The Oshawa Times, 22 Jun 1960, p. 8

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They carried cascades of blue and white chrysanthemums® SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mosienko of Port Perry announce the en- ga t of their daughter, Joan- Mr. John Holden was best man. ne Alexandra; to Mr. Everett Ad- rian Kerr, son of Mr, and Mrs, Brenda Louise Naylor Becomes » *115 The ushers were Mr. Paul Ed- I1 fe 0 1 1am . 0 en mondson 'and Mr. Beverly Bunn. Brenda Louise, daughter of sleeves complemented by elbow To receive the guests in the; ; Mr. and Mrs, William John Nay-|length mittens, The skirt was/banquet hall, the bride's mother lor, and William Robert Holden, |fashioned with rows of narrow|wore hyacinth blue chiffon with Son if! Mis, Robent Hage bias tucks, accented with bows|fioating side panels and a cor-|;y F. Kerr of Kingston, Ontario. --rt 4 united in marriage on Saturday i appliqued Holle ul. Alese on sage of pink roses. The bride-| The marriage will take place in X groom's mother was in toast- Sincoe Street United Church on pearls and rhinestones held her elbow-iength veil of tulle illusion|tone chiffon with side drapery. Saturday, July 23, at 2.30 p.m. ENGAGEMENT and she carried a cascade of roses . rouse comprised her Or y. and Mrs. Earl A. Fairman Talisman roses and tiny whité sage. SRTYSEMiGE. The honeymoon is being pei WH his a wo SEnouce. She i i engagemen eir da r, Miss Joan Wright was maid ofl; ype Muskoka district. Earla Elizabeta Anne, to Mr. honor and the bridesmaids were, As the couple left, the bride William Robert Dunnell, son of Miss Sandra Naylor and Miss(was wearing a blue suit with) Mr and Mis. W. John Dunnell of Jane Holden. They all wore bouf-|White accessories and an orchid|st. Mary's Ontario. The marriage iant dresses of angel blue silk|corsage will take place on Saturday, July organza with wide cummer-] Mr, and Mrs. Holden will re-(16, 1960, at 3 o'clock in Whitby bunds with small hats to match.lturn to live at 21 Greta street. 'United Church. afternoon. The ceremony took place in Northminster United Church with the Reverend H. A. Mellow officiating, assisted by the Rev- erend J. R. Holden. Mr. John Robertson played the wedding 'music and the soloist was Mrs. Clifford Rundle. The bride was given in mar- riage by her father. She wore a full-length gown of nylon organza with a scoop neckline and short 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1960 Christian Responsibility Features Talk To WMS Group had recently visited Canada on] furlough. 3 It was stressed that personal] likes and dislikes should be for-| gotten, The church was bigger than any body and whatever a The regular meeting of the Meditation WMS Group of Cedar- dale United Church was held at the church. Mrs. George Bower read the scripture lesson. Prayers were of- Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service ; right, are Carol Tillings, Lois | Lynda Hatfield, Marjorie Cor- Wherry and Rosemary Bury,. | nish and Carolyn Pascoe. M. A. Bury. Seated, left to | Standing, Sharlene Taggart, 'Donald A. Jonah Special Service For Graduation 'Arvilla Bovaird Of Canadian Girls in Training =| Wed Recently At First Baptist Church recent- ly, Donald Austin Jonah, son of Mrs. Pharez Jonah of Oshawa, and the late Mr. Jonah, took as his bride, of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Bovaird of Lancaster, New Brunswick. CGIT GRADUATES were addressed by the Reverend The Sunday morning service| United Church: Rosemary Bury. at King Street United Church was Lynda Hatfield, Sharlene Ann the setting recently for the grad-| Taggart, Marjorie Cornish, Caro- uation service for thé "Canadian|lyn Elaine Pascoe and Carol Girls in Training" of two Oshawa |Tilling. Churches, King Street and West-| Mrs. A. H, Dancey, president mount United. of the "Oshawa Girls Work L |Hoy Group were guests at the| Arvilla May Bovaird, fered by Mrs. Frank Singer, Mrs. J. F. Norton and Mrs. Albert Carswell. The members of the Eleanor meeting. | Mrs, Albert Porter introduced) the speaker, Miss Millicent Luke, who gave a timely message on "Missions" stressing the need for all to witness for God at home and abroad, and spoke at length of the martyrs in the earlier church stating a martyr was one {who gave himself utterly for | what he believed. | Miss Luke reminded 'We were as Christians, a minority group, and should launch our thoughts out beyond the immediate com- munity." The speaker told of the work oi Margaret Scriminger, who was a second generation mission- ary in Trinidad and was the prin- cipal of the high school there, a The Explorer and CGIT groups Board" presented the graduates of both churches attended the with their diplomas. This was service, the graduating girls/followed by a prayer o dedica- wearing a corsage of blue and tion by the Reverend M.A. Bury. white baby chrysanthemums.| Mr. James Bell, representing The leaders of these groups King Street Church, "Young were Mrs. Gordon Holbrook, as- People's Union", invited the girls sistant CGIT Leader or West to join this group, and Mr. Rob- mount Group; Miss Pat Kennedy, ert Patterson of Westmount The Reverend N. F. Swack- hamther. officiated. The wedding music was played by Mr. Her- bert Philip and Miss Norma Bowen sang 'The Wedding Prayer" and "A Nuptial Bene- diction", Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor- the stu- summer Church, and en- LODGES AND blue ensemble with|cluded Mr. ing of differences which separ- ate mankind and involvement in problems that we might redeem mankind." Mr. Crossley concluded by quoting lines written by Die- trich Bonhauffer's biographer -- '"Bonhauffer believed in man as a free spiritual being but this freedom was conferred and in- SOCIETIES SILVER CROSS WOMEN | The Oshawa and District Sil-| ver Cross Women of Canada held their monthly meetings at the home of Mrs. Edward Holland, Highland avenue, with the presi- dent presiding. former resident of Oshawa, where person's circumstances all were children of God. "When we meet people of al different color, we as Anglo- Saxons, had no justification for pride of race. We should realize| we are in a minority, a small fraction of the world population. | It is no credit to us that we had] what we had or what we were, Our color of skin was no criter- jon of our superiority." f The real test of Christian wit-| ness was the way we looked at| people and we should give this| matter a great deal of thought.| Mrs. Norton expressed the) thanks of the members to Miss Luke. The president, Mrs. Frank Singer, asked the members to cut quilt patches during the summer for quilts to be sent out to the missionaries. Mrs. Alfred Barassin played the organ for the singing of the he resided at Llewelyn Hall and missignary hymns, | | { | PERSONALS | Guests from out of town at the Holden-Naylor wedding included the Reverend and Mrs. J. R. Hol- den, Mr. Richard Holden, Mr. David Holden, Mr. Thomas Hol- den, all of Vankleek Hill, On- tario; Miss Ruth Low, Mont- real; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tay- |lor, Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Paton, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bing- ham, Toronto; Mrs. L. C. Snow- den, Miss Mildred Snowden, Bowmanville; Mr. Beverly Bunn, Windermere: Mr. and Mrs. {David 'Sills, Burlington; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Naylor, London, Ont.; Mr, and Mrs. S. Derry, Shanty Bay; Mr. and Mrs. George . Wilkinson, New Lis- keard; Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson, Warwick, Ontario; Miss Paula Mitas, Batawa; Mrs. Lucy Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Hart Buck, Weston; Mr. William Baxter, Guelph. Toronto guests at the Winter- Johns wedding last Saturday in- and Mrs. William Ferguson, Mr. and Mhs. Herbert Philip. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Win- ter- , Billy. From Orange- ville were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Irwin, Mrs. David Nugent of Fenelon Falls is spending a few days as the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Hess and Mr. Hess Glen- dale avenue, | Cpl. and Mrs, Barth Ryan, RCAF Station, Greenwood, Nova Scotia, have been visiting at the Gordon| home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Ryan, Roxborough avenue, while on their wedding] trip. : | | Among the out-of-town guests] at the Jonah-Bovaird. wedding] were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bo-| vaird, Lancaster, New Brunwick; | Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Jarvis and Miss Kay Howard, Sher- brooke, Quebec; Mrs. Irene Smith, Auburn, Nova Scotia; Mr. Charles Young and sons, Bruce and Brian, Belleville, and several couples from Toronto. Mrs, Norman Rae, Kenneth avenue, was hostess at a farewell party given by neighbors for Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMullen who are leaving Oshawa on Friday to make their home in Hastings, Ont. Cards and a variety of games provided entertainment Mrs. McMullen was presented with a handsome chip and dip dish, as a souvenir from her many friends, Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Mrs. Delbert Burnie, Mrs. William Burns, Mrs. Clarke | Moore and Mrs. William Mounce | assisted the hostess at refresh- ment time. | Mrs. 8. W. Lloyd of Belleville | is a guest at the home of her son, Mr. Merritt S. Lloyd and Mrs. Lloyd, Ritson road south. GUARD HEALTH A Dbaby-sitter suffering a bad cold or cough should not go near infants. H a---- DA: DRUG STORES REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! MONEY-SAVING SPECIALS! | SPECIAL VALUES AND GILLETTE ADJUSTABLE DEE TEE SYNTHETIC ABSORBENT COTTON 1.LD.A. BRAND TINCTURE IODINE .,. .., us. 19° LD.A. BRAND WHITE EMBROCATION 2; ,,. 29° BRECK : HAIR SET MIST SHAMPOO | 9 nas 1.49 RAZOR with SUPER BLUE BLADES 1 pound 79¢ Both for only 1.95 LENTHERIC Reg. 79¢ 35¢ SIZE FREE WITH 98c SIZE ; COLGATE DENTAL CREAM 20c OFF REG. 98¢c SIZE STRIPE TOOTH PASTE RICHARD HUDNUT 39¢ SIZE CREME RINSE WITH 1.25 SIZE EGG CREME SHAMPOO FREE MISS AMERICA BOOKLET WITH TONI HOME PERMANENT 2.00 GET 20 J &J COTTON BUDS FOR ONLY 1c WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING Johnson's Baby Products J & J) BABY POWDER .............. 75¢c, 95¢c J&JBABYOIL .......co000ive.e. 75¢, 98¢ J & J BABY LOTION J & J CHILDREN'S SHAMPOO 98- * Invigorating 1.75 2.50 78¢ 1.25 JET-ACTION FIZZIES ONE PACKAGE MAKES 8 INSTANT SPARKLING DRINKS { of Just drop a tablet in 6-8 oz. glass of ice water, Watch it fizz -- no stirring -- no sugar needed. Vitamin C Added 75¢, 98¢ C, ENTER THE BRYLCREEM SPORTS CAR CONTEST NOW! Come in and pick up your free entry blank today. MODESS BONUS PACK 6 refreshing flavours: Cherry, Colo, Grape, Lemon - Lime, Orange, Root Beer, I.D.A. Brand ENGLISH STYLE Arranges Display | Of Supply Work | Nearly 150 women of Oshawa Presbyterial WMS attended the display of supply work at Eben- "ezer United Church on Monday! afternoon. | This is a joint effort of all the Auxiliaries, Mission Circles! CGIT, Mission Bands and Baby Bands throughout the Presby-| tery. The articles, arranged for| inspection, included toys, new clothing for children of all ages, quilts and a crib quilt, as well as a supply of clean, good used clothing all of which goes this! year to the Indian Mission at Al- derville, Ontario. Four vacation] packets have been sent to the! West. | Present to answer questions were Mrs. Carl Down, Presby-| terial supply secretary, Mrs. | Robert Muir, Ebenezer Afternoon Auxiliary supply secretary -and| Miss Jean Gay, Ebenezer Even-| ing Auxiliary supply secretary. | The guests were welcomed at| the door by Mrs. K. C. Hopkins and Mrs. W. J. Brown and the| attractive tea room was convened | by Mrs. Elmer Down, assisted by Mrs. M. Osborne, Mrs. William | Henry and Mrs, Charles Elliott. 1961 supplies will go to the Ar- cher Memorial Hospital, Lamont, Alberta. [| leader of King Street CGIT and| Young People's Union, congratu- length gown of silk organza over Miss Margaret Pellow and Miss lated the girls on behalf of alli feta designed with an embroi- ers Leaders Carol Edwards, Joanne Bell/held her fingertip' veil and she The Reverend M. A. Bury con-| and Louise Wannamaker sang the carried a cascade of white chry- ducted the service and explained hymn, "Fairest Lord Jesus". and santhemums with pink carnations groups and advised the girls to liams, rendered the anthem, Mrs, Roland Eadie was ma-| try always to live up to its pur-| "Lead Me, Lord", with Miss Di- tron-of-honor in pink Swiss em- pose, which is, "To Cherish anne Mollon as soloist broidery over taffeta with a Serve Others." dent minister for the wrist-length gloves and carried a Mrs. G. Morris Love, leader of months, at King Street cascade of yellow chrysanthe- Westmount CGIT, introduced gave a very interesting mums. from Westmount United Church] The service closed with the man and Messrs. Kenneth Rogers and Miss Rae Howell introduced hymn, "Go, Labour On" and aland Zory Lesnik ushered. the graduates from King Street benediction. | A reception' was held in the -- church hall. The bride's mother) 3s received wearing a rose flowered| t A | H dress with beige accessories. The| arvey un uxi 1ar y ears |bridegroom's mother assisting| |was in navy blue with white ac- > ho wf Bd > cessories. Talk stian 1t1zens 1p Later the couple left for a wed- ding trip by motor to southern The Harvey Hunt Evening uz concerned with democratic free.| California. For going away the Mary of the WMS of Simcoe doms but always as they are sur-|_.: . 1 Street United Church held a sup-|veyed in the light of Christ. The| While pecessorien. tive in hin per meeting on Thursday, Jume|Christian democratic heritage that|; welcomed members and guests, |concern, understanding and in-| after which the various reports|volvement. Concern for the wel- were received. fare of all mankind, understand- ed a total of $62.82 in the Sandy Lake fund and it was agreed that this should be forwarded to the purchase of needs for the manse. Mrs. Savery also report- ed that 98 pounds of good, used for Overseas Relief. Among letters read was one spired by divine n d > : | grace and The minutes were read. The Miss Evva Gordon, granted man, not for his glorifica-| treasurer gave the financial re- The theme for the meeting was|the divine ordering of human, Ain é Christian citizenship, Miss Mar-|life. If Christian ing, Sau vas wery suecsssfil, Cortespon garet Patterson read the scrip-inot guide us in the use of free-| A report was given on visits to in prayer. |gations and responsibilities that a Miss Lenore Glass introduced|are sacred and binding on hs Ti re Jade tor the fall Mr. Russell Crossley, assistant|are undermined. A Christian| P § discuss- Church who gave a talk on Chris- act, to suffer and -- if it has at Burketon ot the howe of Mrs. | tian citizenship. He said, "Time|to be -- to die." Rar Some Ty 40 2eport and again we need to be remind Miss Gladys Frise expressed ap- , recer | one hour a week inspiration but IPeterborough. | a 24-hour-a-day hard labor of liv-| ing the Christian life. The citizen] | | the word "Christian" has chosen Shop | a rough way. To be both a good| bor and a good Christian in the| eyes of God may not be an easy task mous "four freedoms' issued by . the late President Roosevelt dur-| First FI For Better Vv ing the early years of the second | alues from fear; freedom of speech and of religion. In summarizing he said, 'We may conclude that the COTTON NAPPER Preshyterial WMS | FILLED PILLOWS Attractive Patterns Filled with Pure Crumb Foam 162" x 23" 1.77 each Reva Tiers, King Street Explor- present. dered neckline, A jewelled crown the reason for starting CGIT the choir, led by Mr. Rhyddid Wil- and white satin streamers. Health, Seek Truth, Know God, Mr. Russell Crossley, matching crown. She wore white Miss Lois Wherry, the graduate lightening sermon. Mr. George Jonah acted as best bride wore a 16. Mrs. Ann Potter presided and|is ours demands three things --| Mrs. Laurence Savery report- the Shynkar's to be used toward clothing had been sent to Toronto Orangeville. ition, but for the conservation of port and reported the tag day ture lesson and Mrs. Savery led|dom and God is denied, all obli-| Fairview Lodge. minister at King Street United then has no other choice but ye Sng 3 Wat decided to hod X ed that the Christian life is not 2 preciation gh Hg ig of the recent convention held at} who would prefix his life with| citizen in the eyes of your neigh- | WOOLWORTH'S Mr. Crossley discussed the fa- world war -- freedom from want, Christian citizen must be actively 18" x 36" HEAD PILLOW or 3 for 3.49 confidence where you see this seal of satisfaction Heart of Downtown Oshawa Sewing Room and Rental Machines LLY Ra '58st SPECIAL SINGER IEEE SALE REDUCTIONS TIONS 70.00 (Prom current new prices) ON FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS Top quality SINGER* machines that perform like new, yet cost much less. ELECTRIC :® Brand new "FULL POWER ' CANISTER '© Powerful suction * Boll bearing casters BONUS: King-size brush = | SS PORTABLES. . . ms10.00 CONSOLES . . . we19.95 SINGER: machines . .39.50 Special price reductions on off wsed machines in stock during thie sale! * Builvin cord reel * Hangs flor 930° ott 4 current new price! bY LIMITED STOCK ON MOST ITEMS « SOME ONE-OF-A-KIND SINGER SEWING CENTER io 16 ONTARIO ST. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR SEWING AND FLOOR CARE NEEDS (Listed n phone book ender SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY) RA 5-5443 Trodemark of THE SINGER MFG. CO. DELUXE by Modess 24 Napkins plus 6 free Napkins. 99¢ PACKAGE OF 8 TABLETS 29c¢ TEEN-AGE by Modess 24 Napkins plus Free Teen-age Booklet and Belt orange-colored tin. Q6¢ One pound ...... 59° HEALTH SALTS rhe Health Salts in the Don't let the sun spoil your Snapshots ! Light them up with SYLVANIA The BLUE DOT FLASHBULB CARTONS OF 12's M2 1.23 Press 25 1.63 SUMMER NEEDS BATHING CAPS diss ernseseesevs 79010 1.69 Special Value Cap .......rivosenvesenes. 39¢ SUNTAN PREPARATIONS BRONZTAN .... 75¢, 85¢, 1.25, 1.50 COPPERTONE .................... 1.50, 2.25 SEA and SKI ... 89, 1.50, 2.49 NOXZEMA SUNTAN LOTION ....... 1.00, 1.50 NOXZEMA TAN and GUARD ............ 1.25 SUNBURN PREPARATIONS NIVEA CREME . .. 73¢c, 1.33, 3.45 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM .... 33c, 73¢, 93, 1.89 TANGEL .... 85¢ NUPERCAINAL OINTMENT ......... CALADRYL LOTION vasnranes 10D; 1.25 Viceroy .. FIRST AID SUPPLIES .. 20¢, 30c, 50¢ @ rans 25¢ series S36 10.950 85¢c, 1.15 I.D.A. Hydrogen Peroxide I.D.A. Mercuroch Gauze Bandages Elastoplast Strips Elastoplast Dressing .......-.... 53¢ J & J First Aid Cream . . .. 63¢c, 98¢ Absorbent Cotton ..... 39¢c 59¢, 89¢, 1.55 Bacting ... ... ...coicinon ns 796,129 Absorbine Jr. ....xcxcire corner. 1.19, 2.39 Acriflex srvemcuatisacie 85¢ Bayer Aspirin . . .......... 20¢c, 32¢, 53¢c, 87¢ Adhesive Tape . . 29¢, 39¢, 59¢ Bristamin Lotion . ...... 1.19 Bufferin ... 39¢c, 79¢, 1.23, 1.89 Curity First Aid Kit SrETeFs TEV + a Johnson & Johnson BAND-AID TRADE MARK PLASTIC STRIPS Sticks Faster -- Flesh Colored. Won't Loosen in Water. 29¢ 53¢ 75¢ JAMIESON'S KARN'S LANE LAW POWELL'S McCORDICK MITCHELL'S 35% SIMCOE 24] KING STREET EAST 28 KING STREET EAST AIRPORT PLAZA 1204 WECKER DRIVE 128 WILSON ROAD SOUTH 9 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 5-1169 RA 3-4621 RA 8-6661 RA 5-3525 RA 5-4734 RA 5-871 RA 3-3431 STREET NORTH

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