The Oshawa Times, 17 Jun 1960, p. 4

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'Honeydale WI Holds Meeting PORT PERRY -- The June spleiidid report of the District meeting of the Hon WI was|meeting, held in St. John's Pres- held in the Parjsh Hall on Thurss{byterian Church, May 19, indicat- day, June 2, with the president,|ing a busy, successful year, for Mrs. E Tyan ip the Siar, The Soufh Ontario District. meeting ope reg) orm . enjoyed the with the Ode and Collect. A warm a eens celebration at welcome was extended to all. We|iiia Brooklin, Brougham and Al were very pleased to have as OUriios Branchse recently. Two car- |guests 12 members from thelioads went to the "Rug Fair" at Blackstock Branch, Mrs. J. C.|\Vineland. May 2, and report 8 Taylor, Mrs. W. Day and Mrs. enjoy time, as well as H. O'Neill, welcomed the guests|gaiaing joyable line. 3 vel i and members at the door. We|an. of hooking rugs. were most happy to welcome two A committee was appointed to new members. arrange for the annual bus trip or | mms enn the vol was" cae [Plcaic, namely Mr. Charles How| Wf FREE DELIVERY "Qualities necessary for a good|§ B ant, . 70 COTTAGE OR Women's Institute member". The| xy J motto, "Liz is short, so don't|, Miss Gloria Robertson, a mem- CAM WITHIN wear your face long", was taken|ber of the Port Perry Junior Hor- P-- by Mrs. S. Cawker. ticultural Club, has been chosen, YI i to attend the conference held at! 50 MILES GIVE RET'ORTS Guelph, June 27 to June 30. Our The following reports were|heartiest congratulations Gloria! given: Mrs, F. Warren, convener| Mrs. T. J, Wheeler, Pickering, of the Flower and Fruit commit-|spoke on public relations. Being i ; tee, reported on the sick mem-|public relations representative of bers. Mre. H. Smeltzer in report-| South Ontario District, Mrs. ing on Agriculture and Canadian(Wheeler brought a most en- A : X { Industries gave an interesfing|lightening resume of the con- } NJ. 2 | article on "Milk", ference held a Guelph 33 May, : 5 ing the busin rtion| She stress e importance ; -_ £7 I var : dl | Durie il ang Mre J. Carne. |g0od public relations and advised M ATT Fa% - BOX SPRINGS CHEQUE TO AID AJAX RETARDED CHILDREN chan Were. appointed ester and we combine ellort. She empha. 0 assistant leader to attend the|sized the need of more creative, i : i ' two-dny Local Leader's Training|original ideas, to bring before : ' The Ajax - Pickering - Whitby | the proposed new school. The | dent of the Ladies' Club and | tion will begin at once and it is INO 3] Leader's 1 Bing ED Ti lig uo a a / ; {ation for Retarded Chil- | photo shows the presentation | Mrs. Mary F Ramsden. On | expected the school will be 1 ) 4 py has received a $500 cheque at the Brock Road school. On | Saturday, June 18, a sod turn- | ready for fall occupancy. More [school will be held sometime in Publis Relations She hoi oe from the West Rouge Ladies' | the left is Mrs. Jessie Echevar- | ing ceremony will take place at | funds are required to complete |October. ii telling the public about it." Club for equipment to be used | via, "Susior teacher; middie | the ste of fhe new school om | the school, |, oy, | A leder was sead from thet ier the singing. of the ma urpose room in | Mrs, Cammilla Simms, presi- urcher street, Ajax. Construc- ee] 0 ol ome Economic Service, pa- x 19 £10 genial purpose -. dina, Toronto, advising members |tional anthem, lunch was served of something mew in a Distriet|by Mrs. 8S. Cawker and group, i ivi service -- a one day workshop Mrs. H. O'Neill, Mrs G rt Skin Diving | Stress Problems [OMA Group [si ri #75 sibel die pate, acquainted social hour enjoyed. Job Ahead 4 : T Vi it Ai A motion was passed to sendMany thanks to Mrs. G. Thomas 10 cents per member to help fi-|for assisting with the lunch. Mrs, AJAX (Staff) -- Anyone like Of Ir affic 0 151 jax nance ythe Adelaide Hoodless| Wilson of the Blaksiock Branch skin diving? George Crawford Home, hich has recently been|was the winner of the lucky tea ot Gore ord Storie] BROUGHAM -- Former Coun.|Simée Administration Building] AJAX (Staff) -- Friday evening| purchased by the Federated cup prize. Ltd. who designed the A ja x|cilior Mrs. Jean McPherson, stat-|in Barrie on Thursday, June 16; 22d Saturday he jown foi Alex Women's Institutes of Canada. va special ig to 0 the ghls bosin DC ee re A ution that the Council of village section of the Ontario|members of 'all Provinces are|Cancer Canvas in April, it was peg od the 2000 feet of oe Sunday of each 4 was the|the Township of Toronto petition M Snicipal Association. About 100 asked to contribute a per capita much appreciated. We woud a2 be inspected for proper back-|only large gathering in Pickering the Ontario Goverment for a= sg hes Br Expected from al on Seals. a toi the. Yesent like to Thank the Qnglican c hnrch ine. Be Sette JE Lig io ested, that oe Metro Toronto Act, 1953, fo ii Registration of delegates wili|bazaar Jud etatt work Display we served lunch to the canvas- who could on a calm day perform with the traffic problem and the|it clear that the Metro Toronto he ass u Friday lterneon wa od ule wars te sers. the task in about four hours. parking of cars, She was told by | Council will have no jurisdiction A dir oo SODHOR oY e po The intake has been completed [Reeve Scott that the police had|over the affairs of the Township . "AIMS AND OBJECTS" FAMED ORCHESTRA and the contractor is obilged fo|many functions to perform on|of Toronto, was endorsed by the Following the dinner, the main) 'Mrs, §, Ploughman, District] The Philadelphia Orchestra un- certify that his work has been Sunday, but that he was sure if council of the Township of Pick- Spediior Wil be Jeers Joe Sams Director, weviewed the "Aims and der Eugene Ormandy Jus the i roperly. the committee in charge of the ering. » '¢| Objects" the Women's In-|first symphony orchestr: he Lo of the plant has service requested an pe that| Tenders will be called locally Future ot dhe County System," | stitute, for. the benefit of the|television in a CBS hour - long been deferred until September. one would be supplied. for the construction of founda-| "Ch W: of oo owed W 2 Ne new members. She also gave a program March 20, 1948. The persistent wet weather pre-| The Erskine Memorial Service|tions and electrical work for the Mr, Sam's viewpoint. Pp 0 vented the contractor from fin-|lhas been in effect for the past|West Rouge elevated water tank.| "gp day "will begin with a ishing the landscaping and fenc-|106 years. | A bylaw was passed to provide| gem nstration of the Dowty tur- ing in time for a June opening] Members of the Claremont for parking on one side only on|p,oraft hoat at the lakefront. A as planned. ; Park Board were appointed in the streets at Frenchman's Bay|new loading dock has been built persons of Kalman Vizely, R.|which lead to the lake. |and delegates will experience . ath. E Onis A. Rozelle, and| 3 gew form of jet propulsion on A N N IVE RS A RY , tativ ater. 7 Rjax Man - th py pido Frost Pledges "Other speakers during the day : cillors Harvey Spang and Harry will be K. Hildaka, on the sub- Boyes. ject, "The Growth of Towns' and Exonerated |" ru « cue Better Deal (fiee" sii Fist] Morte Grove Anmiverory Services AJAX (Staff) -- Perth County |has submitted a brochure to coun- timum Size of the Community." Crown cil which ains the tax bill,| BARRIE (CP)--A bid to ease Sia Sirtiord pole Cou on| which, he ten, woud: save|the burden o heavy taxation on There WL be fl dsennion of} auyyNDVAY NEXT. JUNE 19th Thursday asked that charges of Many hours of employees' time | home owners will be made at the 7% " break-in, entering and attempted |in answering queries about taxes, |0ext federal - provincial confer- ¢ burglary against Noel Rowland of | He has presented the brochure to ice, Premier Frost said Thurs- X AT 2:00 P.M. & 7:30 P.M. Ajax be withdrawn. Metro Toronto Council for their|98y: . Clad At the opening of the new| Mr. Goodwin advised the court consideration, and will ask the|g. \0"c o's ty administration] #8 Guest speaker Rev. Harry A. Mellow B.A. that Rowland has been complete- indulgence of other municipal- buildi hi id icipaliti . : ; 4 ly exonerated after a full inves. ities. Ee, ad uni cipaiities of Northminster Church, Oshawa. Our Own Exclusive Made by e famow) Manufacturer tigation. The brochure, he estimates, tain jt all from real estate taxa- Medium Firm Exclusively for Us : : + uU The charges were laid on Sun-|would cost the township $800.00. |tion. * Guest soloist Miss Margaret Stewart br pA day wien four med Jvele arrest-| Unpaid taxes to the end of May, Bit nl assistance lo Tow: f of Burlington. Seria Royal Smooth Top SIERRA SMOOTH TOP and charg t ing| 1960, ding to a tax report |nicipalities had increased to $477,- " i Bank, 2 / Another NFR Serta exclusive with 252-coil con- Made to rigid specifications, features fine quality Burglary of the Royal pumittes to council, amount to| go) 200 this year from $18,000,000 Music by the Sunday School under the direction of struction, heavy quality ticking with streamlined printed ticking, full 220-coil innerspring construe- . ,617.44. standing taxes to ; MRS. TED HOAR border, Plenty of padding prevents "coil feel" tion, perfectly smooth, level top. Not a button and it's firmly anchored to the unit to prevent or tuft anywhere. The equal of other mattresses The other men charged wereithe same date last year amount? Mr. Frost sald municipal rep- Be i noth of Staattord. aad|S0, (0, $0027.61 Total arrears FAChAtIcs, WUL JUD in, Se newt On Wed., June 22nd Supper will bunching. Another won- selling for as much as ; v derful bedding value. $15 be served from 5:00 p.m. Fully guaranteed by . 1 . special SUPPER--ADULTS 1.25 CHILDREN 50 3 big 8 ef ig Fi if Mogk, 19, both of Stratford, and| collections to date amount to|federal-provincial conference at Orne ana Slogh piaaded gullty| 0047. Last year, collection of Geil", Geir" communities, a Monty andere remondey|rrears to May amounted 10| "ye intend to do everything to 'one i for sentence. Crack $7081.55, strengthen the autonomy of our @ected trial by a judge. Council members are invited to| municipalities and the responsi- Counsel for Rowland said his|the official opening of the new bility of "Councils," he said. elient was an innocent victim of ¢ircumstances. He had taken Burns to Stratford to visit his Holks there. He did not know the "other men and he was asleep in his car when the break-in took place. The first he knew about 4t was when a police officer woke "Alm up. The three other men signed s that land was completely innocent. 2 Readings For By-law A bylaw to zome the French- aon 3. Pickering FEATURE SPECIAL! EN'S CHOOSE POLISHED COTTON Bion Bea 2 MEN'S SHORT 'SLEEVED PLAY SHORTS OR BEAU DRILL MEN'S Townthip. Counc o Piaing Remember SPORT SHIRTS Well-Tailored -- Suntan Shade -- Very HOBBY JEANS | night, ET snug-fitting with elastic waistband at Exceptional volue! - Light yet hard- ay. Which 1 he do On HIS DAY Mg oi Tg oo a back. Lightweight Beau Drill Fabric -- wearing for Summer activities. Choose one notable amendment, in which MARTRP colortui, checks and poouiar plains in 8 with three pockets, zipper front ond § ond or antelope shades . . . SANFOR. a one W us leg cresied, Li fa, ome eh ora wear, Sirs: 2.89 b QUEST. ML. EACH 2 89 > Fes we aye i TWO TWIN CONTINENTALS4y Sealy. rinas and TWO for 5.75 { TWO for 5.75 $ TWO FOR 7.50 ' Township - Planning WOVEN CHECKS "Stretchie' Socks TWIN BED SET Complete With Makings pr Eo dab : For "LITTLE DADS" we See Our Boys' Section All nylon, colorful desians, ll jy,gt jmagine! A complete 12-pe. twin bed outfit in- l 3 0 : 9 ef MATCHING BOX SPRING--SAME LOW PRICE MATCHING BOX SPRING--SAME LOW PRICE well made by a famous manufacturer, Wash easily, J cluding TWO top quality SEALY smooth-top contin- ic hearing, as is the prac- fast-drying. Fit ofl entals (36 size) complete with headboards that can publ ' tice, for those residents affected |] AUTOMATIC WASH-N-DRY BOY'S BOYS' SHIRTS PENMAN'S wizes 10 10 13 be sponged clean in a jiffy. The makings are in- hy night ish t gister their x % " "" . Ss © vn] vo totes | SUMMER PANTS | waswwear | Boys' T-Shirts | ---------- Lo culli no Yaboun tit 100" sas A bylaw to zone the area, from the Rouge River to Ajax south of [| eave JPafterns. Licht and Highway 401, and excepting the|} Acetate . . . just machine- These Wash-'n'-Wear Pants are | Terrific value! Plain colors with | Excellent value! Wash-'n'-Wear SWIM TRUNKS Complete TWIN BED ensemble. "EASY CREDIT Bay ', Ridge Development; has|f ¥osh -- machinedry. Well colorful stripes orgite. Knit- Shades of royal blue, black y o Canadion made. Choose BABY | motif on breast. Feel the fine : ' or white. Contrasting' piping : ny which public to. Ge ak | CORD or POLISHED COTTON, | cotton -- machine-washable, will | fe copton with feinforced 2-ply | down side . . . Drawstring ings were held. The bylaw is still 2 i . These cool, comfortable pants are not shrink, 1 19 SM.L. as Ripe retention. Siges ig I unforced 89 oP EN piso goed looking! Colorful, color- | Sizes 6 to 16. EACH hd Previously oe, EACH .. 69 ast popular Summer shader" ONLY TWO FOR 3.50 THREE FOR 2.00 4 FRIDAY TILL 9 problems have been satisfactor- fly "ironed out". See our wide Selection of fine SPORTS and WORK clothes. All at Special LOW Summer Prices. BUY AT ENGEL'S AND SAVE! g : AMPLE Engel's Men's W : ngeis ens ear vy | PARKING 16 SIMCOE ST. N. Downtown Oshawa RA 5-0611 U.K. PLANE SHOT DOWN 7

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