The Oshawa Times, 17 Jun 1960, p. 3

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py THE MEMBERS OF the | provided by the members of the graduating class at Woodcrest | home and school association. Public School, was honored | Those in the upper picture, Wednesday night at a banquet | front row, frorh left, are Lucy remainder of the graduating class, front row, from left, are Sharon Hamilton, Joan Harris, Jacqueline Clegg, Gayle Con- way, D. Maher, A. F. Higgs, | FOLLOWING THE BAN- QUET there was a presenta- tion of prizes and an address | by Dr. C. M. Elliott, superin- tendent of public schools. The LJ | Karmazin, Jo Anne Bedford, | Carolyn Henry, A. F. Higgs, G. | Marlow, Dorothy Salter, Mari- | | lee Parker and Heather Ross. | Middle row, from left, Sutton, Ruth Bell, yi RE -- Donna Johnson, Gail Judith Aylesworth, Goulding, Marilyn Sleep and Elaine Whitworth. Back row, from left, Bill Morrison, James Griffin, Randall Pollard, Maria Drygala, Gail Maddock, Sharon Olive and Sharon Barnes. Middle row, from left, Sharron Bowler, Jeri Bowler, Jane Griffin, Lorna: Williams, | Dawe, Lloyd French, Sharon Saunders, Ruth Beverley | Howe, Naish, Patricia Griffin and | Levine and Allen Chapman. » Dianne | ---- Warren Magill. Back row, from left, Lee Badgley, Richard James Pearse, % 4 hi | Dereck Lockwood, Peter Hopps, Gordon Viekers, Wayne Markle, Brian Smith, William Hall, Thomas Werry and Bruce Gibb. { --Oshawa Times Photos WEATHER FORECAST Saturday To Be Sunny, Cooler TORONTO (CP)--Official fore-. TORONTO (CP) -- Tempefa- wasts issued at 5 am.: {tures: Synopsis: A storm centre 'which, JW tomght, High Samqay produced numerous thunder-|g¢ s . storms and showers across south-| Kitchener ... ern parts of Ontario during the Loudon oe night swung .rapidly northeast- agian oes ward today, In its wake condi-iSt Catharines ... tions will improve, with cboler, Hamilton drier air swinging into the prov-|Muskoka .. ince. Sunny conditions are ex- Killaloe ... pected in most areas Saturday. |Earlton Regional forecasts valid until Sudbury midnight Saturday. North Bay . Lake Huron, Lake Erie re. Kapuskasing .. gions, Windsor, London: Cloudy White River with a few showers early this Moosonee . morning, clearing this afternoon. | Mostly sunny Saturday. Cooler. DEFENDS U.S. POLICY Winds becoming light lonight. | LONDON (Reuters) -- Prime, oooke Outar oy \agara, soutl| Minister Macmillan has defended | gions, Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy American policy in calling two with a few showers or thunder- world-wide alerts for U.S. mili-| showers this morning, clearing | ary forces in a letter to a Labor | this evening. Mostly sunny Sat- ; | + MP. Replying to a letter of pro- urday. Cooler. Winds north 20 at test about the alerts on May 15] noon and becoming light tonight. Pron Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk- pd Juse 1 rom Willian war land Lake, Timmins-Kapuskas-| 0 © HT pth . There| ing regions, North Bay. Sudbury: was, therefore, no question of ie} Cloudy with rain ending by noon, | ror of judgment which could | SERess252YLLEssE | {by officals of eral Hospital 'has been pital building fund. The list of| | contributions - not | knowledged follow. Wolfe, W. R. John F. Fialka Garnet Thackeray | Mrs. Zella Deutinger | Elinor Rogers |W. R {Jacob Vos | Cy Churchley | Anonymous Building Fund Total $1,108,379 It was announced this morning Jules J. G. Ethier the Oshawa Gen- a: Phebe Boyd that $1,108,379.81 Claudette, REcou to the" hos Margaret Ellis Miss Barbara Daynard r#McCrimmon J. Mal ws 75. 75. 3 38 previously ac- Sa 8: ¢ #310 Miss Henny Nekkers 10.00 Miss Marion Clarke 15.00(J. A. Nicholsen Anonymous Dallas Kunkel T. Robert McDonald Moore of Post Office employees (additional) and Administrative staff 433. 5.00| Oshawa Board of Education 10.00 Public, Secondary teachers 40.00 Anonymous 40.00 | Fred Carswell 100.00| The Jewish Friendly Ladies' 5.00, Afternoon Club 5.00 Dr. W. R. N. Lindsay PonupSupnue Mr. Grover R. Gage Mr. Vietor E. Cridland Mr. Gordon R. Kellett Mr. John D. Graham Peter Andrey F. L. Crossley Thomas Fairbrother. 5.00 5.00 20.00 10.00|D- H. 30.00 D: 20.00, 2.00 aw Er Jr Waiter V. Roe . Hyde Wolfe N. Miller Anonymous Miss Sylvia Bilenduke Mr. D. H. Boon Mr. W. A, Dewland 22.50 Mutual Life of Canada, 40.00 Waterloo, Ont. ¢ (turned himself in at i 833332382382882888 1,831,00| 1500.00 25.00| 25.00 00 Sun Life of Can., Peterborough W. B. Bennett Paving Ltd. DuPont of Canada Ltd. | Dr. D. 1. Gove | Cleve Fox | Anonymous Robert Aldsworth Anonymous Total to Date Bank Loot 'Hidden In Graves {guard Eugene Hicks, with {vault and burying it lice "I don't know why I did it." Hicks, 32-year-old father |three, will be arraigned in Ded- 20.00 Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford 50.00 ham District Court today on a $00.00 |charge of larceny from the Nor- {folk County Trust Company {where he worked. | He led police to the graveyards Thursday night, and they dug up the money from the graves of Only $70 was not recovered. The FBI and police had been hunting Hicks since he and the money vanished on Wednesday. icks telephoned Needham po- lice Thursday night. He then the West GARDUATING CLASS AT WOODCREST PUBLIC SCHOOL HONORED AT BANQUET 500.00 States foreign policy. 1000.00} 1800.00 , 2 1% 100.00 | indusrtialist told a press con- 50.00| ference here Thursday that U.S 300.00 | foreign policy is leading to nu 300.00 clear war. #1,108,379.81 NEEDHAM, Mass. (AP)--Bank charged th taking a $103,000 money so/ Shipment from a Needham bank in the graves of relatives, has told po- of Hicks' father and other relatives. | Vai CITY AND DISTRICT STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed for construction today: Taylor avenue, from Farewell to Guelph; King street west, from Gibbons to Stevenson road; Byng avenue, closed from Simcoe north to Somerville; Wilson road south from Olive avenue to Dean avenue; Olive avenue from Ver- dun road to Wilson south; Chad- burn street, closed at Olive av- enue; Central Park boulevard south, closed at Olive avenue; Cadillac avenue, closed at Olive avenue, Luke street closed from Richmond street east to Colborne street east; Highland avenue closed at Olive avenue. When- ever possible, these streets will|F¥ be open for local traffic. Condi- tions such as weather could re-| quire the closing of sireets mot! on the list. i | TREE REMOVED : | A tree that was obstructing the view of his mural on Simcoe street south, was removed by| % (Artist Julius Damasdy Thursday afternoon. Damasdy bought the {tree - from the property owners for five dollars. The mural will 'eventually be hidden from public/ | view, when a bank is built next | to it. Louis | ATTENDED CONFERENCE | Reginald 7E. McIntyre of Karn |Drugs Limited, 28 King street| east, Oshawa, was one of 25 photographic sales people from nine states, as well as Canada, Sweden, and Venezuela, who at- tended a 10-day conference at the] TORONTO (CP)--Col. E, A. Eastman Kodak Company's sales Baker, 68, of Toronto, managing training centre in Rochester, N.Y, (director of the Capadian Na- {tional Institute for the Blind since ELBOW INJURED {its inception 42 years ago, has Hamblit Hircock, 189 Church been named the recipient of the St., Bowmanville, suffered a slight Helen Keller International Award injury to his elbow when a car|for outstanding work for the driven by his wife, Lena Hircock, blind on the international level. was involved in a $900 accident at| The announcement was made the corner of King St. and Rit-| Thursday at the 42nd CNIB an- son Rd. Thursday evening. The nual meeting. (driver of the other car involved| Miss Keller will make the pre- |was William Yourth, 285 Wilson|sentation on her 80th birthday, Rd. S. {June 27, in New York. Col. Baker is serving his sec- ond term as president of the The ambulances of the Oshawa World Council for the Welfare of | Fire Department answered two the Blind which is active in 42 |routine calls during the past 24 countries. | hours. The annual report of the Cana- ----ee oie |dian group Thursday revealed 23.802 registered blind cases on {March 31, 1960 and 76,574 regis- | [tered prevention cases. | Col. Baker said the aim of the |CNIB is to educate young and {old to take care of their eyes. Canadian Gets 2 AMBULANCE CALLS 'Eaton Blasts U.S. Policies Keller Award | Following a complete redecor- building, Mary's Ukrainian Greek Orthodox Church Bloor street and Ritson road, will throw the building open to public Sunday afternoon. 4 The church auditorium will be open to all those intersted in Christian Iconography from 2 to 5 p.m. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to the public to visit the church. St. Anne's Sisterhood of the church will entertain in the parish hall Tea will be served. The parish was organized in Ukrainian pioneers in the area. From 1916, through 1953, all the church services were held in the original building chosen for this | purpose. In June 1953 a new edifice was under construgtion on the same site. The new church, with the During the few years the eye|orthodox copulas domes, was co | TORONTO (CP) -- Cyrus S. bank service has operated, 275 Eaton, the multi-millionaire who|people have been given sight. was awarded the Lenin peace prize this year, says Canada as a barrier to Russia and should divorce itself from United | proposed scrapping NATO. Ir. Eaton said the Western orld might profit by looking to Britain and Canada for cold war '| guidance, rather than looking to The Canadian-born Cleveland, | | orthodox copulas domes, was completed in October of that year, The first Holy Liturgy was held Nov. 1, 1953 with the Rt. Rev. Archbishop Michael officiating. In June, 1959 the board of dir- ectors, headed by Rev. P. Zap- aryniuk, decided to have the in- terior eompletely redecorated. "|the U.S. ! Mr. Eaton, who recently eom- pleted a tour of Europe, blamed most existing world tension on the US. He scoffed at the effectiveness of U.S. and North Atlantic Trea- ty Organization forces in Eur- 'Lions Instal | 'New Officers Nine years, Lions Jack Ander- son, John Kent. Ten Years, Lion Max Palter. The members of the Oshawa Lions Club held a most success- ful meeting this week when the wives of the members were, Twelve years, Lions John Bor- guests of honor, rowdale, Rufus Lambert, Wolfe Head table guests included Lion | Miller and Bill Morrison. President Jack Anderson and gppyopps INSTALLED Mrs. Anderson, Ald. and Mrs. | "pe president's report was giv- |Gordon Attersley, representing|o, 1; 'president Jack Anderson. [Mayor Gifford; Lion John Kentl i ericers for the coming year and Mrs. Kent, Lion Harold Phil-| 0 i aned by Lion Art Brun- lips and Mrs. Phillips, Lion Bob yc port Perry. Brown and Mrs. Brown, Lion Dr.| "mpe pey officers are: immedi- Ted Watt and Mvs. Watt; Lion, past president, Jack Ander- Art Brunton and Mrs, Brunton,|q,.. president, Bob Brown; First Port Perry and Zone Chairman i.e ,.esident, Harold Phillips; Wib Thomas and Mrs. Thomas of|go.ond vice president, Don Cobourg. Branch; Third vice-president, Dr. Lionette President Mrs. J. An-|Bill Sands; Two-year Directors, derson responded to Lion Dr. Ted| Stuart Hall and Alec Smykaluk; Watt's toast to the ladies. A bou-| One-year Directors, Doug Wilson quet of flowers was presented to and Floyd Foreman; Tail-Twister, Mrs. Anderson by Mrs. Rufus Gerald Hudson; Lion-tamer, Ron Lambert. Duffy; Secretary, Dr. Ted Watt; awa | Treasurer, Dave Carstairs. |ATTBNDANCE CHEVRONS All members were reminded of Attendance dhevrons were Pre: | ihe yions and B'nai B'rith auc- sented as follows: One year. Lions| ij, cale next week and the even- RETURNS TO PRACTICE OTTAWA (CP) -- George C. eral Federation said that Mr. dent, will resume his law prac- tice in Montreal. 4 55 BEAUTIFULLY EXECUTED ALTAR SCREE : Open New Church To Public View ation of the interior of the church the members of St. = inspection this 1916 through the efforts of all the REV. P. ZAPARYNIUK The traditional ikons, patterned on those found in most of the Uk- rainian churches in the Ukraine, were eompleted this spring. This work was executed by the late George Bryk and John Holdun. The Tkonostas-Icon-Screen was hand-carved and in itself is a mastérpiece. TO STAND TRIAL TORONTO (CP) -- Philly hére Thursday. The National Lib-| Georg! Marler, its executive vice-presi-| Detroit 8 KING ST. EAST . venience. The Only Drug Store Open DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SATURDAY, JUNE (8, 6 fo 8 P.M. WILL BE JURY & LOVELL LTD. The.other downtown drug stores suggest that you make sure you get your prescriptions refilled before 6 p.m. Saturday of each week and avoid any incon- RA 3-224% Roxbury police station, accom- 73 ie : : i panied by bis wile fon, Enkovich. oh hvaen I. Closed with dancing "It was just a sydden impulse," | Joe Pinto, ? police quoted him as saying. "I| wo years, Lion John Gazdik. | saw the money lying there in the Three years, Lion Ed Wellman. vault and took it. Hicks, un-| Four years, Lion Alec Smy-| shaves, weary and weeping, was|kaluk. quot as saying 'Nobody was| i ears. Li lorm G around. |] Toh up Pend TL Yeats, Lions Norm Gower, | walked out to my car and diove| Six years, away with it. { | Doug Wilks. = { Hicks, a former Pinkerton! Seven years, ¥%ions Harold man, had a spotless record. | Phillips, Dr. Ted Watt, and clearing this evening. Satur- 3 day mainly sunny, Cool. Winds Plunge the world into nuclear 'war, becoming light this evening. COMING EVENTS BINGO Friday at 8 p.m. at St. John's Hall, corner Bloor and Simcoe, 20 games 36 and $8. Five $40 jackpots. | NOVEL BINGO | THURSDAY EVENING, 8 PM. | at ST. GEORGE'S HALL ! (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gomes $6,812, $20 May be doubled or tripled $130 JACKPOT INCLUDED Door Prize $15 BINGO AY .| CHILDRENS ARENA UAW.A. HALL Sponsored by Oshawa Lions ond Oshawa Bnei B'rith, JUNE 18TH BINGO 20 GAMES $10 A pee MRS. WM. MacDONALD 446 ATHOL ST. EAST { GARDEN TEA WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1960 2:30-5 p.m 7-9 p.m. Adults 50 cents Proceeds to Building Fund | St. Paul's Presbyterian Church LIVE AUCTION Lions John Norris, RECEIVES KEYS FOR NEW AUTO © Ken Damant (left), 45 Buck- | at Little Britain recently. Ken ingham avenue, Oshawa, is | immediately handed the keys to seen receiving the keys for the + pew automobile he won in a | 1S mother as-he had decided draw at the annual sports day | to retain his older model auto, Make Your Summer Count Acquire new skills and knowledge. Get an early start on en office position. Enjoy e satisfying sense of achievement. | | | | ] | | | | ON. JUNE 22nd, 23rd | | Enroll at once -- in SUMMER SCHOOL CLASSES et the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE following: Sh hi ond A ASK FOR FREE LITERATURE If you need @ Review or Refresher on Engl Coleulat: Arithmetic. P hi N. py . on the 'LAKESHORE EXPRESS' in latest type picture window coaches with "Sleepy Hollow" seats or parlor cars-- attractive dining cars--all air-conditioned. Travel by train, arrive ref; Travelling Overseas WHY NOT FLY: " a For information regarding any form of travel . . . DIAL RA 3-9441 | For your convenience, a smast new summer train "The Lakeshore Express" will com- mence operation between Toronto and Montreal (Central Station) on Saturday, June 20th. Enjoy a pleasant daylight ride FIRST TRIP FRIDAY, JUNE 24th Arrive OSHAWA 10:59 AM, Arrive OSHA 2:59 P.M. Arrive MONTREAL 4:30 P.M. Arrive TORONTO 3:45 P.M. (Times shown are Daylight Seving) MOSTIIER TORONTO, ING COACH FARES FROM OSHAWA | TO TORONTO . TO MONTREAL One Way Return To MONTREAL ... ative, Oshawa) oriive Oshawa) 11.50 21.85 39 he 30 om To TORONTO .... 1.30 2.50 5 GAMES $25 CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE JACKPOTS, ONE GAME $150 SATURDAY, JUNE 18th _ SHARE THE WEALTH 8 P.M: SHARP 'The modern way té travel is by air.' 'n kk. Choose from the d - Typing, B Rui " M. DUE TO THE Shortage of "Graduate Pharmacists" THE HOURS AT POWELL'S DRUG STORE WILL NOW BE , . . HURS. & SAT .. 9 AM. to 6 P.M, FRIDAY 9AM. 109 P WEDNESDAY 9 AN POWELL'S DRUG STORE 35% SIMCOE ST. N., OSHAWA RA 5.4734 d Subi ish, Spelling, Rapid ow is Your Oppor- Lunity, 9:59 p.m. 5:58 p.m. 7:16 a.m. 1:21 am. 6:47 am. 1:04 a.m, Hours: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Students may join Parents on Vacation elso d now for Fell Term Just Dial RA 5-3375 -- Get the Facis 10 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, Ontario MON., TUES, T We have o direct Toronte telephone fine for prompt Airline Reservations MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and operated by Th Meade: nd Co., Canado Ltd. 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA DIAL RA 3-944)

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