50---Articles For Sale i SEE one of Oshawa's largest transis- tor radio displays. All the leading makes. Large variety of sizes -and| prices to choose from, $29.95 for a six transistor radio. Meagher's, 5 King| Street West. LAKECRAFT cruiser hardtop 16-1. 25| hp Johnson, life preservers, frailer,| lights, fibreglass bottom, water-skis, | $1000 or best offer. Bobcaygeon RR 1] (Clayton Coulter). | 35 MM CAMERA and accessories, like| new. reasonable offer accepted. Call| RA 8-0231 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 15, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 15) Maple Grove Guides Home From Camp By MRS, M. E. LAVERTY MAPLE GROVE -- Girl Guides have returned home after a nine day camp at Black Lake, near Haliburton, District Commission. er, Mrs, William O'Neil; Captain, M.s. Ken Stalker; Mrs. James Geddes and Lois Stalker were in charge, Guides included Lynda Mar. tin, Heather MacLean, Sharon Holmes, Dianne Martyn, Mary Jane Laverty, Margaret Stalker, Ann Marie O'Neil, Lynn Rose, Donna Bothwell, Mary Lyon Me- loche, Rosa Prins, Sandra Both- well, Judy Barraball and Anna Pring PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. John Noble have as guests his sister, Mrs, J. Fol- iiott, Billy and Joan, of Cincin- natti, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gallagher, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Murray Marchant, Mrs. Margaret Frederickson, Oshawa, visited her daughter, Mrs. Jac' Ralston, Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. A. St. Pierre and family attended the DIL picnic at Lakeview Park, Oshawa, Sun. day. John Whalen, on leave from hospital, spent the weekend at home with his family. Mrs. T. Collis visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Colliss, at Minden, at {the weekend. Mrs: Robert Bothwell, Bobby and Donny are making a motor trip to British Columbia, taking in the Calgary Stampede en route Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty and { mily visited Mrs, Fred Dean and Mrs. Jack Vickery, in Haliburton, Wednesday. George Jarvie and son, Ken, of Vancouver, B.C., spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Robert Jarvie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ralston and family were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs' John Ralston, at Moorefield. Mrs. L. B, Williams, Bowman- ville, and Mrs, Aylmer Beech, Maple Grove, visited Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Sunday. §| Mr. and Mrs. Albert St. Pierre, |Joyce, Vera and Frank spent last week with relatives at Arnprior, They also motored to Ottawa where they toured the Experi mental Farm and the Parlia- ment Buildings, From Maple Grove attend St. Joseph's parish picnic at Wal. tona Park Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Robert Labrecque and fam- ily; Larry McLean, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Noble, Jim and Jane, Mr, and Mrs. Del Hends- bee and family, Mr. and Mrs Cecil Cullen, Floyd, Phillip and Hypnotism Takes Strides Forward A person cannot normally be made to do something under hyp- nosis which is against his will or contrary to his moral code, al- though a clever hypnotist may create a situation to circumvent his moral code, A docior can learn the tech- nigues of hypnotism in four| hours, Dr. Harding said. But it takes years to become a good hypnotist. Dr. Harding, who admitted he had been skeptical about hypno- tism for many years, described it as "a very wonderful, normal, natural thing quite as valuable as morphine when that drug is used properly and just as dangerous when misused." 50--Articles For Sale LLOYD carriage, pink and white, with pad, converts to car bed, perfect con- dition. RA 8-0549. $25 TO $100 worth of free gifts with the oa 1d suite or dining room suite, Offer good for a limited time only! Easy terms. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street South. 3 ROOMS of furniture, only $299. This includes chesterfield, chrome set bed. room suite, mattress, spring, step an coffee tables, boudoir and table lamps, pillows, etc. $25 down delivers! "'Guar- anteed best value!" Barons' Home Fur- h 424 Simcoe Street South. FOR Sale, 19 foot cabin cruiser, equipped, 60 HP motor and boat, Phone MO 8-4787, Whitby. MEN'S riding boots, brown, size 7%, as new. Made in England. Best offer. 1020 Centre Street Nort 47 --Automobiles For Sale '84 PONTIAC sedan delivery, station wagon windows. 115 Fernhill Boulevard. BA 53272. VOLKSWAGEN convertible, only $425, terms. New top, red leather upholstery, 16,000 miles on motor good tires, elec- tric windshield wipers. RA 5-9478. 53 MORRIS Minor, needs repairs, best offer, Phone Ajax WH 25131. '57 PLYMOUTH A-1 condition, m seen to be appreciated. 319 Avenue. RA 8-0642. '571 FORD automatic, two tone, low mileage after 6 p.m. Phone RA 5-7782 '55 HILLMAN, 1 i $300. YUkon 5-2000 Port Perry. 5s CHEV. four door, in excellent con- dition. Apply 352 Gliddon Avenue or phone RA 3-3735. VANCOUVER (CP) -- Hypuo- mote shorter, painless delivery. ___|tism has taken a long step to-jiselivery under hypnosis took BOAT Sport's © runabout 11 ff. with | wards medical recognition in|place geceitly at Vancouver Gen- inch beam, chrome dinette sulle, used|pnitich Columbia' as a result ofjeral Hospital. ee ra avtiies 112 Allan|a study by the Vancouver Med-|/ANSWERS QUESTIONS Street, Whitby. --_|ieal Association Dr. Harding answered three 14% FT. mahogany Nipissing boat. More than 125 doctors from questions about hypnosis which Used one season. Telephone RA 5892 |, "harts of the province at-|patients often ask: y MAK: your recreation xoom mir tended the association's summer| A person cannof normally be HE i gr i Bor gi {school at which three Portland,|hypnotized against his will, al- Meagher's RA 3-3425. ___|Ore., physicians explained how|though there is some evidence to PETERBORO car top boat, rude | thoy se hypnosis in their prac-|suggest the contrary in the case 7% HP motor with Cruise-aday tank |; > tno aim of the study was|of highly susceptible persons. A patient will not remain in a hypnotic trance if the doctor is called away, neither will he Apply 599 Gibbon Street. Phone RA | 8-0724 awaken suddenly; he will either i to arouse interest, rather than to FREEZER, Victor, chest type, 20 cubic|teach, drift into a comfortable sleep or else return gradually to complete feet, three years old. $200. RA 5-8107 Internist consciousness. Stock Yard Demand Tapers At Week's End and sofa bed suites large selection of and dentist Dr. Walter Lindsay TORONTO (CP) -- Butcher grass cattle making up an in- be per fully new, "58 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, all power equipped, very good condition. Telephone RA 5-8353. 55 DODGE, needs some repair. Make offer. Telephone RA 8-1733. 1952 PONTIAC two door sedan, radio, food running condition. Phone R. -2044 cru ith trailer, $775. Will accept trade. CO 3-2632. OUTBOARD motor, new, Scott 3.6 HP, 20" reversible electric, fan, 3 spee Phone OL 5-4836. ELECTRIC range burners, e: 3.7867, OUTBOARD motor, new, Scott 3.6 HP, cheap for cash. Phone RA 8 STE ing, 70° of steel track, barn stanchions and water |bowls. Barn dismantied. OL 5.4930. | 24° FOUR burner Westinghouse) range. RA 5-3359. | 'WE pay highest prices in the city for| used furniture. Pretty's Furni- | ture Store, RA 3-3271. 444 Simcoe South. re = "| SEE HOME APPLIANCES AND SERVICE STATION |XETMORE,PAS Singer: alo elec: | OSHAWA LTD. BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- trie fan. RA 86339. 305 Courcelette| 90 SIMCOE SOUTH {Avenue | RA TRICE AND [NEW Inglis washing machine with| FOR FRIGIDAIRE GENERAL REPAIRS (BV3a50 seit for $90. Ra 1060+ | SALES AND SERVICE es Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 heavy duty, i, Phone "80 PONTIAC, good runnin radio. Best offer. Must sell 510 Sterling Avenue, '87 BUICK convertible, automatic trans- mission, new tires. Car is like new. $1895. Wilbak Motors, 137 King West 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want for wresking. Highest prices paid 5-1181. HCUSTON GARAGE Fo RA 5-7970. VIEW OF MAIN STREET, PICKERING |ories 67 KING ST. W, EVE Se hot aet Fel RA 3.7822 | LIed oe aa ety ver SPOT CASH (m3 | ROYAL vacuum cleaner, upright | model, with all attachments, plus floor | polishing brush. In good condition, $40 high quality smartly designed suites,|® Apo ! all clearing at one low price, $169 See| Said science cannot explain hyp our window display. Wilson Furniture, nosis; it can only be described. "120 Church Street | mee ---- |COMMON EFFECTS 7 Among the phenomena pro- RA ROTARY POWER MOWERS |, od by hypnosis they listed: $37.95 up | Rigidity of the limbs--a hypno- |tized person can hold an arm or MARINE STORAGE |leg in the same position indefin- itely without discomfort. & SUPPLY LTD. Anesthesia--insensivity to pain. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Abnormal sharpening of the : OL 5-3641 senses--a hypnotized person can cattle sold at steady prices on a|creasingly larger share of the re-! {hear a watch ticking across the|fairly good demand that tapered|ceipts as the season progresses. | . - . room during a cocktail party. |sharply at the close this week at|Cow prices were lower fully 50 | Amnesia--blotting out of mem-|the Ontario Public Stockyards. [cents and more per hundred. | 1g Xpail 1S1011 | The general quality was not as|weight, : ' Age regression--the hypnotized|good as last week with half - fat| Replacement cattle were sea-| . . {Gerson may relive his earlier life, sonally slow at easier prices Tin {will ery for his bottle when told while bulls were generally 1C he's one year old. ew ttawa |steady. Veal calf prices were un- : Automatic writing--an outpour- | joven with colored runners diffi- PICKERING (Special) In Write Box 816 Oshawa Times. | ing of the subconscious onto pa-| cult to sell. 1953 the village of Pickering wa: (iF ToRREToN. on ar --_ per. | Hog prices were $1-$1.60 per incorporated as a separate muni | Tetephane RA 3.7943, Now is the time to TRANQUIL STATE epar men {hundredweight higher. Lamb) cipality. Prior to that the area ha PAID FOR [ONE 9 + 12 broadioom rug, m ym have a beautiful home In ils simplest form, a light] [prices were $1 per hundred-|been part of Pickering Twp. A Good, clean cars. Trade up [color like new and in excellent eondi-| ' m3 i : i |weight higher with buyers sort-{the time of incorporation the! J / ) ; tion. Telephone RA B8-4714: with aluminum doors trance, hypnosis is used by doc-| ags 8 ing caretiil | a oT avon i 4 o down, Liens pelg off. [SPECIAL full 'sized sleeping bags d ind best |tors to tranquilize nervous pa-| [Ing c2 y. population was 5. Now, less§ { DODD MOTOR SALES [while they ast, $4.95. Apply Dominion| aNd Windows, Des tients before surgery. In most Il 1C1ze | Cattle receipts, estimated at|than seven years later, the popu 314 PARK RD. §. [Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West | quality, lowest price in | hypnosis is not favored as 6,200, were some 200 head fewer lation has doubled and there ar RA 3-9421 town. Quick service. an anaesthetic for major surgery] OTTAWA (CP) -- Senator|than the same week in 1959. Wore than 1.790 Seodle icing in because of the danger that the Thomas Crerar (L -- Manitoba) Shipments to Eastern Canada|' e pa 8 age. . S0---Articles For Sale |RA_5-3242 A inn ALEX VAJDA patient may wake up, the doctors|assailed the government's pro- were the same as last week at| Keeping pace with community av icies For --____ |REFRIGERATOR ~ Frigidaire, small,| RA 3-985] sald posed new forestry department|three loads, and there were no growth, Pickering, in July, 1958, Ta: foun condition, Telephuel SX Sum Windows, RBA 1347 perween) Nevertheless it had possibilities Thursday as window dressing. [exports to the United States, became a Hydro cost municipal- gi FIANO accordion, Salanti, 125 bass, SUMP pump, $25, Lioyd strolier, $15, Every job guaranteed. for use in the case of heart pa-| . He told the Upper House he| Slaughter cattle: Choice steers), and was operated by council / $125; two bridesmaids' gowns, blue and |Both excellent condition. Phone RA ~~ CALS tients [could not see how the new de-|24.25 with sales to 25.50; good 23- pink, $5 each. RA 8-4928. 5-8693 after 7 p.m 5 HP outboard motor, 9 x 9 tent, new |LE Hypnosis has been used widely partment will add 'one iota" t0(24. medium 22-23: common 18- les in the U.S. in childbirth to pro-|the effectiveness of forestry re-|s;: good heifers 2150-22 with , consisting o [search programs now under way. (sales to 22.50, an odd choice at|James D. Koch, chairman, 52--Legal | The principal function of the|s3; mediums 20-2150; common C€0r8¢ E. Honsberger, vice ---- [proposed department, already|17.90; choice - fed yearlings 23.|chairman and Rev Cyril Mor TOWNSHIP OF | approved by the Commons, willl24 50" with odd tops at 25: good|'®Y as commissioner. Now thi [be research. The Senate gave go. 93. good cows closed 16.50 with Commission does all its own bill EAST WHITBY [the measure' second reading--|odd sales to 17; mediums 15.16; "1% Meter reading and collecting {approval in principle -- and sent|.ommons 14-15; canners and cut. | and the village clerk-treasurer, ! TENDER FOR [it to committee for detailed|ter 12.14; good heavy bologna | Bruce Hogarth, is also secretary- % UY ior Crerar, a former min bulls 18-18.50; common and med. ™*"8er for the PUC. SRUCE A. HOGARTH REINFORCED ister of mines and resources, hh Belngine a et ANS no ni J G S po 4 i CONCRETE BRIDGE teok up a position opposed to Calves: Good vealers closed at|expansion in the Village Oe Ero) EN oramen, Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed as to contents will be re- ceived by the undersigned until 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 28th, 1960 for the con- struction of a 25-foot span VING town! Walnut dinette suite. Aluminum Products of the 20" reversible electric fan, 3 speeds. fireplace screen, white porcelain table, lit t the best Phone Ol, 5.4836 il IRE LE i ui' i guaranteed i ------------ |{ahle. 133 Cadillac Avenue North, after ) . FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, small, in 8 pm Double hung windows only perfect condition. RA 35-0116 Ene ie z FOR Sale, 20 &. outboard cruiser, fully | SACRIFICE on Household furniture 2. $18. Call now ' |piece frieze sofa bed set, practically equipped. Phone MO 83182. |B U® (tee and step tables, lamps, 24" | Lymer Aluminum Co. EIGHT piece dining room suite; ches- television: bookcase, high chair. Must RA 8-5385 52--Legal terre oh tables, Jams, rugs 157%, | be sold. 597 Grierson Street, 'x9'; be complete; dressers; elec: | corre T=" . oS vein, mowerees pre, sachet, Site, fury a TENDER NOTICE LANDSCAPING OSHAWA HOME FOR THE AGED of 5- teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free arlilec: RA Sua! -- -_ _ | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv HOUSEHOLD furniture, draperies, bed- ice, RA 8-0591 anytime Sealed tenders, addressed to the City of Oshawa, will be received by the Architects, DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's BORE oo < Market, Hampton. A complete line of GUNS, ammunition and hunting sup-| appliances at hard to beat prices. CO! plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent| oc 3 9041 down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond CEE ETT TR 8 st. 'RA 5-6511 SE! ires, most a y X] i, Ba re] = B. F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. ressers, Limoges china = -- for eight, enamel sink, POWERFUL amplifier, capable of Apply 309 Cen- sufficient volume for large hall, com- tre Street plete with record .playing equipment, ding, garden tools, lamps, dishes, Hoover polisher, etc. Bargains at half | price. calls on Saturdays. RA 8-8845, speakers on both sides of the], . : ot po Upper House who warmly en. 21-29 with choice to 30-31; med- Fickering. Already two NEW | garth, throughout his entire work- dorsed creation of the new de. lum 23-26; common 20-23; boners housing sub-divisions are | NE|,ng life, was the treasurer of Dar- [pa. iment. 112-20. planned and one of these is ex- lington Township Senator Crerar, noting that the| Hogs: Grade A 27 with sales Dected to be an all-electric sub- a i federal government ng co - op|t0 27.60; heavy sows 20.50; lights|division, with every dwelling heat- a was pi fat ae ou erated with the provinces in in-[22.50; stags 13 on a dressed|ed by this medium, i istic ors am be sect control and forest research,|Weight basis. | Symbolizing the changing trend|;> Uerk-wreasuter of Dicker. dinner s miscellaneous articles ENTS -- rem mee 0) one etc., for rent, For reser TENTS, camp stoves, camp, cots, tar. | TuaroPhone ec, for Hora 33425 paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales - li p-- and rentals. Oshawa Hardware and DROPSIDE couch, with mattress, ex-| Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. | cellent condition, $17. Phone MA 23-2714 BENT a television set for your sum. bDowmanville. ~~ a x | mer cottage, rates by the week or the FIBREGLASS your wooden Yoat for month. Meagher's, 5 King Street West [carefree boating or we will do the job RA 3-342 We carry a complete line of PLE Ope ---------------- | materials, plus easy to rollow instruc- ETN 'smick Remington. Sun. tions Sportsman's Corner, 105 Byron beam. Phili.Shave Ronson. Fast effi.|Stree' South, Whitby, MO 84511. ent service. Meagher"s, 5 King Street | UNP. TED bookcases only 99 cents, Vest with the purchase of any piece cf un- KEEP your basement dry with a de. | Painted furniture. Chest of drawers, humidifier from Parkway TV seven. | 317; desks $14; bookcases, 5.99; yar. 4 y p |ity dresser, $26. Wilson Furniture, gay Free home 918 Simeoe Street} 1 Street ; 7 5 F GOODRICH Siores -- fires bat. |PABYLAND bargains, new styles 1560 Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- | baby carriages, converts to cor bed. udget Plan. RA 5-4543. | lowest prices in town, $27; large, full Ol ye 2.0 panel cribs, V2 price clearance, $19.88; PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. Springfilled crib * mattress, $9.88; All colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss. | playpens, Oshawa Hardware and Electric, u;strollers for you. $8.88; high chairs, $7.88; $5.88, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. RA 3-7624. Street. Cosy AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. |} coverings at tremendous sav- Prompt service. Free estimates. Order |ings, clearance of discontinued pat- now for early delivery. Chair and table [terns many cheerful designs for home leve Fox and coltage, reduced for quick sale, Yentals, Cleve Fox, 112 simove North, AN per foot; borderless linoleum and repairs for USED parts all | squares, 6 by 9, only $2.95; vinyl coat makes of wringer type washers, 4 hpled linoleum, special clearout, 45c per motors $5 to $10, guaranteed -econ-|foot; ends of wall coverings, clearout ditions washers and stoves Paddy's|price 37c per foot. Wilson Furniture, Market, Hampton. CO 3.2241 |20 Church Street. ORIGINAL oil paintings, landscapes,|ONE chesterfield and two chairs, small| Reasonable. Ideal refrigerator, kitchen table and chairs, | |three stoves, two beds, two dressers IRA 5-0542 |SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- seat backs. Regularly $495, clearance |frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, price $349. Terms $35 down, $25 month. Stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con-| Iy. No outside financing. Apply Domin. |tact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131.| fon Store, 48 Bond Street West HORSE power Wisconsin mortar | DOMINION upright grand plano. r, also five brick veneering rods COlfax 3-267 MO a in cE REASONARLY oread (ar = IT ntenna, four months old, sell for REASONABLY priced (4) 825 by 20 y truck tires, (2) 6 stud truck wheels, half price. Phone RA 8-1801 (1) 800 gallon water tank. Phone WH BIG bedding sale, buy now and save, 22417 factory clearance of spring filled mat. F; 2 2. approxin oly 7 By J wi tresses, discontinued ticking. Priced EE AT roRimAtely Nery coun for quick sale, $16.88 up. Continental ® sub y | beds I. o 4 some mis-matched some with Aor 508 Atheor" Stoacable, for collage. | headboards, clearout prices from $24: bo td Mc A -- " bunk beds eight pieces complete, sale TAG float for sale, price $250. Would price $58. Smooth top mattresses made carry D4 or TD9 bulldozer. Telephone |by famous makers, $19.95. Wilson Fur. RA 3-3398 'niture 20 Church Street farm scenes, 16 x 20 for gifts. RA 5-1238 SPECIAL! 1&# 6° moulded plywood boats five-ply, mahogany, long . deck, |3% nw SLEEPING BAGS Reg. 11.95 TOP QUALITY WHILE THEY LAST ONLY 5.39 AVAILABLE ONLY AT THE PRICE MURDER'S PLACE The Hilltop RA 8-6891 FREE DELIVERY ON THREE BAGS OR MORE IN' OSHAWA OR WHITBY FIRESTONE CLEARANCE of USED MERCHANDISE USED--Findlay gas range (excellent condition) USED--Two cor radios USED--One washing machine USED--Westinghouse refrigerator USED--Marconi T.V. console USED--10 H.P. Evinrude outboard USED--One rangette USED--One man's bicycle PLENTY OF FREE PARKING USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FIRESTONE STORES 190 KING ST. EAST RA 5-6566 A-1 condition) .. John B. Parkin Associates at their office at '1500 Don Mills Rood, Postal Station "J", Toronto 6, Ontario un- til 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 19th, 1960, for landscape work at the Oshawa Home for the Aged at Rossland Rd. E., Oshawa, Ontaric Plans, specification, instruc- tions to bidders, and form of tender may be obtained on application by Landscape Contractors after Monday, July 11th, 1960 from the Ar- chitects. A certified cheque in the amount of $25.00 is required os a deposit on plans The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all tenders, L. R. Barrand Clerk JOHN B. PARKIN Assoc Architects and Engineers 1500 Don Mills Road, Postal Station "J", Toronto 6, Ontario IR TRANSPORT BOARD OTTAWA, CANADA NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL BY QUEBECAIR INC. OF AN APPLICATION FOR A CLASS 1 LICENCE AND OF ITS SUBMISSION OF A NEW APPLICATION FOR A CLASS I LICENCE Under date of September 8th, 1959, a notice was pub- lished of an application by Quebecair Inc. to the Air Transport Board for a licence to operate a Class 1 Sched- uled commercial air service to transport persons, mails and/or goods serving the points Montreal, P.Q.; Corn- wall, Kingston, Peterborough and Toronto, Ont., with the restriction that no through traffic will be carried between the points Montreal and To ronto A The above application has been withdrawn by the appli- cant and Quebecair Inc. is now applying to the Air Transport Board for a licence to operate a Class 1 Sched- uled commercial air service to transport person, mails and/or goods serving the points (a) Montreal, P.Q.; Kingston, Oshawa, Toronto, London, Windsor, Ont., with restric tion on through traffic be- tween Montreal and Toronto, also between Toronto and Windsor, and without local traffic rights between the points Toronto, London and Windsor: (b) Ottawa, Kings- ton, Oshawa, Toronto, Lon- don, Windsor, Ont., without traffic rights between To- ronto, London and Windsor to con- Any person desiring make representations cerning this application must file a complete submission with the Secretary, Air Trans port Board, No. 3 Temporary Building, Ottawa, Ontario, by July 28th, 1960, and con firm that a copy thereof has been sent concurrently to the applicant whose address Rimouski, P.Q On request to the Board further particulars of this application will be provided AIR TRANSPORT BOARD OTTAWA, June 28th, 1960. rigid frame bridge Tender forms, plans ther information ma County Engineer, House, Sou Whitby, On ment of the sum which is not return Lowest or any ter necessarily. accepted G. FARNCOMB, Clerk, Township of East tained from the office of the 416 Centre Columbus, Ontario, said: and far- | y be ob- Court Street, tario on f $5.00 able. der a dozen of what is not Whitby, to approve salaries, other paraphernalia, is going to add one iota to the effectiveness ili ™ present time." Uti ities, . . . I must say that I cannot see the need of this bit of win- dow dressing -- nothing more--that we are asked "For the life. of me I cannot|26- | tar see how appointing a minister,|a careful sort; bucks discounted P!anning a new, modern munici- and giving him an office with a|$1 per hundredweight; common Pal building to replace the pres-| deputy minister and paying half|and medium and heavy 21-24;|€0t concrete block structure which| with a lot of|sheep 4-12 according to quality. being done at the because it today." is town fathers| in in Pickering, the She 5: G S ecp and Jambs: Good lambs are already looking ahead .50 with odd sales to 27 on nas also served as a community | centre, | cipal building will be erected on or near the spacious grounds of the present community centre. is expected to get Steel Pace for occupancy by the fall. | Pickering has only one indus. TELEVISION LOG " market mixed affai sel. : CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte| Xed affair at the close ing to Pickering are finding this |CHCH-TV Channel 11 |WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester |WGR-TV Channel 2--Buftale WBEN-TV Channe) 4--Buffale 486.38 on index and golds gainel --Hamiltop Iry at present, Cooper Block| Company, which employs 40 per- |sons. Other industries are looking TORONTO (CP) -- The stock a the area with some favor. Certainly people who are mov. Industrials of moderate trading Thursday. | bh : | at| charming _viliage an ideal" loca-|f d/tion in which to live and bring up |.27 at 77.38 but base metals were| their families, away from the Industrials were up 1.63 | FRIDAY EVENING | 5:00. P.M. {1--Family Theatre 5--Playhouse 4--Bozo's Cartoon Story Book 2--Big Rascals 5:30 P.M 7--HKin Tin Tin 6 Fury 2--Ramar of the Jungle 6:00 P.M. 7--Early Show J 11-6-- News 4--Feature Film 2--Highway Patrol 6:15 P.M. 6--Rendezvous 6:30 P.M. 11. -Family Theatre 5-4-2 Ne Sports 6:45 P.M. 6-542 News 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid 5--77 Sunset Strip 2--Rescue 8 4--Life of Riley 7:15 Po, 7--News; Weather 130 P.o. lor Father y Presents Danger Is My Business +--Westorn 8:00 P.M. Red River Jamboree Democratic Conven tion 8:30 P.M, 11-6--Four Just Men 7-Man From Blackhawk Great Movie Mys teries Western Series 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Flying Doctor 7-77 Sunset Strip 4--Playhouse 9:30 P.M. 11--~Portrait 6--Tennessee Ernie 4~December Bride 10:00 P.M. 11-6--Democratic Conven- 52 4 tion | 7=The Detectives | 4&~Democratic Conven- | tion - 2- Moment of Fear | 10:30 P.M. 7--Pony Express 5--Home Run Derby 4--Person To Person | 10:45 P.M. (1-6--~Jim Coleman Show 5-2~Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P.M; 11.7-65-4-2--News; 11:15 P.M, | 7--Playhouse 6 Viewpoint 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--Wrestling 5-2-Jack Parr 4~MGM Theatre 1:00 AM | 3~The Unexpected ' Sports SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. 7--Commonwealth Of Nations 4--Captain Kangaroo 2--Rumpus Room 8:30 A.M. 7---The Christophers 5--Rumpus Room | 2--The Three Stooges | 9:00 A.M. | 11--=The Living Word 7--Insight 5--Bozo's Story Book 4--Cartoons 9:15 A.A. | 11=Joindre Les Deux Bouts 9:30 AM, 7--Fun House E isco Kid 4--Science Museum 2--Junior Auction 9:45 A.M. l1--Let's Talk 10:00 A.M. 11--Stories of the Century 5-2--towdy Doody 4--Cartoon Show 10:30 A.M. 11-TBA 7--Morning Show 5-2--Ruff and 'Reddy 4--Mighty Mouse 11:00 A.M. 11--Gene Autry Show | A 5-2--Fury 4--The Lone Ranger 11:30 A.M. 11--The Living Word 5-2--Circus Boy 4-1 Love Lucy 11:45 AM. 11--The Living Word | 12:00 Noon | 11--The Christophers 7--Komedy Korner 5--Kit Carson 4---Sky King 2--Roy Rogers 12:30 P.M . 11--Wrestling 4--Rural Review 5--Wrestling 12:45 P.M. 11--Wrestling 1:00 P.M. 7.Cliff Hanger Club 4--Cisco Kid 2--Matinee 1:15 k.m. S--Matinee 1:30 P.M. 11--Roy Rogers Show 6-4--Feature Film 2--Matinee 2:00 P.M. avis Cup Tennis 5 all 4--Baseball 2---0On Deck Circle 2:30 P.M 11-6-- Davis Cup Tennis 7--Buffalo Bandstand 5-2--Baseball 3:30 P.M. i1---Roy Roger Show 6-5-2_Baseball 4:00 P.M. 11-6--Canadian Open Golf Tournament 7--Baseball 6-5-2_Baseball 4:30 P.M. 5--Film Feature 6-5-2--Baseball SATURDAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. 11-6--Olympic Track Trials 5--Movie 4--Film Feature 2---Twlight Theatre 5:30 P.M. 11-6--Cartoon Party 5--Award Theatre 4--Feature Film 2--Twilight Theatre 6:00 P.M. 11--Dennis The Menace 6--Reflections 5-- Dick Clark 4--Wrestling 6:30 P.M, 11--Leave It To Beaver 7~Derby 5~The Law Man 6--Mr. Fix-It 2--Casey Jones 6:45 P.M. 6--~News: Sports 7.00 P.M. 11--The Rifleman 7--Ted Mack Amateur Hour 6--Dennis The Menace 5--Highway Patrol 4--U of B Round Table 2-This Man Dawson 7:30 P.M. 11--Stories of the Century 7--Dick Clark 6--Caribou Country 5-2--Bonanza 4--Perry Mason 8:00 P.M 11--Sea Hunt 7--High Road 6--Man From Interpole 8:30 PM. 11--In the Law 7--Leave It To Beaver 6~--High Road §-2--Man and The , Challenge 4--~Wanted, Dead or Ali ve 9:00 P.M. 11-6--Great Movies 7--Lawrence Welk 5-2--The Deputy 4--Adventure Series 9:30 PM. S5--~Lawrence Welk 4--Have Gun, Will Travel 2--Theatre 10:00 P.M. 7--Jubilee U.S.A. 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M. 11-6--King Whyte 10:30 ".M. 11-6--Twilight Zone 7-.Johnny Staccato 5 The Rebel 4--Law and Justice 2--Music Appreciation 11:00 P.M (1:7-6-4-2--News: Weather Sports 5--Rescue 8 6--~Father Knows Best 2--Award Theatre 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show 7---Playhouse 6--Feature Panorama 11:30 P~ 5---Movie 4--Playhouse 2--Award Theatre 1:00 AM, 7--Mr. and Mrs. North off .32 at 153.91 and western oils|Pustle of larger centres. .64 at 80.37. Volume was 2,601,000) + Many of these residents work| |shares compared to Wednesday's|in Toronto or Oshawa and com- 12,591,000. mute daily to Pickering, Steels and utilities paced indus- (cl he enlisted After this summer .and it will be ready|ant. He served with forces in Nort. West Europe from April 1944 to September 1945, ing Village and manager-secre- |tary of Pickering PUC. Born in Hampton, |Twp.,, Bruce attended public school there and high school in Bowmanville. In September, 1940, isted in the Canadian It is likely that the new muni-|Army, joining the Midland Regi- ment as a private. service {went up through the ranks and Construction of the new building | passed the Officers' Training under way gaining a commission - Rt ayesiung oth leutel | Monday 'night to begin 8 two- Darlington in Canada he the Bruce Hogarth returned home ather, then {and worked in the offices of the Hampton Creamery, course at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph in dairy man. agement, He also assisted his clerk-treasurer of Darlington Township, He gained considerable experience in muni-| ------ pal affairs and when the posi- tion of clerk-treasurer of Picker- ing village was advertised, Bruce |applied and obtained the appoint- Bruce Hogarth has been ex-iment, taking a |trials higher, while papers played a rather mixed role. Among steels, Algoma jumped a point at |32 but Westeel was off % at 12%. | Papers saw Great Lakes gain 5 lat 37%, Abitibi % at 39% and {Consolidated 3% at 40%. Howard {Smith was off a point at 37. Banks were paced lower by {Bank of Montreal, down one at 512 | Among other changes, Domin-| ion Stores jumped 2% at 59% and | Dominion Glass was off three at| 71. Latin American, the subject of |adverse speculation all week, {traded more than 540,000 shares {to take mines lower--off 34 cents | TORONTO (CP)--The Hydro- {Electric Power Commission Thursday urged the re-drafting of a government bill designed to| take uniform the procedures for| determining compensation in land | expropriations. | Harry Hustler, Hydro's direc- tor of property, told the 11-mem- Hydro Urges Uniform Law pect approximately to receive by way of compensation," Mr. McDonald said a tribunal should be established to deter- mine compensation in cases of actual expropriation, Gail, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Laverty. and family. German Minister Will Tour Canada | OTTAWA (CP)--Dr. Siegiried (Balke, West Germany's minister |for atomic affairs and water economy, will arrive in Montreal week 'Canadian tour. | During a stop in Ottawa next week he will confer with Trade Minister Churchill, External Af- fairs Minister Green and Mines Minister Comtois. July 21-24 he will visit Chalk | River, July 24-25 Peterborough, July 25-26 Port Hope, and July 26-30 Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls and Elliot Lake. Tooth Decay U In Peterborough PETERBOROUGH (CP) -- Dr. D. A. Hutchinson, medical officer of health, said Thursday that there is a significant degree of tooth decay among this city's youngsters and suggested par- ents are usually at fault when their children need extensive den- tal treatment. Too much time was allowed to elapse before treatment. He was commenting on a re port Tuesday by the Toronto de- partment of health that childhood tooth decay in that city was in- creasing and may soon be beyond control. CROSSWORD PUZZLE |at 36 cents. Other losses were|per seloct committee on land ex- fractional. propriation meeting at Queen's Among senior uraniums, Den- Park that the legislation, if lison dropped 10 cents at $9 and passed, could hinder Hydro's Gunnar gained five cents at $7.35. | growth across Ontario. Bailey Selburn led western oils| The bill calls for an expropriat- | ing body to file surveys and vari- ous forms and other lengthy pro- cedures. Mr. Hustler said Hydro ha" to start many of its work projects on short notice. The Land Compensation Act| 1960, being studied bythe com- mittee before debate iff the leg- islature this November, might be| interpreted in such a way that| Hydro would lose some of its spe- cial authority and power, Mr Hustler said He said the bill might result in a single land owner being able to delay the installation of a short power line into a farm or summer cottage property. Some 8,000 of these lines were installed last year. Lorne McDonald, general coun-| sel for Hydro, said Hydro has| special powers that permit it tol acquire lands for transmission Asleep And Safe + "lands and distribution line purposes MARMORA (CP) -- Searchers) guch authority, when exercised, Jed by 2 mongrel dog Thursdoy i: not termed expropriation. Oud avi onter, 2, of aK- "w 3 : % Frat og ville asleep and safe, four hours oars, mit fh the Spirit any) after he' wandered from his par-f yo ro. nded upon the premise that| ents vacation cottage. lari is taken suddenly, without Skin divers were searching notice, and much to the surprise| Crowe River and Crowe Lake for|of the owner," Mr. McDonald the boy, when the part-police dog| said. named Tip, led searchers across| «ajmost invariably the owner fields to where David lay sleep-| is fully awaré not only of ing i the fact that his land is to be Marmora is 35 miles northwest |taken but, as a result of friendly |of Peterborough. negotiations, of what he may ex- Jehovah's Witness 'Reported Better | TORONTO (CP)--James Grant, |39, of Englehart, a Jehovah's [Witness who refused a blood transfusion after being severely burned in a car accident which took three lives two weeks ago, | Thursday was reported resting |satisfactorily in hospital in sub- urban Scarborough. Doctors said he is expected to be released {from hospital within six to eight weeks. Dog Finds Boy ACROSS 1. Timely 4. River (GB) 7. Leander's sweetheart 8. Storm. 10. State of antique wood 11. Deputy 13. Half ems 34. Items for discussion 15. A fellow man 18. Music note 19. Rebuff 20. Flowed 21. A fact 23. Exhausted 25. Public notices 26. Quilting es parti 27. Biblical city 28. Chinese province 82. Capital (Mass.) 34. Extinct bird 35. Fodder vats 86, Viscous 38. Story 89. 40. Vegetable 41, Fellow (slang) DOWN 1. Perseveres 2. Elbow support 3. Doll 4. Mexican flowering" tree 6. Level ISITIAIT(I [CINLIT(LTAl SERENEMSILEY