omen, Franca Serra Orlando De Marco Exchange Vows At St. Gregory's Roman Cath. olic Church on Saturday, June 11, Franca Serra Marco were united in marriage with the Reverend Paul Dwyer officiating. 7e bride is the daughter of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesisy, June .~, 1960 7 Mr. and Mrs. PERSONALS De Marco of Corenza, Italy. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor-| Out of town guests at the John- son-Clement wedding were Mr. and Mis. Jack Turner, Stroud,| Ont.; Mrs. Lloyd Spraggs, Ari-| zona; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cas- tiloux, Sudbury; Mr. William Lott, Merriton; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Mountney, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Nicholisin, Mr. land Mrs. Charles Hiles, all of | Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon |Lott and Mr. and Mrs. G. Reid, | Toronto; Miss Irene Closs, New- |market; Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott, |Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott, Mr. land Mrs. V. Dingley, Mr. and | Mrs. Harry Scott, Mr. L. Scott, |Mr.»and Mrs. J. Warren, Mrs. Lillian Irish, Mrs, Rachel Irish, all of Pickering; Mr. Reg. Wil liats, Mrs. Frank Hartford, Mr. land Mrs. Charles Wade, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fisk, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bickle, Mr. Barry Cowl-| ing, Mr. Jim. Masteron, Mr. | length gown of white embroider-| ed r~ganza designed with a round E. A. Collins, Grierson street, scalloped neckline and long Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hancock, ::-cves. A | Southwood street, Mrs. David her long veil and she carried a Weldon, Simcoe street north, and bouquet of red and white roses. | Miss Margaret Dancey, Rogers| The bridal attendants were street, were in Toronto on Satur- Miss Marie Serra and Miss Nella| day where they attended the Serra, sisters of the bride, and| graduation exercises of the Miss Rosa Del Vecchio and Miss| School of Nursing of Toronto East| Antonietta Silvestri. Miss Marie| General Hospital. Serra wore pink organza and the| other attendants were in blue. All wore matching net caps with short veils and carried bouquets of red, pink and white roses. Mr, Joseph Pallone acted as best man, The ushers were Messrs. Mario Serra, Tony Sil- vestri and Rosario Spina. | To receive the 300 guests at the reception held in the Ukrain- street east, Mrs. W. C. Ristow, Grandview street north, Mrs. a You are invited by the Social Department to send in any little items of interest. News of teas, surprise parties, showers, anni- versaries and comings and goings are always very acceptable and for which there is no charge. Please write or telephone RA 3-3474, local 18. Forty - seven little boys and girls of St. Gertrude's first com- munion class were entertained at| bride's mother wore navy blue with white accessories and a cor- sage of roses. ' | 2nd Orlando De, # jan hall, Bloor street east, the, oc % | | MR. AND MRS. HAROLD L. GIFFORD a x | --Oshawa Times 0t0. | Friends Honor Taunton Pair | Celebrating 40th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Gif-|which was centered with a tree Ot John B. Black ford were honored on Thursday, tier wedding cake. : The marrage of Mary Ann C. June 9, at a reception held at| Assisting the hostess in Serv waish and John Barry Black was the 'home of their son, Mr. Neil |ing were Mrs. Keith Peters, Mrs. solemnized on Saturday after- Gifford and Mrs. Gifford, Taun.|Glen Giaspell, Mrs. Bert Beck-/noon, June 11, at St. George's ton, in honor of their fortieth ell, Mrs. William Skuce and Mrs. Memorial Anglican Church. wedding anniversary. Osborne Love. The bride is the daughter of : T honored couple received Mrs. George Walsh of Oshawa Many relatives and friends... floral and personal gifts and the late Mr. Walsh, and the trom near and far called to ex-|including a chaise lounge from|bridegroom is the son of Mrs. d Aida Black of Winnipeg. Mary Walsh Becomes Bride | | Lorne Hartford, Miss Mary Anne| picnic on Thursday afternoon, Smale all of Bowmanville. | July 9, at Woodview Park. It was| Among those from Oshawa who a perfect June Say this out. mo! i ing t ames an attended the graduation exercises jog aud they enjoy a s os ter of the University of Toronto| paring and Miss Patricia Vann. School of Medicine held at ton Ten prizes were given, and some| vocation Hall, Toronto, on Fri-|of the winners were: Lind a| B® roy Al a, Tomy Toy, Foi nston, 4 » MTS. Dooker, n-Marie pfreick, Clarke Dickens, Park road north; {David Mothersill and Danny te Reverend and Mrs. Ne 4 in|0 Brien. Mrs. Sidney Sheridan had en, Briarcourt crescent; Mrs. charge of the refreshments, as- John Dugan, Centre street; Mrs.| Sites by Mrs, John Poltz and Otto Sharrard, Emerson avenue; |Mrs. Douglas Vann. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jackson,| Bader avenue; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-| The closing meeting for the liam Lyons, Nipigon street. Also| summer of St. Andrew's United attending were Mrs. Edward|Church 'afternoon WMS was held Johnston, Toronto, and Mrs, Roy| recently with a luncheon at one O'Neil and Mrs. Bernard Koch,|g'clock. The Kindred group was both of Port Perry. |in charge convened by Mrs. Wil- | liam Gamble. The soloist was Guests from out-of-town at the Mrs. Laurie French who sang Black - Walsh wedding were Mr. | 'Artist's Life" and was accom- Brian Batsford, Miss Alice|panied at the piano by Mrs. Crump, Mr. Delroy DeCosta, Mr. Lloyd Pegg. The guest speaker Garry Parnell, Mr. and Mrs. was Mrs. Charles Dolley, who Danie) Sywak, » Pater vers: [Spoke " Fission > oi k being Mr. a rs. Edward Arlt, allldone and what ni 0 be of Toronto; Mr. L G. Walker and done. Mrs. Morley Wyman gave Mr. James Mackay, Winnipeg. [the treasurer's report. The next {meeting will be held on Thurs- Mr. Martin Jamieson, Kin glday, September 8, at two o'clock. 'GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES PILOT CLUB minster United Church at her The regular meeting of the home on Kingston road. Pilot Club of Oshawa was held| Mrs. Kenneth Young, first vice- |recently. | president, presided and Mrs. | The minutes were read. Mjss Robert Gow read the secretary's delegate to attend Pilot Inter- A | gave the treasurer's report. al being held in San Fran- | nation Mrs. George Lofthouse an Later the couple left for a wed- ding trip and on their return will live in Oshawa. For travelling the bride wore blue with white accessories. Couple Honored On Anniversary Mr, and Mrs. Stanley H. |{Coverly, RR 2, Bowmanville, re- ceived congratulations and good |wishes from a wide circle of friends and relatives on Wednes- day, June 1, when they celebrat- ed their silver wedding anniver- |sary. During the afternoon and eve- ning they were at home to 125 guests. The couple received a {number of gifts |arrangements and a letter from {the Reverend and Mrs. W. C. {Smith, Port Stanley. Mr. Smith officiated at the marriage of the couple in the bride's parents' |home in Harmony. He was the {minister of Ebenezer United | Church. | Mrs. Ivan Cockrane, sister of |the bride, kept the door in the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Wes- ley Cameron and Mrs. William Preston, sisters of the bride, poured tea in the afternoon. Serving were three sisters-in- ¥ Ercole Serra of i Oshawa and the bridegroom is = the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gennaro' _ jewelled tiara held ¥ HAPPY LIT LE DANNY . Enjoying his date with the | liam, son of Mr. photographer is Daniel Wil Mrs. Flin- Roy Flin- law, Mrs. Morley Flintoff, Cliff Flintoff, Mrs. Percy and a niece, Mrs, Eldridge, and Mrs. Lloyd toff, In the evening Mrs. Arthur Coverly and Mrs. Dorothy Cover- ly poured tea. Serving were four nieces, Mrs. Gordon Kilpatrick, Miss Jean Flintoff, Miss Sheila Coverly and Miss Doreen Cover- ly the members of Mr. and Mrs, and his wife, Joan, a son, Ken- neth, and a daughter, Karen. Also among the guests was Mrs. Coverly. NO PAYMENTS TILL SEPTEMBER and floral' NATURAL GAS IS YOUR BEST BUY for THE CHRISTIA | | pleats, Lillian Beamish was appointed report and Mrs. Jack Westlake] Q Tar wa and the bridegroom is the|all wore Miss Carol Anne Living, other niece of the bride, was flower girl in white embroidered home of Mr. and organdy over aqua taffeta. She Gaskell, Fernhill boulevard. For wore short white gloves and she the occasion the bride's mother carried a basket of white and wore a two-piece dress of brown and white French silk print with Mr. Kenneth Living of Oshawa white accessories and a corsage aqua chrysanthemums. sh-| with a bow knot headdress. They|en short white gloves and| cascade of Thomas| carried cascades of chrysanthe- {mums to match their gowns. | an- man for his brother, white chrysanthe mums. Mr. Daniel Black acted as bes A reception ws h 8, ed veiling and she carried a cisco. The auditor's report was .'read. Thanks were extended to Mrs. Jay Goyne and Miss Lor- t raine Ostle for their services. Projects and budgets for 1960- eld at the 61 of the various committees John T. were presented. Plans for a theatre party the early part of July were discuss- ed. Mrs, John Clairmont was the winner of the lucky prize. Miss Beth Miller's committee MONITOR AN INTERNATIONAL Mrs. Ross Lofthouse had charge of the devotional. The group will be purchasing two tables for the Sunday School |room, and two vases for the | church. | | Mrs. George Lofthouse will . [start another travelling apron. | Good Reading Mrs. Clarence Scott read al for the DAILY NEWSPAPER copy of an address given by| {Doris Edwards at Conference |Branch, Brockville, Mrs, G A was best man, and the ushers of gold carnations were Mr. Morley Richards of As the couple left for a wed- Bowmanville, Mr. Donald Flem- ding trip to points west the bride ing of Columbus and Mr. Robert was wearing a two-piece mauve Fairey of Bowmanville. linen dress with beige accessor- The reception was held in the ies and a corsage of white baby UAW Hall, where the bride's Chrysanthemums. The newly mother received wearing a wedded pair will live in Toronto. short-sleeved princess line dress -- will have charge of the program| ey. ul tre convener for the meeting for June 16. All mem-| bers were asked to bring two| dibner which will be held in the friends at least. The subject of ™ ny mental health will be discussed Tne next meeting will be held ; |at the home of Mrs. W. A. Gibb by representatives from the Men- a 3 . tal Health Association. |on Madison avenue on Wednes- Refreshments were served by day, September 7. Miss Beverley Storie. |CHRIST CHURCH EVE. GUILD The evening guild of Christ Whole Family © Family Features | © News of deep aqua Chantilly lace over satin, with a white picture hat, white accessories, and a corsage of pink carnations. Assisting was mother, who chose mint green silk organza over flowered sheath lines with a beige hat and corsage of yellow roses. For the honeymoon trip to the Laurentians, the bride wore a white sheath dress embroidered SUMMER DISH Cereals may be served cold in with cream and plenty] the bridegroom's|0f fruit such as strawberries. summer, WESTMINSTER CHURCH (Women's Fedn.) Mrs. Jack Westlake was host- ess for the June meeting of the Women's Federation of West silk on| , {Memorial Church held its regu-| {lar meeting recently. Members met at the Parish Hall for a pot {luck supper. A short business session follow-| ed with the president, Mrs, W. G. | | Jackson, presiding. Mrs. Fred| | Porter gave the secretary's re- port. Mrs. M. B. Proctor, the treasurer, gave the financial re- port which was very gratifying. It was decided to send a dona- ® Facts The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St., Boston 15, Mass. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order, | year $20 0 6 months $10 [1] 3 months $5 [7] Name tend best wishes and congratula- the community and Zion WA an in ' tions. Miss Carol Gifford and|from the immediate members The Reverend Clinton Cross of- A Tm |of their family they received a ficiated. The wedding music was Miss Gail Gifford kept. the door. | pole lamp | played by Mr. Alan Reesor. Mrs, Trace Glaspell, sister of] Mr. and Mrs. Gifford have a Sven ou Waags hee the anniversary bridegroom, and|daughter, Miss Joyce Gifford al Cod a short Yo nh of jvi 0 Ray : a A Mrs. Norman Leach poured tea|living at home, two sons, pure silk peau-de-soie designed at the gally decorated table'and Neil and five grandchildren. {ity long tapered sleeves, a TTT morn stand-up boat neckline trimmed . with imported ivory pointe de Johnson-Clement Wedding venise lace and a Full skirt with a front panel of lace. A peau-de- . ' soie rose headdress held her Sol d At St Gre or S shoulder-length veil and she car- emnize . g Y ried a cascade of red roses and | white bridal flowers. St. Gregory's Roman Catholic sleeves. They wore bow knot, Miss Jacqueline Cornish, the Church, Oshawa, was the scene matching headdresses accented maid-of-honor, wore gold silk of a wedding recently, when with pearls and blush veils, | brocade styled with long, taper- Marilyn Margaret Mary Clement| Miss Carol Ann Living, niece ed sleeves, a wide neckline and a was united in marriage with of the bride, was junior brides- full skirt of unpressed Robert Thomas Johnson. maid in a short: billowing frock, Her headdress was a crown of The bride is the daughter of similar to the senior attendants, | gold leaves with a cloche of stiff- Mrs. Patricia Clement of O. awa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Bowmanville. The Reverend L. McGough per- formed the double ring ceremony and sald the nuptial mass. Pres- ent in the sanctuary was the Very Reverend Dean Paul Dwyer. The wedding music was played by Mr. Jack Driscoll who accompanied the soloist, Mrs. William Kins- man, who sang "Ave Maria", "On This Day O Beautiful Moth- er" and "Sweet Sacrament Di- vine". Given in marriage by her un- cle, Mr. Jack Meagher of Osh. awa, the bride wore a full length gown of blossom white Chantilly lace and net over silk faille. Se quin embroidery accented the slim bodice which was designed with logg lily sleeves and the hooped skirt featured an insert ot net accented with motifs of the lace with sequin centres. Her fin- ger tip veil was held by a jewell- ed crown and she carried a cas- cade of white carnations and red roses. Mrs. Kenneth Living was matron-of-honor and the brides- maids were Miss Roberta Ferna- dez of Oshawa, Miss Bonnie(in blue with a three-quarter Wade of Bowmanville and Miss|iength blue duster coat, whit Virginia Brown of Courtice. They hat and matching accessories all wore full skirted identical and a corsage of pink carnations. street-length gowns of aqua silk|On their return the newly-| organza over taffeta fashioned wedded couple will live in Osh-| with portrait necklines and short|awa. | Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Marion Young, Steven Rigo Holy Cross Roman Catholic of white and tinted blue pom Church was the setting for alpoms. wedding recently when Marion| ' Mr. David Bayus was best Georgina Young was united in man, and the ushers were marriage with Steven Frank |Messrs. William Vikasi, Karl Rigo, Wysotski, and Joseph Stankovits, The bride is the daughter of all of Oshawa. | Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Young| The reception was held in Holy and the bridegroom is the son |Cross Hall where Mrs. Harry of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rigo, all Leslie of Toronto received for | of Oshawa. [er Neco, wearing 2 stfeol-langth : |dress of printed polished cotton] Rs Sereriony Pha | With a white hat and matching | lip Coffey who said the nuptial | |accessories, and a corsage of| : |pink carnations. Assisting was | mass. Present in the sanctuary [0 y | was the Reverend M. Breauli.|C bridegroom's mother who The wedding music was played | Chose a dress of black and white| by Mrs. Garry Booth Vhio sang | Sik printed crepe with a black| "Ave Maria." ne hat and corsage of white carna- |} ions * Given in marriage by her! For the 'hone i ymoon trip by wile, oe Haity Leslie of To-\motor car to New York and pouto. a SE eve Penni yania States, the bride tilly lace and nylon net over silk hn Silk, 3 Dig TY ee Aaille. Long lily point sleeves and | i { gloves. Pink carnations com-| prised her corsage. On their re- turn the couple will live in| Oshawa. SCCIAL NOTICES Miss Muri ates ENGAGEMENT : weiss Muriel Forest of Caesarea mr, and Mrs: Millon | FOLLOWING THE' CEREMONY the bridesmaids were Miss Allison Graham of Whitby announce the Jefferies, Miss Carole Zedic, both | engagement of their daughter . he Reverend and Mrs. Nor- | of Oshawa and the bridegroom '| man Everett Schlarbaum are | jo the son. of Mr. and Mrs, of Oshawa, and Miss Anne Red-| : mond of Blackstock, all wearipg| DORA Marie, to Mr. James seen with the: Reverend James Arth semi-formal gowns of powder blue Alan Bentley, son of Mr. and) McKnight who officiated at ur Schlarbaum of Galt. Frou) lace over taffeta. The fit- Mrs. Jack A. Bentley of Picker-| their wedding in a double-ring ces were designed with ing. Th lagr wi | ceremony held recently in King short sleeves and double capelet place ag oi lake Street Pentecostal Church. The . os ay, July 2, 1960, pride the former Miss Dorothy collars. They wore picture hats to 5 match their gowns and white|at 2.30 o'clock in St. Paul's Unit- May Morris, is the daughter of | Mr. acd Mrs, Herman Morris accessories and carried nosegays ed Church, Ajax, Ontario, a sabrina neckline styled the slim bodice and the hooped skirt was fashioned in two front and back panels of lace with alternating lace and pleated net flounces at the sides. A jewelled coronet held her fingertip veil, and she carried a crescent of red roses and white | carnations. will resume -his duties as dean of men at the Eastern Pent costal Bible School. : --Photo by Hornsby The couple will live in Peter- | borough where the bridegroom | {tion to the Sunday School Caravan | Fund. | Mrs. W. J. Goodswan showed |colored slides of some interest- {ing Ontario areas. The next meeting will be on | September 8, in the parish hall, | . NOTHING DOWN Easy payments over 5 vears on monthly gas bills $14.00 [zi mms cluding labour monthly installs a conversion burner. most furnaces. CHANGE-OVER CAN BE DONE IN A FEW HOURS Units for all types of home heating FREE BURNER SERVICE »ry.o0 Ontario Fuel Board to sell and install natural ga equipment call or epartment of ! Consumers' Has Address Zone No Payments Till September 3 RA 3-3468 Present at the celebration were Coverly's family, a son Lloyd Delbert Flintoff, mother of Mrs. oor nor 0 information about dealers licensed by the | and Mrs. Wil- liam Strutt, Cordova road. Danny is one year old. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Bailey, Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Strutt, Oshawa, and great-grandson of Mrs. Norman Strutt, Whitby. --Photo by Ireland "AS A BUSY HOMEMAKER . . . | know milk keeps energy up! | know milk gives me more food power for cooking, baking!" GUERNSEY GOLD IS THE MILK FOR ME!! ® GUERNSEY GOLD is a natural for active weight conscious members of your family becouse it con tains approximately 25% less calories, but more. of the vital elements such as protein, thiomion, riboflavin and calcium than whole average milk. ® GUERNSEY GOLD has: 10% more solids, not fat, than average milk 20% more Protein than average milk 13% more Lactrose than average milk 8% more Minerals than average milk Approximately 25% less calories than average milk IDEAL DAIRY hos @ complete line of quality Dairy Produets available at your store or et your door. IDEAL DAIRY brings you the famous Pure-Pak Throw-Away Containers for the same standard price charged for gloss egn- tainers with reduced prices for Bulk Purchases. CONTACT OUR ROUTE SALESMEN Or . PHONE RA 8-624] IDEAL DAIRY LIMITED Your Gas company does not employ doorto® | r \ Reitmon.- "WH He DAISY * THE MOST IMPORTANT FOUNDATIONS T0 APPEAR ON THE SUMMER FASHION SCENE! ¥* THE DAISY FRESH BRA Designed in cool white broadcloth, an easy- to-wear bra with the perfect glove-fitting sides, ensure complete freedom of movement. A cup, 30-36; B cup, 32-38; C cup, 32-40. THE DAISY FRESH GIRDLE The prettiest girdle with an eye- appealing daisy design on front satin panel. Made from a gentle but firming power net. Sizes, SM.L. White only. ERE SMART WOMEN SHOP shaping manners, Shoulder-strap elastic inserts and 2.95 4.95 130 STORES LOCATED FROM COAST TO COAST 29 SIMCOE ST. S. -- RA 5-622 STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m ! 9 am. to 1 pm. 9 em to 9 pm. 1 . Mon,, Tues., Thurs. end Set. Wed. Fri. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE--King St. W., ond Stevenson Rd.--RA 5-436) STORE HOURS: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon., Tues. and Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 pm. Wed. 9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m, Fri. 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Soturday