The Oshawa Times, 22 Jun 1960, p. 10

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Long hair now is comparatively J as lipstick and other BRUNCH TREAT iargatine, Serve the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 22, 1960 that kind of thing. She was "in H * bP Jo : 18 - love with love," not in love with! FJ@1T Wardrobes arisian ed yare, Over dhe "Way eating cosmetics. Try making Orange - Berry|T vast immediate AL) jugared : k weakened 1S a y a man an per 's crowning| Casually groomed and curly| French Toast for breakfast somes Darties gs ed ew Jropy 'S MAIL On the heels of that recogni-| TV F Ch { Coif fur , and it is rare to see the|hair is out today, in favor of{Sunday morning this summer. 0 tion, she is backing out of being 10r requent ange ) e i waist-length hair which|sleek, up - swept styles. Ruffing|Beat two eggs slightly with a engaged or committed in any 3 Beat ¢ ! : : way. How should you conduct was the order of the day wii ang teasing the hair by back- a deep plate or shallow LET CAKE COOL ' BY PEGGY MASEIN bobbed and shingled styles took glass pie plate. Stir in two- : er ear S P: 1T yourself? If you ean, it would be PARIS (Rewers) -- Paris hair in the 1920s. Medical experts| combing gives body and bulk, cup of orange -Jiice and Take muffins out of their wise to make a clean break. In| f ; Tk the 2 over 80s: Mog Aerts quently a ie hn w of ge a one- % Sila wu ok the words of an old poet: "If she tyles for 1960 are like pro- y also agree grow voidin, need teaspoon salt. Melt et one: mediately, cake quarter . ", . Wh be not fair to me, what care I|verbial bride who wears "some p hair slows down considerably|a permanent wave. Shott locks Quarter leaspous Sag, Jilts Beau, He Wonders Y how fair she be?" ing od Tl Jom ing ev: when a woman is over 30. at the nape of the neck are|ine slices in a Tag pan. a Dear Mary Haworth: I am a|was raptly introspective rather Dot 3 to setiin filendship thing blue." B Paris whimsically dic- d, twisted over a rat4ailed worth: i t devaluate . young man in the military serv-|than mindful of you as a person, with Jet 98 lexis that dev. other| Trends incorporate classic up- tates a long - haired look, false|comb, and Beta 4 piste by a re- Sure: sides, ice. At present I am stationed] With the $64 question seitled,|company that helps you outgrow!SWept styling adapted in new » pieces are at present as com- taining spray quer. near home, so that I am '"on|however, and a life-term commif-|and forget the episode, M.H. |*iact ways. False hair and fake -- De ve pose dows with wore oosing 1s-besinning withl "Mary Haworth ¢ouns ed s/iid a" ng uuca look to short I have been going a won-|the ement| , ; alk ; derful girl for about a year, and next December -- she belatedly trough het Selous, nol by. mal} ks. - The proverb is eomple'e we were to have announced ourirealized she wasn't ready for x Jers of this newspaper \ blue and dark ash rinses re- engagement next D dhs. . placing honey blonde shades as Carol is 18, a June graduate, and tho most popular hair coloring. we were truly in love: or I SALAD TIPS Today's connotation of the word thought so. A fresh fillip can be given to| "wardrobe" no longer is confined Then one Sunday in May she ' | salads by using very young tur-|to dresses hanging in the cup- | told me in a matter of fact way d nips, broccoli and cauliflower| board. "Hair wardrobes" are the that she didn't want to get seri- buds and fresh dandelion leaves, newest. idea, ranging from wigs ous and that she didn't love me x peon---- re ------------ -------- any more, 1 walked away; 4 RS couldn't. believe it! : Sten (Fy EEE ov sone MAMMOTH consider; but she was still nega- bs 4 tive. She said she would love to .. 4 Sensational Star of go out with me on dates, but ' LEE REMICK "ANATOMY OF A MURDER" | Shai Wat J Moway 1 saw hel Ae ond "THE LONG HOT SUMMER" in the role that rockets her fe sterdom| and wa e) outside her apartment for about é 3 avy | HS 80 minutes, We kissed and I told 3 fer again how much I loved her : ® ® and how distressed I was, She asked me please not to say I love her; for if I do, I wouldn't even be allowed to date her, My ' § b a ; 3 ; mother tells me that I will "get go ) A / : over" her; but, Miss Haworth, I | BA ' / ' don't want to yg Sver het. 8) 4 i ELIA KAZAN" S Wd Carol says she doesn't love 2 PG Shi A Wild River} ¢ ) me; but when we were alone she seemed to. I don't get it, do you? foods Teoma A ne \ h 1" Cine mMASCOPE COLOR by DE LUXE Ye BY im How should I conduct myself? A 4 Soy ELIA KAZAN seni » PAUL OSBORN ""%&~ pi var Thanks a million. FC. A i oq . a SHELTERED CREATURE EOF fxd N Dear F.C.: As I get the pic- ture, Carol simply made an hon- A $ . . est mistake in thinking at first oJ 57). ¥. y a ' in te tod ym Ty THE FACTUAL STORY OF NY & Lo OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA---7 P.M. didn't sense the distinction until SAVAGE WATERFRONT WARS @ (4 Ie ou make quite a point of her s Eno © Bi ! Listed below is the list of articles to be auctioned Wednesd ay night in the following order: being a nice girl, and I believe r AAA J 5 3 p RETAIL. an : you. Her contradictory RICHARD EGAN TE | Ar NC ARTICLE VALUE DONOR ARTICLE VALUE DONOR Zellers Ltd., Oshawa Eaton's of Canada, Oshawa Dominion Tire Stores, 48 Bond St. W. Bathe & Mclellond, 81 King St. W. Bathe & Meclelland, 81 King St. W. Coles Sporting Goods, Shopping Centre Wilson's Mardwore, 23 King 5t. W. Collis Ready-To-Weor, 54 Kipg W. Collis Ready-To-Weer, 54 King W. Cole of California Lodies Hadassah Ladies Hadassah Tidewater Oil Co. Murray Brontford Co. Ltd, Toronte Murray Brantford Co. ILtd., Toronto Parks Paint, 55 Bruce St. Gordon's Paint Store, 25 Bond St. &, Sherwin Williams, 16 Bond St. E. Preston Decorotina, 19 Bond St. W, Globe Cofe, 13 King st. E Buneow . 1 Youcher--2 Ladies' Weir Cuts 4 Barbara's Beauty Salon, Oshowe 127. 1 Voucher--Brick or Block Work 5 John Riznik, Oshowe . 1 Voucher--Plumbing Service or Material ' W. R. Brown ond Son, Oshewse 129. 1 Voucher--2 T-Bone Steaks io Casino Restcurent, 130. 1 Voucher--Oil Change .. Pleasure Valley Service Station 131. 1 Voucher--Food Homper x A McKenna Super Market, Oshawe 132. 1 Pr. Men's Shorts . ae x Continental Pants Mfg. 29 Front St, Toronto 133. 1 & x 9 Straw Jepenese Met ... 95 Nu-Wey Rug Co., 174 Mery St. 134. 1 Lodies' Dress A Morrison Furs, King St. W., 135. 1 Ladies' Dress .. . Morrison Furs, King St. W., Oshawe 136. 1 Ladies' Dress E W., Oshawa 137. 1 Ladies' Dress W., Oshawe 138. 1 Lodies' Dress Morrison Furs, King St. W.. Oshawa 139. Boudoir Lamp Betty Mayd! Interiors, 15 King St. E 140. 1 Carton Cigarettes 60 Kingsway Sandwich Shop, 141. 1 Pr. Boys' Jeons--32 Waist .... 3. Eagle Overall Co. Ltd, Wi , Toronte 142. 1 Pr. Boys' Jeans--30 Waist ,... Eagle " Ca. 2 Tidy Boys' F bug if n Pole v4 Ltd 1 Pr. Jeans--. Waist . A Ea rol oy id 28° We Toronto . 1 Pr. Boys' Jeams--34 Waist .... uh Overall 'Co. Ld, 28 Wellinaton, Toronte 45. 1 Lodies' Housecoat--Size 20 (Red) Morrison Furs, King St. . 1 Ledies' Coot--Size 16 (Blue) . Furs, King St. . 1 Pair Ladies' Green Jeans--Size 16 5. King St. , 1 br Ladiey' Beige jeom--Size "% in King Hy 1 dies Suit Size .! e . 1 Pr. Ladies Slim Jims Size 14 .... 7.95 Morrison F King St. SONNSMAUNS rbecue Set Gallon Paint Bride Doll . Princess Dol! Swim Sult (Ladies Size 14) .... Gallon Paint Gallon Paint . Cose Veedol Motor ON . ----- Sunees and attitudes as regards love OL PRETTY been reaseyes , 1 Voucher--10.00 Merchandise ... 10.00 Lighting Unlimited, Oshowe show that she has been a shel COOL, JAN STERLING - DAN DURYEA - Ent Di CE rate Saveses Stonon 7 ive ¥. 1} Voncher=10.06 Femonenuas fered creature, With almos By ANNE ADAMS Hs JULIE ADAMS Gallon Paint Oth 2 Stationery Alger Press, Oshawe everything sil ud Yarn Sot Be cool girl, C-0-O-L in this " . pom - Gallon Paint 1 Voucher--16.00 'Personalized . lg Vii Usha the realities of love and sex in|sun - scooped dress with the new, | 1 hair tationery y she adit "domain. She doesn [on g'e: waistine 'and fon | LAUGHTER BR Gis VE] Sn I SR ety an Sent know her: respec 8 | skirt. Note boler: andy '"'extra' | ° : . ly aspect of life; and indeed, seems|for many occasions. | (0) ,'] 10th y:\'/3 Suting ua A TEE mp mm disposed to fetreat ask into| Srised pater 4534: Misses' . . Gallon Paint adolescence rather than vance |S zes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16 $55 towards mature involvement at dress takes 4 yards 35-inch; | J % cine: WALTER MATTHAU present, lero takes 1% yards, w Presumably she admired you,| Printed directions on each pat- as CHARLES McERAW..SAM LEVENE as an attractive, interesting, able tern part. Easier, accurate, fellows and loved the romance| Send FORTY CENTS (40c.) in EERE PERF EH . of being courted chivalrously by eolns {stamps cannot be accept- such a "catch." Your gallant de- ed) for this pattern ease print votion caused her to feel beauti- plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, ble, enchanting and so|STYLE NUMBER. i, fe Aratie: i HE in| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, the|c-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern a tary tale: aud you borg of Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. course. Ryle was living a wonderful day Gallon Paint Gollon Point ... Gallon Paint Gollon Paint Corton Cigarettes . - nL LTT Ya Bw ht th lh hf hh lt dh wooweoa Erwinne's Specialty Shop, Simcoe S. Bate Shoe Store, 15 Simcoe N. The Evelyn Shoppe, 9 Simcoe St. S, Simpson's Sears, Simcoe St. N. Homilton Cerhortt, 2 River St. Toronto Hamilton Carhartt, 2 River St. Toronto Fred's Drive In, King St. W., Oshawe Ward's Dry Goods, Simcoe St. §., Oshawa wt loth Pr. Ladies' Slacks -- Size 12 Lodies' Blouses -- Size 10-12 Child's Poot Sweeper Rug BEGAN TO FADE Likely the dream began to fade Bres ciiresessacseressent Billfold (Maw ". Carvi ny Set Vise Exquisite Form Bros Canode Lid, Toronto C. Mills Watch Repair, Bond St. E, Erwinne's Specialty Shop Simcoe S. Geo. M. Reid, 66 Bond St. W, Mitchell's Drug Store, Oshawa North Simcoe Pharmacy, 907 Simcoe N., Oshawa Reardon end Deyman, Bond St. E. Bobak Cycle Repair, 16V;Bond St. E. Powell Transport, Oshawa Central Cafe, King St. W., Oshawa Rudi's Cafe, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Imperial Optical, 11 Ontario st. Harry Ross, Barber, Bond St. E. . 1 Ladies Blouse Size 14 ... 4 . 1 Ladies Blouse Size 14 d . 1 Childs Blouse Size 4 . 1 Ladies Blouse Size 12 . 50 Milk Tokens .... . 1 McBrine Gladstone Bog . 1 Steptable Limed Ook .. Toilet Seat .. ANSUW ® oN ® WiNuww 4 3328328 8 32 ? 283%3 | 3 ts ete, In Lae 8332 N2gsays Sww 1. 1 Samsonite Ladies Wardrobe , 1 Stainless Steel Sink . 1 Stainless Steel Sink .. 64. Biltmore -- "1 Passed for White" (adult) 12.30, 3.45, 7.00, 10.20} p.m. "Bluebeard's 10 Honey-|¢ moons" 2.10, 5.25, 845 p.m. } ON "WOMD.H Last complete show. at 8.4545 DAYTONA BEACH add Pen ond Pencil sor . Bassett's Ltd, Simcoe St, Oshawa Mm. rp 5 50. Trovel Clock venaar . O'Malley Snack Bor, 922 "Simcoe N, coy -- cae wo SE + That Lady" 7. Color TV Lounge Fry Pen H. & K. Hordware, Simcoe St. s. Was and 9.25 p.m. ® Restaurant ® Cocktail : : Sports, Lot Pen ond Pencil Set av B t's Lid, Si St., Osh 170. 1 Bengaline Black Coat Size 12 .. A Sa Last complete show at 9.00( , weer rsd "ge Box-Office Open aot 8:00 -- Show Starts at Dusk Drink Mixer Attachment : iron Melly a wig W, hans 73: Ledies Cout Red"Sise.10 63.00 Exquie Form Broa Sead piote pa. ® Deluxe Rooms & Eiiceney Suites | BUMPER CLUB MEMBERS FREE TONIGHT! Seton Canin Ellioi¥s Kestourant, Simese St. N. 17203 Bras Size Silene Exeuis Marks Quinine Hair Tonic reanas Bill Molly, Barber, 10 Church St. 12.45, 35 708 " rors See Your Travel Agent er write COME AS YOU ARE!! Tollet Seat--Solid Plastic | Guscott Plumbing and Heating 173. 12 Pr. Panties M Frances Lingerie, 71 York ta qu Torente | "Natchez Trace" 2.35, 5.45, 8.50 Paul F. Gocke, Manager eseee 3portswear, Lerge Wildroot Heir Oil Doug's Barber Shop, 27 Bond E. 174. 1 Ladies Coat ue. Size av Aa | 8. 5. Kresge Co. Li p.m. Last complete show at ; relax in 45 Tender Minn. South -End Texaco, Ritson Rd. S. 175. 1 Record Player R.C.A. 'r. Happyfoot Hosi il Pr. Hoppyfoot Sous ' MeGregor Hoslery Mis ev Jorante Esquire Shoe Shine Kit h First Class Shoe Repair, 138 Simcoe 8.50 p.m. 2 9 Case Quaker State Oil ... Herb Robinson Ltd. Oshawa 3 Oshawe » ah aia sai . ROCKIN'-CHAIR e " tre" 1.15, 4.10, 7.05, 10.10 p.m. ra | COMFORT... in oR Li Rd Saris anwigtan, Soma LW, "The Man Upstairs" 2.45, 5.40, ray. 7) XE There's no need to Sr. Mews or Ladies' Bowling Shoes end Bo, ; i : ) A . 1 Car Co ara raard DAYTONA This All Color Sg LF 1 Man Fis © p.m. "Rose Marie" / 2 A ntique Car Coasters 248, 6.20, 9.50 p.m. Last com. | BEA H ; FLORIDA Show on Oshawa's a | RHE . 1 Dox. Mendkerchiefs ...... plete show at 8.04 p.m. . 1 Dox. Handkerchiefs ~» Bti. Robin Hood Hair Trainer 2. Wildroot, 1 Bt, Nestle Hoir . H , B AA 'Wousehold Kitchen Set Sad Bobet, ond 3 Flintafl's ardware, King St. W. I OE A ttt WD wt MW aN o - Sunun N .. 14.00 Pr. Ladies rE si Slacks, Sine 12 9.98 +44 1 pe. Ladies Royal Blue Slim Si 7.95 Spadina Ave., Toronto Size 12 . 5 Ave., Toronto 169. 2 Pe. Ladies Suit Blue Size 10A .. 5 nM Spadine ibd ibid ° - ACOzXT <AMM<MmM LOMN~-DD - Schick Power Shave Razor ...... 28. rms Credit Jewellers, Oshawa Picnic peg, Sin {insuioted) . «4 vids zeae Ta Ltd. Oshawa --- SB BW WNWOIENO WALAROOWENNWNN- Sarton Dandy Dress Co., 1435 St. Alexonder St. Montres Tv Lu Cn Eee . 9.95 Reliable une Co., Oshawe Hortons' "choi . 5 Reliable Furniture Co., Oshawe .. 10.00 Limited, Toronto Tiliow Dandy Dress Co, 1435 St. Alexonder treal ht Qh Qh nd tt nt Ladies ped ire 12 - Mota City Bowling, Oshawa A. L. Powell Drug Store, Simcoe N. Ruddy Electric, Oshawa General Motors of Canada Ltd. General Motors of Canada Ltd. General Motors of Canada Ltd. N Di 57 High Toester R. Mercer, Contractor, Oshawa Pr. Boxing Gloves Xi etor Sports, 38 Bond St. W, 8.40 p.m. Last complete show "d Fs i '! ress up" when ht es -- - . 1 Weigh Scale at 8.40 out 11.40 p.m. J Westinghouse Automatic tron 4 Drom Size 12 Green Ryg 25" x pH Green .... a 25" x 45" Green 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 kbs : dshawa x i sh Braves ous Dresser p i Sklar Furniture Oshawa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 Toronto Distributi $7 High tres: x Ladies' Hadassoh Fink watt. ! Shortt Beverages Sub 3 Sihawa X verages h owe Case Seven-Up Mix 00 Bond Clothing, Oshawa Toronto General Motors of Conade Ltd, General Motors of Canade Ltd. Largest Screen! Your OWN PERSONAL . 1 Gense Ware Condiment Set .... IN-2-CAR SPEAKER? ADULT ENTERTAINMENT : ¥ Sond yoy pS. " ¥ arty Maur, ache! ontreal Sport" Shirt TR Tie Te Sores A & Sons Ltd., 227 Spadina Ave. oronto Sport Shirt Size M ........ : Qases 4 & Sons Ltd, 227 Spadina Ave, 'oronto Sport Shirt Size M ... Ey Gasee & Sons Ltd, 227 Spadina Ave, Musical Jewel Box . H m= . 1 White Sweeter (Lodies) .. raulein: @| iE Se 3 Yolow or snter Jhadies) CINEMASCOPE muy xm a od {Ladies Brown Sweater (Lodies! DANA MEL DOLORES . 1 Green Sweater (Ladies WYNTER - FERRER - M 3 Shecpeskin Rug (Piok hit big Bros, 5-7 Glen Scorlett Rd, Sheep-skin Rug (Brown) Toronto Pr. Child's Slippers--Size AEP p Alton Shoe Co., 662 King St. Pr. Child's Slippers--Size sas A Alton Shoe Co., 662 King St. Pr. Child's Slippers--Size : F Alton Shoe Co., 662 King St. Pr. Child's Slippers--Size - Alton Shoe Co., 662 King St. . Child's Sliopers--Size p Alton Shoe Co., 662 King > Pr. Child's Slippers--Size 1 x Alton Shoe Co. 662 King Siw. Boy's Jocket--Size 10 .... A Sparton Sportswear, 366 ia st., CINEMAS cOPE > Toronto T COLOR by DE LUXE . 1 Boy's Jocket--Size 10 h Jperien Sportswear, 366 Adelaide St., oronto Motors of Canada Ltd. Ann Ltd, Toronto Ann h td. Toronto Ann h ., Toronto Ann . ., Toronto Ann ., Toronto Ann . ., Toronto A R ,, Toronto Co. Ltd, Toronto to Brose 5-7 Glen Scarlett Rd, Toronte Unter the je top...spectacular feats of life and dot Toronto ~ Y. Ma aur, 83 Rachel, Montes) . Lodiess Shine 30a Siay n. ih rg ¥ Shave' Hardware, King St. W. Glaziers Dept. Store, Simede S. Oshawa 822228282238 3 38 33532 su223333 uses Pusnnannae yr . aziers Dept. Store, Simcoe S, Oshawa Tablecloth Irish ¥ slaziers Dept. Store, Simcoe S. shawa Tablecloth Irish .e os A Glaziers Dept. Store, Simcoe S. wa Tablecloth Irish ' Gloziers Dept. Store, Simcoe §. Oshawa Tablecloth Irish x Glaziers Dept. Store, Simcoe § Oshawa Pr. Towels Cressessenes .! Anonymous Boys Coat Size 8 . .. - A Anonymous Boys Coot Size 1 J Anonymous d Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous ys : i Al's Bi-Rite, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Boys Shirt Size . Al's Bi-Rite, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Boys Shirt Size BE Al's Bi-Rite, Simcoe St. nN Oshawa Boys Shirt Size ca St. N., Oshawa Boys Shirt Size "en Bi St. N., Oshawa Boys Shire sia Size As Bi St. N,, Oshawa ans Jerse . St. N., Oshawa be Pio Sipe 43" 42 x 36 o A SiRite, Simcoe St. N., Oshawa r. Mans Short . u Al's Bi-Rite, Simcoe St. Osha Pr. Pillow Slips 43 x 36 | S98 AF BicRite, Simeoe St. No Ouhawe Svs APs Bi-Rite, Simeos St. N., Nesbitt's, King St. E., Oshawa Anonymous Nesplrrs King 3 's St. E, Oshowe Pr. Nylons Size » 7, Nesbitt's King St. E, Oshawe Voucher Sharpen 2 Hand Mowers 4. Stan's Sharpening, Oshawa Voucher $10.00 Gift Certificate 2 Normon Beel Ltd., Oshawa Voucher $10.00 Gift Certificate x The Shoe Circle, Oshawa Colored Telephone D. A. Bronch 11.00 Bell Telephone Co., Oshawe 29 Front St. E., Toronto Cleaning Voucher x Acadion Cleaners, Bloor St. W. JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB FA SAVE! Se le x Soe, Bros. Pomme nr A Ladies Hat (Pink) . .00 Brown's Bible Store, 23 Bond St. 4 CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON Ey ree) srrvrree. BY Soren title State 72 Sand pony ELPFUL IDEA pig RO ; Sivas Fig Sham me THUR, 3 -- oor St. .» Oshawa : her--3 Gols. wile. 3 ) he Feat {lgoms 08 veal Cougs " _ bi fh BoB 3 Johns Se Rh By to place benches at bus st for Voucher--12 'Concrete Slabs .. J Hambly Concrete, Whitby Voucher--10 Concrete Slabs .. g S. Jackson ond Son, Oshawa the convenience of elderly eciti- Voucher--1' Oil & Grease Change 3. Ri zens. re, 24 E. Yovaher--Valgh Reducing x Walter P. Mittler, 11 Ontario St. Voucher--Welght Reducing X Walter P. Mittler, 11 Ontario St. Voucher--Stop Smoking by ypnasis Walter P. Mittler, 11 Ontario St. Voucher--100 Gals, Oil 18. Mclaughlin Coal & Supplies, Oshawa Voucher--TV Repeirs yous X George's TV Service, Oshawa Voucher--Permanent Wave .... x Elizabeth Beauty Shop, Oshow ] / ld 3 4 hb FJ . 1 Voucher--10 Bags Masonry H > hy Cement : x Lake Ontario Cement ain y s 1 J uches-<23.90 Home Dress Xd § making Course oo 28 Singer Sewing Machine, Oshawe e parking place r \ . 1 Voucher--15.00 Food Hamper L A & P Co. Ltd, Oshawa or ~=_"NVEIN a hl ee Mes i Bc Boke ALL PROCEEDS USED FOR CHARITABLE th ch nt ch ih hh th TERETE" m< ~~ . 1 Voucher--5.00 Food Hamper . Hopeless isn't it? 4 118. 1 Voucher--5.00 Food Hemper | Dominion Stores Lid. Oshawa WORK IN THIS COMMUNITY ! fii 20. 1 Voucher--1 Cube Yord ey sarale 15. Curran & Briggs, we Take o Cab A PARAMOUNT Ti lier. fis HEN Sponsored by crease Aen i es - ii ST EAI ii Nii UE re) 2 Rogen Sa" wo) | OSHAWA LIONS CLUB & OSHAWA B'NAl B'RITH ons HOURS A DAY P.S. -- WATCH TOMORROW'S PAPER FOR YOUR NEW LIST

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