-~ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 17, 1960 19 a9 , | Medium Grade Slaughter mil 248: Cattle Sold Firmly ata Tangls 3 59 + lig a +8 TORONTO (CP) -- Slaughter| Shipments to eastern MacLeod 100 100 caltle sold at steady Dr prices wil Spent Magnet, 2 some firmness on loads, 1500 grades Ss otk at tre 0 1500 public s ards. MeWat 1aht te Veal calf prices were $2 per New Ath hundredweight lower for the N Dicken 1500 week while hog prices were $1.50 R Man 24 ad mere higher, Lamb prices da 11 osed easier on increased re- $23% Wk BK Norma 1500 ceipts. 16% 16% 16% i 500 85 85 + F goidstem 2000 108 Cattle receipts were some 500 ili, Soa TEE head less than last week and| 15 $125% 125% 125% 34 2 4 Opemiska 225 1,200 head more than the same (lings 23-24; 4 14 14 Paymast 607 'week in 1959. Receipts from cows 17-18; medium 16-17; OILS i 2000 305 YP a western Canada totaled 400 canner 2 ml iaghy Pick Crow head, 335 less than last week. Placer 300 Western stock calves were 32 Que Chib 1000 Ee 1000 BIRTHS PHILLIPS --To Dr. and Mrs. John Phillips (nee Dixon) a son, on Wed- nesday, June 15, 1960, at the Oshawa General Hospital. DEATHS GILBERT -- At his residence, 578 Today's Stock Market Listings on , Toronto Exchange Net Stock Sales Tugs Toy u 3, Ch'ge Advocate 100 Amal Rare TORONTO 21 A. STOCKS Canadian Press Toronty Stock Exchange--June 17 (@nations in cents unless marked $. lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- \ A aha xw--Ex-warrants.) INDUSTRIALS net Stoek sun High Jou un a Ch'ge Abitibi $404 ---% Acad-At A in sisi 9% ios Alla Gas iiss stoi 101% wish H Cotton 0 => Alta G wis Algoma EA $32 Alumini 860 Alum 2 pr 105 Anthes A EE $30 Stock Sales High Low 11 i Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Pla "0 340% 0 0 --% -5 se 's1% -- % witson 100 280, 8 ou hy 00 m *%% + % - e L Martin Maybrun McKen McWat 3% 13% W, Miles Funeral Chapel, Avenue West on Monday. wi eee advnen-y. Shas F 3 I ws IL, vg.8520008 80 Lik 43% bo 30 h - SE 8 14, 1960, John Hooyer, band of Nellie Hooyer, dear father of Mrs, John Verhoog (Mary Ann), mard; Mrs. John McLean (Jose aged 56 years. Resting at and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division) Street. Bowmanville, Service Satur- day, June 18, at 2 p.m. Interment Hampton Cemetery. PRESTON -- At RR 3, Sowmanviie, os Thursday. June 16, 1960, Robe: Preston, his 63rd year, beloved a band of Catia a Brant and dear father of Blanche (Mrs. Gordon Anderson) and Oshawa; Ruth (Mrs. Everett EH tias Steel 100 Bank ont 1255 235 Bank Ne nt 372 8 x BEBE Se Int Pap Ogilvie pr 2500 111020 652 = = 170 165 165 $15% 15% 15% head more than last week at 78./ium light bulls 14-17.50. a = . uemont 225 93 93 93 50 34 34 Rovio 530 ealm 500 $00 00 x Athab 1000 Roche 2000 San Ant 12300 Sherritt 545 Steep R 525 820 Sunburst 11200 Taurcanis 1000 Taurcan vi 6000 suszgulssfoguns geisgte S86 11il++ FERRER 25% 25% 25% + 2 16% ¥% 16% -- & 3 Ral KRESGE'S Gift Suggestions For Father's Day 3 INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS IN GIFT 00 PACKAGE INDIVIDUAL INITIAL HANKIES ONLY 29¢ VESEY YE ys 935 935 935 250 470 470 +190 190 5 56 Page-Hers Parker Pow Corp Pres El rts N 5 gusss In Oshaw: RGB Bk hig on int oy Ry 15, 1960, Ed Tamar, Wie, 2 Sm orth), belo usba 1 Jolson, 10ving jathes of Davia Rob = 6 Royal Bank Soon sou oo% -- % Gront YR ert, and son of Robert E. Wilson, in his ' Royal Ba 0% ad L ant 44th year. The late Mr. Wilson is rest- 385 385 385 'Royal rts 280 279 279 --2 3 203 GF Mining ing at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Russell 110 $9% 9% 9% + % 'Gulf Lead Home, Service in the chapel on Satur- St L Corp 420 $17% 17% 17% -- % 500 61 6 + Gunnar ol day, June 18 at 2 p.m. Inferment Union St Maurice 200 us Guanar s Cemetery. alada § Frobisher Upp Can Ventures Violam 00 Waite Am 400 Wiltsey 1500 Yk Bear 1025 Young HG 2000 Zenmac 500 Curb Bulolo 100 445 +5 --1% Hard Rock Headway Ie 29 +1 Hollinger $2214 22% 22% + % Hud Bay 5 $48 ed Int Nickél n 635 $54 % 5 -- % Salada wis 45 510 1 Shawin 616 3 :) +1 Simpsons z5 $28 28 28 0 2 OSHAWA Sato 25 5 102, 102 --2 A St Pav 210 .$15% 15% 15% W Cdn OG 5500 13 13 -3 Iron Bay 1960 +4 hE TORONTO (CP) -- Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today. 2 Stores To Serve You Better DOWNTOWN OSHAWA LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral © arrangements and floral requirements for all MONUMENT COMPANY Steel Can 510 $70% 69% 69% -- % W Decalta 500 93 93 -2 J Waite 21000 35 +4 Sales to 11 s.m.: 453,000. SPECIALIZING IN : 4 Monuments, Markers, BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Hi I di {Thursday night, "that if we look | M ials, Co tones, | ts at the provincial pattern in my | Statutons of gy PRODUCE PRICES mn n lan constituency we have an indica- | E . tion that the Indians are being 1435 KING ST. E. ® Votes Guided subjected to some very close in- SSR usiralian lrade + Coerialve cumin" Conservative candidate." OTTAWA (CP) -- The CCF(* ; GERROW FUNERAL A om member for Port Arthur did not| Mr. Fisher called on Citizen- CHAPEL ° ° TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale| come right out and say it but the|ShiP ister Fairclough to warn S fruit and vegetable prices were implication of his words was Jodian Spans agsius engaging : ; ted .|obvious: That Indianin political activity. Kindness beyond price, Seporied wichanged from Tues agents in N 3 ome i i'l He noted that treaty Indians os day. 8 in Northern Ontario evi: ; yet within reach of all. dently have tried to tell the (Soon will have the federal vote. ; TORONTO (CP) -- Potatoe|Indians how to vote. Many Northern Ontario Indians RA 8-6226 VANCOUVER (CP)--With the mind that Canada exported $51, influential Australian Financial|prices were reported unchanged| «y am just suggesting" said could not read or write "and are 90 KING STREET WEST [Australian trade mission to Can-|000,000 worth of products to Aus-|Review that said, "Latest reports srom Wednesday. Do : gesting, !C| therefore particularly open and 390 KING STREET ada hardly out of the country,| uglas Fisher in the Commonsiyy;jpergpre tions b ig its Brsiiuid is already hl tralia last year and imported suggest (the mission) arranged The. egg market was reported SE . i Bap termed astounding. $38,000, firm contracts i swe om today with Tecaivhe barely A large 33; A medium 29; A| Mr. Fisher said he did not wish The mission, ¢ rising re Charles A. Allen, Australian adequate for a g ema small 22; B 23; C 20. to make a "blatant accusation' : Poi Bo ig hy o rate commissioner here, who| |factured goods and primary prod-| Country dealers are quoted by| Butter prices: first{that Indian agents in his con- SHONIEAWA At Canada, occasions OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA 8-6555 major Australian landed here in April and visited| Winnipeg, Montreal with a side trip to Chicago before leaving Canada June 7. Héaded by Sir Douglas Cope- IN MEMORIAM MILLS -- In ever- loving memory cf my husband, William Mills, who sud denly passed.away June 17, 1954, in Edinburgh, Scotland. ~Sadly missed by his wife and family. ROE -- In loving memory of James Joseph Roe who passed away sud. denly June 14th, 1957. Lovingly remembered by his wife and gether again. You had died and was buried before we were told. --Wife Ethel CARD OF THANKS | ro BADGEROW -- I would like to thank the nurses of El of Oshawa General Boapital for their kind attention and Orton, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Rozell, |7 wn my good neighbors, the "oys from Budlar's for their kind donation, office staff of Pedlar People and Local 2784. This is very much appreciated In my hour of sorrow. --Signed, Mrs. Rose Badgerow GRAY ~-- Mere words are inade. quate to express our gratitude to each every one who 21as helped us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy and deeds of infinite kindness, we can only say "Thank you so much" Our special thanks to Rev. Buttars for his consoling words and the McEachnie Funeral Home for their efficient ser- vice. --Mary Gray and family Please Note Deadlines now in effect for this cglumn: Births, Memoriams, Cards ef Thanks -- 9 AM. SAME DAY DEATHS -- 11. AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3-3492 land, former Australian high commissioner to Canada, it came| improving Canadian - Australian| relations and with the fact in Industrials Hit Low Of I Month oP) = Todustrials industries, was with the group in British|ucis.' |Columbia and on the Prairies, Toronte, Ottawa and| {said it achieved a level of suc- companies established agencies cess beyond the expectations of the members of the mission and ithe Australian government that |sponsored it. "Members of the mission were| astounded," he said in an inter- with the announced intention of | View. He quoted a report from the STOCK MARKET NET EARNINGS OTTAWA (CP)--The Bank of Canada interest rate rose Thurs- day to 2.96 per cent from 2.90 last week with the sale of $95, 000,000 in 91 - day government treasury bills, The bank rate, an indicat the federal department of agri-|grade: Mr. Allen said at least eight|culture on Canada, grade eggs, {delivered Toronto in fibre cases: Ontario tenderable 63; non tenderable 613-62, in trading: western 62%; (nominal). stituency are agents of the Con- light|servative party, because he could not prove it. in Western Canada for cross. | country distribution of products) that range from textiles to man- {ufactured metal goods. | High interest was shown on | the Prairies in Apstralian-manu-| factured agricultural machinery. | |One representative arranged| field trials ot his product, said Mr. Allen. The Australian department of trade now was investigating ways in which it could follow up the success of the mission. One ven- ture would be participation this year in the Canadian National Exhibition. But progress of the mission was not only one way. Mr. Allen said at least one representative oi arranged to manufacture a Brit- conditions in the short - term money market, last week had hit their og point in a month on the stock market Thursday. Index changes: Industrials off 3.94 at 492.44; golds off .34 at reached its lowest point in 20 months but bounced up slightly] \this week. 76.69; base metals up 06 at| 154.77, and western oils off .74| at 83.23. Volume was 1,500,000 compared with 1,501,000 Wednesday. In industrials, losses predomi- nated in every group. Among papers, Great Lakes lost 1% at 39%, Crown Zeller- bach was off a point at 44, Con- solidated lost 3% at 41, and Abi- tibi and MacMillan, Bloedel were off % at 40% and 15%. MacLaren up two points at 87 and Minne- sota and Ontario up a point at 31. Steels continued to reflect the | depression in the, industry, 'with Stelco off 1% at 70%, Canada Foils A and Dominion Foundries both off % at 20% and 40%, and Algoma off Y% at 32% Bank of Nova Scotia was off 5 at 59%, Torento-Dominion off % at 53 and Bank of Montreal | lost 3 at 53%. Empire Life Insurance dropped 3% at 56%, Federal Grain lost| 2% at 45%, and Aluminium and) Cupid's Course Debated OTTAWA (CP) -- Liberal Hu- bert Badanai accused the immi- gration department Thursday of being a roadblock in cupid's path but Immigration Minister Fair- clough said she's on the side o true love and tries to smooth the way for cupid. The Fort William MP, backed by former immigration minister J. W. Pickersgill (L--Bonavista- Twillingate), made a strong plea for a change in the requirement that visitors to Canada must re- turn to their own country to apply as immigrants if they want to remain permanently in Canada. He outlined the case of a 25 year Dutch girl who went to the ad to visit relatives, fell in love with a 30-year-old man there and then was told she must return to Holland te apply for permanent residence. "I deplore such lack of appre- ciation of romance and love on the part of some members of the department, especially a depart- ment presided over by so charm- ing a lady as the minister," said Mr. Badanai, who came to Can- ada from Italy as a boy. CUPID AIDED Mrs. Fairclough said the course of true love is constantly being smoothed by the department. Usually in such cases if the couples state they intend to marry in three or four months time the visitor's visa is ex- f cents at $7.70. Walker - Gooderham were off a point at 30% and 35%. Mining Corp. of Canada led mines with a gain of 3% at 10%. Falconbridge, International Nickel and McIntyre - Porcupine were all ahead % at 32, 54% and 24%. Labrador was off 1% at 18 and Giant Yellowknife lost 55 cents at $8.80. Algom gained five cents at $9.90 and Gunnar lost 10 cents at $7.70. In western oils, Canadian Husky was off 20 cents at $5.05 and Dome Petroleum dropped 10 hadn't indicated the outcome of the case he mentioned--whether, in fact, the Dutch girl did return to Holland. She said the department, which requires the visitor to sign a statement saying that he or she is entering Canada purely as a visitor and will not seek perma- nent residence, must guard against persons prefending plans to marry simply to get perma-| nent residence. | One man, she said, turned up| with five or six different girls. Each case had to be considered on its merits, Mr. Pickersgill said the regula- tion forcing visitors to go home and apply for permanent entry, except where an obvious fraud is involved, "is stupid and inhu- man" and ought to be rescinded. The discussion came as the Commons concluded its study of the 1960-61 spending estimates for immigration and furned to ish bia product under l- ja» & in Australia. Canadian exports of such items as lumber and canned fish were expanding and "Australia hoped to reduce the deficit in the bal- lance of trade." ELIMINATE ® CRACKING THE PRACT advantages that stone provides. or building a new home, you you of the best in stone. ® Homes ® Planters Land verted into a modern, custom-styled home of stone, price you can easily afford. Whether you are re-modelling dividual self expression with Marbo Stone. trol combined with the highest quality of manufactur, ® Offices STOP LET MARBO- - STONE end those expensive Ho me Maintenance Costs for you . . . once and for all ! ® PEELING PAINT ® LOOSE MORTAR STUCCO MODERNIZE YOUR HOME ICAL WAY Today the trend in homes is to stone, ond no wonder! No other material offers the home owner the beauty and practical Have your present home con- . ata can achieve an 'effect of in- Rigid quality con- assures MARBO STONE IS EXTENSIVELY USED for: @® Motels Ld citizenship spending estimates. Appropriations requested for the| two branches total $60,218,000. | WES]. INDIES CASE Mr. Pickersgill urged Mrs. Fairclough to replace the system {under which 250 West Indian | After they marry, the | domestics a year are allowed department's policy is not to] "Boe soied man 2 wife. ¢ Mr. BadanailIndia, eptry. He favored instead the type of quota system in effect for| Pakistan and Ceylon. 1437 KINGSTON RD, EAST, Firenk 9 © Firep See Or Phone Us Now For Free Estimates OSHAWA -- RA 5.3189 > RECORDING TAPE Made by a leading manufae- turer of fine magnetic tape. T" REEL 12 mil Acetate i 2.80 feet-- 7" REEL | mil Mylar 1,800 feet-- Regularly 7.20 Regularly 4.20 ... 5" REEL | mil Mylar VIEWER LARGE TV TYPE SCREEN REG, 6.45 4.88 WITH BATTERIES 30 x 40 Tripod Screens, Glass. Beaded -- 10-year Warranty. 50 x 50 SIZE AS ABOVE is SUN. World Renowned [177 "» BD: { Universe" Binoculars | § Vor 1 3 hata ger mR 2 precision 'made glasses RA Sports, races, hunting, . CR hard-coated ooo ond @ LIFE 7 x 35 CFC ZEISS TYPE \ Excellent for general use and afl spectator sports. fe. 21.95 SPECIAL ........ \ 8 x 30 CFC ZEISS TYPE Ro $28. SPECIAL . . 21 95 7 x 50 CFC ZEISS TYPE Excellent for races, hunting, yochting, night wee, Regular $35. 2 7.9 5 SPECIAL 8x40 CFCB & L TYPE scenic views, hunting end general use. ar $49.50 SPECIAL sevsnve The New SEKONIC | MOVIE CAMERA £1.9 Lens Turret-- coated lens A Must for @ Sharp Picture TRIPODS All Aluminum, 3-section Pam Heod, Tilt Over. Reg. 15.95. 9.88 MOVIE LIGHT BARS 2 BAR LIGHT WITH BULBS i Automatic meter Built in filters Meter set from 10-40 ASA 8-16-24-32 Frames per second Drop in easy loading Parallax eyepiece Lifetime guarantee 8 runona winding A COMPARABLE 129.50 VALUE 0.5 4 BAR LIGHT 14.88 WITH BULBS In Metal Case K- 0 8.95 DOWN OSHAWA CAMERA C OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE NTRE RA 8-5211 (Photographic Spesiglists)