ins Hil hi . |to, brought the Ricketts home . girl, Police Seeking 'Missing Girl Oshawa police are seeking the whereabouts of Marilyn Powell, 14, of 97 Nassau street, who has been missing from her home since June 3. They believe the girl left for Toronto with a girl friend, Gloria Ricketts, 13, of 95 Nassau street, and two boys. | Her aunt, a resident of Toron- Monday. The girl is said to have been wandering around the east end of Toronto for 10 days before contacting her aunt. r The Ricketts girl told police she saw the Powell girl on Monday and that she did not have any money and had not been eating. The district offices of the OPP as well as municipal police de- partments have been alerted to be on the lookout for the Powell VISITORS AT ROTARY | Among the visitors at the meet-| |ing of the Rotary Club of Oshawa, | |at Hotel Genosha on Monday, © |were Ken Tipney, Donald Dodd | and Dr. Ralph Vandervoort, of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1960 ~3 PN kis |Oshawa; Al Bowen, of Montreal; | Addo Alama, of Ghana and Ro- tarians Ron Newton of Armor| myue first drawing for two Pol He Hil x un dle Rin aroid. cameras in he Osawa | [3 z ) Boy "| Times "Home of the Week" {ville Jand F. L. Freedaman, of Contest, which has been running | Times office not later than the MAYOR DRAW WINNING TICKET Jack Bent, 597 Oxford street. | 10th of each month to be elig- Advertisers must have their | ible. The next draw will be hald tickets delivered to The Oshawa | Thursday, July 14. Oshawa Times Photo KINSMEN CLUB MEMBERS SERVE CHRISTMAS DINNER AT CAS SHELTER ciety residence, Centre street, | ing carved. Kinsmen work with | be held at the Kinsmen Memor- For a number of years mem- | homes on Christmas Day to Oshawa. Seen here is a group of | these children the year round | ja] Stadium this Friday evening bers of the Oshawa Kinsmen | distribute gifts and serve Club have taken time out from the festivities in their own RESIDENTS COMPLAIN Christmas dinner to the chil- | the members in the residence | and finance this work through and all day Saturday. Guelph. | in the newspaper for the past dren at the Children's Aid So- | kitchen as the turkey was be- | their annual carnival which will ! - Farm Equipment Whitby Township Council was faced with a delegation of five irate ratepayers in Brooklin Mon- day The ratepayers, all from the Price street - Vipond road area of the Meadowcrest subdivision, complained about traffic condi- tions in the area. Sid Lockyer, leading the delegation, described the area as '"'a hazard." Harold Jones, a member of the delegation, explained that Vipond road at the end of Prince street takes a double bend. He pointed out that there is no speed limit on Vipond road, and that cars park on either side of the road, cutting visibility to a minimum. CLAIMS HIGH SPEEDS "Cars come whipping round there at a terrible speed," he said, "and there are always children going to and from school." . He added that the shoulders and sidewalks in the area are frequently blocked by equipment superintendent, council passed a resolution permitting the roads department to purchase steel for the construction of reinforced con-| crete bridges in the township this| summer. Still dealing with roads, the; council agrees to write the de- partment of highways, requesting that a caution sign be erected west of the intersection of High-| ways 7 and 12, warning moto! of the stop sign at Highway 12. The roads superintendent said] that he had received several com-| plaints about cars "zipping| through the intersection without | slowing down' | Council granted a request for a| loan of 40 feet of 18-inch culvert| by the Brooklin Lions Club. Aj representative of the club ex- plained that the culvert is re- A More than 60 members of the | Theatre Monday night to see | seen being welcomed by H. quired for the first three days in| Sir Francis Drake Sea Cadet | the picture, "The Gallant | Gilmour, theatre = manager July for moving circus equip- Corps and the Navy League Hours." Lieut. Edward Kunkel ment into the National Stud Cadets paid a visit to the Plaza | (centre) commanding officer, is Looking on at left are Lieut. | "SEA AND NAVY CADETS ATTEND THEATRE | month, was made this morning by His Worship Mayor Lyman | A. Gifford. Shqwn holding the | | box containing thousands of | | titkets is Mrs. Kennedy of The % | Times display advertising staff. # Two of the cameras are given | away absolutely free by The | Oshawa Times each month for | | a six-month period. The adver- | | tiser whose ticket is drawn, plus | the person's name on the ticket | each receive a camera, The | winning ticket in today's draw- ing was The Oshawa Discount | FA House, 290 Albert street and 4 OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF ROGER ARMITAGE The memorial service for Roger Armitage, a charter mem- ber of the Oshawa branch of the | Canadian Legion, who died at Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, | last Friday, was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 2| |p.m. Monday, June 13. | "& | Major M. Rankin of the Salva-| tion Army conducted the services. | Interment was in Mount Lawn| H. Maynard, Lieut. Fred Dews- | Cemetery. | bury and Sub Lieut. Ron Hutl. |; The Pallbearers were E. Jack: | ¥ . ' ® lin, B. Jacklin, W. Beaton, E.| bert. Oshawa Times Photo |Brooks, W. Pierson and R. L.| | Skelton. [ LEAN BUTT FRESH MADE LEAN, MINCED Farm, north of Oshawa, for the, Lions Circus. © | TWO MINOR FIRES MULTIPLE-USE PLAN f CHUCK STEAK 12 King E. -- RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only! PORK CHOPS . 59° VEAL PATTIES 2.. 69° LB. 59° BUY 5 LB. SAUSAGE Oshawa firefighters were call-| TORONTO (CP)--Motorists on owned by Robert Heron, who operates a farm implement busi- ness at the intersection. Mr. Lockyer said that abutting the implement store is a lot own-| ed by the township, but which is WEATHER FORECAST | Cloudy, Warm CITY AND DISTRICT constantly filled with "junk." "W's a regular eyesore," he) BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED Members of the Rotary Club of led out Monday afternoon to ex- tinguish an oven fire in an apart- ment at 17 Quebec St. They also extinguished a small rubbish blaze Monday evening behind the Western Tire and Auto Supply, 145 King St. W. The department the proposed Spadina Express- way may have aircraft taking off over their heads, Metropolitan Toronto roads committee author- ized Monday a study of the feasi- bility of building an extension of the suburban RCAF Downsview said. He Bointed out that the! chawa, at their meeting in| Heron. 0 a|iote Genosha on Monday, paid . : % » [tribute to Rotarian George Slo- to ease the parking in the area." |combe who celebrated his birth- he sald. |day that day. INSPECT AREA te delossi PARKED CAR ROLLS On hearing : e si of ton, Minor damage was caused Mon- Sound aa i day evening when a car parked in i turning, Councillor Gordon Me- the driveway of 64 Park Rd. 1 Mahon moved that Robert Heron be ordered to move his equip- ment from the township lot, and that the lot be designated a muni- cipal lot 64 Park Rd. N. At this point, Reeve William Heron explained that he owns the HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the property on which Robert Heron vik . does business, but rents it to Rob- Oshawa General Hospital for the] NURSING GRADU week ending June 11: admis-| ert Heron, his son. ndsor v The motion was carried, .and sions, 268; births (male), 25; (fe-| Carol Louise Jamieson, daugh- glone: Windsor, Londen: Cloudy male), 23; discharges, 281; new-| ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. : council agreed to investigate the ing off to showers tonigh / cil Si : 4 5 os ¢ : ght. Wed- possibility of erecting "No Park- bors Nisimrges. (male), 23, Ged Jamieson, 308 King street east, nesday cloudy with a few sunny | male), ; major surgery, : he -- -- ing" signs in the area who received her diploma and |" ""7 minor surgery, 90; eye, ear, nose Pin at the graduation of the GO-KARTS and throat, 76: treatments and| Toronto East General Hospital "= 'Decision Is oo Star. Mareh approactiod coun examinations io; casts, 3! School of Nursing last Saturday. CITY COUNCIL Pl : T Pleasing To LJ] - Commission TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts |issued at 11 a.m.: Synopsis: The steady rain Ontario today is expected taper off to showers during Wed- sday with some partial clear- slipped out of gear and rolled out ¥ onto the road striking another ©™ car, driven by Philip L. Conn, ? 915 Carter Ave. The parked ear " was owned by William C. Young," in the day. An area of showers eastward while the remainder of 5 5 with seasonable temperatures. ¥ 2| Regional forecasts valid until midnight Wednesday. ATE Lake Erie, Lake Huron re- Go-Kart speedway on the base MARY FRANCES TO SING NEWS IN BRIEF line near the Pickering Township line. He explained to council that Mary Frances Ebbs, of Osh- Go-Karts are miniature racing, awa, who sings under the pro- cars, which are enjoying increas- | fessional name of Ma ry | Frances, will return to t S. A. Cross, manager of the Oshawa branch of the ' Royal Bank of -Canada, resigned from! |the Industrial Commission Mon-| Of Councillor McMahon comment- ed, "If people want to break their necks, they can, but I can't see any objection." The request was granted, and Reeve Heron and Deputy-Reeve ing popularity. CBC-TV (Channel 6) show, Country Hoedown next Friday at 8 pm for a guest appear- ance. Miss Ebbs, who appeared en the same show four weeks Industrial the ir making it possible for Sklar Furniture Limited Oshawa. "It is well know Clancy store for 5 4 ago, has been studyi at a day night. He is being transfe; Heber Down left the subject on! CBC television udyie red to Winnipeg. a humorous note, when they chal-| lenged each other to a Go-Kart STREETS CLOSED EMPLOYEES' PICNIC race at the opening of the track.| The following streets will be, City board of works employees Council received a letter from|closed for construction today: (Local 50) will hold their annual Mrs. G. Gentles, secretary of the Taylor avenue, from Fatewell to picnic at Lakeview Park on Sat- "Good Neighbors" neighborhood Guelph; King street west, from |urday, June 25. association, complaining about | Gibbons to Stevenson road; Byng| the operation of Miller Paving avenue, closed from Simcoe Company, which is located close north to Somerville; Wilson road to Groveside Cemetery. The let. SOWh from Olive avenue to Dean| ad S ter objected to the company op-| avenue; Olive avenue, from Ver- erating in an area which had i Toad iy Wilson sons Chad- | n" I iderabl % ui pe urn street, closed at ive av-| |as well as considerable assess- aiginglly doen Susignated by enue; Central Park blvd. south] Ado ted" {ment would have been lost to jected to the property being re. Closed at Olive avenue; Cadillac |Oshawa. ' : zoned, NG action wat takes avenue, closed at Olive avenue: "Therefore, the industrial com- . Luke street closed from Rich-| mission is pleased to have been BRIDGES Yond street ws to Colborne Fro t I able to pley some part in en- On the suggestion of the roads street east: ighland avenue m 0 e couraging Sklar's to establish tclosed at Olive avenue. When- their new plant in our Oshawa ever possible, these streets will] Jefferv Clanc Industrial Park area because we be nen Tor 1ocar trate Com lie Jotery Sianey, * fonts Vi realize that the first and most COMING EVENTS ditions such as weather could re- the worse for his - ex eriences. | important job of any industrial quire the closing of streets not! after he was FR adopted | COMMission is to provide con- CPT BINGO 20 games 36 and 38, five on the list. -------------- by another woman when his moth-| frees help and co-operation to Suan 35. ot 0, Sweatt Share. er left him sitting in his stroller Real indushy. d : poe h r al ack In u tS h d 1 {in front of a King street store d a we go Job wanj, to quest Schedule oud denon Sissi. Ve Suporante Jeff, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ger- attracted to Osha Turi KINSMEN BINGO (Into Mother's Death ari. ciancy." 24" ohava bowie. past 38 months. nevertheless we | | ancy, ~ past 18 months, nevertheless we JUBILEE PAVILION | SUDBURY (CP)--An inquest yard orth, was taken home in icel strongly that any help the linto the death of Mr Muest his stroller, by a woman, under- | Industrial Commission and city AY, JUNE 14th | ath of Mrs. Elzear|.... cvehiatric care oc. y il have a ce TUESDAY, Roy, who died Feb. 17 a few|BS°'N8 Psychia are, because council have been able to give FREE ADMISSION | minutes "atter. taking a' dose. of bv, 'iene >> 20 fell 1\in encouraging Skiars to remain stomach medicine, will be held : In Oshawa has. in itself, rade EXTRA BUSES {June 22, crown attorney E. D.| He was found about three our industrial development pro- Jackpot Nos. 54 ond 53 {Wilkins announced Monday. She|hours later, when the woman's gram over the past two years. =- ~|was the mother of four children, landlady returned to find the Very worthwhile TOUR Twenty - five witnesses have strange baby in bed contentedly We look forward to the com- been summonsed and a five-man sucking a lollypop pletion of the Sklar plant and to OF GUIDE HOUSE jury wil hear the testimony Mrs said she was i Souiivued Sxpansion Zh progress AND DISPLAY OF WORK ima ag By. Boy's death ley the minutes. When the future." said Ald good a WEDNESDAY, ing the medicine to Sudbury po- she came out there was no trace! -- i - c JUNE 15th, 3:5 p.m Nice Samples Jested were Jona of either Jeff or his stroller. x ORE SUB SABOTAGE ! : strychinine sulphate. When she saw he was not SITTERY, Maine (AP)-- Admission 50¢, Refreshments It is believed that a SUPPLY | icinity she immediately notifieg|4VY said Monday nigh it a bottle in the drug store where lic ? v vestigating the deliberate damag- the rhedicine was bought was in- Police ing of equipment serving the nu- Sponsored by the hich covers most of Southern nesday. to| Wednesday at the province will continue sunny with Ald. E. ¥. Bastedo, chairman to establish its mew manufacturing plant in had this industry moved out of nesday ¢ 1 Oshawa to locate om their out-of- Wednesday at Earlton 45 and 80, | town site, several hundred jobs White River 40 and 80, Kapus- On Wednesday intervals. Little change in tem-| perature. Winds northeast 15 to 20 today north 10 to 15 on Wed- Low tonight and high Windsor, St | Thomas, London, Kitchener and Wingham 95 and 75. Summary |ing in southwestern regions late for Wednseday: Clearing slowly. | Niagara, western Lake On- | |and thunderstorms northwest of tario, southern Georgian Bay re- James Bay will move slowly|gions, Toronto, Hamilton: Rain | today. Wednesday mainly cloudy | showers gradually ending | during the day. Little change jn| temperature, Winds northeast 15] to 20 teday north 10 to 15 Wed-| nesday. Low tonight and high| Wednesday at Hamilton, St. Cath- | arines, Trenton and Toronto 60 | and 70, Muskoka 50 and 70. Sum- | mary for Wednesday: showers. Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali-| burton regions: Cloudy with rain today and most of Wednesday. | Little change in temperature. | Winds northeast 15 to 20 today | north 10 to 15 Wednesday. Low | tonight and high Wednesday at | Killaloe 40 and 70. Summarv for | | Wednesday: rain. | {MORE | Northern Georgian Bay, south-| ern Kirkland Lake, North Bay, | Sudbury: Cloudy with some| sunny intervals today and Wed-| ture. Winds light. Low touighi| |i Commission, : 4 r.| said Monday night that the com. |@nd high Wednesday at North | mission was very gratified that {negotiations had been successful Bay and Sudbury 50 and 75. Sum- | mary for Wednesday: Mainly cloudy. I Northern Kirkland Lake, Tim-| mins-Kapuskasing, Mainly sunny | today. Wednesday partly cloudy n that Sklar|With scattered afternoon showers | Furniture Limited had purchased oF thunderstorms. Little change | | an industrial site in another com. |in temperature. Winds southeast | munity several years ago, and|0 to 5 today southwest 5 Wed-| Low tonight and high kasing 45 and 80, Moosonee 40 and 75. Forecast temperatures: Low toni, Windsor St. Thomas .. London . Wingham .. Toronto Trenton an St. Catharines .... Hamilton Muskoka Killaloe .. Earlton .. Sudbury ..... North Bay | Kapuskasing White River Moosonee EDUCATION BOARD NEWS IN BRIEF A report from the local board of health suggested that nine un- sanitary drinking fountains at OCVI pe replaced with fountains of sanitary design. The report | was referred to an investigating committee | TO BUY INSTRUMENTS Approvai was granted to pur-| chase musical instrucents at $165 | ambulance answered two routine station runway over the express- calls during the past 24 hours. | FREE! MEAT FOR $1.00 GET 5 LBS. FREE! way. ® BARGAIN CROWN AND ANCHOR HOOPLA © HORSE RACING OVER AND UNDER YES! IT'S TRUE 10 RADIOS TO BE DRAWN FOR ONE EVERY HOUR PLUS ALL THIS FUN © KIDDY RIDES GO KARTS LIVE PONY RIDES BINGO e GAMES © WEIGHT GUESSING PHOTOS e SOUVENIRS BOOTH - © FISH POND and many more ] ADMISSION IS FREE | LOTS OF FREE PARKING . . . BRING, THE FAMILY KINSMEN CARNIVAL Oshawa Girl Guide Council wm aid of the World Refugee Fund correctly labelled + nine, "It was the most horrible ex-|clear submarine Nautilus. It was/for OCCI and $201.95 for P.A. revealed strych- perience of my life," she said the second such case of sabotage equipment for the musical de- *| afterwards (at the big sul. Iipartment at OCVL An autopsy KINSMEN STADIUM Friday - Saturday This Week "«