The Oshawa Times, 20 Jun 1960, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, June 20, 1960 OFFICE HOURS Z5= THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [aoe - . 29--Summer Properties 36---Female Help Wanted 41--Room & Board 1 Abcountonts 13--Gordening & Supplies|13--Gardening & Supplies NEW BUSINESS For Sul Properties, : (36--Female Help | my teria work. Reply sta north or Ltn tions 2 SoNALD FD Wilson, Chartered |] CLASSIFIED AD RATES JIANY kind of garden work by expert. oT Seer Lois Chace, Lak Loria work, "Reply stat Alta: | share ciose tn hl, 1934. . . . Accountant, Oshawa, Ontario. RA 25 words or loss ries. AS Flowering and Tropical SOME to Siseubers Lake (Rasp Lake), A =r TELEPHONE LISTINGS SiG iii min etme rans Bob GLANGY' Outarie ready for spring planting and seeding. Foliage Plants, ines pris rice Terma, Kon Mal york. preg oes 204 hare: nome sw rom JSoatiemun, 9 3 consecutive Sompiele Tong [| ~ INSERTIONS ..., 225 248 J Phone RA 3 : 7740 after 7 p.m. % Services Jor Joan wiry o Cora ROTO - Willing done, reasonable rates.| We still have a good sel ; EA re Sea iy Toi Ta 8s, Street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-0397. UTIVE . © Residence, RA 3-760, INSERTIONS ,... 378 4.12 flcan J. OLiver 5-4659. of plant boxes, Evergreens, DUMONT ARLOW shore lot, all services, excellent roads. | EXPERTENCED Tady 3 . STWR mi © Co. Accountants it not | iy ina} Son the LANDSCAPING shade trees and potted roses, ALUMINUM BARI SW South shore Rice La Lake at Roseneath, oblect. oor one Queen's Boud West, Qahawa. REY ai A sig gy Roig inal SERVICES etc. h FRENCHMAN'S Bay lakefront year HAIRDRESSER'S i nile BN Coarared Accountaite t imertons ordered of | Weed treated, field nurse | \JAN| BELLE GARDENS] RA 8-1651 428 KING WEST frond on sumer bom, So ceem, sme | Simcoe Sou aver Wonks, Sore Licensed Askin 8 consti new inal il, I, $9500, ance oh. A Ee gh tod Complete' Bing Weed 2 Miles East of Oshawa for information. of Interview. QUALITY USED CARS h balance one mortgage. OX 8-218, BABY iar vanted Tor or Pion bey o gn "3 lines. daily. BOUGHT AND SOLD |30--Lost & Found our Nome. Please call Whitehall Sh $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily, control. Free estimates. 0 MA 3-5757 HOME By Each additional line $1.00 per ED KNOWLTON WOMAN mind RA 8-61 75 Os oF ee a Ajax and 401. |iive in, light housework. All renvel. po month. - g OF Jolt vgtler, abbravienion RA 5-0047 BOWMANVILLE IMPROVEMENTS Children's pet. Phone Whitehall 33064, |iences. m modern home, RA S- word, Box onarge 15¢ additional. | TRY. OUR LOST -- Beautiful big Persian cat, gol- i LY house- | §2--Room & Board Wanted All Classified Advertisements CALL GRANT (OPEN EVENINGS) No down payment, : den brown back and sides, snowwhite kee one month while mother in| HUNTER] MUST be inby 8 om. day previous. 36 months to pov. BAR-B-QUED chest and legs, large brown. and white hospital Chilaren aged 11 and 2. Tele: [ROOM and hoard Syanted for elderly Office hours: 85, Saturday | Also commercial work done. : ail. Anyone supplying inf - |p 5-3364. ts and Auditors 812. FOR SOD LOAM--GRAVEL For thot jo room | CHICKEN J ing to the return of this cat will Ey HOUSEKEEPER wanted for my ot | ROOM and Riund wanted. Tor VOI sice iD Bankruptcy | Fish & Chips 35¢, Ha - [ceive $25 reward, Please call Ful ele Hy 194 FILL--STONE CALL MO 8-8611 ere Hot Dogs, Minhas: [E30 RE ed EE Street East, Oshawa; B. L. Yale, CA; || RI LATIONS-- . Weiedlander, B. Comm., CPA. ; for errors in advertise- Reasonable prices. ASPHALT PAVING 18A--Mortgages MODERN GRILL 31--Articles For Rent : RELIABLE single di or recor | oe ro Rent Oshawa Times shall not be Finest quality. 2--Barristers ments submitted otherwise than in writing, nor for more thon one CEMENT ixers SONMPHREYS, Boychys and Hillman, | incorrect insertion of any acver- || PHONE MO 8-3015 FREE ESTIMATES RA 5-3887 foci wheclbabsows, sump pumps, post | WAITRESSES wanted, ill or "park WANTED house to rent by Sept. 11a Barristers, Solicitors; RB. H. Hum-[§ ticement, nor beyond price 3 FIRST OR SECOND iver. hole diggers, post driver, barrels, well north end near Sucel phreys, QC; G. S. Boyehyn, BA; Ww. y 4 charged for a single Insertion of PHONE RA 3-3162 We Deliver nbn phy for sale, cement mixer |CAmPpbell, Genosha Hotel School, Phone RA 5-8010 after 5 p.m. MORTGAGE SALESLADIES -- must be ill LLB; 36% King Street East, rtisement which error : i strawberries, RA 8-1165. experienced | GNFURNISHED housekeeping room ig ; ; Res. RA The! Gaver; OO Vs the right TOP GRADE 14--Household Repairs | 25--Pets & Livestock and strawberries better dresses, coats and suits, State YNFUR ED ground Phones: Office, 8.4604 or Whitby, MO 82761; RA 5-5203. lassify advertising according to MONEY AVAILABLE qualifications. Write Box 709 Oshawa 3 Moaey to loan. 1h Sn casfication. id FURNITURE repaired and re-uphols- BOARDING, trimming, bathing, deflea- WEBBING"S Times. references, Phone RA 3:3446, ing. Waubena Kennels. RA 35-6321. = JOHN A. CAMERON, barrister, solick- || In the case of display advertise. ra Ee oer ALLIED 2: |BABY ilier wanted for Pickering, FOUR . Gedroom house, unfurnished, tor and Notary Public, 18% King Street (§ ments The Times will not be held 10g. Bryce J BEAUTIFUL baby budgles, ready for I y and girl, 4 and 6 years. Preferably 1 viuini of Oshawa or Whitby, coll East. RA 32200. NHA and private tesponsible for nore Mech 3pen 4 INVESTMENT CO. AUBIN Jaking Sale, APRlY Mss. HARDWARE |i pour home. Please call Whitehall ps 3.5181, Room No. 3 after § p.m. mortgages arrang he CHESTERFIELD and odd chairs re- road, £lg reet East. geaupies, The publishars endeyous Get the best for less RA 3-3993 ooh ; WOMAN with 18 months old ehjid GREEE and Kelly, Barristers, Solich-\} oon to oo "oll advertising matter - covered like new. or = MINATURE poodles, champion sired, RENTAL SERVICE - i wants two unfurnished rooms, a ori Call RA" 80451" tor tree 51 KING ST. E. beautiful 'puppies . and. glows. stock: child care while mother works. Phone fors, etc, 7% Simcoe Street' South. correctly but assumes no liability 86451 | Dial RA 3-278. Residence phones. |f jo um in any form Bitoni North. Call RA for free Cedarview Kennels, RA 5-5062. OF TOOLS A. and W. = |RA 54 M. Greer, BA, Sc., RA 5-3368: Ter. 1 rely. PA DCL, RA sem. [| of advertisement 'are confainee CHOICE LOAM ga 19--Personal GRWMAN Shepherd puppies, register. CAR HOSTESSES |GARDEN Tome for retired or con- d Thomas H. AND TOP SOIL CHE! yabutlts od bs Valescent person, Phone MO 8.5746, RALPH JONES, BA, an like dew. Why pay more? Our rates apg in 50's would like to meet re. SCAFF Whi Greer, Associate Barristers and Soll- FOR SALE are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. | oo taple gentleman, around same age, A ED iit citors, 130 King Street East, RA 8-624. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery |ohiect comparionship. Box 730, The 26----Farmer's Column WANTED four or five room house, rea- Mortgage loans available. SBuiding 7: Trades GRAVEL. SAND. FILL Co. 10 Bond Street. West. Dial RA quect COUPEE Ri Ta And Other Construction MARRIED OR SINGLE sonable rent, with children. Phone RA JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Also Back Filling L Ao agons. : B-H Pai 18 YEA F 3 CALL Joe RA for carpentry, WANTED -- ride from Evangeline Apply Raglan Welding Shop. Phone Equipment. aint 8 RS OF AGE OR OVER Solicitar, Money, to _loan, by g Wy painting and A rl Work guaran. Lots Levelled EXTERIOR painting. Free estimates, piv (5 downtown Oshawa, about 8|Brooklin, OL 5-4701. 44--Houses, Apts Flats King Street Hog Siawa, Work guaranteed. Telephone RA 5-9713. y oy 5.3405. RA 5-2156 a.m. Phone RA 8-5370, WANTED = immediately, 800d ved UPHOLSTERY AND RUG Full or port. ime, Acply in For Rent = oLp CHIMNEYS repaired or torn wo - row corn planter with fei person Friday, June ot A ors 'King Street East. [Prone RA. 59531, Harold R. Stark, ee, own and rebuilt. New chimneys built. | RIDE fo Toronto wanted. Telephone attachments, any make. Wil pay top SHAMPOOER -- VAC 7 p.m. Good wages, chance (FIVE oom mew bungalow, slow Solisttar, BA RA 5-5501; Rest: [1 Ir plumbing, heating and engineer- HARDSAND Founastons Dlasteled, patios tad. Ali RB : cash price. Phone OL 5-3019 for advancement for lake all rent. \ 8:5373, ing. 255 Simcoe Street South. | DSCAPING RA &- Av Sous, no waiting, Zoe. on PASTURE jor horses or cattle, plenty] To Restore original beauty to girls. Phone ak 1-9852. ¢ a ruce's Mol »|of water, COlfax 3-2452, i MANNING F. SWARTZ, Barrister, pULLDOZING and excavating. Dial PAINTING, inside and out, small or|yo Bc oo", stationary. Open 8.7 . : your furniture and rugs. HOUSE to Dundas Solicitor, Notary. Money to Jos. Em MO 8-5612. Free estimates, Taylor Power Rolling large jobs. Reasonable prices. RA 2A daly except Wednesdays and Sundays 27--Fuel & Wood 1327 SIMCOE NORTH Neu. Whitby. tr¢ from July 1. OL. ciate, og Vv. ae HY yr 4 Brothers, 26 Hillcourt Drive, Whitby. Fertilizing INT exterior [AT GIENIC, caprios Gabber good.) | 282 KING ST WwW ! mae dial' RA 34029, '| PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, Tractor Roto-Tilling stripping, plaster repairs, a : | mailed post Be Cres DRY hardwood lumber = suitable | . + |37--Maler Help Wanted HOUSE Jor_rens, two Brick JOHN A. G_MacDONALD, BA, Baris fixtures, new and used, changing from Top Soil - Sod - Manure specialty! Phone RA 3.9674. |lopes with price list. Six samples, 25 illhigd og ie Bhotdy ig ay OSHAWA--RA 3.4873 CHARTERED Accountant's To Pe tee Toration. mvaliadle' Aug. ter and Solicitor, ot Simcoe Street|SePtic tank to sewer a sepciaity. In- Flagstone - Patio Slabs YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim.|cents; 24 samples, $1.00. Mail ox 5 about cottage deliveries. RA 83-0818. quires junior student with A meat? Phone RA 3-4596, « North. Phone RA 3-85 Sal Pe Lat Peay, toss RA-5-1721 nexs built and repaired, gas linings in-| Debt, Al, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 32--Articles Wanted rh, ton. Britnell and Moore, RA! rip s™ room furnished BOWMAN, David = Sea Solick-(of plumbing, Dial RA 5-4241. J. Foley. | es Ti ONTARIO Automobile Association vow. 28--Summer Properties |SiNiED -- ne lawn roller. tarde TICENOED "mechanis: Sioa maui | Siable for two. Close to for. 314 Slwede South. Gi "|A-1 PAINTING, ecorating by trades. IEG oad parece Foon -- [resentative for Oshawa and district, FAT RENT -- Georgian Bay, Wendeka | ize. Phone RA 3.4674. 1 of co I iv |achoots. Phone RA.33877. ence, 3 PA and papering. Rooms paper-ic,, 13 gigin East, RA 5-1497. | Beach, three - bedroom cottage, al] con-| WANTED -- Boat for fishing, must be|ice stauon, RA 3-4452. THREE - room u man, interior or exterior, Roxatone Flowering and Tropical E. i up. RA 5.7297. ote sled cto dE MR 7. T. SALMERS, BA, barrister, solic-| work guaranteed. Free estimates. RA od, $8 and up. HYPNOTHERAPY -- Relieves nervous| veniences, TV. 1st - 2 weeks in "July. Phone RA 5-0655. SALESMAN required by local mans: ©, WILL pay $10 and up for TT) Canadian |facturer. Excellent opportunity, your sor, 9 Ba Simces Sireat North. 3.2598. ee Foliage Plants FAINTING and decorating. Free estl-|tension permanently. You learn to re- | Phone MO 8-3233, -3233, Whitby. Difice PLASTERING repairs, chimneys, roof- mates, work guaranteed. RA '3-742. (jax, sleep better, gain confidence, lose| FOR RENT -- Georgian Bay, Wen: | silver dollars, also certain type "47. RA |around position with advancement THOMAS M. RUNDLE, barrister, soli-[ing, cement work and exterior paint weight, stop smoking. This dynamic |deka Beach, three-bedroom cottage, all 5-5227. perience not necessary. ary» to sis July 1, 'monthly. Lo \ tor and Notary Public, 26% King|ing. RA 59168. . Roses (40 varieties), the n help you with emotional | conveniences, TV: 1st two weeks Street East Phone RA 81763. ere --- 29 Varieties) FURNACE SALES problems, free you from bad habits. | July. Phone MOhawk 8-3233 "Whitby. pianos, uprignt, or SDarement 352. Diock Street North, . oe new, large bachelor apart- GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar. GENERAL 'CONTRACTING Shrubs, ( orieties), Initial "consultations free. Institute of |ARDEN housekeeping cottages on Ken-|wik Ph, cash. Slate make and price. TWO men needed ve Watkin's | ment, new stove and refrigesator, bam. rister., Solicitors and Notaries Public. AND SERVICE Ethical Hypnosis, Ontario Street, Osh-|merer Lake. ¢ EE , Oshawa Times. route, No experience necessary, 10P|hoo drapes, private en! suitable w hade Trees (15 varieties nete. Lake, two an ree rooms, wages. Fo intment, phone RA 6 King Sweet East RA S417, Russell Free estimates and poy: 5 H. M. Mockie Coir 1d [22% BA sini. Ply, Swi Ssaing, vwmuming. Py 1 CASH FOR SCRAP | A Te --- Lor ashe Bris or Coviio, APY SH J. Murphy and James acDonal i" E 25 jeties) . . .r 5.1763. . ig West, . . Alt t vergreens varieties. Ahad FI RT RA I BEN Mol GIBBON and_BASTEDO, Barris: Then is ranged rec sii - RA 5-5954 SIS ONE building, 12' x 20', fully insulated | WE B LICENSED mechanic for wheel align-|\THRWE . room self-contained ters, Solicitors. Clients' funds avail] Ol additions, re: y Vine Ground Covers, J ELECTR LY and wired, asbestos siding, asphalt ATTERIES, ment and brake work. Good salary,|ment, private entrance and Cy able for first mortgages. 20 Simcoe] concrete work, stone fire- Cleanout Service-- e shingles, suitable for small summer| STEEL, Me % E | excellent working conditions, hiss, Sully paid ing space, central, mo children. A Btreer North. RA 53566. Charles C. Mc-| ace etc, Custom building. VAN BELLE GARDENS $7 labor plus parts Removal of superfluous hair. cottage. 143 King East. PAPER, RAGS, etc. (Roapitalization and im able July 1. 127 Park Road South o Githon, GC; Edgar F. Bagedo, QC. Mortgages arranged 3 Miles East of Oshawo Marie Murduff will be in [FOR RENT -- Tent trailer by week $33, Open All Day Saturday Box 121, Oshawa Times. SOMO Fear dcor alias § pan. CR} IGHTON_ FRASER, DRYNAN and 15--Instructions Oshawa, June 28th and 29th accommodates six people. Phone MA 3-| M GREENBURG & SONS THREE . room aptriment, 4 tiled lkit- chen, has stove ani MURDOCH, Batristers, SOO LYMES CONSTRUCTION MA 3-5757 Phone Genosha Hotel on 13262 a LTD. NO CASH large rooms, available July i tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bldg, PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, ; 1 . 5 | FO! EN T --Cott t t View TL A 2 Ser Bae ot, BAY 3456; 1. K. _RA 8-6228 TE 9-2224 Bowmanville 18 years' experience, by interview only.| these dates for appointment. [For ¥i WF Ry Tow bath. | RA 3.7333 -- 308 Bloor St. E. | INVESTMENT only. py 241 Athol East. i NHA mort- now 0. | RA 56197 { THR furnished basement Toa 53 sa i - HOME IMPROVEMENTS { (OPEN EVENINGS) 2 Cartage faa Immediate opening available |apartment, private bath and entrance, Bag rang REMODELLING--ADDITIONS LILLIAN MAE MARSH, Dance Edu FOR RENT __ _ Cottage, 2 all convenien- H WwW " central, available immediately. RA cator, Dancing School Ballet, tap, pre.| PICK-UP or stake truck for hire, eve-| coq at Lake Kushog Safe, sandy beach. S A for reliable man to call on 3.9800 after 6 p.m. 4--Dentists REC ROOMS ATTENTION school acrobatic, character, Friday, nings and weekends. Phone RA 8.3653. | Phone MO 83106 Whitby, AUTO WRECKING CO factories, schools, haspitel P. FAMILY ROOMS y Temple, RA 3-7253. |STAKE truck for hire, Basements, gar. A alice, stoves, ere: Nom con ONE large DR. G. T. SCIUK. Office hours 9 to 6. Tile, Hardwood Floors, For weed kililng, spraying |ages cleaned. Rubbish removed, ete. POW WOW Wants cars for wercking, also flicting. Highest commissions for gentleman. APP 620 Simooe fro] Open nings by appointment. 259 / Simcos Street South. Phone RA 52223. L Cupboards d and pruning of your shrubs LEARN TO DRIVE [hes ay ru lave - gan iron and metals oe, paid on orders received with cons Arrasge ond evergreens, call RA | ; : ought. Open urday. @ 85% repeat busines year |SUBLET two-bedroom apartment for 6--Optometrists HUGH CROSBY 8.6366. At the Oshawa Driving School rms I, jig i Come and enjoy the fun aot day. Phone round at fl wisitonh ol' June and July. Call RA 5.2161 or RA - t wa Driving 00] . R Rr bl Pow-Wow Point Lodge, pl 85-5787. €H. TUCK, 0, optometrist, ee RA 5.3937 OSHAWA Licensed by the Police Commission ® ste, to_ooitages or cal, ) Reasonable ra AY BE es RA 5-2311 89 BLOORE. or part-time.' Leaders in our THO oo Tes Bie Seas Soop pey_ acoouits at or TA Burk treet HOME Fully hil instructors re EP CTI eta aeliciout me Yield Manager waiting 0. arate entrance, private bath. RA 49007, Phone RA 5-4387 Standa utomatic cars Reasonable rates, full American Plan, $39-$58 erview you. Write The Cer- |S RiiSHED apartment, refrigerator CARPENTER insured. Call day or night, RA 5-449, weekly. Wrtie direct or call WANTED | tified Electric Company, Dun- |stove, central, close to a ¥. RICHARD BLACK, or of Optom- C 3 : ekly. r a sue CONTRACTING LANDSCAPING RA 8-0091 pe Huntsville 844J3. ATRO SCRAP IRON, POULTRY | das, Ontario. corner. Gladstone Avenue. RA 88403, oe Rais By hy . '| Remodelling of kitchens, for complete Garden Service 21--Personal Services resort. AND FEATHER TICKS | NEW uo, » § Seneca Sires; North, bothrooms, recreation rooms, Sa-- 16--Insurance SPENCER Fouseation arments, a, indi- | | SALES thse $00 living room, ah : 4 i Reg. Corsetie: r ' { Surveyors Conve trance." Wipy, | OSHAWA ACME [iiizmare sin tomramee--sme sp so Henini, 3 Fos moss vor | LEN-DAVE LODGE S043 RA 3.3374 | OPPORTUNITY [mbes we & Poe =o tri Lona Sirveyors 0 iim o MO 8.8611 --= Toronto 20 per cent, six months to pay. For 22 Radio R ry BALA, MUSKOKA RA 3-2043 RA 3-3374 | $75 MONTHLY -- house, 5 rooms and gineering, 308 = Dundas Stren West,| AMhurst 1-0197. HAULAGE LTD. pena service at your home, eall ania adio Kepairs | (Children Free) (collect) IN Bath, au conveniences, on paved street : E : E ; rv Kaiser tiie if tinh Knell oniaite LOAM GRAVEL 1T--M Loo ken Thompson. Blectranion #1] Main lodge, sleeping cabins, ~ WHITBY OR Crascant, id Lana Surveyor, 315 Adelaide Avenel CLIFF BROWN FILL -- STONE ney tv n Bilioy Avenue, RA 34793 Chyed). sofe sandy beach, home- CEDARDALE | |TWO clean, East. RA 5.6831 ENTS' money on ort. TELEVISION, radio, Hi-FI_ repairs. ked Is, danci d P OSHAWA rooms, beat, light and ag included, it. 5 J » radio, ol repairs. < { A a wal elu 2s CLIENTS' m, to loan first m Car radio sales and service. Electronic Sooke meda/s, ancing an SCRA S W. Toma Apply 500 Drew Street. DONFVAN ANP FLEISCHMAN, On gage, Jong and agreement of sale * all water sports, hot and eold $35 monthly HAN GRAVEL & SAND RA 3.3528 Ss MA me origages arranged feivice Lemire, 31 King 'Strat West," Cd water with showers. IRON. METAL LTD. Aggressive Life Insurance [MODERN, twohedroom apartments; 4 ? LOAM oan, hei For the time of your life -- IRON--METAL | Company with branch office Evafiahle PY ate RA * 3.4379, "8--Building Trades Prompt Delivery CROSS TOWN rer antag, da| SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT Write or Phone PAPERS--RAGS Ioining. man. of women 10 | Ted re BRETT THINK, mow 13 the best Bike #0 oall RA 8-895]. SOD SUPPLY [tek and henmck, Barrisers, si King] IT DAY OR NIGHT! LEN-DAVE LODGE | OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY | sell and service Life Insur- |ment, bed - sitting room and kitchen, V. an RA 5.3432 ance and Annuities in this Sasa, to hospital and North GM. RA for experienced carpenters and paint- Se RO ee al aE AV. rolled. fertilized sod cut | [CHEE wos svamaie or Wil CALL RA 8.5286 PHONE BALA 397 Ho Sade, [isha and Avuities, inthis , Free estimates. Call RA 3-4174. Bi Torus Boldin" Peps," Tooliy, W. WARD fresh daily, prompt delivery. lsfrerments of" ssie purchased App] pi Work Guoranteed BALA, ONTARIO RESIDENCE--RA 5-4159 years of age With neat op |vate entrance. parking savestrough chimneys, fireplaces, side-| WEL | DIGGING BY Special contractor rates. Tl org idl Be . 100 ANNIS STREET p asian ' walk, stoops. RA 38-0394, jon 'May. Hg 28A--Trailers meet people. Earn while « |TRREE-room, unfurnished apartment, ALL kinds of building and repairs, MACHINE RA 5-8504 WE WAVE clients' monies available ELECTRONICS TRAILER accessories and service. 35--Employment Wanted | leering. he iterating oc Tl as ny aoe Kitchen" cupboards, recreation vooms,| SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE for loans on first and second mortgages |ere. LP battles and parts, hitches, level. | BALES "advertising, single man. 35. 6:30 pm. i a » g garages, concrete and block work. Free Sstimates. RA S803. NYHITSY, ONTARIO PROMPT DELIVERY and dso Purchise II ind TV TOWERS ing jacks, portable toilets, mantles, with layout, copy, radio, experienced, Branch Manager : Prd : ; lamps, etc. Miller, 9 Tudor Street, |desi iti Osh idelity Li lig RR LGeorse J Ly 3809 FOR YOUR [ing Stes! East, Ofhawa, RA Oo Ajax, 'WHitehall 2.9401. or Gorey or aheD in Oshawa 'area.| Fidelity Life Assurance Co, JOHN A. J. Abramoff, RA 3-4871 or RA 5-8353. -ft. self supporting tower. A Professional Bldg. PO. BOX 329 COMPLETE Hot dip galvanized, No paint. COOK'S TRAILER SALES bing Phone RA 8.0070. Bates Whitby BOLAHOOD I ith hief TER -- first ning: BUILDERS HOME IMPROVEMENTS GARDEN SUPPLIES MONE | TO te ith Syed See the new 1960 Glendettes |veckends, 30 years' experience, powes LIMITED REMODELLING--ADDITIONS price, installed and 'guaran- 16-ft. custom deluxe, Also [tools, any type carpentry. Stairs, cup- Ceramic tiled bathroom sup- ; , rafters, al . Con REALTORS--INSURANCE vg To ll FAMILY. ROOMS CALL LOAN teed for | year, $59.95. ea Locanen: Higuay Na, [3 bit lek. 9 S18. D umo Nt 167 SIMCOE ST. § a TV Enterprises 2 at Courtice. Open until 10 TANT ee Sout wager, Po with four fittings. Large Tile, Hardwood Floors, color range. 90c sq. ft. C rds BEVERWY(CK i) ben 5 First class tradesman. Phone Loark A d Money for all types of mort. 253 Drew St. p.m. and weekends. OW desires change. Whitby, R or Osh. Fist ok HUE Lea . er for firsh od sucond RA 3-3553 down payment. : wy Hirst 'MO 88133 EMpire ALUMINUM RA 5 6544 RA 8-1177 RA 5.3537 GARDENS mortgages on all types of real 29--Summer Properties CEMENT work, done by Feuticyan IS starting a new NOW LEASING estate including vacant lands; F Sal with own mixer. Telephone RA 5- po 10--Sharpeni i short term mortgages for | EXPERT ELECTRONIC SERVICE or Soe DAY-CARE for children, Excellent Sales Trainin New, 2 bedroom apartments, rpening Service NO. 12 HIGHWAY : T.V., HI-FI, RADIO, ETC. |i codar boat. Sickness forces sale: location, Division St, fenced in back 9 includes fridge and stove, builders; first d d orig B SOUTER LAWN mowers sharpened, work guar OL 5-3570 BROOKLIN Builders ot wd rend 18 MONTH GUARAMTEE ON ones J. Stock, LL 24.22, $10 weekly, Phone RA 3-3623. Course Yosher and dryer, Joghers, -- Alr'0d, . [ t cot PAINTING = DECORATING picap nd delivery RA 3320 or A MO 8-4735 WHITBY for sale purchased. Apply: NEW PICTURE TUBES centre, Call RA 32301 a age No 36--Female Help Wanted NO experience required. begin $100 ore iy iy ) y CONTRACTORS FIRST ciass sharpening, mowers, saws, COMPLETE MS Zt 13 King Sven T.V. Enterprises one TA 3. SaLESLADIES ~ must De eAprlunead A Sincere worker con rselizy jession by July 15th, 1960, Wels, Saws, , 3 253 Drew St PRESQU'ILE -- Claudor Villa, 3-bed- |in better dresses, coates. and suits.| good earnings for his efforts, To inspect call Jack Appleby For Free ACIx call and al tools Work guar 0 3 DAYS MO 8.523] [Manse si Sus mead sown. 8A GARDEN SERVICE | 34697. | RA 59905 Phone Brdbion Ss or BH Eb enon. Wrie Box 0, Oh ( A oofer will eam exactly | at RA'S-6544 or RA 3.3398 RTH TT TY nothing : - LAWN . ¢ 13 i m-- ON id hed EVENINGS RA 57426 | tt tat os wan] sone inns wi cur ees | MONEY TO LOAN oon Loon Lok moth alata OSHAWA 107 Byron St. S., Whitby [Sports Centre, 62 Rossland Road West, ping, ' $2,000.00 to $50,000.00 for ~ OUR SERVICE CALL Good hunting and fishing. Very reason: WANTED Dumont Makes RA 3.7462. or RA 81734 removed. immediote toons on First ond INCLUDES ALL THOSE able. RA 8.0824. You No Rash SHOPPING HAVE your lawn mower precision RA 8-1798 Second Mortgages, Agree- KAWARTHA Lakes, summer and coun- Ww. WARD Hon, 330 hig? Gout Rh. 8165, --- ments for Sale, on vacant and ] EXTRAS CB ng Teng - Fin gyi HOUSEKEEPER Promises CENTRE . WELL DIGGING BY 380 Simcoe Street A improved property, residen- + + « Same day service Realtors, Peterborough, RI 2.4234. Companion for elderly Scotch sn 2 ACHINE ee 11--Business Opportunities GARDEN vel and industrial, city, sub- edn Al tubes checked fadly, 'good' wages, five. in But they do offer: . o GROUND floor store, are. S18 ro or urban ond country, end sum- + + + Picture tube cleaned | i" Write Box 822. "Oshawa --Guarahteed Draw _ Only 2% miles away from WHITBY, ONTARIO [mat. 14' simcoe' Street Sout. Foon SUPPLIES mer cottages. + Tuner cleaned, | STURGEON" LAKE] _imes Telephone Leads tie ordi. eno lee MO 8-2563--MO '8-3809 Oshawa Acceptance Corpora- : «Good financing 204 CHESTNUT. ST, W. ' [TI0BE. sulabic lor lumber. siectri. SO-GREEN tion Ltd, 112 Simcoe Street Suns Complete set-up BEEHIVE RECEPTIONIST ~The finest (not cheapest) ated apartment building, bal- clan, ete. 3 6.30 p.m. iad P.O. BOX 329 North, Oshawa. Phone RA . 3 months guarantee PARK ESTATES products available conies, paved king, full 3 12--Dressmaking EVERGREEN 5-3568. AREER DO IT NOW A NEW modern registered SECRETARY --TV ads on Channel 11 ed nr x DRESSMAKING, witerstions snd m.| TURF SPECIAL MONFY AVAILABLE subdivision designed inthe You Will E : PRECAST pairs on all types of clothing. Mrs. E. GARDEN SPECIAL Beautify Your Home. Florida motif. The most un- FOR DOCTOR'S OFFICE Sut : am Rents start ot 385, Fox, MO 8-447], TO HC ME OWNERS Improve Picture Quality usual: and beautiful in the Experienced, conscientious While You Learn! PHONE 'Mo 8- 4547 MILORGANITE h s 5 WHITBY DISTRICT CONCRETE [13--Gardening & Supplies | pcpsfa ime Un to $3,000 for any good | HAVE A TOWER | (hen {rye pecuniel whe INVEST A HALF-HOUR men evergreens, roses, : pL, :2, ircluding down pay- Call us fo free es! hy rees Is -ft. RITE 5 OF YOUR TIME FOR lifuns 6 pereanuials, # reason. BONEMEAL ment on hcme, payment of RLY 191 9 Yres smal a diane a: OSHAWA TIMES AN INTERVIEW OFFICE SPACE FOR SEPTIC TAN KS EA eons Narserkes FEAT MOSS existing mortgage, consolida- | T R | 0 your boat 0 way two miles wes i e or purchases : SPEAK ARES Brookiin NO. 1 ROSE BUSHES | fon of debts or prc aves of | = Mali NEw, auaiiybuit summer | $100 MONTHLY RA 8-165] RENT PROMPT "DELIVERY SHRUBBERY payment, no bon: TELEVISION - | homes open for your inspec- Reliable woman for house- JOHN ZURAWEL DURA STEPS FOR YOUR LAWN SEEDS For fast, friendly service call tion, electric wiring connect- hold position, live in private Passenger elevator service, CURBING COMPLETE GARDEN SEEDS SEABOARD RA 8-6781 ed fo hydro, three bedrooms, room. Must be fond of child: - |4T--Reom & Boord New building. Centrally lo- bathroom with plumbing, kit- 171 BOND ST. EAST chen with stainless steel sink, ren ROOM or room and board for gentie.| ¢oted in downtown area. WELL TILE | stainle : GARDEN SUPPLIES : NT AON LTD. | 35 omens Column | [ine oon forse | RA 5.7704 [Earns win Ro Bh AR Meroe Lows ow BROO KLIN CALL Cooper Smith Co. RA 5-1121 SPECIAL! Heat permanents, $8.50. Wing-dinivg rer nished in ROOM and board, large sunny room in available, [396 Pine Av RA 5-5363. or two. RA 8-05 \ i Ae PRICES from $5750. "to MOTHERS owe vires] THE TIMES - y lot, terms at current rates of of your needs? You can earn \ 32305. RA 3.2312 - | FRESH strawberries 40 Thownten Rd imerest. Location. 4 les hot: ex weeded. income by [uni and "ho gentlemen, nice B PRODUCTS GARDENS OSHAWA TIMES |min'ndsss So de Ti | Hele parame. BUILDING 12 HIGHWAY . 3 v BOOM and board for | io LIMITED OL 5.3570 BROOKLIN SIDEWALK SLABS DEAD farm siock picked wp prompily.| $190 ot entrance. Owner on |. in your spare fime. Call LE. (SSSM 0d bound fy gion, sitgle) Contact T. L. WILSON Cold wave .| Page Hairdres: y Hew home. sing} "beds, suitable f BEVERWYCK 16 CELINA ST. Formerly Sclvuwr "pine Avene, RA SEL be ee CONCRETE USE THE (24--Market Basket $5,950, including large, level Does your budget fall short to North GM and aospital, 'Teleohone PATIO SLABS ¥ CLASSIFIED 25--Pets & Livestock "| Fenelon Falls highway--Ilarge representing Avon Cosmetics, Phane RA 3 S305. OLiver 5-3311 MO 8-4735 WHITBY GARDEN TOOLS COLUMNS [Shows coec Hampton, Coax 33. | Ermer erence, 0 | formation, ect for more in- fio North GM'and bus won. 140 Rison] Phone RA 3-3474

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