§4--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent 144--Houses, Apts., Flats |44--Houses, Apts., Flats For Rent For Rent #X room modern brick house oil heat. sd partially furnished double drive wo bl south King East. Ref- srences, Write Box 742 Oshawa Times. idow, tires: bottom TE joif-contained fiat, private both, .| A. J. Bolahood Lid. Realtors. NEW two-bedroom apartments decor- apartment, close fo FOUR South GM. "1% Bloor Street West. ated thuou bath, washer; dryer, lockers, Leasing at $100 month. Parking Ready fo, Sa Eo A RA 5-6544 or RA 3-3398. FOR older couple or widow, 45--Real Estate For Scle ¥ 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale » 45--Real Estate For Sale TWO - room furnished frig and glove, $13 weekly, 15 Colborne lex c¥ ANGE FOR sale or rent, nine-room frame At- house, heated by. sioves, good | Apply Box 801 Oshawa Times. LOT 56 x 40°, on more Keene For information FRanklin pear sections, good Call MA 13-5026. call garage or BUILDING for sale, 201 x 14°, in four reg S5--Real Estate For Sale ig o on a Sar .|fanch Lugalow in ak! similar pay. bouse Ospawe - Whitby area. RA $1400 DOWN new subdivision, One NEA Sorty Jobtl | pOUR - room unfurnished King Street West, couple only. FOUR - room unfurnished self-con- nt, central M bot THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial OLiver 5-305. {ONE Y-acre lot six room bungalow, tained water. RA 5-4812. FIVE . oom spartment, fold floor, use of half basement, storage room. Private en- trance, driveway parking space. One month, For more information phone RA 81930 L, | SUB! pear school. $60 per facilities, i» inary entrance. Available August 1 Phone RA 52997 or 196 Park Road heavy wiring. septs. divided vided basement, oil heat, Bosco, RA , Realtor, RA 5-9870. DOC, LO Oy wir tate SORES Maynooth, $1800 full orice camp, near Ma: 0 fo oiler THREE of von relsoirton APP 172 a eral . Hibbert Street. vate, detached three-bedroom en savin, ul Bice 13308 $133 monthly. $0800. Park Road won't last. Call tonight. BROKER RA 5-3852 $1, 000 DOWN vs fovely 4-room bungalow, ber il heated, with garoge. This GERALD BARROW - and [SIX - room brick, new home, in |INCOME home seven rooms RA Down payment, $600. . Apply 478 South. bert Street. Apply 193 Cadillac Avenue | I COLONIAL HOMES Manufacturers of Quality Homes, Cottages, Garages. RA 8-4614 134 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa FOUR . room. buigalov, furnished. ar THREE a ba, wir wel June and July. Call RA 5-261 or RA 55787. SS ': en sais Si. RA 3 FILSON ead Nor 31 Tansdowsi-- unfurnished, modern appliances, onli ing facilities, rn choice location. RA | gimcoe North. BED . sitting room, private bath, broadipom, close to hospital, every. thing supplied, Jriviloges; in better home, prefer: JRA 5-3093. TWO tnree room pparrments, one newly emenelled, with, private THREE - lly located, We need homes for sole, any area. Cash clients waiting. Act now! Phone RA 5-8831, W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE room fist, heavy wiring, Tele- bath, #98 ry RA 5-8352. apartments, pains. a large living ving Som. sepa- to a ample 5a ack: go, bamboo drapes, enue Yond, a Toronto. 224 Av-| lista two-bedroom july 1 and August 1, lease required. Montrave Apts. RA 3-4379, RA 5.0191. TWO room furnished apartment, quiet distriet, central location. Child care for working mother if desired. RA 8-6034. Occupancy August 1. HUdson 9-7986. THREE rooms and bath, clean, pri vate entrance, one child welcome, be- tween Harmony and Donovan schools. RA 8-5387. 85-4252. FOUR room basement apartment, i, heavy duty wiring, to 5.G.M. Telephone RA TWO - phone RA 5-3259. THREE . room modern a frigerator and stove. Aoply 19 Street. FOUR - room apa t, private en. pastraent, re- Centre trance and Path, pth [ne parking space, also store for rent. Tele- phone RA 5-0349. a BACHELOR apartment, fully ground floor, private entrance, avail able Ausut 1, at 20 Drew Bi RA 5.6173 or 193 Athol East. Lancy two « furnish. bedroom apartment in bew near i NEW several bachelor apartments PRIVATE WHITBY Three bedroom, two year old brick bungalow, 6% N.H.A., $1,200 down, balance $10, 550 carries $65 menthiy, principal, interest. One Elcck from public schools, also patio MO 8-8125, clates Lid., RA 3-2265. HARRY, MILLEN RA 8-1679 KING AND CADILLAC ; Large distinguished home with four bedrooms, recreation room, two natural fispioces, two boths, | Sinirvp room, gorage, newly 11 ONTARIO ST. PRIVATE sale, three bedroom solid brick bungalow, close to SGM, extras. Apply 446 Phillip Mwray Avenue. RA 3-2834, $400 DOWN 6% MORTGAGES Solid brick, Decorated, Alumi- room refrigerator, stove, pri- Centre. le August 1, Telep RA 80841. Se , parking. Also single furnished room, 96 Centre Street. $11 WEEKLY, two furniched rooms, privileges, also single room, 180 Bruce Street between 4-5 Be imgmmt------ eer FOR RENT -- Four rooms with separ ate entrance, with shared bath heated by stove. Tele;hone RA 5-1945 TWO furnished rooms, also private apartment, kitchenette, living room, bedroom and bath, esr parking. Apply 308 Pacific Avenue. TAREE room apartment, share bath. {quiet home, couple only. 175 Athol E. After 6 p.m. FOUR rooms with with separate baths, in new building. | RA 5-3938. 68 Wayne Street. SIX - room house, on Drew Street, hardwood throughout, lots of cupboard Is:ace and clothes closets, 171 Kaiser Crescent. bath, possession. Telephone RA 3.2155, MODERN three-room fully furnished THREE - room apartment, private en- trance and bathroom, couple. No chil- dren. Centra) RA 3-4274. THREE - room aparlizent, attractive. ly furnished, $65 monthly. Apply 466 Albert Street or phone RA 8-06 Lg - room ing room, three-piece van bath, with #iceitic range, sink, cupboards. Telephone RA 5-5216. ONE or two furnished housekeeping rooms, sink, cupboards, near south GM. GM. Apply 268 Malaga Road. SIX - room house for rent, ei heated, close to bus and schools. Phone RA 56711 between 5.30 - 7.30. THREE - room furnished apartment, stove and frig, private entrance, close to hospital. Suitable for couple. Avail. rsnd July 15. Apply 241 Kendal Avenue. THREE . room apartment, self-con- priate bath and entrance, er wiring, sink and cupboards then child welcome. Available 20. Apply lborne Street ast THREE - room basement apartment, private entrance, no children. Apply 592 Drew Street. FOUR-room upstairs apartment, com- closets, three-piece ton. Hoo, private entrance, adults Please, four-room apartment with Apply 527 Mary Street after TWO - room and bath, oad apaste J $17 a week. Phone RA 5-1 + room apartment, newly pg oy Sr immediately. Apply 1427 Dundas Street East, Whitby. THREE - bedroom house, close fo schools, north A and P, bus pion, o Shi dren RA 8-1 BASEMENT apartment, th rooms, bath, private Suirance, neated. avail THREE - room apartment, Bt corated, downtown Oshawa, ent apartment, private entrance and bath, TV outlet, all conveniences sult business couple or two girls, RA 3-2903, THREE large - room self-contained apartment, unfurnished, heavy duty Abi Apply 396 Pine Avenue. RA 5-53 RANCH BUNGALOW ONE MORTGAGE $1450 DOWN $69 MONTHLY Decorated in oils, large Anen basement with recreation rocm windows, Scdded front and back. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. RA 5-8831 nom storms and screens, W. T. Lomson Real Estate Ltd. RA 5-8831 Lots For Sale Fully Serviced N.H.A. Approved Jones Sub-Division 440--Rooms For Rent ONE large room furnished, twin beds. suitable for two men or women, close io, Nort iss Apply 273 Jarvis Street. i RH room, two-piece Bathroom. Telephone RA 58181 Rfter 4.30 p.m. FURNISHED _ room near *|Werners and South GM, Houdaille, Well established Toxi Busi- ness for sale. Whitby, Ex cellent return. $3,500 down. 3 Choir Barber Shop in Port included, parlor. Huiprient beauty $19. 000 full pres. 3 bed Perry, (King East at Athabasca St.) See Our Furnished Model Home U. JONES, Realtor Modelaire Homes BY FRED R. JONES RA 5-6412 RA 3-3383 op- tional, Apply 822 Simcoe South, RA 3.7697. ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms avall. able in private home. 82 Park Ro North, 5-7 p.m, RA 8.8671. ONE furnished light housekeeping Fr room. Apply after 6 p.m, at 77 Ontario mht Ss treet. couple or two girls, $65 sid able Mie, 3-3349. THREE unfurnished apartment, sink and cupboards in gg rg Avply FIVE - room bungalow with rec, room, nid inl disue, $95 monthly. Phone RA 5-4344 after §. 71 Warren Avenue. BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Aporment flac. trically equi st loca. tion, Y $100. A Apply: 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; RA 8.8676. APARTMENT Large two bedroom apart- ment In apartment building, kitchen, equipped. Simcoe St. N., $100 monthly. RA 5-3302 TWO house, I! Au gust. RA 8-2049. FOUR - room upper duplex, available August 1, heat, water and hydro sup- in' Oshawa. King Street West. COlfax 3-2413. FIVE - Joon apastment, separate en- trance, private bath, also garage, TV aerial, available immediately. Phon RA 85-1343. FOUR - room apartment, private en- trance and bath, heat, heavy duty wiring, parking. Phone RA 8-572. TWO WEEK'S FREE RENT in @ modern, fully equipped Apartment Building 105 CRAYDON RD,, WHITBY PHONE MO 8-4770 | LIGHT housekeeping TWO furnished rooms, newly decor. ated, separate entrance, very central, parking, Suit eouple or two girls. $45 monthly. RA 5-0886 after 6. FURNISHED for light housekeeping, single room, clean, quiet, central, near hospital. Telephone RA 8-5084. FURNISHED bedroom, hot water year round, central, gentleman, abstainer, $6 weekly. 73 Gladstone Avenue. 18, FURNISHED foom for rent, cooking privileges. Apply 139 Albert Street. bur schools, om ungel built, gpd corated, storm doors, $2, 900 down to one mortgage. Only 3 houses left. Fairview Drive, Whitby, Large ranch bungalow, attached garage, solid brick built on a 75' lot, master bedroom 15 x 12 -- kitchen i3 x 10 fenced in yard. Total price $19,500. Call Mildred Bilida MO 8-2167 or MO 8-5853. Co-op listing. 3 bedroom bungalow with aot- tached garage, attractively d and in | | room, centrally logaod. 20 Elgin Street East or RA 150. FURNISHED bedroom, hot water year around, central, gentleman, ab- stainer, $6 seekly. 73 Gladstone Ave- nue, Ra 3-981! ¥0V,! . room unfurnished apartment, 203 King Street West, couple only, sval'abla immediately. FOUR - room apartment, separate en- trance, heavy duty wiring, King nnd Wilson, adults only. Phone RA 8.0279 evenings. RA 34 0 room apartment, for light house. keeping will furnish, Phone after # p.m. RA 8-1584. TWO unfurnished or partly furnished s. No Tele- WHITBY CLASSIFIED BRICK, block and cement work. For free estimates call MOhawk 8-2204. 110 Centre Street South, Whitby. FOR SALL --Hay and clover, fine field, thirty-five acres, highway, west Whitby. Phone MOhawk #-4127 morn. oid or evenings. FURNISHED room, private CheTaness in respectable home, Call MO 8-4257 FOR RENT -- Two-bedroom apart. ment, Sraiatie August 1. Phone MO 8.2786, Whitb; TO phone RA 8-1325, ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail. able 'n private home. 82 Park Road North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8.8071. TWO rooms for light housekeeping, wil! furnish Apply side door, upstairs, 165 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. :| TOUSKKEEPING apartment, suitable for three gentlemen or girls. also single rooms svaflable, RA 8.0852, 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. FUR = room apartment poultry, also feathers wanted. Highest market prices Wiig Jake Parker, MOhawk 8.3644 colle FOR RENT - Two i fur pished rooms small kitchenette Tolls erator stove suitable for couple. Perry Street. MO 83-4470. Three in Whitby apartment building, Vacant August 1, RA 85-3214, FOR RENT - 2, 3, and 4 roomed apartments, elose to schools, reason- able rent. Phone MO 8-2828 after 6 p.m. 305| MAN'S wrist watch, lost on John Street and Ken THREE room, unfurnished apart. ment, centrally located in Whit itby. Ap- ply 272 Ritson Road South, RA 5-1841, EXPERT ro'otilling for and t. Return to 231 Kent Street, Reward. WRECKING "50 Meteor station wagon, all parts for sale cheap. Phone io TWO rooms, partly furnished, King and Ritson Road. Phone RA 5-9870. SINGLE room, board optional, central, 8 minutes from downtown. Home priv. ileges. Telephone RA 3-9580. ROOM for rent. Apply 474 Lakeview Avenue or telephone RA 8-6397. ONE room, in apartment, reasonable to resectable middle-aged lady. Ab- stayner. Kitchen, television privileges, furnished or unfurnished. Vietoria, Apt. 9, 201 Simcoe Street South, lawns. Don't call unless you want ther best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 2a) NEW office space in Whitby. 800 sq less, parking lot facilities Cail tby Professional Building, MO 8 #731; evenings, MO 8-4003 Feb 12 0-bedroom avartment, living room Hh use of kitchen, suitable for couple and one child. MO 8-2655. EMPLOYMENT wanted, lady wishes position as housekeeper part time, Phone MO 8-2446. FURNIRHED single room in private home, Telephone MO 38-4864 hefore 7 pm. TWO rooms and kitchen, light wiring, share bathroom. Also one furnished room for gentleman. Telephone MO 8-4487 between 5 and 7. EMPLOYMENT "wanted | -- Day care a for children if mother must work a hospital. Phone MOhawk 47st thy. FOR SALE -- 3 bedroom brick bunga- low, recently built and well located close to separate school in Wh'tby. Apply owner MOhawk 8-4117 after 5. ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES Let us do your shopping for youp the modern way with the HOME ECONOMICS FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN. Approximate cost for family of three os little as $13.80 per week, including food "+d freezer. For Information CALL BAILEY MO 8-5381 No Obligation Approved by Good Housekeeping HOLIDAY EQUIPMENT FOR RENT $10 per wk. Boats & conoes $15 per wk. OUTBOARD MOTORS SHP ....... $16 per wk. 7V2/HP ...... $18 per wk. 1S HP ...... $28 per wk. $40 per wk. BOAT AND TRAILER WITH 10 HP . $42 per wk. ISHP ...... $47 per wk. We also rent stoves, lanterns, cots, sleeping bags, etc. WILDE RENTALS Sales & Service 'go | 821 Dund '3 STUDEBAKER Champion, very good condition, good as nev motor and paint job. Phone MOhawly 8-2261. 118 Hopkins Street. FOR RENT -- Comfortably furnished bachelor apariment, private entrance, two - p'fce washroom, refrigerator, rangette, arian fuppiled, good parking. G REPAIRS to washing machines and other appliances, Dealers for Simpli- city and Kelvinator products. Midtown Furniture, phone MOhawk 8-4981 or MOhawk 8-5740. ROOM and board for "' Walnut Street. CREME cold wave $6.95 (Reg. $12.50) includes style, cut, oll shampoo and set by imaginative stylist. MOhawk £-5124. SOU and board for gentleman at 901 We lnu! gentleman at SINGLE furnished light housekeeping room, with private entrance. Apply 20 ary Street East. Phone MOhawk WANTED by July 1, 3 or 4 large room apartment, centrally located in ath, handy to school. Phone MO FOR RENT -- Small Cottage. _ Apply 840 Dundas Street 't East, Whit; "FOR SALE -- Rotten manure or com. post, odor'es. and weedless for flow ers, shrubs, lawns and gardens. Phone MO 8-4514 AOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments W McAuley Realtor MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2512 SEPTIC TANKS cleaned the sanita way, new tanks installed Walter Wa 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8-2563 SPECIAL. new Kelvinator deep freezes from only 95. For special prices on ranges. fridges, washers and dry ers, contact Mid Town Furniture, The Newest Appliance Denler in Whitby MO 84981 or MO 8-574 FOR SALE -- 6.room THREE unfurnished upstairs rooms, including kitchen with sing and cup. boards, TV outlet, no heavy wiring, Available July 28. RA 83818 or 121 Tyler Crescent TWO furnished bedrooms, also kitchen for ligh* housekeeping. RA 3-5683 or 261 Celina Street, ~ ONE, two - room apartment, also one single and double room, central and quiet. Gentleman preferred. Apply 174 Church Street. SINGLE and double rooms, newly de- corated, suit gentleman, five minutes from four corners, Apply 135 Celina Street, ONE single furnished room for gentle. man, behind Riteon Road School. 201 Banting Avenue. RA 3-243, BUCKINGHAM MANOR APARTMENTS 2-bedroom Apartments, elec- trically equipped, best loca- tion, $100. Apply: 498 Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; RA 8-8676. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Only 22 miles away from this centrally log- ated apartment building, bal- full room. modern, conies, paved parking, equipped laundry Rents start at $85. PHONE MO 8-4547 » Com. pletely finshed and landscaped. * woud accert building lot for down payment. 118 Hopkins Street. Phone MO 8-2261. FOR C.I.L. PAINT CALL Dodd & Souter Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-5231 GRAVEL Cement Gravel -- Driveway Gravel coarse or fine -- also fill. Delivery Monday to Sat. n. ERIC C. BRANTON 1415 Dundas E. MO 8-3226 MO 8-2660 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevater service, New building. Centrally lo- coted in downtown areu. Moderate rent. Leases now available. THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T. L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 vielnity | condition -- goed iocation, Full price $15,500. Call Rita Snow MO 8-2430 or MO 8-5853, Sunset Beach, Loke Simcoe cottages, $4,900. Follow the signs, Ask for Tom Anderson, S$ room brick bungalow---fea- turing large kitchen, oil heat= pic nicely landscaped, extras. Call Audrey Moore MI 8-4088 or "Mo 8-5853. OLIVE HOWE Realtor 130 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 53 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 $12,900. Large 6 room brick 2 storey home on Simcoe St, N. double lot, oil heating, hardwood and tile floors, 3 pce. bath, garage, hedged in property. Good value and only $3,200 down. Cottage for sale on Loke Baptiste, furnished, excellent swimming and fishing, 2 bed- rooms. This won't last long. Full price $3,500 with $1,000 down, $4,400 DOWN---Only 2 yrs, old, large 7V2 rcom tri-level, with extra bath facilities, forced air heating. No. 1 ook ond tile floors, Full price $13,800 pleted, rooms, fully fumished, ley 3-2006. for balance. rms to responsible pure RA chaser. Full price ~ $17,500, ar Gross VanCourte at GRASSMERE ST. $12,500-Full price on this three bedroom rick bungalow. Only five years old, it has all the di Storms and screens, tiled bath. Close to school and bus, also Houdaille ond R. D. Werner. Down payment $3,600. Cali Charles Smith RA 8-8254, COTTAGE -- $2,500 Full price $2,500 or best offer. West Beach Bowmanville. Five sleeps ten comfortably. Pump in kite chen, fridge ond stove. Large screened-in veranda overlooks sandy beach and lake. Any down payment considered. ROSSMOUNT AVE. $18,500-Asking price for this two year old ranch bungalow with attached garoge. Large modern kitchen with eating crea, L-shaped living and dining room, three good size bedrooms. cellent finished rec-room with tiled sub-floor. picely landsseied with patio, $3,500 down, Call Winse Brad- INCOME HOME Corner of Christie St. and Rossland Rd. W. Nine room income home, two self-contained opartments with separate entrances. Two kitchens, two 3-pce. baths, new oil water heating furnace, fridge and stove, garage: Down' payment $1,700, one mortgage forced oil nod k 4-pce. re Ex- Fully decorated, ed iy iE Hi ne & 3 WANT TO SELL? LIST WITH US! WANT TO BUY? CALL US! 3-4871. | bathroom, hot water heating, two-family home. . n Price, |SIX-Toom brick Bouse, two starey, Al We specialize in homes, farms, businesses. For re- sults, call: JOHN DE WITH Realtor---Insurance NEWCASTLE 3341 i OSHAWA F. HUNTER RA 5-2974 BOWMANVILLE D. MOUNTJOY MA 3.3950 McQUAY & KIDD REALTORS Whitby Plozo, 313 Brock S. Open 9-9 'Whitby MO 8-3414 Toronto EM 3-9603 PIGEON LAKE 1,000 feet frontgge on eost side of Pigeon Lake, 25 acres in all. Modern conveniences. Exclusive area well suited for private club, summer resort or exclusive cottages. $25- 000, with $10,000 down. Call mediate possession. Shopping Centre. other city. comfortable. L. S=SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 6 acres on Harmony Rd. in city zoned R2B. $3,000 per acre. Level land, very suite able for subdivision. Call Jee Wonnap, RA 3-9810 or RA 5-1396 evenings. BURK ST. 6-room, 2-storey home in JOHN A, J. BOLAHOGD LIMITED REALTOR -- INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 HERE Is a home to end your search. For a bungalow that is truly ccmplete to the last detail. Beoutifully decorated and completely londscaped. One year old. 6% N.HA. mortgage. $2,700 down. $12,900 full price. It will be a pleasure to show you over this home. Ask for Ted Cunninghem at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358, $2.70 PER DAY That's oll it takes .to own this lovely bungalow, $2,000 down, $12,500 full price. 3 gocd sized bedrooms. 4 pe. tiled bath, modern kitchen, lerge living room. Fully decor ated. Call Ted Cunningham at RA 5-6544 or RA 5-2358. BUY NOW $$ SAVE $$ $V rooms, brick construction, storms and screens, rec-room, decorated, plus many extras. Asking $14,100. Call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5.8342, APPLE HILL 5 room, N.H.A, resale, carries very reasonable, rec-rocm, asking only $13,990. Call Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5.8342 GRANDVIEW STREET 5Va rooms, attached garage, storms ond screens, built in stove and oven. Fully decor. ated. Full asking price only $14,450, Call Bill Swarbrick RA 5-6544 or RA 5-8342, PARK ROAD NORTH New, 54 rooms, choice of brick, shingles, floor tiles and counter top, Full asking price only $12,900. Call Bill Swar- brick at RA 5-6544 or RA 5.8342, - Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board gocd condition, modern kite chen ond bothroom, hard- wood and tile floors, new fure noce, full basement, storms and screens, large garden, private drive, carries for $65 per month including principal ond interest. Asking $10, 900 full price with easy rms. Call Joe Wannap, RA 9810 or RA 5-1396, $1,500 DOWN S-room, = 3-bedroom brick bungalow, about 3 years old, spotless condition throughs out, forced air with oil heat ing, 4-plece ceramic tile bath, completely decorated, landscaped, storms ond screens, T.V. antenna. Coll Joe Wannap, RA 3-9810 or RA 5-1396 evenings, WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 DO YOU ENTERTAIN? Here is a home that should please both husbend and wife, Features large 13' x 18' living room, kitchen and dining room combination, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath, asphalt drive and garage. Best of all it has a finished recreation room with plaster- ed walls, bar, tile floor. Home is completely and tastefully decorated end londscaped. Don't miss seeing this home before you buy. REGARDING YOUR OLD HOME WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRADE IN YOUR OLD HOME OR EXCHANGE IT FOR A NEW ONE? You can eliminate any risk. If you have an older home, the financially safe and sound way to buy a new one is_conditional upon the sat- Isfactory sale of "your old home, Our appraisal depart- ment can guide you here, too, Open Evening. and All Day Saturday low price of $11,000. A H. GOLDSTEIN REAL ESTATE BROKER 31 BOND STREET EAST DOWN $500.00 DOWN 4-room home in very good condition sellin of only $7,500. Has ull conveniences. RA 8-5161 for the small amount ood location, and im- DOWN $500.00 DOWN 6-room modern brick bungalow, situated close to the Oshawa Only a year old. Oil heated with a divided basement, 1,500. Hurry on this one. FULL PRICE $4,500.00 FULL PRICE Nicely decorated bungalow located on Oshawa Blvd. North. Has all conveniences and on an extra large lot, Very cozy and Must be seen to be appreciated. DOWN $1,000.00 DOWN S.room brick bungdlaw, only four years old. Save, Located close to the south buy, so call us without delay. LIST WITH US Your Home will be sold the same day After 6 p.m. Sam Goldstein, RA 5-6782 John Penicka, RA 8-5161 Owner transferred to an- Priced ot for the C plant, call Mike Dubyk, RA 8-5690 Bert Peyton, RA 8-516] Bill Goverde. ONLY ONE MORTGAGE 3 bedroom bungalow with liy« ing room 28' x 12' and a mo- dern kitchen. 4-pce bathroom, : : i | 0 58010 after 5. 753 WILLMAN Sedan, ve on 53 Millman Station Wagon, om, BB13ia0 RA 8-0616. work, $200. 63 BSA. 650 motorcycle RA 57233 NICE clean 54 Pontiac. Phone 0735. CHEV. automatic, one owner, fust ite ike new, must be sold. RA 80288: or MOhaw 8-8594. VOLKSWAGEN deluxe toy reconditioned leatherette stery radio side view mirror, phone RA 5-0238. ole 54 PONTIAC Laurentian; '51 Nardiop, fully equipped, just like new, Apply 248 Toronto Avenue. $3 MERCURY sedan, radio, Ad edi tion. T '52 CHEV., in ors deluxe, also Boatman cars with dis Phone OL 'Gs CHEV, convertible, a 2 Two door Tal Pct pd aluminum bination door. All decorated and landscap- ed. Only $2,6000 down and $91 per month, Call Bill Goverde. LEE AVENUE $13,500 for this 5 room brick bungalow, Modern kit- chen 10' x 14", living room 14' x 12, three bedrooms 14° x 10°, 9 x 10°, 10' x 8, Aluminum storms and screcns Divided basement with tiled floor. Decorated. Only $2,- 500 down. Call Bill Goverde for an oppointment to in- spect. COCHRANE ST. Only $3,496 down for this S- room bungalow with hard- wood floors and 4-pce. tiled bathroom. Living room 16° x 12°, kitchen 14' x 10' and all 'good size bedrooms, Also a fireplace, storms ond screens ond a carport, Call Bill Goverde to inspect this 40 KING ST. E. scaped. N.H.A. mortgage. out, 20' x 70" x Joe Maga, RA 5-9191 METCALF Real Estate Limited DIAL 8-4678 OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS GLADSTONE AVE. 6-room, 2-storey home, complete with garage, oil heating, large rooms, a real family home. REPOSSESSED N.H.A. RESALE Yo56 old ranch style, 3-bedroom bungalow. 4 700.00 with $1,170.00 down. EASTHAVEN ST. 2 years old, 3-bedroom, brick and stone bungalow, aluminum storms and screens, aluminum storm doors, decorated and land- $13,600.00 with $3,360.00 down. $10,000.00 with $2,000.00 down. Real sacrifice. Balance on 6% NEW STORE AND APARTMENT in modern new shopping centre -- stone front, modern through- 50' store plus 20' x 50' apartment, complete for $17,000.00. Contoet this office for further particulars, RAVINE BUILDING LOT 132' -- Treed, ravine building lot. Open on 2 sides to parkland. Sewer and water. 00.00 After 5:30 call Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 ' LOU, Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 Dick Barriage, RA 8-4678 house, Members of Oshawa ond District Real Estate Boord packed, wonderbar radio, hit Folly eee. jent condition, Telephone after 5.30. 55 BUICK Century two door automatic, custom Yradio, tutone, + shield washers, at Jsaigrsy white _ walls, chrome wheel Ninel ditch, Jo , No figafce 0 ade a9 Mutler '60 SE VROLET Pi 'wagon, "io: matie transmission, gi whitewails, 'oe FOUR . door Buick hardtop, mntie, radio, two tone, low mileage. Phone COlfax 3-2026. $f MERCURY four-door, i alin mechanical condition, down or trade. '55 PONTIAC SN fom radio, two fone, hie wa "wala + low ie, age car in ow $1008. Easy, font, iid ews Fa ie Starr's at RA 5-564 > CHEVROLET, a tone, re terms. Try Ha. "Stew" at Starr's at RA 8-56 OD ea good Starr's. at RA 5.5646. '53 CEFVROLET coach, dition, very clean. 200 Drew '56 OLDSMOBILE "Super 88" ed. Best offer, Telephone RA '69 FOUR door Biscayne 16,000 miles, $1950, RA §- '8 CREVROLET, four door wagon, excellent condition, privately owned, phone RA 3-3218. u 47 -- Automobiles For Sale 'i® PONTIAC four door station wagon, Powerglide, power & teering many 'Si BUICK hardtop, fully To] extras, Outstanding ust sell this week, Best offer. RA 3.3034. : '58 METEOR for sale, custom radio, excellent condition. Best afjex and. take pL yments, Phone MOhawk 8-3000 isi PONTIAC running, ho » mot running, 35, BA 5 CREVROLET Tadeo srceh $359, '51 CHEVROLET hardtop, excel lent condition, spotless, Lady owner eit country. Must be sold. 300 Pine A: nue, TS 55 BUICK, Lado hardtop, black with T, e) sion, custom radio, tires like new, 12 months warranty, $893, Seaway Motors, Whitby. 52 BUICK sedan, very mn motor, tires in top shape, exccllent ear for Re olidags, Only $295, Seaway Motors, . '58 FORD Fairlane, fordor, automatie, custom radio, ower equip. , ete, sharp, Only $1895. 12 months warranty, Seaway Motors, With 58 EDSEL, fordor sedan, tutone metal- lic grey and white, matching interior, automatie, radio, rower equipped, only $1705. Seaway Motors, Whitby, '59 FORD consul, fordor deluxe low mileage, sedan, beautiful gvay finish, hardtop, RA 5-4162 evenings. 5-4162 evenings full price. month, Asking $12,900. RA 5-4162 evenings. L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. 43 PARK RD. S., OSHAWA $1,200 DOWN Centrally located 2 femily home in immaculate condition, consis- ting of 7 rooms, 2 kitchens, oil heating, storms and screens, TV antenna, good garage and private drive, Asking $10,800 and balance on one open mortgage. Call Keith Peters RA 5- B74} or CO-OP NO. 703-MUST BE SOLD Make an offer on this spotless N.H.A. resale, large ultra modern kitchen, 4 piece bath with vanity, 3 good bedrooms, completely decorated, valance boxes with- indirect lighting, TV antenna, storms and screens, nicely landscaped with fenced back yard, close to schools, Owner moving to U.S.A. Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162 evenings. KEEWATIN ST. Beautiful ronch split level bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bath with vanity, completely finished family room 1312' x 24'. Many extras including valance boxes, new drapes and tracks, flagstone walk ond patio. Call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or RA $1,000 DOWN 5 room brick 1V2 storey located on Kingsdale Ave. $10,000 $9,500 FULL PRICE 7 room income home on St. Lawrence St, Carries for $50 per $300 DOWN Ajax, 3 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow about 2 years old. SUBURBAN Lot for sale, 152' x 486' with some fruit trees and shade trees, excellent location on Prestonvale Rd. S. $1 For further particulars please call Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or ,200 down payment, Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board $1695. Seaway Motors, Whitby, '54 BUICK fordor, gleaming black fin. ish with 1 interior, cheap for quick sale. Can 72 _Cadul Cadillac Avenue South after 4 54 CHEV, deluxe four door, = North Simcoe M Simcoe Street North. psi ANDY NAGY'S "= BODY SHOP MERCEDES-BENZ DKW SALES & SERVICE vee "1408 KING W., OSHAWA RA 3-7132 BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA ° (just East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494 Res: 5-5574 CASH _ FOR YOUR CAR VAN HEUSEN MOTORS 149 KING ST. W... custom radio, power equipped, mech. anlcally sound, excellent tires, only 4 $695. Seaway Motors, Whitby. '5 FORD custom, tudor, new paint. excellent tires and motor, immaculate throughout, only $1095, 12 months war. ranly. Seaway Motors, Whitby. '5 PLYMOUTH, immaculate condition. Must be seen to be a prostated, Apply 1326 Cedar Street. RA 5.2783 '53 AUSTIN ear, in condition. Telephone MO 8-4579 after 5 p.m. '57 PONTIAC station wagon, four door, Al condition, Telephone RA 5.7922, Apply 58 Nassau Street, '54 MONARCH fordor, green, sound mechanically, $345; 63 Meteor, fordor, metallic green, ideal transportation, $245. Seaway Motors, Whitby. 55 FORD aon fordor, tutone blue and white, aufomatic, custom radio, excellent tires, sound mechanically, low down payment, only $895, Seaway Motors, Whitby. '53 CHEVROLET, immaculate condi. tion, Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply 1326 Cedar Street or RA 5.2703. Hl Roick, jmniacalate cond'tion. Must 48--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers vast cars for wresking, Highest prices paid. RA 5-1181. HOUSTON GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR ~ TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS, 7 KING ST. W. RA 3-7822 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Goced, clean cars. Trade or down, Liens pald off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, S. RA 3-9421 seen to bi DE Street o% RA 5-273. '54 FORD tudor, tutone, black and white, cxcellent motor, very good tires, reasonably priced at $495, Seaway Motors, Whitby. 50---Articles For Sale i CE ----------------C--gi---- THREE planos for sale, A-1 condition. A F. Cox, 13 Eigin Street East. Phone RA 5.1497 matic, Motors, Whitby. 55 MERCURY tudor, hardtop, auto-|KEEP your basement dry with a de- custom radio, tires like new, humidifier from Parkway TV, seven. 12 months warranty, only $895. Seaway |day free home, rsh 918 Simcoe Street North, RA 3-31 WILLIS MOTORS For Your AUSTIN CAR GOOD ASSORTMENT USED CARS TAUNTON RD. E. Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. LEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. RA 5.0331 (Continued on Page 18)