2 THE GSMAWA TIMES, Wednesdey July 39, 1960 | SHORT SLEEVED Blouses Tuck-in or overblouse beauties that go perfectly with shorts and slacks as well as skirts. Cool, easy-to-wash Sanforized cottons in white and pas- tels. Sizes 32-38. SPECIAL SALE PRICE Al Cool Summer Footwear Ladies' SLIPPERETTES 98- Cool Summer colors. Soft, genuine leather soles. Sizes S, M, L. SALE PRICE Perfect for Serving Cool, Summer Refreshments Glistening 10-oz. tapered shape glasses. Many dec- orations and colors. Reg. 4 for 49s. Decorated GLASS TUMBLERS SPECIAL 6H for 49. 20-Piece Starter Dinnerware SETS Four each eups, saucers, fruit nappies, bread & butter plates and breakfast plates. Three exciting patterns. "Prairie Goi", "Old English Carnation', "Femn- LL] . Avelioble in open stock, . 6.20 value. - CIAL, sot. .... Durable and light with a metal handle. Comes in Red, Yellow end Tur- juoise. Reg. 1.49. 99. FOAM PILLOWS Shredded foam pillows, 18" x 24" x 4" (Approx.). Quilted cover, each in poly bag. White, blue, pink. Perfect for home or cottage. Here's: a real Special: 'deal for home or cottage. SPECIAL PRICE .. 4 Lk i 4 1.77 | LADIES' HAWAIIAN Tuck-in style or over- blouses Assortéd £ Combed Cotton TOOTSIE SOCKS Sizes $, M, L SALE PRICE bright colors. Sizes 10-20. é transistors with tang case and straps. Plug-in earphone aerial, batteries and welded leather ease. SPECIAL SALE PRICE 27.95 COMPLETE "Lady Perkins" ® Serviettes | 200... 13)4 x 13K" . . soft and strong nep- E «py PERKINS" WAXED PAPER L white er assorted eolor 100 feet . . . packs. Reg. 45s. Special, 12" wide transpar- Speciel ont woxed paper in eutter edge 2 5 3: box. Reg. 31a. SPECIAL for ¢ Picnic Tablecloths Fine printed cotton and spun ig Attractive designs, wash- able large 50" x 50" size. Per- fect for picnics or patios. TWO STORES IN OSHAWA TO SERVE YOU BETTER A A { | SPECIAL E50" diameter . . JULY "ROUND-UP" SPECIALS MEN"S Sport Shirts Pre-shrunk end guaranteed wash- able. Handsome rayon poplin shirts with short sleeves. Exclusive bold patterns. $, M, L. 99: Men's and Boys' TOYO CAPS 25: Men's T-SHIRTS Fresh cocling treats from our soda fountain. Perfect for a hot summer day. SPECIAL PRICE .... Jumbo ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 9: ICE COLD DRINKS 10: PEANUTS 29: Orange, Coke, Hires' Root Beer. Jumbo 10-ox. size. . two-tube in two-tone WADING POOLS Keep the kiddies eool on 3.95 solors. EACH those hot, sticky days. Loads = of pleasure for all . . . Big EACH Colorful inflated tug boats. 12" & long, 9' high and 8" wide. With bells and squeaker. Ideal for i