The Oshawa Times, 22 Jun 1960, p. 21

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" ER aaa a a ar won WETS INSINEVOS or atin dn sath SO - # ad y. of iles HAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1960 44-- Houses, Apts., Flats 44 iouses, Apts., Flats jade--Rooms For Rent 45--Real Estate for Sale |a5--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate for Sale 47 --Automobiles For Sale | THE 0S! 21 7 1 For Rent For Rent NISHED "double room, light|LOT, 75° x 200", Grandview Avenue, BUNGALOW, ranch sivle, double a FIVE room brick bungalow, fully io mie. 0. RA Eb *"|47--Automobiles For Safe |48--Automobiles Wanted TYRE housekeeping, sink, refrigerator, suit-|scenic view of Oshawa, water and s andscaped a ecor: A ud HE Fri -- w be , ts be th, acres best garden land. Townline north poor d bi i $1500 down- - o§ Jos LA Auto Wreckers want pi Be oil Tog Bh Regain ST gle for wirl_ or jisiness_couple, 473 sewer, Mii). HA S035. at city limits. Will sacrifice. Owner Tat. HA orn, positraction, radio, two 2, PRLY A bina convertible. 36| 'irs for wresking, Highest prices paid. artments, laundry tele- | centrally located. RA 5-1829. 5-9 : Spar antenna. 101 Craydon Plat ---- jing Street East, RA 59003: mics s SOMERVILLE near Rossland, 1% stor- moving Vancouver. U. Jones, Broker, clock, wheel dises, 13,000 Py] Whitby, MO 84221. FLAT -- two rooms and kitchen,| TWO furnished bedrooms, one large ey, six-room brick home, Oil heated; THREE lots on Farewell Avenue. Dial| ... "can RA 8-8775 after 6:00 p.m or|'38 MGA sports car, convertible, A-l!{AvVE #50 for car or Pick 8p. RA Rath. basement Epariveent Tor,PLVte bath and. shower, stove. Call and small, abstainers only. Apply 106|close t- bus and school. Exceptional BE. L 5room ranch bungalow, |OLiver 5-3055. Saturday morning. jcondition. Best offer. Telephone RA|g yq97 i a Hv 2aier 6 RA 33528 or 238 Ritson Rd. S.|Eigin Street East after 6 p.m. RA|value at $10.700 with low down pay- 2 bedrooms, large rooms, brick and BE FRIRLANE Ford radio: suiomatic,| 3:3863 or apply 20? Highland Avenue. rent. Kitchen, sink and cupboards, liv- emer FIVF Nha approved lots, 50 by 100," a riiran,nt room and bedroom. Washing fac- THREE room apartment, share bath, |5-2056. ment. §. Macko, Realtor, RA 84661. _|natural stone, attached garage. 484) 8% VE ROTI! 0 ered. "Ready EE (7 RUIDR seocials two door. hardtop, SPOT CASH 5.5972. jlities and storage room. Private en-|quiet- home, couple only. 175 Athol THREE unfurnished rooms, Kitchen | Lowell. RA 5-8769. Ito build on. Full price $3175 each, 10| motor in December, good tires, Call| $1450 or best offer trance, driveway parking space. one E. After 6 p.m. sink, heavy wiring, private three. (3800 DOWN, susoom NEA resale bilck | os n Gom House with all con |per cent down, balance on 6_per cent|RA 8.6711. : En _" child welcome, near school. For more LGUBLE garage, cemtrally located, piece bath and entrance. Adults only.|y, .."hediooms, huge living room, car. |veniences, in Pickering or trade for a mortgage for one year. RA 89478. | ons --or--oo-- mon wooon | "55 MERCURY pick up, good condition. PAID FOR information phone RA 8-1930. {suitable for storage. Phone RA 8-1295.|$60 monthly. RA 3-7038. farm. Plone WHitehall 2.0873. T our do HOM. | Reasonéble. Telephone RA 87119. ate Linc # wind 3, |ries only $64 monthly, Mr. Lauzon, MO ee |EXCF ANGE six room, four year old|radio, six eylinder, excellent condition. == ------------| Good, clean cars. Trade up LARGE six-room duplex, brand new.| on RENT -- Modern apartment. All | HOUSEKEEPING room with fridge, 8-831 Brethour Real Estate Limited. ranch bungalow in Oakville for similar| MA 3-5115, Bowmanville PONTIAC four-door station wagon Li Seid off also large storage space. Phone 1A conveniences. Call Ajax WH. 25131. rivate entrance. One large | OVER A QUARTER house Wm Osnawe - Whitby area. RA 51 MG sportscar TD, $650 full price. With pow rglide, radio and other extras, or wn, Liens paid off. 5-0020 for information. ---------- room with fridge. One room fur-| FOUR year old modern ranch bunga- < iid a ie, atid oiler exisas, TAREE -- room. self - contained apart. TWO room furnished apartment, pri- | nil, 000 Roi 'Street East, RA 51497, low, three bedrooms, attached garage. CENTURY OF SERVICE 1m. Rasmy, = ; Prva by x oy P DODD MOTOR SALES s vate bath Available July 1. Also five- i f DACRE. marke arden. farm. with 75s ET pick rg Le Loo 314 PARK RD. S. nine ment, immediate possession; Rear Shop- room unfurnished apartment. Apply 730 TWO rooms and small kitchen, furnish. m. 21 Churchill Avenue. RA 5.7964. SCHOFIELD 10 acres in asparagus, fast running on, RA 5-7 UICK 4.door sedan, black, fully RA 3-9421 ping Centre and bus. RA 5-6 Simcoe South. ed, abstainers, adults only; centrally] : trout stream, six miles from Bow- 1100 miles. Private. $2195, LARGE two - room apartment, furnish | SPECIAL self-contained three - room lovsted. Teleplione RA 5 Se manvile, suitable VLA, $1000 with i MILTMAN § Sedan, very § i : , washroom, refrigerator, stove, pri-| f tor and stove in. TWO large rooms in new private home, URGENT 133700 down. Call Waiter Fran e 3 i agon, | RA Sh os Fae, vate entrance, parking. Also single sg Kiger dn ion. Plenty unfurnished or partly furnished, three INSURANCE ASSOCIATES |Quay snd Kidd Realtors. MA 3.3393 needs some work, $200, R 16. [ALLSTATE Aoto "Insurance. Save up to CLEAN CARS furnished room, 96 Centre Street. 1 losets, adults, parking. Windsor . y ille 55 MERCURY four door nine passen.|20 per cent. Six months to pay. For mbm | parking space. Phone RA 3-4245. arge close » P LTD. Bowmanville. 55 our do ¥ i 3 ] TWO - bedroom apartment, all conven: PPLE oe Toons seilooniaihe], | Scet. RA 80234, | We need homes for sale, any LARGE Dulin leh 21 Comin, sont |522 station wagon, good condition, pri- nal service at your home call RA fences, parking, available immediately SINGLE room for gentleman, central, : » vate, will consider d A 5-685: 5-2802. WANTED RA 8.5578. Ab ennvenlences, ou prien, 10 BE 8 area. Cash clients waiting. REG. AKER, Pres fo public and WER saul; Bus serv: oi BUICK hardtop. can be Financed, | 55 PONTIAC sedan, Wo Tone, equip FURNISHED three - room apartment, 3.2531 (TWO Torichel Rousse ToniaE, Act now! Phone RA 5-8831, BILL McFEETERS, Vice-Pres. ict Woulll aecept sate. RA 3: ped, 36,000 miles, extra snow tires, ex- : ro A Ea ' Habibi hb Bi a cellent condition, RA 3-3390. private bath, automatic laundry, couple or kitchen with sink, cupboards, refriger- INCOME home with four self-contained | oo--pam eu --ra-- orto fee | °° i, : preferred. 904 Grierson Street. JE oO eC A owiionn ators, range, 'suit two girls or couple W. T. LAMSON ROSSLYNN ESTATES partments, now rented, aon, Shop RA 5728 y 1049 CHEV. 1 ton stake truck; '53 Pon TOP PRICES PAID THREE-ROOM APARTMENT, close to parking, adults, $65 RA 8-0369 | without children. Apply 23 Drew Street REAL ESTATE 6 room brick ranch bungalow x 8 Cenire, ry NICE clean "54 Pontise. Phone Ra 5. Hac & v gout worfition, Dew, paints LIENS PAID OFF Iti ------ off King East, after § p.m. Five min- bus and shoping and school. Built-in cozy, newly decorated, four-room utes to four corners. with attached garage,, living EXCELLENT building lot, between 0735. 1A 3.2281 cupboards and sink. Available imme % . BE TTI -- i ------ma----ap A diately RA 3.6892. : A edle noe coupe. | GIRLS "small furnished apartment, > with natural fireplace. Good |oshawa and Whitby, 78 x 200, very nice|'53 OLDSMOBILE 27 very i custom radio, Ww TRADE UP OR DOWN py -- bath. Suit lady or middle-aged couple.|GIRL'S smal furnished = apartmtol WANT TO SELL? size dining area. Sunny kit- [view, $1700, Apply 255 Athol Sires: good condition, all extras. Telephone |xcelieht condition, $695. Easy terms. bli id qh he Cg Apply 91 Ritson Toad Noxth . Lebidg ey large pr hed front room, LIST WITH US! chen and 3 bright bedrooms $8500 SPOTLESS thr A 5.3812. 4 at Mike Starr's, RA 55646. . and telephone Apply 820 Sylvia Street. | THREE room apartment, private en-\, = oie with another girl. Phone RA : a n galow outside Oshawa, decorated, br $305 1953 Mercury Tudor, metallic iss CHEV. Bel two tome, custom 4 trance, cupboards, sink in kitchen, child 1° .5 > Completely landscaped ond [galow outside Oma a, He I | an otha Toon Con WA| SS CHEV, Belair," two 9 THREE - room apartment, unfurnish-| welcome $35 monthly. RA 53131 -- e ! decorated. We would be [CO 0 rage, % acre land, Taxes|5.8136 between 5-7 fadio, ¥ US. A Bua, out, Sn sink, central. $50 r month. | -- f hed 1 oms, sink and re- i - 3 » a err anh, Sona pe |THREE - room basement apartment Two rssh om, central, suit CALL US! proud to show you tis os $167. Excellent terms. Joseph Bosco, TON International pick-up, In |Starr's, RA 5-564. 137 KING W cellent home in a much de- |Realtor. good shape, mew tires and ballery.| sr hODGE, radio, new paint Job, Dew RA 5 0732 . ---- in apartment building. Apply 103 Wil. 1 kly. RA 5-0230. N COUNTRY -- three - room apart | couple, $13 weekly. A iali i : 8 L = h mi JY TRY on tr Soom oparl: son Road North, Apt. 3 TERING "amariment Toric, We specialize in pores, sired areq, call Henry Stinson, |NHA RESALE priced under market Telephone RA 34790 afternoons. Tes. vers Bond cordidon. heap. Sl two children welcome. Rent reasounble. | SELF ~ contained four-room apartment, | suitable for three gentlemen or farms, businesses. or re- evenings RA 5-0243. value for quick sale, well kept id 5-8010 after 5. _|or trade for older car, Apply 314 Elgin CO 3.2756. {central Apply 40% Division Street vy also single rooms available, RA| cults, call: y i iit ol glided '88 VAUXHALL station wagon, futone, | West em mipen | 3 rticles for Sale v screens © hs iti - sini DA THREE room unfurnished apartment, THREE -room apartment, upstairs, | 8-0852 2. 74 Oshawa Boulevard South. JOHN DE WITH JOHN A. J. drive, $77 monthly includes taxes, $12, zadio, yg ater +a pik on Ny CHEY, Junting e 0 fun 12-FT, -bout, with Master Craft private bath, suitable for couple. Tele- unfurnished, near South GM, one child rywa™ nicely" furnished large rooms, 900. Joseph Bosco Realtor., RA 5 5.9870. Try "Stew" at Mike Starr's, RA [1®-FT, run-a yy phone RA 5.8923. welcome, Available now. Phone RA jioit housekeeping, right persons, re. Realtor--Insurance 54 BUICK hardtop, fully equipped, 5-564 trailer, steering wheel, windshield and OFFICE space available, over 600 3a, 010 frigerator, hot plate, private telephone. NEWCASTLE 3341 VETERAN 5 VLA two acres, | lana: | cheap for quick sale. Can be seen af sponsor ar eas for | ACCessories, $350. RA. 8-6375. d 0 J mr ------------ a ---- om d A or 4 7 feet, downtown location, very reason. TWO four-room apartments, also sfore Central RA 8-0764. 104 Athol East, OSHAWA F. HUNTER Eton Catone approved veterans 72 Cadillac Avenue South after & p.m. oo "or" prefer Chev. After 6 p.m.|TWIN baby butler, good condition. able rent. RA 5-6165 for rent en Ritson Road. Phone RA 7\0 furnished rooms, bedroom and RA 5.2974 LIMITED g [ony. Write Box 836 Oshawa Times. |5% DODGE V8 convertible, white, $150 210 Park Road South Phone MO 8-5269. re 5.0349, kitchen, with refrigerator, builtin cup- i REALTORS ~~ INSURANC cr Simcoe Street Norih| And take over payments. RA : 3 a adio, $1700, OVERSTOCKED on awning material, FURNISHED bed - sitting room and y AE imcoe Street North, - p------ 58 PONTIAC, itomatie, radio, $1700. kitchen, fully equipped, builtin cup- FOUR - room apartment, heated, hot boards and sink all conveniences. Ap-| BOWMANVILLE 167 SIMCOE S. PACKAGE rp ing containing | 8 CHEV.. four door, Biscavne, mulo: Telephone RA 52393. afte specias prices now in effect, Rainbow boards, stove, refrigerator, TV outlet, water, self-contained, suitable for cou-|Ply 887 Ritson Road South D. MOUNTJOY five woodworking machines all equip-|matic, radio, low mileage ne ) ony 1 ' Awnings, Canada's finest, manuiac, bus stop Business couple. RA 34967. |ple, downtown lo ol vailable Au-| FURNISHED clean large room, cook . | ted with 'ric motors in perfect con. |3-5848 ET £~- ri ae ated tured locally, For free estimates, $35 MONTHLY -- house, 5 rooms and |SUSt 1. Apply 7274 Simcoe North. ing f es, male or female. Apply MA 3-3950 \ 5 diton, plus approximately 7000 feet of |; prs ro vm savor WET Spach Sadi, Mone, -5861. bath, all conveniences, on paved street THREE -room fully furnished apart. 29 Elena Avenue or call RA 52316. po k lumber imp trim, winlvwe, ele. Kept, must sell, R/ . ; ELECTRIC, siove and refrigerator, i rim " entral, immediz frac - s makes a al ha uth ! : v -- | piece oal X I se Bad He NR ETT $2 100 DOWN QUALITY der's special. Price $3900, terms. '5é CADILLAC coure de 3 y . two door hardtop, With|nousehold furniture. RA 88141. Crescent. possession. RA 5-3531. RA 3-3867 even- {jrce gentlemen, close to Shopping o 1 He nings RA 5-0243| automatic, er stee y Y AL good condition, Phone R TWO clean, unfurnished housekeeping | "5S Py | Centre. 63 Grenfell Street. RA 58721. ly Put this y list as @ or J Rg ciates Ltd.,| ped, very good cor ndition, fi | 5.0370 hes DELUXE tourist tent, 9 x 9, ~ne lawn rooms, heat, light and water included, FURNISHED three-room apartment,| TWO housekeeping rooms, clean and 6% N.HA. wast 10 see. 5V4 mi beg. RA 3.2265 daytime offer WHitehall 2.2933 re sr _-- Tori, | mower. kitchen table, four chairs, baby $35 monthly. Apply 500 Drew Street utilities paid, plus use of hall phone, quiet with. refrigerator, close to North : } ; EE rg ee re 5 FOUR = Batok Bard ; ol onal irentian, four door, a erib complete, high chair, child's rock. > ; $85 monthly, No children. RA 86332/GM. Suit two gentlemen or couple $88 MONTHLY bot decorated brick bun- |SEVEN-roomed brick home on % acre '56 FOUR - door Buick hardtop, hy mmission 0, heater, Pow-|fag chair. one stroller. Phone MO 8-4846 MODERN, two-bedroom apartments, be 7 and 11 * pind Be hag Complete down to the at 89 Church Street, Bowmanville, cen-| matie, radio, two. tone,/ low mileage. ler st 7, washe ors, two-tone, available July 1 and August 1, lease tween 7 an Pa Phone RA 36080. vic) E h J ~omplete tral, newly decorated, new oil furnace, Phone COlfax 3-2026 16 miles, new condition, phone RA|USED parts .and repairs for all required. Montrave Apts. RA 3-4379, SIMCOE North location, available July ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail- ncludes Everything [ detail. Fully decorated, three-piece bath, stoolroom off main [gr PLYMOUTH hardiop, cle body | 30548 makes of wringer type "washers. " hp RA 5-0191 _|{1, self-contained one or two-bedroom able in private home. 82 Park Road Principal, Interest, Taxes 4. mpletely landscaped. $2, |hall, screens, storms, spacious screen-| 1g "onoin "in" good condition, radio,|'36 FORD Va Sunliner convertible, motors $5 b $10, : Foatask Pag TWO - room furnished apartment, pri.| Apartments, ground and second floor. North, 5-7 p.m. RA 8-8671 "| 700 down. One 6% N.H.A ed sunroom, with hardwood floor at |hcater, good mileage. MO 6-258 after automa, v equipped with power Yitions, washetg a a 0! vate entrance, parking space, central [Washing facilities and parking, new TWO rooms for light housekeeping, will LOOK (] mortgage carries for $68 rear, with additional screened Sorel coessoties. RA 53359 arket, pton. . Apply 43 Nassau Street. sink, stoves and refrigerators, close to furnish Apply side door, upstairs. 165 : hi tl » od mci and verandah, 'large Slothes clo 35 OLDSMOBILE four Toor i i UR ERAR TR rr oe at 58 MERCURY 60 hp outboard motor, hospitai, schools and parks, children pijeon Road South after 6 p.m. Aluminum storms a nd monthly, interest and princi- |cupboards with shelving throughout, |' : med, wal pu at soo £ood running cond ojoctric starter and generator, like new, . pal. Call Ted Cunningham brick garage, cement floor, overhead fully power yy i , real buy at §2 tion $65. Also 15" molded plywood boat|gess "a1en 10 hp Johnson with remote THREE-room, unfurnished apartment, welcome RA 5-4452 : tre ---------------- 4 business couple, adults only, heavy wir | -- re > room and kitchen, private front screens, aluminum storm ot RA 5.6544 or RA 5-2358. doors. Open for offers, $5000 down. re e new Cheap for cash. RA 58712 |r ny "g150 RA 8-1203 : 0p HOUSE _t t, furnished, Dundas t iol BY, ing. pa. central. RA 52817 after i)" Whitby, from July 1. Phone OL. |and back entrance. Apply Park Ra. doors, beautifully decorated, Phone RA 3-3617 ; 54 ME Niagara, special sedan.| 53 Gi NSMOBILE "Super 88" tvo-door 7 th ounte : rc Zoven fect running condition, five gC Nop. power steer y 5.3746 South. i large kitchen counter bar, Q VALUABL ; > for sale, |in per c 3 op power steering, power brakes, S TWO room furnished apartment, aijet THREE - room apartment, new! ydec. NOUSEK PING apartment, suitable| ¢trg cupboards, walk out | SO NICE TO acres of lz h 270 foot frontage, |tires. $500 cash. Phone RA 5-45 ; walls, radio, top condition. Must SALE SALE ALE disthiet, central location. Child care for) TES te entrance, 69 Rosehill |{F three gentlemen or girls, also single] t with huge picture COME HOME TO Simcoe Street North, near Taunton P -- four-wheel drive be seen to be appreciated. Apply B1[ "poop. Chairs, $5; Tobles, working mother if desired. RA 8.6034. |orated, private entrance 1 vooms available, RA 80852. 74 Oshawa asement wi uge: pichure This fovel od 2-bed about 1000 feet deep, in a fast|iy Aj condition, only $675. (eleph) ive or phone RA 5-4490 before 5. aE ' ! ou evar i i _ | Boulevard South window, large fully landscap- his ov ly m em & # developing area. May be zoned com-|RA 5.181 ee ---- sizes and elon ot i |TWO tnree-room furnished apariments, | gros "room Ww d lot. Cut stone planter box. room home wi ache sercial. Also suitable for sub-dividing, sma = ; uirement; offee Tables, 1 BED tting m with refrigerator ed lot. Lu Pp nw oT 3 = p p" . q BUCKINGHAM one newly remodelled, with private], , ly a Are Blo y downtown,| Ranch fence. Many extras. garage. Surrounded by a V4 city water obtainable. Will be sewered|'36 FORD Fairlane tudor, a ; BUYI OR SELLING SEE $12.95; Step Tables, $12.95; immer, C. A. Glecoff, Oshawa, , heater, white walls, bath, tov At . Adults, 200 3 ; 4 this: st y s | MANOR bath, Js glove, 4 beiaiters dults. | cuitable for ady. RA 5-528. . Only $88 a month for inter- acre of lawn and trees Sit- | this . pb yments. RA 81203 TED CAMPIN Telephone Benches, $11.95; TWO rooms, partly furnished, King and est, principal and taxes. uated just off the hi hwy for sale, 210 Park Chrome Rocking Chairs, $15; APARTMENTS {FOUR - room apartment, ground floor, | oi" "ores Toy Bl "ose 0870 : 3h > at Courtice. This home South after 6 p.m. MOTORS Reclining Chairs, 3-piece parking and laundry facilities. 460 Mon ob |trave Avenue or 288 Hillside Avenue. COMFORTABLE front bedroom, clean, W. T. LAMSON priced to sell at $10 500. 400 DOWN 58 MERCURY four door, radio, 200d | srs Sectional Va-Sofa, curved cen- : 5 : Py re 55 po pe , 2 bedroom Apartments, elec. | oT suitable for rivate home. near Norn GH oo REAL ESTATE LTD Call Ted Cunningham at RA ity #00d_mechanical condition, noth 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA tre; Rugs: 4 x 6, $14; 6 x Yrically equipped, best loca- liness couple, centrally loc \ Th DiinaOue Bot ters . 5.6544 or RA 5-2358 L Brick: Burigalow ing down $35 monthly. RA 59 | (just East of Wilson Road) 9, $24; 9 x 12, $55; Kit- ; APF i ; arge. byl 9 5 CHEVROLET: original owner | chen Chairs recovered, $3. o . monthly. RA 5-543 or RA 5.2267 me, en oN. July 498 : F Ae RA 5- 8831 $1,650 FULL PRICE Pierson Storm Windows [dor automatic transmission, trostbiue| RA 3-4494 Res: 5-5574 i. avai abla immed ately For this good lot in a good Decorated ROR eS RA joi 2 es, - CRO | 4 e HONEST MIKES ) FURNISHED two roc "apartment, nel Laren: on Sia dor, SWIomAtie. {rasistnis ; RA 8- . a il aa : : 8-8676. FOUR - room, unfurnished apartment, porn room apartment, separate en: | location. Measuring 100' x Huge Kitchen BUICK Taio cools SPOT CASH : sink in kitchen, private bath, parking, | ] a neinty | : 35 BUICK hardiop, custom rs at Unbelievable Prices JOHN A. J heat, water, etc., included, $65 monthly. Ey oe E. Tiu | North Oshawa area. Only 3 Years Old flow, whitewalls. two tone, PAID FOR ; ¥ . Sy Phone RA 8-4723 Ki d son, aculs any. sad | Owner very anxious to sell. and reliable, $895. Ei . 184 SIMCOE ST. 'SOUTH Simcoe St. North, Apt, 15; centrally located evenings. RA 3-1992. oe en Es J . | a , RA 5.5646 0 - mm furnis Tog -- | ~ To save a dollar call Bill Ww T LAMSON ike ota > n cars. Trade uj Or Call BOLAHOOD TWO - room furnished apartment. re- yom eE nriiched rooms, suitable Retehate oe Rox 5.6544. «Ve 5 PONTIAC Va. To door, hardio Lhe ed ort P RA 8 6083 Lotion 7+ 9 pam. frigerator, laundry facilities, central for couple. heat, light and water in ; har No_ children. 233 Athol East g 4 immaculate condition, radio and white haiti cluded. RA 51454 REAL ESTATE LTD. ans Siresl Wost. RA 3.0311 BODD MOTOR SALES LIMITED ARE " Fie Sr . . 353 s REALTORS INSURANCE | hemes uty wiring. moms tn > a'ocmy. SINGLE room for § $3,250 FULL PRICE RA 5-8831 or RA 85166. : 314 PARK RO. S. FOOD AND FREEZER Available July 1st, RA 3.0742 8 N av Street. a G_ \ 2 oom ag home. |'52 PREFECT, four-door, good motor | RA 3- 9421 PLAN : - ox Tn TWO artly furnished housekeepinz sking only own nd body, snow tires. Phone RA 5.8723] __ ~~ + 67 SIMCOE Ss. indy gh Tete pos, foo couple preferred * Avpiy | OSHAWA SHOPPING payment, Look at a vacant RANCH BUNGAI.OW ---- couse = Completeelines of meats end RA 50544 a I es ee BSE at CENTRE lor, then look ot this, Phone |, ooo ORG NCCSNoNTHLY | 55 CENTURY ANDY NAGY'S | ooh ie or move wo ves - ares rooms newly pai 2 ROOMS by the week, tiled shower, an i - Sa us Sesoralad, 1mumdry yar] Dg space, bath, maid service. RA 3-641, Genoshia RA 5-6588 Bill Retclitfe.ot RA 35-6544, Decorated in oils, large open BODY SHOP as we have to thousands of FOR RENT Syparste entrance, sundick, lawn snd foie] $3,800 FULL PRICE basement with recreation TWO-DOOR HARDTOP MERCEDES-BENZ others how We con sive the cost of T [RA 3.914 or RA 3.7202. $95.00 thly, | TWO furnished bedrooms, also kitchen ie : ndows. Sodded front : | DKW NEW APARTMENTS bomb MONTY: | for light housekeeping. RA 3-5683 or 261 IDEAL BUILDING LOTS 4 room insul brick bunga- room wi Original 47,000 miles SALES & SERVICE proven plan. Canadion mane ond back. W. T. Lamson BA rs Sah, Bly [couse Street On Adelaide St. West at Park |. low with 3 pce. bath on lot v furnisheu, suitable f two. f , RL AT n Adelaide St. West at Par v pce. Ultra modem, 2-bedrooms, pt ousekeeping. RA 8.3125, O°" ONE furnished room, use of Kite Road. Ravine lots in Hillsdale 40' x 100. Can't go wrong, Real Estate | Ltd. RA 5-8 RA 5- 8831. EXTRAS kitchen, dinett livi ---- | suitable 2 teed by Good-Housekeeping. ifchen, dinette, large living HED room in bachelor apart vi Pl Bloor Street Ee Terrace. Other lots available make an offer. Call Bill Rat- DIAL RA 5. 8915 RA 3 7132 Government inspected meats, room, 4-pc, bath. Fridge, [Fu on c girls i stove, Use of washer and dry. |r A Privileges. RA 59630 THREE rooms completely furnished on Arbor Court, Glenbrae, cliffe at RA 5-6544. AY em -------- Well known branded pro- Harmony Road North. 15 Or ducts, all part of our plan 408 KING W., OSHAWA ufactured freezers, guarane broadloom in li 0 . trol. Suitable for couple. Telephone RA | WwW | A L | S to eat better for less. Phone hy in ving yoom, Ins TWO rooms furnished, self-contained, 3-059 after 6 p.m | ton Road -- and others to Buy one of these 3 bedroom SABYAN MOTOR RA 5-3709. No obligation. nice and quiet in private home. 378 Two room furnished apartment. choose from. brick bungalows in top lo- Freezers $189 up. Compare Jack Appleny ot RA 5-6544 lon main floor, private entrance. 218 West after 4 or r t y s = Sg. ie 9 IL KSWAGEN or RA 3-3398, Celina Street, RA 8.5253 OWNER MOVING Plenty of large closets. Stor Modern 2 bedroom, ranch bleh FOR YOUR RECORDS i sic | SSH NHAf style bungalow with attached ITSON RD. SOUTH ONE: I on SpAIUnent, SE one Beautiful 5 room brick ranch Shel sti Close ang garage, nice living room, 334 o IAWA. ON d | AUST] N Sinale Albums TIFIED a e oe rotorned. Apply 174 bungalow only 2 years old chs ' ond bas. Call oh separate dining room, laundry Tel: RAndolph 3-3461 fun ingles, : | Church Street | This smartly decorated home ; room and 4-pce. bathroom. |----------n-"_ P AND A WIDE CHOICE OF All Speeds room, $12 weekly, suitable for two double pierson windows, way on the Whitby-Pickering 42 Mary Street East. Phone MOha room. apartment, centrally located in low IN TO N set by imaginative stylist. MOhawk FoR RENT -- FF Pv he a ont AB t coll RA 5- Must be seen. Call now for -- Sh E 48--- o Want 85:24 FOR RENT -- One} and twohedrog 10 spec) ®o Bill Swarbrick at RA 5-6544 OVER A QUARTER 149 KING ST. WEST 8--Automobiles Wanted | stereo, LONG-PLAY . ais od en Evenings | Aember f Oshawa a BRICK, block and cement work, For FOR RENT -- Small cottage. Apply 840 THIS EVENING Open E er diind and All Day Distr r R : 1 E ---. vg free estimates call \MOhawk 82294. Dundas Street East, Whitby Sgturday i : 20 SCHOFIELD BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM 1110 Centre Street South, Whitby - ; fo) RAKE 5 , e FOR ot ure or com : nO : OR SALE Rotten manure or co 6 P.M. until 9 M. New tires, new motor, $309 | . PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. CHERNEY'S on Adelaide Street West ot |ging west ROOM for young gentleman in bache- | and ask for Bill Swarbrick at USED CARS at the ROOM and board for gentleman. at SINGLE furnished light hou Isekeep ng THREE bedroom unfurnished "apart 8.2: 2. y eet FE: wk 45--Real Estate for Sale landscaped lot and partly fin- ONE ONLY 200'. Front landscaped, rear RENE - tral r tal shopping. Full low, N.H.A. mortgage. Tiled OPE} 75 CREME cold wave $6.95 (Reg. $12.50) Whitby, handy Wp school. Phone MO me as doy me ation and ping. Fu payment. Phone Mr. Walker MOTORS | EN EVENINGS Call in and browse around. YM and board for gentleman af 901/:90 an' $100 'Adults preferred. MO OPEN HOUSE or RA 42 a 4 ALBUMS, 51139 CENTURY OF SERVICE H : HOUSTON GARAGE All the latest HITS. Priced 33 STUDEBAKER Champion very post. odorles. and wee METCALF Re oa) E t t Li it d Lt nf trade | E-UP AND good condition, good as new motor and ers, shrubs, 'awns and g ns. Phone A icence, will finance or trade MOTOR TUNE - : BEAU VALLEY €al LSiaie Limite INSURANCE ASSOCIATES R Loc srivate three-piece bath, ov er. ers, wall to 440--Rooms For Rent hays ce I Terie RA 'acres with good well on Pres. BUY. NOW P. i {os AEs one or two men, also one furnished cation, ceramic tile bath, i before vou buy. ark Road. To inspect phone jae. single room, light housekeeping, bedroom. Apply 116 Adelaide Avenue NORTH-WEST I Stop eovinig. Kitchen. REAL ESTATE SALES LTD. uy. lor tment. RA 5-3300 | TO BC. ing space galore. Plus many SALES and SERVICE | | 2 mmm | ONE large furnished housekeeping is completely equipped with RA 5.6544 or RA 5-8342. Situated just off No. 2 high- CASH | 9' Walnut Street. ___ |room, with private entrance. Apply "one RA 50744 screens, storm doors. Lovely NORTH WEST Town line. Lot size 80' x FOR YOUR CAR Sl x Unive RD. EAST LOWEST PRICES ment, centrally located in Whitby. Ap-| ------ re ished recreation room. Lo- Itivated. Aski ylv 272 Ritson Road South, RA 5.1841, WANTED by July 1, 3 or 4 large FAD MILY dwelling storey brick a near al transpor- 5X2 room 'ranch style bunga- price $12.900 with low na VAN HEUSEN includes style, cut, oil shampoo and 8-8347 RA 5-520 | price $14,500. For appoint- bathroom. All large rooms. at MO 8-5771 or TE 9-1812 See our selection . . i Walnut '55 CHEV. DUMP | AND SERVICE STATION to save you money. paint job. Phone MOhawk 8-226]. 118 MO 8-4 AT G RAL REPAIRS. Hopkins Street : AOUSE and bungaiow wanted. Good 40 KING ST. E DIAL RA 8-4678 LD, RA Soo) 0 EET a roe, 2 EXPERT rosotilling for gardens and a : 0 : x 2 lawns. Don't call unless you want the wy aagley Beater Just West of Ritson REG. AKER, Pres between 6 ond 8 p.m. 3-7822 (Oshawa Times Bldg) best. Dick Devnich. Phone MO 83814. Sp por cx cioanca me agiary, O7' ROssland Road East | OPEN EVENINGS AND SATURDAYS | 8iLL MCFEETERS, Vice-Pres. --_---- anit YOUNG man desires room, with cook. . new tanks installed Walter Ward | c | ing privileges. Phone MOhawk 83023. 204 Chestnut West, phone MO 8.25 | SCHOFIELD | $1 000 DOWN WANTED-- FOR RENT -- Two unfurnished rooms, SPECIAL. new Kelvinator deep frerre: c | | ' pig Boor: With garage; suitable for from PA ei LR INSURANCE 7 room, 4 bedroom home on Brock St. E. Close to Simcoe St.-- A LARGE FAMILY empe Thone -51 nor ges fridges, washers a SO upstairs now rented. $10,000 -- $75 monthl i ) 80D, 20c square yard Delivered to $7 contact. Mid Toun Furniture, The AS aT LTD. . P y ok 2 ee Serer 1 FA Port Perry. Brooklin, Whitby, Oshawa, Newest Appliance Dealer Vhi Prince St : 2265 . Sores: ory sen A ) / / Bowmanvil Ajax, Pickering, West MO 84981 or MO 85740 PRESTONVALE trally located. Large modern LV Hill, surrounding districts. Phone FOR SALE -- 6-room bungalow, Co k ' way -- well built -- 2 bedroom brick bunga- kitchen, family size dining MO 83015 Whitby on pletely finished and landscaped * } | d garage -- 74' x 220' lot -- well landscaped-- room and 4 bedrooms. Oil iC 0 EMPLOY MENT WANTED -- Lady 2Cceit building lot for dow For Sale aluminum storms and screens. Listed at $13,700. | heated. Low taxes. $2,500 INVENTO RY MUST BE REDUCED BY 75% po: as housekeeper, part !18 Hopkins Street. Phone M 0 82261 pete Rann TRA ES ETOR | down. For further informa- - 56 K, two tone, 4 dodr, fully pow ; MODT EN six-room bungalow for sale © cauinped II accept t ide. phon Fully Serviced OSHAWA BLVD. N. | tion, Soll Don 3 eves, FOR St IMMER MONTHS or rent, 3120 monthly. near high school. MO1aw i after 5 p.m | 7 room house plus store and equipment for only $2,000 down | evenings RA 8-8423, \ JUIV L Appl. Bowmanville, MA 3.2512 ALUMINUM doors, windows, screens N.H.A.. Approved $08 20 + swunre yard delivered To 2nd mings Cote Cesimtes" Cal NEW STORE AND APARTMENT EXECUTIVE HOME \E F EA SA I Bn ys ha mie Sa Fin Jo ones Sub- Division In modern new w sh TOR centre 2 ne front, modern through- | 6 room stone and brick bun- ONE 1 FUL YEAR WARRANTY nd surrounding districts. Phone * re plus 20' x 50' apartment. Complete for golow with 2 car attached 3 Whitby F R King East ot Athabasca St.) q . Aes 7 . ha are a Te] a ayes wut) (FOR CLL PAINT: | 00.00." Contact this office for further particulors uit Joins nn up TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY F te est.mates. Call WH 2.5134, Ajax CALL Dee Mur del Home AFTER 5:30 CALL | "pl i afer 1.30 F AL place. Large dining room with 3% ext i 'S6 PLYMOQUTHS to ci e fr V . "56 METEOR 4-DOOR RANCH WAGON, LIVE poultry also feathers wanted Dodd & Souter U. JONES, Rea tor Lloyd Metcalf 5.6983, Joe Maga 8-4678, Dick Barriage 5-6243 70 dining. crev in. kitchen, : 3 « Brillian light blue finish, ideal car for High mathe orc 4 | Finished rec room with bar. or 6 cylinder only sates Parker. MO. 83644 pb bRiG. Jak Point & Wolls | Modelaire Homes Ever ett El liott 3-9290, Marion Drew 5- 7610. | Bedrooms larger ub) usual : Yiinds: ony the larger family. Don't: miss this buy NEW office space in Whithy 800 sq ft 107 Byron Street South BY FRED R. JONES | ii with plenty of closet room. METROPOLITAN Hardtoy Ode SE ASHILE St 88 Sed 51% or less. parking lot facilities Call i a 4 | : Home is in lovely condition c res : 3 uper edan, sharp, bli enngs. MO (C) nz. MO 8 MO 8-5231 - RA 56412 RA 3- 3383 : JONES AVE. inside and out Located off focal. lady previo ii eRe medium blue finish, loaded with equip- f enings } 8-003 Feb | --emeeeunn -- $2,007 down. A 2-storey brick home of six réoms located close Harmony Rd. N., on an 100' ONLY ment. Best buy on the lot. FURNISHED sin7le room in private WHITEY TOWNSHIP | to Simcoe St. and Rossland Rd. All rooms are spacious with hard- ' ; OK EC home. lelaphone MO 8.186% heiore ; x 120" well landscaped lot BUICK with t tic transmissi AL 31798 h efere 7 GRAVEL - s-acre corner property | wood floors throughout, broadloom on stairway. and halls, fire- Cl Rin Pave clings ith ouiomgtic rar 14 PONTIAC Deluxe Coach, immaculate THO, Some arid. Riichon. Rant wn Cotveat Gravel Disses frontir n r | place in living room. Well kept lot. Garage. Early possession RA 5.4840 radio, white light green finish, with matching in- sadre bathroom. Also one furniche arse or f 4 r nderson 5 i Price $12,300. SPECIAL ONLY eae 1395 terior -- runs like a new cor. rooin for gentleman. Telephone rie Ray rty has rolling yraphy, FXFCUTIVE HOME SPECIAL 81187 bet 5 and 7 Delivery Monday C k r C /R 3iscayne en r . . hetyeen 3 and oor Y St aial i : 4 BEDROOMS 7 room brick ranch style bun- $9 CHIVROLEY Binoy : 5 MERCURY Tudor Hardtop, tu-tone EMPLOYMENT wanted f ibdiv ne aw. thr ¢ / ; for children if mother must Wor ERIC C. BRANT . If Co An immaculate brick bungalow, semi-detached, near Wilson Rd. | qalow, 2 car ottached qgor- age, like new thro t L white and yellow, radio and automatic, $179 motor in good condition SPECIAL $795 to hospital. Phone MOhaw 757 idit . south. A well planned kitchen with lots of cupboard sp v= are, living room feat ONLY 7 Whitby iditi reage can , Planned kitc ots ard spac v ¢ ) ures : h YY via, 4 MO 8- 2660 ct da ning i c | ing room 14' by 21'. Good recreation room facili o poled and moulded ceilings, 50. PLYMOUTH V8 sedan with ro METEOR SEDAN, light green metallic went, second Bim TN uhiurnst ap Asking price $800 ¢ $12,500 with $2,000 down. One 6% mortgage for the balance, built in valance e. Large tene- bi i 3edon i 1 finish, very good motor and tires. , . carries for $87.00 a month including taxes sce marble faced fireplace, possession, balan vir $158 SPECIAL ... $245 FOR RENT, 3 bedroom brick bunga THIS WEEKEND! P3-gore tarm Tronting on. the WHITBY view of back yard. Large Wiifsove edu and white, radio and automatic. owner MOhawk 2-4117 after gd Bhi split level home only one year old. The home has had excellent | chen is 11' x 18', features METEOR SEDAN with radio, adec blue finish, radio and outomatic. The ih Jon and a, colored stone patio. Asking $14,500 with counter top stove. Copper FORD Customline C dark blue finish, maghehicolly excels $ o vy shoppi | | " | plenty of closet space. 2 Te 10% OFF | 1 hove several good 'comm $8 800 Doreboms, cero Tad; 1 MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM FOOD AND FREEZE PLAN windows complete a month. Available July 1st. Phone MO ia i : 2-570 SPECIAL : Separate dining area with FORD Customling : MONARCH SEDAN, tu-tone turquoise low, recently built and well located close i 5 te NLY $1795 SALE PRI to boon cate Soho In Wir ty . Owner is moving out of town and would like to sell his. six room family or TV room. The kit- 0 AE TRIE Sedan; spotless, medium 2 CLIMBING: ROSE 'TRIUMPH A | I Hh . ' Hoffman Furnit finish bright blooms, all summer Jou eh Garg Sng Js in lovely sondition, Yes inten and dingite Is [47 | HEE nee in on Renault. ONL $49: Buy of the year. SPECIAL .... $795 ATTENTION thr u ) and : al y 16', liv 2' by nd three large bedrooms. Fully CHEVROLET Deluxe Coach, beautiful ' : 4 wher nportant in this | $3,000 down and one mortgage on thé balance. Will cons hood with exhaust fon and 5 HOUSEWIVES SPECIAL 75c¢ | ' | all offer re my nem Hi consider | 3 good size bedrooms. with perfect in every way SPECIAL ... sid 1495 e moder VE | Yd \ you the modern way with | € v ' 5-pce. and 1. 2- pce. Slide- the HOME ECONOMICS |- On all Evergreens d one in Oshawa. Fo Here we have a well kept cosy home of 4 rooms located on a os SEE YOUR FORD DEALER BELOW : pe § c Ilo ! bus route in the north west section. Comes complete with vene- ith. st Erm ET | shoes --| rR She Te | Sh TE AN HEUSEN MOTORS SEAWAY MOTORS of three as little as $13.80 : ? 00d size kitchen 12' by 12' and 3-pce. tiled bathroom. About c i ! per week, including food and PATRICK G. | 3 oy ond decorating. Call Bill Mc- | per Je | PICKERING || $2,500 down wilt here Feeters, evenings RA 5-1726. | 149 KING W. 200 DUNDAS ST. W. / For Information | NURSERIES McD ANIL ERNIE HOI MES | OT orice | OPPOSITE THE BREWERY 1 BLOCK WEST 4 CORNERS MO 8-5381 | Highwoy REAL £47 Fr No Obigation | est of Dunbérton: | 307 [NIC EVIEW DRIVE REALTOR ip OSHAWA . WHITBY Approved by Good | 204 King St. East RA 5.2363 - Housekeeping Phone Temple 9:2 2111 (WHITBY, MOhawk 8-231 1 Kelly Bolahood, Representative RA 5-6382 RA 3-2265 or RA 8-1624 . _. (Continued om Page 22)

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