GLISTENING SALAD greens. hard-cooked eggs and golden slices of cheese com- bine with strips .of well-chilled canned luncheon meat to make this hearty, crisp, cold sum- menrtime salad. Salad, Salad Dressings MARSHMALLOW SALAD cup salad dressing cups shredded cabbage tbsp. pineapple juice cup drained crushed apple cup diced red apple (unpeeled) 3% cup diced celery 1 cup miniature marshmallows Mix together. Serves eight. Mrs. R. Copithorne, St. Paul's Guild, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. pine- GOLDEN GLOW SALAD 1 pkg. lemon jello Dissolve in 1 cup boiling water Add juice of 1 cup drained erushed pineapple 1% tsp. salt 1 tsp. vinegar Refrigerate until partially jelled Add 1 cup crushed pineapple 1 cup grated carrot 3% cup pecan nuts Refrigerate until firm. Serves Mrs. R. Copithorne, St. Paul's Guild, St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. GOOD SALAD DRESSING 3 thsps. salad oil 2 tbsps. flout 2 tbsps. sugar (white) 1% tsp. salt 1 tsp. mustard a speck cayenne pepper 1 cup milk' Mix until thickened. Then add: 2 eggs slightly beaten with 6 tbsps. vinegar (white may be used) Add this to first mixture and cook until thickened again. Makes 1 pint. Mrs. H. Scott, Dr. Robt. Thornton H and S. PINEAPPLE AND COTTAGE CHEESE SALAD Y%4 cup pineapple juice Ys cup lemon juice cup boiling water pkg. lemon or lime jelly pdr. cup crushed pineapple (strained) 3% cup chopped walnuts 1 cup cottage cheese 3% cup finely diced celery 1 tsp. prepared horseradish Ya tsp. salt Pour boiling water, pineapple juice and lemon juice over jelly powder and mix until dissolved. Divide into two portions. Add crushed pineapple and walnuts to first portion and pour into loaf pan and let cool in frig. Let second part eool and when beginning to thicken, whip until |§ foamy. Add cottage cheese, cel- ery, horseradish and salt. Spread ver first portion. Refrigerate un- il 'set. Unmold -- Serves 6. Mrs. Royce Whittaker, Ladies Civitan Club, MOULDED TUNA SALAD 2 (6-ounce cans tuna 2 hard cooked eggs, chopped 1% eup chopped stuffed olives 1 tbsp. minced onion 1 tbsp. unflavored gelatin Y% cup cold water 2 cups mayonnaise , Lettuce tuna with eggs, -olives and onions. Soften gelatin in cold water five minutes, dissolve over hot wa and add may- onnaise gradually, stirring con- stantly. Turn into mold and chil until firm. Unmould lettuce and garnish with hi, something green. Mrs, John Chmara, Visaipian Prof. and Bus. 1A TEE TINTEYIN] PINEAPPLE AND CUCUMBER RING 2 200z. cans crushed, or bits pineapple 2 large cucumbers, peeled and chopped and drained 3% cups of liquid pineapple juice and water 2 pkgs. lime jello Drain pineapple and cucumber thoroughly then combine: Heat 1 cup of liquid to 'boiling, add jello and stir until dissolved, add re- maining cold liquid and stir well. Cool until slightly set, fold in pineapple and cucumber. Pour into eight cup greased mold. Chill. Mrs. Percy Taylor, 6th Oshawa Scout Aux. LIME JELLO SALAD lime jello powder cup boiling water can No. 2 crushed pineapple cup cottage cheese cup finely chopped celery tbsps. pimentos or % doz each red and green cherries 3% cup wanuts, chopped Mix and pour into moulds. When salad is set turn out on plate and ice with the following icing. Icing 4 oz. package Philadelphia cream cheese 1° tbsps. margarine or butter 1 "tsp. lemon juice Cream altogether real well and ice mould. Mrs. J. MeLaughlin, Calvary BW Fellowship, Calvary Baptist Church. ' 1 cup mayonnaise 2 tbsp. vinegar Cook macaroni till tender In boiling water (salted). Drain. Quickly add all remaining in- gredients; blend well. Press into oiled 9-inch angel cake pan. Weight down so that mixture will be firm. Chill 4-5 hours. Unmould; serve with. erisp cheese biscuits and mayonnaise. Garnish with marinated shredded cabbage, leaf lettuce and dill stuffed to- matoes. Serves 6-8. (Note: Cooked chopped wein- ers, flaked fish or chopped hard cooked eggs may be substituted for cooked meat in above salad. Mrs. Peter Zakarow, Ukrainian Prof. and Bus. LA. LIME CHEESE SALAD 1 pkg. Lime Jello 15 1b. Philadelphia Cream Cheese 1 cup drained, crushed pine apple 1 peeled cucumber, chopped fine 2 tbsps. mayonnaise Dissolve Jello in a cup of boil- ing water. Let cheese, cut in small pieces, soften with the hot Jello, blend with egg beater, add the pineapple cucumber and may- onnaise and pour into a mould. (6 servings) Mrs. Lucas Peacock, Lyceum Club and Women's Art ASS'M. sco ooo oo: CABBAGE SALAD ~ 2 cups cabbage 15 cup red grapes ¥% cup seedless raisins 1% cup marshmallows Shred cabbage. Remove seeds from grapes, and cut in half. Cut marshmallows in small pieces. Combine and mix with mayon- naise. Mrs. Reg. Cook, Calvary BW Fellowship, Calvary Baptist Church. B). Terrific TV DINNER CHICKEN m me ROUGH inc. "wr av Siva FOR HOME DELIVERY PHONE RA 5-8978 1 1 1 i 1 1 pkg. lime Jello cup hot water thep. vinegar eulp cucumbers (put through chopper) cup erushed pineapple (Strained) cup cottage cheese Viola | Calvary BW Fellowship, Calvary Baptist Church. vd $130,000 IN PRIZES (including a trip to Paris!) Any Miss or Mrs. from 10 to 23 can be one of WINNERS in the) "SINGER Young Stylemaker Contest Prizes include cash awards... a trip to Paris... wotld-famous' SLANT-O-MATIC* Sewing Machines. . . trips to New York Grand Finals. .. many other valuable awards. 3 Divisions -- You compete with girls your own age: ENTER NOW! Get Complete Details at your , OA Woatomesh of ' PETITE NIT RRA TINEA IIe SINGER SEWING CENTER 16 ONTARIO ST. RA 5-5443 ses GOING SWIMMING? Many srhart Oshawa girls have been getting ready for the Holi- day season by shopping at WARD'S . , . for all their vaca- tion needs, : , See our selection of-- @ Bathing Suits ® Beach Bags ® Slim Jims ® Tee Shirts ond many other Leis- ure-time Wearables, COLE of CALIFORNIA BATHING SUITS . .e 1289 up COLORFUL BEACH BAGS. . . . 1.98 up By ""SMARTEENS" , . . SPORT SHIRTS . . 2.98 wp WARD'S DRY GOODS LID. SIMCOE AT ATHOL ST. -- RA 5-1151 Mother Knows Best! « « » and her choice is - GUERNSEY GOLD FROM | IDEAL DAIRY ® GUERNSEY GOLD is a natural for active weight-conscious members of your fomily because it contains approximately 259% less calories, but more of the vital elements such as | protein, thiomion, riboflavin, and calcium than whole aver oge mikk. © GUERNSEY GOLD hes: 10% more solids, not fat, thon average milk, 20% more Protein thon average milk. 13% more Lacrose than average milk, 9% more Minerals thon average milk. proximately 259% less colories thon average milk. CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMEN OR PHONE RA 8-6241 PL AnoTl) aged ao