The Oshawa Times, 22 Jun 1960, p. 20

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 22, 1960 5 Si THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [55% SATURDAY 8 TO 12 T--A font 13--Gardening & _Supplies|13--Gardening & Supplies 29--Summer Propenies | [35--Employment Wanted Room & Board ==hccountan's NEW BUSINESS For Sale or Wante ore years. weer | ROOM and board, $15 k, home a -- % i [WILL board youngster 3.5 years, week ROOM an ar per week, ho: WonTEITH, MonTEITH, RIEHL, and || CLASSIFIED AD RATES L ANDSCAPING ANY kind of garden work by expe: BUY 3 new wateriront collage or Tot | days only of by the week, Village howe. | privileges, lunches packed. 665 Simeos o., Chartered Accountants. RA 5.3527 » - |reasonable rates. R! : a new wa 0 ) {yes South, RA 5.8255 ' Simcoe. Street North; Afax WH 25 words or less SERVICES [CA DENS To8 Towns Fens maine at Willow Glen. Write Cecil Brey. ie BE. 3 imcoe S ; hor A ndsay 1, or phone = ™ RONALD F. D. WILSON, Chartered CONSE J ' Phone RA 53-8985 cedar boat, Sickness forces sale. while iid works. Christian home, 'ac a n f Houdaille Factory. Apply 846 Sylvia Accountant, Oshawa, Ontario. RA Pe ont. hel oe -- iva Phone J. Stock, Blackstock 24-22 big fenced-in playground. RA 5- Stree id 3721. Ie f nplet ervice. Weed ROTO - tilling done, reasonable rate 8 ven) . é FRENCHMAN Bay lakefront year EXPERIENCED hairdresser would like BE Pri By > a7 . . ct Tmart I J. Muli « r 5-4 ED - - sitting re room, private bath, on CLANCY Ontntie mocounis ll © Sa : Free ate Calf J. Mulligan, OLiver 54639. DU MON | [ BARLOW [round or sumer home, six-room, insul work, preferably in Oshawa. Refer. Draniioom. eskiee ivileoats, tails PtSi beg id. EN thin-7 days # ED KNOWLTON {brick, all modern conveniences. Asking | ences, Phone RA 8-691 broadiop. cooking privileges > small business. 134 Bond Charge rate w oly o ( ALU INUM | ah made mortgage. OX B28. |i rrp HOE, Er im mre oss Room 1. Office RA 5-0397 Above rates apply only RA 5-6047 Lia LOAM--GRAVEL M MOTORS [ron SALE Three room cottage and {week in my own home to small child a anEElow oes) Resience, Ra 3 erders. for consacislive } FILL--STONE 428 KING WEST I. EF DEWAR and Co., Accountants | Subsequent insertions ordered RANT RA 8- 1651 | VW ED i ind Audit K. of C. Building, 184 } later dote constitute a new © 3 CALL cabin on lakefront, Scugog Island, ren-| RA 3.9694 apartment, close to downtown. RA ted Jan $1800. Im diate ossession. - -- - a TN me p TWO young men. ages 17, desire steady 5-4344 after 5 p.m ore | ! Er ADE 34409 te Sa ASPHALT PAVING | QUALITY USED CARS -- employment immediately. Anything pyiLy hed Himent, mcludin Sond West, Oshawa, RA 3331 1 or interview. |PRESQUIILE -- Claudor Villa, 3-bed-| considered. RA 3.4427 or RA 5.5324 FULLY furnished apa 10 % rofessional ar stiness list noe [ | ; tove and refrigerator etc. In new tris i. I. HOPKINS and Company, Certi nibs ? FOR SOD FREE ESTIMATE el] BOUGHT AND SOLD pi pn Shed: consider stove refrig jed Public Accountants, 72 King ¥ 3 | |p hone Brighton 353 or-95 R 3 YOUNG lady requires position. 10 yrs. plex, nice location. 509 Colborne 4 ii ' i | - rine ect West, Whitby, MO 8:5379 Jae 5 ; ate, Ra : ; 31 © ____ experience, accounts receivable, pay. Street West, tree: | Eas. Oshawa, Ontario ; : t auoiit PHONE RA 3-3162 HOME RA 8-6175 KAWARTHA Lakes, summer and coun- able and payroll. Write Box 939, Oshawa (Five = room bungalow. three Bes ss - - Eact letter, abbreviation Finest quality. A - es, : FALE, FRIEDLANDER. HUNTER . a _ properties. Send for free picture Times lable July 1, $80 month); a re. col ky . MENT sting folio. Bowes and Cocks Ltd., : ee. Tues, availab ¥y 1 Ye and (o., Accountants and Auditors, Li rd. Box chor ¢ additior Reasonable prices. Flowering and Tropical IMPROVE : 5 RY Ol tealtors, Peterborough, RI 2-4234, CEMENT work ork, done by gentleman Phone RA 56304. enced 1 n Bankruptcy. 64 King ment 4 : ' J jown payn ~-- with own mid . Telephone RA 5-796. 'ROOM and board, $13 per week, i a Rh ¢ ¢ e \ : : i Gown ARR COME to Steenberg Lake (Bass Lake), Eien -- omer CPA MUST be in by 5 p.m. day previo PHONE MO 8 3015 Foliage Plants, : 3 | es north of Madoc on Highway DAY-CARE for children. Excellent Lunches packed. Apply 137 Rosehill r r r r I 3 si nee kc Boulevard y / nme work d Ck f yr sandy lakeshore lots and cot- location. Division St., fenced in back 8-12 . \ | od selectic r that extra. room . , prefab prices. Terms. Ken Mat. Yard. S10 weekly. Phone RA 3.3623 ROOM or room and board, pleasant 2--Barristers REGULATIONS F We still have a good sele | ~ x I Cs hews, RA 5-7740 after 7 p.m. room in vrivate home, day work- McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers. | © The Oshawa Tim an of plant boxes, Evergreens; \LL er Dogs, M h . (36--Female Help Wanted cr only. RA a008, ts' f ila ? vert a ; R IL | = h n -- = ' Clients' funds available fo ponsible for errc shade trees and potted 10se5, 20__Cartage |30--Lost & Found RELIABLE housekeeper for family GARDEN home for retired or come 2 t n J 8 than in A RA Ty or Two ma HH in valescent person, Phone MO 85746 ; ; . . A t | walls Gelwees Gna with two small children, must live in| Yd do, Qu ii : EO hn ' S/ NDY I M ole, PICK-UP or stake 1 Tor hire, eve W v oR Haeen Simcoe ANA L.0 work most weekends, Phone: RA] WHitby. ede hah , r | 86812 Scugog Rd, and Burketon a ' fs t | ngs and weeken RA B-3653 enters X 18 JOHN A MacDONAI b, 4. Bank Is id y r VAN BELLE GARDENS a : RE 28--Summer Properties . White Samoyed. answers | RELIABLE girl or middle aged woman 42--Room & Board Wanted North. Phone 88511 the advertisement in wh r 2 Miles East of Oshawa azes cleaned. Rubbish removed, ete. COTTAGE for tor ; name of Puff.vicinity Ajax and 401, '0 help with housework, four children, ROOM and board wanted for elderly : 1 serves the right Sin bs hing hauled pi igh ; " fChildren's pet. Phone Whitehall 2-3064. live in preferred. Phone RA 3-4383 gentleman. Phone OL 5-3364. a MPHREYS, Boychyn and Hillman, to | completely furnishe A ) 4 y s ¢ according to Re ------ i 8-8535, $50 Wee R : 5 7 I big Pe " "RAL housekeeper, age 40-50. ROOM and board wanted, for you plicitors; R. H., Hum . 4 rh ir - - ---- week \ LOST Beautiful big Persian cat, gol : 8 ROOM a or oung G'S. Boschyn, BA: W. 1 wn classification CHOICE LOAM 3 MA 3-575 » ! hit move| HOUSEREEPING « 3 en' brown 'back and sides, snowwhite Must be experienced and interested in man and two school age boys, 7 and 8 y In the case of display adverflse- oR J no g est and legs, larg e children, 1 boy school age, 1 gi Write Box 934 Oshawa Times, 16% King Street p ig AND TOP SOIL E 2 boulsiia ? large brown and whit , RA 51177; ments The Times will not be held N OP SOIL BOWMANVILLE . ¥ Les: Wid ? ; \nvone supplying information lead. Years. Live in. Apply box 837, Oshawa MO 8.2761; RA 5.5203. | responsible for r or FOR SALE rates, | 3.0) i ameworth 40RB Ne r rn of this cat will re. Times 43--Wanted To Rent . that in which th x = OPEN EVENINGS) iy \ 25 reward Please call RA HAIRDRESSER'S apprentice, single JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solici- || 1 cuples oh od ert RAVEL N Hale GALT CARTAGE nn id 2 81 preferred. Lucienne Beauty Salon, 29); FIVE or six room house, preferably 3 . barrister, soli ° rod! v ¥ > t - Get ni W a orth east e: tween $65 an Sul 1 ing 0 e Reasc x y SE Sim South over Ward's Stor north east end, betwee: and Notary Public, 181 King Street | correctly but assumes 2 | 14--Household Repairs nsured. Call day or night. RA 5.4498, Beach J e. all con 33 Ay F Rent Th Der Yards Six monthly. References. Phone RA 3.2844. : g, NHA and private [J oo oly, Dut assum Lot , . i" ] --Articles For Ken WAITRESSES "wanted, fll or part] oC: i i ai mortgages arranged of advertisement n SEPTIC tanks amd weeping bed in >hone M( Y i = time, also part t ashier. Apply M 3 couple, no children, r : - -- Sherer, : RA stalled, for free estimates, call RA 21--Personal Services Phe ; CEMENT s. sidewalk finishing bing Genosha Hotel, ry. IPP "three room furnished apartment, pric GREER and Kelly, Barristers, Solici \S - -- IDEN € sump pumps, post- vate bath, July 1st. Phone RA 8-4134, tors, » 7'2 Simcoe Street South pen asa > SPENCER four gar po Lal dizgers. post driver, barrels, well| SAI ESTADIES -- must be experienced 5 wii Dial RA 33278. Residence phones TING and. decorsimg. needed? Leidniially estan tes. Co or, M Farsi i RA a sale, cement mixer petter dresses, coats and suits State MOUSE wanted to rent wit J. M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368 we | 8-- Buildi Trades HARDSAND {Finest NG an Ey ee Jolin Henders 208 Park Road North. 3.176 trawberries, RA 8-116 qualifications. Write Box 709 Oshawa Duy. Write Box 638, Oshawa Times. ence V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA 3.5832 | widing e LANDSCAPING teed. Reasonable rates. Also wood fin ONE building, 12 . --<---- | Times WANTED by August 1, five or six room RALPH JONES, BA, and Thomas H. 13% for Garments - ished. Phone anytime RA 5.6204. 2 iC and: wired > p . BABY sitter wante © Pickering, louse in good condition with oil furnace, Greer," Associate Barrisiers ana. Soli. CALL, Joe EA #8488 for carpentry ver. Rolling Foes - LAWNMOWER & ENGINE id, ire SALES RENTALS |S0F Sif mies ior Folenpy {ues in yood sossibons wit o1 surpass 130 King Street East, RA 8-66... 4 Fertilizing FURNTIURE repaited and re-uphois SALES & SERVICE cottage. 143 King } y in our home. Please call Whitehall Children. RA 8.0002. Mort e loans available eee tered. S vel o lie ECS gi mp stove camp 2.3007 . re EP Sam y ZING at al a Roto-11lhing . Bruce R. Dalton, 75 Charles Street 3 art Engir & Rotor 5 FOR RENT dis 2-3007. vd 5 WANTED house to rent by Sept. 1, in JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, barrister, BULLDOZING and exeavating, Di Cs Moriie yo Ca ccommodates MA orpouling, sleeping. IE EE ir Te sora north end ar eh pr solicitor. Money to loan. Office 1814 Bere 25 Hille Taree Whitby, | Flagst : o Siok Se ; nIgines 126 ba ) r in better dresses, coates. and suits. School. Phone RA 5-8010 after 5 p.m. King t East, Oshawa, RA 8-8232. Brothers, 26 H : : n >lobs CHESTERFIELD and odd chairs re ) | A rized Clinton, FOR RENT State qualifications. Write Box 709, Osh Residence, RA 5-3405 PLUMBING and heating pipes fittin £ RA 5 -1721 covered like 'new. Get the best for less ot NE t Aa } Ho ' AWA HARDWARE AND awa Times 44. Houses, Apts., Flats DONALD BLAKE DODDS ~ Barrister fixtures, mew and used, changing fron at Modern Upholsiering, 926%: Simcoe ! gos ut! : ECTRIC es ---- ALD , King Street East, Septic tank to sewer a sepcialty. In. = - Street North. Call RA 8-6451 for free i rvice J LECTRIC For Rent ephore 4 .3501; stallations at reasonable rates. Infor-| stimate Blvd e RA 463 RA 3-7624 po me eosin Sa Telephone: Dusiness RA S501 Resi I thon and str tes bree on any tepe| Flowering and Tropical [& i: k : A en nu MOTH ERS SIX-Toom modern brick house, oil heat- ---- of plumbing Dial RA 1241 Fole, CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt v : : pool Does your budget fall short ed, partially furnished, double drive, MANNING SWARTZ, Barrister, | ------ i Foliage Plants like new. Why pay more > = C | WEBBING' S Due a 79s two blocks south off King East. Ref- s t vy to loan. Asso- AS PAINIIN > SeoTetids i Abi ars »easonable. Satisfaction guarantee BRI of your needs? You can earn erences. Apply Box 742 Oshawa Times. : Henry [10 ior or rior ? 1697 Work guaranteed. Free estimates : Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Upholst 4 " : leote that extra needed income by |THREE-rocom apartment, private en: 8.9558 ¢ 4 variet ' Co. 10 Bond Street West. Dial RA mf oC: ! 479 ot HARDWARE working a few hours a day |trance, cupboards, sink in kitchen, ehild d fe welcome. $75 monthly. RA 5-3151. . ; David ister. Solici. PLASTERING repairs, chimneys ) rut Z Varieties RE EE OTR : TELEVISION « s r 1t representing Avon Cosmeti S, : ABs lb ERATE BOWMAN, David Lo Barrister, Sole, coraent Wonk: and Srionn PAINTING, inside and out. small OF Cay yadio oa AC ction | RENTAL SERVICE in your spare time. Call LE, |BRAND new, large bachelor apart. Simcoe South. RA 5-9592. Resi RA 5.9168 } . 1 'ioe large jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 35-4452 corvice Centre, 81 Kin treet st, 1 6-0627 lect ment, new stove and refrigerator, bam. 64 ne . 5 2 Siddha co nn RA 8 Y OF TOOLS . collect for more(in- {noo drapes, private entrance, suitable BA. barrister, solici- Evergreer 2S varieties) YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chir : jest a v . formation for business girls or couple. Apply 227 weet" North FREE ESTIMATES FOR ; bom Revs Swit ww vernived, es Vines : > : ef eS ide »sidence RA 5.3542 . 3 V ( Covers, urnaces u r ERVICE WHEN Y A iq 4 TARVE i |g ved i HEN You EBUCKAROO | SCAFFOLDING | WANTED mess oom sorommmer wee: Public, 26% | and grading, call : LLE GARDENS |pAINTING and pagering, Rooms paper nd RAD \ ; { ne space. ceniral, no children. Avail in 8-17 3 Mile st of Oshawi ed, $8 and up. RA 5.7297 ih VV / y Ane ther Constructs able July 1. 127 Park Road South. | FRANK LAWLES 9st, of Lshowe = CALL RA 8- 5286 onstruction HOUSEKEEPER +8340 rear door after § p.m and MacDonald, Bar-| K WILE BY PAINTING and de ating p ti - AAD s ment. B-H Paint ------ - and Notaries Public. | ontractor MA 3.5757 JU THREE - room furnished basement £ re East, RA 5-4717, Russell hy ais = - Companion elderly Scotch apartment, private bath and entrance, J and James A MacDonald ~ Dowmanvilie SHA WA y UPHO lady ood ¢ | ir central available immediately. RA : RA' 8.8204 a fe _ OSHAWA $10 WEEK] UPHOLSTERY AND RUG adv. "goo 5, five in, (soe svauohie CREIGHTON FRASER, DRYNAN and : : 7 URNACE ALE ELE RON : SHAMPOOER -- VAC nt OX Oshawa MURDOCH 3 sters Solicitors JPEN E ) iq 3 MA hy of he of Commerce 'max, GENERAL CONTRACTING { fvenings VICE FORMATIO Vives," DYE Lares ured oo any vein, N RA 3 33486: IK K a eaters Sa ATTENTION | AND SER Cc 1 : i on T Restore origina! beauty to RECEPTION IST for gentleman; Apply 620 Simcoe Street L M dee ig 'NHA mort ant orronded Altera: } : nr RA 5. 5954 I V yy furniture and rugs SECRETARY - SUBLET Evobedroom apartment for . r ' L | p ly. Cal 5-2161 or end addition re roorr ; y ; u : 4 tine : 2892 KING ST WwW £m and July mates, work guaranteed. RA 4--Dentists oncretd Wo/ : 0 wir 3 ) $7 he rt H lo pa : vy id 3 4 * FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE rive room n private apartment, alse DR. G. ®. SCIUK. Office hours 9 ple es, etc. Lustom build 2 te t Skvehief } AWA---RA 3-487 Experienced. conscientioy three room private Apartment, lewis yes . by ointme 3 \ortgages arranged cy i erience onscientious decorated. Apply 730 Simcoe hl LYMES CONSTRUCTION OSHAWA FURNACE Hage Prog li merican 358 32--Articles Wanted WHITBY DISTRICT i 4 6--Optometrists i : RA 8.6228 TE 9.2224 HOME CLEANING 5 8 hi R44 \TRC w AVE be Aira "roller, large WRITE BOX 547 APARTMENT FR Ro SE ione le rr LANDSCAPING Tv Tre resor WILL pay $10 and up for 1998 Canadian -- ES FOR RENT p ounts at downtown _ Toronto i Howe IMPROVEMENTS ; ler Cation: Sariits Complete summer service 3 Drow ilars, also certain type '47. R/ T bed Rosslond Yor 3 r 7 ur t E LLING--ADDI N arty hirmnes wept Oil fu ) ot, EDT a | wo edroom on S Phone 158 pol REC ROOM n > 50 y ih , RA 3-355; PIANOS, unright Sarat $ 1 00 MONTHLY Rd. E., in modern apartment ¥ RICHARD BLACK, Dr. of Optom- FAMILY ROOM OSHAWA ACME . Coll atte ron i 2 State make and price Reliable. woman: for. houses building, half block from jiey, the examina don Of eves SoBtact He. Hordwood. Fic 2 LE ; / v y Write Box 839, Oshawa Times. Wh buses, close to schools and evenings by hp A SparneX, Cupboard HAULAGE LTD | OL 5.3] 86 EXP RUNG oERVILE y 1 hold position, 'live in private churches, free washer and Loans --ATrRge . T H \DIO 2 1 ! ! CASH FOR: SCRAP { !| room. Must be fond of child- dryer service. $95 per month 7--Surveyors HUGH CROSBY AM -- GRAVEL 15--Instructions 3 MONTH GUARANTEE 0 ; : WE BUY en Celt Russ Reeve at Schofield T HORTON and mocwier On RA 5.3937 FILL = STONE FRR Soa Si Ei URS TUBES ; : eatR, RAGS, | RA 5.7704 Isirons Amie, Whi. 30.30. Arex TH RA 3-3528 CI OF fact, oF Serer on TV. Enterprises " aA ey ; RA 3-2265 or RA 5-4840 _-_- CARPENTER TIAN AE MASH. Dance Ed " GREENBURG & "SONS - DONALD H. TROLLOPE, Ontario LILLIA TAE MARSH, I - : SECRETARY Land Survevor, 216 Adelaide Avenue CONTRAC FING ------ calor. Dancing School Ballet, tap. pr RA 5-2905 ne phone y BUCKINGHAM hindi : - Remodelling of CROSS TOWN Saturday "Masonic Temple, RA 3.723) : - Tt A 3-7333 loc FOR LAW OFFICE MANOR DONA A TUEIWAR. DF hath, recreation ome. | SOD SUPPLY ALL 'IA AN/E APARTMENTS ) fra "ol 7 fecrgolion zooms Co -N-DA\ B We need at least one compe- 2 B Sow BBA) Dn punt el ests LEARN TO DRIVE Gately SALA. tort sinogrepher ot ores, | Ebvdroom Aperiminss, see MO 8.8611 . : zed soc Oshowo.b X : TO WRECKING CO. capable of working indepen rice iy sapped bes Rss rst ; esh d prompt. deliver At the wa Dr A ! | dently whe cess Yo ion ye AMhu 019 ; ; als Ca Sr bh for wrecking, also ntly when necessary ou Simcoe St. North, Apt. 15; Liana in a and metals, et must be fully competent in Harold R. Stark Fully trained instructor All 1 ole RA 8-8676 . <n A ed r t t. Oo shorth | ting -and engineer CLIFF BROWN 5.8504 Standard. Automatic cors ad low ad ne | Open Seoturday all orthand and typing. Lega re ------ A Sout Phone experience is not essential if ~~ 3 © all w RA " 1 other qualifications are satis- APARTM T GRAVEL & SAND | prompt DELIVERY RA 8-0091 : ; w Pg 5 Tacky Thos ove Porn EN emodelling ! LOAM FOR YOL am---- » € =u t € e . Sed an positions with: opportunity of Large two bedroom apartment FOR J 16--Insurance e ? advancement Apply Box in apartment building, kit- RN: a mr iver) S 840, Oshawa Times AE ide: Prompt Delive COMPLETE ALLSTATE Auto, Inwurance. Save DO iT NOW LEN-DAVE LODGE WANTED al ne he Zhe earned Sivsse Street Sa Sa Ri RA 8-895] GARDEN SUPPLIES eons se: your * home eautify Your Home PHONE BALA 3% AP IRON, POULTRY --Mal~ Help Wanted vevors, Professional En Ing_and heating supplies recreation rooms, - - BA 57413 eau Picture Quality Dh 9 AND FEATHER TICKS EXPERIENCED barber wanted Ap. RA 5s 3302 hoz Jecreation rooms, ad BALA ONTARIO ply Doug's Barber Shop, 27 Bond Street --______ RA 5 3 CALL 17--Money to Loan HAVE A TOWER A, A I. TURNER East : TT a YE as oY BEVERWY(CK NS yy Wi A pu ectimote. | 28A--Trailers RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 [WANTED two painters Must be firs JOHN A. J. sale t class. Telephone MO 8-5231 before 6 p.m RA 5.8351 MACHINE purchased. NHA mortgages arranged QUICK sale, cabin traile ' J (collect) { . ' t CHARTERED Accountant's office re- BOLAHOOD | SPECIALIZING IN 30" T Se igntom, Fraser, Diyoan and Mur T R 0 gitiofsaccommody Best off ree | quires junior student WIth Semin me. C N 30 nail ' : ton 387 ; WHITBY, ONTARIO GARDENS To Tel ah NLU agreements purchased and sold. Her t 1 B ill and WN A ran . . : ; CEDARDALE Sieulatioy ritnell and Moore, R . LIMITED > 3 16 : yd very Ec ¥ i SALESMAN q p yv loca a X= So 0. 12 HIGHWAY Seer past ma soy ers 3 King) TELEVISION fers 2 bottes ana fle SCRAP factuter. . Excovent omportunsy. wene| | CALTORS--INSURANCE " ing jack P.O. BOX 329 OL 5.3570 BROOKL IN CLIENTS' monies available for first RA 8.6781 lamps, ete. A : RON METAL LTD round Position with advancement. ex; 167 SIMCOE ST. S. perience not necessary Apply to 515 and second mortgages. Mortgages and Ajax, WHitels > hithy A 17% BARI St IRON--METALS Brock Street North. Whitby HOME IMPROVEME MO 8-4735 WHITBY arecments of sale purchased. Apply 171 BOND ST . bh RA 5-6544 ¥. Swartz, Barrister and Notary t---------------- PAPERS--RAGS LICENSED mechanic for wheel align -- N - TE : K | FF CAL DER y T o ment . and brake rk. Good salary, RA 8.1177 REMODELLING ADD! PROMPT DELIVERY [Pipi 2% King East, Oshawa. RA 23 Women's Column COOK'S TRAI OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY [Ment and brake work Good salary, 2 : FAMILY ROOM FOR YOUR VE HAVE ol SPECIAL, Real emanate 3450 ; t RA 5-3432 hospitalization and insurance. Write NOW LEASING Of HAVE clffnts 1 5 aila le ¥ A F E " J x 73 d ; 2 monies available [o (CIAL Te Bt Db ro 16-ft nd FREE PICK. uP Box 731, Oshawa Times New Tile, Hardwood Flo COMPLETE for loans on first and second mortgages | ot WAVE S800. Hage | ris A ; - TRANG 2 bedroom apartments, DODO & SOUTER C oho ard and also purchase of mortzages and ] includes fridge and stove. NALLPAPER NC 5-41 Agreements of Sale. Louis S. Hyman fos ised t i 100 ANNIS STREET Washer ond dryer, lockers, R HUGH CROSBY GARDEN SUPPLIES QC. 37 King Street East. Oshawa. RA 24--Market Basket hn ; Se ai a CA Vasher, yn Po hers: DECORATI NC PR : CALL STR AWBERRIES, orders take 1 Low 34--Auction Sales S MENT rent at $100 per month. Pos- 0 18A--Mortgages 8 HIT _ own pay od Immediate opening available session' by July 15th, 1960, timates co 10 Sharpening Service SRN, ar | 95... Pots & Livestock %9__¢ Ar Aha A for reliable man to call on To inspect call Jack Appleby nn --Summer Properties A C) ; : o 3 yo 8 Des 1 rea mowers ate ned, wor P BEVERWYCK FIRST OR SECOND DACHSHUND' puppies for sale. Phone For Sale AUCTI N SALE sii St heat ho: Plinis = 82 36544 kA 3.339% INGS RA 5.7426 anteed. 13 St. Lawrence Avenue. ke RA 53-1669 afte n \g received instructions | € C e )n-con- 3 = pick-up and delivery RA 3.3266 or R MORTGAGE : : , CLEAN g wa y flict Highes Missions Whithy (paar 0 ele GARDENS 0 REGISTERED Chinuanua puppies. Call bay : WE executors, of the | fierng, Highdw commissions OSHAWA ---- FAT sharpening, mowers, s MONEY AVAILABLE ion: RS. S083. between 5 South ght « . tstate of the late Mrs. James : ; Pr 3 A 3B Tc 85¢ repeat busines year and a1" tools Work guaranterd. Bb HIGHWAY Fo ' Moonie oH ear {hone M( ; ; v 1438 Simcoe St. S, round at full commission. Full SHOPPING Hh Linh Mower 350 Wilson Road South OL 5.3570 BROOKLIN ALLIED : CL el EL have, 1 will sell by Public f 0E Yew boston ey 100 MACHINE LAWN mower and altho. tor re MO 8 4735 WHITBY INVESTMENT" CO. rueris onable 10 good homes. Lindsay, SE gi _doturday, June 25th | fy Manager waiting to in CENTRE 1 SHETDENID will delive Irs. Boland Goodwood harp the entire / pair and sharpening se R terview you. Write The ( : TILE Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road Wes RA 3-3993 Ontario ~N ! nents. tified Elec Company Dun Only 2 miles away from WwW A 3.7462, or RA 3.173 - BOARDING. { er ies q SOCEM] \ 1 eal ly 2% s away VHITBY, ONTARI OL oy SA GARDEN 51 KING ST. | a nnn alll STURGEON LAK 3 chester suite, | "das, Ontario : x B.05¢ MO 8.3809 HAVE your lawn mower precision telev Vicfrola, this modern, centrally lot v 342 3m) sharpened ee pick-up. Texac a B ik aby buduies reads »] of \7'L iy To rs 204 CHESTNUT ST, W. tion, 380 Simcoe Street South RA 5.0142 SUPPLIES 19--Personal h a I ry butgiey, reayy for BEEHIVE large wall mirror, |38--Male or Female Help > 0, BOX 329 damiinih r PE bd A pee r lor rug and runners, Wanted HYGIENIC supplies (rubber £0 0d) n Str L : ) j od ; -- him Opportunities GARA BRAND" mailed post paid in plain snve- MINATURE poodle 1 on sirec PARK ES A h Yocum, clegnet Series, mvey watking, Wl D floo. store, 918 sa f or ELDERLY lady or couple to care § loves with price ampl beautiful puppie ¢ v stock A N nm | binet, linoleum, 2 p io e for iT 7 I 4 I invalid man in exchange for free home equipped loundry room. DE( rent, 140 Simcoe Street South. Phone » KILLERS cents; 24 samples, $1 Mail Order Cedarview Kenne 062 ¢ refrigerators, S-piece [in village. Phone COlfax 3.2095 IN RA 8-0836 n C ALCIUM" Dept. A-11. Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91 GEEMAN She 1 peer: i 4 Lr ' iit elect Rent tart at $85. tric rar Hamilton, Ont ric range, STORE, sitotle Tor Sami: os : : ey : 1. Champion h WHitehall Gt tchen cabinet, 2 rongettes 41--Room & Board cinn, oh suitable for plumb hi BUG KILLERS ONTARIO Automobile Association rep. 2. 23 y odie a ongslies ROOM or : PHONE MO 8-4547 CONCRETE WEED KILLERS ~~ faemiaies or Gotaws Sad wii, cans evades PON a a aie ~ {12--Dressmaking BRD BATE, Cox, 13 Elgin East, RA 5.1497 26--Farmer's Column , b rocker buffet, dressers cooked meals, close to four corners 3 . H + Apply 24( s = Sbdutuichiidy 511 > LADY in 50's would like ret roy pr ; hade irawers, beds, spring Prly 240 Divison OFFI( E SPA( E < E PTIC TAN KS |PRESSMAKING and aiteration : PAT 10 POTS spectable gentle nan around s age . : d HA V matt drapes, linen ROOM or room and board for gentle St : FOR ated apartment building, bal- [sonable rates. Mrs. Ma | object companionship. Box 73 The men, parking space. Apply 195 Albert SIDEWALK SLABS = [rome xa sims LAWN SPRINKLERS ~~ |eniect compar hoon 5 [ hes. gordon tus, Jown (fre " barrow exten- | - "~ DPRESSMAKING t an LAWN" SOAKERS SAVE money. no WalllaE. free pave [DEAD fa y ed EW 0 ROOM and board for gentleman, Close | SENT \ ' ¢ A N v JU 0 waiting, free park poo 0 ! i jer, step ladder an Ne . Tori sn T [ 4 COLORED PATIO old} 2) types o ng. Mrs. T10 SLAB ng at D Bruce'. Mobile Barbershop; hj. Pp ladder and te N rh GM and nospital. Telenhpne DURA STEPS a Maple Grove Inn, stationary Open 8 ht 1 L ma ther 'article RA 52 5 (13--Gaord & S Su li DEWALK SLABS daily except Wednesdays and Sundays BAIL b ' wagon Y Ist mention ROOM and boar! for gentlemen, nice Passenger elevator service, Cl IRBING ur ening upp es CURBING HYPNOTHE RAPY -- Relic SDRLY I n We 4 d 1 F Frank Stirte- «rr close to downtown, Abstain New building. Centrally lo- 3 crs. Phone RA 3.3365 | ¢ Omamental Teen LAL Tr y tension permanent] wn to 1 ' |ers. Ph : WELL TILE shrubs peonies, perennials 0 LITY PAINTS sleep better fident se WANTED ediat od usec z cated in downtown | RR, ------ -- [KOOM and board, good meals, very| able piices Collected ceda rk t, stop smoking } amie two « nr t th fertilize 3 |central. Apply 180 Bruce Street after 5) m BROOKLIN [fears "oma "i 'CLOSED SATURDAY [Bih, 2 1 i sri smith Ju" WB TON! 1 roe co 25 Eplsyment Wonted pial di - STARE i. lable ; icvernsing, single man, 33, ROOM and board for gentlemen, close] OVO! ; Brook ly 12.30 P.M Initial consultations free itut PASTURE | , 1 cattle, plent J « : "in Gnawa area, Sovmowr and North GM. RA $36, area. Moderate rent. Leases now Ethical Hypnosis, Ontario Street, Osh. ater. CO i in Oshawa area. or 49 Elgin Streét Eas COMPLETE JULY - AUGUST LL : from ox 727 Oshawa Times, | LORE Se Bas, THE TIMES 27=Fuel & Wood $5,9° CARPENTER = Tirsl cinss, SVonings. gentlemen fo hare, ciose (o north plant, lunch pack GARDEN SERVICE | COOPER ELECTROLYSIS an ww I So sr Se of oy BUILDING Contract ROOM and ovoard fo ie ploughed Oliver 5.3311 | : manage - . ITED } emoved 4 : awe. J 281 204 x h i r ! n; experience, | ROOM and board for gentlemen, single Contact T. L, WILSON these dates for eppointment. |about eottage deliveries. RA §.0813 i over weekends, 3 Razd Saute Phone Genosha Hote on 1 0 f Re , ¥. Ajax or Osh.|beds, good home cooked meals, close § en Poof arge lo delivered. Also | enqui ) + districts, MO 8-312 EM ta North GM and bus stop. 148 Rits RA 8.1798 ost ore Por EMR ani td bs sop 18 Ron) Phong RA 3-3474

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