The Oshawa Times, 22 Jun 1960, p. 13

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OSHAWA ST (UDENTS To VISIT IN JONQUIERE, QUEBEC | final instructions at Hotel Gen- osha Tuesday night, Seated, frem left, are Donna Granik, Ma Lockwood and Denna | Ho Standing, from left, are Barbara Broadbent, Larry ' Law rence, Marlyn Markle, Ray a fine pet and responds readily They will be accompanied, on their return by French teen- agers whe will spend a similar neriod as their guests in Osh- awa. [be students were caught ! | by the camera as era as they Ie eived On July 4, 11 Oshawa secon- jary school students will leave to spend two weeks in Jon- quiere, Quebec. The students will live with a French family and will learn much of the French Canadian way of life Albert St. Church Picnic Success The Sunday School of Albert! 11-12 years, balancing bow) Street United Church held its an- race Nancy Wick and Milford nual picnic at Lakeview Park Masters and Larry Sullivan, last Saturday with more than 200 2 - 13 years, sack race -- Mil- attendance ford Masters and Janice Walker Everyone enjoyed watching the 13 15 years, drive in nail races, while there fun for all count Dorothy Gibb and Larry from the tiny tots rand- Henderson parents. Each of in 15 - 16 years, the races received a | while race Carlton Gerrow and there was a special treat for the Larry Henderson, Dorothy Gibbs little ones and a peanut scramble and Milford Masters in which the boys and girls made adies, shoe kicking every effort to fill their Dockets Lorna Harrison The Houghton Silver Dollar Hunt! Men's shoe scramble also provided keen interest, White All 'in all the day was a fine, Houghton silver success and the picnic. supper Bryan Plank. was all that could be asked for Bean contest Mrs. Clayton Lee led in the Gordon. singing of Grace Members of the lunch and prize committee wer Mrs. Russell Wicks, Mrs. George Ford and 8 GM Pensioners Mrs. ic Jacklin Members of Worked 283 Years the games committee vere James Gordon, Bruce Hurst "and Eight veteran employees with Mrs. Clayton Lee. a record of 283 years' service The results of the sports events with the Oshawa plants of Gen were: eral Motors of Canada Limited, Tiny Tots, Mrs. Arthur How- recently retired on the company's| ard's class, straight race -- Len- pension plan. ard Ferrell and Kenneth Ogilvie.! The veterans, their department Donna Plank's class -- and length of service follow: Weatherup and Patsy' Harold 0. Bancock, orf plan Will Coopers cos -- BG" 10a" 2nd se FO CAll Tenders Hospital Wing Sherry Bent and nll as Tovey years; David T. Goven, 6, 7 and 8 years, spoon and plant paint and trim, 32 yes marble race Margo Hender- Richard Keikkila, north hd son, Lynda Henderson and Kathy {ruck body, 26 years: Robert Masters paint, 39 ars; Edward L The Board decided at its meeting Puesday night to authorize the ars building committee to call for ten- cut-'ders for the new hospital wa to thed Needle and thread § Mrs. Lee dollar hust count James Pleau, 11, son of Mr, and Mrs. Raymond Pleau, 200 Bond street east, found a very young raccoon in a rural area near Oshawa and brought it | home He raised | his pet ¢ on a Rene ww Mrs. - Randy Oshawa General Hospital Vieky Jemmpway legged race and Grace E. Riddington, . ears, three-legged race -- ij, 25 years Gale Moak and Jimmie Pollock, 2 and sewing; D Year Margo Henderson and Victor 8, 9 years Wheelbarrow Parks, west plant -manufactur- race Bonnie Sullivan and Da- ing 5) years; Frederick D, Rien- vid Graham, Debra Bint and koester, stamping plant, 32 ye Tenders will be invited selected number of contractors sometime "during July The hospital board the building committee that clause be contract stipulating the contractor agrees that local union labor of recognized building trades used wherever possible instructed to ensure inserted in stones Lyn and tepping Henderson and Robert White a 10 group mel in of Junioy the banquet Arena for Gar hall their holiday Mrs © da Chandler Toronto Rallv hi Sunday, June 25, at 8.30 p.m do ners Nancy Wicks. The Fred G. Van Hore, presidi 1e concert will be held in the of the Children's Henderson 10-11 year rac Bill Plan For Big [At Shell pyc Tri py Oshawa Symphony Orchstra P present it's first outdoor con Are Reviewed fed G. ROTI "SICIS bandshell at Memorial Park, Sim lar bilniste: N Heo i ob tongrege oe street south, and will consist ion anno d today that more .¢ } a well-ba gs ¢ of class than 225 Jehovah's Witnes in of a well-balanced ygriety of clas final meeting before the season with their Earle Sandford leaders, and Mrs ! sical ' & smi-cla . usie the Oshawa Whitby, Ajax, Bow- m2 and semi-classical musie, 0 Week The orchestra* will be under th manville and Port Perry. area ion ° are planning to attend the Watch baton of Francis J. Francis Anning lo ¢ : The concert will star > Tower Convention June 30 to July start with hy F the ed 3 march "Des Cadets p 3, at the grandstand, Exhibition coigne" by Fen W, h Park, Toronto. This assembly v : geo!, alti Loma in 1 0 nal arrangement group bu Gas will 5 were given propo Casa lar! regarding e is ) lo the ( which will bus over astle he lowe ) y expected to attract 25.000 dele followed by the lively gates from Canada and the USA. 'Ure "Zampa" by Herold, For the In preparation f fis p third number the strings will pre bly, many local Witnesses had a dominate in Elgar's Lar ghetto' share in the great campaign to [OM "Serenade for Strings". The obtain cufficient rooming accom. SIFiN8 section will continue with modation for all delegates. Satur-| Fiddle Dance" by Fletcher, days and Sundays, as well as oth. 1h fiddle dance will be fol- er times through the week, saw lowed by the full orchestra play many ot them making the trip to ing the first movement from Toronto to.share in this work with Schubert's Symphony No. Five in hundreds of Toronto Witnesses, Flat. and altogether 3.825 rooms in Ihe concert continues with the hotels and motels and 8,444 in Novelty piece "The Syncopated private homes were obtained. C10¢k" by Anderson, followed hy with 16,137 hours being expended. he stirring "Marche Militaire" A staff of 52 full-time volunteers Py Schubert has been requ . the! The lilting accomodation them' overture from to delegates will be Mr. Van Horne tributing primarily to the of our solicitation was wronto the a.m With annual Junior Gardeners Salurday, Sept. 10, ing "with' the group again, Mrs Weeks explained each class in detail and instructed the group on how to prepare the material for exhibition The to care will he again in Sunday terminal at 26 It 9 June the the for meet of scheduled before show 5 group wa 0 for the ir judged August, CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congr } hes reminded gardens as they during July and music of Mozart's The Magic Flute | red to proce and . assign presented after the march and will precede 'Menuetto from Symphony No. 104 in D" by Haydn. This will be followed bys sponse of hosts and hostesses to Chaconne from Suite in E Flat the 1957 convention delegates', |by Holst He went on to say: 'The ex-| The brass and woodwinds will emplary conduct of the Witnesses! be in evidence in the final march, | was remembered and people went | Pomp and Circumstance No. 4] Mrs. Dorothy Stapley. 344 out of their way to again pro- by Elgar. The concert will con] Buena Vista Ne ACRes vide them with rooms. Some even clude with two hymns, "Rich Morrison 6200 Ric mond nsisted on supplying free accom mony" and "St ets" street east: Mrs. . Piers ull-time mini while ang Boy Is Bitten Dougla 46 By Police Dog and motel managers smiled wit Mothe relief when told it a Wit wenn : ness convention that was com 1 0 { toss, )sha g. Scatter- influx of the Debbie ght - year - old Leslie Bodok - Albert St., was bitten by & police dog when he tried to pet carly Tuesday evening. The! was treated at the Oshawa will begin June. 29 Stree! automobiles are 63 ( and Ge#eral Hospital for a deep gash erva- on his right arm oringing 6.300 while » have Fred Church- vised they will arrive hy boulevard seven hundred and fifty *hoken train transportat 3B have made airplane ions so far. Twenty-eight Fhe dog was chained of a Simcoe St. § vice It taken to the ' ind placed under for rabies le was released from sight provinces and the al later Tuesday evening. said Con SUCCE the re tulation he resi trict birth- and t wing and dis dents who are celebrating days today: to the fol] of Oshawa hevrolet ters Johnstor sill, J awa was o ind RR Stella tR 4, Oshawa: 643 Brassey MacKinn Nr eannette Mrs Toronto delegates Two! thousand known Mo be good Cowle, Murray rard ill nor The form their receive : nm, ad oad 270 th. bus. it have Os a boy on first fi The person f to in« Oshaw Times of each day will tickets to The sod for a The op re: a tate Island front ion dog "ger heate mn hday stal y observa se double are mw repre 1S of Haiti w ented « It is expected th 00 new Witnesses be fained by water baptism during he convention, a up ards o il curs tion ive 0 in men". tt is the Branded W Ihospit be RENE AND HIS FAVORITE PET wing. | from al the | i lin « {Canad | though 'Family Picnic 'Well Attended | The annual Brooke - Langmaid | reunion and picnic was held re- {cently on the Mountjoy picnic) | grounds at Kedron. The weather| was fine and more than 90 rela- tives assembled for the usual varied and abundant dinner. The gathering was happy to extend a welcome to a newcomer, Elizabeth Brooks, of Somerset, |England, a daughter of John Brooks, who visited in this area 40 years ago. She plans to re-| main in Canada for a year and| {is working as a nurse at the | Hamilton General Hospital. Joseph Snowden, president, presided for the business meeting which followed the dinner, minutes of last year's picnic and | the winter party in January were read. It was agreed that a meet- ing be again held in January. 'Happy Birthday" was sung in honor of the president's birth- day. Relatives were Toronto, Pickering, | Bowmanville and surrounding districts. A vote of thanks was tendered to the Mountjoy family tor the use of the picnic area. | The following executive was elected for 1960-61: Honorary . presidents, Charles Allin and S. E. Werry,; past| president, Joseph Snowden; presi-| dent, Lloyd Preston; first vice- president, John Pearce; secre- tary, Marion Walters; treasurer, Photo Charles Langmaid. Table committee, Ross ib Georgie Pearce, Orland and La- verne Brooks; sports comumittee, Bill and Elda McGregor, John| and Ruth Pea nominating | committee, Hilda" Snowden and Bernice Pearce; reception com- mittee, Harry and Effa Grooms, | Hugh and Bessie Gannon; press | zeqorter, Myrtle Werry. | Bathe Park | Contest Has Big Crowd Bathe Park yas officially open- ed for the ghmmer season last urday nj&ht by Ald. Albert V. Walke pépresenting His Worship Mayor Lyman A. Gifford, in the presence of approximately 500 adults and scores of children, Other speakers included Chris Mason of the Central Council of Neighborhood Association and Fred Ellegett, representing the Board 'of Management, There was a variety of booths to provide adult entertainment | while there were fre treats and present from Oshawa, Merrithew, Lofthouse, Suzanne Audrie were Robert Werry and Absent Michael Marie Jassett and Parkin, Oshawa Times milk diet fed with a bottle. The raccoon known as Clem, makes a fine pet and responds readily to his master, ~Oshawa Times well as refreshments. The winners of the draw prizes were: -rod and reel, H. Bennett; picnic cooler, J. S. Finlay; ther- mos jug, Mrs. J. Rutherford. The main event of the evening | was gala amateur show with J. Francis, Wallace Young # land H. Chapman. Constable {John MacDermaid acted as mas. ter of ceremonies. The contestants were: Judy Tomkins, Judy Kewin, Beverley Tindall, Charlofte Kiviatek and Maryln Pawlenchuk, baton twirlers of the Harvey Dance Academy; Gary Ford, bagpipe 3 Dey Brownlee, vocal George Muzik, Peggy Ring, highland Louise Azzopardi, Wendy Boil and Diane Ager, Hawaiian danc- ers; Bonny Leavitt, vocal solo- ist; Linda Boyrin and Linda Dawe, baton twirlers; Frank Warman, accordionist; Jill For- rester, tap dancer; Paul Lauda, accordionist; Mary Ann _.Azzo- pardi, dancer; Billy Wade, drum- mer; Ann Bernard, Carol Elsey and Vicki Fetchison, skipping rope -tappers;. Denis Taylor, Mike" Feir and Lee Westley, pan- temimists, [ Fach winning act was pre- sented with a trophy donated by Local 222, UAW. The finalists will appear at the park closing on Aug. 27. Three winners will in psychiatric nursing from the |pe chosen on that occasion and Ontario Hospital "in Whithy. |will receive cash awards. Louise was valedictorian at the | Andrew Hucul, president of raduation exefeises pan i the Bathe Park Neighborhood As- tho MSE did ob yy ated by | sociation, expressed the thanks of for tire Ta the association to the audience HORE the and also to all those who had low contributed to the success of the ment in her most successful program. opment during the three years - tn of training. She attended King | Street Public School, Ritson Public Schoo! and heceived her secondary school diploma from 0CCl, Photo F. WINS AWARD Louise Crumback, dau- Mr. and Mr J. .eslie Crumback, Somerville street, who graduated" last week of nur who had ! Jrealest improve professional devel es, graduate 2 Texas-Born Abstainers Have Meet | TORONTO (CP horn teetotallers met at Tuesday They were Dedicated new cabin for King Street iu i My Oshawa, was ded- icated at Camp Pretoria, Colum- bus. Sunday afternoon. The cabin was rebuilt hy mem bers of the church, after the old one was destroyed by snow, in the winter of 1958-59 Two groups of Canadian Girls in Training and Explorers, from 1) the church, under the leadership of Miss Margaret Pellow, with a group from the First Baptist Jean Newman and Jake Smyth, Church, under the leadership of| editor of The Vindicator, Liberty | MIS. P. H. Gillespie, spent the Texas. Smyth is a member of the Weeke nd at the camp. United States Editors' Good wil! The girls engaged in craft, Tour of Ontario nature lore and Bible study. Sun- the I day morning, they attended a aid she omething Service | at Columbus United with Mr. Smyth Al- Church her parents were' Atl the presentation and dedica Ww horn i) tion ceremony, an address of welcome was presented by Mrs Mr. Smyth immediately leq A: H. Dancey, chairman, Oshawa the editors in a rousing chorus @0d District Canadian Girls in of The Eyes »f Texas Are Upon| Training. ~ You. Gen. Lacy Price, delega The presentation of the cabin tion leader, said Mr. Smyth had was done by Miss Pellow, Rev. drunk nothing stronger than pop J. K. Moffat, Alex Arkwright and during the trip, Byron Worden. Like Mrs. Newman, dedication aid, Mr. Smyth is B. Milroy can he." scripture; Rev. M. A The cated the cabin and Rev N.! two-day Toronto after Swackhammer led in prayer. naking Leslie Frost ap Hymn accompaniment was pro- honorary admiral of the Texas|vided by the Sons of Ulster Flute Navy, disbanded for more than|Band, under the direction of John 100 years. Shearer. Tex ity ha Toronto Controller Welcoming Newman group had mmon hoth ian, she Texas a n Paso, In the Rey R Gen. Price dry as he ceremony, read the Bury dedi- "as editors concluded their tour of Premier { said School a pony ride for the children, as Dr Camp Cabin | | months Jstrumental dhe Osharon Tomes ™ SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1960 PAGE THIRTEEN The | | Members of the Oshawa Lions Club and the Oshawa B'Nai B'Rith Lodge have gathered a fine array of new articles for their | third _annual live auction Board Files Junior Fire . |Marshal Plan 'Let the schools do the job they are, supposed to be doing," Trustee A. E. O'Neill} commenting on the scheme sub- mitted by the fire department for a Junior Fire Marshals' pro- gram at a meeting of the Osh- awa Board of Education Monday night The program, Hartford Fire Insurance pany, would have the children examine * their homes for fire hazards, discuss it with their parents and report back to the school. For this service the child would receive a toy fireman's| hat, a badge and a booklet. Trustee O'Neill . said: are sympathetic, but we must disagree. It is one more thing put in schools. The schools have only one important job to do.' Superintendent of Public Schools C. M. Elliott, brought the subject before committeés for guidance, He said: by the Com- designed "We is a wicious (tendancy to advertise in our schools," "The school advertis-| ing lays before the child's mind| certain companies,' for example certain banks, films; the Coca Cola Comany. and even the O'- | Keefe centre. "The problem is to know w here to draw the line.' The junior fire marshall's scheme, in itself, is not serious. The separate school have Joss | |it, and some of the public school | children may have been a little {envious of the separate school "There + children. Trustee George K. Drynan, suggested the members pass on to the next item of business ar being the politest way of ha. ling the business. F. J. FRANCIS '0CVI Band At The Shell Thursday The: OCVI 50-piece band will present its first outside concert this Thursday at 8.30 p.m. from the McLaughlin Band Shell This outstanding collegiate band was formed only eight ago under the direction of F. Francis, director of music for OCVI. The musicians | played so well in their first full- dress concert at the 'OCVI in May that an immediate invita- don to play at the band shell was given so that all music lov ers in Oshawa and district could enjoy this new talent and new me- dium of woodwinds and brass. The 50-member ensemble, con- sisting of clarinets, bassoons, sax- ophones, flutes and brasses, won high honors at the recent Peter- borough Kiwanis Festival and plays with malure confidence and balance. | Along with the Mr. Fran cis has developed a fine mixed| choir which will be heard on this oc ion. Featured the| program will be piano in- solos. hand also on and ttn TO SELL BOAT AT LIVE AUCTION being held in Oshawa Children's Arena tonight . and Thursday nigh peen here "is a fiber-i| glass boat 'which will be one of the items to go under the auctioneer's hammer. Seated in | the Markle, manager of the Domin- ion Tire store, which supplied the boat; Alex Smykaluk, chair- man of the Lions auction com- mitee and Amos Rubin, chair- man of the B'Nai B'Rith auc- tion committee. --Oshawa Times Photo hoat, from left, are Ken 230 BIRTHS of at indicate busy hospital. du compared with 1261 in April. m 61 year. PATIENT DAYS UP HERE FRIDAY Hon. Donald Fleming, federal minister of finance, who will be the speaker, this Friday night at the Oshawa Masonic Temple, when Lebanon Lodge, AF and AM, holds its annual strawberry festival and celebra- tion of St. John the Baptist. The event is being held to hon- or Rt, Wor, Bro. E. F. Rus. sell Osborne, of Newcastle, dis- trict deputy grand master of Ontario District and 'the past DDGM's- of the district. Mr. Fleming is a past grand junior ! warden of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of On- tario. (Support Of Hospital s a |stay in hospital during the month ---- [was p talled 11,160 compared with 10,- 595 age pared with 353 in April crease number of out-patient admissions. | T! 5 compared with 1530 in April, the 85.9 per with 84.3 per gent in April. percentage of bed occupancy in'and the various departments follow: medical and May Busy Month At The Hospital Reports presented to the board births in the hospital. There were the Oshawa General Hospital, 1331 discharges and 29 deaths. its meeting Tuesday night, Of the patients admitted 803 that May was a very came from Oshawa. The patients month for the staff of the admitted from other municipali- es were: Whitby, 99; East White Whitby Township, 44; 16; Pickering Township, admissions 135 Ad to the end o that totalled shown the month It was ring issions this year, May total 6384 compared with 18 COUNTY PATIENTS Eighteen patients were admitt- other Ontario County Of these 16 came {trom Reach Township, one from to- Brock Township and one from Uxbridge. Ninety patients were daily 'aver- alse admitted from other Ontario 360 com- counties. Of these 75 came from An in: Durham County, and of these 62 in. -thetwere-from Darlington Township. Twenty-mur of patients went 1 in this. category to private wards, 335 to semi-pri- vate wards, and 762 to public The average bed occupancy of wards. hospital 'during May was, Of the 1561 patients treated 873 centy, This compared had x-rays, 595 were treated in The|the emergency operating room 129 had laboratory tests made. A total of 595 operations ob- were performed in the main op- 89.5 erating room while 772 operations and treatments were given in the emer; gency operating room. 83 for the same period of last ed from communities, Patient days during May in April in hospital The was was also noted here were 1 surgical, 97.6; tetrical, 69.2; paediatric, nd bagsinettes, 60.8. The average number of days' s 8.1 compared with.8.5 in the revious month, 230 BIRTHS The reports stated there were 1121 adults and children admitted during May while ther¢ were 230 Is Praised Glowing tribute was paid to the people of Oshawa and district by T. K. Creighton, QC, Tuesday night at a meeting of the board of the Oshawa General Hospital. It-was announced that the new hospital. fund campaign had reached; a total of $1,112,500. It whs noted the fund raising expenses were only $13,941, which is about one per cent of the total money raised. This, the board felt, was a remarkable" achieve- ment, It was decided to leave the hospital campaign open for con- tributions from a number of com- panies and individuals who have not contributed Mr. Creighton said the success the Oshawa campaign was a most remarkable achievement and one that probably had not been duplicated in Ontario. He said two campaigns to raise more than a million dollars each, within six years, is a very re- markable achievement for a com- munity this size. He felt it was because of the conviction that had grown up in the community, that the hospital Ww. 18! a w of it Cé tr, a tr Ww, Three Drivers Found Careless Scott's Oshawa for striking an eight-year-old boy pushing his bicy: tersection, careless driving were convicted of ing. guilty knocking over a highway sign, wi ceived fr areless driving dismissed. Magis-| ractor stopped in the middle of breakfast last the road. the back of the first Edward Lee road, was Traffic Badgley, 46} fined -$25 in| Court Tuesday le across an in- He was convicted of|§ Two whose cars careless driv-| Donald John Blackthorn, 134] and. was fined $10 for other men; John CampKin, © Port Credit, as fined $25 and costs. His eek-old car was almost demol- hed when it struck the back of| car parked on the edge of High- ay 401 near Whitby and bunted 55 feet. The parked car re- $100 damage. Earl Young, a transport driver om Newcastle, had a charge of Says Voting Is Privilege Members of the Whithy Coun- 4895, Knights of Colum- attended a communion Sunday morning John Church Hall in Whit- ate A. S. Mitchell "decided that cil, No. car in front of his transport bus, The tractor then sand- at St. iched an intervering car into by. car. Following the breakfast James | was identified with the people lof the community. through a speed tr ap at 69 mph Ww were fined $50 each Magistrate 473 Montrave Bruce Hickey, | crossed | neck' pair charged with racing, a more seri- ous |ville, $50 for travelling (20 mph in a 30 ln RYERSON GRAD Miss Marjorie E. Pearce, Omighier of Mr. and Mrs. TEOrg Pearce, Elgin street rast, Ro recently completed to studies in home econor at. Ryerson Institute of T nology and is now employed as manageress in the catering ser- vice of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind, la hi A St lir __ Five Speeders | Assessed Fines Kenneth B. Noble, ship, OPP Constable chased Noble's car at speeds of taxes would be required to repair 9 mph limits. he peeds up caught him. -- Smyth, 906 Henry street, was | re-elected as grand knight of the |council. "By not voting you are putting the wrong men in office," de- clared Ald, John G. Brady, of Osh- awa, 'in an address in which he cited the duty of voters at elec- went tion: time. "Council should be formed of SL, reliable men who area credit to Tuesday by the city. Most taxpayers do not Mitchell. care to go out and vote. In Osh- Charles Hiltz said that awa we can see how council driven by Wayne Shane, spends so much money and Ave. and Ronald yet the people don't seem to 198 Verdun Rd. care," commented the speaker. tapes ' "neck and Ald. Brady emphaszied that voting was a privilege and should the not be ignored heen| "Some politicians went on, "would be willing to buy votes if they could. They would eveh go as-far to give out proper- if they have to." He -jokingly remarked: *'Osh- awa City Council seems to be warned doing just that at times the way of Scott Town- property is given away." that he was fortunate the 'The taxpayers' money should w did not allow him to suspend be handled conscientiously and in s licence after he heard that Oshawa we need the money H.. Hockins badly. More than five years of Two youths whose cars hile racing on Wentworth A'S P.C. 'S the The warned have magistrate they should ", Mr. Brady charge Bruce Farrow. RR 3, Bowman was reprimanded and fined) ty mile zone. Magistrate Mitchell He was also fined $50 Garfield Jessome, 122 Brock N., was fined $25 for travel- at 55 mph within the city(the community." P. C. Ross Jamison said| In conclusion Ald. Brady re- chased Jessome to Whitby at!'marked ironically: "I must look to 80 mph before he into this sometime soon and see Iwhere that money is going. in Oshawa. "Funds are also provided for recreation for that a need in |the Streets is 114

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