TOUR WIFE P= SHES MY 2 © B - . ds IR Peer Lauds CEE //= WHEN | STOPPED TO FiX ATIRE, YOU KIDNAPPED HER! b jj 210 A VA . Soil Debutantes TORONTO (CP) -- Debutantes lare here to stay, even if they are no longer being presented to the Queen, says Lord Mancroft, The peer, interviewed while in Toronto to address the Iterna- tional Congress of Outdoor Ad- vertising, said the London social season teaches the girls how to behave. "Debutantes learn not to giggle and not to blush in public. It's a lesson in manners." Lord Mancroft said the fact that the custom of presenting debutantes to the Queen was dis- continued two years ago does not mean they are launched without fanfare, BUSY ROUND He cited the example of his 17-year-old stepdaughter, Venetia Quarry, brought out this year . with an afternoon garden party given by Lord Mancroft's mother. "Venetia has been going to four parties a day for what seems like a thousand years." One party was held in the Lon- don zoo where the guests danced between the cages. Another took place in an airline terminal, And one foresighted hostess thought. fully provided a change in eve- ning dross or her gemtianea . -- - > T TC ? guests when she gave a pi : 0000 LLALLLLLE FH LLLLLLL dd 1 I~ 77 @O/IN" TUH FOLLOW /F YUH HEAR SHOOTIN, YOU beside an outdoor = swimming ABSOLUTELY: NOTHING Hil 7 KNOW WE FOUND INJUNS, NOT CNE RED CENT! JL Il ull THE MASKED MAN: ¢ Besid JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER But teas and cocktail parties are beginning to replace the expensive private dances and often two or three girls will combine to give a party. Lord Mancroft thinks this is a good idea though "it's still murder on the pocketbook." Perhaps his major objection to the debutante season is that he can never get a telephone call through to his .own home, In addition to Venetia there is Miranda Quarry, 12, and Lord Mancroft"s two daughters, Vie- toria, 8, and Jessica, 6. Ben- jamin, 3, is too young for y o 8 And in this douse un of debs and prospective debs, OR YI ITI) , J (THAT PSYCHOLOGY 4 . : ym Benjamin is wo by his JUST FOR THAT YOU'LL | at RE Youre Gon NOPLAce, / father as a "nice change." NEVER KNOW | - POMBO! NOT WITH THE WHAT |'M qe | TO PAY OFF KEY TO THAT BOX OF tan; a AN : : : 5 Fido Fights Xe Forest Fire GERALDTON, Ont. (CP)-- Dogged ingenuity provided the solution to a problem facing men fighting a forest fire in North- western Ontario. Albert McGoey, chief forest ranger of the Pays Flat division, said water had to be pumped from Lake Superior up a steep hill and across the highway. An 18-inch culvert under the road was located but the problem was how to pass the hose through the culvert. Extend To All Employees Of General Motors, BEST WISHES wo ut Been ing "he For A SAFE And HAPPY HOLIDAY Bok pe ne sii wr tis at one end of the culvert and called by someone at the other - end. The dog ran thro ly GRANDMA [shucks, no ONE NHS] [[. CAN C1 | oo ging De role von hits ugh. MISTAKE / RIGHT MIND WOULD ; . GET PEEVED ig was attached to the rope and pulled through the eulvert. THE LONE RANGER Cope. 1960, The Lane. Distributed by King Fe SECRET AGENT X 9 NOT ME! TW A SEAT" MAN! HA, HA! EH ADMIRAL? Promotions At Greenwood By MAY E. BROWN GREENWOOD--Promotions at S.S. 9 Pickering, Greenwood pub- de schools, are reported as fol- lows: Grade 1 to 2: Dougie Benns, Brian Brooks. Stephen Campbell, IF YOu DON'T, WE'LL 7 NO USE! THE THE SLRFA l _|Debbie Fisher. Barbara Hamm, PIVE NTO THE : TIME-MACHINE ; David Henning, Larry Morden, "IRE IB Lr BRICK! Yi ING THE Carol Scriver, Janis Skinner, Billy Thomas. Grade 2 to 3: Joey Benns, Wayne Brooks, Bridget Clarke, Virginia Elson, Derek Jones, Brenda Middleton. Grade 3 to 4: Janice Blake, Jimmie Blake, Linda Eastwood, Marilyn Hamm, Sylvia Secriver, Linda Thomas. Grade 4 to 5: Michael Benns, Bryan Clarke, Lloyd Henning, Heather Kellar, Herbie Middle- ton, Lloyd Morden, Ronald Tit. terton. ' y \ ep A Grade 5 to 6: Philip Benns, : r NOR DO I, HENRI ~§ | C'MON, ZERO~LETS You Jil K THERE MAY BE NO ESCAPE FOR ME Karen Clarke, Robert Clarke, JUST LISTEN TO ALL THAT UNDERSTAND { BUT BEYOND A DOUBT {| AN' ME DUCK INSIDE [ BUTAT LEAST I CAN HURL THESE Judy Copley Joan Gardiner, Ed- SHOOTIN' GOIN' ON, ZERO wm THIS GREAT | THEY WISH TO KILL || BEFORE THE SHOOTIN' 1|lil | COUNTERFEIT PLATES INTO THE ward Henning Brian McTaggart I WONDER WHAT ITS COMES THIS WAY = If RIVER AND LET MY BADGE OF {Judy Moore, John Ruiter, Rose, ALL ABOUT | I'M I TIME TO i h f SHAME BE BURIED IN THE MUD saan a » aa [id Searges A I IF | Da, Grade 6 to 7: Eric Benns, Rv D Sharon Blake, Beverley Kellar, John Moore, Elizabeth Ruiter, Ronald Staley. Grade 7 to 8: Jill Copley, Bon- mie Gardiner, Ken Gardiner, Bon- mie Moore, Bruce Rogers, Marion Titterton. Grade 8 to 9: Donna Barlow, Gary Titterton, Doug Webb, Kathie Wilson. Junior teacher: Elva Sterman; Senior teacher: Mrs. Mildred Eastwood. BUZ SAWYER INTHE FAR EAST, IT's NR / YES! AND NO MAT TER WHAT ED "SQUEEZE", YOU CALL IT, IT'S STILL HER ) NOT RIGHT? BRICK BRADFORD 1 BEEN HEARIN' ABOUT THEM NEW COLORED TV pes! THINK T MIGHT ot VE LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY dias BRELL "MICKEY MOUSE Li OLD STANDBY At least 500 companies were staging "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in the United States around 1900; foom 1852 to 1931 it was pro- duced every night in one place or another, ise WE SEARCHED ALL [ THERE /S SOME HAIR IF A BEAR CLIMBED : AROUND HERE LAST gE CAUGHT IN THE BARK, THIS TREE THERE NIGHT, MISS FENTON! WE COULDN'T FIND A THAT LOOKS LIKE WOULD BE CLAW MARKS = TRACE OF THE BEAR THAT'S BEEN _ BUSTER'S, BUT SOMETHING IDON'T SPOOKING YOUR JOU MUST HAVE MISSED ELSE PUZZLES ME! THESE TRACKS IN THE PARK , LOGAN | N addi ROY ROGERS ---- "Ty 1960 . : Wat Dire Productions him, dear, you've ape vz 77-23 World Right« Reserved ed for a credit card" "Tou've put ep weights"