The Oshawa Times, 9 Jul 1960, p. 9

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vi OCVI Announces Promotion Results The results of the year's work| Steven Harding, Wendy Hoog- in Grades 9 to 12 at the O'Neill|steen, Norma Hughes, Richard Collegiate and Vocational Insti-| Johnson, Edmund Joseph, Den- tute are given below. {nis Keary, Elaine Liles, Joanna The basis of grading used|MacKinnon, Beverly Mackey, throughout is as follows: 1--First| Joanne Martin, Klaus Mayer, Class Honors, 75 or more; 1I--| Carol Neal, Sharon Neal, James Second Class Honors, 66-74; 111--| Pallant, Douglas Pascoe, Louis Third Class Honors, 60-65; C--| Peter, Harold Powell, Mark i i Powell, Susan Powell. Crefli, Standing, 5-35. Linda Rae, Jean Rusnell, Irene A provisional promotion means gajowski, Jeannine Scarbeau, that a pupil has shown serious| grent Seaton, Albert Steinfield, weakness in one or more sub-|Cathryn Stephenson, Gregory jects; he is offered the opportu-| Stewart, Ross Sutherland, Terry nity of trying the work of a|varnum, John Vila, Pauline Clapp, Ralph Clark, Gene Clarke, Sharon Cline, Brian Curley, Lawrence Donald, Carol Evans. Judith Gibson, Edward Glover, Marilyn Goreski, Judith Greene, Judy Greer, Ronald Guiltinan, Neil Hamilton, Adrianne Hen- nick, Rosamond Hooker, John Hyslop, Lawrence Jacula, Mary Jamieson, Paul Jubenville, Jo- anne Joyce. Joseph Kalnay, Ruth Kell, Sonia Kupnicki, Dorothy Lawless, Sally Lawrence, Carolyn Lee, Douglas Lemon, Kenneth Linton, Douglas Lloyd, Mary Lou Lock- The Osharon Times PAGE NINE SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1960 June Promotions | | Kathleen Storey, James Swan,|Matthew Johnston, Nancy Lloyd, | Louise Terrill, Alan Topp, Victor Walter Lopak, Lindsay Matthews, Tyrrell, Patricia Vann, Peter Patsy McCann, Robert O'Brien, Vasko, Jean Walsh, Robert Weh- | Thomas Powers, Roberta Tilling, nert, Guy Williams, Eva Yeo,|James Wight, Edward Zielinski. Elizaheth Zevenhoven. Conditional Promotions -- Rob- Pass Standing -- Lynda Bari- ert Souch. The following students at Dr. #. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti- tnte have been promoted to the grades shown, A Conditional Pro- motion indicates a weakness in a subject or subjects which will Dr. F.J. Donevan CI. Central Collegiate Promotion Results The. following students in Grades 9, 10, and 11, in the Osh- awa Central Collegiate Instiiu 2 have been promoted, or condi- tionally promoted, to a higher rade. » A conditional promotion means that the student has shown weak- ness in one or more subjects and must greatly improve his work. Sometimes such a promotion is granted on condition that the stu- dent takes a designated course in the higher grade. Promotions are classified under the following headings: First Class Honors, 75-100 ert Miles, Angela Minacs, San- dra Myers, Donald Nikiforuk, Lawrence Ocenas, Donald Pater- son, Douglas Perkins, Gary Por- ayko. Daniel Semenuk, Patricia Shar- low, Ronald Starr, Irene Thac- zuk, Alvin Tilk, Beulah Trotter, Margrit Uebele, Thomas Wright, Anthony Zarowny. Third Class Honors -- Grace Arkle, Doreen Braund, Eric Brown, Shirley Bryans, Glenna Cathmoir, Branka Charapich, Donald Cullen, Marian Ellis, David Hanna, William Hender- son, Douglas Higgs. | | Larry Crawford, Earla Fielding, John Hentig, Gloria Hercia, Domna Hobbs, Michael Jackson, John Korchynski, Judith Moul- ton, Gilles Neault. Sheila Pollock, Douglas Sar- geant, Stanley Seneco, Gloria Sweet, Frank Szyszka, Marie Taylor, Rose Willoughby, Neil Wright. Conditional Promotions -- William Andreychuk, Louise Bilyj, Janice Brightman, Wayne Davidson, Steven Gilmore, Norma Gower, Lowell Harrison, Leonita Hubar, Beverley Love- wood, Albert Love. Robert MacLean, Robert Mc- Kay, Peter Mewett, Linda Mills, Douglas Mitchell, Murray Mitchell, Ronald Mitchell, Ronald Moore, Kathryn Pearse, Pamela Perry, Walter Puhach, Judith Reeson, Roger Reeson. Carol Ann Scott, Stella Smarz; Jean Thompson, Brian Tunni- cliffe, Joy Whiteley, Michael Win-| ter, Frederick Woolley, Judith Zimmerman. . Provisionally Promoted--Doug- las Amey, Michael Bassett, Mari- lyn Black, Susan Blanchard, lock, Roger McKnight, Kathleen McRae, Ihor Nakonecznyj, Larry Peters, James Rowden, Wayne Sayers, Montey Tennier, SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS The following students in Grade 12 have- qualified for Secondary School Graduation Diplomas by obtaining Grade 11 and Grade 12 standing in English, History, Physical Education, and three or more optional subjects. (Future graduates should note that in June, 1961 and thereafter, four options will be the minimum re. quirement for the Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course.) Six Options sanich. Five Options -- Myrna Britton, Fay Broad, William Dorko (First Class Honors), Irene Dyl, Bonnie Gaynor, Helen Janchevsky, Gail Macdonald, Wanda Marchut, Eileen Medd (First - Class Honors), Douglas Montgomery, Suzanne Parkin (First Class Honors), Urd Rohn, Heidi Schulze (First (Class Honors), Betty Stezik, Isabel Thexton, Craig Wile liams, Ruth Yeo. Four Options -- John Beamish, Darlene Christie, Lawrence Clarke (First Class Honors), Doris Corbman, Stanley Dalido- wicz,, Jeanette Dyriw, George Fuller, Lynda Hatfield, Joan Her- cia, Kenneth Hickey, Patricia Hraynyk. Melvin Kruger, James Mec- Conkey, Julius Minacs, Victoria Mitchell, Vern .Mossey, Larry Nancekivell, Marshall Nichol. ishen, Adele Planeta, Robert Porayko, Jan Purdy, Marian Ritzie, Patricia Sholdra, Geral- dine Skinner, Ronald Smith, Wil- liam Vekasi, John Zedic. Three Options -- Barbara Bul- dyke, Judith Gorycki, Robert Gow, Bonnie Haines, George Hes- ter, Donna Mitchell, Olga Muzyka, Carole Northey, Paul Robinson, Vera Rudniski, Anthony Saramak, Suzanne Smith, John Strawbridge, George Zinkiewich. higher grade level; in order tol Zyvitsky. . remain in the higher form, he| Supplementary Reading Re- must make a satisfactory effort|quired -- David LeBlanc (PP), and do satisfactory work. In a|James Lowry (P). ; fow 'cases, the provisional promo-| Promotion Withheld Pending tion is granted on condition that|Completion of Requirements - the pupil take a certain desig-| Alfred Bryant (PP) Helen Smith i igher| (PP), Larry Verno . bated Sourse 2 the higher PROMOTED TO GRADE XI grade. Such pupils will be inter CCENERAL COURSE viewed and their individual prob- . GENER suds Fon discussed with them at or) , First Class Honors 0 Jems i "| Andersen, Donald Anderson, before the opening of school. AnY| yy, of Bell, Judith Britton, Bar- pupil offered a provisional promo- bara Broadbent, Dianne Brook, tion may choose to repeat the Gary Butler, Howard Davis, work of the last year in order to Joyce Gedge, Nancy Gibbie, strengthen his grounding. Richard Giroux, Joanne Glover, | Gregory Bohaker, Garry Carter, Supplementary Reading re- gine Graham, David Granik. [Marilyn Copeland, Jane Dale, quired -- The promotion of stu- patricia Halliday, William Han-| pywayne Darlington, Lance dents whose names are listed joy Alan Hrycyshyn, Dennis podds, Barbara Eveniss, Marcial under this heading will be in jonnston, Stanley Kolesnik, Rob-| Fair Gail Hitchens. effect only after they have ful- ert Kozak, Kathrin LaRush, How-|" Valentina Kotelewetz, fillef certain requirements in ard McGahey, Linda Michael,lr ambersky, Paul Lawrence, $ipplementary Reading; they Ronald Miles, James Minett, Joel| Dianne Lemaire, Wayne Mac-| /should prepare this work during Palter, Lorraine Parsons. | Donald, James McArthur, Nancy| the, summer for submission to the, Donna Reeves, Margaret Rice,| Norris, Gwendolyn Otto, Eliza- teaeler of English in September. rFrederick Roth, Joseph Schwarz, |peth Pallant, Sandra Rae, Fred Any who are in doubt about what Lance Skerrat, Jean Terwillegar| Romanuk, Linda Russell, Kath- work is required should telephone! Peter Ward:Whate, James Wel orine Smarz, Bonnie Teatro,| the school office -- RA 3-3411 don, Linda White, Toby Wolter, | yames Watt, Lynne Whitely,| Promotion withheld pending Judith Wood. : . Olive Zacerkowny. 1 completion of requirements -- Promoted Patricia Atkins,| gupplementary Reading Re- These students may find out Alan Backstrom, Carole Ball,| go ired -- Diane Storie (P). what the requirements are by Maureen Barker, Howard Bar-| "promotion Withheld Pending telephoning or visiting the school| low, Heather Bell, Vinda Belling- completion of Requirements -- during business hours. Music -- has been credited as have to be improved before the promonon will become perman- ent. i Promotions from Grades 9, 10, and 11 are classified under the following headings: First Class Honors, (75-100); Second Class Honors, (66-74); Third Class Honors, (60-65): Pass Standing, (50-59). Following the publication of these results, student report Robert Jacklin, Keith Johnston, Robert Kram, James Lang, Henry Maynard, Gail Millar, Dian Mitchell, Walter Rudy, Eva Sprenglewski, Thomas Steen, Second Class Honors, 66-74. Third Class Honors, 60-65 Pass Standing, 50-59 Student report cards showing standing in individual subjects| Spr have already been sent out. Shirley Strumbiski, David Tay- TOP STUDENTS lor, James White, Sandra Wil- The following students headed son. their respective grades in the Pass Standing -- Robert Henry, year's work: Michael Mackay. Grade 9--First, Carole Ann| Conditional Promotion -- 83.9 per cent; Second,|Karen Barnes, Justeene Bell, 83.4 per cent.|lan Bellingham, Raymond Ben- Moffat, nett, Marie Bernard, Cameron Norman | Bowes, Dorothy Crawford, Ter- |rence Delves, Lloyd Elliott, Kath- Roberta len Fogal, Brenda Haight, Ben Second, | Harowski, ™™ l Soaron Jackson, Terry Jalas- jaa, Joseph Kiwior, Elizabeth Krawetz, Wilfred Mann, Karen | Melnychuk, Aurora O'Boyle, Don- iald Parker, William Parks, San- , b thwell, M lett, Barbara Bothwel ary SECONDARY SCHOOL Anne Budai, Marion Cooney, A Allan Cooper, Ian Costello, Mar-| GRADUATION DIPLOMAS The following students from lene Dalby, Ruth Ann Deboski, UC } Brian Dumontelle, Lloyd Dus-|Grade 12 have qualified for Sec- sault, Mary Louise Elliott, Gary ondary School Graduation Diplo- Eymann, mas by obtaining Grade 11 and Grade 12 standings in English, Gordon Finney, | ry 3 Sandra GioosY Delia Griffin, Mistory and Physical Education § and 'three or more additional sub- Beverly Grills, Vaughn Hall? e |Benjamin Hofstede, Richard jects: (Future graduples should) | ort| Howeroft, Douglas Hurrie, David note that for Secondary School | cards will be sent out showing a Michadi EE oes. Eve. Diplomas of the General Course Haber, 4 standing in individual subjects. lyn Knowlton Sonja Kohn, Wal- to be granted in June, 1961, four| Valentina Sidorow, TOP STUDENTS tor Rrowlewskl, : options will be the minimum re-| Grade 10--First, Peter The following students headed| "101014 McEachern, R-on ald! quirement.) {83.7 per cent, Second, their respective grades in the yeknight, Harry McReelis, Five Options -- Faith Brock. Powers, 83.6 per cent. man, Eugene Cherewaty (First| Grade 11 First, year's work: Derek Martin, Kenneth Mat- Grade 9--Traudel Huth, 83.8|yp Cc Helga Mayr, Kathleen Class Honors), Margaret Dom-(J eves, 86.8 per cent; per cent ' 11y | Neal, Sharon Siblock, Rosemary inik, Sharron Gomme (First|Judith Broad, 86.7 per cent. Grade 10 -- Monica Connolly, |giire' Eugene Tymchuk, James Class Honors), Pamela Green, | Grade 12 -- First, Eileen Medd, 91.2 per cent W g7.5/ Von Gunten, Dave Wandless, Barbara Holmes (First Class/91.1 per cent; Second, William rave 11--Carolyn Werry, 87.5 piohard Williams. Honors), Alison Keay, David|Dorko, 85.0 per cent, i iti jons--Naney Kemp (First Class Honors), Jud-| 7 : ; TCE Sharron Gomme, Comllonl Frumotons--Nancy Kemp First Clas Honor, Ju ZROMOTED, 10 GRADE 10 (ia Felberick, Anita St. Louise 82.5 per cent Hurst, Christine Zebethofer. Eric Mitchinson, Diane Olech, Bigelow, Dorise Bilenduke, Lud- LFF, ane, Beverley Shortt, SPECIAL GRADE 9 promoted a 3 "Hs 4m ' Fay. , s , Lud- Munro Smith, Gary Wilkins, A PROMOTED TO GRADE 11 Judith Saunders, Douglas Scotti milla Bolotenko, Sandra But! TO SPECIAL GRADE 10 ' ' rary | (Fir loss vg Li yo. a Butier, Thomas Yates. ¢ First Class H Darl First Class Honors Gary (First Class Honors), Robert| william Corby, Lynn Cuthbert, | Foust ass Klonors ene| poattie, Ruth Britton, Monica Stelmach (First Class Honors). [Lois Delaney, Sharon Elliott] PROMOTED TO GRADE 12 rd Class Honors = James Connolly, Ronald Eccles, Murray| Four Options -- Theresa Augh- Mara Gaumers, Elsie George, First Class Honors -- Robert | Petherick Hobbs, Joyce Hoskin, Bonnie Kel: poy judith Baxter (First Class| Gloria Gulenchyn. Babe, Eleanor Bowman, Judith [Fee Class Honors -- Donna lar, Courtice Rose, Judith Rose, gonors), Mary Brough, Elizabeth| Carole Ann Haber, Verna Broad, Kenneth Doyle, Mareis Barnes, Doreen Coverly, Helen|El Joi Simmons, Linda Slem: Campbell, Robert Cole, Joy|Heholt, Bert Jalasjaa, Olga|Esmits, Patricia Findlay, Fred i ing Ee re Tonia, mon, Stephen Stepinac, Gordon Cooper, Norman Davis, Sandra Kozyriachyj, Thomas Lowry, Foote, Diane Haas, Roberta ham, William Braiden, Lins John Drygala (P). a ora ae. Cooper, Sutter, Lynne Twentyman, Margit Dawson, Larry Gauer, Garney Marshall McConkey, Margaret|Jeyes, Connie Johnston, Sandra Broadbent, Carol Brooks, Rich-|"""covivpperar, COURSE |Grant Evans, Richard Forster, Vilhaber, Nicholas Zakutin. Gunn, Rita Heard, James Hill,|McDiarmid, Betty McEachern, Lesenko. Diane Massey, Edmund an option to those students who ard Brown, Mary. Buck, Shar GENERAL BUSINESS | Stephen Konkle, Catherine Luke,| Second Class Honors Susan Jo Ann Issel, Gary Jones, Jean- John Mowat, William Patterson, Merringer, Barbara olinyk,- Wen- submitted Royal Conservatory of Bunce, Ivan Burke, Kon First Class Honors -- Maureen| joseph MacLellan, Bill Mitchell, Baker, Eva Berger, Linda Boddy, nie Kellar, ( arolyn Kennedy, Wil-| Lawrence Plancke, Betty Poloz,|dy Stewart, Joan Tuson, Joan Music equivalent certificates. BO tc Donald Clement Comerford, Donna Smith. | Richard Whalen, John Winsley. ruce Carter, Patricia Dance liam Kennedy, Myron Mech, Donald Potter, Martin Rohn, Said|Zubkavich, Joseph Zubkavich. Report Cards -- The individual Carl Campa, Dona e '| ~ promoted -- Ruth Blakely, Pat-| conditional Promotion -- John Carol Holmes, Judith Ilson, F at- Eleanor Mountjoy, Jacqueline| Secerbegovic, Valentina Sidorow,| Second Class Honors -- Rob- h : Beliie matted 10 rick Johnston, Dawn Mandryk, Pearson, Carole Porter, Jerold| Carol Stezik. And report cards are being mai Sniderman, Violet Taylor, Bonnie| |ert Anderson, Gary Bennett, Ruth the homes, ' Ey | Second Class Honors --James| Britten, Nancy Esposito, Joan Charles Cliff Jill : Coe, Diane ricia Brewster, Joan Clark,|wade Coleman, Francis Cosway, Fran: gavie Cooper, Gwendolyn Hamil- = pROMOTED TO GRADE 10 [Yvonne Moore, "David Morris, TITS RARER Cover, Grant Cryderman,| yon Brenda MacDonald, Sandra pirgt Class Honors Sally| Andrew Pat rick, 'Lyn d a Wilson, Paul Wilson, Kony Woj-| Agams, Sabina Berkis, Felicitas| Flintoff, Linda F TOP STUDENTS Dale, Darryl Davies, McFeeters, Marilyn Major, San- D 13s |Strynatka, Gary Tubb, Laura towych, Eugene Zarhybllny. Boberach, Alb did , Linda Fursey, Larry The following students headed | Armstrong, ug a | Zabudsky. Three Options -- Ralph Cain ald Batt Donald eT Bay | Haines, Glenda Harrison, Shirley their respective grades in ' the Thomas Disney, Paul Goodwin,|Cameron Maria Chromej |Brickey; Landa Holbrook, Joseph year's work: ' »|Jackson, Walter Knox, Bozena Beal, Russell Dobbins, | gra Mantis, gel Hartigan, Aud: Alberta Beetsma, Donald Camp- BSL lass. Hono: Tiois rey eters, Marilyn illiams, SS Ors mn Aksiuciye, Verna Bathe, Carol Geraldine Hoffman, Sheila Hoy, Edward Clark, Lorraine Clough,|y i 9 Mary Carolyn Archer, Wayne Jordan, ~ Dennis King,|Wayne Cook, Judith Cu t1ey,(Srasna), Glen Lee, James Long- 5.1 per cent. 3 ' Eugenia York pell, Glenn Down, James Eddie, cugenia Yo , Bolton, James Buechler, Leonard Grade 10--Barbara Diane Knibb, John Love, Barbara| paye Drummond, Dennis Elizuk. inalS Ferneyhough, Lorraine Provisionally Promoted--Elaine Sandra Dane; nd rane l Bailie, Jacqueline Cameron, Mar- ' 3 id | Chilcott, Russell Chute, Joy MacDonald, Janet MacNamee,| Ruth Ferjo, Terry Foote. Pam- 54 yo SO rice Roland Mayr, Dennis Reid, Rob-|ea dbl Th ily Don nal jorie Cornish, Joanne Rospond. {luth, iis Br Kol*| Clark, William Davidson, Stanley COMMERCIAL COURSE Yuk, Tre ne ozs, J Nancy Mal, OWe: Donna Forbes, Diane CLERICAL PO ar a ial "|Hopps, James Hopps, Gary Hos- ert Reynolds, William Roka. : 3 Robert Owen, Virginia Piper per cent. Promoted -- Rhea Beauregard, |v, Raymond Pickell, Carol | in, David Irwin, Genevieve -- -- mmm ------ ga, Rien Seoree ay vite Barbara Rankin, Joachim Rohn, Grade 12 -- David Macleod, 94 . J Linda Harper, Richard McGilli.|Saunders, Gail Souch, |Judge, David King, Sharron : gartars Senay, dossiis Kobe per Seu | vray, Edward Malachowski, Paul Trivett Lang, Evelyn MacGregor, Naney Workers Are Marian Karas, Jo-Ann Kelly, yo rlene I Fi PROM! iD TO GRADE 10 ' Robert Ford, Howard| Letizia' Bus- cis Sharon Wayne Dittmar Lynn Dudley. Ona Ethier, Mary Lou Famme, Michael Fernley, Wiliam Fitches, June Fleming, Roy Fleming, Irene Frobel, Barbara Fudge, William Goodman, Carol Hubbell, Lynda Hurren, Judith Hyslop, John Ivanco, Sally James, Carol Jenkins, Peter Johansen, Roberta Jones Brian Keys, Larry Lawrence, Larraine Lemon, Myra Lesnic william Lloyd, Charles Love, Kenneth McGregor, Paul McMul- len, Janet Mainds, Marilyn Markle, Anne Martin, Audrie Merrithew, Peter Morrey, Ronald Frances Minacs, Wesley Mis- Broadbent, iaszek, Theodore Monchesky, Woods, 86.8 Karen : ; . Yimsi Ere] : A Brian Kidd, Enrica Kinarz, Lewis Roenigk, Bonnie Saywell, Carol| Second Class Honors -- James Orion, Colleen Patterson, Lori su] rz, | 0 First Class Honors Mary |Sills, Rae West, Gordon Wilson,| Allen, Karen Allen, Betty Arnold, | Plob, Carol Ritchie, David Rob- Kocho, Patricia Kucherik, J er aes Hid Carolyn Archer, Mary Banbula Bruce Winning. | Allan Bottomley, Anne Boville, | bins, Edward Stone, William Marlyn Larmer, Denna Third Class H ~ Joh Carolyn Baron, Pamela Bev an, Provisionally Promoted -- San- Faye Buechler Elizabeth Swan, Leslie Tropak, Victoria Lemon, Elvira Lingen, Lynda Bas § ass onors ohn Elizabeth Bigwood Brian Bor. dra Branton, Joan Elliott, Dianne|Chopee, Barbara Collins, Sandra|Varcoe, Christine Wardach, Linton, Roderick Macleod, Daniel Barker, Stanley Bosak, Daniel rowdale, Leona Brash, Kenneth John Buzminski, Carolyn Flintoff, Elizabeth Johnson. Constable, Edward Cooper, Marie Wladyka. Matthews, Nancy Meredith, |Cherkas, Frances Cornelius, Bunner, Brendan Calder, Elaine INDUSTRIAL COURSE Karen Copithorne, Lynda Dear-| Pass Standing -- Kenneth Brad- {Diane Middleton, Heidi Nyen-| i huis, Colette O'Boyle, Ann Par-| Cole, Theresa Cole, Judith Col. lard, Carolyn Cooper, Joanne rott, Lucy Petrowsky. | Beatrice Saramak, Marie Sabi- M uae, Carolyn Sudsbury, Ronald | Stezik, Silvia Szikszay, Lynda) | Thompson, Elsie Tureski, Bonnie! White, Alfred Wilkins, Donald] | Winston, Kenneth Worsley, Eliza-| Nelson, Earl Newell.w James O'Connor, Paul Parker, Lynn Pearce, Maryellen Petre, John Plews, Barbara Price, Nan- cy Puskas, Pamela Reddick, Gail Schoenau, Robert Simpson, Joanne Slessor, Lynn Small, Grant Southwell, Janet Sparling; Stewart Storie, Constance Stradeski. Cox, Robert Crothers, Diane Crowder, lan Darlington, Daniel Derumaux, William Gordon, Heward Gough," Anne Hill, Dan- fel Hilts, Paul Huehnegard. Sandra Jackson, Luba Jariga Rose-Marie Kiss, Susan Macdon- ald, Cheryl Mooney, Roberta h ; Moore, Brian Morris, Erline Mc.| Wayne Thomson, Paul Kay, Mildred Power, Robert MDES: Judith Toppings, Reed, Waleene Roberts, John Top- Donald Ronald Milne, , Harry Visser, Jelle Visser, First Class Honors -- Eugene cCrohan. Promoted -- Ivan Allin, Gary |Challice, Robert Dingman, Lucian Dreossi, Derek Kleinbub, Frederick Leyden, Hubert Van- |den Heuvel, William Vetzal, Gor- |don Zedic. | Provision. ert Barr, Greisberger, M ally Promoted -- Rob- Roy Begner, Charles Darryl McMaster, Terrance Niki- | foruk, David Whitely. Promotion Withheld Pending born, Jane DeCoe, Brian Diguem, ley, ™ Lorraine Elliott, Patricia Etman-| Cornelius, John Cox, John Flegg, 0 ski, William Flegg, Norma Genge, Iganize Lisa Feldberg, Noel Fernandez,|Ivan Irwin, Martin Jamieson, Grovine Gage, Norma Gearing,|Linda Jarrell, Marlene Major,| A special organizing meeting, Carol Greenham, Patrick Holyk,|Gibb McKay, David Muir, Henry| sponsored by the Oshawa Build- Randolph Johns, Carl - Jones,| Piekenbrock, Ronald Rosnak, ing Construction Trades Council, Eric Jones, Kathryn Xashul,|Ronald Ruskay, Douglas Speirs, was held at the Steelworkers' Earle Keatley, Colin Knight,|James Stokes, George Stone- Hall, 125 Albert street, Thurs- Victoria Koss, David Lewis, Jean|bridge, Robert Taylor, Phillip July 7. Speakers were greet- Lucek, Louis Lugtenburg, Diana|Trudelle, Reginald Wasylyk. Lukasywich, Betty Ann Luke,| Conditional Promotions Wil- Walter Malarczuk, Joan Mar-|liam Dalziel, Rudolph Gunther, shall, Suzanne Marvin, Cheryl{[PROMOTED TO GRADE 12 | akers were Cliff Pilkey, president of the Oshawa Trades and Labor Council; James | embers Urged beth Wyatt, Peter Wysotski. To Secure Tickets Third Class Honors lal The distribution of tickets for|Niel, and El Cline, have the huge Andeley, Carol Andrews, David Canada's largest picnic, started|task of co-ordinating the various Anthony, Patricia Bessie, Karl| Thursday noon at Local 222, UAW | committees. | Blakolmer, Mary Ann Bolahood, hall and will continue until' Fri-| In addition to recreational Diane Bowler, Jean Buchanan,|day evening, July 15. Ladies Aux-| facilities, an educational aspect william Walmsley, Mary Walsh, Robert Watt, Bette Weir, Nancy Weir, Ruby Wilkins, Pamela Wilkinson, Evelyn Winning. Provisionally Promoted -- Sharon Cobb, Myrna Cook, Gail Glover, Anthony Gray, Drum. €réd 1 mond Jones, Margaret Me-| for Secondary School Graduation Crohan, Margaret Parker, Boyd Diplomas which will be present a a2 A IC Smith ed at the autumn Commencemen Ne Stor iii '| Exercises. Dianne Starkey. ; # Promotion withheld pend- d Diplomas are gransed bo al ing completion of requirements--| dents who have standing in lng Black, regional director of the Ronald Cassidy, Sandra Dingley, iliary, No. 27, under President is not being overlooked. The edu- Building Trades Department for william Frankiw, Rosemarie| Alice Reardon, will be on the job| cation committee, PAC and The Eastern Ganaga, officers of the| pusco. | from 12 noon till 8 p.m. each/Auto Workers Credit Union will Provincial ii Ti des Coan Gerry Gaatch, Joseph Golobic, | Working day, looking after this| each rid a the ll, and representa | "|Sandra Harrison, Sandra Hill, tremendous project. | grounds, jornational Building Trade g,yarey Jacklin, Margaret Jar.| Local 222 President Malcolm oo I i ns tack. stated that altho | dine, Carole Kavelman, J ohn Smith is pleased that members| 0 ASSIST or, Bleck staled that althoughiye, sfexander Liahods. Ca Ty|are calling for thelr tickets eatly Russ MoNelL Aecreiary - fess. 18 bijion Bin? w gs C0 he | Legree, Deanna Lemon, N a nc y| and thereby averting a last-min- uree of Local 222, said a number spent on constuction in Canade fi, ui rush at the" unon all" "of ftdty members of, he Os or con ary organized. He| Ted Marchut, Tan Milne, Emily Many, Decple gre siveys Jie 3 gp Yous flow of ! ; : ; urged the non-union workers Mitchell, John Mitruk, Terry{ipvaitied Ly puiting of 2 via traific 5 Co Cheryl Barker (P.), Dianne Me. lish, History, Physical Education, "myirg Class Honors -- John) garet Gray, Barbara Green, Vera present to get together with fel. Moore, Larry O'Brien, Irene f te Gy 00 KG cadline, "The Police Force has always llveen (P.P.), Sandra Smith and at least three optional sub-|,q ...c wavne Addison, Judith Hoskin, Patricia Kinsman, Helen|low workers in an effort to get|Ochej, Darlene Oke, Veronica| (VE is 8 p.m. on the da: before| done a marvelous job at our pice (P.) jects; it is necessary to have| , ev. Robert Baker, Mary Ann| Laxton, Kathryn Learmonth,| organized. | Osmok, Millicent - Pankow, Lor-| yo big day," he said. y nic and the opening of Lakeview COMMERCIAL COURSE |Standing in both Grade 11 and|pgarpavie, Susan Bodnar, Patricia| Anne Magda, William Morrison,| Mr. Pilkey stated that oneof|rain€ Parish, Paul Pelow, Jac-| Park, from the west, will make GENERAL BUS J Grade 12 History, Mathematics, gy,wn Marilyn Bull, Robert Donna Myers, John Orton, Mari-|the problems facing the building| queline Phillipe, Penelope Poole. | JUGE TASK their work somewhat easier and First Class Honors and Science in order to obtain gy ton, Lynn Carswell, Nelson|lyn Reid, Linda Sanders, |trades was the industrial work-| Patricia Riordan, Theresa| The recreation committee, con- will help to ease the congestion Vasko. credit for these subjects on the| chamberlin, Lynne Chapman, Randolph Scott, Joan Tippett, |er, working on construction Sobs| Rosati, Donna Rowden, J a me ssisting of Sid McCormick, ¥cank| encountered at Simcoe St. in pre- Promoted -- Elizabeth Andor, Graduation Diploma. [Michael Connolly, Anna Christl,| Joy Wicks. at' night and on weekends. This Rowden, Allan Smelko, Maxine|('Connor, Bill Badgly, Art|vious years. I know our mem- Mason, Margaret Mitchell, Carol] First Class Honors -- Douglas John Appleton (P). | Morton. | Anderson, Isolde Boehme, Doris GRADE 12 GENERAL COURSE | Yvonne Napier, EugeniaLees, David Leffen, Gordon Below are listed the names of| Nedozytko, Jane Parkin, Joan|Mark, Gerald Nelson, James students of Grade 12 of the Gen.| Petre, Lynda Pollard, Bruce O'Reilly, Wayne Rogers, Lynda | Course who have qualified|Porter Mary Power, Randalll Rundle, Carolyn Werry. rime, Ria Raaphorst, Lyn| Second Class Honors -- Rajca, Deanna Repa, Darlene/Adair, Edward Aru, Grace t| Rouse, Gordon Sanders, Sharon|Barnes, Ronald Bell, Marilyn Scott, Tineke Sierhuis, Valerie| Brockman, Gary Clark, Kenneth | Smith, Stanley Strzelczuk, Leslie| Coverly, Shaaron Culley, Allan Tomczak, W a y n e Walters, Pat-| Etchells, Ariella Germanis, Cath- ricia Willis, Margaret Wylie. |erine Gibson, Judith Gray, Mar-| Robertson, Norma Rowden, Rob- Completion of Requirements -- ert Simpson, Gloria Snowden, John Stemerdink, Kent Stiles, Murray Taylor, Cheryl Thomson, Lynda Thompson, Tyrone Turner, Terry Twine, James Walker, Ray Werry, Eleanor Westcott, Karen Westley, James Whiting, Sandra Wilson, Stanley Zuly. a Promoted -- Thomas Abthorpe, Harvey Ambrose, Yvonne Ander- sen, Linda Audley, Bonnie Ayers, Suzanne Barr, Barbara Bauder, Patricia Belcour, Lynda Bishop, Barbara Black, John Bourrie Cheri Brady, James Broadbent, Dianne Brown, Edward Brown Louise Buechler, John Burr Lenna Button. Charles Camenzuli, Dwight Cameron, Janet Carmichael, Heather Collins, - Patricia Cor- nish, Thomas Cotie, Susan Cotter Robert Cowley, Stephen Cowley, Larry Craggs, Connie Crossman Timothy Day, Sandra Dell, Lynne Dickson, Timothy Dittmar, Wil- liam Don, Catherine Duquette John Fraser, Janice Fulton, Bar- ry Furey. Walter Gales, William" Garrard, Timothy Gilmore, Sydney Gor- don, Robert Haines, Cameron Hall, Emily Hanowski, Gloria Hickie, Robert Hobbs, Douglas Holtby, Garry Huntley, Marion Hurst, Bruce Hutcheon, John Irwin, Myrrhl Jackson, Daphne Jones, Patricia Kell, Linda King Neil King, Wayne King, Linda Klein, Eva Koblak, Eileen Kowal- ski, John Kroll. Sandra Kuntze. Melodey LaRocque, Ian Lee Wayne Lepp, Richard Lewis, Romald Lynn, Lynne MacMillan, K James MacPherson, Marlene Mc. Donna - Adam, John McFeeters, Jeffrey Mason, Joyce Mastin, Mecllveen, Linda McMaster, Rob trangelo, Patricia Roach, Bever- ert. McRae, Robert McMurtry, /ley Wickett William McMurtry, Richard Mar- INDUSTRIAL COURSE booth on Donald S Mary Class na Arthur Gabona Mason, Robin Taylor Bligdon (Stenog- Clary (Book Henry dog Do -- is and F and Turpin, Catherine van de Ven, topher Chaytor, Patricia Cornish, Eleanor Calvert, Brian Coleman, A ¥ graphy, kkeeping) + Diplama Gail Essex, Donna ography, Bookkeeping Valentina Pe- Bernard Vanson, Eric Villistus,/ Carol Crawford, Barth Curley, Carol Ann Collier, 2C! ili ol. auchli Koblak, Nancy . Martin, Eliza- 12CC Philip McLaughlin Charlotte Waduck, Donna Waite, Ronald Dancey, Alan Dewar, Maureen Cook, Peter Cox, Rob- James Ward Earl Whittick; Sheila Drumm_ Lloy Fletcher ert Cunningham. | (Spelling, Business Machines Peter Whittington, Caryne| Lynda Higgins, Keith Hooey, Ronald Flintoff, Fiona Gardner, beth Moon, Lois Werry. {Typing Speed) : Wright, Edward Wright, Michael Dennis Karpiak, Robert Loft- Dorothy Gordon, "John Gordon, COMMERCIAL - SPECIAL 120C Donna Norris (Typing Yearsley. house, Mary Ann McAllister,| David Gray, Forrest Grierson,| Diploma with First Class/and Office Practice, Home Eco- Provisionally Promoted---Jeur-| John McPherson, Carol Pearce,|John Griffin, Paul Hartshorn, Honors -- Carolyn Elliott. nomics, Typing Speed) gen Achtzehnter, Sue |Claudia Simpson, Howard William Hayden, Norris Hoag, Diploma Sharon Brown, 12AC -- Gayle Patterson (Sten- Eileen Bailey, Sylvia Swartz, Catherine Wherry, Bruce| Kathleen Hogel, Donna Howard, Elizabeth Puskas, Donna Tap-|ography, Bookkeeping) , Kathleen Beath, Patricia Camp- Woods, Anne Yonson. Donald Hutcheson, Robert ping. ' 12CC -- Bernice Roach bell, Carol Coombes, Anne Craw Promoted Carol Barron, Hyman, William Jackson, Peter] COMMERCIAL - CLERICAL |ing, Typing Speed) ford, Karen Cummins Paul Charles Barron, Robert Benson, Kinsey, Janet Lapp, Carolina Mc-| Diploma--Gloria Fulton, Fred-| 127 -- Thomas Sawyer (Chem Darling, Merna Dignem, John Mary Frances Bourrie, Philip Garry, Larry Metcalf, Bria n|erick Martin, John Newell, Emily istry) J : Domonokos, John Elmhurst, Bradley, Patricia Brewer, James|Nauss, Joy Norton, Edward Par-|Pasiuk, Catherine Puskas, Rob- ; 127 Donald Smallwood Denna Graham. \Burke, Joan Carrington, Lyan|rott, Evelyn Parrott, Ruth Rich-lert Reid, Barbara Smith. | (Chemistry) | Lynda Panter, trowsky, Norman Powers, Rob- ert Rankin, Leita Smith, Carol [John Lyte, of Lindsay, who was |getting "the worst of the fight, a ler. Donna Cox. Sharon Darling, according to the number of Thomas DeJong, Gwen Dupuis. |Aasen, Daniel Adams, Tony Cher- ation, he said, but was under-| Walters, Wayne Warnica. |MacInally and George Young,|Flintoff and help his department Evelyn Dawson, Carol Dixon, options in which the student. is| prederick Fitzgerald, Mercine| nick, Wayne Clark, Terrence Con-|mining the wages of legitimate] Pass Standing -- David Dafoe, along with executive board mem-|in this huge task," Mr. McNeil Gail Dodsworth. Patricia Flintoff. granted standing. Those earning| Fleming, Robert Gardner, Wal- (way, Carol Cook; Dean Douglas,| organizations. Industrial unions | Shirley Drozduk, Mary Ann Fur- bers, Malcolm Smith, Russ Mec-/ commented. Carolyn Hall, Carol Helcoe, Ruth, an average of First Class Honors |traude Geratschek, William Sandra Fekyta, Carolyn Gordon, will be approached to take action] sey, Robert Hraynyk, Diane| Hilton, Diane Holman are indicated by the addition of Hasiuk, Susan Hickey, Sharon|James Gordon, Robert Grace,| against their members. { Merrill, Lillian Romanuk, William | Jane Jackson, Bonita Kehoe, (Hons.) after their names. | Kinsman, Sandra Kolynko, Mary Herman Hesselink, Gerald Hig-|------ perme Stewart, Teresa 'Szyska, Lena| \ Kurikshuk, Mary Laing, | The Deparment of Education Lazi, James Lyzun, Davig gins, Roy Jansen, William Jeffs, | . Viola, Geoffrey Welch. { hurch School A Ae : ®' has ruled that after June, 1960, MacDonald, James MacDonald,|Sally Lean, Barbara' Linklater, t Bernadene Lounds, Ilona Lowry, 'Flint Studen S Armstrong, Noreen Arnold, Bon- ' Carol Reardon. Constance Smith, Diplomas will be granted with| Jeanette Mackie, Luba Maiboro-| Lean, Elizabeth Neilson, Michael na Bessie, Grace Brendzan,| e > hd ° Bara Stovin. Marion Suszek. fewer than four options. This da, Diane Martin, Gail Perry, Nowaczewski, Brenda Power, Di T d James Bryant, Susan Channing, 1CNic n 0 able Olga Waznicky, Bonnie Wilson, means that the three-option dip-| Robert Petre, Robert Plazek,|Lynda Singer, Larry Williams, ine ues ay William' Chappell, Laurel Claus, Jean Zyvbala. Toma at the ed o Grade 12 will| Ardyth Polat, Roth Cheryl Yison. Vavid And Os} d deteict stadadt Judith Cook, Nancy Craegs,| . "RCIAL COURSE not be available after this year. | Carol iznek, Monica oth, ass Standing -- David Ander-| shawa an istrict students| Helen Debicki, Richard Debicki, | By MRS. FRANK T. § ; i COMVERCIAL So RSE Six Options -- Rosemary Bury Diane Sabo, Joyce St. Pierre,|son, David Barnes, Sarah Cal-|Who attend the General Motors Josephine Gangemi, Neil Gil-| COLUMBUS: ANE I Cn i Heather Promoted Elizabeth An. Hons.) Margot Morris (Hons.),|John Schievink, James Smith,|lison, John DeCoe, Marguerite Irstitute at Flint, Michigan,|pank. Clifford Godridge, Daniel cool weather a number of famil- Linda Scott and Doroth Toe . Arews. Tom Davis. Joan Dove, Carolyn Pascoe (Hons.), Lynda Suzanne Smith, Murray Stauffer,/Dykster, Ronald Hooper, he La 2 Bi | ig. y ye F - eT _-- --_-- - hold a Student Engineers' Club| Barbara Heavens, David grounds Tuesday ar ion Tvbkar Claire Tierney (Homs.), Patricia|apdssi. Thaia Roberts, B aviv) INDUSTRIAL COURSE dinner Tuesday, July 12, at 6.30| Hickey, Daniel Hooper, Carol gros Sa A the BIN Wether Sud Grnt Besh, Terry Provisionally Promoted -- Don-| Ward (Hons.). Rogers. Jean Smith, James Diploma with First p.m, at the Sandalwood Restaur-|n\arte], Cheryl Morden, Joan| After supper races and games| Girls 3-legged a wig A Allin, Wanda Butler, Julie| Five Options -- John Aker, soroyle, Carolyn Storie, George Honors -- Stanley Stacey. apt, | Morrison, Mary Pernak, Diane were held. |Scott and Kathleen Beath rnley, Krystyna Dubicki, Kay Peter Baron, Gordon Berg, Eliza-| puine 'Susan Vorner, Sylvial Diploma John Daniels, Dinner speaker will be Oshawa! Pritchard, Carolyn Puckett, Guy| Winners were as follows: Pre-| Boys 3-legged race -- Grant Barbara McClimond, beth Brennan (Hons.), Dale Cal- wegtnutt, Elizabeth White, John Ewtushik, Harvey awyer Terry Kelly, who willl Quenneville, Robert Reid, Larry|school race -- Boys--Scott Web. Beath and John Hayes; Youngest Rae McMaster, Brenda Noun, Doreen Campa, Kerry wig, Harald . Loeschke, Ralph share a little of his forensic lore Romanski, Ronald Shaw, Cecile/ber and Ronald Pereman; Girls Child -- Baby Thickson; Largest Rose Mas- QHitord, Daer Comer Mons: Three Options ie Barlow Wayne Patterson, Rais with the boys. |Sheehan, Rita Sinnott, Adele Marilyn Pereman and Heather|families Thicksons, Lance sts yo Donna rown, Murray Ault, son, Bu odd, ennis | | bers will tour Bell Telephone Co.| PROMOTED TO GRADE 10 Girls under 8 -- Debbie Stack| Children's Nail Driving Con- Fletcher. | Marlene Moody, Catherine Moun- N.B.. VOCATIONAL DIPLOMAS offices. { Promoted from and Dorothy Ellins; Boys--Wayne test -- John Hayes and Sharon kus, Robert Mason, Peter Maxy- t Class Honors Bertus itis Gannon, Donng Granik, | tenay, Jacqueline Reader, Dale] The following students have This will be the third dinner Grade 9 Special Course Gordon and Philip Gilroy. Scott, : muik, Lynda Meyer, Jeremy Mil heyden Marie Hac Xe (Hons.), William Southwell, David Sparling, Judith{ met the requirements for Gradu- held by the recently formed club,| to Grade 10 Special Course Girls under 10--Margaret Wires, Oldest Man -- George Scott; ter, Janet Moore, Edward" Morri- Promoted Raymond Abbott, i] Hprons. , Carolyn Johnson, whithread, Denys Williams, ation Diplomas except in the sub composed of about 40 boys who| Second Class Honors -- Linda and Betty Schwartz; Boys -- Oldest Lady--Miss E. Lawrence. -. Ronald Bunker, Ronald Daniels, |} argaret Johnson, Douglas Jones, Barry Wilson. | jects which follow their names.|spend half a year on ~academic| Burroughs, Gwen Day, William|Tommy Gordon and Bruce, NNOUNCEMENTS "Sandra Naylor. Robert Owen, Grant Gudgeon, John Herrington Carolyn Rinsman, Mary Kotynski, ~gypplementary reading requir-| If they fulfill these requirements work with our good neighbors to/Kornylo. {Davey. Bible Vacation School will be Janice "Parker, Joanne Parkhill | William Imeson, Terry Reid, Isi- Joan Kroll (Hons.), Elizabeth oy" Peter Chrisomalis (five at any time before June 15, 1961,/the south. and the remainder of| Third Class Honors -- Daniel] Girls under 12--Margaret Wires| alien Sehoo: wi Jani i ns 114 Munday, Patricia Payne, Pamela ny ) they Will receive a diploma held the wesh of Juls 15 at Platt, Clare Perrin, Daphne Reid,| Provisionally Promoted -- Rob- Peterson, : and plants. INichol, Daniel Powlenzuk. |Robert Webber ard Ian Bell. George Reid, Michael Ritchie, ert Bennet, Kenneth Breen, Peter| Rohs Rice, Katherine Schell, |;;o completion of requirements--| concerned in September. --- | Pass Standing -- Lawrence Du-| Girls under 14--Carolyn Web- PERSONALS Jane Rowden, Carol Rusnell | Gulenchyn, Lawrence Henderson, Sanes Schofield, Grant Sigsworth| payig Macleod (Hons.) (5 opt.),| 12CC--Ronald Alward (Typing i puis, Brian Prentice. ber and Linda Scott; Boys --| Mrs. E. Jenkins of Yorkshire, Joan Rutherford, Ronald Ruther. Arthur Hester, John Jackson, | (Hons ), Leslie Skerratt (Hons.),| yoan Tobin (4 opt.) and Office Practice, Typing Renting Of Dogs ¢ | Conditional Promotion -- Frank| Robert Webber and Ian Bell. |England, is spending a few ford. sarry Kinsman, Michael Kolyn- Sanda Slessor (Hons.), Paull" GRADE 12 VOCATIONAL = |Speed) [Dixon, Vincent Fusco, Dorothy| Young Ifadies--Linda Scott and|weeks with her cousin, Mrs. John Hope St. Thomas, Robert Sal. ko. Bruce Luke, John McConkey. Brite Linda Taylor, Mary| COURSES | 12BC--Penny P fit bl B : |Gibbs, Calvin Godfrey, Inge Gra- Sharon Scott; Men -- Douglas|Miller. : ter, Cyril Sawyer, Peter L| Promotion withheld pend- Thomas Hons.), Barry Walters, The following students have raphy Speed) roritable DUSINESS bowski, William Shortt, Stanley|Scott and Bill Pipher, | Visitors at the home of Rev. Pauline Sewell, Michael Sher! ing completion of requirements--|John Waugh, Jeanne Winter,| oompleted the work of the Voca- . 12AC -- Colleen SH : Wotten Girls and Boys (8 and under)|/and Mrs. Ronald Love were Rev. ri] Simon Hill Wright, Pamela Years-| {ional Courses named and will be| keeping) ona OUV En {« b) Ellen Skinner, Margaret Smith, (P.P ley. : FaTISiASOn 3 Jusiness WFirst Clase Honors = Leona Dorothy Ellin, Wayne Gordon| Mrs, R. Mustard, Toronto, and John Sproule, Derrick Steadman,| PROMOTED TO GRADE 12 Four Options -- Marilyn Bar-|5iion Diplomas. 12CC -- Lois Hickson (Spelling ; Cheski, Paul Dorko, Heather|and Frankie Scott. Ladies Shoe|Mrs. J. Mustard, Douglas and Paul Steckley, Randall Swan. | GENERAL COURSE tett, Kenneth Bates, Allin Booth, . eRe. English Lit., Typing Speed) a alvnn Cutsole, William|KICk--Mrs. George Gilroy and |Jan. of Sudbury Edward Townsend, Stanley| "lass Honors Richard Dorothy Brash, Elizabeth Brown, COMMERCIAL - 12T -- Lloyd Hircock (Mathe- offers to lease fully-trained Alsa-| urno, Saralynn Gutsole, William p,,, Powell. : Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sami ; GENERAL BUSINESS a : tians, with or without handler, to|Huzar, Peter Krawetz, John ip, Shoe Kick--Joh ily were gi 2s Diploma with First Class ratiss) act as watchdogs for industrial| Lindsay, Peter Moffat Keltha[peys S078 Jeic n Hayes and family were guests of Mr. S §5 ant Bs hei X ogy for 1 Others| Mosier. : | Robert Powell, Mr's. Neil Smith Sunday. . The animals can work alone, | Fine Accused $10 atre g signa 4 r patrolling , Sesignated plan tSorochan, Carol Stallibrass, Rai- | told him he was kicked in the walchitian. or NomoowWIer. can per Summing, Anthony ic Boia by Bradica. Lyte was taken An Oshawa police constable! for x-rays after the fight. testified Friday that John Brad-| Lyte said the fight started out- ica, of 589 Howard street, charged side a beverage room after he ith causing a disturbance, had had come from Lindsay to col- lice Bazowsky. Carollee Buech. The names below are grouped|yames Cutting, Joan Davidson,| Third Class Honors Eric| was not only an undesirable situ-| Stauffer, Serena Strachan, Louise Brown, Fred Ellegett, Norm|bers will co-operate with Chief I Conditional Promotion -- Joan Donna Nauss, Noreen Read, no Secondary School Graduation| Joan McMaster, Alan Mackie,|Sandra Lunney, Deanna Mac- ; : (Hor when not working in Oshawa, will| Gy ies gathered at the church] Boys Wheelbarrow Robert Elizabeth Gabona, Mary Mec- Phillips, Marilyn Slyfield (Hons.),|- ; After the dinner, the club mem-| Zinkiewich. Sobil, |Beaths and the Frank 'Smiths Cryderman, Joyce Fish, Paul fichael Fair, David Harmer,| Joseph Wood. eat Glen Pecl. William doro Sabadin, Frederick Stevens. I the year in Oshawa's GM offices|Crosmas, Lawrence Luke, Sharonland Dorothy Davey; Boys -- p Promotion withheld pend- They should consult the teachers [Commbus: United Daureh, J Soworin. Aun Sick Tor Flerting (P). uglas y T PROMOTED TO GRADE 11 Shoe Scramble -- Debbie Stack,/C. A, Mustard, Toronto, Dr. and N granted Secondary School Gradu-| 12T--Austin Hicks (Chemistry) For $75 a month the dog-trainer Trowse, Thomas Turner, Judy John Arnott, Chris-| Barbara Burnett, Jean Calder,| 2AC -- Margaret Katocs (Ste an Coleman. Honors -- Mary Kolynko. 12A Margaret Katocs (Sten are trained to guard homes. . For Disturbance |swoin by Bradica, Lyte was Ven: s Ht nonrde 3 : > Oshawa General Hospit given a short course in handling|jopne Amey, Neil Armstrong, Wil- h i trained for work and being leased| Merle Cole, Bonnie router, Rich- | wi them. liam Aylesworth, Sharron Behm, Mr. Christenson has four dogs|Peter Brown, Elaine Burgess, (Spell- H V to three Vancouver firms. An-iard Doyle, Sydney" Evelyn, Paul/a man pinned to a wall and was lect ! i other seven dogs are completing| Gibbens, Patricia Hickey, Lena Bot nlhy him in the face" when|said a msi he their training | Jakimowitz, Donna Jermey. (he arrived on the scene July 1. money because of some damage He insists the dogs can do the| Irene Kawzenuk, Sandra Kozak, Bradica was fined $15. | done to Lyte's girl friend's apart- (work of two men. |Rrian Laxdal, Stuart Logan, Rob-| Constable P. Mandryk said ment at a party there earlier,

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