{ | | 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1960 (Continued from Page 21) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 50--Articles For Sale 50--Articles for Sale THREE pianos for sale, A-1 condition A F. Cox, 13 Elgin Street East. Phone RA 5-1497. 12 FT, Pace ship, Teence trailer, 5 HP Johnston motor, in good condition, cheap, Telephone RA 35-0725. BABYLAND bargains! New style 1960 baby carriages, converts to car bed. Lowest prices in town, $27. Large, full panei cribs % price, clear out, $19.88 59 10 HP , Te- conditioned, $240. Phone MOhawk 8-3156. Spring crib t 5 .88 Playpens, $8.88 highchairs $7.88, stroll- ers $5.88. Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church Street. IN YUGOSLAVIA By ALAN HARVEY 7% JOHNSON motor, used 20 hours. RA 3-7945 after 4 p.m. ONE Gurney, 30-inch electric stove, good condition. Phone RA 5-5577. EATONIA washing machine, good con- dition, Telephone RA 5-2411 after 5 p.m. REFRIGERATOR, General Electric, $95; and Moffat electric stove, $75, for sale at 387 Masson Street. Apply after p-m. ONE electric Coca Cola cooler, in first class condition, $125. 117 Court Street.) ONE GE refrigerator, radio, dresser, end tables, drapes, can- ner, garden tools, lawn mower, lady's clothing, size 14, all in excellent condi- tion. Call RA 5-0461 after 4. ONE man's Rawleigh three-speed racer bicycle. RA 3-9888. 250 Athol East. USED tires, most all sizes, $3 and up. B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA 5-4513. THREE-piece chesterfield, rose with ELECTRIC cream separator, in good one green chair. Good Call RA 3.7072 after 4. *58 12 HP outboard motc RA 5-9865, like new. : D Tudi Te- frigerator, stove, washing machine, piano, chesterfield, chairs, etc. Eve thing must 'be sold. Leaving country, SE' Phone RA 8-0735. PIANO accordion, like new, medium size, $200 or best offer. 395 Gibbon Te Road North of Airport. CBS Columbia television, blond finish with doors, looks like new, one year warranty on picture tube, $149, Terms $2.50 ver week. Meagher's, 5 King treet West, complete with attachments, has just been overhauled, excellent condition must sell this week, $59. RA 5-2501. OUTBOARD motor, Joanson, 10. In pef- Street, DOMINION Appliances (a division of Beatty Bros.) now sold at Paddy's Market, Hampton. A complete line of appliances at hard to beat prices. COl- fax 3-2241. fect condition, $125. Lady's, gentleman's tiques. Phone RA 3-4254. | WAREHOUSE cicarance of odds and two-piece foam ends, some slightly marked: deluxe style chesterfield suite, Canadian Press Staff Writer (CP) -- Stuttering superlatives; | atic. | |cient churches, historic monu-|p ments and priceless paintings. | a showcase coastal {tracery of narrow Port Of D Pearl Of Adriatic city grew from a fusion of Ro-|original paintings by Titian, Tin- man and Slav communities once|toretto, Vasari, Padovanino and |Slavs, a living museum of an-|port reached the peas Within its patina'd that seldom ubrovnik DUBROVNIK, Yugoslavia|separated by coastal waters fortress| If the tourist tires of antig- are standard fare in Dubrovnik, walls, built to withstand the mar-| : refrigerator. electric stove,| Yiugoslavia's Pearl of the Adri- auding Turk and Venetian, Du- brovnik gradually built one of the For this is one of the world's world's most heirarchical so- |top tourist towns, a seventh-cen-|cieties, ruled by a patrician|ings within. Oddly, tury seaport rich in history, vis-lgroup numbered are usually on the top floor of |ual" appeal and cultural associa-|more than 200 families, even in the three- and four-storey struc-| [tions. It is the Athens of the[th: 1dth century when the sea tures. . of its ower. By 'skilled diplomacy, Dubrov- | It has just about everything-- nik almost alone in what now is| setting, a|Yugoslavia remained free of] streets scru-| Turkish occupation, and the ships| aot Placa YING machine seamstress consul, pulously planned centuries before|that sailed from it brought great (on eheople * strolling the [Palma Le Vieux. uities, ne may turn to the tiny |old houses, with soccer slogans | scrawled on their exterior walls |and surprisingly spruce furnish-| the Kltchens| Once there were 45 churches in| | | this community of some 7,000 | people--now there are only 22. In the late afternoon and early evening, Dubrovnik's main is thronged with wide the automobile, sub - tropical|riches. The English word "arg-| vomenade, perhaps window- | Renaissance, architecture. For once, the fant-| | masterly understatement. learthly paradise '|vegetation and rare beauties of osy" derives from Ragusa, one oo, : : Gothic and baroque] of the city's early names. {shopping at a store such as that Among the beautiful buildings| chairs, Victorian rocker and other an- agies (f the travel folders seem still standing, perhaps one of the| {most impressive is the monas-| | "Those who are looking for an tery of the Franciscans, with its| io should come cool cloisters, orange trees and a seaman, and Nikola, a student of | run by watch repairer Karlo Gjurasic, who will be quick to| show a Canadian visitor pictures| of his sons Vlaho, a Grea' Lakes| electronics in Vancouver, , best offer. sula is quaint which a hardy breed of fisher- » CASPE FISHERMEN WITH FAMOUS PERCE ROCK The coast of the Gaspe Penin- | men put out to sea in boats that , the background, Gaspe fisher- | ies products of this region of: swarming with tiny, fishing villages from have a look of medieval France | men are shown cutting and | Quebec, (Province of Quebec about them, Here, at Perce, | cleaning cod fish on the beach. | Publicity Brueau -- Cine-Photo with the famous Perce Rocke in | Cod is one of the main fisher- ! Division), 105 Prince ff stoves, tac Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mrs. Charlotte Wright, Forder, Port McNally, Sunday. | with their grandparents, Mr, and{Marlow and Mrs. John Marlow|Ingoldsby to attend the funeral Mrs. Mervyn Graham, while their/in Port Perry hospital, Sunday. " : | arents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Par-| I heard about that chair but Colborne spent the weekend with|2ater and brother Billy made a|of | trip through the Muskoka district.!spent the weekend with David| | | Gertrude Henry and Joan Ven-|Archer and visited her sister Mrs. | Ajax, Perry was a weekend guest of/ning Toronto spent the weekend at| Archer in Port Perry hospital. |their homes here. Mr. and Mr. Fred Henry, Tor- Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and and Mrs.|onto, are spending holidays with| Douglas spent Sunday in Midland. Carl Wrignt and Mr. and Mrs. N./Mrs. Robert Ford. J = | 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Mew, Jane Holland this week, to visit her|tanker ever built in Europe, the| Mr, and Mrs. Grant Ferguson,|and Robert and Mr. Dick Mew. mother. Ian and Mary, Toronto, spent the Toronto were guests of NM weekend with Roy and Bill Fer-/Mrs. Austin Babcock, Sunday. . r € { Lio [ Mr. and Mrs. lan Shook and|and Mrs. W. Archer Wednesday. ship ever built in Belgium, thecording to official figures just Donna and Janice Pargater,|Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kemp, Tor-|Mrs, Archer returned home with 45,000-fon tanker Caltex Madrid, |issued. This was almost 1,500,000 |Port Perry, spent a few dayslonto visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbertithem and accompanied them to'was launched at Antwerp. CZECH INDEPENDENTS VIENNA (AP)--The . Czecho- |slovak newspaper Nova Svoboda and Mrs. Ivan Hoskin, reports 11 persons have been visited Mrs, Arthur Leigh-|sentenced to prison terms of up {to 12 years for trying to form a non-Communist farmers' party and "plotting against the state." |of their niece, Mrs. Harold H. Agnes Whittaker, Health Nurse|Hills, Indian Reserve, Resutondl Mr. ton, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, HUGE TANKERS PARIS (AP) -- The 1 st oil] est ol TOURIST MAGNET |73,800-ton Jean Paul Getty, was] ROME (AP) -- Italy had a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, /launched at Dunkerque. Justirecord total of 16,780,000 visitors Beaverton, were guests of Mr.|about the same time, the largest/from other nations in 1959, ac- Mrs. Tony Duinesteyn flew to and Imore than in the previous year, All aluminum products = Doors, windows, shower doors, awnings, TV towers, paving boast, like new, with a 35 Evinrude Lark dition, private; outhoard 5924. delivery truck or station wagon. UNPAINTED furnitureat fabulous sav-| cushions, attractive rubberized boucle| and see Dubrovnik," George Ber- pharmacy dating from 1317, var-| hid | ings, wig Sonus offer, biokeases only 99 upinisterion, rex. TBO, slashed forinard Shaw wrote, and many a|iously described by guides as the| Daroviik is prong of jis his! cents wil e purchase of any piece [quick sale A ree-piece be: Re) To .| tory an raqitions. Sometimes it| of unfinished furniture. Chest of draw. |suite, spacious Mr. and Mrs. Dresser Visitor gratefully echoed the oldest, second oldest or third old-| oF @5C, "RC HULS: BOM THES ers $17 desks $14, bookcases $5 99, van. with -tilt mirror, four-drawer = chest, | statement. jest in Europe. tried kr 0 Pork My dressers $26; record cabinet, $18:|bookcase reg. $219, big saving. tourism should go. With tourist| room-divider, $22; bookcase headboard, | close out, $ Space Saver attractive] ROMAN AND SLAV FEWER CHURCHES | traffic growing every year, there $15. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street a a Ry Sheltered by the limestone] Nearby is a 102 - foot clock are plans for a "skyscraper" ho- NUW.WAY Rug Se has been appointed 19. End of line coffee tables and mountains of Dalmatia, near the tower, with two bronze figures tel--about 12 floors -- but strong Jistribior for Filter Queen Vacuum.| jy y;ples, $5. Continental headboards Montenegrin littoral, Dubrovnik|beating the hours, and a poly-|local opposition may defeat the -- cm ---- cash and carry, $5. Wilson Furniture, . i srinthi 50ns in built in 1438 by the idea. O ' ; KE your basement ary With 20 Church Street with its labyrinthine streets nd gl Jouniain hats Lid by te idea ( Rhos say 4 Tin humidifier from Parkway TV, seven. | crime lemon trees seems to grow out of Neapoll ne Ee 0 € aper just doesn't suit Dubrov- i Stree 4 . i i gay ites home trial. 918 Simcoe Stre t imately five times, good as new. Phone the blue sea, as historically the'la Cava. Other brvildings house! nik. | doll ei |MA 35058, Bowmanville ELECTRIC range, refrigerator, suit- = : 435 1 tric addin able for apartment or summer cot-| TYPEWRITER $35, electric E ERI AN STATES tage. MO 8-5333 machine, Sgap; new Stith Corona bash BLACKSTOCK register i also Vr . A BABY crib, iarge, for sale, good con- 3.4434, dition Telephone RA 5-6736 Yor apply x --- hunt ap 123 Church Street S, ammunition and hunting sup ' ® | plies, new and used, terms 10 per cent on By MRS. R. C. HILL MOFFAT 30" stove, in good condition. |down. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond a S air 4 . Phone RA 5-8375. Street West. RA 56511. BLACKSTOCK -- Sixteen Brow- JONE sale, , office supplies, Kitchen | WE pay highest price nies and five Leaders spent the suites, spring mattresses, refrigerators, used furniture. Pretty's Used F p ° weekend at the cottage of Grey space savers, pianos, roll-away beds, Store, RA 3-3271, 444 Simcoe | Owl Connie Swain, Caesarea. televisions. Pretty Furniture, RA 3-3271 | 59 SCOOTER le, $300 cash, Apply a erin us Dianne Wheeler has left for CABIN sist, $985, brand Jew. 16' 222 Annis Street Wasago Beach where she will be cruiser, Nelson craft wit iber F188] " ET VR FT PR oy 1 7, 3 fet B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- tires, bat- as employed for the summer holi- PO a er ee Whitby | teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, * tele- By HAROLD MORRISON | When the institute accepted days, County Sports, Brock Street North, |vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. RA $4543.| (, o gion Press Staff Writer {Canada 2 membership, Peruvian} Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fitz soent Whitby. s 1959, 35 HP Evinrude motor. ' Ambassador Juan Bautista de|a few days with fri i i yA -- The ove dighed | ays wi riends in Mid- BENDIX automatic washer, % hp air-| ee SS ASHING TON wn a symbol Lavalle remarked: This is a|land, | conditioner. Both in excellent -ondition.| TENTS, leeping bags and camping Cha é y bec Ww anada i | 9 Phone RA 5-3117 after 6.30. equipment, best selection, easy terms. of Canada's role in the future of [IV Sep a or 2 i ap na. 2a R18 Ye Snowden, PETERBOROUGH boat, fully equip. Dominion Tire Store. 48 Bond West. ino Americas is a heavy struc i icipa.| Ralph Larmer Sunday si td ped, 25 HP Johnson mo perfect con- TRAILER, box and two lawnmowers, {nea of Dominican mahogany There was growing anticipa-| fi ph Larmer Sunday. | dition. MArket 3-3970, manville. also smocked baby nighties, new. Call and Spanish leather gathering tion that Canada finally would Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Ee i rm po n z Spanis 2 . 8 wo, TEENEE boat trailer and large jig-| RA 88700 id hi alread become a full organization mem-| Mrs. J Forder visited Mr. and saw. Phone RA 5-1454. LING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. © res; s ber. And where would her repre. | MTS. Anson Taylor at their cot- DEMOLISHING house on tors, TV "5 oo ashers, planes, Its varnish worn and its sentative. sit? |tage at Rice Lake, Sunday, Street, lumber for sale, 2 x 4, 2 x 8, oy Phone RA 81131 leather upholstery cracked, the' : Sit Mr. and Mrs. Norman McNally/|P DLE aL , ER Tiees paid for used farni. | hall-century-old chair is the ONCII thought it was just a legend,' TT Fetertorvugh heat: Tuer glassed tare, also %ell and exchange. Contact a Canadian ambassador might Rough; SE on vi id, s ing, lights, ysgol Mat ther rin 54, i y, & § S | Evinrude electric. Price $625. Apply 303 Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince yse should Canada ever Join the nk Pan-American: headquar. Kingsdale Avenue. Street Phone RA 3113). 121 - country Organization for ters with its court of colorful CONSOLE table, good condition. Tele. AWNINGS (canvas). Estimates without American States, the pan-Amer- y I 1 do Mr. and Mrs. Howard Forder. hone RA 5-1670. obligation. Write Wm. Cressman, RR 3, | T f the Western Hemis- macaws, tall palms and pictur- Mr. and Mrs. Wallce Holmes E aa ___ | Uxbridge, Phone Port Perry, YU 57572, ican union of the iain. "Po i Mr. and Mrs. Wi 1 ; : : : J Ie, - ny esque fountain, ve never seen Oshawa visited Mr pay interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon. | rr sleeping bags and camping Phere, it." » le Il colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss i fo oti BEY g tou a . Oshawa Hardware and Electric, § COlPment best selection, one 'West | Thirty years ago, the thought! "wwe have to replace the Church Street. RA 3-7624. aT: : -- : ail that Canada might want to link oa har and revarnish the chair." va nchubet tin 4% v EF rigerator, good ondition, |. 1h i Pry 5 ww ROTO-tiller, Chore Master, heavy Gut, | pro eabic fect. 367 Centre St. or tele. itself with the restless Latins olan official remarked. "We DS Eiek ADDY or) Restaurant, gioue, 'RA 3.4200, the south could be easily dis-|yanteq to do it several times EE a, missed. The popular move Was pefore but we asked: 'Why do guson. PIT. ARH Cre Bea SALE towards strengthening the Com- if Canada is not going to teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free monwealth as a powerful eco- join?" ** Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser Aluminum Products of the nomic force, A Sas) nytime. best quality at the best That was the era of Common- KELVINATOR refrigerator, three years prices, fully guaranteed. realth tariff reference: the | old. $85, good condition; one plywood] poible hung windows only wealt] ariff p gnees, boat, $45. Apply 239 Cordova Road $18. Call ng creation of a self-benefitting trad- BOOKCASES, china cabinets, corner : pe ing bloc inside the Common- i table, step table, $20 each, hide-a-bed,| Lymer Aluminum Co. wealth, designed in part to fight chesterfield with two matching ch : g bi V] v matchin; chairs, i i i i $125. lamps, knick-knacks. All like new RA .8-5385 |the rise of protectionism in the Phone HA 54096 or RA 8-5979. United States. NEW oil burner with new controls, one 7 gallon tire chamber. 30 commer tbe | SEE HOME APPLIANCES |LATINS EMERGING | shut off valve, tank gauge, ete. Every- OSHAWA LTD. But times have changed. New ng except oil tank for $145 (or will J ie J i install complete with oil tank for $245). 90 SIMCQO SOUTH economic forces are reshaping Phone MO 8.3274, js trading patterns. Commonwealth REFRIGERATE y= rrr FOR FRIGIDAIRE tariff preferences seem to have REFRIGERATOR, bookcase, Beatty SALES AND' SERVICE 5 am washing machine, table and four chairs AL lost their lustre. Britain, Com. large cabinet suitable for linen closet. Domestic and Commercial monwealth kingpin, is again RA 5681 afier 4 pm, RA 5-5332 sniffing at the enticing six-coun- | 14' LAKECRAFT boat with centre deck - "0 and rcmote controls Also .303 and 30.06 try. Common Market trade bloc high prwer rifles. 313 Olive Avenue in Europe. pi furniture? Wel buy it And Latin America, amid evo- gerators, 's, washers, pianos, | ions i i . stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact lutions and revolutions, is emerg- | 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131 0 4 |ing from primitive stages to BIG bedding sale -- Buy now and| one contract, not ing Sown, think in derms of devising a save! Factory clearance of spring-filled| For free estimates call -- [trade bloc of its own. mattresses discontinued tickings, prie. " ed for quick sale, $16.88 up. .Continental Al S | C And so Canada, heavily de- beds, some mismatched, some with uma ea QO. pendent on exports, is beginning head boards, clearout prices, from Ito won /e; $24.00; Bunk beds, eight picces, 'com- RA 5-9365 ANYTIME Flat) oer. Poi ago Li hy plete, sale price $58; .roll-away cots. | |leve 0) ea Bo ih air foam mattresses, Special $19.95 ations an northern interests | Wilson Furniture, 20 Churen Street. 2 1--oWap & Barter ~~ |& 008 Bo nt argument to re- | 1s PT. ; yw Nipi = |'59 AUSTIN Cambridge AS55 in new con- . i » 3 2 mahog plywood Nipissing or will swap for small ject Latin overtures to join the | WH pan-American union. | -- uth ar---- 641 y i NEW Saxophone To | £5410 Ajax | But now as the world goes Waverly Street, RA 8-0316. 52 legal {through motions of dividing itself | SPECIAL 21° cabin cruiser, 100 HP. ~~ 9%. ____linto new trading blocs, External | Buchanan motor and trailer. Excellent : bibl Bid irs oO Jonsiile for any Affairs Minister Howard Green | ebts contract y na y 4 eel : wife Mrs. Isobell Lewis from tms date 1as expressed the question of | condition. Apply George A, Loring, Orono 34R12 : -- en Oe forward. James L. Lewis whether Canada may not find | ) a sha pg! en ------------ -- sp "ei i li lass , Read the regular swap herself "sitting outside several offers every day. They're unusual, ex | NOTICE TO CREDITORS fences." Siting and interesting, Co AND OTHERS | Canada has therefore been en. | PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon couraging the Latin courtship. | 2' colors. Guaranteed, flat, gloss Ala wing Osawa Hardware and Electric, 8 IN THE ESTATE OF DON- Green has completed a swing | Church Street. RA 3.7624. | ALD WOODROW SMITH, |through the Latin countries, im- | mete Farmer, deceased. {pressed by the forecasts that | All persons having claims (they ore growing, with matke! against the Estate of Donal {potentials increasing as ey Woodrow Smith, late of the Township of East Whitby, in grow. the County of Ontario, farm- er, deceased, who died on or about the 16th day of March, 1960, are hereby notified to send in to the un Personal Representative |t Now is the time to have a beautiful home with aluminum doors and windows, best quality, lowest price in town. Quick service. ALEX VAJDA RA 3-9851 Every job guaranteed. CANADA JOINS ALLY [ The Latin-American division of the external affairs department {is being expanded. Canada has ned the Pan-American Insti-| ute of Geography and History, |& the said deceased on or be- {908 of the agencies allied with | fore the 6th day of July, |the Organization of American | 1960, full particulars of their |States. claims. Immediately after the said date the Personal Rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have N SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD, 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE Domestic and Commercial RA 5-5332 ROTARY POWER MOWERS $37.95 up 50--A BOX trailer; Masco P.A. system,com- |B plete, operates off battery or hydro. Both in excellent condition. Reasonable, | phone MA 3-5100. | notice. CHESTERFIELD and chair, nearly new Duncan Phyfe dinning room table, | éth chrome kitchen table, two chests of | day of June, 1960 drawers, baby carriage, chesterfield | and chair MO 8-5386. | ARTHUR LESLIE SMITH 21" WESTINGHOUSE TV, RA 86332, | Tot id between 6 and 10 | Administrator, visions a By his solicitors, {JonNsSO N. moter, A | a 4 | MARINE STORAGE McGIEBON & BASTEDO, [ir FIBREGL S "boat, rare. ¢ ond Sol " cluding windshield, lights, speedometer, & SUPPLY LTD. Beristers ond Solicitors, Ever ele Marcin Mok 3 0 Simcce Street North, All in excellent condition. RA BROOKLIN, ONTARIO Oshawa, Ontario OL 5-364] {50--Articles For Sale now for early delivery. Chair and table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. 21" CONSOLE TV; 33" continental bed, - dresser and vanity. All in good condi- [tion Phone MOhawk 8-4444. [v ACYUM cleaner repairs, all m | nchments, brushes, guara t machines. Estimates free Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice. RA 8.0591 anytime. | REDUCING stock, aluminum les For Sale | Dated ot Oshawa this VACATION _ on LASS boat, hardware, in. boat molor. 3-2400 The Cshawa Times will be | mailed to your cotta: 2 or re- |USED 17° TV sets, for yoar cottage. | Trio television. 171 Bond Street 3 BABY carriage, eight months old, n perfect condition, grey and white, 'Thistle Venturette'", RA 5-8079. | AWNINGS, plain colors or gay stripes. Prompt service. Free estimates. Order sort at the regular carrier rate of 15- reductions up to $70 PER WEEK! Don't Feel Like A Siranger...In "Paradise" Wherever You May Be On Your - Have The - Oshawa Times ailed To You... Wherever You Are! I will be just like getting a letter from home when THE OSHAWA TIMES arrives every day, bringing you all the news, plus your favorite comics. There is no extra charge for this service . . . Order your vacation subscription now. See your carrier boy, phone the Times, RA 3-3474 or return coupon below to -- CIRCULATION DEPT. THE OSHAWA TIMES NAME VACATION ADDRESS . START DATE ....... HOME ADDRESS .... STOP DATE YO PP PD wveworwoy TWO WEEKS ONLY doors, | $25 and up; windows $10 and up; odd | sizes; limited amount. MO 8-5861,