ROCCO) shop | Rag foi "Gutta Percha" Strong Vinyl Plastic Hose! H save 50.001 Reg. 349.00 Folding Picnic Tables @ Graetz "Catilene" Stereo-Phonograph Ends-of-lines . . . Reg. 10.95 and 16.50 End-of-line to clear. .. note the features of this handsome instrument ! / ® Complete with FM-AM and Short Wave ® Separate fine tuning. Two useful sizes to meet your requirements . . . for parties or Rodio picnics, a sturdy table that folds compactly, may be carried like A ically 'desioned I tai a suitcase. With brown tubular metal legs, metal tops litho- ® Acoustically designed enclosure contains : : : : PE three 7 x 10" high performance loud- graphed in knotty-pine effect; and with extra braces for rigidity. by. : : 3" tweet d ® Powerful 10-tube chassis, many tubes with Complete with easy-on-the-hands plastic handles. EATON July oii ig Weeter, jong. soun multiple functions, y Clearance Special Prices: ® Separate bass and treble controls.' ® Approx. size 14 x 3712 x 29" high. A . 24 x 60", A 30x 72", ape 99 lm we 1499 dnl EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 PHONE RA 5.7373 | July Clearance Special, 1 walnut veneer, each. . .....cxae Portable Ice Chest | EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 PHONE RA 5-737} @ Four-speed European-made record changer plays all sizes and types of records. Large size--Exceptionally Low Priced Ordinarily much higher priced ! = Reduced from 13.99 Large metal ice ehest is epprox, We purchased the maker's entire stock ef this excellent quallty hese 12%" x 13%" x 224", with p durable plastic lining, rounded -- at a saving we pass along te you! a Sa corners. !'Fiberglas" insulation, Outstanding strength end durability: A web-like knitted rayon fibre is $ n ee ie Dose yo oyatie moulded with the green vinyl plastic . . . the result is greatly increased ; a i Ing tray; fitted with bottle opener body and firmness, added power to withstand kinking end bulging; i. end pouring spout for draining. a hose created for many seasons of dependable service. i Coral shade with white trim, Firmly applied brass fittings: Solid brass fittings are pre-pressure fitted fi EATON to ends of hose, sealed with metal inside and out to help prevent leak- July Clearance 1] 449 age and pulling. Special, each ® And remember -- vinyl hosing Is lightweight, easily ianagecble, | EATON'S Lower LEVEL, clean to handle, and shouldn't crack. : DEPT. 254 @® Inside diameter approx. 2"; sold in 50' lengths only. PHONE , 5.7373 EATON July Clearance Special, 50' length . EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 PHONE RA 5.7373 Melnor's Ossillating Sprinklers Specially low priced for worthwhile savings! Fitted with aequa-dial for instant sprey, area sontrol. Covers rectangulor ereas from 9 x 12' te 40 x 55'--up to 2,200 sq .ft. Three-way eon- trol--set for full, half er partial ereas aqua-dial lets you sprinkle right up to WA isin? walls, sidewalks, ete, Filter screen eon sprayer screens out dust end sand, prevents clogging. astic Wading Po Pook Easily moved---position may be changed without shutting off water; enables you to approach without getting wet. EATON July Clear- 8. 19 ance Special, eech . Keep toddlers cool end happy all Summer long . . . this 2-ring blue and red polka-dot patterned pool has a solid red floor, is constructed throughout of heavy gouge plastic. Just high enough for vour ehild to paddle end play -- approx. 50" diameter, 10" deep, collapses for easy transport. 99 TATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 EATON July Clearance Special, each PHONE RA 5.7373 EATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT, 227 - i Save on this 10.5 cu. ft. deluxe Melnor's Three-Arm Sprinkler | ; Philco Refrigerator-Fr eezer End-of-line clearance--Reg. 4.25 ' a : y With spacious 65-1b. {'zero-zone" freezer Revolving type sprinkler covers areas up to 35-feet diameter. With 5 . Striking a happy balance between freezer and refrigerator space. chromium-plated, solid brass arms and head, non-tip base -- a time ; . ; ® 1.8 cu, ft. "Zero Zone" freezer stores up ® Full-width porcelain enamel crisper and work-saver for the gardener! Rs 4 bi to 65 Ibs. drawer. ® Freezer completely separate from rest of @® Extra-deep "Dairy Bar" storage door with EATON np : ; refrigerator. shelves for eggs, bottles and jars, plus @ July Clearance Special, aati 5 i ® Completely automatic defrosting in re- butter keeper. a frigerator section, ® Approx. 61" high, 30" deep, 28V4" wide. TATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT, 253 PHONE RA 5.7373 S nd d WwW Pp § a a an ater 00 Bi EATON July Clearance Special, Backyard puddii hot days--sand-box I 1 ' i Model 11RS02, Sunbeam Self-Propelled Rotary Mower guy, If desired. Designed with 2 sats, moulded edge; approx 31" square, 8" deep, ; . ; with nautical motifs. Lightweight, easily carried, 'non-skid' floor. 22 h.p., 4-cycle . . . low-priced in this special selling ! EATON July Clearance Speciol, eoch .... aq 2V4 hp. Briggs and Stratton engine NATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 227 PHONE RA 5.7373 ; ] (1 79 : - , a en 4 Polar White Exterior Finish Specially designed and reinforced baffled steel housing. For Your Convenience, Customers In Bo # " Sturdy tubular floating handle. ' = Staggered wheel design for close side rim. AJAX, BOWMANVILLE, BROOKLIN, Easy to handle with finger-tip controls, semi-pneumatic wheels. 4 ; y A freshly-painted, spanking white house attracts attention . . , Cuts wide 20" swathe; height of cut adjustable from 1 to 3". DUNBARTON, PICKERING ir ! It has a well-kept look, seems to enhance its surroundings, Complete with mulcher attachment; wheel roller self-propelled : : Give your hame a handsome coat of this frosty "Polar" white dirve. Prop may telephone their orders directly to Eaton's in paint . . . use it on the cottage, garage, picket fence . . . it will Oshawa without toll charge, by signalling the Op- help protect and preserva the surfaces, besides adding to their EATON erator and asking for 5 appearance. I Gece soi, ZEnith 15000 | a tee J {9 Special, gallon . PHONE RA 5.7373 Big special purchase! Special low price ! ZATON'S OUTDOOR SHOP, DEPT. 253 PHONE RA 5.7373 . PHONE RA 5.7373 Please