The Oshawa Times, 20 Jun 1960, p. 4

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4 'THE OSHAWA TIM ES, Monday, June 20, 1960 DIRECTORS OF TOWNS and Village Section of the Ontario Municipal Association, photo- graphed at its seventh annual conference held at Ajax, Friday Would Limit Growth Of Municipality AJAX (Staff) -- The Saturday fporning sessions of the town's and village's conference was pre- ceded by a boat trip at Rotary Park. John Pearson, field liason of- fieer, Community Planning Branch, of Munici- pal Affairs spoke on the "'Opti- mum Size of the Community". It was evident from the feeling in some of Mr. Pearson's re- marks that he was much in favor "of Jimiting the growth of muni-| {eipalities. [ « He cited the city of Stockholm *where, due to overloading of! .municipal services, it was de-| cided to limit the growth. To| sgvercome the problem, a subway | "was built some 3 or 4 miles out "tide the city and there a new community was begun in four sections. The pattern for the new town was setup and the sections filled as the demand arose. The result a well established new * community on planned lines. 'FORM SATELLITE In Yellow Springs, Ohio, it was decided to keep the town small. Its smallness gave an in- "timate , knew everyone else and it was con- sidered if one wanted a good 'life the place to go was Yellow Springs. Mr. Pearson noted that small towns didn't get too much co-op- eration from the provincial gov- ernment. They often find the de- partment has approved a sub- division on its borders which be- are told to extend the services, and so force an enlargment. One comment came from the gathering that county costs force th many towns to grow as fast as possible so that they may get out of the country system. NOT WANTED Mayor William Parish said, "We are in the Metro planning area and they seem to want to extend its area still further west. ward. Ajax is one municipality trying to develope to optimum size, and despite this fact Metro seems determined to make this a larger area and the ent is allowing this to continue. We do not want to be a part of a mam- moth Metro area where one muni- cipality is controlling the plan- ning of another." 1 Killed, 6 Injured In Head-On Crash TORONTO (CP)--Ernest Hay- hoe, 20, was killed and six per- pons injured in a head-on colli- sion Friday night in suburban Etobicoke. Injured in one car were Charles Roden, 19; James Shaefer, 16, ded the annual Decoration Day| Nancy Bird, accompanied by don Cook, accompanied by Mrs.| comes a satellite and they then Mathew Agar at the piano, | and Saturday, More than 100 | Waterdown on the subject "The delegates attended from all | Future of the County System parts of the province, Highlight | of Government". Front rows, of the conference was an ad- | from left, G. A. Corner, Clerk. dress by Reeve Joseph Sams of | treasurer, Dundas. President, Pass Several Reso the quest the Town and Village Sec- towns and village section of the, tion of The Ontario Municipal As- OMA conference at Ajax the fol-| sociation to petition both the Pro- lowing resolutions were en- vincial and Federal Governments | dorsed: to allow municipalities to make | "That the Deep River Munic-|all purchases Tax and Duty ipat Council petition the Provin-| free." cial Government for payment for ' use of municipal facilities for TOWN OF AJAX area or district courts by the| "Whereas the equalization of Provincial Police, and such reso-| assessment within a county must lution be forwarded to the On-|be the responsibility of the Coun- tario Municipal Association." [ty Assessor to do freely and "Whereas Municipalities obtain equitably; relief from Federal Sales Tax| And whereas an assessor to do and Import Duties on only apis work properly, must be allow- ol - 3 T small portion of thelr purehises: ol to exercise independent, wise day aflernoon session on | |able practice for one level of and judicious judgment in ascer-|the Municipality is creatin Government to levy taxes for the| taining the assessment of any purpose of paying taxes to an-| Property in any municipality; other level of Government; And whereas the assessor's in- Resolved that the Corporation' dependent position and judgment DECORATION DAY Many Attend At Brooklin BROOKLIN -- Hundreds atten-|for London, England. service at Groveside cemetery Barbara Irwin, left Wednesday Sunday, under the auspices of {from Malton for Calgary en route Beethoven Lodge, No. 165 I00F. {for Emerald Lake, Shelby, B.C. Brother J. H. McKinney, "past| Nancy will take a position at grand master of Grand Lodge, | Emerald Lake and Barbara will IOOF Ontario, presided for the(take a position at Yo-Ho Hotel, ceremonies. | Fields B.C. A solo was sung by Mrs, Gor-| Blaze In Camp Believed Arson ORILLIA (CP) --. Officials of a Lake Conchiching camp de- stroyed in a $75,007 fire Saturday believe the fire may have been started by hoodlums, Rabbi Isadore Rubenstein, sec- retary of the Agudeth Israel Chaplain Brother Gordon Tabor, read the Lesson, Rev. S. J. Hillier of Brooklin United Church gave address e A Dr. J. H. McKinney, Past Grand Master of Gauell Lodge I00F of | Ontario read the list of names of separted brothers and sisters of Tie Lodg - whith 'was followed by 0 of Members Mayor W. K. Denny, Fergus, vice-president, Mayor J. A. Warren, Dundas; Mayor A. F. Scott, Paris, Clerk-treasurer, O. M. Keunedy, Deep River, May- lutions At OMA Parley In Ajax AJAX (Staff) -- At the Satur-| of the Town of Richmond Hill re-| in ascertaining the assessment of any property in any municipality; And whereas the assessor's in- dependent position and judgment must remain inviolate; Therefore be it resolved that Section 87 of The Assessment Act be repealed by the Ontario Legis- lature so that the County Asses- sor's Equalization of the County Assessment be final, subject to the usual right of appeal by any person or municipalily, and that | this principle be written into The Assessment Act." | TOWN OF PARIS "Whereas the cost of Educa- tion and other increased costs to g a hardship on the ratepayers in the various municipalities; And whereas single women en- joy the same privileges in the Municipality as the single men; And whereas it is felt that the single man is being discriminated against; Therefore be it resolved that the Government be requested to enact Legislation to amend the Statute of Labor Act to levy a poll tax on single women over the age of twen!y'one "years, the same as single men; And further be it resolved that the Government set a fixed rate of at least Ten Dollars ($10.00) per year for both male and fe- male, and that copies of this reso- and other Municipalities for their endorsation." Fergus and Paris regarding the burden of school cosis were en- dorsed in principle and the fol- lowing resolution relating to the same subject was endorsed. "That the Proviace of Ontario be petitioned to amend the legis- lation governing education costs to provide that education costs in elementary grades to Grade 8 be direct charge on the rated prop. erty on the municipality concern. ed, subject to grants in aid by the province and that secondary education costs be the direct re- ibility of the higher levels of the lodge then decorated the graves of the departed members. Brother John Batty, representa- tive of the Cemetery Board ex- pressed thanks for the large turn- out, The camp, which accommo- The offering was dedicated to|dates 100 girls in July and 100 the work of the Cemetery Board. bo,s in August, had been plagued by break-i i ® AUXILIARY MEETS [by reak-ins and malicious dam. The Evening Auxiliary of the| Brooklin United Church WMS held| its June meeting, at the summer| cottage of Mrs. Guy Stevenson, Geneva Park. A service was conducted by Mrs. Gordon Cook. The lesson wa read by Mrs. Lenard Blight, fol- lowed by prayer offered by Mrs. M. Ross. Mrs. Cook read and article on friendship. The president, Mrs. Gordon Hunter, conducted the business session. It was announced that a school Council which runs Camp Israel, said "here is a definite suspicion of arson, or at least that the fire may have been started by hood- ums." E>. Rabbi Rubenstein said Satur- day was the caretaker's day off, Police were searching for care- taker Harold Cobb of Toronto. Soldier Injured At Niaocara Falls NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP)-- A sightseeing soldier tumbled 40 feet down a sealed-off section of the American Fdlls Saturday be- fore a jutting ledge broke his fall and kept him from plunging into of government." Two other resolutions from the resolutions committee were also endorsed, (1) "That a special committee be set up the conference to con- sider the position -of towns and ages in the county organiza. tion." (2) "That the constitution of the OMA be so amended to pro- vide that the presidnets of each section be included as members of the executive of the Ontario Municipal Association." or W. A Parish, Ajax, and Clerk-treasurer J» R. Frost, Whitby. --Photo by John Mills MAYOR W. K. DENNY, Fergus 4 | cluded education. Mr. Sams said. lution be sent to the Government Resolutions from the towns of § MAYOR WARREN, Dundas ! REEVF. J. SAMS, Waterdown a | Spite the provision of an essential b] AJAX (Staff) -- *""The time has come to abolish the county system or re-organize it". The blunt com- ment by Mayor A. F. Scott of aris, was but one of the many criti ds heard at the Sev- nthf annual conference of the Town's and Village Section of the Ontario Municipal Association held in Ajax, Friday and Satur- day. . Nearly 100 delegates attended from all parts of the province. On Friday, following a recention and dinner the delegates heard a challenging address by Reeve Joseph Sams of Waterdown. His topic, "The Future of the County System of Government", Mr. Sams address was the first official report of discussions held between representative of nine counties and an executive council of -the provincial cabinet. Reeve Sams reviewed the ac tion taken by his committee and the basic reasons. He said, "Two years ago the county of Went- meal annexation. Ore comrlete township and parts of five others were annexed. We found that eight other counties faced the same problem, either past of pending. We learned from pro- vincial authorities that 250 appli- cations had been received since the last war, only five are not settled. We found that government policy was dictated hv the lack of local municipal unity." A survey was ec rried out representatives of the nine coun- ties and a further studv was made of conditions in the USA. These facts were combined in a brief as the best approach to make the province aware of our problems. PRESENT BRIEF "We presented our brief which outlined things which we felt were basically wrong with the county system which is an integral part of municipal government and has not 'basically changed since its inceptiop." "Our brief pointed out the great disparity in assessment, and the standard of assessors, which is the very foundation of our taxing systém." One or two municipalities to encourage industry have been try- ing to attract it illegally, apply- ing assessment irregularly to the school boards, Representatives of clean politics yet broke the law every day. How can they justify it? -] Reeve Sams suggested the re- medy. "The establishment of a county assessment department with deputy assessors responsible for local assessment on a uni. form on a uniform standard". |LEVY SEPARATE "There should be permissive, not compulsory legislation", Other items in the brief in- |"In Wentworth county, 38 school boards each levying separately, each vying with each other in the hiring of teachers. Resources should be pooled. I know this is idealistic, but the main advan- tage would be to raise the stan- dard of education under a county board of education. This would be a hot potatoe in the O.F.A. | but the day of the one room school |is past. There are but few left {today, - except in the most rural of areas, urban growth has made itself felt. Prominent in the brief was county roads are their cost. Reeve Sams advocated a central road commission. He said, "I know it would be difficult to control, have to agree to give this serious con- sideration." worth faced decimation by piece.| byl - ADDED FEATURE detriment of high and public] Abolish County System Or Re-organize: Scott "In the fiela of welfare, few which will tend to prevent to waste of land that has taken place in the past." small municipalities can afford to engage tra social workers. The local officer usually does his po FALSE TEETH Rock, Slide or Slip? PASTEETH, an improved powder to be 8 sprinkled 0 upper or lower plates, he false teeth more firmly in place. Do not slide, slip nr rock. No gummp, FF a alkatine, (non ard). 1 18 alkaline (non . Noes not sour. Checks hte (den ure breath). Get FASTEETH at any drug counter. work on a part time basis. How can he be sure welfare dollars] are adequately spent? There for the answer is a county welfare de- partment." PLANNING BOARDS "More people today have an |appreciation of planning. There should be established county ning boards, co-ordinated wi neighboring counties. Joint action should be sponsored by some groups. We know that the "De- partment Planning and Develop- ment is solidly behind this idea XX XX PLAZA . TODAY ABALLOF FULL oF FUN! 2 SENSATIONAL FIRST-RUN HITS SONYA WILDE - JAMES FRANEICUS BOTH ADULT ENTERTAINMENT GEORGE CORINNE SANDERS . LAIVET & TUESDAY! 4 RICHARD ATTENBOROUGH BERNARD LEE DONALD HOUSTON DOROTHY ALISON IN THE MAN UPSTAIRS N IIR A Le). 3; TODAY An Unusual ENTERTAINMENT Treat... 3 , 2 Immortal MUSICAL Spectaculars! wv CINEMASCOPE ano COLOR 'ROSE MARIE ANN BLYTH - HOWARD KEEL FERNANDO LAMAS 'Th STUDENT ==. PRINCE' 55 and many others! ANN BLYTH EDMUND PURDOM e, A night of shattering suspense} ADULT ENTERTAINMENT XX XxX Ready for "a hig time" this summer? HOW ABOUT YOUR DANCING? DON'T LET poot dancing ruin a good party for you. Come to Arthur Murray's now and learn all the latest steps. You'll find it's quick and easy to learn the Arthur Murray Way. Be sureof more , °° ~ fun...enroll a 3 at Arthur Murray's, Se------ WILL YOU ACCEPT A % HOUR TRIAL LESSON? The speaker outlined a county plan of police and fire depart- ments tied in with a central alarm system, Fire equipment could be dispatched according to the need. Reeve Sams noted the excellent work done by provincial fire mar- shall Scott who had worked so hard to establish a mutual aid system in most counties. On public utilities, Reeve Sams sald a municipality could not live to itseif alone. There should be a second look at the establishment] of utilities at the county level. ARTHUR MURRAY 11V2 Simcoe St. South RA 8-1681 Open 1 to 10 p.m. Daily Air-Conditioned - Box-Office Open at 8:00 -- Show Starts at Dusk BUMPER CLUB MEMBERS FREE TONIGHT! COME AS YOU ARE!!... relax in ROCKIN'-CHAIR COMFORT... There's fo need to "dress/up" when you ae i 4 This AH Color Show oft Oshawa's == "oor om "og Largest Screen! IN-A-CAR ig " ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Fraulein= CINEBMASCOPE uy num CINEMAScOPE JOIN OUR BUMPER CLUB & SAVE! CHILDREN under 12 FREE! AIWAYS A COLOR CART( He noted that the town of Ajax had just completed a new water lant and declared, "It takes a ot of guts to go out and sell such roposition to your people de- service for so many." Monty Calls For End Of Occupatior the thundering Niagara River. for leaders will be held at Ontario and Denny Levens, 17. Ladies College Whitby, August 15 Passengers injured in the ecar(to 21. Two members of C.G.LT, in which Hayhoe was riding were! group of Brooklin United Church Ralph Joseph Hayhoe, 23; Mar- aret Hayhoe, 15, and a cousin arbara, 17, all of suburban Pine Grove. will be appointed to attend as delegates, The Evening Auxiliary has undertaken to sponsor one C.G.1.T | b) Postal Employees 'Will Get Pay Boost . KINGSTON (CP)-Jack Rob- gris, secretary-treasurer "of the Canadian Postal Employ- ees Associati Saturday «might he has received a letter +from Prime Minister Diefenbaker Mndicating increases for postal {employees will be considered by «the government at its earliest girl Commiitee in charge was composed of Mrs. Cook, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. Lew Blight, Mrs, W. Mittler and Mrs. Don Roberts. | | suffered the fall, Police said Pfc. Lester H. Cus-| ter, 20, climbed a rail at Pros-| pect Point and tried to make his way down a section of the falls locked off by a cofferdam. He| only a sprained ankle in Scores of tourists watched two Niagara Frontier Park policeman | scale the gorge and bring him! ack up. ANNUAL ROSE SHOW The annual Rose Show of the Brooklin Horticultural Society will be held Monday, June 27 at 8 p.m. in the Christian Education Building, Brooklin. Committee in charge will be Mrs. F. M, Holli- for this Windsor area town--*En. joy Expansion with Energetic Essex"--was written by a 10. year-old boy in a prize-winning) contest. E FOR ESSEX ESSEX, Ont, (CP)--The slogan LONDON (AP)--Field Marsal Vi M ERIC HARDY, Sec., OMA day, Mrs. Cyral Wick and Mrs |Eric Green. Entries will be r ceived from 6,30 to 7.45 p.m, R. J, H. Branton of Oshawa, will show slides of horticultural "convenience, « The letter fom Mr. Diefen- interest. vbaker was in reply to a letter] Mrs. Mabel Richardso: y m- swhich Mr. Roberts sent the | panied t Nes 'prime F. RICHARD BLACK, O.D. IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR THE PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY At 174 HARWOOD AVE. S., AJAX (IN SHOPPING CENTRE) THE EXAMINATION OF EYES, FITTING OF GLA » CONTACT LENSES, VISUAL TRAINING > AD FOR APPOINTMENT PLEASE CALL LONG DI OSHAWA ZENITH 2-1640 (No HOG iSTANCE (Evenings by Appointment) » by Mrs. Ernest Nesbitt] i {left June 19 from Malton Airport NIAGAR NIAGARA FINANCE RA 5.6561 -- Closed Largest All-Canadian Consumer Loan Company Call for extra cash From $850,00 to $2500, (sometimes more) 37 KING ST, E., Alger Bidg. (next to Biltmore Theatre), Suite 22 Soturdays -- Open to 6 p.m. Friday Branches throughout Ontarle 00 COMPANY LIMITED Musketeers Win y said 'un. day "the time has come to end the military occupation of Eu- rope." He called for gsimritaneous East-West withdrawals, _--" 0 Starring the most beautiful girls in the world ..... F) and 200 fabulous circus performers! | keteers from Upper Derby, Pa., Band Competition HAMILTON (CP)--The Mus- Montgomery, in -a copyrighted article in The Sunday Times, said North Atlantic Treaty Organiza- tior countries had enough home- front strength and that both sides must agree to control and inspec. took top points in a band com- petition held here Sunday by Royal Hamilton Light Infantry| tion. Corps. | Montgomery said withdrawal Second were the Royalaires of| "cannot be implemented fully for Guelph, A trophy for best color some considerable time." But he guard also went to the Royal- urged that it be agreed upon now aires. | in principle to help lessen tension. family on the road to | saved the money to Girls, the best way 1 know to keep your good healthy savings account. When you've got money in the bank you can pay cash for the things you want, and take advantage of opportunity, Know where my husband and success, Is through a buy this new car? UNDER THE BIG TOP... SPECTACULAR FEATS OF LIFE AND DEATH...BIGGER THAN ANYTHING YOU HAVE EVER SEEN! , ADDED ATTRACTION JECT. ALOYD RU IAL preseats she TRUE Story of JOHN MURREL, Ruler of the LUSTY WILDERNESS TRAM. ... "NATCHEZ TRACE" FORTUN JOHN MURREL AT wanted ra PEM what 1

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