The Oshawa Times, 5 Jul 1960, p. 14

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\ 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 5, 1960 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 13) 50--Articles For Sale 52--Legal HOMER piano and bench condition, medium size, walnut, offer. Teiephone RA 59734. TENTS camp stoyes, camp cots, tar- paulins, sleeping bags, lanterns, sales and rentals. Oshawa Hardware and Electric, 8 Church Street. RA 3-7624. AWNINGS (canvas). Estimates without obligation, Write Wm. Cressman, RR 3, Uxbridge. Phone Port Perry, YU 57572. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. * frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc. For top cash offer, con- tac' 19 e Street. Phone RA 8-1131. LEAVING Oshawa, Must Sell! Living room, dinette, bedroom, kitchen suites, piano, stove, refrigerator, mirror, cab- inet, sink combination, sacrifice, call after 6, 133 Cadillac north. JOHNSON 5% h.p. outboard motor with tank, bamboo fly rod, reel and acces- sories RA 5-5636. KEEP your basement dry with a de- humidifier from Parkway TV, seven-| . day free home trial. 918 Simcoe Street North. RA 3-3043. VACYUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- rxcellent best NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of GEORGE MARSH, late of the City of Oshawa, are required to send full particulars of such claims to the .under- signed, solicitor for the Exec- utrix, on or before the Ist day of August, 1960, after which date the Estate's assets will be distributed having re- gard only to claims that have been received. ERNEST MARKS, Q.C,. Solicitor, 17 King St. East, Oshawa, Ontario. LAND TITLES ACT | Forest, Wayne; Forest, Wendy; {Malecolm, Gordon; Malcolm, Mar- BLACKSTOCK -- Promotions at Cartwright Public School an- nounced as follows: Grade 1 to Grade 2 -- Assel- stine, Floyd; Churchill, Janet; Collins, Bruce; Collins, James; Crawford, Janice; Forder, Brian; |M Gilbank, Helen; Maure; Frew, Valerie; Hart, Judy; Kinnunen, leah; Martyn, Blair; McColl, Susan, McLaughlin Grant; McLaughlin, Linda; Metcalf, Elaine; Mountjoy, Gary; Nesbitt, M Trevor; Pascoe, Pat; Preece, |V Laurie; Redmond, Michael;|'2 Sharp, Chris; Taylor, June; Van-| derhuil, Dianne; Vine, Herbert; | Wilson, Suzunne; Wright, Elea- nor; Wol'e, John; Teacher, Mrs. P Mitchel. Grade 2 to Grade 3 -- Ballin- gal, Joanne; Buschlen, Kenneth; | Dorrell, Leanne; Duff, Graham; |D fdgerton, Doncld; Ednie, Alex- ander; Fallis, David; Gray, Da-|H Sharpe Sheila; Wotton, Joan; Beacock, Lucille; MacLeod, Joanne; Redmond, Robert; Ross, William; Teacher, Mrs. J. Lane. Grade 6 to Grade 7 -- Argue, | Bonnetta, Pina; avid; Nadia; phenson, Alice; Swain, Judy; Taylor, Fred; Tom-| Wotton, ricia; Teacher, Miss M. J. Hall. Grade 6 to Grade 7(Hon.) -- |Bradburn, Roy; Cochrane, Judy: McLaughlin, Denis; Mountjoy, Brian; Swain, Elizabeth; chishin, 1 School Results At Blackstock Glenn; argaret; Forest, Cheryl; Po Sheilah; orrell, Nancy; elen; Thompson, Watson, Bill; Bradburn, Betty; Bradburn, Ivan; Brown, Donald; Carnaghan, James; Collins, Ter- ry; Downey, Dorothy; Duivestyn, Foresi, |France; Goodson, James; Hedge. Hubbard, Terry; Hut- inson, William; Lansing, Joan; ackie, David; McCoy, Shirley; IcKee, Maxine; Metcalf, Doug- Minshall, Ronald; Sewartz, Sharpe, Barbara; Suggitt, Ste-| Joan; Pat- ENNISKILLEN By MRS. RUSSEL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley, Carole and Bruce, Shirley, Chester and Bruce Mills. Dr. Bryce Larke, Toronto, Garry Beckett, Ennis- killen, were in Acton Sunday to attend the 25th wedding. anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. E. Jennings. . Mrs. J. Slemon and Mrs. T. Siemon, - were guests at the Tyers-Henderson wedding in Osh- awa. Sarah Dalton, New York City, is on vacation her cousin, Lois Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Ea Doreen and Donald, visit Slemon; Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter visited Mrs. Richard Gr Union. Louise and Marjorie, McIntosh, Whitby, and Mrs. G. A. Scott, Oshawa, were guests at G. Ir- win, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Sr,, Toronto and Mrs. J. Cupit, Mansfield, England, were guests of A. Leadbeater Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee and :1.05 at 75.40 and base metals were Industrials Take Bad Beating TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials took their biggest beating in four months Monday. Lacking a lead from New York, where the stock exchange was closed for Independence Day, in- dustrials were off 4.44 at 483.56 on index and western oils were down .02 at 79.76. Golds improved up .16 at 153.32. 1,790,000 Thursday. Stelco was off 2% at 67, Dom-| inion Foundries down 2% at 38%, and Algoma and Dominion Steel {both off a point at 30% and 12.| Dominion Stores and Canada | Vinegars both were off two points| lat 53 and 32. Cockshutt lost 1%| at 15% and Beaver Lumber] slipped a point at 21. i In papers, Bathurst A jumped | companies have applied for regis- tration since the new Mortgage Brokers Registration Act went into effect July 1. Apparently many brokers are unaware of this, he said. with fees of either $10 or. $25, of Volume was 2,014,000, the larg- nearly all brokers and dealers in est since April 4, compared with the province. to cancel or suspend registration of unethical dealers or brokers. Those exempted from registering $75,000 Damage corporations registered under] 'One Of Three Mortgage Act Gas Company To Cut Rates - - 2 Registration TORONTO (CP) -- More than three quarters of Ontario's esti- TORONTO (CP)--The Consum- mated 2000 mortgage brokerslers' Gas Company Monday asked the Ontario Fuel Board to give tentative approval to rate reduc- and dealers may be operating] illegally, V. J. Simone, registrar of collection agencies, said Mon- day. ! He 'said only 400 persons and The act requires registration, It gives the government power | include banks, credit unions and other acts. & | tions saving residential and com- mercial customers an estimated $1,000,000 in the year beginning) uext October, President' A. L. Bishop announced. Average saving to house-heat- ing customers under the new schedule would be $4.77 a year. Summer billing would be ex- tended to include the month of June, bringing June, July and August bills down from $7 to about $3 or $4 each month, Commercial and medium-sized industrial heating customers would also receive substantial savings, In Carleton Place CARLETON PLACE, Ont. (CP) Mass Resignations Reported In Church OTTAWA . (CP)--St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church officials de- clined comment Monday on re- norts of mass resignations of church members over the dis. missal Friday of pastor Dr. A. Ian Burnett. Congregation members said as many as 200 of the 700-member congregation were leaving the church in protest over the um. explained "dismissal of Dr. Bure nett, pastor for 17 years. Perkins Engines Chrysler Markets TORONTO (CP) -- Perkins diesel engines will be marke'ed in North America by Chrysler Corporation's marine and indus- trial division. Announcement of the agree- ment was made Monday by Chrysler in Detroit; by F. Perk. ins Ltd., in Peterborough, Eng- land; and from the head office here of Massey-Ferguson Ltd., Fire damage of some $75,000) which acquired the Perkins Com- was -caused early Monday when pany last year. flames destroyed the Olympia; Restaurant, Howard Little's|The outbreak has been traced to LONDON (AP)--One of three{barbershop and a private garage. |the restaurant kitchen. fce. RA 8.0591 anytime. THREE pianos for sale, A-1 condition A F. Cox, 13 Elgin Street East. Phone RA 5-1497 CHESTERFIELD suite, dinette suite, bedrcom - suite, other household ar- ticles. Telephone OL 5-4829. IN THE MATTER OF Part of Lot C-5, Sheet 3, of the Municipal Plan of the City of Oshawa No. 335, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CLARIS ENTERPRISES LIMITED & MARJORIE EDWARDS, vid; Gilband, Carolyn; Herron, Roger; Hudson, Douglas; Hunt- Jomchishin, Marlene; Trewin, Lloyd; Wright, Lorna. family, Mr. and Mrs. Georg €|three points at 47. General Dy- |Lee, Oshawa, Xisited W. Fergu- namics jumped 1% at 42% =1| Men A itted ington, Janice; Kinnunen, Maija;| pags standing Carnaghan, |General Development was up 1] cqul | son. Kinnunen, Vilko; Lee, Brian;|yargaret: Grace, Ralph; agian | Mrs. E. C. Ashon, Mr. and|at 14%. MacLeod, Leonard; Malcolm, nen, Pirko; Larmer, Sharon: Mrs. O. C. Ashton, Lois and] Mines had an unimpressive SALE Aluminum Products of the best quality at the best prices, fully guaranteed. Double hung windows only $18. Call now. Lymer Aluminum Co. RA 8-5385 22. Fuss 23, Conflict 25, Merry 26, Turkish weight 27. Fresh 29. Nazi police 82. Land measure 35. Howled (Scot.) 86. Affixes 37. Soil 88. Likes wing 40, Measure (8p.) §. Mandarin tea 6. Owns 7. Slow race horse 8. A blurred spot 9. Large volume 10. Female sheep 16. Truste worthy 19. Behold! 20. Reply 21. Royal Aly Force (abbr.) KIS) Cg] Sane ILIO/WINHIA ISH] nd [5 IU/ERMAINID [SIO] [STUD IO) [HATEDES] (SE DIATIERLIAICIE] [COWIE] EXTEN Yesterday's Answer 41, Prepare for publication | 42, Take | dinner 44, Mr. Husing 45. Before SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LTD. BROOKLIN, ONTARIO OL 5-3641 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 North Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. Glenn; Moore, Nancy; Pascoe,|ytartvn. Ronald: Saunders, Don-|Charles and Sarah Dalton visited|day with all changes in a frao.|Inanciers accused of involve] cy; Swain, io ire0d, Glenna; Mountjoy, Shirley Mills, RN, Kingston) Central Del Dio was off 2 Toitted Monday Sher more ian ave msde ligation 10 X y Hon, Nor : Dayes. |, |a big group of property compan-| g amie the Loca \aster Of itles a | teacher Mrs. , ennings David: 1 Ade ol! avid; Goodson, Muriel; Me Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCluskey, | Others accused are Herbert H.| 11, Solitary they claim to be the owner |rill, Kathleen; Stinson, Nancy; [cam bell ADH |reckin, Erin, and H. Rogers, ravols Weight. Donald | John; da ici 1) Mongege No. 104956, [C50 ¥ 381d TORONTO (CP)--The village [omer solicitor. 14. Put on 2 ~ Stani , Nancy; i , Mari-| Hv) 3 % t Ze fred J. Thomp. |Buschlen, Scott; Carnaghan, aniland, Nancy; Stinson, Mari-| vrs' Fred Davidson, Oshawa, |paing sued for $102.00 on behalt|Pelonging to the society, to their rocks 1ai i atricia; gue, yd; ea- k oki j Tat S favor of The-Hydro-Electric- |Us2ne; Hart, Gail; Hopkins, Patricia; Argue, Floyd; Bea: parks, Jackie and Claire, La-lyoci"Auguct after being mangled |0f reckless negotiation on their| 24 3eny the City of Oshawa, re 'an "Harold; Mackay, Teddy; Byers, Janice; Clements, Brian;| Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry ard| The men were various partici 28. Maxim ) r Port Perry. I | or claiming to hove afly title |Barry; Rohrer, Gary; Sharpe,|Crace, Bernice; Kyte, fore agreeing to act. for Grun- beforehand guson, Bowmanville. | Mr. Tiernay had been diving|™ on or before the 20th day Grade 3 to Grade 4 -- Hop-|Lrossen, Dennis; Rahm, Carol; | 84. Scatter Neil nic at Dean Parrott's home inlby motor boats racing past in| fice at the Town of Whitby, Lou; Taylor, Dianne; Thompson, | Salley: Indies) lern, Guelph. |operates station CKAR, Hunts-| The address of the Applicant Grade 4 to Grade 5 -- Archer, 46. African : thick. i ildi beskhil 2 Sonch, Expansion Planned "yi: ana wes regatta, the village because .it|Canada by the building trades rley; Colley, Lynda; Earle, VANCOUVER (CP) -- A $24../and boys, wisited Mr. and Mrs. | dealer DATED at Whitby this 28th nunen, Toino; Larmer, John; the company the third largest | Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ash-| yijja and Toronto claimed it was| Mr. Black is president of the 49. Walked Loca! Master of Titles. OC SE es Mec- nounced Monday by MacMillan Lanshli . rp | gaal.2 Haydon, Mr, and Mrs. I. Shar Ain DOWN MORE MILK Laughlin, Bob; Oliver, J | vestigating agency. |Sheet Metal Workers' Interna- : y ret} be 3 : ment in frauds totalling £3,405, Josephine; gid; Vanderberg, Ludwiena. | Mr. and Mrs. W. Loveridge, Hay tional range. Denison gained 30550 (currently $9,558 ji Was wd CROSSWORD PUZZLE Rohrer, Grade 7 to Grade 8 (Hon) -.{0e8, Sunday, cents at $9. afte: . s two weeks of testimony. : Warren i and Dr. Bryce Larke, St. Mi- cents at $4.15. '1R : ' 3 | | Elaine; Wilkins, Teddy; William-| Tl dure. |chael's Hospital, Teron i Harry Jasper, 54, controller™or ACROSS have made an application to [son, Tommy; Wotton, Norma; |; 0 "ru gs 78 Y eS weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. F Tames; Firlit, Eleanor; Frew E. ; " ; lies, was discharged at the direc- Whitby tifcot f D Elizabeth: Ford N {tion of the judge fish hitby for a certificate o unsmoore, Elizabeth; order, ~. Harlev: + Y '| Mabe 5. Pure title to this land of which |Brenda; Mountjoy, Linda; Por- | oF Harley; Robtes, Carel; Sy. Mr. and Mrs. Don McCluskey, | 4 hdd » 'INew York City, Mrs. Vida u | Murray, 67, former head of a| 12 Dedicate in fee simple free from all |Swain, Donna; Turner, Lorraine; : 1 a e # large building society, and Fried-| 13, Arabian encumbrances except. Warren, Jeannette; Werry,| ge Bi Cafes -- Consius, {Bowmanville, called on W. H. I ' Irich 'Grunwald, 34, the society's] garments % or} exong, = riey; yie, | Moore. | *r el Lynda; McKee, Leah; McLaugh-|- : ted : i : ia E ) Grzde 3 to 4 -- Archer, Rob-| 0 "0s ? |" David Johnston, Toronto, visit- i The prosecut tends th 15, Orifice favour of Marjorie Edwards, | 715° i : : ¥ ; of Port Sydney, a radio broad- » prosecution contends they 2) tonne 04960. on crt; Argue, Allen; Bonnetta, Guy; |." Donald: Rohrer, Kenneth'!oq ar" and Mrs. 0. C. Ashion. | casting fo iid and adie Bros): fraudulently converted the funds,| 17. Metallic Russel: Colby, Virginia; Collins,|'vn; Samson, Robert. |visited E. W. Begley Saturday. | : m use for bi take-| 18. Of the sun son: lial a '| "Grade 8 to G 9 1 'lof Mrs. Margaret Mary Tiernay|0WB use for big company lake . BOT sssmant. No: 56347 in Randy: Cousins, Keith; Gordon, | e 8 to Grade 9 Adams, Mrs, Laura Carlson, Mrs. Andy| or ose Wind rey 27, died| over deals. Jasper was accused 21. Uncooked vavni: Hote lian: cock, Bruce; Blythe, Carol; Brad-|yonia, Michiga din 4 Power-Commission. Wayne; Hutchinson, Lillian; Map-| =~» "00 50 | a0 {yonia, Michigan, gre spem Ing ai, "a power boat |behalf as "the licensed offerer." sided 2) Bolow No. 623014 for [|pin, Paul; Malcolm, Mark; Me-[3im Marion; Bradburn, Mary; few days with Clarence Avery."V " P § But the judge, Sir Gilbert Paull, figure F va A iat Reivan Cousins, Robin; Dean, Joa n;|girls visited Mr. and Mr: Clare| Pants and officials in the annual [said he was satisfied that Jasper area of subdivision control. Redmond, Ronnie; Reimann, An- : gIr"s Visite r. a S. e| : - 30. Reptile " es i Re Downey, Donna; Gibson, Burce;|Perigoe, Port Sydney regatta on Maxy nad taken proper precautions be- Wherefore any person having cela; Romeril, Dennis; Rohrer, Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. .W Ferguson Lake near Port Sydney, about "| 31, Preceived to or interest in the land or |pauline; Wolfe, Brian; Teacher, Lansing, Lorne; Metealf, Cheryl; | visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fer-miles north of Orillia. |wald and Murray. 33. Coniferous any part thereof is required (Mrs. M. Mountjoy. Viinshall, Wayne; Oliver, Verva; shrub » ) Mr. and Mrs A. L. Wearn|for an outboard motor lost some: | N A 1 of July 1960, to file a state- |." 5 hie: Savinac, Clarry: Renouf, Reginald; Taylor, Alice; and Susan attended a family pic-|time previously and was caught | ew ppointment 36, Law (Di, ment of his claim in my of- Shemilt Har . Sti oy B ys Watson, Robert. Teacher, . . East Shemilt, Harry; Stinson, Betty Brantford and spent the week-|the regatta as he surfaced. 'By Building Trades and to serve a copy on the : ay end with Mr. and Mrs. H. West-| The radio company which| 9 ed Applicant, Bill; Williamson, Douglas; Wot- | : TORONTO (CP)--James Black 2 Wander ton, Carol. | Newsprint Plant | Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pethick and ville, is being sued because it|of Toronto has been appointed a ge for service is: A Robin, Toronto, visited S. R. Pe-|sponsored the patrol launch in thelregional co-ordinator for Eastern c/o its Solicitor: Sharon; Arscott, Nancy; Ashton, | 1 : . Hvar bey iq ne . Dry goo 26 Simcoe Street Bowneita,. Gail; Etow, Harold sion} spans the esata, " department of the 'American 5 hawa, Or ; son: Bdge id ; R (CF ; i Mrs. Tiernay's lawyer said Federation of Labor and Con- , Trelan Oshawa, Ontario Gwen; Xam ton, Donsa; Falis, 000,000 expansion in its news Arthur Trews, Haven. Werpy, [there was no inquest because|gress of Industrial Organizations, Teme day of June 1960, Linda; Hutchinson, Patsy; Kin-|print facilities: which will make, - anc Is. SorCon erry, cach of the coromers at Hunts-|it was announced Monday. J. M. ROBLIN, iaeks re ins " . family A , A Sahar Mackie, Virginia; Malcolm, Ver-| producer in Canada was an- ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. |, tgide his jurisdiction and |Toronto Building Trades Council » A it non: MacLecd, Bonnie; Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, d ti I h tor ru ! Wayne; |Bloedel and Powell River Ltd tamed the other as the proper in- and manager of Local 30 of the at ! Sahws ! fore. and i ver Lid.|and Linda were. guesfs of R. J. , 1. Quahog Porrill, Danny; Schwartz, Leon- Total progsmection of the Port Al-|grmiston on the occasion of Mr. | |tional Association (CLC). 2. Wandering LONDON (CP)--Milk ydue-'ard: ag rs. Shi : + {tion in May Se Yk i; Teasper, Mrs. Shirley Tur-perni; B.C., plant will be in-|and Mrs. Ashton's 10th anniver- Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland and| The buildings trade depart- |England and Wales. The milk| Grade 4 to Grad |creased to 380,000 tons and the sary, {Mrs. James Oke, Bowmanville. (ment is the co-ordinatizg body metheting board reported thelr; ag o Grade 5 - Buty pacity of this plant and the ex-| Mr, and Mrs. Angus King, Lit-| Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Ra 71 or all building trade: unions total of 199,240,000 gallons Was) inda; Campbell, - Karen; -Dow= Ting nine machines at Powell | tle Britain visited Clarence Avery Ray and Beryl, Huntsville, Mr.|and is the final arbiter of dis- {ney, George; Carle, Ellen; Hor- River, B.C., will be about 900,-| Sunday. and Mrs. W. E. Sanderson called putes between construction un- more than 7,000,000 gallons .| a : hither than the previous record Notntioy, Falcom, Bon Bie 000 tons annually. Elsie and Albert Oke visited/on Edgar Wright Saturday. ions. : hash in May, 1957. | Wright, Lois: Grade 5 to Grade 6 -- Adams, WIDE DISTRIBUTION . .|Marilyn; Argue, Marion; Arscott,4 LONDON (CP)--At a special|Michael; Asselstine, Douglas; luncheon the Archbishop of Can-|Colbey, Patricia; Dunsmoore,| terbury launched the Anglican Brian; Forest, Carole; Fra, World, a new magazine that Done Sibson, Kennys Gray B.% _(Donald; Kinnunen, Aina; Kyte, --- to Tay He mos or | Robert; Malcolm, Denise; Mal- | hensive verage yet Ol € colm, Gail; Mappin, Berni others ho 7 s h ' A Aa {api Pin, ee iio) ow We Eon save the {church's activities. At least 40.-|Perigoe, Marilyn; Quackenbush, §§ proven pion. Canadian man- [000 copies will be distributed | Murray; Redmond, Garry; Roh- |i Utactured overseas. |rer, Linda; Rohrer, Warren; Gime EET PVISION LOG Government i ed meats, Well known branded pro- ducts, all part of our plan CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamiltonr CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronte WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester | WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffala | workman 8. Two-toed sloth 4. Outstrips FOOD AND FREEZER PLAN Complete lines of meats and groceries. Savings of up to 30%. Let us prove to you os we have to thousands of n "Paradise"! May Be On Your freezers, guaran- to. eat better for less. Phone RA 5-3709. No obligation. Frcezers $189 up. Compare before you buy 51--Swep & Barter 59 AUSTIN Cambridge A dition, private: or will swa in new con- | 2-6410 Ajax ZION AN FISHER unday Schoo have beer Mr, and Mrs. . Montgomery and Mrs ille, visit on, nge 5. Fred Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Wubrey Hircock Oshawa, Mr. ard Mrs. Fred Cam- 'eron had a picnic in Cobourg Sunday. , Mrs. F. B. Glaspell, ma McMas'er, Joa visited I their cot Sunday. Mrs. Ray Cameron and Donna visited Mrs. Don Prout, Bowman- ville, Thursday. Mr. and* Mrs. P. W. Davidson and family held a picnic at Cream ley Park Sunday. Mr. d Mrs. Howard Abbott Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. P, W. Davidson were guests of Elmer Down, Ebenezer Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Cameron and {4mily, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and family, visited W. Cameron Sund Mr. and Mrs. W David, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert- Killen. | Mr, and Mrs. W Cameron visited Mr. and Mrs. I. Cochrane Courtice, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore, Clarke and Heather, Oshawa, | visited Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stain- ton, Sunday. | Mr, and Mrs. Pat Roberts re- turned home from Florida Fri-| day, Mrs. Nor- and Ross G. Hiltz at ams' Point { TUESDAY EVE, 5.00 PA. 2 " for small | 11--=Family Theatre delivery truck or station wagon. WH| 6 G 5-- house 4--Bozo's Cartoon Story | Book 2--Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. Mae Show 5:30 P.M 11--News 7---Rocky 4--Bi 6--Lawrence Welk 6:30 P.M, man P.M. Allen Jilko M. athe 4--Whirlvbirds 8:00 P.M. 11.6-- Chevy Show 4--Ann Southern Show 8:30 P.M. 7--Wyatt Earp 5-2--Film Feature 4--Doble Gillis 9:00 P.M, While We're Young Minute 11-6 52-90 Pla 7-R "4-Tig 7--Colt 45 4The Comedy Spot 10:00 P.M. 11-6--Suburban Living 7--Alcoa Presents 4--Mystery Detective Series 5-2---M Squad 10:30 P.M. 7--Coronado 9 5--Black Saddle 2__Johnny Midnight 11:00 P.M. 7 Playhouse 6-- View; oint 11:39 P.M. #-~Theatre 6--Sports Views 52-Jack Parr (1--=Late Show 11:45 P.M, 8--Boxing WEDNESDAY 8:00 A.M, 7--Buffalo A.M, 5-2--- Today 4--News Roundup 8:15 AM. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 AM. * 7--Fun House 2-Today 9:00 AM. 11--Romper Room 5--Ding Dong § 4--Popeye's Pl 2--Trouble With 9:30 AM. 11--Movie 7--Romper Room 5--Burns and Allen 4-Life of Riley 2--Checkers 10.00 A.M. 4--Red Rowe Show 5-2-Dough Re Mi 10:30 A.M. 7--Morning Show -Play Your Hunch 4--On The Go 1:00 A.M. 11--Jane Gray Show 5-2--Price Is Right 4--1 Love Lucy 11:30 AM. 11-Bob McLean Show 52--Concentration 4--Dccember Bride 12:00 NOON 1-- 7-Res! 5-2---Tr 12:30 P.M. News ove That Bob 5-2--It Could Be You 4--Scarch for Tomorrow 12:45 P.M. 11--Movie Matinee 4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M. 2--Mid-day Matinen 7--About Faces 5--Feature Movie 4--Mect the Millers 1:30 P.M. 7--Divoree Hearing 4--~The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 7-Day In Court 6--Adventures With Noddy 5-2--Queen For a Day a 5--Home Cooking 5.2--Lorctta Young Theatre 4-House Party 3:00 P.M. 7--Beat The Clock 5-2-- Doctor Malone 4--Millionaire k P.M. Do You Trust 52--From These Roots 4--Verdict Is Yours 4:00 P.M 11--Bugs Bunny and Friends 7-American Bandstand 6--Film Playhouse 4--The Brighter Day 5~The Thin Man 2--Comedy Theatre 4:30 P.M. 11---Popeye 6--Friendly Giant 4--FEdge of Night 2--Checkers and Can Can 5--Yancy Derringer WEDNESDAY EVE, | 5:00 P.M. 11--Familv Theatre 6--Travellin Time 5-- Playhouse 4--Bozo's Cartoon Story Book 2---The Big Rascals 5:15 P.M. 4-Big Mac Show 5:30 P.M. 7--My Friend Flicka 6--Huckleberry Hound 2--Felix The Cat 6:00 P.M. 11-8--News 7---Early Show 4--Western 2--Highway Patro! 6:15 P 6--Sea Hunt 6:30 P.M. 5-4-2News: Weather 6:45 P.M S5--Huntley-Brinkley Report 11-6-4-2-- News 7:00 P.M. 6--Tabloid ik 5-- 7--News: Wes 7:30 PM. f--Lenave It To Beaver 7--Guv Lombarda 5-2--Wagon Train 4--Drama Series 130 P. 11.6-Yive A Borrowed Lif Ale 70Ozzie and Harriet 4--Drama §.2--Price Is Right 9:00 P.M. , | 11-6.5_Happy 7--The HawMan Eye 4--The Milliomnire 2--Hanpy 9:30 P.M. 11-65 -- Tate 4--1I've Got a Secret 2--Tate 10:00 P.M. 11-6--First Person 7-Sea Hunt 52 This Is Your Life 4---Circle Theatre | 10.30 P.M. 11-6---A Case For The Courts | 7--Interpol Calling | 6--Farm Program 5---~Man Hunt 2--Four Just Me 11:00 P.M. 117-6.5.4-2---News: Weather: Sports 11:15 P.M. 7--Playhouse int 11=Late Show 6--Stage Seven 5-2--Jack Parr 4~Theatre § VACATION RATES The Cshawa Times will be mailed to your cottage or re- sort at the regular carrier rate of 45 PER WEEK! - Have The - Osha Times Mailed To You... Wherever You Are! It will be just like getting a letter from home when THE OSHAWA TIMES arrives every day, bringing you all the news, plus your favorite comics. There is no extra charge for this service - « « Order your vacation subscription now. See your carrier boy, phone the Times, RA 3-3474 or return coupon below to -- CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES NAME .ieseenserecennnnss Pesce cvacssresssesevacsse es VACATION ADDRESS tse Ps eeeesssesssssesestanesene START DATE .. e200 STOP DATE oueaneves HOME ADDRESS ..vesiessss STOP DATE... ecvvuerosaneess RESTART DATE sesesesessnans

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