40 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 28, 1960 30 minutes at 325°, Serve hot GREAT BALLET rected by Ninette de Valois, at : S with the sauce from pan. Margot Fonteyn is a guest ar-|the Edinburgh Festival Aug. 21- Mrs. Percy Taylor, tist with the Royal Ballet, di-| Sept- 10, 1960. , 6th Oshawa Scout Auxiliary. Supper Dishes : Noted Canadian SPAGHETTI - erm % teaspoon pepper pe 75, Dies D ECO RATI MN G °° LJ Fry three or four onions in|l diced clove of garlic MONTREAL (CP)--Mme. Al- ; olive oil. 2-3 pounds spareribs bert Dupuis, honorary president 3 5 Brung 11 2 ROR On A Budget? b: ¢ % A b, : 4g - 1 small tin of canned tomatoes| Method: Prepare barbecue|of Dupuis Freres Limited, a large . 1 can of tomato paste (Italian, | sauce by combining all ingredi-| Quebec retail firm, died Saturday if possible) ents except spareribs in a sauce- night. She was 75. 1 1b. ground steak or 1 1b. pork |Pan. Cover and simmer 15 min- 4 ; ; A A Why Not Take Advantage chops : utes. Meanwhile, place spare-| Mme. Dupuis was the wife of [| : gg iepEl E Fry together and add: ribs, fat side up, on a rack in athe late Albert Dupuis, president || 4 : of WARD'S Large Stock of 1 garlic bud, very fine salt: and large baking pan. Bake in a very |of the firm from 1924 to 1945. E If fp § R d pepper (use pepper mill), 6 to 8 | hot oven 500 degrees F. 10-15| During the First World War, she |} ER aoe ea y-to-Hang ) min. Reduce heat to moderate | was vice-president of the Red 4 on, LINED small red peppers (or cayenne), f ; <1' | 325 degrees F. and bake 1 to 1%2 | Red Cross. add little water and thicken with Tours or until tender, brushing | corn starch to a sauce consist : : : ; of SA, 4 Fin about every 10 minutes with the| She held executive positions in ® TR em gts IE many "Cansaan womens cor | FRIAS DRAPERIES minutes. Serve and pour sauce| Arrange on platter to serve. tural, charitable and social or. 3 f - over it. Sprinkle with Italian | Mrs. Ernest Jukes, ganizations during her life, cheese. (Six servings). Ladies' Civitan Club Mme. Duplis is survived by BR -- Mrs. Emerson Chant, three sons, one of them Raymond |] " . o ' Lyceom Club and CABBAGE ROLLS Dupis, president and director of Budget-Conscious Prices ! Women's Association 6 large cabbage leaves--boil in the family firm, and a daughter. Over 30° Difforent Pattoris i x CHICKEN DELIGHT Salied rer for 23 minutes, Measure Your Windows and Compare the Savings! cup water Mix -- 1 cup cooked hamburg ) chicken breasts 1 cup cooked rice : 7 ; : : dh tin condensed mushroom soup | 1 aplespoon minced onion 7. Single 'Widen Double Width Yoiple Wid Salt and pepper to taste % tablespoon catsup Ay _4-ft. Rod 8-ft. Rod 12-ft. Rod tbsp. cho sweet green (1 egg p bred P 1% teaspoon salt . g 3 oped celery 1 teaspoon worchershire sauce - : a : RANGE A 14.98 29.98 44.95 % Place chicken in covered pan Divide this mixture on the cab- in water, season with salt and bage leaves Sool up and secure (shud: | | -- pepper and let simmer until ten-| W! ooLhpicks. ace in casse- ¥ oe f der (about half hour). Add pep- | role, pour 1 cup seasoned tomato RANGE 8 17.95 35.95 53.95 per, celery and undiluted soup. |juice around rolls and bake for Simmer until celery is tender. : EI Add a little water if chicken Te : : : RANGE C 20 95 41 95 62.95 sticks. Just before serving add a i J A i Boiled potatoes will substitute " ' tin of drained button mushrooms. for hard-to-find potato flour, if Serves four. your favorite recipe calls for it. Mrs. H. Frank Brown, oof i / 3 [ Lyceum Club and Women's / E &§ ¢ Art Association i : LOVELY BLOSSOMS ® The creamy-white flower of the CHINESE BARBECUED oy magnolia tree averages eight in- SIMCOE AT ATHOL ST. RA 5-1151 _- ches across, a larger blossom _SPARERIBS : ; . than any other native to the U.S. cup cider vinegar (brown) tablespoons granulated sugar tablespoons brown sugar tablespoons Worcestershire ; sauce When shopping, check your ear- cup ketchup rings for security before you teaspoon salt leave a fitting room. Pulling teaspoon dry mustard clothes on and off is apt to loosen teaspoon paprika them. -- Cf -- A A bo et a GI lat a i i FOR APPOINTMENT Whatever you do or wherever you go you will always want to look your best, whether on the beach, ot home or at a very special party. Remember your hair is always your crowning glory. So why not decide now to make an appointment at LLL Since | Get My Clothes Most Modern Dry Cleaned By B Clg : i Scugog Cleaners eauty- Clinic Hair Sty ists --SPECIALIZING IN-- I . ° * : : Average Five ; 0 oe ALL TYPES OF BEAUTY Proposals To The Cleaning k= CULTURE No kidding, girls! It's Leap Year and you can \. ZA \ Se really go places with our beau-catching, enchantiz- RAR) = A @® PERMAN ENT WAVING ing, - glorifying dry cleaning. Try it . . . and see. ) (2 ! Besides, cost is so small for such big value! Don't \ NN @ CU 1 ING be bashful, girls. Call . . . soon ! : ® TINTING e COLD WAVES eo FACIALS, Etc. oe et mt bl aap A ee (Mrs. Jeanne McCabe-Hughes, Proprietor and Permanent Wave Specialist) Senge Cloamors |, JEAUY CUNC HAR STLSTS 524 CROMWELL AVE. PH. RA 5-0120 | WHITBY BEAUTY CLINIC, 306 DUNDAS ST. WEST MO 8-3061 « i : . Eo yanp op pind badhail geod aed aalog --_