14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 2, 1960 sk THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 1=--Accountants [11--Business Opportunities 13--Gardening & Supplies | [28--Summer Properties |31--Articles For Rent |37--Male Help Wanted N 1 'R and | : NEW BUSINESS HOUSEKEEPING cottages excellent | CHARTERED Accountant's office re. VAL EDLANDER, HU CLASSIFIED AD RATES JlGRouND floor store, 918 sa. f., for| ANY kind of garden work by expert, | fishing bathing boating quiet r |quires junior student with senior ma. Co., Accountants and auditors. Li rent, 140 Simcoe Street South. Phone reasonable rates. RA 8-152 | scenic surroundings. Write or phone | W triculation. Britnell and Moore, RA Trustee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street 25 words or less JRA 38-0836. | Hank . Walbrid, Crystal Springs 5-6451 East, Oshawa: B. L. Yale, CA; F Cash Charge TOP soil, 33 per load delivered. Hamp- o E LI TINGS Lodge Bonfield" Ontario. SHerwood Friedlander, B. Comm. CPA. 3 CONSECUTIVE 9 & Supplies XoVaz 3290 52423. HARDWARE { Ss. 'T. HOPKINS and Company, Certi- INSERTIONS .... 225 2.48 -------- ET reg ee re i A REPRESENTATIVE fied* Public 'Accountants 172 King |} § CONSECUTIVE TREE removal and pruning service C n G N pe------ -- ; 25 miles north of Peterborough, House | IRE Street Eas, Oshawa Ontario, RA INSERTIONS 3.75 4.12 WHitehall 22205, Pickering. AL RA T DUMONT BARLOW keeping, cottages for rent. Good fishing. RENTAL SERVICE REQU 5.3508. Boats, Camp site. Call Mrs Bailey | OF TOOLS | Enroll Automobile Association | ; MH not paid within 7 days the GARDENS and lawns Roto-tilled, made | 2 ; a BOB. CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting F t ill apply. ready for spring planting and seeding FOR SOD RI 3-4750 or Mrs Beasley RI 2-3092. . bo Services offer complete bookkeeping ASE rate Wid SOP ine) Phone RA 5-8985 ALU MINUM MOTORS bot - ~ Memberships inthis locality, services for small business. 184 Bond | Pleasant full or part time r one RA ne gil on a Stredt West. Room 1. Office RA 50397. | orders for consecutive insertions. figrnamental evergreens, roses, Finest quality. | RA 8 1651 428 KING WEST POW - WOW | SCAFFOLDING wok. Cor required, 'Exper Residence, RA 3-7605 Subsequent insertions ordered at a shrubs peonies Birennials, a teason R bl 4 - Rush { later date constitute a new original | hie Jrices Collécted cedars for hedges rices. ov n . ience unnecessary. Rusl ur MONTEITH, MONTEITH. RIEHL, and | order 2 ¥ 35c. and up Orchard Nurseries, easonable pric | : ; | QUALITY USED CARS Come and enjoy the fun af And Other Construction for any igh your Co, ®hartered Accointants. RA 5.3527, s r siness listir Highway. two miles west of PHONE MO 8 30 | 5 for information or interview. : Pow-Wow Point Lodge, | ih . name 135° Simcoe Street North; Ajax WH | 750 per month for 3 lin ity. Broaklin - em een BOUGHT AND SOLD Huntsville. All : Summer Equipment. B-H Paint Personnel Manager, Box 817, London, Ontario, 2-089. : is Each additional fine $1.00 -- p---- m-------- ---- rts, delici Is. RONALD ¥. DB. Witsox. Chartered | moon." TT LOAM -- GRAVEL LANDSCAPING HOME RA 8- -6175 2 SPOS . ious 630.658 UR RY 2D Rug 3.3721 $ ond c sign, figure, count as FILL--STONE SERVICES | IMPROVEMENTS weekly os We. HAMPOOE = Have WM. £ DEWAR and Co. Accountants > x charge |5c additional. | Weed treated, field nurse-v TRY OUR Huntsville c | ssified Advertisements A resort. To Restore original beauty te u s, K. of C. Building, 184 a / / # rng Ph MUST be in by 5 p.m. day previous ASPHALT PAVING sod, top soil, gravel, san. 36 months to pay | BAR-B-QUED - . your furniture 'ond: Tugs. YOU Office hours: Daily 8-5, Saturday fill. Complete service. Weed Aso omnis work done. CHICKEN a Plan < TEC | | 2---Barristers S12 FREE ESTIMATE control. Free estimates | For that extra room | Fish & Chips 35c, Homburg- C mp A landale aaa pr ga earn | erone ra 33162 ED KNOWLTON | CALL MO 8.8611 a d € 282 KING ST. W.| your Future? MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| the Dinawe Jes sha' O00, 18 CHOICE LOAM RA 5-6047 MODERN GRILL Country Vacation for boys 7 OSHAWA---RA 3-4873 OL eth a 3 toe: 1K] ments submitted otherwise than in Pent Bay m-- ------------ 18a--Mortgages RA 5.3887 to 74 veare 3 Ai Wars Be 5 mon. with o- plont: Yein Creighton, QC; N. C. Fraser, QC; G. K. || writing, nor for more than one . : AVAILABLE for a firs d We Deliver 4 -- €d | one of the Canadian Army's Prypan. G. L. Murdoch, NHA' mort-[] incorrect insertion of an adver: FOR SALE LOAM, Hom 2 OL TY Brooklin, iii Riding, swimming, etc., $25 WANTED -- one lawn roller, large. crack infantry regiments te- gages arranged : Hsement oho ox yon or ce GRAVEL - SAND - FILL | GRAVEL SAND - 22--Radio Repairs weekly. Write for broshure. |size. Phone RA 13-4674 . Applications are again JOSEPH P. MANGAN. QC. barrister, || £000 Hor ent in which error A rer ' E WILL pay 510 and up for 1948 Canadian accepted for enrolment verti t y Also Back Filling FIRST OR SECOND ; 4 p ifitor, Money to loan: Office 14 a amid po' right . soi Street East Oshawa. RA 88232, A ery Ina! Lots Levelled AND FILL MORTGAGES T.V. RADIO SERVICE BOX 1334-0 giver dollars, also certain type '47. RA . Residence, RA 5-340 10 Slassily Divert . BOWMANVILLE TF eT ng Sr The Canadian Guards MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister in the case of display advertlse- RA 5-2156 | $10 Allowance for your old Will pay cash. State make and pric Sotitor; Notary. ones 10 loan. Asso | ments The Times wil ror be hela | T= ZE= RA 5-5279 FAST CONPIDENTIAL Ae tbe | MArker 32924 nd Pe | Tre Royal Canadian peg. Block; 261% King Street East. RA 3-4692.%] that i h the actual errer HARDSAND = ---- i : SL ly Residence. dial RA 3-4029 Hot es LANDSCAPING ANY AMOUNT TOWERS 28a-- Trailers SHAW Princess Patricia's DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister | to reproduc dvertisin h po C iL G NI 5 different type ho SLE ' ail WE, a : ] dedi i ' corr ; " o t ditfer pes to choose SLEEPING trailer, 10° x 6. Apply 373 Canadian Light Inf Sa BERR Bridle Big Bg wer Rolling A RAN TO $5,000 | from. Al heady galvanized _|Oie Avenue | AUTO WRECKING CO. | ght Infantry dencé, RA 8-5373 advertisement are containec ertilizing Repayable as low as $30.00 {1 16 gauge steel. Installed FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $25 Wants cars for wrecking, also If you can meet the high en- GREER. Murphy and MacDonald, Bar therein, Ir : t oi Roto ; ) FOR SOD a month. Principal and Interest with: @ 2 .year warranty. Jvsomonates six people. Phone MA scrap iron and metals, sic rolment standards, here is risters, Solicitors and Notaries Public « il ~ 50d - Man | Up to 5 years to repay Antennas moved $10.00 50 bought. Open Saturday all your chance for an excellent 6 King Street East, RA 35-4717, Russell | - Patio Slabs Call for appointment | TRAILER accessories ana service day. Phone career with o good future J. Murphy and James A. MacDonald ab | | Everything for small and large trail ~ 7. 1. SALMERS, BA, barrister soli 8--Building Trades \A 9+ Delivered, layed, field OSHAWA RA 3-3993 Len & Lou's TV wh Poin Tonsd pg. ra RA 5-2311 | ao life of challenge, travel fo, etc, 13% Simcoe Street North. py ZING and ex ng. 1D : ANYTIME ing jacks, portable toilets, mantles, 89 BLOOR E. | and adventure and an inter- citof, ete 2 Sin r BULLDOZING and excavating RA 8-5804 or RA 5.7844 |lamps, etc. Miller. 9 Tudor Street, rma er. Dia Offite RA 5.3741; Residence RA 5-5542. 3612. Fre 1 loadin 2 - ; : ' UR POTAN Did Te Barrier Solicits. 36 Topless Dest bane OSHAWA ACME g ALLIED FREE SURVEY A NH 3 Enquire. Tow _at Sour local r, 3% Simcoe So RA 5-959] -- = . . : ; m cruit t : fnr:3y | imeoe.S uth. RA 59592. Resi: 0" crn oo repairs, chimneys, roof HAULAGE LTD If you wish come out and COOK'S TRAILER SALES CEDARDALE rmy Recruiting ation et McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers is SRE work RAY exterior pam . moke your own inspection INVESTMENT 23--Women's Ss Column See the new 1960 Glendettes | SCRAP 507 College Street Kolicitors. Clients' funds available for - LOAM -- GRAVEL only 3 miles from Whitby, SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $850. 16-ft. custom deluxe. Also IRON METAL LTD Toronto, Ontario first n ortgages 20S meve Street Nort FILL -- STONE CO. Cold wave $6.00. Page Hairdressing, self-contained New and IRON--METALS Telephone: WA 4.7346 Paxa: ? F Atle fac isi | ATTENTION RA 3- 3528 5] KING ST. E 358 Pine Avenue. RA 5.3363 used. Location: Highway No. PAPERS RAGS ? JOHN A. G. MacDONALD, BA. Barris BUILDERS } an MO 8- 3015 24--Market Basket " at Courtice Oper um 10 OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Please provide me details on ter and Solicitor, 101 Simcoe Street EXCAVATORS 19--Personal b re --m-- p.m. and weekends ow N 3 2 Royal Canadian Infantry North. Phone RA 8-851 > 14--H hold R v 'ee STRAWBERRIES, orders taken. COl- down payment RA 5-3432 Corps career opportunities. HUMPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman, WANTED flowering and Tropical --Househo epairs -- LEAVING for Moncton, New Bruns. {aX 3-2229 - FREE PICK-UP Barpjsters, Solicitors; R Hum Fol Plant PAINTING and decorating needed, fin. Wick, July 6. room for passengers. RA 29--Summer Properties RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 ! would like an interview a phress, QC: G. S. Boychyn, BA; W. A CLEAN CLAY FILL oliage riants, est materials used. Work guaranteed. 5-8145 25--Pets & Livestock For Sale 100 ANNIS STREET wv: hore Hillman, LLB; 36% King Street East Phone RA 8-6756 Reasonable rates. Also wood finished 0 at the recruiting station king 180 Association rep- - 0 Phones: Office, RA 31177; Res. RA| We still have a good selection Phone anytime, RA 5-6204 ONTARIO Automobile FOR SALE - One male singing can 4 So r ror 8.4604 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; RA 5-5203 4 g : - [resentative for Oshawa and district, Art|ary, 2 years old, well colored, with gilt [coxTac P.. Lake Sugoi, Sunsetview Monev to loan m--- -- - of plant boxes, Evergreens, A-1 PAINTING DECORATING by | Cox, 13 Elgin , East, RA 5 cage and stand, $16. Call RA 3.7523. p®i Furnished incindes cedar, serip WANTED ; tradesman, interior or exterior. Roxa- SEE | shawa 5-02 Nome JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici. | shode trees and potted roses, 0 Ci aranteed. Free estimates. SAVE money, no waiting, free park. POODLES, miniature, black, of im. Lindsay, FAirview 4-563 tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street WwW. WARD lc RA g ng at D, Bruce's Mobile Barbershop, ported stock, inoculated. Dr. H. Bathie, | pry vor new cottage or waterfront SCRAP IRON, POULTRY Fast. RA 3.2269. NHA and private | hn - Maple Grove Inn, stationary. Open 8-7) Port Perry, YU 5-2192 ; lot at Willow Glen. Phone FA 4-4012 N T T A os mortgages arranged WELL DIGGING BY inside and out, small or |daily except Wednesdays and Sundays |oxp uae thoroughbred Sam vd dog,| write Cecil Brown, RR 1, Lindsay. On AND FEATHER TICKS ddress NTI GRE iy rristers, Solick MACHINE VAN BELLE GARDENS Hh jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 5-452 one and half years old. RA 8-5 tario GREER and Kelly, Barrister olic ters, etc, 7% Simcoe Street South > ; FURNITURE repaired and re.uphols- BOARDING. I er dolor | cots bool Sites Torees sal x Ton hee phe WHITBY, ONTARIO 2 Miles East of Oshawa tered. see our' materials for recover: E| ECTROLYSIS ne Waubena rimmigs, bathing. deflea. 15° cedar boat Bisckstock 3422 | RA 3.2043 RA 3-3374 | J. M. Greer, BA, Sc. RA 5.338: Ter.| SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | ing. Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, ape 1 5 ) it ell > 3 y 583 1543 0 - RA 3.7212 BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for COME to Steenberg Lake (Bass Lake), collect) hie" V. K PA BL. RA 3-38 2 NO eo 8 3209 MA 3-5757 CHESTER ire | Removal of. superfluous hair. ning, talking strain. Apply Mrs. 26 miles north of Madoc on Highway i Provines , Flin RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas 2 S T STERFIELD and oda chairs re- ; 2 114 Elgin Street East No. 62 for sandy lakeshore lots and sot ast school grade Greer, Associate Barristers and Soli P.O. BOX 329 | ~BOWMANVILLE covered like mew. Get the best for less| Marie Murduff will "be in a oer: Brean rites. Toren, Ken Mat 35 Employment Wanted | Lost he ators, 130 King Street East, RA 3-6246 at Modern Upbolstering, 926% Simese Oshawa, July 19th and 20th. Farmer's "Column {thews, RA 5.7740 after 7 p.m [LADY will look after two or three | Mortgage loans availabl NTRACTIN (OPEN EVEN Street North. Ca or free - ~ {children in own home, nice yard. RA . io VENINGS) h Senosh Hote! eo SWAPS are tops in Oshawa Times, goa FHOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli GENERAL co RAC G SE [estimate Phone Ge Osho Ole ™ 50 ACRES of hay for sale. Phone HAL Classified. Read the regular swap|®>V/ after 4 p.m = Don eitor and Notar Public, 26% King y a CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered. these dates for appointment, 990 |offers every day. They're unusual, ex-| ACCOUNTANT desires a position with E59-14R Street East Phone RA 38-1763 { Free estimotes ond qpay- Flowering and Tropical like mew. Why pay more? Our rates DEAD farm stock picked up promptly, |citing and interesting future, available August 1, 1960. Twelve | , | ments arranged. Alterations are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed Phone collect, Hampton, COMax 3-2721. (x - ps ~ years' industrial experience. RIA de- Mrttresses rebuilt. Oshawa Uphoistery 20--Cartage Phone catiecty paampton, TO COTTAGE for sale ai Wilberforce. Lice" write Box 846, Oshawa Times 41--Room & Board os > d H | 6--Optometrists | end additions, rec rooms Foliage Plants Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA - - . : Haliburton county. Good hunting an F RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom eoncrete 'work, stone fire- 5-0311 PICK-UP or stake truck for hire, eve- BAIL bunchers. and trailer wagons. fishing, Phone RA 5.9612 WANTED. typing to do at home, Tele: ROOM and board for young gentleman : A 1 pe -- -- >) 5 pply C 5 a works etsy; the examination of eyes, contact places, etc. Custom building | Roses (40 varieties) YOUR chimney cleaner. Chim. |Mnks and weekends. Phone RA 3 3653. |Apply Ra an Welding Shop. Phone cypan gravel beach, fifty foot lake- phone. MO 8-5443 ay gay orker HA 30015. 131 Park Road lenses, 126 Simcoe North (at Colborne) Mortgages arranged | : ' neys built and repaired, gas linings in-{sTaKE truck for hire, Basements, gar.| > ookun. OL 5-470 shore lot, all services, excellent roads.|WILL give kind, motherly care to baby | 3 No down payment City/Town evenings by appointment. RA 3.4191 Shrubs, (29 Varieties), stalled furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-|yse. cleaned. Rubbish removed ete. [WANTED -- immediately, good used South shore Rice Lake at Roseneath.|or small children, by day or week id/ROOM and board, close fo hus, €H. TUCK, RO, optometrist. Please | YMES CONSTRUCTION mates. RA 3-2097 Sm2® moving jobs my home, Phone RA 3.9654 |tings and North GM; home cooked pay accounts at downtown Toronto ns 5 attachments, any make. Will pay oP FRE NCHMAN'S Bay lakefront year ACCOUNTANT, office credit 'manager, | meals, lunches packed. Apply 251 Bruce reet. 3 WRIT 108 en Shade Trees (15 varieties N A locally, RA 8 Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street RA 8-6228 TE 9-2224 ek de rp Baie viper. ll eee | cash price. Phone OL 5-3019 round or sumer home, six.room insul [PIA degrees, nine years' experience, Phone RA 5-4587 | rere . Evergreens (25 varieties) me te i sna PICKUP truck with "hitch, "will move A |desires change iy, Ajax or Osh Fe ------------------ I | {brick all modern conveniences, Sing Az board for young gent HOME IMPROVEMENTS | WF CL BA en, FE Sh fume, _tpplinens, ics, beste 27 Fuel & Wood SO500. balance one mortgage OX $2185, Wa disrics. MO 83123 or EMPITe| man. good home. privileges, centra ; ¢ . c., [ ges or } a wari ss hac 5.7687 . 7--Surveyors | REMODELLING--ADDITIONS = -- rates. RA 8.0818 "hardwood lumber ends, suitable KAWARTHA Lakes, summer and coun- - - Phove S703 afer.3 vw. Avely 31 -- --_ -- © furnaces and wood stoves, $5 for|try properties. Send for free picture © MENT work, done by gentleman 28 5 REC ROOMS < a &F. HORTON and Associates, On rfur i : > cs me tyio Land bl Pie, En FAMILY ROOM VAN BELLE GARDENS FURNACE SALES GALT CARTAGE, furniture and appli- large load, delivered. Also enquire listing folio. Bowes and Cocks Ltd, With own mixer. Telephone RA 5-7966. |ROOM and board for two quiet gitis, gineering, 306 Dundas Street West,| Tile, Hardwood Floors 3 Miles East of Oshowa ance moving. Reasonable rates, fully about cottage deliveries. RA 8-0818. Realtors, Peterborough, RI 2-4234 CARPE NTER -- first class, evenings, (home cooked meals, close to a feds Yio AND SERVICE DESH rR Ta a7 Celotta I ears xb Dona Shoots Cesc RA. S10. DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario Sark rs MA 3-5757 MM C d : |28--Summer Properties central, Call RA 32311 after 6 p.m. No fools. any type retry Stairs, cup-| ROOM and boara for gentlemen 8 PE a Loans Arranged Bow nonville Aackie Co., Lt 21--Personal Services = Lindsay, or phone ! boards, rafters, alterations. = Contract/shave, ciose tr morth plant, lunch pack. Fast. RA 5.6881. HUGH CROSBY ovr fie RA 5- 5954 m-- - FOR RE NT TERE Craiier ov week 15, Br -- or hourly. Pickering, WH 2-6143. led. RA 5-6727. : - ccommodates six 0) A DONFVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, On RA 5-3937 OPEN EVENINGS) LAWNMOWER & ENGINE 35: 36--F le Help Wanted |E00M and board for gentlemen. fa tario Land Surve commercial blue. | ---------------- EE HL bible He Cleanout Service ~ STU RGEON LAKE emaie elp anted | hare, nome away from home. 97 Albert wo i Treg Pi rn a : ATTENTION $7 labor plus parts | SALES & SERVICE COTTAGE Jor rent, Take, F_ Chemang. WAITRESSES wanted, full or part|Street, RA 3.4211 ? a -------------------------------------- 2 ompletely furnished with mo - -. Bon | CARPENTER | Go-Cart Engines & Rotor Til- Son weekly. RA 3-4363 BEEH IVE time, also part time cashier. Apply Mr. ROOM and EE $15 per week, home 1a; ; TR T or weed kililng, spraying FURNACE lers. Used Engines Bought ha RY Tie Seon oi | Campbell, Genosha Hotel |privileges, lunches packed. 666 Simcoe 8---Building Trades CONTRACTING | | oo ng of our ubs Sold. Authorized Clinton, [FORT PERRY. lake Scusop, lake) DARK ESTATES [Part-time clerk typist for admitting South. RA 5.8255, y t ge \ drooms --_---- - and Sold front coitage, private. three-bedroom office Oshawa General Hospital. Must! GoM and board, $13 per week. ©ALL Joe RA 86444 for carpentry, Remodelling of kitchens i aia bens. | : : ith fish: toilet. Fully equipped 1 ' ; : : 3 RA CLEANING Lauson Power Products, Pin with flush toi UDB A NEW modern registered |be good typist and have ability for pub- |; hes packed. Apply 137 Rosehill nting amd handyman. Work guaran sathro recreation. fo , i Son aly Saturday painting si 2 ' 1s h oom Jecreglion . room dor Service, 81 Central Park YUkon 1 rda subdivision designed in the [lic contact. Hours from 3.30 p.m. t0igoiievard = iling, plumbing and } : Anything hauled |t!%wo row corn planter with fertilizer Phone MO 8-2 -- ng C n 0 < R 5 ARDEN housekeeping cottages on Ken 9 p.m., 5 days weekly, 25 hour week PLUMBING and heating pipes fittings Can be financed Whitby | OSHAWA Complete summer service -- Blvd. 5. Phone RA 5-4633. nebee Lake, two and three bedrooms, Florida motif. The most un- Must be willing to rotate weekends./ROOM or room and board, pleasant fixtures, new and used, changing from, 5 8 8411 '__ Toronto chimneys swept -- Oil fur- | hydro, good fishing, swimming. RA usual and ~beautiful in the [Apply to Mr. Carl Hunt, between 2 and {room in private Sethe, work. hay . El | AMhurst 1-0197 > HOME nace $650 i) furnace | WEIGHT REDUCING 5.1763 : Kawartha Lakes. Clean, safe, Bi : ____|er only. RA 5.3801 . . : $5.00. Call after I= vas vouicon on @ diet ONE building, 12' x 20, fully insulated sand beach. Large beautiful HOUSEKEEPER . cook, "experienced ROOM or room and board, good home mation and estimates f ¥ r -- | t - for family of two. Highest wages paid cooked meals, close 01 of plumbing. Dia 241 ev. | LANDSCAPING Ol 5 3186 easily with our help and lose anc Wired asbestos siding opal shade trees Canals 40-ft or far g Pp: : se to four corners. es. suitable for with board and room on premises. Ti ALY. plumbing ana Resting supplies | = f omplete Garden Service to 20 lbs. in two wee tage. 143 King East wide with sheltered docks for ronto residence Apply Joseph ROG gr ete Stark CLIFF BROWN : Ben [Sona or i Real Estate Broker, 102 Byron| ROO gentlemen, nice Phone RA 1521, Hare : | Shields, 2 ur healthiest best HOUSEKEEPING cottages on Beaver| Your boat Street, South Whitby. Phone 2 ayron| |locaticn, close to downtown. Abstain Ls ~ plambing, heating ana "engineer GRAVEL & SAND CROSS TOWN 15--Instructions his carer |Lake, electricity, running water, re ; immer |B:2874_evenings MOhawk 8-2 |83--Wanted To Rent ators good swimming and fish. quality-built oe - x x SALESLADIES -- must be experienced BRICKLAYING, blocklaying, cement | PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, The Institute of cal | A Nal 4 kil rc ALES : work. Chimneys built and repaired, ad LOAM SOD SUPPLY 16 years' experience, by interview only ' E Tamewor h Bi James +} homes open for your inspec better dresses. coats and suits. State! CLERGYMAN requires three-bedroom, ditions. verandahs, remodelling of al P t Del { Act now - RA 5-1054 : 5s J a -- tion, electric wiring connect- qualifications. Write Box 709 Oshawa with basement, home. Preferably east kinds. RA 5-1953 ' romp elivery A-1 rolled fertilized so --_-- 1 ot ha FOR RENT Cottage on Beech Lake,| o4 5 hydro, three bedrooms, Times end Oshawa, north of Hine, Contact Mr. - - lled fertilized sod eut RA 8.0171 Haliburton, boat, electric stove, refrig. $ . - ---------- Fell, RA 5-4151 or RA 5 Ser or wn wn RA 8.895] nda 'wom evar | LEARN TO DRIVE J TT IA pd Sey » kit€hen cupbo. ecreation rooms, - or troet oply Mrs! A. Martin, Sunder chen with stainle teel sink SIX to eight-room house wanted, clean, savages, conerete and. block 'work. Free Special contractor rates. 22--Radio & TV Repairs gus Apply 76R2 on n arborite cabinet top je SECRETARY [liste adult Call Mrs. Wood, Torom« Hr 5.6937 t st cf i c t tor 5272 5 es mates. RA 5.8917. : 10--Sharpening Service RA 5.8504 At the Oshawa Driving School dio, car radia repairs. All| MODERN six room coltape <yeasom| living-dining room finished ir ind 65272 9 to 5 only, PLASTERING, stucco and all kinds of {re RE oF a a Licensed by the Poli ommissionim Thompson Electronics, 157 1,1. ont, good boating and fishing genuine knotty pine "WANTED Tepait, Free Salinas Ry eorhe anteed, 13 St. Lawrence Avenue. For Fully trained instructors iE Avenue. RA 3.9752 (Fred). Call RA 3-4210 after 6 p.m E With dictaphone and short- pramoff 3-4871 5-835 . A ------r - : -- ---------- -- - - >) u 3 32 . | t & PRE X 5 t N pickup and delivery, RA 3.3266 or RA COMPLETE Standard, Automatic. cars EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE PRESQUILE -- Claudor Villa, 3bed:) PRICES fro $5,750 ter hand experience required Executive type home with at BUILDERS 6906. GARDEN SERVICE A room jonsekienping collages, boat $5,950, including large, level : I ; a v S S FIRST vias shatpeiing, mOWers, RA 8-0091 T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC Phone Brighton 353 or 95 R 3. Lot Terns ob Gurnent rates of for expanding manufacturing east four bedrooms. Substan- and -al. tools Work ranteed 18 MONTH GUARANTEE ON interest. 1 tion 4 miles concern located : in. Aj ox tial rental will be paid for Ceramic tiled bathroo up- Mosier 550 Wilson Road South Gardens ploughed, disced, - --- I : - Se ¢ 85616 : Tan dsaping, wood €ut, trees NEW PICTURE TUBES LITTLE BUCKAROO west of Bobcageon on the suitable residence. " th four. $i as ' | LAWN mower and outboard motor: Te removed SPANISH GUITAR | TV Enterprises RANCH Fenelon Falls highway--Ilarge Group benefits, 5 Mr, WRITE BOX 748 dior 'range 5 t, (Pair and sharpening service. Rossland INDY oF Re . signs at entrance, Owner on Wilkes SFiret an ® trade sman 0 RA 37462 or a Rossland Road: West RA 8- 1798 Summer Rock N Roll | pi 53905 DAY CAMP property id afternoon and | WHHL 5 2120 OSHAWA TIMES anytime - over weekends - ---- -- et mm-- RA 8-1 177 sharpened. t ree pick-up, Te $10 WEEKLY 30 lost & F d if led * th tion, 380 Simcoe Street South RA 8-0142 FOR YOUR smmences 1s tweek of July, . 0s! oun - you called ' the wrong ST re Commences sweety | TV TOWERS | iromnrion an 52737 oorpent & Found 57--Nhal Help Wanted | runes 1 wos' oe . po ds last week ito 11--Busin on : SRST or want to learn, phone our salesman EXPERIENCED bark ted. Ap . DODD &| SOUTER usiness Opportunities COMPLETE formation call PRESOUILE SUMMER ager al RA 32219 for an appointment, ply Doug's Barber Shop 27 Bopd Street Immediately HAVE your lawn mower precision] PROMPT DEL IVE RY 8 WEEK COURSE } aco Sta » ager appointment cu DANT -- WaLLoapen FOR Sel Tn ie wt amt, GARDEN SUPPLIES 10h J perry ve Hotel TN PAINTING & DECORATING (own Resin for Seni. ih WILSON & LEE LTD. Ho dip 99 Yori? Cc. Ty Li in PRESQU'ILE POINT, hie training. Average yearly income yy yy Goening for one full or part Modern three bedroom CONTRACTORS soalth. Ve asonabie. P M A Complete with new ave BRIGHTO 9 J time man, serving Watkin's route. No 4 (6) h. Very reasonable hone MO CALL Music Store Master all-channel' antenno BRIGHTON, ONT LOST -- One wallet Setwcen Simcoe experience. Average wages $2.50 per newly decorated house or For d vacation value, de- ind Ontario Streets, valuable papers. hour. Phone RA 8-2383 duplex. Must be close to For Free Estimates call : st | 87 SIMCOE ST. N Tc oF. g¢ v i STORE, suitable for plumber, elet | A ; otal price, installed ar ; aL p / it DAYS MO 8-5231 cian: ete. RA 3-920 ater 000 Poe BEVERWY(CK : RA 5.4706 guoronteed for yeor, &* lighttully informal, good ac- |Reward. RA 5548] 5 | central business section or to cor y on fine food transportation. Available be- EVENINGS RA 5.7426 GROCERY store -- Clearance of, entire Y6---Insuronce TV ET erprises dancing each. evening, oll 31--Articles For Rent WANTED Yore Aug Yst. Adults only. stock, self-service, refrigerator, scales,| € - on 07 ron St. S., Whitk slicer, cash regist Also store for = - er 3 5 ts, fc - CEMENT mixers dewalk tinishing 3 Sports riter f i 3 07 Byron RibY LI Apply 142 Simcoe Street South ast ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up 253 Drew St. urmer Sports, der on re tools wheelbarrows Bb EAN post To Train As Sports Writer 3 satisfied option to buy. ™ | to 20 per cent, six months to yy. For RA 3.3553 quest. Grant Quick, Mgr eae am P PumDS, Pos%| Young 'man with minimum Would consider better class WANTED to rent, two or three-bed.|® N 5 ; BETSUNAT Seravit ahd - - 4 hos 100 win i | e WwW. WARD room cottage, August 6 to 20th, Must NO. 12 HIGHWAY 3 windlass. Also for sale, 'cement mixer Of Grade XII education. Must | older home with oil heat. 5 RA 57413 and: strawberries 1165 be keenly interested in sports WELL DIGEING BY. Jit, web eimmues, "ion _orf OL 35-3570 BROONIN = SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT | LEN-DAVE LODGE |™mmeries Be ed roy anseorse | PHONE RA 5.4561 MACHINE rg * : J RE ney to Loan IT -- DAY OR NIGHT! BALA, MUSKOKA SALES RENTALS career Apply in writing, BETWEEN 8 AM. AND S P.M. SPECILIZ.NG IN 30" TILE OWN YOUR . CLIENTS' money to loan on T.V. and RADIO (Children Free) | tating age, education and . : A sage. Mortgage and agreement of sale | Tents, comp stove amp. connection with sports, t a] WHITBY, ONTARIO OWN BUSINESS ! ! GARDEN purchased. XHA mortgage arranged. CALL RA 8-5286 | Mon lodge, sleeping cabins, | cots, tarpoulins, sleep i or Te, | MAMouser, Api, Flan Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur I 3 beach, home- bags, lantern - . iia ---- 204 CHESTNUT ST. W. PER MONTH CLIENTS' monies available for first OSHAWA : cooked meals, dancing and Coleman camp stoves $13.45 BACHELOR apartment $70 per sidnth P.O. BOX 329 KING KOIN PHILCO-BENDIX | . and second reat ies Morten ny aud ELECTRONICS all 'water sports, hot ond cold OSHAWA HARDWARE AND WANT D Se i. Toran, Features ----i --- ir -- | ARTECIONtS : i > eG howe ~ 3 5 equipped Launderettes gre "NIAGARA BRAND" agreements of sale pure h ised JAppy ar Wa Z 2 running water with 'showers. ELECZRI( 5 washers, dryers and adequate parking. PRECAST the most profitable in thi BUG KILLERS | Public, 26%: King East. Oshawa, RA OUR SERVICE CALL For the time of your life -- 8 Church RA 3-7624 Apprentice to learn print- Etim Bn a MO 8-2563--MO 8-3809 INCOMES UP TO $1,000.00 SUPPLIES doch All Work Guaranteed safe sandy - + 9 o al Estat 41 Gladst A hi b Conado's fastest growing. {wi INE CALCIUM" |. INCLUDES ALL THOSE | Write or Phone ing trade at The Oshawa |RA se. Bdstone fe home usine FIRST d cond tgage, sal ha TE, NC F F | Available only through KING BUG KILLERS agreements purchased me old fen. EXTRAS LEN-DAVE LODGE R E N J Times. Must be good spel- WILSON RD. North at Lansdowne Dr., KOIN LL c nick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 ad 0) R T WEED KILLERS Street East, RA 2.7232 ; PHONE BALA 397 minute. For [tion decorated to suit. Fully equipped Three types of HEAVY BIRD BATHS ETE Se . + . Same day service - words per ; 1 Sv > Ss monies ; y plex. Frank Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst DUTY COMMERCIAL first and secan 2. +» All tubes checked BALA, ONTARIO FROM THE HILLTOP | (oi ond application form [si. Toronto RU 31753; RU 7.9387. for loahs on first and second mor 4 SEPTIC TANKS PHILCO-BENDIX WASH- PATIO POTS and also purchase of mortgages and . . Picture tube cleaned ; ' 3 , rats BL Pa SIDEWALK SLABS + ERS. (Double ond single LAWN SPRINKLERS Agr cement Purchase of morigages an evo Blerung rubs cleanes RA 8 6391 see Ray Scott, Compos- {Two wiiedroom apariment, Simone Load Tumble Action and LAWN SOAKERS Sa, Ling Stree) Fash, Oshawa: RA needed PINE TREE = ing Room Foreman. |tor, stove, handy to bus line. Call RA COLORED PATIO | argest Capacity Agitator | PATIO S < T hi 5 . + .. Complete set-up | i --|5-6343 between 9 and 5. . onan SLABS COUNTRY apartment, unfurnished, DURA STEPS Washer : < . - 3 months guarantee Tents 9' x 9°, 9' x 12°, lover store in Leaskdale, modern, newly CURBING - Newe pond | or Fupe; { SE Ne YES han MONEY 10 DO IT NOW LODGE AND stoves, lanterns, camp ACCOUNTANT dec orate, "eparate enirance." Paved | ct Y C L : { \ cots, air mattresses, . 5 road Seven miles north xbri 3 WELL TILE Drye Ss QUALITY PAINTS LOAN | 'Beoutity Your. Home CABINS OT aattresses, | Capable accountant re- [Uks! Low Down Payments and | p 0 | ckeeping. colleges sleeping bogs, quired by August 1st, for i: BROOKLIN Quentry Discos Er CLOSED SATURDAY Nives. for olf tore. oF Aen | Improve Picture Quality a Sizss Gutbonrd Motors. Aro Taciory OFFICE SPACE 9 end E 1230 PM Ges: ypes | HAVE A TOWER ince pitkerel. boss. end coolers and para wings | , one bedroom basement apartment ler and able to type 50 at 549 Lansdowne Dr. Open for inspec- Oshawa office T KOIN LAUNDRY SALES, Ltd SMITH CO. To oo omy ADT JELEVISION ap DE.TREE LODGE eposit Wil | nC Alexander Rove Bros i] 3 vrs a aed Ww dising Engineerin for first d c | 4 : . ineering gage or first and second Coll us Hor o tree estimate muskie. ' Good boating and ALL NEW EQUIPMENT Duties: supervise accounting FOR RENT Its PHILCO. BENDIX ge Be hg TRIO eries, et | ing statements, purchase sup awa, WRITE, WIRE or PHONE COOPER bul ders; first ond second INGAAS Et i Biow: n't Leave It t plies and materials. Apply space, 2nd floor: facing, One | IMITE es 20 College Street | 1 M. Swartz, 26) ing Street | Peterborough, Ont Canada Ajax LIMITED | fae 16 CELINA ST. M4. Susriz, 28; King Sus RA 8.6781 Chartered Trust Company: | 1 Program { JULY - A mortgages on all types of real r J CONCRETE Commercials) | uU UGUST 4 state Ee Rl ior mming Boats, motors, REASONABLE RATES and stores, prepare operat- WS wf R | Sf tario St. at corner of King : Fou 20 £ Stretl, nasi Xing Sues | | Telephone WH 2-6500. In- hab , OLiver 5-33 I I WA 5-45]5 OSHAWA 34-4697. 171 BOND ST, EAST ' Phone OL 7-8541 RA 8-6891 tervipws by appointment, 8.768). Ma. ~Shavin, EM