cup SUICIDE RATE sity eity outnumbered road FAST 100 YARDS SUEEN PRESENTS OXFORD Eng and (CP)--|deaths by 19 to 14 In 1950, says a IMES, Wednesday, July 20, 1960 | : 3: H t 3 JOHANNESBURG, South Af- {DON - Eng 1 10 THe SSAA : ih 0ld Rural Universities n aln = (AP) -- Edward pr hd har ) 3 bo . Jenn Cases of suicide in this univer-|report to the local council. Jefferys, the South African | R t | . sprinter, entered for the 100| Horse. and Hound Cup to Ameri-| i - metres in the Rome Olympics,ican George Morris at the 41st Canada eac or Libra Entrance Requirements was clocked over this distance at| Royal International Horse Show] {10.1 seconds Sunday equalling the| at London's White City Stadium. | . > By BOB STOCK |other courses is not likely to be present world record. Although|Morris, of New Caanan, Conn., . $ . Canadian Press Staff Writer |lowered in the future, university|10.1 is recognized as the world won the cup with a clear two| u nn n 1 I 0 t TORONTO (CP)--Ontario uni-|S0Urces said. | record, Armin Hary of West Ger-| rounds over a 790-yard course of HOME DAIRY n n ario versities, already overflowing, Admission to McMaster Uni-| Many 234 Haid Jerome of C0112 Jones from an international By RUKMINI DEVI equally towards the cost o = are resisting mounting pressure(Versity, Hamilton, is based on a| Cu Boo fo Bo of Bisons { OSHAWA AND AJAX Canadian Press Correspondent |reactor, India's second 2" er ENNOTVILLE, Ont. (CP) --lfrom school organizations for|60 pass mark on nine Grade) BOMBAY (CP)--India has out-|ger than any in Asia, i + "Con.| This Western Ontario hamlet is|easier entrance requirements. [XIII papers for general coursesi,,nirojleq University of Sudbury distanced in the atomic field all sngrudgingly adm io ant! the home of one of the oldest! Two school groups are deter- and 64 for engineering COUrses.|, i the new Laurentian Univer- | CIALS other Asian countries including a 3, Soul ion _ 0 er |rural libraries in the province--| mined to reduce the present 60- The registrar's office said en- sity in the same city. All three SPE Communist China with the com-|knowledge has !|a 113 - year - old institution with/percent average required / on|trance standards are constantly iy pe federated. THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY : ada-Indi .|Nearly 50 Indian scientists were hat tes on ni under review but no change is - pletion of the Canada India Re ' 3 a "| some 6,000 books that operates {nine Grade XIII papers to 55 per A | Rev. J. W. E, Newbery, prinei- actor. The $20,000,000 project, trained at Chalk River and be the honor Bystem. {cent to permit more average stu-|desirable at present. |pal, said: "This is a standard ! ES . errr i -India re- | i hy ( Judes Se a hore wi a Most borrowers. have a key to|dents to enter university. University of Waterloo standard om mon to most of the univer- FRESH ombo Plan, now s, Bom- |: ! | | Ras berry Pie 49c dig : - . For those who haven't] .: type of courses taken in high|. yo 4 wo hy students." . VENETIAN r Pp has undergone|world's biggest producers" of|on a table. ; their standard to 55 per cent. The . y y OE ts to suit In-|radio active isotopes, -even en- a key, Mrs. Add Gear, the librar-| yeociation of Ontario Secondary|S¢hool. It demands 60 per cent! yr, over assistant registrar G. CIS 3 : ildi is lower for engineering and sci-|_ : io. I Its f 2s shill by Indian nationals. the old greystone building. To| The Urban and Rural School 5 |sities in Ontario. It results from Days Te: aly on Canada's] The CIR, as it is popularly borrow a book they simply signiTrystees Association last month| Ci courses than. other univer-ij, "of accommodation but I do i i i i i t some. ian, is within reach at.the corner|g.p 1 3 intendents pl fo for first-year engineering but of Langevin of the University of dian tropical conditions and other|abling India to export ' chool Superintendents plans the nine subjects taken, three|q Ag . danana ad er da 1] C sctors. Some 30 Canadian| Under the Canada-India agree |store. _ confer with the universities in the : akesn, *€Sudbury said it would like to Jocal Toeio on and techni- ments signed in New Delhi April There are only eight or nine|fall on a similar proposal. {must be in mathematics and two| ,. co entrance standards rather : cians worked for more than four|28, 1956, India will make its vast families in Ennotville, northwest| ov . tniversities, haWever PR al ni , io " than lower them. 5 MADE WITH FRESH BANANAS years with hundreds of Indians|research facilities available to all of Cuelph, but the nine-member yoo Es Hida 5 e Togisirar 5 bi ice says |" Assumption at Windsor requires to push through the project atithe countries in the Asian region. jiprary board still buys 200 to 300 ; 20 requitements, Some wocid ange is 2 reseen In o hes 60 per cent but has a preliminary lL Trombay, a suburb of Bombay| {The CI8's Jmportance fo India| volumes anniially to expand the; 10 see an even higher stand- Frome 8 : arse year class which calls for a 4 FOR QUALITY, FRESHNESS and FLAVOR City. : also lies in the fact that it willl nection, many books of whic § § aww) Fons se "Grade XII certificate with 65 per \ + i Canada and India contributed enable the country to go ahead are 100 years old. Jord, They say toy Wil Zan, any terion would do likewise. ceil average. Shop at the bakery with the large variety. em --------|with plans for having a network] 5 40. of forming a library ifications, Their reasons are lack ONE DISSENTER The University of Western On- of nuclear power stations, Blue-| ° 3 a : % 3 | Pe wy g . - prints of the first station to be was born in the 1830s when settl-\of room and high failure rates] Entrance requirements for tario also has a 60-per-cent stand. Ss ials are Also Available At-- it y rs included a few books in their| mong students in the average-|Huntington University, Sudbury, 2rd and Dr. G. E. Hall, president, set up near Bombay are already ©r® Mf¢ y to Among e ge- (Hunting University, Y,| 2 a, res, IES rosperi in the final stage. effects. These were donated to|apjjity range, will be 60 in nine Grade XIII|said it can be justified "from y BAILEY FOODS, Oshawa Shopping Centre and ¢ : igi ibrary and some i » many points of view." He main- i WS rs have paid the original library } 4 papers when it opens its doors . Indian newshape ave dates in the 1840s on their FEW GRADUATE lfor the first time in September. |tained this does not exclude stu- THE FOOD SHOP, 42 Simcoe Street North warm tribute to the Canadian h : L 8 uts rea and Indian scientists who suc-|flyleaf. | A survey by the Ontario Col-|It will be the same for the Jesuit-|dents likely to pass at University. cessfully coped with the peculiar] Books were first kept In the|lege of Education showed that 67| ™ {problems posed by the construc- schoolhouse. But when one of the| per cent of students with 55 to Ition of a NRX type reactor un-| early settlers, John Cunningham, |6¢ per cent in Grade XIII passed | onsump 101) ic conditions sharply differen' fell into a ditch and damaged zt university compared with 72| rom those at Chalk River. One some books while on his way t0 per cent for those with 60-t0-64- | s-/0f the major problems was the return them one night, he de- per-cent average in the fifth and| perity usually means a decline ju/gusstion J Shidlding the 450. cided Io gpazk a campaign for! inal year at high school. ! bread consumption, says W. G. 9% P Pl radiahon heyards. 2 prope ry. | A Queen's University survey Malaher, research director for any possible ra S| The library building wasspowed that few students enter- the Searle Grain company MASSIVE DOME |erected in the early 1850s andi; with less than 60 per cent And, he adds, as less bread is "yp oh experiment the Since then there has always been ever graduated with a degree. | eater, more of the higher-priced| Go ti "Goviced a "steel shell"|d Cunningham on the executive.|mpe principal, Dr. A. W. Mac-| foods such as meat, fruit and FC oc tee actors. The eylin-| Miss Isobel Cunningham, board |inioeh said Queen's has no evi-| dairy products are consumed. derical steel wall is 120 feet in| secretary, is a grandniece. dence to justify a change in its! Statistics showed that in the diameter capped by a massive |60-per-cent standard. | Unitec States, the 1910 per capita ; 0" "qne rotunda, as it is|hailed the CIR as a great ex-| Dr. Frank Wetmore, associate] consumption of wheat flour Wasi, on "is" 133 feet high. The ample of international co-opera-|dean of arts at the University of| 211 pounds w'ile for 1957-58 it| op 1a" structure 'can withstand tion for the benefit of mankind. Toronto, said it may have to was about 118 pounds. any internal pressures and, as He has said that "the close col-|rajse its rquireements in order to During the same period, the one scientist put it, "the reactor|laboration (between Canada and |p ing enrolment down to a level population increased about 85 per|is 5 safe within the protective India) in a highly complicated hare it can be handled. At pres- cent but total consumption off ghell ag the baby in your cradle." field is.a symbol of the manner| ."" o : A " ; " 4 : : p equires 60 per cent except flour rose by only two per cent.. A g¢pecial cooling system has in which the world has shrunk | engineering students who Mr, Malaher says a similar, peen designed for the CIR. In|through modern technology and| oo a 64 a. though less - pronounced, trend|the case of the NRX at Chalk|a token of the peace, understand-| "The ones peel" said Dr. has taken place in Canada and|Rijver the cool waters of the Ot-|ing and co-operation which will) 8 ¢ g : : the same holds true for many iawa River have come in handy|one day spread throughout the| Wetmore, "will be those with \ t L L P . western European countries with|hyt the sea water around Trom- world." ; lower standing. ow, (0) rices : highly - developed and generally hay has an average temperature| The U.S. Atomic Energy Com-| : prosperous economies of some 80 degrees, shooting up mission has sold 20 tons of| CARLETON Journ Oitsws However, one country that still(to even 92 in summer. "heavy water" for the CIR. In 24 , | f , 0 p consumed larger quantities f| "The CIR's chimney is 400 feet|addition, the U.S. has supplied boosted its requirements for sci- { FA t P bread was New Zealand where| high, the highest in India. There|to India a great number of tech. ence and engineering courses to ad | " the annual per capita consump-|is a ball tank capable of holding|nical publications and papers in-|66 on Grade XIII mathematics | v 7 tion was a little more than 200/about 1,000,000 gallons of water.|cluding an entire library on|and science subjects this year. | | : pounds. | Prime Minister Nehru haslatomic energy. A 60-per-cent requirement = : DRESSES CLEARANCE Many Beautiful Styles DRASTICALLY REDUCED out = j.00%: NRX reactor at Chalk River, known here, will be one of the a small register which lies open|yoted to ask universities to lower sities but is more definite in the| ci (hat in certain cases it may WINNIPEG (CP)--Rising pro THEY Our entire stock of Ladies, Misses, Go and Oversize Summer Dresses have been marked down for quick clear- GIRLS' CHINO SLIMS ance. Sizes 8 to 20, 9 to 19, 1412 to 24V2 and 46 to 52. Sizes 7.%0 14x. Reg. 3.95 99 OUT THEY GO *........... » LADIES CHILDREN'S SKIRTS | BATHING SUITS STARTING THURSDAY 9 AM. -- JULY 21 [| "> 50/ ASYM = 29 9 ay + out BOY'S SWIM TRUNKS + ] 00 Women's, children's, men's and boys'. There are bargains galore at our an- fi i 2k 1p" b co ..... | nual mid-summer sale where there are tremendous savings on each and every | 11 Re, 192. OUT THEY CO. | pair of shoes. I 108 { Re 3, LADIES' 2 3 p: ' 1 : : 7 A | WY ; SUMMER BOYS' PANTS -'2 PRICE LATEST STYLE IN LADI ES' 7 | a YM : \ Canadian Made of good quality chino material. Black or Beige. ILLUSION AND HIGH HEELS HANDBAGS | su vos 2 or 1.99 g 4 A galaxy of fabrics and | Reg. 3.98 Value OUT THEY GO Beige or White--Reg. $7.95 GO i 3 styles to choose from. : 7 | A ; ouT MEN'S E HIRTS Special 4-95 he | ; \ SN wr 1.99 white TERYLENE S Short sleeves. Sizes 142 to 16. Reg. 4.95 Value. OUT THEY GO | : | LADIES' SHORT SETS | MEN'S NECKWEAR | BIG REDUCTIONS in MEN S and BOYS SHOES Cool shorts with matching sleeveless tops. Ideal for hot "oleae tun 88- weather. Beautiful colors in neat Dan River Checks. 0.00 values OUT Sizes, Small, Medium and Large. Reg. 4.98. THEY GO es ; 2 FOR 1.50 | LADIES' MOCCASINS FLAT HEEL STEP-INS : OUTTHEY GOD .....\......... 2.99 MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS : i , f Al lecti f pott d mater- Good for inside and outside wear--Reduced to Beige or white i & Pp om gly Medion and Large. Reg. to $4.95 values. | 39 08 08 . : 08 : JAMAICA OR SHORT STYLE 12 10s 2 Sredelly Prised 199 [143 LADIES' SHORTS |ormice 1:99 A grand selection of Jamacia or Short style shorts to MEN'S OXFORDS | \ LADIES' CASUALS | [1 Nging/ willis sen mss s=1" | ppyanAN Suimts a A | 49 Beautiful Hawaiion patterns, Short sleeve Brown -- Perforated, summer leather Medium and wide width, SUSANS OUT THEY GO L] Siyle. Lovely materials, Sizes swell, wie: % sess sss vesnse dium and large. sole, medium and wide width -- Reg. i. and other. Specially Reduced. 88 12.95. EN { LY ; OUT THEY GO . : Fy SLEEVELESS STYLES LADIES' Special §-95 TF 1 |] BLOUSES & T-SHIRTS DRESS TROUSERS Sleeveless style in various patterns or plain shades, | Nicely tailored with belt to match. Shades of Grey and Blue. Sixes 30 to 42, | | ee - Sizes 14 to 20. | : 99 OUTTHEY GO ...connveivars 88 OUT THEY GO n MODEL SHOE STORE X COLLIS & SO King West at N S gins 32 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH | | p i CORNER OF ATHOL ST. | ® RA 5-631 1