THOUGHT FOR TODAY An ornithologist says he has found a strange egg that he can't identify. He might check what the dove of peace has been doing recently dhe Osha Tames WEATHER REPORT Partly cloudy Wednesday, little change in temperature, winds northeast, light. Possible show ers tonight VOL. 89--NO. 137 OSHAWA, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1960 Authorized Post Office os Second Clos Mell Deportment, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES 13 Killer Cancer Can Suicide HONEY HARBOUR (CP) -- A to kill the cancer cells to save young Edmonton pathologist to-/the patient, all cells in this type day outlined a theory which one of cancer might be induced to to a process lose whereby killer cancer can be in- producing benign properties. day may lead duced to commit suicide within the person who has it. Dr, G3. B. Pierce, Jr., assistant versity of Pittsburgh School Medicine spoke on teratocarcino-| mas--a type of tumor composediof the "near of "'a chaotic mixture of body tis-|lignancy" -- whereby it is be-| FILIPINOS CHEER IKE IN CAR Cheering Filipinos cer." than 200 doctors, researchers, and scientists attending the ence here. one is going to produce a sub-| § stance when introduced into this| professor of pathology at the Uni- type of cancer will cause the can- ofc sues and highly malignant can-|lieved that cells, once cancerless, | |are unable to reverse the process He delivered his paper to more and become benign by them-| selves. | |fourth Canadian Cancer Confer- recently that equipment has {come available A teratocarcinomas is a type of (line of investigation. their killer tendencies by "Some day," he said, "some- er to become benign." This would dispute the theory versibility of ma-| re Dr. Pierce said that it's only | to pursue tumor, most commonly found in| the testes and ovaries, which| when cut open could confront the | |researcher with a mixture of eye-| | balls, bones set| Greet Eisenhower "Jake La POLICE SHOTS OF MARJORIE SCOTT Motta | TRUNK CORPSE TRACED - THROUGH WHITBY CLUE Waitress, 37, Of Napanee TORONTO (CP) A Dbody|is she may have died either of cramped in a trunk and shipped poisoning or asphyxiation, C.0.D, from Toronto to Argentia, SEEK RELATIVES Nfld., was identified today as that! The Metropolitan Toronto ho of Mrs. Marjorie E. Scott, a 87- micide squad and Ontario Pro- year-old shapely peroxide blonde vincial Police have started a waitress from Napanee, 'Ont, search for relatives or others Toronto police said the woman|Who might give further informa- was identified by matghing the|tion on the women's background. fingerprints from the partially-de- Hier Toronto residence has not composed body with those on|been located. RCMP files in Ottawa, She had| Police said today a seaman been sentenced at Whitby in 1944| TaY also be involved in the slay- pr i ing, which until now has pro- ih ited months in reformatory vided scant clues for investiga. 1 ; : . {tors. A towel, found among 60 Born in Napanee, near Kings-|articles of clothing and bedding ton, she was the former Marjorie|in the trunk, proved to be of Sagar. She came to Toronto from |navy issue type. The name Windsor to work as a waitress. "Huntley", printed on the towel, The trunk, shipped from Tor-|is believed that of a shipping onto last month, was opened last company which ran supplies to Tuesday by Tom Donovan, a|United States military bases, in- ICNR express agent. It was sent| cluding Argentia, during the See- {collect to a Mrs. Williams in Ar-|ond World War. igentia, a United States naval TOWEL WAS STOLEN MANILA (AP)--A Filipinos roared a welcome for President hower today zied reception he got in India last December Nearly all of Manila turned out to applaud and shout, pelt American leader with a flood of confetti and repeatedly break through police lines in a display of affection never equalled in the Philippines. From the moment Eisenhower landed at Manila airport for the first stop of his Asian tour, the as he was escorted up the steps joyous out- pouring of more than 1,000,000 tumultuous Eisen- rivalling the fren- the children who lined the 10-mile|] Hundreds of thousands of is- route from the airport frequently | landers lined Manila's flag- pressed to withir inches oi|decked streets in welcome. the open presidential automobile,{ Arches across sometimes stopping it complet-|route proclaimed, "We love Ike". ely | Early in the parade, the crowd TRIUMPHANT PARADE {surged so close to the car that The scheduled hour-long pro-(Philippine security men jumped cession stretched into a triumph~|out of a car behind with tear gas|panying cells in the 'same type lie ant parade of one hour and 40|2uns at the ready. But they did minutes as Eisenhower with arms outstretched in the through the heart of the Philip. humid 85-degrte weather. |pine capitals entertainment, Perspiring freely, Eisenhower trade and financial districts to |looked tired but smiled broadly(the Spanish-style palace where Eisenhower will stay until he hailed him as a ft ial palace before who had returned as the peace-secking leader of the free world, The mass of men, women and 1% the p retiring to his {leaves for Formosa at midnight | Thursday. People "leaned out of windows land stood om balconies to get a limpse of Eisenh quarters, A jam-packed ezowd of eheer- smiling Filipinos was at th capital's airport as Eisenh 's plane taxied up to a reviewing ing, the motorcade| repeat-|not fire and the people fell back. kill the patient. | edly acknowledged the acclaim| The motorcade progressed] This research led to the theory| where they will question a man| brain glands, with teeth and other features | | |LOSE KILLER INSTINCT He explained that tests on mice have shown that the cancerous cells produced this benign con-| golmeration. They lose .their| killer instinct although accom-| of cancer and still run riot and | |that instead of it being ne LARGE FAMILY IN SMALL BDS LIMOGES, Tanee (Reut- ers)--Henri Nivet, a chem ist, thought he had solved the vacation problem for his | | Man Queried Fqked K.O. | WASHINGTON (AP) -- Jake LaMotta, former middlewe boxing champion, testified under oath today that he faked his - In Slaying | Of Woman {knockout defeat by Billy Fox in {1947. He said he had been offerec TORONTO (CP)--Toronto po-|$100,000 to lose. e today extended their inves-| In earlier investigations of the tigation inio the slaying of Mrs.|LaMotta-Fox bout staged in New Margaret Bennett to London, Ont.| York's Madison Square Garden, LaMotta had insisted that he base, about 85 miles west of St. LaMotta held the middleweight John's. t y osing it to, In Kingston, police said the in 1951. | woman had been married to a Clement Scott, a former convict. (by|They said he committed suicide Fox)?" in New Westminster, B.C.,, in ~ Yes, sir," LaMotta replied. (1958. ii Te. one Oppo re all Lollee sald Mis. Seolt wis Aen known to have associated freely limes with an offer of $100,000 t0| with soldiers during the Second lose it. {World War, serving a sentence Sugar Ray Robinson OMI ASKED: You faked the knockout Another word "Ker" was hand- printed near the edge of a pink {and white face towel. The mark |has been traced to a Toronto |laundry. The towel, police said, | was stolen from a rooming house {last December. | At Sackville, N.B., police med- ico-legal experts are still exam- ining vital organs from the |corpse. Their report may deter mine how she died. The trunk was sent from To- Cessary in connection with the 36-year-old woman's death. stood helpless due to a training injury until the referee stopped the bout. | he The woman was found slain "I said 1 was only interested in the championship," LaMotta said replied. at the women's penitentiary. For|ronto 'May 4 on a. 1500-mile rail some time she had beem Wving| and sea journey to Newfoundland. Jai in the A i (ah LaMotta told his story of throw- ing the fight with Fox, a heav; ight, as & witness before the Senate antitrust subcommit- tee, LaMotte won the middleweight title from Marcel Cerdan, a Frenchman from Algiers, in a and mutilated Friday near a serv- ice station lot in suburban Scar- # Detectives here went to Lon- don after they were informed by the RCMP that a man recently releasefl from prison after serv- ling a sentence for manslaughter LOST STRENGTH LaMotta related fit while |iraining he mlfered a ruptured 'spleen, intermittently in Toronto' and|it Jay Kingston with , another with a record. eriminal | CNR IKE PERSPIRES Beads of perspiration formed on Eisenhower's forehead and ran down his face, which ap- {peared to grow more ruddy above the white flower lei an aide to Garcia had hung around this neck on his arrival. The sun blazed down and the temperature was in the mid-80s. DEADLINE FOR 50,000 | was reported to have had blood bought a small bus. {on his car. 2 : But when police stopped | The man was arrested after his boys. bod 3B Diofessional him outside Limoges to check |car rammed titrough a road bar-| He did not clarify his bribe his licence, they told him: rier in the London area. The ear 4 im immediately "Your car licence only en- |left a red stain on the barrier.| "5 | "co to group-heated by titles you to drive nine peo- |Police are examining the ear. |g. i," Foies Kefauver (Dem ple. If you want to take your | The london tip ' the latest yon y--is. lookin into mono ly family out; you need a bus [lead in the gruesome killing of | . 8 monopoly driver's licence." family of eleven when he bout in Detroit June 6, 1949. {stand where President Carlos P.| {Garcia and other officials of this| pro-American state waited to) greet the visitor The president will spend about Huge Contract For US. Atlas "me resident vi pena WASHINGTON (AP) -- A $24 The warmth of the Filipino wel- 408,000 contract for construction come contrasted with worry over of 2 Atlas missile launching sites|the welcome awaiting Eisenhower near Plattsburgh, N.Y was up in Tokyo Sunday, where leftists in the air today are threatening more demonstra- Senator Jacob K. Javits ions in protest against Japan's N.Y) announced Monday military alliance with the United States Army States had awarded the contract to four estimated 25,000 per-| companies that jointly submitted in the immediate air-| the lowest of 10 bids last riday Some carried banners However, the Platts ur with. communism" Press-Republican says the enjoy democracy" engineers office in » and "We City informed tha ; mand mutoal oY" vere being (: nm I |the Toronto mother of three chil-|85Pects of boxing with emphasis | (dren, whose assailant wae 'de|%0_fhe Joie: layed by under- edge A gi Bo Salistic LaMotta was questioned by (was stabbed 16 times and her John G. Bonomi, subcommittee | nose was broken. associate counsel, INOT RIGHT KNIFE | In response to his queries, La- |" Police said today that a small| Motta said his gross earnings Ld 1T M n | paring knife found Monday near | during his 8 - year ring career | |the place where the woman was amounted to about $1,000,000. | |found was not the weapon with Asked his present occupation, vhich the U.S. so far has| which she was slain. {he replied, "Actor." 4 ere at 2 5 088 Te : said they were at a lo refused to pay, and to Philippine SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) -- tects Association staged a one- J \1 J \ plain the jiitiat on Ao gh demands for criminal jurisdiction] Convair machinists were voting|day walkout Monday. hd . @ was learned that the low bid American servicemen sta-|today on an offer that could ease| The engineers and architects ew : u 1vV1ision $1,125,000 above the government's Over in the islands who commit | the missile industry's labor union said it plans a walkout original estimate of the job while off duty troubles as strike deadlines|every Monday until its wage dis-| a ; neared for 50,000 other workers. pute is settled | AJAX (Staff)--The town coun-|storm sewers, gravel base streets passed a bylaw authorizing and pavement. | | . | The International Association | Pay scales in the affected |c! Troops 0 ac of Machinists began polling 30,- plants range from $1.65 an hour [the signing of an agreement with, In addition the developer has | Ike's Jap Guard 000 members Monday night on for machinists to $1,090 a month|Duffin's Creek Estates Ltd. for| agreed to pay $75,000 for the ex-| the offer that involves field Wage for engineers. The unions seek the development of a mew 440- pansion of the present sewage Yates, per Jen i pay, relation |various fringe bneefifs and pay home sub-division. disposal plant and a further $125, ese bases Whore the 'machin: Cases Angin from 14 seole an pgracment was reached alter M0 for the relocation ant con iin ists walked out eight days ago.month for emui inisis 2 months of | negotiations which struction of Harwood avenue By GENE KRAMER The. strilie.. stratehing. from E01 for engineers {were speeded up when the new|south from Bayly street to Thirc TOKYO (AP)--Japanese secur Cape Canaveral in Florida to Meanwhile, barg a ining con- company took over the deveélop-/street. : : = ity officials may call on troops of were arrested air force |Finued today in San Francisco be-|ment of the town from Principal] No building permits will be is-| Japan's new army to back up' Major non-Communist leftist or- k | sued in the southwest portion of | police in case violence flares dur- ganizations meanwhile are re- iq ing President Eisenhower's visit. ported consider abandoning A defence board spokesman plans for le demon said a 2000-man regimen the airport, although been placed on alert and a divi- i likely that they will Reg that pew engineers United Officials Sons were port area 7h army York aying 'Down We Pay clai New nes our | that the bids | 4 sidered Army 'he latter two slogans referred enit pe 1 to additional claims for war dam-| gineer © ere | to € of er it was offences § vere no students Eleven injured staves cemen eported buf a large-sca has stration al appears a against tried to eat only the Atlas the/leed. A strike is scheduled for| The new sub-division will lie 'N ve i oS 4 States' only operational Midnight tonight that would af-| 18: py Su or south |%* the total number of lots in the) NEW TEAMSTER executive | left Leo Labombard, a truck | and Patil Mitchell, Windsor, {fect 10,000 workers at the com-|Detween arm oo s ip north east half are under devel- : °! 70. el-oted | driver 4 years, Lloyd Kellogg, | Local 830. trustees. i ONLY CONCERNS. SrTs {pany's California facilities. |and Pickering Beac ac South ent in a surprise upset, are from | London, recording secretary; | (CP Wirephoto) ! NCERNS SITES meeting across the bar- i 3 i Union spokesmen said, how-|gaining HRI reprcienie 1100 S acres an the ATR) hai 72 will. be responsible for the | could be rushed up if the situa- American president's visit ever, that the offer by Convair tives of the United Auto Workers whic Sd zoned or site, sub-division, any person, or! tion warrants. The troops will be the United States-Japan concerns oly the outside missile and Douglas. A UAW strike, set and 53 for green batt mav purchase lots on e al e 0 held at their bases in case the security treaty and Premier No- 8 1 The developer will be respon- which custom built homes mav be| call comes busuke Kishi's government Convair's 27,000 employees [fect 20,000 workers at Long|sible for the installation of all o.( . m| Voting was being conducted at Beach, Calif, Tulsa, Okla. and |services which include sewers, the development of Lake Vista ea edace 0 a responsibility for guarding Eisen. possible truce between Kishi's be- Vandenberg, 165 miles north of Charlotte, N.C |sidewalks, street lighting, curbs, sub-division where the sub-divider | "| hower rests with the 25,000-man leaguered government and its So- 10s Angeles; Edwards AFB, built the homes to his patterr . l police force to be mobilized cialist opposition to take the heat Ca : and sold them. | against leftist demonstrations ex- off Eisenhower's visit Jal B, Neb, and Warren AFB, LA E NEWS FLASHES or eria yo. I so the purchaser has a Sunday A "C 2. While fhe vote was under way, : | choice oF rot sites. PARIS (Reuters)--President de FIN P)_ POLICE BUSY _ Kishi's Liberal - Democratic| negotiators continued to meet on | Councillor Elwyn Smyth, chair-|Gaulle will renew his invitation |, "i DSOR (CP)--Leo Labom.| The election was ordered by a § party is reported considering re- C E man of the joint committee of to Alzerian ineurgents to discuss 24rd: mild-speaking former truck court-appointed board of monit- Violence meanwhile .accompan- cessing parliament for three to where the Engineers and Archi- ; / legislation = and ald ied police raids on union and stu- five days. If parliament remains Te Nps By OP = els - ioe ou Luke which played a large part in the|televised speech ofnight, in. Local 3 of ji Heamsters Union the way for lifting the trustee- : | : Gorden. T he o's Lo negotiations which culminated in|formed sources said. irom James "oifa lolowers andiship, leaders of last Friday's Commu. automatically ratified on' Sunday, | Cuban Tribunal Gordon Duff, Bill Graham, Paul Powers and Eddy Hyland, |7°800% BUS "0 h Jim ated in} The. suevh. . draft ; [ promises to fight for autonomy of Some 1,200 of more than 5,500 nist-sparked mob attack against/the day Eisenhower arrives. The have not returned from a Monday fishing expedition. LAA ai 8 gree-| speech, drafted by de ,500-member: group. Local S10. members cas. ballot White House Press Secretary socialists want "parliament dis- D i is af In a surprise development Mon-| Sunday at Pres: Y | s0¢ % arl s-| it is a good deal for the town. |be recorded this afternoon. But ; y ; James Hagerty's car solved, automatically nullifying Sends 3 To Death : The sub-division will just ahout|if precedent is followed, no ink.|92Y: Mr. Labombard, 38, from London, Sarnia, Oshawa and as i at] SANTIAGO, Cuba (AP) -- A OTTAWA (CP) Prime Minister Diefenbaker plainly [support itself in assessment, ling of 'ts. contents will be offi-| the nearby farming community of far afield as Montreal and Ed: police rounded up five officials of a0 election campaign can be indicated that Parliament will remain in session until the |many are a liability for a muni- cially released before the broad- Harrow, led his executive slate monton. The ballots were counted a leftist labor union and seized fought with the' treaty as the entenced insurgent ex -Capt,| Zovernment's full legislative program has been dealt with. | X ic : : avileice ater Searching a fac- Mam issue. Mantel Begton 86. and iwo a His statement followed the assessment of Opposition Leader (to see it on its way. No town the| Sources close to de Gaulle in- Ture} Tay va yokes . is vomuuchrs ou ff. tory in Kawasaki, south of the A top security official said that' oi § size of Ajax can sit around with- dicate he thinks the situation in DD ous ago. ag. Uny two members Of the Hola. gopka) head rs fhe socialists decide not to complices to death for crimes least until the end of July. - out a residential lot of any kind | Algeria is steadily if slowly mov. |Sisted al Do Suppuriers of) supporting ive Svived, mgakuren Student Federation demonstrate 5 for sale." {ing towards peace and stability, : ui were vice. on two Tokyo campuses dent's arrivz > ice i " . y a uo Tokyo camipuse be rival, the police will Ordered executed with Beaton Photographs Of Shooting BYE vam |fighting between French forces| 1 M. (Casey) Dodds, head of and 'recording secretary Howard I the police with rocks and they a Frode ns Re Sa were his brother, Cipriano, and VEREENIGING, South Africa (Reuters) Photographs Tented is he Tomnmities had] the nationalist rebels "(the local for 14 years, was S. Faulkner. New vice-president epel : ? id have to conten taken half an hour before police opened fire on a crowd of De pg cst of Last month's county council toppled from the union presi- is Andrew Poland and recording af ad re: 1 POMINY. ¢ SY ins his 1 8p0m " Communists and pro-Communists| Another ig of Beaton's| oho. than a fighting mob," a lawyer told the inquiry into |8Eréement. The company had elections in Algeria brought de-|d€ncy but retains his post as di-|secretary Lloyd Kellog. including 3,000 students mountain nd, which opposed! the shootings today. J > sori p Ss § ..|nadian body of the a rs, | ret i i t PHONE NUMBERS The pro - Communist wing of | Fidel Castro for months, was sen- ® = ness. The sub-division was well fayoring ge, Sanlles So-dater. [1 yo ae BS. | rears co aitied Wis post William Zengakuren still avows its inten 1unced 10 30 years imprisooment. Top Communist Dies In Romania balance 2M would ay Jeet. | African territory : | chief source of income. |Moore, a holdover, and news 3 sh note a is a iza-| LONG TRUSTEESHIP | 5 i POLICE RA 5-1133 howe arrives But Socialist party| gg" veure One wae sentenced tol BELGRADE (Reuters) -- Former Romanian Communist |year many things had been Sisal A certain degree of demoraliza |comers Paul Mitchell and Rog a leader Inejiro Asanuma has|p ; v FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 " precaution so thal five Jears and gavel were sen- today. Travellers from Romania said there were widely-cir- ? ok t wij | FETCed to serve reformatory sen-| culating reports the former Stalinist leader died of a heart HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 incident will! tences until they reach maturity.| Jack and was cremated according to her wish. She was in sites that tween the machinists and Lock- | 1nvestments Ltd. he € {the sub-division until 60 per cent| intercontinental missile Also |of Lhke Vista Gardens. There is "wy, py rihee Creek Estates | ow sion of 15,000 stationed in Tokyo demonstrate elsewhere during the NEW EXECUTIVE -- sites and does not affect all of for midnight tonight, would af-| s is a depaptire *n The spokesman stressed that! There have been reports of a Calif.; Cape Canaveral; Offutt Lots are zoned R2-R3 and - R4/ pected when Eisenhower arrive i WET ATHYES MAY HAVE RECESS Vice | an around-the-clock basis here, 4 Men Missing On Lake Nipissing public works @ cease-fire when he makes driver has taken over powerfuliors in the United States to clear dent headquarters search of in session, the security treaty is ment has taken a lono time. but|Gaulle ducing the weekend, will the Wind Chal . indsor, atham, Commons With Full Schedule In 3 series of pre-dawn raids, ratification of the treaty, so that ) tar rik i 4 i Cuban military tribunal today ipaiity, © andetohe. Ton ad cast into control in the local's first/here Monday. Dodds polled 537 Pearson that to complete the scheduled business will take at capital, and headquarters of the if against the presi- against the Castro regime. tare axl : R Mayor William Parish com-|alter more than five years of|'®'S president president M. F (Buster) Wigle N i 4 p | Felipe Martinez with "a maximum of 7,000 Negroes at Sharpeville March 21 showed "a holiday crowd CITY EMERGENCY come in and was here to do busi- a majority of candidates rector of the 40,000-member Ca-| Robert L. Wilson, financial see- tion to demonstrat hen Eisen- e when Eisen | Three others were sentenced to| ti h Labombard, married th ld McMast Leader Anna Pauker died a week ago, it was reported here |ized, the steam franchise had Son_swiond Je mnwgen, leaders) ascii a poe hen One was acquitted. is reported from Tunis. Tunisian |father of three children, said he, The election was seén as & been granted to the new owners, | government sources have indi-|will fight against the trusteeship| climax in the battle to end inter. the water plant was in operation, | cated that they want the fighting imposed in 1946 which gives national trusteeship imposed in the June 10 He a drive was on to secure new in-|to, end, since they can no longer (Hoffa power ovemthe local's af- 1946 when the local wes near faire (not be repeated." - 3 lade ultimate victory. ces: 'financial eollapse.