The Oshawa Times, 23 Jul 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 23, THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Call The Direct Classified Number RA 3-3492 OFFICE HOURS 8 AM. to 5 P.M. MONDAY to FRIDAY SATURDAY 8 TO 12 1--Accountants 13--Gardening & Supplies 15--Instruction 21--Personal Service 28--Summer Properties |32--Articles Wanted |37--Male Help Wanted 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent ILAWN 'mower and outboard motor SUR WANTED -- Grade teacher, two hours per "ve. LAKE Scugos, new housekeeping cot-|i? TO 14-FOOT cabin trailer WHitehall| APPLIANCE salesman with Soria] letely furnished, on lake- 2.6354 experience for new Oshawa store ------ nd of & ] og good swimming and | |vancement to manager for right man. {THREE rooms, private bath n and a ANY kind of garden work by expert, 8-266 : - a! -- RA 3.7462 or RA 8-1734 fishing three bedrooms, urge living [References Write Box 932 Oshawa. Ee stove, laundry room, hy! reasonable rates. RA 3.1524 PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, room, flush toilet kitchen with built-in FARTINY -- We raies aman or Rte 39 Huron rm------ o-- 16 years ence, by interview only | cupboards, hot and cold "unning water, outside contact work, No selling. Appli-| OWNER iransferred to Toronto mst Act now electric frig and. hears dity stove, cants should have some free time dur-|sell or rent a three bedroom split lev: COMPLETE used |Screened-in patio, $6: weekly. Phone ing the day, have a car. Must be able to|brick home on Stone Street, overlook- small|BA 59900, Toronto after 6 collect. type and have typewriter, Answer to|ing' lake, aluminum storms, finished GARDEN SERVICE | LEARN HAIRDRESSING |FaGHT room summer cottage, fur Women wanted, greatest disced opportunity, better pay, trees Box 31, Oshawa Post Office. | recreation room, a RA 33876, session, | wa - ment, nished, Whitby on the lake, dre! | COLLECTOR Permanent parti low down pay All Possession RA 1296. | pleasant work, catologue gyi," sienue. RA 3.9792 (Fred). free Write: Marvel Hair- -- = -- for monthly household magazine ac |SIX-room ranch style bungalow, ww, close 157 ARDEN housekeeping dressing Schools Branches: TV TOWERS | counts. Car essential. State amount of [to bus, school, shopping and South gu, nebee Lake, two and |time available. Write Box 831, Oshawa Apply 1248 Wecker Drive between hydro, good fishing, Hamiltor Ottawo ""Can- oda's National Sys stem" 40-ft. selt supporting tower, Hot dip galvanized. No paint. Times 9 pm. 5-1763 Complete with new Wave- | ARE vou interested in a full or spare FOUR - room basement a Master all-channel antenna CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 MONTEITH, MONTEITH Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe Street North 2.0890 BH. E. DEWAR and Co CONSE and Auditors, Cedar Glen Bldg., 11 On INSERTION tario Street Oshawa, Ontario. RA 8.22 6 CONSECUTIVE ETH INSERTION 3.75 4.12 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and " Cd. Accountants and auditors. Licenced it not paid within 7 days the Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Charge rate will apply Fast Oshawa I ale CA; F Above rates apply only to original Friedlander, B CPA onsecutive insertions at or at a £7. HOPKINS and Company, TS Oe fied Public Accountants 172 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario 5.3509 BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Services offer complete services for small business Street West, Room 1. Office RA Residence, RA 3.7605 RONALD F. D. WILSON, RIEL RA Ajax and 5.3527 WH TREE | removal and pruning service 12 mathematics! 2. " " M pair and sharpening service. Rossland tage, W Hiteha)) 2050s Piepertat: week: Call MO Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, front, Co., less Charge words Cash or WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS . TURNER RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 (collect) CEDARDALE Accountant - - ii on: 22--Radio Repairs CAR radio. TV's, repairs TV, neces. Electronics Serv 81 King West. RA 3.321] "RADIO, car radio repairs makes Thompson Electronics, 225 2.48 installed while-U-wait, Hi.Fi, radios ice Centre Gardens ploughed landscaping, wood removed. RA 8-1798 CROSS TOWN SOD SUPPLY ottages on Ken- three bedrooms, | swimming. Comm cut, Certi ertions King BA 3 and Bus stings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily Each additional line $1.00 per montt $10 to $20 a day? Take orders from |from Shopping Centre immediate p. SCRAP beautiful Display Book featuring over|session. No small children, RA 5-4582. 200 household products, Write Raw-| HEAT apartment, 2 I conveniences, RON METAL LTE leigh's, Dept. G-310-RR, 4005 Richelieu, | oo, ate entrance, avajlable immediate ly , Montreal Jy. Adults only. Apply 74 Bond East. IRONS--METALS - vm -- GOLDEN PHEASANT LODGE Huntsville, Muskoka Season closes November Choice accommodation avail- oble August Ist on. 9 hole Accounting bookkeeping 184 Bond 5-0397 abbrevi ation, gs e room, and two - room, fur- apartments, with refrigerator oddt Advert harge 15¢ time sales plan by which you can earn conveniences, separate entrance, block Chartered fied sements At the Oshawa Driving School nished Acgountant, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 33 Re r-------- 2--Barristers BOWMAN, tor. 3% Simcoe salici Resi Barrister RA 5-9592 David L., South day be- Baily the e hours 5 p.m Offic 8-12 tore publicatior 8-5, Saturday REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa T ble nes shall not be for errors advertise-, A-1 fresh fertilized prompt rolled sod cut daily, delivery Special contractor rates RA 5-8504 LANDSCAPING Fully trained instructors Standard, Automatic cars RA 8-0091 Licensed by the Police Commission installed and $59.95. Total price guaranteed for year, TV Enterprises 253 Drew St Golf Course and Driving Range on premises, All sum mer activities including water skiing. Superb meals and all modern conveniences. An Pheasant shoot- PAPERS--RAGS SATURDAYS ALL RA 5-3432 FREE PICK-UP RESIDENCE---RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET OPEN DAY LICENSED MECHANIC GOOD SALARY Excellent Company Benefits private entrance, close to Apply 553 and stove, Duplate. Child welcome Howard Street THREE - bedroom house, large living and dining room, oil heated, garage., very central. Immediate occupancy, Apply Brian Kane, Cliff Mills Motors, dence. RA 80264 tted otherwise than in ATRO resort MéGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers Solicitors funds - available for 20 Simcoe Street North McGibbon, QC Reply BOX 829 OSHAWA TIMES WANTED To Train As Sports Writer Young man with 'minimum of Grade XI| education. Must be keenly interested in sports and desirous of newspaper caree Apply: in writing stating oge, education and connection. with sports, to Box 845, Oshawa Times JUNIOR CLERK FOR PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT'S OFFICE matriculant preferred ellent opportunity for young man to train for ac- counting degree while earn- ing. Apply S. T. HOPKINS & CO. 172 KING ST. E OSHAWA, ONT. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE OFFICER the public and secondary of the City of Osh- Must have at least o 12 education, exper clerical neces- ary, qualified or experienced n social service. .Knowledge of programmes and curriculum of . schools desirable. . Age preferably under 60. Car necessary. Apply in own hand- ing giving full particulars qualifications and perience | used car lot THRFE room apartment, newly deco- rated. ground floor, private entrance, $48 monthly. Phone RA 8.0669 or 4 -- | Albert Street TWO bedroom basement api private entrance stove, draperies, large windows, use of washing machine, hydro and heat. Telephone RA 5-7091. TWO WEEK'S FREE RENT fully equipped Apartment Building 105 CRAYDON RD., WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4770 THREE-roomed apartment, with pri. vate entrance and three piece bath; also built-in cupboards, refrigerator and stove in kitchen; bus stop at door. 623 Olive Avenue THREE ment, Write for SERVICES treated, sod, top grovel fil. Complete service control. Free estimate ED KNOWLTON RA 5-6047 and second GRANDVIEW agreements of purchased Apply SOD SUPPLIES \ Swartz, Barrister and Notary 26% King East, Oshawa, RA ialize in A-1 fertil od. Prompt de Oshawa and Dis- ading for ia! rates 16--Insurance RA 3-3553 ing opens Sept. | i folder ALLXTATE Auto Insurance. Save P| SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT BE A ny a IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! tics T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 Al OSHAWA marly ELECTRONICS propede FOR RENT accomodates SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO Want cars Weed field nursery and Weed rles ( oil Bastedo, QC "G. MacDONALD, BA 01 Simcoe 8.3511 28a--Trailers GLEN Royal 1958 trailer seven, Subway Trailer Highway No. 2. Whitby for wrecking, also scrap and metal etc bought. Open Saturday all day. Phone RA 5-2311 89 BLOOR E 35--Employment Wanted CAPARLE girl, age 15 sitting or light housework, nings. Phone RA 5.3955 WANTED -- Fifty dump sizes steady worl ong hours and rates. Aurora Sand and Gravel Valley Farm Road, Pickering o 4.9974 |36--Female Help Wanted [WANTED -- ---- [for part-time help Ajax: MO 8.2377 35 CENTS hourly time help for lunch counter Also full-time help desired Patio Barbeque, Park Road South, awa EXPERIENCED once Apply in Hote) | WAITRESS Mr. Campbell, € Barris Street sleeps No. 25 10 x 33 ys mw roc Park, ron 17--Money To Loan monies available for first mortgage Mortgages and North RA HUMPHREYS. Boychyn Barristers, Solicitors; R phreys Hillman J Phones: Office 5-4604 or Whitby Money to loan JOHN A. CAMERON. barrister ter and Notary Public, 18'2 King East. 'RA 3.2269. NHA and mortgages arranged Kelly Barristers Simcoe Street South Residence phones Sc., RA 5.3368. Ter PA, BCL. RA 8-5832 RUNDLE, barrister Public RA 8-176 Phone be held than and Hillman 15- FOOT trailer with water and tub house furnished stove, hot shower + new enndition, CLIENTS tn space he heater fr RA §-1296 'matter liability form tained | advert mes ing week $23 MA Tent trailer by six people, Phone MO 8-2761; RA 5-5203 would like baby days or «ve- We ized liveries for trict. Field ers and spe tracts RA 8-811 spe field 262 lients monies available 3.32 and second mortgages mortgages and Louis §. Hyman East, Oshawa. RA SAVE--SAVE--SAVE T.V. TOWERS 29----Summer Properties | For Sale yourself kit salici Street privates for in a modern, and als se of agreements King Street truck- of good Apply WA Solici tor cor 37 Do it 10 to $1.60 and . . 7 8--Building Trades ALL Phone Ltd ing CALL Laurier yplexing. paper hanging terior. exterior workmanship teed. Free estimates ALL crete after $300 DOWN -- Modern three-bedroom cottage. inside conveniences, water and hydro. excellent swimming and fishing, 35 miles trom Oshawa at View Lake Turn right at Caesarea for seven miles. Balance $3000, $35 monthly $l per foot OSHAWA TV in Osha Times Read the regular swap day They're ubusual, ex interesting SWAPS are tops Classified offers every citing and supplies Stark, engineer and heating RA 5-3521, Harold R plumbing, heating and 255 Simcoe Street South RA 5.7864, for painting. in guaran plumbing THOMAS M soli- Notary Phone JONES, BA Greer, Associate Barristers eitors, 130 King Street East Mortgage loans available CREIGHTON, FRASER( DRYNAN MURDOCH, Barristers tory Pub, Bank ¢ 5 Simcoe Street North N: C. Fraser hairdresser experienced, Telephone WH 2-5911, Whitby, evenings for experienced, part evenings Apply Osh- CLIENTS' money to loan on first mort Mortgage and agreement of sale RAE 361 GIBBONS ST, / pars "Nn motsons arenes RA 8.8180 " § AND FILL Shu Ie 0 ein LR NE FIRST and second mortgage, sale TV RADIO SERVICE Loketrons lots -- clean shore RA 5-5279 agreements purchased and sold. Hen Rd oy ae old dr CHOICE LOAM and Hennick, Barristers, 31, King : ; 5, by Bash Ha 37m 1 owance for erm L interest. $19 Allowance Tube Private funds. R. HORTON, . ye COLONIAL HOMES FOR SALE Barrister of Quality GRAVEL--SAND | RR Peterboro -- Bridge MONEY TO LOAN TOWERS north AX 2-9492 $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for fiate lo First and i Mortgage Agree loan. Asso : a . A | Filling BA 14697 Hoge eroge ots Levelled McKenna Thomas H and So RA 8.6246 and room, self-contained continuous hot water, wiring near Shopping Centre, bi parking space, immediate possession. RA 5-6106, RA 3-7534 TWO - bedroom apartments, $99 per month; features stoves, refrigerators, broadloom, lockers, washers, dryers and adequate parking. Eugene Patter- son of Douglas L. Gower, Real Estate, 41 Gladstone Avenue. Phone KA 8-4651 FIVE - room house for rent, available August 1 Apply 65 Harris Avenue. | THREE , modern kitchen, light wiring, $65 monthly, everything One small child welcome, UNFURNISHED, four "room apart- ment, heavy duty wiring hot and cold water, private entrance, available Au- gust 1. RA 58704 | TWO apartments. brick house, all cone |veniences garage, paved driveway, available August 15. RA 8-8983, Taunton Road East |THREE heavy tral RALPH BUCKHORN or CHEMONG ; C JENIOr and con Telephone types of carpentry work work, Free estimates 5 p.m. RA 53820 PLUMBING and heating pipes fittings fixtu new and used, changing from | sewer a specialty In a Et rea mrable rote Ke ations asonabl NHA wor mation and estimates free on of plumbing. Dial RA $4241. J ex ew and hy- wanted at to Cadillac waitress RA 3-3466 ares Sir ow person t ank to you vates. Infer- any type Foley Murdoch full or part-time. Apply ey osha Hotel JOSEPH P. MANGAN ---- tor. Money to loan Street Fast Oshawa dence, RA 5-3405 MANNING F. SWARTZ Solicitor Notary Mone to eiMte, Bruce V. Macke Block, 2613 King Street East Residence. dial RA 3-4029 DONALD BLAKE DODDS and Solicitor, 26% King Telephone: Business RA dence RA 8 7 GREER barrister Office 142 RA 8.8232. Qc 20 King Res 5 different to choose from. All hecvy galvanized 16 gauge steel Installed mproved property, residen with a 2 year warranty and industrial, city, sub Antennas moved $10.00 and Sum RA 8-4614 RA 5-2156 urban and county 9 Len & Lou's TV Barrister | East . Resi Y € types $50.00 an easily be earn- our fabulous gift NEED extr and more ed mme an or money? "unfurnished rooms, tile floors, included. RA B8-8664 MerToctaters EL | 3 Kawartha Lakes ments for Sale, on vacant and by show Christma ing ard to ond neighbours Qur exciting colour Christmas catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders No experience necessary Send nc Write today for sample approval, of fast-selling and free atalogue Monarch Co., Dept. 16, 47 Eost Hamilton SENIO CASHIER toys, COTTAGE LOTS ay distr Pigeor 8 Lake, 54 miles from Oshawa RA 8-5804 or RA 5-7844 toon Tor 31.000 and up FREE SURVEY We will custom build and fin- ance your cottage Display CALL ttage open for inspection Plenty of shade trees, good INC ALL THOSE IY of hath abs. 93d MONEY TO EXTRAS i friend full nd ict For Street l 3-2201 schools awo Grade gnce in St Oshowe Summerland Lim 112 Simcoe Oshawa. Phone Flowering and Tropical Foliage Plants, Street RA ted and MacDonald. E TONEY Nota Pub st, RA 5-47 Russell James A. MacDonald BA Simcoe Residence Murphy 10--Sharpening Service FIRST class sharpening and - al tools Work guaranteed B -- Mosier, 550 Wilson Road South. RA barrister 801i: |g aois ' 8-5018 of Street North 5542 es on work Street mowers, saws and unfurnished rooms third floor, duty wiring, $45 monthly, cen. Apply 143 Agnes Street THREE room apartment, private nome tiled bath, very reasonable. Ne children, please, abstaners only, Pos. session immediately, heavy duty w ing. Telephone RA 5.2677 or 120 Elg Street East all TWO unfurnished rooms convenis ences, suit middle-age couple or ladies, No children abstainers. RA 5-2755. |UPPER five - room duplex, vacant Septemper 1, very central, south of | Clinic, 52 Charles Street. Protestant |adults Phone RA 5-0846 TWO - storey, six-room brick house and garage, oil heated, close to bus a schools, $95 per Fath. Phone RA 5-6711 between 5.30 an apartments, . available at 68 3568 A 1 OUR SERVICE Ve still have o good selection 11 LUDES t boxes, E tted 6 King J. Murphy 7. 5. SALMERS citor, ete. 13% ce RA 5.37 iter Cord Ave ergreens 11--Business Opportunities shop Stree highways 401 ond 35 to Lindsay cut-off, turn 'right on LOAN . Same day service No. 7 to Reaboro 5 'miles 2 . All tubes checked Then unty road to property Foll and marked and write 129 Elgir Phone night off RA shade trees and p roses or 6--Optometrists ¥ RICHARD BLACK, D Bo: . the examination of ey ontact 7 26 Simcee North (at Colborne) GENERAL evenings by appointment. RA 3.4191 oom house . ent ove €. BH. TUCK, RO, ent Bd pay accounts at ReAVY Witiog, Dominion Bank or adjoining, four-room apart 1 convenienre MA 3.5757 Phutle RA 5-437 Apply Leaskdale Store BOWMANVILL Apr ps builder STORE suitable for plumber, electri OPEN EVENINGS rtgages cian etc. RA 12.9248 after 6.20 p.m p ale GROCERY store -- Clearance of entire self-service, refrigerator scales ash register Also store fo Appl 42 Simcoe Street South NIAGARA BRAND' BUG KILLER NDIX "KING CALCIUM are BUG KILLERS this WEED KILLERS growing BIRD BATHS PATIO 'POTS LAWN SPRINKLERS $ SOAKERS PATIO SLABS SIDEWALK SLABS CURBING QUALITY PAINTS CLOSED SATURDAY 12:30 P.M JULY - AUGUST FOR RENT -- Small Bond Street. Appl 3 MO 8-576 store Prince Optom BELLE GARDENS with post x ) Miles East of Oshawa Picture s of mort i ond Tuner and rien needed ypes of rea -- t vacant lands; 3 F F ter mortgages for t' and second and agreements purchased Apply 265 King Street Telephone RA tube cleaned 6 miles leaned, if black yellow ex store SHAY Cottages' assburger St. West, FA 4.6148 Solesman on lenses, ore vale mplete set Pt quarantee Realfy DO IT NOW | 'res property A. FLETCHER, Chairman, Board of Education W. GORDO? ER, OPPORTUNITIES ne FOR OUR NEW 38--Male or Female nel ec Pieone store G Toronto Street optometrist downtown 74 Burk ip ne or months miles north of 7--Surveyors - G. T. RORTON and Associates tario Land Surveyors, Professiona gineering 3166 Dundas Street Whitby, MO 8 Ajax 728 DONALD H TROLLOPE Land Surve 216 Adelaide Fast. RA 5.688 Beautify Your Home Improve Picture Quality HAVE A TOWER Coll on En West a. Swartz stock licer, ent Oshowa l 3 4697 18--Loan Wanted $60,000 509 Ontario Avenue for a TRIO. TELEVISION RA 8-6781 BOND ST us free 'estimate, OWN YOUR PONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN OWN BUSINESS tario Land Surveyor, rommercial INCOME $1000.00 UP TO printing, 12 Bloor Street East. RA PER MONTH ----m------ -- eeme-- KING KOIN PHILCO-BE 8--Building Trades equipped Launderette 5 and " rofitable RULLDOZING and excavating 4 MO 8.5612. Free estimates Brothers, 26 Hillcourt 'Drive. ALL types building rep eavestrough, chimneys, fireplaces, walks stoops good inter Summerland Simcoe North S10.000 on security lender part. train on blue 2 Oper afternoon and wee cellent frontage $150 down House the most | with First Mortgage | Loan Wanted 17) ent with private ainers, Aduits. 8352. room \ apartment, , private an. couple, Ne chil 4. T ay anada's fastest Whithy EAST New cott ready to priced lot and with H.D. * hydro with $1,500 down Come up and representative for full will be at Sitver Directions - Toke Hwy. No. 28 to Bailie- boro and turn east about 4 miles to Silver Leaf Lodge or phone H. Klintworth, Bailie- boro 12R12 for further 'de tail folder NI age move rs, roofing KING 40 x 25 side 800, 7 0 owner-oc house, Sin 23--Women's Column ttage $3,975 pay meet details Leaf RA 8-0394. Gordon Ma N v ' HEAVY \ AWN C ; OMMERCIAL DODD & SOUTER WAS WALLPAPEF y n NG .& DECORATING ble Action ar ONTRAC TORS t ty Agitot DAYS MO 8 52 EVEN INGS RA 34 07 B Whit TED VEENHOF pied ve North SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $3.50 Cold wave $6.00 Page Hairdressing 396 Pine Avenue RA 5.5363 24--Market Basket 179 ue, Ih Se Ltd half val iritie erland "RA 5-3568 ment HH ingle GRE TA who 18a--Mortgages Lodge "also private living room, parking. Apply d or $4000 AVAILABLE for a first or OL 35-4471 Brooklin second CHERRIES Avenue for sale at Mitchell mortgage 19--Personal BEND 1p0 IX RASPBERRIES for sale. Phone RA 8-804 STORE for rent, with two large show windows, 1000 square foot floor space olf street drive in location. RA 8-1296. FOUR room "upstairs apartment, com. pletely modern, closets, three-piece bath, separate entrance, reasonable. 484 Ritson S RICE LAKE bc A PART-TIME bookkeeper. male or| Wayne ' Street, Two, three and four LOCATION IN female, for private business, suitable fooma Sompletely modernly equipped. | for retired w 928 Osh {Phone RA 5-393 NORTH SHORE LOTS Times, I a ai "THREE room unfurnished u EE pstairs & COTTAGES WANTED -- man or woman for apartment, business couple or one time work as engraver. We will child welcome, Built-in Jupheards with Apply Box 827, Oshawa Times sink, newly decorated Wednesday THRE "room furnished aj il kends Ex $51 00 WEEKLY DR. ROBERT |complete with range and refrigerator. shoreline I ts 75 feet Private entrance. Ample parking. Apply priced $1200 To Stan THORNTON SCHOOL ui Kenai Avene and easy terms oO ar S.S. 9, WHITBY TOWNSHIP TWO three-room furnis REQUIRES FOR SEPTEMBER /|one. newly remodelled, $53.40 WEEKLY ONE QUALIFIED Eo ¢ parking RA EE - After 3 Months Hanes aid pashiun os weekly | KINDERGARTEN ifiitrinse TWO - room furnished apartment, frig $55. 5 TEACHER and FE $12 weekly. 15 Colborne After 6 Months Sines Biol rms TWO furnished rooms Salary schedule in effet apartment, Kitchenette, $58.00 WEEKLY starting rate $3,100 gt Pa Wang ee Add | ' 6 Pacific ue After 9 Months ress feplies to } R. G SCHAD you 103 GARRARD RD. R.R OSHAWA HYGIENIC supplies (rubber post paid in plain t list, Six cer 24 samples. $1,00 Dept A-11. Nov-Rubber goods) = sealed enve. RASPBERRIES for sale $ samples 25 Or $4.00 a half crate. Telephone Mail Order 88012, if no answer, call RA 8-0850 50 a crate RA mailed or an improve your present 3, lopes ¥ price and enjoy these rates the best working positior BOWES & COCKS as 'well a Co., Box 9 4 anc DEEP! COOPER SMITH CO. Hamilton, Ontario ELECTROLYSIS |25--Pets & Livestock BOARDING, trimming ing. Waubena Kennels bathing RA 5-632] deflea LIMITED--REALTORS PETERBOROUGH onditions benefits, if you can qualify with a good employment record and prov en experience as a competent RA 8-0247 41--Room & Board Rd FOUR - room unfurnished apartment, 1203 King Street West, couple only. Available immediately " pe NISHED two - chain food supermarket cash- | ROOM and board for gentlemen close FUR F to down town. Apply 23 Elgin Street kitchen and bed ter East RA 3.7814 duty stove, Siu (boards, Ld x ROOM and board for young gentleman OR AON INIERY home away from home. 407 King East SIV- y Ra cupboards, semi. ING FULL PARTICULARS ROOM and board VF desired, Close to|Lobyite sutrance, near North GM. Va. ALL APPLICATIONS TREAT- ---- NGM and hospital. Phone RA 5.2305. - AR ry ED IN CONFIDENCE - REF room apartment, SALES RENTALS ROOM and board foy two gentlemen, (TE decorated, privete bath: ray PERSONEL MANAGER willing to share, single beds, laundry schojl, park and bus, heat, hydro and amp stoves, camp RA 5- done, TV, good meals, lunches packed ashing facilities, Child welcome. RA Jeipauliny, sleeping POWER SUPERMARKET Coleman camp stoves $13.45 75 VICKERS ROAD OSHAWA HARDWARE AND ISLINGTON, ONTARIO 37--Male Help Wanted FULLY EXPERIENCED {Box 726 Oshawa Times or LE 2-2797 FOOD = UNFURNISHED SUPERMARKET = "oupcex DUPLEX MANAGERS vicinity of Simcoe North MEAT CUTTERS | ° Mary Sts. by widow PRODUCE CLERKS room apartment, sitting com, heavy refrigerator, sink and eup- parking $12 weekly. FA 5-3206 room apartment, refrigera. built-in MPRE RA 8-3864 for Mrs BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready training, talking strain Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East POODLE 30--Lost & Found LOST ~ rial Park after 530 or PHONE ' i 16 CELINA ALES, OSHAWA Removal of superfluous Murduff 16th and between Memo RA 5.4431 Dawson Ladyv's watch CRA building RA 56515. W. A Marie will be ir 17th on puppies, miniature, white, black and female, grown stock. cham pion sired, very reasonable. Cedarview Kennels RA 35-5062 Oshawa Aug anado Phone Hotel CLIFF BROWN Toronte 2, ( rio C 14--Household Repairs G es Toi covered like new, Get the best ey 13--Gardening & Supplies a Niodern -Upholtering 925 treet North. Call RA 8-6451 for Roto 4 LING done Teasongnle rates Prompt Delivery RA 8.8951 FURNITURE repaired W. WARD tered, See our mater ing. Bruce R. Dalton RA 13-7212 WELL DIGGING MACHINE WHITBY, ONTARIO Service CALL. Joe {painting ALIZIN N 30 Ji nd vergreens a RA hod S847 6366 Mattre Co. 10 Hohmann-- RA 5-7001 VAL EY FARM RD mates. RA 3-2997 Pr Mobile ator PAINTING if OSHAWA JS 6 3293 mates G osho te _-------------------- S-------- . t y SBBIntHIen 31--Articles For Rent chairs re these date for appointment for less Simcoe a free 26--Farmer's Column "basement PIGS, 12 Landrace cross-bred weeks old. Frank Ballard, 1%a2 cast of Columbus. 20--Cartage PIC KUP furniture ete, to rates i-- I eight hitch, will move miles trailers, boats local. Reasonable "truck with appliances. cottages or RA 8-0818 iligan ATTENTION HOME ND SCAPING raying hrubs and re-uphols for re-cover 75 Charles Street DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3.2721 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. DEAD farm stock picked up promptly Phone collect. Hampton, COlfax 3.2 Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone WANTED - ROOM or room and board, good Tome | Boy cooked meals, close to four corners. Apply 240 Division St 43--Wanted To Rent STORE Simcoe 8.0826 atfer URGENTLY for late August, a thre bedroom lower duplex or house for teacher, North Simcoe: school two teen-| "00m. age children, one 7-year-old. Would come. consider two bedroom apartment i" NVILLE four-, and three room apartments, available immedia |ly. Private entrance and bath. Tele- {phone RA 3-7666. | rei |NEW house for rent, preferably busi ness man Apply 76 Harris Avenue. 21--Personal Service PIANO and ORGAN SERVICE RA 8.6444 and handyman for carpentry Work guaran 8 Church r= SICKROOM SUPPLIES bed invalid walkers, tor vent, central South, reasonable 5 p.m location vent BY RA | TWO bedrooms "and kitchen, furnished {for 2 or 3 gentlemen, close to Shop- | ping Centre. 83 Gren fell St. AREE - room apartment and bath- private entrance. One child wel. $45 monthly, half hydro. RA immediately good used two row corn planter with fertilizer attachments, any ma Will pay top cash price Phone Ol 019 rebuilt, recovered n= Our rates guaranteed Upholstery Dial RA ebastia Hospital bed sides MO 8.7 204 pay Satisfaction rebuilt. Oshawa jond Street West ore the world' mallest k wheel chairs ses FOR RENT 42 Divi- PIONEER village dn Buckhorn Lake. miles north of Peterborough House keeping coMages for rent Good fishing Boats. Camp: site. Call Mrs. Baile RI 3-4750 or Mrs Beasley RI 2-3092 q LAWNMOWER & ENGINE LAKESHORE cottage for rent, on Lake 31644 x - S p all nveniences FAirview SALES & SERVICE cL. nye R F N T srt Engines & Rotor Til- PORT PERRY. Lake Scigog, lake . Engi Bought front cottage. private hree pedrooms FROM THE HILLTOP anes, crutches Iso roll-a PROFESSIONAL painting and "paper AURORA S ir A-1 PAINTING wav beds ond rib RA hanging Prompt attention to all in tradesman GRAVEL quiries. Estimates free. Al Conroy, RA ning, repairing, reconsiry 8-0086 t f Player pianos, reed or CHESTERFIELDS Custom-built Clavic -- like new. Why earliest and 28--Summer Properties ne work guarant RA 82558 hed |YOUR iocal h leanc Chim neys built and repaired ing n are reasonable Nahe yboard instrument stalled, furnace acuur DECORATING by inte Roxa eed » estimate Upper Duplex, sion Street. Available September 1. Apply to Box 803, Oshawa Times. vd Pit Ru ne ed Engine 8 angi with flush toilet. "ully quipped. Dial Authorized Clinton, YUkon 35-2214 Saturday io Wednesday Power Products, Pin- : COTTAGE for RA 8-1201 81 Central Park - and decorating work guaranteed RA Free esti 1.7742 Lauson MO 8-4677 nt RA 8-1 dor Service PRECAST CONCRETE EPTIC TANKS "WALK 'SLABS COLORED PATIO DURA STEPS CURBING ELL TILE BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED OLiver 5-3311 OSHAWA ACME HAULAGE LTD. OA M RAVEL STONE RA 3-3528 CALL GRANT FOR SOD Delivered, layed, field loading MO 8-3015 Bivd. S., Phone RA 5-4633 FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE RA 5. 5954. leanout Se K.&M. CLEANERS will close for €7 | $7 labor plu FURNACE SALES AND SERVICE Mackie RA 5-5954 leanout $7 labor CHAS. A. BRADLEY | And staff holidays July 30th, re-open August 8th, 1960 TRY GUE BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN ips 35c. Hamburg Dog Milk Shake MODERN GRILL RA 5-3887 We Deliver Service- plus parts Qr Ltd & Ct Painting and Dec rating 0} -444 1 | West Mill ATlontig 2-096} PRESQU'ILE -- Claudor Villa, room housekeeping cottages, Phone Brighton 353 or 95 R 1 TWO « ca mping cottages for. "ent Shadow Lake summer on 23 OWNER'S new four safe. swimming and miles from Oshawa. fishing. boat RA 5.4360 LITTLE BUCKAROO RANCH DAY CAMP $10 WEEKLY NFORMATION RA 5737 MARJACK LODGE STURGEON LAKE etc abun- meals hildren 254, RA Fishing friendly dant special Oshawa 3-7893. swimming atmosphere cooked rate tor Box home «bed boat also ground bedroom cottage, RA 8-6891 Tents 9' x9', 9 x 12, stoves, lanterns, camp cots air mattresses, sleeping bags, various sizes Outboard Motors. coolers and para wings ALL NEW EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES Don't Leave Ht Too Late -- Reserve Yours Now. A. Small Deposit Will Hold RA 8-6891 32--Articles Wanted WANTED ~ good condition Portable typewriter, reasonable rice [CEMENT mixers tools, wheelbarrow |hole diggers, post | windlass. Also for |RA 8.1165 sidewalk barrels cement driver sale in RA finishing sump pumps, post wel mixer FOR OUR NEW OSHAWA pportunity with Thi your to join a company the brightest prospects for secur You ompletely qualified ity and future promotion ust be essful previou upermarket employment FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW APPLY IN WRITING GIV ING FULL PARTICULARS ALL APPLICATIONS TREATED IN CONFIDENCE PERSONNEL MANAGER POWER SUPERMARKET 75 VICKERS ROA ISLINGTON, ONT. OCATION IN 44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent CLEAN, bright furnished apartment also double room with twin beds, cen. {tral to shopping and buses. Phone RA 8.8402 |APARTMENT --four vater, self-contained rooms, central, Telephone RA room house, unfurnished, used for two families, 1% north of Columbus on Highway decorated six room nient,. completely self-contained dry facilitie iting, TV outlet provided, Shopping Centre 8-4733 {THREE apart. Laun- hydro ne RA room heavy apartment, wiring, alaga Road. rth at Lansdowne Dr., one bedroom basement apartment at 549 Lansdowne Dr, Open for inspec- tion, decorated to suit. Fly equipped in triplex. Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst St Toronto RL 3-1733; RU 7.9387 LARGF room furnished ment audern' Kitchen private bath (room washer dryer, suitable 101 busi ness girls, or teachers. 210 Mary Street RA 13-2428 sink TV and wo apart outlet, | STORE FOR RENT Ajax Shopping Plaza -- rea- sonable rent --- lease with renewal option -- size 60' x 15'--good location---availe able August 1st Phone Whitby MO 8-4881 BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments trically equipped, best tior $100 Apply | Simcoe St. North, Apt | RA 8.8676 elec- loca- 498 15; ADELAIDE MANOR modern apartments eat hot and parking. $105 monthly R. VICKERY RA 8.6228 -- jent 46 KING W,

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