The Oshawa Times, 15 Jul 1960, p. 15

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a a an a pi ie J pf 1960 15 °THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, July 15, S5--Real Estate For Sale [45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale A3-feal Siioty Yor Joh hale i + oll Heat, | FIVE-soom ge or 44 lows pts., Flats |44--Houses, Apts, Flots Hon, Apts, Flots 4 a ad, ihre befroom bul |e DOWN detached fhres-bedrpom bg REI LR Owain e garage: hardwesd "foors 45--Real Estate For Sale |47---Automob ol H Apts., h For Rent N Garrard Rod, two years old, large mortgage. el a sale. Call at 19 ane, areas' ry satis" Two Vadim spr 9 A pr od oe three rooms, r partment with fo seit Fy pe Jo {aew subdivision; o's Por sent, Pri Queea's i Tiving oR fwoyear montis features sloves, Felsigorate rt is Bial us ot Vo ia Sistom Tie. ETAT oll ul euiabie at | SAREWENS ry ees Wa er rg, Fo or apply sion. Terms ars Ons NEA morgage FOR A ary brisk, Targe ving) 4000 DOWN, fwo-vesr 01d modern tor Ci broadioom, lockers, | i i» vox tomatic, HE a re and four th rivals fie, MA 13 Bond Bast. A or Church. Private sale. Phone MORawk i in lovel "conan, 2 of Douglas' L. 'Gower."Re 3 EE dnd cn 51 5, PONTIAC Lavrentian sedan, = four ET apartment on win Tioor, | THREE room om apartment, al road. "Aduits Hodes ae: By y gl G NEWELL re -- i; one aere of land, CAN Gres a XE a io ka ng. a! a ona iiod ste. Private. Apply "M5 Celing nm heated, a duty, wiring, hot private ype aca oes. A % 5 Lig Wi rity Alax. jo sod a se . ines sewers, Sate, pu aon Brae fy Realtor, King Street en, 5 i o Wo % coi + d ater, ne HE. a po Fs ie SEE REAL ILE Lot For Sole [iar asm REEF REG ROCK ST. to schools, pi to Highways [e) or Ja LOT for salle, 78 x 00, Belwesn Whlihy| ment, Sentral i beg private ba Macko Realtor, 216 B [ian rox periment Contes a: eo sink, priva THREE - EF iors kan POULTRY Si in i ei Grove, WHITBY for Toma 18 $4000 down. iwo-miles ; 120° Nn, Ary' = Ma EY wa - -vwa-fune sadin, Ri HOVERS he ros i FAT Harris Avence. [Lear ¥ ory tren ao Bhat ged we MOhawk 8-4703 Fert Bey 50° x reas ble offer 1a ge sight-room Avene South. "private entrance August 1 ki i : ve-room i frame house onli. ana" Bain, TV outiet, AY Seng st S608 wilh 340 down pa H 3.5770 LESKARD 509 ORJONA AVE. ln Eiiofor eens ty" - as fen Ts we or WY | FO vou apt areToS T | , PICKERING WH 3.577( gpa TEYEPHONE enh Tiee Legh ; ve one RTM wl Jared Ape 0 Bigin Sewer rooms, HREE Ee he in| JOT 75 x 200. and Fh On Whitby -- $12,500, well lo- Bungaion:oe a luge 3.2329 Situated Highway ol SHB gh 0 BL Ee ib ER Ri a Gey | aor I TE a e . RA 85-6859. an ase ga alow, pave a ' : av er Bem | RAT [Ts a ETT es ed, washroom, refrigerator, stove, pri- po] apartment, ul 40 Bo wa WH, Six-room solid hi bedroom, living room, finish- INSURANC | brick home with garage Nicely landscaped "| Service, Road yaie entrance, parking. "Also {ingle i ed a 4 galow. i a ed recreation room. Carrying | 0 0 ol a Te hol St. East. Excel- [fevers mi rues. and. : a shove, rl y rio, ah | spacious Jem. Immediate at $74 monthly, principal, in- le hb on Athol St. , den. This home of AJRLANE | Por ope ron deo Fed i a terest ond taxes. lent fiancing. Many ex- [FEOF BT ete please: cat BNA 7, EG lle apartment. re : EE Seiad an FOR SALE e ] | s payments"! ple bX AY Apply 527 Mary Stree! for vos built-in in _suphodr BUILDING lot Sofoct Jroniage, Swes $1,000 down, full price $12, tras. Call G. Miller, Real- _-- vows. x = nde Te i GEN, Em cris e "ares, private anirance, near Ne --araraiaed A ler. hs00. Josep 200, three bedroom brick t RA 5.2993. iu Bo Ny extras inclodes window ie ua bgt THREE room basement En Lu] ra" a "posvevnan, | ALAS "| bungelew. large well fenced RA 5-3937 lore buNaazo. rai SX o Jhree beck $475 or best offer. RA S881, pa rs eer and 20 Rewly decorated private hath, ned fila oi a 2 store lot close to schools, rooms, dou gy Wd i i Los EE ri and "Ehia "weletn On Stacey, i E IAL 344 acres best hi land. good ' bie ~ room furnished apartment, Yasha a iites. Child al, a THREE aes iv gn Toon. XA brick home 2h a Three bedroom brick bunga, Three yoors old, si foam . SPECH A BUY North at city, limits Private. John food custom radio i Spa lg OIE parking in 139 ms, Excellent low located in older par 4 ve apar 3 5-8840. i Avene. Soy ni i large rooms i tment well rent- |CHICKEN or Turkey ranch, five acres ih Bl ree By lied, soe os J hit between | 44a--~Rooms For Rent shape, can also be used bik I ha Ss one 1Y2 storey Veneer brick ig, Tur Sparen apartment and, out Nout, iy canves| BUYING OR yyicivg TWO three-voom furnished apartm A house. 'ment, 3. a aclient home a Yd hy MP ed, with private|5:30 and Bedroom and kitchen, Har as rooming , living room, bedroom, for owner, ex 0 only $10.500, e Cc A gh eo ore Abner. Aduits, BE room fr Eo LARGE W 251 Annis Street, RA 5 will $11,500 with low Gown busty bath, house, near public and and 12 heame; oles Whitby Auley | Realtor, 26 Prince 8t. RA 3 TED SPR : vate pa nd double vooms, sul a a : location, : x low, v THREE room spartment. rs Bei, with reaersir: sows, un Lip k and cup armen, oo mines from town. Ap- Ban alu i Ajax = tlt price $11,400 high school. Will take doh: or further iforgtion i adars tnavghate himimu 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA . Aster & x : ! ---- with 4 j i Call W, McAuley, Re: * |storms, garage and large lot, y 2 - FURNISHED room. cooking Facilites, ; r trade in as down \ ; se and oh, wea) sof Wiker Rood) THREE - joom apariment, ton. | NG, edraam apartment, Shenson Dicom, Cooking fa Apply Sweet, beautifully N.H.A. mortgage cash or trade 26 Prince St, RA 3-2512 or a cle Lov, owt Paymesl, With Gust Eo "Sd trance and bathroom, couple. No chil- vn line. Call RA (29 Elena or call RA 52316, Fussy Bg and half Three bedroom brick bunga- payment MO 8-5765. Bosco Realtor. RA Le! = RA 3.4494 Res: §- a 3 aid 5 THREE unlurnish Be. i living room, dining : HIGHT - room country home, aere = APKRTMENT -- Three rooms, Wk #4043 between gem rick Pome on 70 | Tow age wing . T ay, a wiring, laundry ry | FIVE rooms to rent, five miles north a Seu) rally a Fo and| foot Ly nice- room area, large kitchen, full Ri t sen Ralph H Vi ck ery land, all modern Foe te ghee i; ANDY NAGY'S facies, sear us stop, east end, of Oshawa Tel vp for, builtin d with fruit trees, basement. Ww & Ol . 7A and 12. $4000 down, ics Fu tment, pri- | kitchen, 8 ly landscape: | down. Td miles from p 4 boss = Eo LY spariment frig vate. coirunce and Bah socal 3d sink, a Sonveniences. Aprly 837 flower bees od veseidble Member of the Toronto Real S ALT ORS Real Estate & Insurance Port iii Contae BODY SHOF or iPped oa den. Available imm . d the Oshawa # 0 Mallon Pe sms Bel Prd oom ry garden. Available immediate ey od, he Cane RE 46 KING ST. W. |46--Reel Estate Wanted TWO furnished rooms also private, TWO . room furnished apartment a Shotping centre und down town, Kishen $i 500 or $2,000 down pay- an AGENTS FOR 6 ness Bud saves vice apartment, kitchenette, living room, private bath, baby welcome, Apply vileges, RA 585 The Se artocen The WHITEY or Ohaws, Vaud. Foam . Sus 3 AWA bedronm ani bath, car parking. Apply Smile Souk: rt gen ow n private ey very seatral balance. OR PEDWELL BEAU VALLEY HOMES RA 8-6228 ial Hlo.00p. No subdivisions, ne agents. 40 RA 3 7132 Sh acific IMMEDI pring suit MACKO REALT a THREE - room apartment and bath, house, oil heated, on ens Blin East. S. BY : EM _-. Ea i. "ome: with gariee, 363 Hag o Co., couple, RA 8-466] Beautiful Ranch Bungalow, |wANT 10-mil asset Avent, BA 406 70 Klay West, RA Sodta ater's, RA ir two Inia or geniatan. #5 'Aber re REAL ESTATE H. KASSINGER large fot, fully landscaped bedruam, hu; SHS bain '57 PONTIAC = EE od, spartmenl, a Ne Salo. . Street or phone RA 3-267. (] d d LTD walkout basement, all glum- [radius Phone RA 37340. 5 Rome: Ned Both abatainers ORLY. Por STORE for vent, wilh two large show VTE Tone il iii EXTRA INCOME} h iH Des 40 © 80" Pind CONSTRUCTION : inum doors and windows, 47 Automobiles For Sale peuson immedgtey or S30" igin | indows. Loo ation, fa Bie Sooking frivileges, Street "beween ¥s| § acres, % ile Seam | oe house, all level fields, well SOMERVILLE AVE. awnings, front planter, stone 35 CHEVROLET sedan, reasonable] Two door, a fine running used © ing. Tiephone RA 52677 or 120 Elgin | nef atest drive o pf Ree Foti sn Seatra way 2, on Pov Pir fenced, lots of water, $15,000 fireplace, fountry living, price. Telephone COIfax 3.2148, car, only $1,095, Open even... : m. ! 3 ed, s inspec. "he Pht Sa unfurnished apartment, Eat mga Hrngee Aa Earns a FURNIHED room Wilh Rousskeeping Pond a i 3-piece small down payment. Large three bedroom modern 35.900 Sewn, Col for ie od BELA: Chew. a da ar ios ings 'til 9. Robinson Motors, °_ hg RI A Ba ugtyy, ae Sn Water central' BA 39895 bath, modern kiichen, at. $0 acres, good buildings, bungslow situgted in oe 5 4 | immaculate. 500 miles. MO 8-402. (Oshawa Ltd.) 574 Ritson Rd: ee at (AARNE Ne) FS uted So, | aid Jom, is | 30 os nd ttn nl ly Led al ee a I INO week's rent a Xr vate ving i Ban ah te: ue ss ate nA Gia. sha ig oR 4.000 broilers, terms. ey oy Close to schools, awa $5,000 down, Bang, Ln nis, wy for apartment; bed, A private stove, washer-dryer, locker, Jv und POUT. voom raished apartment, 0 iomatic feeders and foun- 10 acres with trout stream, ideal for quiet living. This 0 4 |'52 FARGO naitton pickup, $800. ele: CASH enance Five minutes to shopping cen- [telephone outlet, a bat month, [203 Ki Street "West couple only, tains. Price $10,500 with lose to Bowmanville $4,000 home is in excellent condi- 75 acres good house an phone RA 80818, FOR YOUR CAR tre. 460 King Street West. Henting_ at $8 BR mow at BA $6544 avatiabls immediately. $2,500 down payment. Co- E Terme tion. You must see to @p- barn 35 miles from Oshawa |FEorn rE Ha, MODERN three - room basement ora 33308. John A. Ud. | FGUR room a mT iperale en '819 sy Teme. reciate, For further informa- $10,500 with half down. radio low mileage, excellent Sondition; whe apartment, private bath Jeparatn on. Realtors, trance, heavy uty widtn ng. visiaity op 10 ccre pear orchard full Prac cll Rey Thre or no o8e0N 16. Ore cash. {rade. terms arranged. MA VAN HEUSEN fone . Sup-looring, ALR RA THREE room Sty Re, an his RA 3.4992, OWNER TRANSFERRED bearing present crop will pay 5.6165 or RA 5-3454, even- Summer colleges DS Sere al - re Lian Se. : Ee in BULLE ehild | 576 room apartment, for light house:| Northwest section, 6 year for it, close to school. ings. $500 down ' ENING op iuick, al vg RA MOTORS OWNER sranglerreq 10 Jovani mus hg $15 weekly. Phone 8-1930. Resping brid furnish. Phone Es hayse- old brick home, 4 bedrooms, & room: insilistene. house ih o Se od hemes. with sale, 3 NG hh sell or vent, 2 tase bh id pki THREE room apartment, seli-con-|RA 8-1584. i 4-piece bath and 2-piece on Ora I Poon" Phone either office smoll"down poyiment. Come Lg 14 A A brie lake, Hlumipum storms, finished fained, Jide bath and Bi] ™o rows me Juriigitd, wit main floor, ree hh floors, oil furnace, bath, gar- 19 Athol St. W., Oshawa . in and talk things over and |Lnite. under 2000 mile warranty. Phone ' Parking. , hen 3 2 WW, | x i RE frien RE Jus 0 "huss 01" Colborne Sree a rtly fi as centre, city 2% 506 og 5S ne ! RA 5.6165 bs Sonvineed. : ii sedan. This is '59 DODGE REGENT Two or partly ice $12,800 with $2, wn, J 209 Brock St. S., Whitby > .. RA 3.7313 ar, equipped with power . ; ADELAIDE MANOR ie i room upstairs com | Fone RA 8.1335. id oe ne LiL, Co-op 810. 6 room house close to New- "Mo 8-5823 BO Deum RA 5.5405 brakes bower tearing, See vi two-door, radio, just like... pletely modern, Ba three-piece SINGLE and double rooms, newly de. ROBERT § castle $6,500. $1,000 down Member of Oshawa and Ernie Allin ... . RA 3-3053 aly ex Remission 197 he A few. Only $1995, Robin: modern eparments, bath, a corated, suit Sentioman, five minuies balance easy. District Real Estate Beard Evelyn Walker RA 5-1442 {00 2 hi . Motors (Ge x t an d 7 f corners, 7 - i » Bew pal wa) i gn yoy SIS RE a McCALLUM 60 acres pasture land, close ob. Alex Nathan's uoaca' Station 113 Ltd. 574 Ritson Rd. § or $120 monthly. couple or two girls, $65 monthly. OL TWO rooms for light Joysekeeping, wii Realtor & General Insurance to Newcastle, small down King aa: Re LL i §-4959. furnish Apply side doer, upsta . payment. CHEV elon - wr. A VICKERY---Agent Pod me ony, | itson Read South afier § ER 521 ROSSLAND RD. W. i one year 100 per cent warranty parts ' R 8-6228 -- 46 KING Ww. ao rect West, couple only. HOGFEEFING apartment, suitable 27 acres on Two Highways, @ a Tamar Wilbak Motors, 137 King 57 PLYMOUTH. To [aeane Immediate. Foal | coms settable. AA asst i oandlel DIAL RA 5-6402 lorge insul-stone house, bank REAL ESTATE LIMITED AL Wai SAVOY ae . house on Harmony rooms available barn, 40° x '© cem ; tie, ily Duplex, 42 Divis [FX = room se mst sine Bar [omg svailabie, 0 coment A 8.4678 i TR aaa Srnec Du shawa. Availe Tis, Gshawa Times. : ad Tioor, | INE. two, - room spariment, alas wl A J SCHATZ <ehosi on proper, terms 40 KINGST.E. DIAL RAS Rovers eV Hoth running, one onlin gre guner, haw oh % $ , Seco! » i! le room, A able August 1, 1960. Ren- LE hl oiadia SEA REALTOR HAROLD C. PEDWELL IT'S COTTAGE TIME AT RICE LAKE 16.0 8 SEV. E5%, Sine £1383" oan ris a0 3 .00. ly to Box |cate bath. Apply urch Street ; i 3 $75 00. Apply RA 8.0144. §INGLE room. board optional central GENERAL INSURANCE NEWCASTLE, PHONE 3856 Don't waste money renting each year when You can own your | CHEV. Belair, twadtor, gear shill awa Ltd.), 574 Ritson Rd. S. FOR RENT WOOD [taf Fonsi ad iw Wh T8YaetD 6359 Cotes Tor Sale m3 eros Solon subgumion on ng |' eeTeR Snes 0 CAVIPIN cotta x PARK bina wrivae 'home. 8 Fark Ross] OPEN FOR INSPECTION PRIVATE qth shore of Rice Lake, enly 43 mies from Oshawa, and or |pore 14 32 CR TWO WEEK'S MANOR North, 57 p.m. RA 88671, CRESTON PARK, Looking for something e Caesarea, some of which are : terms. '51 Chev., 53 an. Gv MOTORS ARTMENTS | OFFICE SPACE WHITBY a a LOTS Be ET ee a YMRS FREE RENT AP Loration: Nettie, side of Ne. price 371.200, Jon 31.200. 75' x 200° treed, lakefront. $1,650, $1,750, | ORFVROLET coach, excellent eon: July 12 to 21st, For A Dae! ped ON FOR RENT 2 highway, East of Whitby N.HA. ot 6%, carries for hgtiom - x dition, very clean. 209 LL That will Amaze Fou, Au Volk in @ modern, fully equip The best in modern homes, $65 monthly, principal an . U', elose to water, drinking fcilities. beodtic Ts OUDRMOBILE "super 0" owuipn Todoy -- Only ew i Bok h fram. + Narth: Whitey, MO Bock Lote a 20, tose in wong g i ed, Bes: ati Bld RA § Sale Days Left. Variety of - cpouso sre | SAGUENAY AVENUE | Aor 33000 0 | 350i BCT | snl lors $700 wi 3100 sown | tr oe Mtl) Soon Uf Ve 105 CRAYDON RD., WH (PARK RD. ' , b divided basements, hardwood AGES radio, low hol eage. Phon ecutive Type. . Telephone RA ivi i y COTT. TOUR. doe Wiacavzs Covi, PHONE MO 8-4770 DISTRICT) erate rent \ I do Fie 4 OPEN FOR INSPECTION 5-5132. tiled Sh vanity. D. MOUNTJOY AT RICE LAKE AND CAESAREA a Si, dius, a 2. a 607 KING ST. EAST BUCKINGHAM Quiet, residential street. Large serviced lots. Highest HOMES tetas FORD. pyamate orders a ay MANOR Children welcome. FFICE SP ACE location, close to schools, COLONIAL : oy Log Siding ranch cattage on Jer d ab 4 ond refrigerator, |7i5 FORD -- sacrifice. Best offer, Take] vee. RA 3.4494 APARTMENTS 1 & 2-bedroom Apartments, transportation. Low down Manufacturers of Qua lot with plenty of shade, sondy beac over PAYTIENtE of IND. usiness . ... RA 5.5574 Jigs, LY. ada, 4% mortgates, etc : t| Residence ..... - 2 hedrem ig i : roe Barking ; orth Pe For orion cll il ores, Cogs, Su 3-bedroom cottage Johns Mansville Siding -- finished walls HORS Gtr, td arn -- i , best loca. f monthly ; J ad : . Neslly $100" at ws Rents Te RENT 1 I0t monn evenings RA 8-4614 inside. Modem Hicker prea ayatem, hot and cold water, CT Spodi Ww | L L | S Jnete Sho, Ast, 15: enge : excellent lot. RA 83793 after 6 p.m. \ RA 8.8676. RA 5.7272 RA 5.5787 bos oo doo _awvek, A. J. SCHATZ 134 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 3-bedroom cottages (new), wired, good lot. * $3,000. Easy 3 PONTIAC, wedsn, good Trsnsnare: fi ew ding. » ' . on. Phone T 0 R Member of Qshowa ond oly : Bh, M 0 cated in downtown aree. ore Woodcrest CHEV. Blscayne. Sustom radi, i HITBY CLASSIFIED Moderate rent. Leases now District Reol Estete Board $1,500 down, bungalow Contact this office for homes starting at $1,100 down payment, Sloan a yy tome. oT "Stew" For Your | 41 jh diat on. t Mike Starr's, -5646. | / available, JOHN A J. with garage, situated on some with immediate possessi EL ike Sa Cl rear AUSTIN CAR lot 80 x 130. Close to | Everett Elliott .... 3.9290 Joe Mage ...... 59191 |B oy Das, Saat ies, low m mile TERT t Colonial garage, mewly| EMPLOYMENT wanted -- Call Handy| THE TIMES : t Lloyd Metcalf .... 5-6983 Dick Barrigge .... 5-6243 ' [Gke. $1700 or best offer. GOOD ASSOR Lr pps ve em) am, Sa Tok Ty orn? Public 'and Separate mat Sarl CRE { after 6 p.m. jobs of cellar, yards, LIMITED y n to shop- OE Sn il, " ! 0 $3044 Ts Tame saiiaihe |Call_MOhawk 8.2977 ILDING TORS -- INSURANCE | Schools. Ha in P Wibak Motors, 137 Kine West. TAUNTON RD, E. i FOR SALE Williams 4 ve "3 REAL Call Mi er, hallway, reereation room or cot:(FOR RENT -- Available Septembe ping. . ida ' '55 BUICK hardtop, fully equi phed, 5.0331 | io "Gai" uBhavh Cail mornin Ho tin Cglia 167 SIMCOE S. Realtor, RA 5-2993. custom radio, reduced lo Im. Wibak| RA S. : FURNISHED apartment, private en.| apartment, , heat, hot water| | otors he | pate Awly 05 Anderson Street, | range. outietsuppied Fay yao only Contact T. L. WILSON RA 5 6544 BUY AND SELL 741 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA RA 3-4471 " TE MODEL : ) ; oy i } x f FOR RENT -- 2, 3 and 4 - 100med| Phone MOhawk 8.3416 between 9 and b. Phone RA 3.3474 WITH CONFIDENCE ONE OF THE FINEST FARMS IN THE DISTRICT, CLEARING | A | apartments, close to schools. Reason After 5 MOhawk 8.2371. ILES FROM OSHAWA J able rent, Phone MORawk 83a38 after | SALE -- Beautiful pa te 45--Real Estate For Sale $3,250 FULL PRICE D Ww SM 60. VAUSHALL Dr sors USED CARS i Lata ready for training, talking strain. Ap ; : : HO v ia VAUXHALL 4-0: » the sanitary dermale, 1002 Giffard | FOR sale t -- Family dwelling, I | brick house, ON 00 Acres Dairy Farm, 3 sides along paved and gravel roads, - i Se i Walter Ward, Hreet treet, phone MO 4663 aiter HH storey brick home, eiephane RA Sean in close 16 bus, siding OR INSURANCE > or good-sloping land, never-failing creek, drilled well, 59 41 TIN 2-Dr, $1448 "83 Chev four door i 204 Chestnut West, phone Mo sas FOR RENT -- Furnished bed sitting ing. centrally located. only $1,000 down. Call Bil REALTOR -- 3 painted barns with hydro and vgtebonk, man ken with se Wagon N shi: $1293 453 Pontiac sedan delivery RR Ra AT rn eh anu A of ¥ BRICK, block aN celal wo $2. babe Bad ay Pri: GWNER transferred, must sell! Tyree Ratcliffe at RA 5-6544. BARGAIN $10 000 electric Sutter clearer, ig imelement shea, 2 ins 0 " '57 FORD Auto-Matic, '53 Vauxhall four door 1110 Centre Street South, Whitby ai | ate entrance. Adult. 821 Dundas West, Slane Biro ucrtoking lake shun $3,800 FULL PRICE $1,000 DOWN sles. Sulkcool i ir | el, Soriiect 12 3 Rodin out Read) 088 53. Ford two door ) Highest" market 2 es IE eS, NU, Ur (num storms. finished roe. room. Im ' 4 bath hard- '56 adi '54 Chev. two door A ro i ¢ | (modern kitchen, furnace, bat room, ha ; : i Parker Midhaw try Finn. Toh out Sialing, iy ae possession, Low' down par Four room insul brick, two Seven-room income home, ih 8 sree iy storms and screens. No repairs and 2s ONARCH sharp 30% '54 Ford two door FOR RENT -- a Clara, Phi_Harver, 25 Green begracms, 3 pee. Sevh, ged three rooms upstairs, Bid no improvements needed. A real showpigge. Ask fo inTorviqrion. '55 FORD, A). ll $895 '5%: Chay. four door nishe¢ rooms small kitchene . 305] Serr ryan nce, district, close to sc . - rooms downstairs, two - 75 Acre farm with Lake frontage on Scugog Lake, paved roa "TBD PO Perry Street. MO Batts 1° in" tespeciable nome." Call MO 5.4357 WILSON Realtor in oars al | rooms, separate entrance, aif | 7S Acre farm w farm, 8 room house with hydro, heavy wiring, | * "53 FORD (2 d . $395 MARIJAN'S TAREE - bed part| "FURNISHED Three - room apartment Bill Ratcliffe ot RA 5-6544. heating, low taxes, contact bathroom. Ideal location for summer resort, sale of small fruit, GARAGE ment, centrally located in Whitby. A>, Whithy apartment RA 33514." *"t| Oshawa Shopping Centre FAIRLAWN STREET Mrs. Tierney, RA 5-5207. etc. Full price $19,000 with low down-payment for responsible WELL M AN 'S 5 ply 272 Ritson ~ |August }. T : EXPERT tolotilling for gardens aM | ry hedroom apartment, ving room RA 5-6588 on MOVING party. 290 CORDOVA R i lok Downl h Phone 5 Basis. 2nd use of a MO 5 a Ye sun : Modern 3 bedroom bungale TO SELL A nice small form 30 acres near Uxbridge. Good barn, spring 1 1 13 | best. Dik Deviics. Fhone ) MIB2SL: | and one chid OME with noturol fireplace in live FORCED creek possibility for pond er swimming pool, excellent horse- RA 3-443 RA 5.5101 ! NEW office space i Whitby. 800 89. ft. REPAIRS To re machines and] CUSTOM-BUILT H ing room. Very large mod- ; 2 TY Joss Ba Tri, Suellen! horse: ! or less, parking lot Call| other Dealers: for Simpli. ON KEEWATIN ST. DE New Sixsroam bungalow. ideal Fa. Mode Yiity pivissiens Suing. fo chy aud Salvinaior Frodies, at ewn am iiichen, § Be TV. condition, on ravine lot, will Full price $15,500 with $4,000 down. i " awl : LTV. " : Ra ne 3 Wiha, light platy MOB aS Lovely 6 roam brick hame has rari with plug-in out- sacrifice. $1,000 down pay- 98 acres farm, on paved road, 14 miles from Oshawa. Bam sare dathroom, Felephone MO| CREME cold wave $6.95 (Reg. $1230) a dining room, forge living lets and many other extras. ment, Contact Mrs, Tierney, with hydro ond waterbowls; 6 room house with heavy wiring, 10% DOWN | room for ) MO style, cut, oil shampoo and om, with natural fireplace. An exceptional value at $14,- RA 5.5207. bathroom, hot water tank. Full price $19,500 with terms. 8-4437 between § and 7 set by stylist. hen has loads of cup- 000, one 6% N.H.A. mort 2 iy alle! by July 1, 3 or 4 large board complete with built-in gage. For more information » A 44 acres farm. Good lond and buildings. $13, 920 wi A ao : ID AY aH Siu ent, centrally located in| stove and oven, double stain- coll Ted Cunningham at RA PETE 25 acres farm. Scenic located, 11 miles from oiitby, handy fo school. Phone MO| jess steel sink, Three good- 5.4544 or RA 5.2358. With Terms. ; FOR WENT -- Small collage APBD 0) both with comity, Rercocsing GOING! GOING! REALTOR 15 ves. fam, 8 miles. From Clowes with isntaueees. depen EQUIPMENT Dundas Street East, Whithy. room partially finished. FOR ALMOST GONE BOWMANVILLE of sand ony gravel. Nite view 2 ose Ora ya: can ra nN | LE une mando dr cow | FLL 'PARTICULARS CALL see the lights of the American cities o odorless and diess for flow- | FOR RENT oii wil od sta vite TODAY. be said at ance. Fully land: © | MA 3.5868 or MA 3.2453 | $45,000 with tems. Loke Ontorio, 4 miles from Oshawa. | : : rio, {| - |AOUSE and aiow wanted, Good] SEE OUR MODEL HOME sco with paved drive and in: 5 reo. Winter 28 acres of land along e 0 10 k. ped $700 Do $300 an acre { Tents ...... $10 per w down payments Meier Realtor AT patio at rear. Only two years ized cottage ot West Beach. "0 . | Boots & conces $15 per wk. a L430), Soames SA Bi the sasitary| HILLSDALE TERRACE old, grey for a fast pele ot Full price $2,700. Christmastree form. Only $10, 300 nil $2 200 dav bit Js O ¥ a sandy loam Walter Ward, $12,900. Call now 100 acres farm, 65 acres workable, : | 5 rTEEARD MOTORS i. 30% Chestnut West, phone MO 8.2563. FREE CAR Cunni how st RA 5-6544 $500 Doyn, 4 rou fur iisng Christmas trees o which Sant ready to cut next year. A good 1 7B HP LL. $18 per wk BPEoIAL: Sa inator dead ffovice Directions: or RA 5. 4 cottage af house and barn. Low payments } PEPE 08. I Road to | other cot- T, 1S HP ...... $28 per wk. or phi Mid Fown Furniture u The fast on Retsiond Roca to HURRY Xe hove Severd . 5 room house, with Madi dap OTS tile floors, 2 bath- GHP ...... $40 er wk. [Newest Avpliance Dealer in Whitby. North Positively the last one. Brand i rooms upstalte: Dothan 3 pes. and cupboards), double garage. 3 q I'S FOR SALE Tx 2 new 3 bedroom bungalow > 75 § tom 114 sloney, Full price $10,700 with reasonable down payment. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH or ap Me RE BR North on Ritson Road to located on 'Athebaseo St, All conveniences. $12,000. ull pi 2 } SHP ......: $35 por wk. | (reat. Call 3s 1000 Byron Street South. Rosslond Road East, then $13,880 full price. One 6% Terms. Luxury 8 room - 4 bedrooms) Split 'Level Home on Highwy 2 { 10 HP ...... $42 per wk. east to Central Park Blvd. N.H.A mortgage, large L- 100 Acres. Large barn, large near Whitby, 5 years old. Finished recreation Toon $e. ; ! ISAP ...... $47 per wk. FOR C.I.L. PAINT North. shaped living room, modern house, On poved road. Excellent location. Lot 75 x 200. Full price. $ w | quem | 7 Cokin (WATE FOR OUR sions) SERIE | ERR | En 10% DOWN TO SELECTED CREDIT : We also rent stoves, lanterns, houst fan, 4 pee. file ; tt baihrebin. it Wa cots, sleeping bags, etc. Selesman on Duty room, storms and screens, 220 Acres. Lake front farm, In Whitby. 5 room bungalow nA d Fhove, ith ae om, 2 Dod & Souter 12 Noon to Midnight sodded lot. Hurry - hurry. stone house, large barn_ Pric- furnace, hardwood an e | WILDE RENTALS P, & Wall Store DROP IN TODAY! Call Ted Cunininghom of RA ed and terms arranged down payment. = 1 i 37 Dor popet 5.6544 or R Trull's Road $1350 with terms. : les & Service 107 Byron Street South RA 5-6588--RA 5-6589 Members of Oshawa and 160 Acre farm at Newcastle. 1 acre lo sn Tnils vad $ 1350 Yih 1550 with ema. (Continued on Page 16) 96s. RA 5-6580 ict Real Estate Board Good buildings. Easy terms. Nice lot near Garra i 1415 Dundas E. MO 8-3226 MO 8-5231 - District Rea a?

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