The Oshawa Times, 22 Jun 1960, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR Should we bottle up TODAY our resent. ments and suffer from ulcers or have our say and s black eyes? uffer from he Oshawa Tones : Becoming cloudy tonight, clear- © ing Thursday afternoon, scat- tered showers beginning late tonight, ending Thursday. OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1960 as Second Class Mail Department, Ottawa a Authorized Post Office VOL. 89--NO. 144 SATELLITES SHORTLY AFTER SEPARATING 'PIGGY-BACK' 2 Satellites Orbit SCARBOROUG! SUSPECT FATHER OF GH MURDE Expansion Slows | Down In OTTAWA (CP) -- Canada's economic expansion slowed abruptly during the first quarter {of this year, rising by less than one per cent from the last quarter of 1959, a government re- port showed today. The country's gross national product--total value of goods and services produced--was at an an- nual rate of $35,688,000,000 in the January-March period compared with. $35,272,000,000 during the {previous three months, the bu- | reau of statistics said. The annual-rate figure is ad- justed to compensate for seasonal variations. The bureau reported actual national production in the first quarter at $8,023,000,000 as against $8,815,000,000 in the clos- ing quarter of 1959. Officials said, Canada (consumer goods and services-- the first falloff in this factor in| many years, | The bureau credited this to the| § late spring, the late date of | Easter this year and also a {levelling-off in the amount of | disposable income available for | consumer spending. | 'The bureau said the rise of less| than one per cent in total na-| tional production in the first {quarter was the smallest quart-| {erly gain--except for the third! quarter last year--since recovery } | began following the 1957-58 reces-| § sion. #4 Today's figures indicate that } |the economy will have te hit a| § | much faster rate of growth in the {last nine months of the year if Finance Minister Fleming's bud- | TORONTO (CP) -- Louis Wil liam - Baldwin Fisher, the 24- year-old father of four children was charged Tuesday night with the knife-slaying June 10 of Mrs, Margaret Bennett, 36, Mrs. Bennett's body, stabbed 16. times and half nude, 'ound in a suburban Scarborough|a | Murder 'Weapon Found: Police mended Mackey for his part in thé vestigation, nett's last hours to a Danforth Avenue in: the edst of Toronto. The arrest was meg after a woman tipped po Fi veut unis Police: Chief Ja fh {my Detectives traced Mi bout a man's name. service station lot. Police said Fisher, whose wife is: pregnant, was arrested about noon in the car wash where he works and charged after lengthy questioning. He will be formally arraigned today. { Deputy Police Chief George Elliott said a large hunting knife, believed to have been the murder weapon, has been found. Police also seized a car beljeved to be rs. Bennett Rail Union: Pays Fines: For 2 Men : The CPR conductor and engi From One Rocket OTTAWA (CP)--Sensitive Ca-, The instruments, designed by to DRB's defence telecommunica- measure cosmic radio noises in|tions establishment in Ottawa, hour and 37 minut outer space are aboard one of are scheduled to be switched on/had been shot alo nadian-designed instruments two American satellites shot into orbit with a single rocket early today at Cape Canaveral, Fla. The defence said today that this is the first time that Canadian instruments have been sent into orbit in a satellite. Canadian have been in rockets shot aloft about 3:15 p.m. EDT today. Radar equipment at Albert tracked the satelit es after the, |stage Thor-Able-Sta however, that the two figures cannot be properly compared | get speech forecast is to be borne Prince growth for the adjusted es one figure vi ft by a two-| r rocket, The "If all goes well we will be|shoot took place at 1:55 a.m. EDT receiving signals from the instru- research board ments by mid-afternoon," a DRB/ ment picked spokesman said, Data obtained by the ments on cosmic radio instru- noises instruments, above the ionosphere--60 to 300] miles above the surface of the and Prince up the satellites at {about 3:31 a.m. EDT before they! |had completed their first orbit | around the earth. The Canadian instruments are | {aboard a 223-pound transit satel | & from Churchill, Man., and in the/earth--will be recorded by ground jite \36 inches in diameter. The United States. The Canadian instruments are aboard an experimental naviga-| earth with a smaller basketball-| Prince Albert, Sask., radar labor- tion aid satellite now orbiting the sized aluminum sphere crammed mens to messum/s | stations, including 'one . on: the roof of DRB's electronics labor- atory in Ottawa. The board also said that its| atory was the first station on earth to track the pair of satel tes. 5 4 wg Direct Pow-Wow In Eichmann Case UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) The United Nations. Security Council was expected to give token consideration today to the Argentine - Israeli dispute over * Ado Eichmann and then await the outcome of a meeting Fri- day between Israeli Premier David Ben-Gurion and Argentine President Arturo Frondizi, Argentine delegate Mario Amadeo had ready a speech for the council, detailing his govern. ment"s complaint that Argen- tina's sovereignty was violated when so-called Jewish volunteers captured the former Nazi official in Buenos Aires last month and spirited him to Israel to face trial on charges of major re- sponsibility in the extermination of millions of Jews during the war. Amadeo also planned to intro- duce A rexdlilion fa)! ing for "'adequ4té reparatioi from Is-| DAVID BEN-GURION | smaller satellite -- a 42 - pound package similar to a deep-sea diver's helmet--was clamped to the transit satellite until a spring device separated the pair once they weve in. orbit, ,- Data obtained by thé Canadian instruments may. affect the ¢ver| wil ign of DRB's "top - side sounding' satellite" now under construction. It is expected to be shot into orbit in an American satellite early in 1962, DRB said that the Canadian in- struments will send out signals for about one week, They include two 10-inch rod antennas attached to the quator of the satellite outside a helt of six solar cells. Information they pick up will be sent to receiving stations on earth by the satellite's! Albert radar equip- | in ii in the slow rate of *"" Mult) JEctor. in the slo annual, On March 31 he forecast a 1960 was what the bureau; rise of about six per cent in gross called "a small but unusual de-{national product to between $36,- cline" in personal outlays on|500,000,000 and $37,000,000,000. The 1959 figure was $34,593,000, MAN PASSES UP |sxronrs sraoxc | TRAFFIC POLICE ON DUTY the one which too) on her last ride. More than 1,000 persons were questioned in the case. Rewards totalling $3,000 had for information leading to the arrest and convic- Deputy Chief Elliott said someone might collect the reward money, but it been offered tion of the murderer. BEAUTY CONTEST) NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)--Discretion being the better part of valor, Paul Bauer, 23, of Kitchener, ap- parently has decided to pass up Friday night's Miss Dominion of Canada beauty contest finals. here because both his sister and his girl friend are contestants. Paul, to quote his sister, Jarba im, 18year-gld, won't here because he probably couldn't stand the strain of determining whom he should congratulate or console first. He'll stay in Kitchener selling groceries in a store there. Paul's girl friend, Marilyn McFatridge, 18, of Preston, won the Miss Preston contest title while this is Barbara's first try. The girls went to school together in Kitchener, sending equipment. WASHINGTON (CP)--In mili- tary terms, President Eisen hower may be confined to bar- continues to wander Comay said the dispute: "can misjudgment of the intensity of Ike Stays Home For Rest Of Term | fourth qu Snend Exports were one of the strong- est factors in the first-quarter picture. They rose to an annual| rate of $7,169,000,.000--a gain on an annual basis of $192,000,000-- | more than offsetting a slump of $136,000,000 in the annual rate of personal spending on consuiae: goods and services. The bureau said there was no over-all change in prices during the first quarter, so the advance, gross nal oduct *" : Are node Sc Un balance, all of Yio Broduss gain was represent y a movement into inventory stocks,|the traffic squad. He stressed There was "a significant in-{that officers would be checking crease" in the rate of inventory moving traffic violations 24 hours build-up at retail and wholesalela day and al' available equip- levels and in livestock om the ment will be used. farm. | "Traffic, laws exist for our| Oshawa Oshawa Police have charged 62 persons with speeding during {the first day. of the ice com- | mission-ordered erack-down on Nab 62 Speeders Police wasn't possible to be definite at this stage. . Police indicated outside infor- mation resulted in the surprise arrest. Fisher was arrested by. plain- clothes - Constable Don Wright, safety--by obeying them and|who Tuesday night was com- supporting our traffic officers| cit! will help to lower fhe a c [y | In Ch the city for a purpose and each sign hds a meanihg whether it says - 'No Parking', 'Two-Hour Limit', or 'Stop'. Any violations of these signs will be rigidly en- forced." City ile SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -- In. decision on an appeal has been fected drinking water, steady Besides the drop in spending, a further factor in the slow rate of economic growth was a decline in business investments in new plant and equipment fol-| lowing the levelling-off in the arter of 1958. ing on new m y and | equipment, at an annual rate, Sadiived by $72,000,000 wile non-| residential construction fell by| gp JOHN'S, Nfid. (CP) -- The] $12,000,000. ays on housing |iy rea. man Prgéressive Conserva. | emained s y. ; iti fl Government expenditures, How-| Hv Op posit glomped out i : 4 | Newfoundland 1. e g i s lature] ever, increased in the first quar-| ie Sey wins a i name- ter, | lcalling: episode with an angry hi personality, appeared to have all] warm pap i | | Premier Smallwood. There were indications the fire- Big Name-Calling In Newfoundland | | the equipment to outwith the Rus- sian boss: In the course of tra-|; racks for the next six months|velling more than 300,000 miles while Soviet Premier Khrushchev|and visiting dozens of countries, | freely the Western world chief spokes- | through the world's trouble spots.| man ac i{ With frankness and a touch of|friends. '|sadness, 'State Secretary Herter Tuesday admitted diplomatic [to quired millions of new The peak of his triumphant i ur came las: December if In-| dia when Prime Minister Nehru works would continue today. | As the opposition left the House, Mr. Smallwood shouted: 'Good | riddance." Tranquillity was shattered. as members debated a government loan and guarantee bill. Albert | Furey, Conservative member for | Harbor Main, injected the name rains, new earth tremors and the threat of a wall of water from Lake Rinihue make life continu- ous misery for the battered popu- lation of the south Chilean city of Valdivia. years. I made, he men's union of the CPR". eer who decided Monday to jail for 10 days in protest than pay $25 fines for obstructing a highway for more thait_fike minutes were released from. jail and on their way home BY 11 o'clock Monday evening, ] men were back on the. job today. A representative from the Bro. therhood of Locomotive Engineers ame to Whitby and paid the fines for Louis Russel, the come ductor, and Michael the engineer, today. A it was E The pair, with a total of 80 Te eal ns of fry ¥ hey were ant > . to pay for sald. . Mr. Russel sald they treated well in the modern A representative of the fraime I termed the 'incident a very poor showing on the part More than 40,000 persons fin low-lying sectors of Valdivia and the surrounding valley are im. periled by the lake waters above, which have reached 42 feet be- yond their normal level. Their! natural outlet to the Sam Pedro River was blocked by landslides in last month's shattering earth. quakes, New panic gripped the city uesday 'as 16 minor born in Latvia, once 'ran' the provincial government. "Yes, and he went to jail," barked the Liberal premier from across the floor. *It's lucky none of his friends went the same way," Mr. Furey 1 retorted. Mr. Smallwood: "The honor-(ings weakened by the earlier able gentleman "is little ignoramus . . . uakes man, and George Ro! struck threatening to toppld build-| president. an arrogant|shocks. People hurried from|source of the rumors in who says|homes still standing, screaming|his denial Tuesday, but American Motors : Won't Join Chrysler DETROIT (AP)--Reporis that Chrysler Corporation and Ameni- can Motors Corporation are. to merge are not true say L:. Colbert, Chrysler board id oi Romney did not identify the ai AME nothing but ignorant, guttersnipe in horror. Many slept in the|spokesman said such reports had streets Tuesday night. despite the| ci remarks." heavy rains and severe cold. cial tipsheets, irculated recently on some finage DEMANDS APOLOGY Mr. Frey demanded an apology. | Mr. Smallwood said he wouldn't apologize until Mr, Furey did. anti-American opposition in Ja-|acclaimed him as "messenger of of Alfred Valdmanis, once pro- vincial director of economic de-| Speaker J. R. Courage was un- velopment who was convicted in| able to restore order until opposi- 1954 of defrauding the govern-|tion Leader James Greene, Mr, ment of $200,000 and sent to/Furey and R. J. Greene of Bell {| prison Island departed. Mr. Mr. Furey said he would ask rr the premier for an apology again| 3 today. Mr. Smallwood said he had no intention of doing so until the Conservative member apolo- gized. | Mr. Courage ruled that Mr.{ Furey started the fuss by "pro- | voking" the premier, "WHO DID HE MEAN?" The, premier, in an interview, asked who Mr. Furey was.refer: ring to when he mentioned] "friends." | } rael. 4 and should ttled b; | i § " Israeli Foreign Minister Golda and Should be settled by direct\pan and said Eisenhower plans| peace. | da . . 00 more goodwill missions] But that was before the U-2| | Meir 2 reply 15. Aingde was) An Argentine source said his| abroad although he still has six| spy plane incident and the shat! expected to argu 8rav-| government would insist that the months in office. {tering of the summit conference, | ity of the crimes charged 10 meeting be held. The couneil's ; d Hifi : { h It seems, in essence, that the|taking with it world hopes for Eichmann justified extraordinary custom is to honop the wishes of | Communists have scored another | peace between East and West measures taken for his appre-|members in' such" matters, | > : 3 Ar-|point in the eternal battle for| The U-2 incident disclosed a hension. gentina is a council member, men's minds. Eisenhower took on deep weakness in U.S, diplomatic An Israeli spokesman in Brus-'and Israel is not. {himself the role of personal strategy; in U.S. ability to dis- sels announced Tuesday night! Frondizi told reporters in Bern, diplomacy in an attempt tojcern and appraise the turn of| that Ben - Gurion and Frondizi Switzerland that his government match Khrushchev on the stage world events. - | would meet there Friday to dis- insists on Eichmann's return, [the Soviet leaders seem to 'enjoy p 3 I cuss the Eichmann case, and] Ben - Gurion, visiting Brifssels,| best -- making trips abroad 90R JUDGMENT : Israeli delegate Michael S. was equally adamant that "Eich-|and disseminating pr o p aganda whit pase the fugmoll on Comay in a letter to the council mann shall remain in Israel until [through the personal approach. oy Jou lower possona a : Tuesday-night asked that it defer he is tried and, if" condemmed,| WELL E ( % eb N QUIPPED : {mitted he aad his associates -had| or refuse consideration of the until after he .has purged his! Eisenhower, with his military- misjudged the extent of anti- Argentine complaint. | condemnation." {hero background and magnetic| American sentiment in Tokyo. 'DOWN WITH KISHI' Tokyo Mob Disperses 74 TOKYO (AP) -- An lith-hour| quarters after a morning of short! Furey said Mr. Vaidmanis,| Russians Present Musical Sputniks OTTAWA (CP) -- Moscow Mayor 'Nikoli Ivanovich Bobrov- nikov has presented his Ottawa hosts with musical Sputniks. The 10-inch models of the first Soviet satellite chime the call + {letters of Sputnik I intermittently Africa movement, who is |with a popular Soviet tune called "Did he awaiting trial with 15 bearded |Our Expansive Counry. he meant? followers on treason and fel- | ony charges. Yesterday two | | British soldiers were killed and | | two wounded when ambushed while raiding. camp of Henry's | cultist followers near Kingston, capital of British West Indies island. --AP Wirephoto | JAMAICAN LEADER This is Claudius Henry, leader of Jamaican back-to- mean me? Is that who George Nelms, the four city con-| 5; "the floor." trollers, the woman member of| Opposition Leader Greene said | the Ottawa council and the chair-| ouside the House that the legis- {man of the National Capital! ature was being conducted in "a Commission. | most 'stupid, fantastic' way with | no regard for the rights of mem- bers. If the premier wants to run of the treaty. Students, of their offices in Tokyo, and coal leftist demonstration to stave off activation of the U.S.-Japan sec- ,urity pact lost steam tonight as a mob of 40,000 began wearily dispersing. Meanwhile, the con- troversial treaty moved nearer to becoming law. The snake - dancing columns|Japan for another 10 years 'shd! shouted "Down with Kishi" and "Dissolve parliament" 'as they circled the parliangént building and moved past the{ foreign min- istry and Tokyo lice head- strikes. But a predicted 'turtout of 100,000 failed to materialize jand by nightfall the demonstia- {tion apparently had fizzled. | The controversial pact, which gives the United States bases in promises American defence of this former enemy hation against outside attack, needed oly U.S. Senate approval and the ex« change of ratification instruments to become law. CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 The exchange of documents in Tokyo is expected to come within hours after the Senate appreval and President Eisenhower's signs ature in Honolulu, |SECRET MEETINGS | Plans for delivery of the ratifi- cation documents were sur rounded with secrecy in an effort to thwart the desperate leftigt op al Josents borers and socialists were re-| miners left ii: pits for 24 hours. ported planning to blockade U.S.| Many stores closed in support of frbhssadar Douslas Macarthur the leftist. campaign. oreign Minister Ailichiro i Fujivama in their homes to pre- NO INCIDENTS vent them getting together to: The tie-up 'was carried out complete the formalities, without major incident or injury, . Prime Minister Nobusuke 27d by noon transport was nor- Kishi's cabinet put its final ap- Mal again and siriking govern- proval to the pact late Tuesday | ment employees were back to LATE NEWS FLASHES Truckers Quit Subway Project TORONTO (CP) -- A trucking company and a dozen independent truckers have guit a Toronto subway project, pro- testing that a subcontractor, Allenby - Crawford Company, underpaid them, overloaded trucks and hired operators by pight, and Emperor Hirohito af-| fixed the great imperial seal to it! The embattled prime minister, soon after to prevent leftist inter-| although resigned to his depar- ference. The documents were|ture from office; held to. his de- taken secretly to each cabinet|termination to put the treaty into r individually and then to effect first. Shojiro Hawashima, the emperor. secretary-general ' of Kishi's rul Extremist students: and labor ing Liberal - Democratic party, under-the-table deals. Destroyer Escort Commander Named OTTAWA (CP) -- Cmdr. James Brant Fotheringham, 38, director of naval aviation at Naval headquarters here since 1958, has been appointed 'to command the destroyer' &scort St. Laurent, it was anhounced here today, The a the House that way, we don't have to sit there and listen." The bill, asking the House 'to ratify $4,615,000 in goverfiment- backed loans, passed second read- ing without the opposition, Charge In Death Of Oshawa Man ELMVALE, Ont, (CP)--Gordon |§ Chapman, 57, of Elmvale distriet, has been charged with criminal negligence in the Sunday' night fatal shooting of * William C. Smith, 32, of Oshawa. unions staged a giant transport strike which tie up the nation's (rail, bus and streetcar communi- | cations for four hours this morn- | told reporters the prime rhinis- effective June 29. ppointment is : ' Police said Smith was visiting ARRIVE IN US.. ter would announce his resigna- tion "as soon as possible" the ratification ex¢hange. atter Ratepayer Raps Former Deputy Reeve Chapman's farm, about 70 miles north of Toronto, They were éx- |amining Chapman's rifle, when Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco are escorted to car by police after arrival at The Liberal-Democratic major- | ity then will choose another of its| leaders to be prime minister. ing. { Government workers carried out a four-hour sitdown in fromt | | . ¥ TORONTO (CP) -- A former deputy reeve of suburban North York has used township land for eight years without paying for it, a ratepayer said today. i |the gun discharged and struck Smith in the head. killed bullet e was| New York's Idlewild Airport Tuesday ut, They are' env instantly. route to Philadelphia to attend funeral services of the Prins cess ' fawier, John B. Kelly, Sg Kelly died in Philadelphia Mone day at the age of 70. ~AP Wirephots ? €

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