HOUSEHOLD HINT Mr. J h Daniel man, Us n M the insides of wood drawers best man. Ushering were Messrs, Philip Calnan, John Parker and are not polished, the wood could Wayne Cole. snag fine fabrics. Lining the A reception was held in Grafton drawers with plastic heavy = Hi GUIDANCE | How ToDeal With A Child Iyyey' 1 Grafton niriiperir bie Sim oh a re 7% W h es an | At St. Mary's Roman Catholic| ove: taffeta with beige aceesso- an ! 0 Indulg In T trums Church, Grafton, Ontario, recent-' rie . The Borrihi. A mother HOUSEHOLD HINT dak | By G. CLEVELAND MYERS { Aim to keep him from getting|ly. Douglas Harrison Cole, son of was in beige with green accesso-| Wear old cotton oves 18 dust Yesterday, 1 questioned the ad-| any reward for his tantrums and Mr and Mrs. Arthur Cole, of rie; Both wore corsages of a bi blinds, a oust # vice you often hear from certain yourself from needlessly inflam-| Oshawa, took as his bride, Mary | nations, cloth will get ensnar | experts that you should not try| |Anna Calnan, daughter of Mr.| slates. ing his anger, | Later the couple left for a wed-| & and Mrs, Anthony J. Calan of! ding tri 7 | i : oi y " | p to Lake Placid. For go- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial RA 3-3474 langer In yourself or your child UGLY NAMES Grafton. away the bride wore a white ' ; ling THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 19, 1960 7 [but let them have free expression.| Suppose your child, ten or 14, mye Reverend H. Black offi-|dress with brown and white I noted that this advice assumes calls you ugly names when in | ci-ted, The wedding music Was|gecessories and a rose corsage. Lloyd-Fehrenbach Nuptials acted a) Douglas H. Cole | Mary Anne Calnan | (HEAT GOT Ito control expressions of violent in another Half- Yearly CLEARANCE * peoucrions 25% w SO% JACKETS Ask us about SUMMER VITAMINS FOR EXTRA ENERGY I that when anybody is enraged he| rage or even curses you. | played by Miss Stella Drumm of The newly wedded pair will live has just so much anger inside of| That's rarely the time to re-| Gr fon and Mr. William Reid ofl oRawa: him, and that when it escapes no puke hol Ssh Nm psig Cobourg was the soloist. iin Lsngva. more is left, It overlooks the ob-|Pl0S 1. you Given in marriage by her fa . . vious fact that violent expres- serenely and quietly until the! 1 or. the bride age gowned in Solemnized In 2-Ring Ceremony (sos of 'user suai scoeraie storm is past and vou and he es 5, he, 2, het Seer: . > i 3 ; | The , v » i , |tion possible anger might be very effective. [ scalloped kine of lace: en . 's Roman Catholicjwith short white gloves. They ; 7 : | scalloped neckline a setting for a wed-| wore bow knot bandeaux and car-| person present " Foun HIO8 55. ot times When 1é crusted with sequins and a lace ding on Saturday morning, July ried nosegaye of white and blUC|pgpreg LEAVE HIM (calls you or any other person in| 16, when Frances Anne Fahey: e gg McKay was best| Often in this column 1 have|your presence by an ugly name {F00%, + 1eBEIh NO bach was united in marriage wi +. LAREE; » | maintained that when we feel en- be decisive with effective rebuke tin sertip veil and she carried a i he daughter of Kenneth Lloyd, Gregory Fehren- i = i 4 ny he brige De a Fehren-| bach and Gerard Fehrenbach ot ol his Dresence i wo Saul one EARLY and streamers of stephanotis. L ad the bridegroom is the| The reception was held in St.| J HEL CE on the child is] Nip name-calling and abusive] Miss Lilliane Salvas the the on yi Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F.| Gregory's Auditorium, and the a Fe A a a Tt in| maid of honor and the ; rides. Lloyd, all of Oshawa. A. Ruth radi Ser ae ervey i remove ourselves from him physi-| the tot. Treat all such ugly names, maids were Miss Ann Lawless le Reyer as gowns : from us, except in instances when|In the hundreds of small and| mint green with matching head. Present in the sanctu-| To receive, the bride's mother , "io endangering property, other|easy situations, train your child|dresses. Miss Ursula Roddy, the Ye Very Reverend Dean wore a sheath dress of rose beige persons or himself - {trom early years in sensible ways| Junior bridesmaid, wore white A Mr, Jack Driscoll| Chantilly lace over taffeta, with| Suppose your child, two, three|of giving vent to his angers. Prac. With Hi greoh accession, All Paved the ig slo |e ig guano? Jen " Jue or four, is in a violent rage, There|tice these ways yourself. {carried bouquets w, car- accompanied Mrs. William Kins-| coat. He: t, miste veiling, : man who sang "The Wedding and accessories, were dusty rose, punishing him in other ways for| vention and Correction," "su [M2 2001s Davi Ene, pi ing y pve » kicki | ss," "Hor v | . in marriage by her|comprised her corsage Assisting EY al ia big WS oy hi had oy bride. i father, the bride wore a full was the bridegroom's mother who nothing, Let him kick and|sending a self - addressed, us. Stephanie - Maliszewska - and | Boleslaw Maliszewska of Po- |), oy" gown of gardenia white chose powder blue French lace, op any' Act as though you were|stamped envelope to me in care| SOCIAL NOTICE Anthony Ragal were married | land and the bridegroom is the elk organza over met and silk|with matching duster coat, a , tye HOTEL oohen oct ey rey recently at St. Hedwig's Roman | son of Mrs, John Ragal of [faille. The pointed bodice fea-| white hat and matching acces-| you can't do so in his pres-| ? Catholic Church. The bride is | Poland and the late Mr. Ragal. lvared a yoke of Viennese lace sories, and a corsage of white] get away from him, which | PARENTS' QUESTIONS the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. --Photo- by Mary's Studio J ' 3 Q. Our son, four, embarrasses| MARRIAGE more anger inside, not to men-|companionable, a quiet tal Eo Eh 4 | man, and ushering were Messrs. | Ry v i Danford Hughes Lloyd raged at a child 'e should get or punishment. | white "sigh Bu BR cally or psychologically, or him|as if they were wielded weapons,|and Miss Pauline Boyle, all in Ottawa performed the double-ring| St. Mary-of-the-People " ; | J : is no sense then in spanking or| (My bllletins, "Tantrums: Pre.| nations. The ring bearers were | Prayer" and "Ave Maria'. {and tinted pink chrysanthemums PRINCIPALS IN RECENT CEREMONY |™& es | embroidered in sequins and seed | baby chrysanthemums, Also is easier than to remove him A 4 Bon in f vou are. Of course,Us because he is so shy with) Mr. and Mrs, Paul Logeman y let him have or|adults. |announce the marriage o° their ey a ns him--| A. Be more concerned when he|daughter, Violet Logeman (Cline), which usually was the cause of|is shy with other children his age./to Mr. William M. Ross, nv his rage in the first place, Feeling comfortable with them|Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ross, a ce also fashioned the| greeting the guests was Mrs. [eats Lace and outlined the two-| John Hughes, grandmother of the tiered hooped skirt. A coronet of bridegroom, who 'vore violet silk [seed pearls and sequins held her|crepe, with a black straw hat | finger tip veil and she carried a|trimmed with white flowers and DRUGS Regulor City-Wide Deliveries H OSHAWA | 28 KING STREET EAST SHOPPING CENTRE Prior to her marriage recently to Mr. Douglas H. Cole, Miss Mary Anna Calnan was honored at pre-nuptial parties. Mrs. Joseph Daniel and Mrs. Thomas Thomson were co-hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held at the former's home on Eulalie avenue. Mrs. John Parker, Finucane street, was hostess at a neighbor- hood shower. Mrs. A. Knox and Mrs. F. Lawless entertained at a shower in St. Gregory's uuditor- ium when the guests were the Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Harold|,ascade of white chrysantiie- Pound, Mr. and Mrs, Donald|y ume and pink Briercliffe roses. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. George Hol-| wps. James Danchuk was ma- lands, Mr. Frank Lunn, Miss | ¢ron of honor and the bridesmaids Kathryn Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.|wepe Miss Marilyn Burrows and A. Bailey, Mrs, Joseph Leppin Miss Judy Foster, all wearing fon, Mr. and Mrs. William De dentical street length dresses of erell, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Thor-|ypite silk organza styled with ogood, Miss Mildred Thorogood, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thero- good, Miss Rita Kelly, all of To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. William Gaynes and Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Gaynes and daughter, || a corsage of white baby chrysai- themums points east and north, the bride wore chocolate brown linen beige accessories and a corsage of yellow their return the couple will re- side in Oshawa, There'll be no occasion for you| to he vexed or angry then if you 10/1 ave self-mastery. If, however, For the honeymoon. {trip with other per-|- dangering property, you should |,-- sons, even himself, intercept and be protective. Although a sharp whack on his fundament, in case he throws things, hits or bites another per-|| #3 son while enraged, might be ef- fective, it's of doubtful wisdom, i1lest i* only increase his anger, | Such actions hardly would hap- chrysanthemums. On ETS and seeing them comfortable with in| adults, expression of his anger he is en-| cial courage with grownups. BUDGET TERMS MEN FRIENDLY SERVICE IEE PARKING | Oshawa. The marriage took place RA 3-462) |in Northminster United Church he should gain more $0-on Friday, July 15, with the Rev- erend H, A. Mellow, officiating. GLAZIER"S mothers of the pupils in Miss Cal-| Patsy, Saint John, New Bruns- nan's class at St Gregory's|wick; Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk- school. Mrs. Philip Calnan of Co-|patrick, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. bourg and Mrs. D. Johnston of|Grant Brooks, Port Hope: Mr. Grafton entertained at ihowers.|and Mrs. William Lunn, Brant. Mrs. Anthony Calnan, mother of ford; Miss Sylvia Joyce, Hamil the bride, held a trousseau tea at|ton | her home in Grafton. A rehears- } ; : al party was held at the home of| MI. and Mrs. James P. Craig the bride's brother and sister-In-|2nd family have returned to their law," Mr..and Mrs. P. J. Calnan, (home in La Puente, California, Cobourg after visiting for two weeks at the home of Mr. Craig's parents, Out of town guests at the Lloyd- Mr, and Mrs. James Craig, Rus- Fehrenbach wedding were Mr. sett avenue. They also visited Mr. and Mrs, Pat Mahoney, Mrs. R. and Mrs. William Craig at Maple J. Mahoney, Bernard Harold and|ysjand. Car! Mahoney, Mr. Edward Ma-| honey, Mrs. Michael Shannon, Oshawa guests at the Cole- bir, Edward Shannon, Mrs. Mar- Calnan wedding in Grafton were garet Keating, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. R. Ireland, Mr. A. Goguen, Michael Mahoney, all of Mar- Mr. and Mrs. E. Des Roches, r a; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ma: Mr. and Mrs. A. Coppin, Mr, and| honey and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mrs. A. Love, Mrs. F. Lawless Nice, Peterborough; Mr. 'and and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. Ted Arbour and Mr. and) Parker, Mr. E. Gillespie, Mr, and Mrs, Joe Mahoney, Toronto; Miss| Mrs, T. Thomson, Mr, and Mrs, Judy Foster, Whitby; Mr. and|J, Daniel, Mrs, G. Taylor, Mr. Mrs. Earl Button, Mr. and Mrs.|J. Stankovits, Mr. and Mrs. R. Richard Beddows, Miss Mary|Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shepperd- Ann Beddows, Mrs. Gordon son, Mrs, G. Ulrich, Mr. A, Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. William Allman. Other guests were Fit. Button, Mrs. John Hughes, all of | Officer D. A. Calnan, Lac St. Kingston; Mrs. W. T. Fehren Denis, Quebec; Mr. and Mrs. bach, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.|Philip Calnan, Miss C. Hogan, W. J. Fehrenbach, Ancaster; Mr. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Hart, Mr. and Bert Bowers, Nestleton; The Rev-| Mrs. D. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. erend John A. Ruth, Ottawa. x. Reid, all of Cobourg; Mr. and . ait rs. E. Roddy, Miss Rose Anne You are invited by the Social i w Department to send in any little Roddy, Miss Jane Roddy, Miss All smiles for her first birth- d # HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CATHY daughter of Ernest C "1 pen anyway if they had been ef- | fectively forbidden at other times whe he was not angry. Aad Ss * a Miss Lillian Beamish, presi- dent. of the Pilot Club of Osh- awa, has been named official delegate to the 39th annual con- vention of Pilot Club Inter- national to be held in San Franciseo from July 24 to July 28 Mr. and Mrs, Mills, Kulalie avenue, SALE BEGINS WEDNESDAY -- 9 AM. OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Family Allowance Cheques Gladly Cashed LADIES' COTTON DRESSES With or without sleeves. All washable and color-fast, In many styles and all in such lovely fabrics, You will love the smart prints and woven cloths, Reduced to low, low prices. All sizes including half sizes in the oop i tenes 2 "008 Flekyiaws "3% 789 SPECIAL 2" 9.98 LADIES' SUMMER CASUAL SHOES Clearing many styles in white, beige and some black, Most sizes in the lot, normally sold for 2.98, 3.98 CLEARANCE OF LADIES' WEAR Better SUMMER DRESSES 'Reduced for clearance, The styles are so attractive, now is your opportunity to save many dollars for @ better dress just in time for your holidays, Our entire stock of dresses to be cleared. LY le EO. Ba 508 SPECIAL. 9.98 a. a LADIES' BATHING SUITS Featuring well-known brands, All reduced from V4 to Ya off. Sizes 12 to 20 end 38 to 44, i Aesesniansithannnrs 3/98 items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and corhings and go- ings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474 local 18. Guests from out-of-town at the Gaynes Payne wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Adams and sons, Gary and Murray, Mrs, Cecil Jackson, Mr. and Mrs Norman Jackson and son, Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayne, Mrs. Fred Marlene C. Payne Becomes Bride Of Donald Gaynes| The marriage of Marlene Claire Payne of Oshawa and Don- ald Willam Gaynes of Ingersoll] was solemnized on Saturday, July 16, at St. Gertrude's Roman Ca-| tholic Church. The bride is the daughter of| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Payne of Oshawa and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ursula Roddy, all of Lakeport; today is Cathrine Ann, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kinack, Whit| -- and 4.98. --Photo by Hornsby SPECIAL CLEARING PRICE os Hope; Miss L. Salvas, Cardinal; Mr. and Mrs. J. Cully, Pem- broke; Mr. and Mrs. W. Lasharis, Bowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. R. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. E. Woods, Mrs, W. Fenton, Mr. and Mrs, J. Cole, all of Toronto; Mr and| Mrs. M. Bemis, Brooklin | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plews,| Arlington avenue, were in To ronto on Sunday where they at- tended the golden wedding anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillard. The anniversary party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gillard's son-in-law and | gaughter, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon A small fire extinguisher for your kitchen is one of the best in- Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Burns of vestments you can make for Methel, Fifeshire, Scotland, and safety. Miss Mary Burns of Sault Ste, |------ Marie are guests at the home of Mrs, James Lesley, Elgin street east, {tion for cuts and bruises. Apply| Mr. and Mrs. G. 1. Roberts,|a thin coat of clear shellac to the Mary street, have been spending|area that has been cut or bruised | a few days at The Queen Eliza-|t, prevent decay or fungus infec-|| beth Hotel in Montreal tion. ney; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope, Port WIFE PRESERVER 1 HOUSEHOLD HINT Trees and plants need protec- Gaynes of Saint John, New Brunswick. The Reverend John Meyers of- ficiated. The wedding music was| played by Mr. J. J. Kraemer. | The bride was given in mar-| riage by her father. She wore a| ballerina gown of white silk or- 2anza and taffeta and net. The| basque bodice featured a sequined | yolk of applique flowers which were repeated on the ballerina skirt. A tiara of sequins held her waist-length veil and she carried a cascade of white carnations] and stephanotis, Shop WOOLWORTH'S First CUT LEAF PHILODENDRONS PLANTS * 6-INCH POTS GIRLS' SHOES LIKE BATHING YOUR FACE IN MINTED SNOW! 1te3 Reg. 2.99. SPECIAL SUMMER CASUALS All leather with neolite soles in red or white, Sizes 6 to 13 ond 1.99 GIRLS' SUMMER DRESSES All so smart! of their cost. Values te 3. SPECIAL | Values to 5. SPECIAL Values to 9. SPECIAL . Reg. up to 12.98, SPECIAL . . .. 1.99 6.99 GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS In atrtactive plaids, preshrunk and washable Sizes 8 to 14, Reg. 2.59. 99° y styled. Reduced to a small fraction Size | to 3x, 2 to 6x and '7 to 14, 98. 1 99 98. 2.98 sess esrnnnenrnres n SPECIAL .. Short sleeves. FRIENDLY SERVICE rrr PARKING EE correct fit, Size S-M-L. SPECIAL For fishing, driving or 7% SPECIAL MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS In attractive prints and patterns, Well-known American brand. Sanforized shrunk for Reg. 2.98 each. MEN'S CAPS Size 62 casual weor BOYS' CHINO PANTS Just in time for cottage or camp. Sturdy quality polished cotton chino pants, sanforized and wash- able. Size 6 to 16. Reg. value 2.98, SPECIAL "i 1.00 BOYS' SHORTS In sturdy quality Chino cloth. Boxer waist e few grey Size 7 to 14, SPECIAL to In tan, 2% INFANTS' months. COol Glow BY RICHARD HUDNUT aw MINTED CREME FACIAL CLEANSER Gives you a fresh, glowing sensation of beauty . . . cleanses bo the depths of every pore . . . as never before! SPECIAL Mint-green, mint-clean, Cool Glow stimulates as it cleanses to Drip-dry and crease-resistant yellow, pink, blue or mint-green SUN SUITS Size Normally sold for 1.98. Sizes S-M-L. In attractive shades of 12, 1 Clearing lines that nor- LUGGAGE for Men and Women The styles are smart, prices really low. Come in and see 3.98 ~ 9.98 8 or 24 tor yourself Priced from LADIES' SKORTS Brown, green or red woven plaid. Permanent pleating With attached pantie. Mostly sizes 16 and 18. Reg sold for 4.98. Short-, Miss Rita Kelly was the maid-| of-honor similarly gowned in| blending shades of turquoise pure | silk organza over taffeta with a R U B B E R P LAN TS hand-embroidered applique trim. |} | She wore turquoise accessories] Regular $4.77 THIS WEEK and carried a cascade of pink| the depths of every pore. leaves skin with a eool tingling glow of smooth flawless radiance. Makes cleansing your face a stimulating beanty experience. Get COOL GLOW by Richard Hudnut mally sold for 1.98 and 2.98. 88° LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL COTTON PRINT AND BROADCLOTH An exceptionally good saving on quality merchandise, all 36 inches wide. Normally sold for 49c and 29° LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL 1.99 MEN'S COTTON CHINO PANTS For casual or work You will feel cool in these pants Mostly in tan, a few grey or black. Sizes 28 to 36 Saonforized 1.99 | -- | |MITED QUANTITY SPECIALS "mmm LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS In cotton, erinkle-crepe, royon and some nylon knee-length and full-length carnations, Mr. Lorne Payne acted as best| man. The ushers were Messrs. | Donald Reid and William Lunn A reception was held at the Hotel Genosha. To receive, the bride's mother wore blue silk or ganza over wedgewood blue prini with blue accessories and a cor sage of tinted white and blue car- | nations. The bridegroom's mother | assisting was in blue lace with pink accessories. As the couple left for the wed-| ding trip to Deerhurst Lodge, Huntsville, the bride was wear- ing an almond-beige silk suit with white accessories and a gar- denia corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Gaynes will live in Ingersoll, 2.99 RUBBER PLANT Complete With STAND and URN 6.97 vos boday! 89 and $1.39 CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY 8 KING ST. E. | EEE ES PHONE RA 3-2245| OSHAWA | PHONE RA5-3546 STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA L BUDGET TERMS FREE PARKING | Ln | olin --i | == = c" LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL 59¢ yard, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, yard MANY, MANY MORE BARGAINS ON DISPLAY OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY--OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. LAZIER 498 SIMCOE SOUTH (Across from South Simcoe School) IRN IENDLY SERVICE SNR B IGE TE Since 1925 | { | | MS | { | | |