available immediately, [STORE for rent, with two large show lenses, 126 Simcoe North at Cotborns), Aboly seven, mils ._HoF h © bri est IL WNMOWER ENGINE. [sttachments, any make: Wi) pay top coolers and para wings. 15 monthly, RA 5-0464. windows, 1000 eq square foot oor space, evenings by appointment. RA 3. " ONT ETE n Ete AWN E & cash price one OL 5 | ee ee deal off street ve-in location. 81296. | : ber, eischH R aired and oll FURNISHED two - room u (STORE, Sane Sor nbs bi ri ' or : SALES SERVICE 128 S P ALL NEW EQUIPMENT LICENSED |kitchen and bed - sitting room, stove, | FOUR room upstairs Fo come JSurveyers | ian. ete 248 atte p ruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles : & --Summer Properties REASONABLE RATES | refrigerator, sink and cusbourds clogs Blot em, _ closets, ox ; GROCERY store -- Clearance of entire RA 3.7212 fun - a MECHANI C [to shopping centre. RA 39 ath, separate entrance, reasonable. T and Associates, ~On- | Gu LORRY Hore = Cn ales en Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- [PIONEER village on Buckhorn Lake. Te 484 Ritson Rd. §. necting, 3% Dundas Street. West, Slicer, cash regisier Fong aid banaymeen. 'Work pom | Jers. Used Engines Bought (3 miles orth of Peteriorsugh Hous! Don't Leove It Too Lote -- GOOD SALARY [apartments pad er and it: | FOUR - toom unfurnished apartment, g nay, ot | rent. Apply 142 Simcoe £ ! ' Atel and sold. Authorized Clinton, [keeping Cotta es for "ES 1 fis! hing, e s w. A Sma ; ent Company Benefits | chem, near hospital ang GM. Bache: |203 King Street West, eouple o D "H. TROLLOPE, Ontario ]13--Gard 2 Supplies -1 Louson Power Products, Pin- [Bool Camp, site Call Mrs Bai posit Will Hold Excellent | Comy any {or working couple preferred. RA 5-2134|Available immediately. Land Surveyor, 216 Adelaide Avemue|'> Or ening upp 185 'rrOPE SSi0Na; painting | dor Service., 81 Central Park Fer HORE cot f Lak i + LL om, apartment, furnished Kitchen and bed pment 1 0 80 8 4 LA iS 5 cottage for rent, on Lake | hy " : - RA 500 EE a ans Monte dries. Evtmates free: AL Conroy, Na| Blvd. S., Phone RA 5.4633, | LAKESHORE cottage or rent, on Luke RA 8-689] il Me IE eR AN" AND FLEISCHMAN, Op-|Call J. Mull -- Be 5 Ilia HAWA TIMES jigs: boards, parking, $12 weekly. FA 53306 tario Land Surveyor, commercial biue- - - TRY OUR | is --- . i --- OS \ kr i fides piece bath, TV antenna. FifGEs eT inting, 12 Bloor Street East. RA 5 5 CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, rece d ttages f vent, als i - - A - room apartment, refrigera- E5632 4 A ENTION e ne Ww y mo our tates [TWO mmmer Sh iw Lake Py 32--Articles Wanted | LIVING room, kitchen and two bed. (to: stove, built-in cupboards, semis a --_ HOME i On : Shen ED tA 33123 rr cone ee SCHOOL | oom, supply own heat, $40 monthly. 24|iivate entrance, pear North GM. Va- an 13 } - CA star collecto " s S y 8--Building Trades ; ry etre. memes | HLH e iain oN |King Street West. Apply Humphries, cant \ a Street We : - KE Scugog, new housekeeping cot DOU ; and A EN NCE Boychyn and Hillman, 36% King Street| THREE - room basement apartment ~ S 5¢ be 4 a 64 K e We ci A BULLDOZING and excavating. Dial) LANDSCAPING Fish : Chios 35 Je burg are completely furnished i |S -X oy gion nos C East. RA 5-1177, newly decorated, private hath, sess 8-5612. Free estimates. aylor Tx | ers q tik Shakes ront, safe beach, good swimn and ENT os CROs - - oartment close to SGM. school, park and bus, heat, hydro an Bh 26 Hillcourt Drive. Whitby. | For weed kililr spraying 1 i DECORATING by MODERN GRILL {fishing, three bedrooms, lurge I 25, 192 i A FOUR . room apartment, close to SGM. | "00s Pere fu, Pap, geal, Brito ond a Re ve ree { 2 t ior or "exterior, Roxa |room, flush toilet kitchen with built in | condition. For the public 'and secondary (Self-contained, bus close. Apply 301 Woo ALL types building repairs, roofing.| and pruning of your guaranteed, Free estimate RA 5-3887 { cupboards, hot and cold *unning water c the City of Osh. ([Comorva Road Apartment 3, RA S488 oer eavestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, side-| {oom plete A 4 : » k We Dire AN Bs nn watery | ANTED, concrete blocks any Riv mber,| schools of the City o sh- THREE - room apartment, heavy dufy|NEW house for rent, preferably bush walks stoops. RA 8.0304. Gordon May.| De torcere wall : a 2 aa Je din patio, 865 weekly. Phone Standard, or rock face. RA 81285. | awa. Must have at least a wiring, cupbomrde i te tito ayY duty ness man. Apply 76 Harris Avenue. 8-6366 YOUR lve © Hn ner. Chim |BA 5.9900, Toronto after 6 collect. + |w ANTED, dining room suite, in very Grode 12 education, exper- |room, large hall. Apply 164 Grenfell{THREE - room gpartment and bath- . bu epair gas linings in - oo . om neg is : Street, ; ] DODD & SOUTER OSHAWA et iia Joie in K. EM. CLEANERS [1687 - room summer cottage, ur. {20d condition. RA" 5.4397. fence in clerical work neces. _|Streci. cose to Shopping Centre. ___|room, privaie entrance. One chid wel 8 ates, RA 3-299 ithy ake. muodiate) 1a " 3 tas a jalif THREE - room apartment, including PAINT--WALLPAPER Ns AAS ANY ' Higa Whitby on the Jake, immediate} 1s 10 14-FOOT cabin trailer. WHitehall ry, qualified or experienced THREE Lom Sar Tent, Sie ine ust 1, quiet home. 630 King Street West. INEWLY decorated six - room apart cen- PAINTING & DECORATING PAINTING and ting. ¥rec esti possession. RA 38-1296 2.6354 in cial service. Knowledge AURORA SAND mates, work guaranteed. RA 3.7742 . | N housekeeping .oftages on Ken. j------ . --e---- of programmes and curriculum A 7 i N - OR } | 4 I | RA 5-3777 , completely self-contained. Laun. a CONTRACTORS col GRAVE will close for bee Lake, two and three hedroor of schools rable... Age ------------------------/|dry facilities, heating, TV outlet, hydro ee Es s Call AVI N o : Inydro, good fishing, ~wimmin RA J v DAYS MO 85231 | Brick, Sond, Crushed Sone, | FURNACE SALES thrholid . WANTED | ne too | gy Yous Fon wen ; re, ua; Swivity Cutive, RA EVENINGS RA 5-7426 | ad Gravel, F C / - sta olidays SCRAP IRON, POULTRY wiitira 'a i Yo il rticdiars wo storey, six room, bric THREE - room apartment, sink and 107 Byron St. 5, Whittr | VALLEY FARM RD AD N iD ERVICE ig LITTLE BUCKAROO | AND FEATHER Ticks of qualifications 'and ex. | home in A-l shape, parking. [Titiololy Jeet wink, TV outs -- 1 t 1 Mackie Co. Ltd i : : | Phone Mobile Opera : July 30th, RANCH l. TURNER Pe A. FLETCHER References, for further infor- [LCD bedioom basement Apartment TED VEENHOF | JS 6- -3293 LA 5-5954 | | RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 | ) Chair d mation call Russ Reeve at |at 549 Lansdowne Dr. P WELL DIGGING : Sa DAY CAMP | es : She has ma Schofield, RA 3.2265 or RA tion, decorated io uit, Fhy Fitba CLEAN OUTS AND | OSHAWA ACME Aisi re-open oa - ; W. GORDON BUNKER. 5-4840. St., Toronto RU 31733; RU 7.9387 DEEPENIN : plus pons f ein Seti E ; COMPRESSOR WORK : oN August 8th, 1960 | $10 WEEKLY | CEDARDALE | Bushes Damiriroil NOW RENTING . . [EARGE Tus. eset the after | HAULAGE LTD. | FURNACE SALES INFORMATION RA 52737 | |38--Male or Female Help| 2 Now [10m masher, dryer, wifable sor Suet RA 8-3864 7 , | SCRAP | - P edroom apartment. New [ness girls, or teachers. 210 Mary Street, LOAM GRAVEL AND SER VICE |22 Radio Repairs | Wanted Park Road South. Fridge and |RA 3-2428. _ C Ah is 4% . 'MARJACK LODGE [SON METAL LID (EXPERIENCED raspberry pickers| Stove supplied. Washer and [FOR RENT -- In Whitby, - #ix-room ' C SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | IRONS--METALS (wanted: Large cron arr. Cao facilities. T.V. let. [bungalow, two years old, large base. CLIFF BROWN | R A 3 35 8 RA 5 5954 IT -- DAY Or NIGHT! . | STURGEON LAKE PAPERS--RAGS [Mi it"orone: soul oft Na"S%| decorated. Jopitor services, [faci avilable August Lease Teaured GRAVEL & SAND | tR 2 Bowmanville , T.V. and RADIO Fishing, swimming, etc OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY -- : Large rooms. Very early pos- |MGDERN four - room apartment, with 7 1 plus parts friendly atmosphere, abun- RA 5-3432 4 2 session. Phone Jack Appleby |bathroom, screened-in porch, garage, LOAM par . CALL RA 8-5286 | gon} home cooked meals. FREE PICK-UP {41--Room & Board at RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. TV aerial, central business couple. Ap. : - > | i es fo hilc : 100M and board for gentlemen, home ly 209 Bond East, sided: Prompt Delivery CALL GRAN T HAS BRADLEY All Work Guaranteed special rot Park P.O. lidien. RESIDENCE---RA 5-41359 oO a Sans Tome JOHN A. J py i RA 8- 8951 Ard Sons +d OSHAWA ford 25R24. 100 ANNIS STREET | ROOM and board for gentlemen close hod BUCKINGHAM EE FOR SOD imi ADS ELECTRONICS eT SHAW BS rosin, TPB Eh Steet BOLAHOOD MANOR ting and Decorating . BE hui - GOLDEN PHEASANT LODGE | ROOM and board for younz gentleman, | APARTMENTS W. WARD Delivered, layed iol y . T V. RADIO SERVICE | Huntsville, Muskoka AUTO WRECKING CO ho y from home. 407 King East, | LIMITED 2ibedroomy Apostate: elecs : | | . MACHINE loading West Hill ATla 2-096 $10 Allowance for your old | FE Wa nl scrap iron and metals, etc GM and hospital. Phone RA 52305. | REALTORS--INSURANCE tion. $100. Apply: 498 WHITBY, ONTARIO you wish t and |15--Instruction Picture Te ot {0 Share, single. beds, laundry RA 8-867 SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE i rn ioc aaatiori ! iran . T E |. Range on premises. All sum- y: '¥hone | /, good meals, lunches packed 8 MO 82563 MO 8.3805. | make your own i AD anda sand (eather. Appl OWERS Lr es inciting wore | J RAS-2311 89 BLOORE. {0% 2% Son meals, Tune "| OFFICE SPACE EAE on VAGARS Driving Sci jovi. licenc skiing. Superb meals and all P.O. BOX 329 Ne Toman ag Setool--Govt. licence, | gr, "AN" pecvy galvanized SS eas © Ja {35--Employment Wanted |43--Wanted T To Rent z OVER KRESGE"S R t ¢ tudent 1sell with .a 2 year warranty " ee © s-10 {would like housawo Al ¢ live ment with stove and refrigerator on BUILDERS --_-- Ee ow ony] Antennas moved ». $10.00 | iG opens Seot. 1 Write for |weald ike howewort by the day, tive Lon MUL Hore a a | FOR RENT Boose, Maal, TOF ound . i Horagaes er ation clo to hospital: Call RA 5.3907 aftr | AVAILABLE SEPT. Ist | R. VICKERY--Agen wih our firings. Tos SUPPLIES - RIVE RA 8-5804 or RA 5-7844 | MOBILE trailer 32 x 8, bargain, ia good room. WH 26143, Pickering, Ajox WE RA 8.6228 R 46 me cf anytime | NIAGARA BR C Vicar ve Police Commision) ---- 35-FOOT house trailer, new condition, izes steady work, long Hours Bnd Re ers b rent. RA| Te Bs lay 3 " AND" he Toco. i smartly furnished, with space heater. rages. Aurora Sand and Grave pl 36 after 5 p.m | T AJ {twin s be shower and tub, R 1296 a 974 Oo WEEK S Seaso lc Nove \ X fi WELL DIGGING BY Bon ae vem Want cars for wrecking, also | 00M and board if desired. Close fo| trically equipped, best loca- Golf Course and Driving | bought n Saturday all [ROOM and rd for two gentlémen,| 7 Simcoe SD North, Apt. 15; 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. only 3 miles from Whitby : 8 5 different types to choose | MO 8- 3015 : : 16 gouge steel. Installed, ATRO resort. Pheasant shoot- | EMPLOYMENT wanted Dutch lady (ie FINED business girl requires apart. 5-room modern apartments, Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- * i : a. ' CARPENTER I PO 4 Tarze | WANTEL r bed si sitting Toon m | or S120 montis plied and fixed, complete GARDEN Len & Lou S TV (38a--Trallers | Pipi ex} ¥ nship, power |» th k en, required by you! First class. tradesman. Phone he O riving School FREE SURVEY condition. MO 85914 WANTED -- Fifty dump trucks, all|STORE for rent, central location. 140] 2600 SQ. FT RA 8-1 177 BUG KILLERS : ¢ trained instructors OUR SERVICE CALL {propane stove, hot water heater trig, [Valley Farm Road, Pickering or V ns CAN BE DIVIDED - : toandard, Automatic cars INCLUDES ALL THOSE A tah UNFURNISHED [ { KING CALCIUM" | FOR RE Tent trafler by week $2 3 Fermole Helo W. | E NT : accomo x people. Pho Al p Wanted | PRECAST 808 Klis RA 8.0091 EXTRAS [faye wise" Po' i 36-- | wamnTor | RA SOF | FREERENT :RS ---------------- - DUPLE) a modern, fully BIRD BATHS 16--Insurance : aE alts Same day service |29-=Summer Properties TYPIST CASHIER | vicinity of: Simece North OFFICE SPACE Apartment 'Building CONCRETE PATIO POTS wi ISTaT) Auto Insura e. | re. up| «+ + Picture tube cleaned |. - oF 9g hd . 2 We have an opening for | and Mary Sts., by widow 105 CRAYDON RD., WHITBY | LAWN SPRINK KLERS Personal servio uma. For| + Tuner cleaned, if eae de conodern three-bedroom) capable young girl with good FOR PHONE MO 8-4770 SEPTIC TANKS | © LAWN SOAKERS RA 574 I: Joes hydro, excellent swimming and fishing,| personality and the: ability | MO 8-4677 RENT sh L& ------ ] ol e 35 miles trom Oshawa at Jiew Jake y qe on ell wi e ---------------- - r-- o----= SIDEWALK SLABS PATIO SLABS T7--Money To Loan [1% 3 months uorontce {Tum right at Caesarey ar sven mer | Sper O00 Well With the |e Fate 44¢--Rooms For Rent COLORED PATIO SIDEWALK SLAB CLIENTS i 71} y Bale R000; $35 monthly Babe F oy A Pp i Passenger elevator service, |e or pret ished rooms, Svan RIN and secont oa aye fof 11281 i rr a REQUIRE aod: GPDEGE or Ren S . |able in private home ar! a a EN | yr URBING agreements © e purchased ply "BO IT NOW BUCKHORN or CHEMONG we REQuIRt I J pear mise m apariment. near Shoa.| New building. Centrally lo- - {North, 5-7 p.m. RA 88671 WELL. TILE { QUALITY PAINTS parts, Barrister and Notary Beautify Your Home ih TARE A Yor oo ony personal ng C bus stop, parking space. coted in downtown area. ein pa Tend Fark aval possession or CLOSED SATURDAY |X Improve Picture Quality | New cottages for sale - ute or better. Age 17 = 27, [RA 3750 Moderate rent. Letites "now ey nonies avail ple Lakefront lots -- clean shor preferably single [APARTMENT for rent. Apply 139 Al| available. "unfurnished apartment, BROOKLIN 12:30 P.M for aan on fr an ml HAVE 'A TOWER | wil reed" bond reader her [EPRI EN & vailable I RL WE OFFER excellent working sth ---------------- avaiable immediately. ; Hane Oh. 4 and [ dro. Ter L terest, | ; JULY - AUGUST fasreepeps of amie. Low Gas Coll us for o free estimate. | brvate funds. R. HORTON, | conditions in new modem "USE THE THE TIMES [Ioo% pon smtwe spars: 2 CONCRETE | COOPER erie ort | } RE 2 Sumas dg eT E00 i. ville arly. Phone NTS toiey ia loan on first mort T R | 0 north AX 2-9492. s, good starting salary. | ' 8.6279 evenings. RA 3.4 Tey Nu aL WL By Wa RIO. | OSHAWA TIMES BUILDING hy fos, oF aed ses of ie Ep oy root 0S II SMITH CO. : ap i TELEVISION 2 hl | CLASSIFIED Nine BS 7095 LIMITED : Er = VALI pi ARD -- one tan leather wallet. Ly 0ohold. Finance -LASSIFIEL Contact T. L. WILSON HOUSH KEEPING apartment, suitable OLiver 5-3311 SUNS | Eerie SLE RA S78 [Eat Oh Sd Wi) "4s King COLUMNS | Phone RA 3-3474 Ig ins ans hid Noms iver o- OSHAWA Id Heanick, Bir ! }71 BOND ST. EAST 3 Celina Street | Oshawa Shopping Centre | one "Boulevard Souths '