THE OSHAWA TIMES, Weldon June 22, 1960 23 sets | Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange ew Nobel Prize Winner AMBROSE _ Larry and Bunny (nee TORONTO 11 A. STOCKS Net Net Net Net obe ze inne 1 am convinced these names oth) are happy to alounce ihe irth By The Canadian Press Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock 8 High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'se Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch ge Defies U S Senate would be used for reprisals t as tee Hospital. A brother Sonte_Stock Brehange--June 20 : Dist Seag wo $29 29 29 : Shawin 5 $21% 26% 21% + Wm Jupiter 300 193 193 193 ~1 Hud Bay 25 $47 41 47 v we (against) idealistic, high-minded uotations in e s i : : 9 ) ; 4 #3 s 5 ie 53% 53% 53% + 3 LEERIC YN ' + / , yw Wayne, Patti and Earnie 2-0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Exs D Bras i 20 us s 18 i 18% = 5 Simpsons 50 $28% 28% Long Point 1000 54 54 1 Int Nickel n 935 333% 533 33% . WASHINGTON (AP)--Risking workers for peace," Pauling said. rights, xw -Ex-warrants.) A Ah Slater 250 $32% 32% 3 edal 1300 149 143 Iron Bay 100 285 235 258 contempt of Congress action,, The Senate internal security CRAIG -- Herb and Sonia (nee D Fndr 00 A A 0 Southam 5 $20% 2 P Midcon 500 3 34 4 1s 500 5 53 53 --1 i o pt d to announce the Dom Tar 5 $13% 13% 13% A . p or Pac Pete 310 870 . : ; x Nobel Prize Winner Linus Paul- subcommittee is looking into the acobson) are thrilled to IALS D Text $03 9% 9% + % St Radio $12 . A Jacobus 200 1 9 110 rd rrival of Steven Jacob, 5 Ibs 14 ozs INDUSTR Dover y ste iin 11 Stedman 25 $3214 1 214 Prov as 1000 L i17¢ 74 Jellicoe 1500 ' ' ing defied Senate investigators collection by Pauling and others N Ibs. 1 on Satur 4 : os a \ St Can 388 87 1 9 s el 3 . 35 ---1 $ 285 1 11% Teg ' rr ™ . ci Ona a 4 Linda a at the Oshawa Gen Net Fam Play 45 S19% 19% "19% s Top Ni oo 8 Triad Oil 900 235 235 235 s Jere Add iin 1 4 ! Tuesday by refusing to name of more than 11,000 signatures of A Ae tal Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ze Trost A 30: 3134 3%. 134 A Suptest ord 100 y Un Oils 800 104 + Labrador 3 other scientists who helped him scientists in 49 nations on pefi- : Abitbt 163 fo i 3 4 SL iver or 3 oN i Tamblyn 750 $2 2 Heburne Je 4 i h Latin Am 290300 L..00 + 2 gather signatures for petitions tions asking an end of the tesfs. Jaxps = Citterd and, Loess ACAd-Al Ad a ot Cy G Mackay B 15 H Texaco, Cal Si 850 NN, ni ATE . ] : opposing nuclear weapons tests. The petitions went to the United AP hter Janet, at the Oshawa ( I 585 $1844 gy % GL Paper re > > 7» Tor Elev 100 3 3 MINES Lyndhst 5 No matter what assurances Na'ions in 1958. ral Hospital on Sunday. June 19, 196 a Gas $101% 101% 101% SL Tower. 1 3% 24 alk T Fin A 130 Niven i ! JA ister for Blaine and Philip. Many 1 4s 8 1 5 oid Bh ARE 8 ' : T Fin 5 pe 30 $3 : A Arcadia 6000 3 Maritime 1% 31% 31% -- 3 $ 4 J ah pe 8) Yr cad 1 hanks to Dr. 1rwin $3015 : h H Dauch 100 $534 53 A 040 3 - A oar -- 4 5 me 95 495 imp Al y s ; 5: ; 3a 54 MATTHEWS --Earl and Vi (nee Mc 0 495 49 9 kl 1 ; 22 Un Gas A pr 53 53 53 Bankeno 1000 g 9 Merrill ully) announce the birth of a daugh-| A Ly AE id 22 $31 3 3 Yenez pr 50 3 Basal : 100 138 38 Mm - Mi. Wright er at Oshawa General Hospital, Tues | be 3 ik Imp Tob 1 1 1 c G Tr 36 : ase Metals 600 Murray M tay, June 21 1960. A sister for Paula Bank Mont 5 31a 53 To Aceep s $3915 3914 hs Walk GW 5 4 35% 35 ly Bicroft ; 5 5 New Ath 3000 diane Bank NS 2020 58% 8 58 Nand. Gas 2 35 3 Webb Knp Bralorne K - New Bid 1850 Bank NS 1t 986 ) 15 15 Inland Gas pr 1 1 1 Westeel 275 Broul Reef 7 ¥ New Delhi 1000 Bath Pow A 220 2) 121% Int Util F : + A Weston 44 p25 Brunswick 12 3 375 5 N Dicken 1000 Bell Phone 3 ' 4 Wstn 6 pr 23 7 7 Camp Chib 7) 5 bh 5 5 New Hosco 500 ; or 34% 54 . DEATHS Bowater v2 4 Jute A 1 a West 4 wis Tungsten ? 5 1 Nei Jason 1000 Bowater 3 ) Syn | ] 2 Sat A vis Brazil 5 65 43 upekey ! 05: 99 Woodwd A z a 16% Tank pr. EM 2 pt y Curb assiar 200 $124 12% 12% + Noranda 146 « « « : y : « 2 Labatt 2 h d Asbestos 50 $23% 2316 23% Chester 5 35 3 35 N Coldstrm 750 OSHAWA pr 1 2 9 4 Lafarge A 3 a on >a CD Sug 3 3 b 1614 Chrom 5 +1 Northgate 1000 « « « « « Malart E 5 5 5 - N Kelore 1000 an-Erin 95 7 y § N Mylama 2000 BCE 5 pr 2 ; Lakeland 1000 215 2 1 oar, I i ar on a 5 410 47 1 N te i 3 ) . 9 391% 5 E 5 3 North Can 300 MONUMENT COMPANY | 5c Forest sor : Lambton L 710 y = Dupont 20 S20 20% 21% Discvry 200 310 31 Orchan 160 BC Pow xd 205 $3 31% Laura, Ses 200. 811 oy . Zeller's 5 $35 3 35 arben 3 5 3 Or enon 500 SPECIALIZING IN Brown ; ] } : Loy pid B wm on M and § 1 A 5 » 0 Ormsby 1500 Cal . 34 " : ot li 2014 Mosher 2 § 5 5 Pick Crow 500 Monuments, Markers, au 74 $23 4 To» S35 pr 2 ne 2 : Con Sud 3 : Que Ascot 1000 Memorials, Cornerstones, | tone ! MB and PR 75 S15% 15% 1 Alininex 25 3 Conwest 30 340 Quemont 1000 Statutory of oll type A ¥ Ly Mal 5 % "3 Anglo Am 6 25 4128 Coprand 5 San Ant 8608 Com 230 bd er Mill 1h S13 1 Bailey § A 5 545 Craigmt 5 30 55 Sherritt 95 : : 140 $3¢ ; caf Mi ) x 13% : $ 595 1435 KING ST. E | an BIew, 0 33 3 hia Mass-F 00 $8% 8 1 Britalta 6 2 6 Det Jorn : ) Sil Miller. 1000 3 4 ' 1 pr 1 1 2414 al Ed 5 isldona 4 2 2 Stanleigh 15500 Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8.8876 dn Can A #70 1314 Jicison B ZY. 4 ; van. Con 23 3 323 Denison 1 [ Steep R 2650 dn nan za Page Hers 795 Calvert 5 5 Dome A 7 7 167 ' Sturgeon 3000 Lolierieg - "Xo Pembina 300 Chieftn 1 1 Duvan 3000 +1 Sunburst 1000 - | 4 ; _ L py "871 1 "7 ( Drawn 50 $15 1 J ! : » os 998 9 295 as! 52 5 5 I'l GERROW FUNERAL | puma, i *h fo, Co Dur am wm x Be. I po Ehale e : : p11, 21 P Pipe Mfg 1 00 10 CHAPEL - i \ Q N Gas Homestd 3 Falcon 12 $32 3 Temag 1000 24 514 15 QN Gas un' Husky 200 5 5 5 +1 Fatima 1500. 46% ho) Thom L 1200 Kshut 2 3 16% y Roe AV ( 85 5 Charter OI 600 "rancoeur 1000 4 Ult-Shaw 3137 Kindness beyond price 3 t = oe 57% 67 7 C West Pete 100 315 315 315 Frobisher 325 17 1 U Asbestos 400 : ° | ul Co Sv 808% : - Roy 265 265 Dynamic 32150 2 5 icco ines 333 4 18 18 A Ventures 328 52 23 2 Oshawa, i i yet within reach of all a i 7 | 3 . 94 Gr Plains 305 895 : 5 5 Giant YK 200 7 Yk Bear 3000 87 , Oakville, Port Credit, : St Maurice - 1 Home Oil A 260 760 7 Gunnar 500 750 750 75 Young HG 2100 64 61 BL wl Dundas, Bowmanville, RA 8.6226 aint BL, i, % RD Salada SA 0" ; Home Oil B 100 750 73 5 Gunnar wis 40 i : Sales to 11 a.m.: 319,000. _ Whitby { Pickeri 390 KING STREET WEST 19,009, In Tilt Cove, exploration is now the sixth largest producericrease in the price of copper DAYTH . I, 0 vi % IME or 24 HOUR LOCKE'S FLORIST BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT - said to hold the key to greater of copper in Canada, had a 1959 "If this comes about, Mr, Boy- SERVICE of loss than is ond 4 hi operating profit of $2.252,134 len said, 'the future of Tilt Cove 60 a doy Funeral arrangemen ) production increases. The mine, {Recent reports predict an in- looks bright." | floral requirements for all LJ a -------- ee occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING : ead, / 11 C Te CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE in In New Brunswick IN MEMORIAM FREDERICTON (CP) -- New! He said the company's copper last fall aimed at resuming pro- # BROWNELL -- In Joving memory of , Brunswick and Newfoundland mine at Tilt Cove, in Newfound- duction. BMS is an affiliate of &£ 3 dear quuaites and sister, Janice wh mining communities are expected land's Notre Dame Bay, is ex Maritimes Mining Corporation. | Always remembered by. Mummy. to benefit as a result of an- pected to increase daily produc Sogemines, which will invest | Daddy Judy, Joan, Martin and Billy. no. ncements made recently by tion by 1,000 tons to a total of $17,500,000 in restoration of the | POULTER -- In loving memory of M. J. Boylen, president of the 3.000 tons daily mining area, has a 15-year con-| a dear wife and mother = i abeth Sh o/ Maritimes Mining Corporation Restoration of mining opera- tract to dispose of lead-zinc con- THE STORE [Je]: BETTER her I June 22, 1956 4 : | Tact 19 | e 0 " v went BE WD a ten thousand Mr. Boylen, who is also presi-tions in the Bathurst' area Ce ntrates to various Belgian dent of Brunswick Mining and involves a two-company agree: firms. Production is expected to years, 1 Bright SniRiDg as the son, Smelting, said at the corpora- ment. be about 2,000 tons a day. 0 p ¥ We've no less days to sing His praise : is incr. g Then when we first begun tion's annual meeting in Fre der Brunswick Mining and Smelt Mr. Boylen said his company 1 i 2 > will spend more than $250,000 this J ® th ad p Amazing Grace. i bo avian bushand icton that lead and zinc ore i ing and a Belgian firm, Soge el family. ies in the Bathurst area of New ,.;..c [iq began negotiations year in deposit exploration in the Brunswick's northeast coast will Bathurst area alone. "Some of once again start producing the work is already in progress.' av . c io il SWEET FLORIDA abs hs CARD OF IMAM STOCK MARKET | ne posers oe con | RGR ; romp Buy Schedule NEY EARNINGS LE Wi 8B WATERMELONS- 69: Whitby on the congratulations and For Wintermeyer By THE CANADIAN PRESS New "nama, = SP y Y 38 - good wishes sent to us on the birth of 4 i Paul Wesley, June 13, 1960: also many | TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Lib- New Surpass Petrochemicals Worry of thanks to Dr. Stocks, Dr. Grant, nurses 4 CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS NO. 1 SWEET EATING gr 4B eral Leader Wintermeyer will Lid., year ended Dec. 31: 1959, ' [4 and stat On Chetty and Fred Brows visit four sommes in the net loss $107,866; 1958, net loss FALSE TEETH SWING SETS ¢ sou y part o rovince In "> . . . » the next eight days and in addi. $163.509 Slipping or Irritating? ts. tion speak at the annual summer President Electric Tid. Year pon't be embarrassed by loose aise | ONE WINNER PER STORE k £1 Please Note L Cent A onferenc ft ta Y ended Feb. 29: 1960, $69,680, 6% teeth co e of the Ontario Young $69,680 108th SUpping, drOpving yor ling ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE Deadlines now, 'in -effect for | Liberal Association at Lake Mus-| cents a share; 1959, $181,342, 18 - this _eolumn: |koka, it was announced Tuesday. cents. bsg "pleasant pause give s AT YOUR NEAREST STRINDERG'S A y Mr. Wintermeyer will speak a remarkable sense of added eomfort WINNERS I Wi 0. *e Births, Memoriams, Cards of Virginia Dare Ltd., year ended ' d security by hold! ates more Thanks -- Chatham ey, Lake Muskoka Dec. 31: 1959, $30,374; 1958, $30, Deenly No gummy. goos?. PANY taste ONTARIO GROWN . 4, 2 e 27, Ham- | q, or feeling. It's alkaline (non-acid). WILL BE PICKED ON THURSDAY, AVAILABLE DAILY 9 AM. SAME DAY ilton June 28 d St. Th sh Get FASTRETH a ote Fala elli FLEE ne toma 830 r+ JO Fresh STRAWBERRIES +c: -- . - 11 AM. SAME DAY - ------r _p - -- i. DIAL RA. 3-3492 A LARGE VARIETY OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES available at * ALL STEINBERG"S STORES : CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS AND RED CARDINAL GRAPES U.S, NO, | PEACHES -FRESH RIPE APRICOTS SWEET NECTARINES HONEY DEWS ONTARIO GROWN LETTUCE, CUCUMBERS. GREEN ONIONS AND BADISHIS : ee PRODUCE PRICES E re = an gf] 3 DEL MONTE FANCY TORONTO (CP) -- Churning eas "AT OVIN MADY 4 ; A PEACHES %'s 2¢ oz. wn . cream and butter print prices TURK : & y 3/$1 were reported unchanged today oo DOLE FANCY eee TO THE PUBLIC KEY pal FRUIT COCKTAIL om 23¢ were reported unchanged from = : ¥ 25 1 3 HENLEY CHOICE Tuesday | BROILERS Bs : rer ~ wand | Se ---- CORNINGWARE |) : WHOLE PEARS == m _71¢ fruit and vegetable prices were 0 P F N Hogi Spm, Made. from super strenath ceramic 'Pyrocéram = LEE CHOICE tosh $5.50-6.50 a bushel, Spies $5- Sat. till 6 p.m. in Cormfiower bite design, Complete ironge 4 fo Match Em" Sale! Lat PINEAPPLE TID BITS "2/39¢ 5.50 a bushel: asparagus, loose grass $2-2.25 per 11 quart basket EXAMPLE ' lbs. bunched giass S273 3 per 11 Genuine Wedgewood and Co. Ltd. . SAUGEPAN SET CREAM STYLE COR 0 "N . KAM, KLI ) nor 2 5 quart basket; 3.50 per tamper ve Amc £75 ( 20.PG, SET OF DINNERWARE | cope =n 1201, 4h: ser. aon a n35ZBEANS vm PORK 32%: [REE PREM woncveon news } r ind bag; cabbage 31.75-2 and 3 ¢ 1" handle, 1 eradle red Be: crate; Lomois, x. 235 M Dor ith ok sad trim. Imported from Englond. | Retail 17.95. 1 PEAS : i 50- ; © wer, etail 35.00. SPECIAL g ASSORTED SIZES . : : per crate; celery, $5.75-6 per ; ' os oS ; FANCY 15-0z. TIN [RE ed ALLEN" erate: corn $3.50 per 5 dozen Our Price Only vase asaes . ) : 4 » . ; LEN'S 48 OZ. TIN erates; cucumbers, kingsize $2 / Ea TOMATO JUICE | / GRAPE DRIN YOUR CHOICE 2.25, queensize $2.75-3; Travel Aire Portable Letuce, 18s and 24's $101.7 GOLF SETS ROOM AIR COOLER ) Ea | er -- Lis ORANGE DRINK 4/1 mushrooms, $2-2.25 per 5 pound Y 8 pieces with Title 3 Star clubs, consisting of YOUR cHoICE MRS URES basket; onions, yellow $2.40-2.65 top quality bag, 5 irons ond.2 wood With exclusive self purifying COROBEX germ- | : : ' white $3-3.25, radishes, 3 i proof filter, Circulates 1000 cu. ft. of air per % ' 3 5 J Retail 80.00. 59 95 i beies ) : FOR' STRAWBERRY AM 2 PECTIN 356 cents : dozen; thibath 6 Extra Special " minute, cool | cents a ozen; straw derries 1 3 tas enna 2-speed 45 A 3-speed 49 9 - CREAM-O cents a quart; spinach, $1.50-1.75 : a bushel; tomatoes, hot house No. model " model . 5 CHOICE RED BRAND INSTANT COFFEE 8 OZ. JAR 99¢ mis eis a pound: turnips. fod GOLF CARTS Larger Models Available. BLADE ROAST ,.. 39: wax -2.25, unwaxed $ ing cart with adjustable handle , 5 ce H Retail 15.00. At Osh : FROZEN FO x * oS Ds House Ye ove 95 NIPOLE CINE TRIPOD $O FASY ON THE SUDGE} BROOKPARK FANCY 90 FEATURES Available in all colors, legs extend from 10" Short or Cross Cut STRAWBERRIES 15 OZ. PKG. 29¢ Te ; FREE The egg market was reported 50 3 n 5 fist wi revipes adequate for Columbian 2400 cu. in. Plastic Lined Retail 8.95. ic 1 15 RIB ROAST '49: TIP TOP FROZEN Country" dealers are quoted by METAL COOLER Our Priceonly ............ Ha TT ae LEMONADE #:c. ox pink 6 oz. in 10¢ N A S%oz. PKG. OF the federal department of ag EXTRA THIN BACHMAN GES TuNI eee ee Mio en 1 bs COTTAGE ROLLS. = BRE : A large 35-36 di 0, EXTRA SPECIAL ....... 17.95 SKILL SAW BOLOGNA Scr 9: fu ORANGE JUICE $Y 07. TIN 3/49¢ : PRETZELS small 22; B 23. C 20 Butter prices: Canada. first 'WHEN YOU BUY A 6 OZ. PKG. OF Baccara sisces on nn und. BLACK & WHITE ROLL FILM] SUPER special . or we mec uw. 29¢ - BEEF_SALSHURY STEAKS PKG. 65 ORT a Sus ing: western 62%; (nominal) 127, 120, 620, guaranteed ¢ 1 {fresh Only Government Approved CORNED BEEF +c me, 63¢ § Giese 'SPREAD 3N¢ A POTATO CHIPS Army Sends Convoy LIFE JACKETS Q SP ORTERAN FATT READY J THE BREAKFAST FAVOURITE b T To Wainright, Alta. 8 ym Li 2.95 up SMELTS 118. PKG. 25¢ : : ; CHEERIOS 10% 02. %kG, 25¢ ror 3 i Vann pha i | BETTY CROCKER 10 OZ. PKG. Zoaron » ? hexane A complete line of Camping, Fishing, Fy Thur. & Fri. To 9 P. M. bh: » RICE-CORN FLAKES : 25¢ Savy oo and men will leave here Sunday BRYLCREEM "oan Only 59¢ $wimwing ond (Sporty Supplies, oll ot J yr om youn roscuns or 1 Rig sro mURChAsK eral | SN _--- _-- WEEN W------ -- 0 on a 10-day road trip to Wain holesale Prices. I us Juncus § OF wn Your PURCHASE OF ww, Your PURCHASE OF | Stoppette i Bi irily 4 in CHICKEN NOODLE 25 L LEMON | 70 AS TEAL | emon Jyice ef right, Alta The convoy will transport a portion of No. 5 Signals nad i EVIL'S pe FOR YOUR GO-KART Re TY "i Coke an m, SOVE2/25ty m | "0:30 1. | Cheese 35¢ Camp Wainright . . New Clinton Engine for Complete set of four wheels -- STAMPS STAMPS | YALID TO sA1 | VAUD 10 sAT vin 2 LB. PKG. u The convoy will consist of eigh JuLy 2 +) JULY 21940 STAMPS | jury 21960 STAMPS VJuLy 2, 1960 Si VALID TO SAT =i groups of eight vehicles each, Go-Kart * 38 95 up 2-10"",2-12", complete 49 95 es -- an iB LR ] H ----. - 2 Re with a 100-yard space between i i vehicles and a five-minute space From with bearings ond rubber, between groups, The trip will side trai in eo s i i : provide training in convoy dis Plastic Tumblers 6 5-oz. size 29c¢ 72-0z. Decanter . . .crxoenrexems. 39€ 22-piece Picnic Set $9¢ SOC DEES 8 a cipline, adi : Plastic Tumblers 6 10-o0z. size 49 D i Froops will bivouac en route | od c ecanter Juice Set sBeNeRuTaY. 79¢ | C Some of the larger centres SHAWA DISCOUN : HOUSE Nylon Sleeping Bags ..... $7.99 ce Cream Scoop . cou. creer r. 49€ through - which the convoy will Bay, a 290 Albert Street (between Gibb and Olive) RA 8-031 NORTH PLAZA A J AX ® DUNDAS ST. WH ITBY will be a one-day rest at Kenora.' n