The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1960, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1960 w KENNEDY AND RUNNING MATE JOHNSON \ ORGANIST Johnny McMann NIGHTLY 9 - 12 HOTEL LANCASTER UK. Festival By Canadian By JUDITH AYER Canadian Press Stafi Writer LONDON (CP)--Sandy Black, 25-year-old native of Kitchener Ont., is responsible for one ol England's newest summer festi- vals. Vr V His efforts have inspired the 2 people of Ludlow, Shropshire, to organize a permanent summer festival of the arts, They hope to FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL WA RA. 8.6201 make their town an arts centre for the West of England and § Wales. Black helped with the produc- * {tion of Milton's Masque of Co- 7 mus, staged last year to help © raise funds for restoring the par- ish church. He stayed on in Lud- =~ ° low to see what the possibilities were of continuing the idea of summer production even though the church by then had all the | money it needed. In June this year the Ludlow Festival Society was formed. Drama, visual arts, music and . Morris dancing were ditered dur- & : ih i v ning Re 10-day festiva ginning SANDY BLACK GET THE BEST For Less At MODERN UPHOLSTERING 9262 SIMCOE ST. N. RA 8-6451 or RA 3-4131 OSHAWA _ ONLY 10% DOWN UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY ells ANCIENT CASTLE and for a time was guest director] Focal point of the festivities is for the Little Theatre in Wood- | the 900-year-old Ludlow Castle, stock, Ont. Not satisfied with the within whose walls the Masque|opportunities a: home, he re- of Comus was first played in|turned to England last year on 1634. a Canada Council scholarship "I thought it was a shame not|/and took on the Ludlow job. to make use of such an impres-| "Ludlow is very close to my| sive natural local setting," said/heart," he said. But he adds that | Black he would. like to return to Can- The castle is in ruins with little ada "when I can 'make a posi- more than the walls remaining. live, definite contribution to Ca- | Its owner, Lord Powis, gave per- nadian theatre and when 1 can mission for what remains to be command the respect and fi- used for the festival. The major nances necessary to do so. Business man presently employed in Oshawa seeks change. Has 20 to $30,000 available for in- vestment in established business, manufacturing, wholesale or retail, that can show substantial re- turns ond can stand RUG CLEANERS ® Dyeing and Repciring © Binding and Fringing ® Mothprooting Wall to wall carpets cleaned in your home | production and played a major Top Relati | teur group. He came to London op 0 | { Saint-Denis in Strasbourg. union workers how to get labor's] public image for itself--particu-| --from preparing news releases] ployed father shot his wife and and illustrated by Harry kel| SH rraction, staged in the Inner| thorough investigation. |part in management of the fes- tival generally at 19 for a two-year course in By ROBERT RICE |dramatic art and was subse-| Canadian Press Staff Writer | While on the Continent he ac-|go." hafore the public. quired experience in lighting and| It's part of a growing aware | 1 6 larly in the 'ace of leadership| { nemp oy skulduggery exposed in some| LJ Fath 'Father Kills for the hometown newspaper to| designing leaflets for billboards. | [then himself as his two small yo) oonovess art director pleaded with him "not to "Any union that thinks it can, Bailey, was an open-air produc-| One requiring part or full time COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP | quently awarded a Canadian g0V-| OTTAWA (CP)--The Canadian] stage management. {ness among top Canadian union | United States unions. . | "Public support is Something] Wife, Self {usions need and deserve," says RA 8 4681 | the booklet, written by the CLC's |settle all its affairs across the | i 3 ve! lies treated mg 4 stains Nets | ayy Sees Go | Black was stage director of the f Write-B0X an Oshawa Times | Black started his theatrical | career in Canada with an ama- ernment overseas scholarship 10/1 p00 Congress is sending a | study direction under Michel|pookiet "across Canada telling | He returned to Canada in 1958 leaders of the need for organ. ST ized labor to create a favorable | The 48-page booklet covers the whole gamut of communications | . . public relations' officers, Jack TORONTO (CP) -- An unem-\wijiams and Clifford Scotton, 174 MARY STREET Nearby residents said the chil- Pee) dren screamed "Mommy . | Gareaining 1able and forget about Te ing daddy . . . don't do it," during|p pie" opinion can have a very) [the shooting beside a car parked| jiiont relationship to the success| in a playground in suburbani,. aii re of a unions objectives." York Township. BE TRUTHFUL Lorene Palmateer, 29, died be-| side the car with a bullet in her It goes on to tell the local union officers how to keep the| ADLAI STEVENSON HOPES FOR POSITION ON PARLIAMENT HILL head. Her husband Clare, 32,1, pie informed--with a word of! |died of a similar wound an hour omnis. later in hospital. "Be truthful and accurate. If Police believe the mother was yor have to lie you haven't got sitting in the car with the chil-la case and you don't deserve dren and pushed them out and|public support." told them to run when her hus-| It tells them how to deal with band came out of their nearby | newspaper city editors, how to y | Ra LL Ra GOV. LUTHER H. HODGES CLOSES CONVENTION INTERPRETING THE NEWS UN Forces May Bar Congo Chaos By DAVID ROWNTREE flight of Belgian capital, civil troo » C rotect its d 7 ps to the Congo to protect its Canadian Press Staff Writer servants and technical know- citizens from the fury of the re- The Security Council's action Jeuge that the Congo cam ill af- bellious Congolese soldiers in approving a United Nations ford to lose. Prime Minister Macmillan has force for the Congo is perhaps When the Belgians left, it was explained why Britain pron | er~ hemisphere outlook. anada Steps Up Hemisphere By JACK BEST a western hemisphere outlook to Canadian Press Staff Writer |a much greater extent than OTTAWA (CP) Fresh evi-|at the present time." dence that Canada is becoming| It was the strongest of a series more hemisphere - minded than of statements by fhe external perhaps ever before came from affairs minister on the need for the House of Commons Thurs- closer ties with Latin America day Mr. Green visited a number of Fxternal Affairs Minister cou~'ries in South America in Green, piloting his 1960-61 de-| May partmental estimates through the, Paul Martin (L--Essex East), House said Canada would be who followed Mr. Green in the] wise to develop more of a west- debate, demanded a clear - cut sta'>ment on whether the gov- nations were ernment intends to lead Canada rapidly. By 2.- into the Organization of Ameri-| 000 AD there would be many ca» States millions more people south of the. The minister avoided direct Rio Grande than there are north reference to this question in his of it ow remarks, simply noting that "All the nations there are very|a Canadian observer will attend anxious to work more closely the next meeting of the OAS at with Canada and I suggest that Quito, Ecuador, next winter Caneda would be wise to develop: This wll mark the (rst Municipal Affairs Slow During Summer Months By THE CANADIAN PRESS Latin-American developing very such on regular days each month win- Summertime often means a ter and summer. All of them, eox- slowdown in municipal affairs cept the sub-committee on salary an' fewer city council meetings; negotiations, re open to the for other municipalities it's busi-| press. No attempt is made to ex- ness as usual. clude the public from committee A Canadian Press survey of meetings, but most meetings are representative Ontario cities with held in confined quarters. populations between 30,000 and] In past years Peterborough's| 100,000, shows that most have summer schedule consisted of af open council meetings twice al council meeting on the first Mon-| month except in July and August.|day during July and August, and During those two months Peter-la meeting of the committee of borough and Sudbury councilmen| tie whole (finance and hoard of continue along as usual, Kingston works committees together) on ar? Sarnia councilmen have only! the third Monday. one meeting a month, instead of] , > This year council meets twice two, while Belleville simply ad- ¥ the one chance to avert total | thought that Lumumba's main|from voting on the Security chaos in the new republic asset in the shaky situation Council proposal, along with Belgium's abrupt withdrawal | vould be ve Congo army, called France and nationalist China. from the Congo June 30 left Pre. '1€ Force Publique |The way the resolution was mier Patrice Lumumba's 20V-| FAREWELL, MASTER |worded, at the demand of Rus-| ernment in an unenviable posi-l But the troops mutinied against| 518 and some African states, Bel-| tion. Lumumba ~ontrols only 35(¢pei- Belgian officers. As much!®'an troops must withdraw be- of the 137 seats in parliament.|5q anything, this rebellion may [ore their UN replacements ar- He is unable or unwilling to de-lhave been caused by Lumumba's| "Ve 24 - i £ v iw " clare a vigorous national policy. unwillingness to make it clear] This would create a a he Soukey is still almost that independence wouldn't mean and Macmillan may have elpless without Belgian support |the complete removal of every|that Ghana, which offered troops but Lumumba doesn't want the| sign of the European presence [to help Lumumba earlier his Congolese to get the impression! However, the Lumumba gov-| week, or Russia, which in sim- that they must still lean on their! ernment explained its request for|ilar situations ha poken of former SnasLars, His action in UN military help by saying that|sending "volunteers," might try Bel 8 pina Je. ra ens vith Belgium had committed "an act/to fill the vacium and create glu only hasten the of aggression" in sending para- mew disorders. ' vacuum feared|a month sittings this year monthly, just as it has during the! Advertising arrangements vary Test of the year. All meetings, with each Cy. Behovine. Tor au. both committee and council, are ara . **lopen to the press and public ample, if it should hold a special] meeting during the summer, only, COMMITTEES CLOSED notifies the press and. radio--| Kingston, with 47.611 held there is no pre-advertising {twice - monthly meetings during TWICE A MONTH {the year, but during July and Sudbury mayor Bill Edgar August only one a month, In asked council to continue twice Kingston the finance and social be- committees are closed to both cause of amalgamation prob. the preés and the public lems. Prior to amalgamation] The rest of the ommittees are Jan. 1 which saw Sudbury's popu- open but many feel free to ex lation jump over the 100.000- clude the public. whenever they mark, summer meetings were feel that committee members held only once 'a month might not feel free fo engage in Committee meetings are held open discussion. I journs until September step by Canada Drive with regard to OAS, which binds together the U.S. and all 20 Latin-American republics in the promotion of hemispheric co-operation. Canada ha a standing invitation to join the grouping Mr. Martin also suggested that Canada should offer its offices to try to smooth the pres- ent tense relations between the United States and Cuba. The U.S.-Cuba dispute affected everybody in the Americas, and "could easily affect the balance of our position in the world vis- a-vis the Soviet Union." WANTS MEMBERSHIP Heath Macquarrie (PC-- Queens) went even further than Mr. Martin had called for Can- ada's immediate membership in OAS Mr. Macquarrie, an influential member of the Conservative camp who is believed to have a strong say in the framing of gov- ernment policy, might be as- sumed to have cleared his speech with Mr. Green beforehand Mr. Green said he hopes Can- ada will soon open its first em- bassy in Central America where at present the only Canadian representative was a {rade com- missioner in Guatemala. Lack of an embassy in the Caribbean areas 'was blind spot. Mr. Green said President Ar- tur Frondizi of Argentina has been invited to visit Canada after the first of the year. and noted that a Canadian minister will 20 to Mexico 'in a few weeks for the 150th anniversary of. Mexican ind~pendence. He recalled that he had announced previously that! the external affairs . department was establishing a Latin-Ameri-| can division basement apartment calibre rifle. Glen, 6, were taken to the home not do do: of an uncle, Paul Palmateer. good |liam Youmans, with a .22/write press releases, how to meet reporters and answer their The children, Robert, 8, and| questions, And it tells them what "Don't highhat reporters. Re-| Several children were playing member that reporters are just nearby at the time of the shoot- working men and women the, ing. same as you and your mem-| Palmateer, son of Mrs. Lou-|bers." ( ella Palmateer of Morganston, 25| The booklet points out that big| miles southeast of Peterborough, corporations spend millions of had been unemployed since last|dollars each year seeking public| fall. His wife, the former Lorene|support--not just to get people to Youmans, was born in Havelock, buy their products, but to win| 20 miles south of Peterborough. |their support and sympathy, to| Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| have them think they are a good live at Cordova company | Mines "3 is equally important that| The couple were married in|the public think well of labor." | 1952. No Acceptable Arms Plan Seen DRIVE TO TONIGHT TORONTO (CP)--The United 5 LEN PULLAN OSHAWA'S ENGLISH TAILOR 10 PRINCE ST. RA 8-5311 Expert Service In: eo Custom Tailoring e English Materials ® Suit Altarations © Dress Alterations ® Invisible Weaving, ete. ® Prompt Service ® Reasonable Charges Nations will never produce an acceptable scheme for nuclear disarmament, Sir Leslie Munro of New Zealand said Thursday. Sir Leslie, special representa- tive for the General Assembly on| the Hungarian question, said it "is absurd to expect that the United Nations can produce scheme of disarmament which will be acceptable to the West- ern great powers, The Soviet Union and Communist China." This was specially true be- cause Russia, in spite of all its protestations, refuses really to grapple with the vital questions of control and inspection, he told the first annual congress on out- door advertising. "When Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev refers the disarma- ment problem to the United Na- tions," he said, 'he knows per- fectly well that he is embarking on a propaganda exercise which he hopes will, at least, blind the vision of many neutralist coun- o special low rate if: there are no male the family. purposes. desired and accurate stenograph background, ability to a right applicant. Salary co Call collect WH 2-2120, Man or girl "Friday" required by dynamic presi- dent of Electronic Engineering Co., located 25 miles east of downtown Toronto. Must be a fast, neat actuate an advantage. Challenging position for 6 Simcoe North er with good secretarial REG AKER eo nticipate accelerate and mmensurate with ability. DON ELLISON eo SCHOFIELD INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTD. Betore you purchase or renew your auto insurance we hove" (1) You are at least 25 years of age and drivers under 25 in 12) Your car is not used for business (3) You have been accident free for 3 years (4) You have been accident free for 5 years You may budget your premiums over 3, 6, or 9 months # For Service Day and Night, Call Schofield Insurance Associates Lid. RA 3.2263 JACK MOORE" ~

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