The Oshawa Times, 14 Jun 1960, p. 15

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. . : : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 14, 1960 15 Today's Steck Market Listings on Toronto Exchange Osawa Rite RT py Da TORONTO 11 A.M. STOCKS - m. Cb' 1 a.m. OF Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge : . anadian s Hi; w a.m. Ch'ge Salen Sales High Low 11 a.m. Ch'ge Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m. {1} idence, Eric Rube: | Tontreal, ,800; Port Arthur Toronty Stock Ewehange.-June¥fs Te oh JorDom Bk 38 84 2m M4 + % ! Guunar Ss ms TS TT 13x | OTTAWA (CP)--Federal works tii Kenora, $152,334. ot Ltd. (Guotations. in cents unless marked 3, la Fin 5 $36%. 36% 36% alinor ws ws 17s department contracts Dredging: Montreal, $359,184; Sarnia, Deay rights, xw---Ex-warrants.) a rit A Mo Advocate 3 BB --% Monday night included: | Coldwater River, Simcoe Doc | 'onstruction Co. Belle River Bide Sales HighLow 1 a.m. Chge rd 30 $1424 14254 2 ] Am Nephe 24 ma + % | Ontario bulldings and Being, (and Dredging, Toronto, $17,3% | 780. " Fi 2 Anacon . 54 + 3 |Lester Shoalts Ltd., Wainfleet, 9% +3 $40,429; repairs to retaining River 60 60 60 +2 109 109 109 +43 . 1,481; 3 Ov 8% 8, 2, (Cmtrucon sinteime until Travelling erseas 385 5 YES! | WHY NOT FLY WE HAVE THE NEW ard leadway follinger oyle Hud Bay Int Nickel n Irish Cop NTH 1 ° " 394 9% 3 enim 8 Te . "Dua wo a Bethlm Bicroft Bouzan Brunswick Buffad Hayes 165 $2312 23% Thd CG Inv zl 6 65 $6%. 6% Zeller's 25 $3%% 32% seein ioongsis BR QWNIES 'The modern way to 80 80 gas: Martin 1 . Am Ledue 7h oh 5 16% 101 z oe] 4] -- Movie travel is by air.' 18 "hib M LE, Coch Will Coin Lake C Discvry Con_ Gillies C Halliwell € Marcus Con M and C Northid C Sannorm Coprand Coulee Crestaur D'Eldona Denison 900 900 900 Dome 17% 17%. East Mal is0 140 East Sull 15 156 Falcon 5 31% 31% 200 Fatima 4 3 PT -1 "ov ou Sapph debs oe 83 id 18 18 Roval Bank. 25 300% 3 % Spoier dM 1 Sh Grandue, 10 10 --1 San Ant Royal rts ¢ Silverwd A 250 $10% Y Tr ad Oil Simpsons 50 $29% N29 Un Oils SKD Mig 125 300 300 300 Wsburne Southam 1000 $21% Windfall Steel Can 155 $74 74 Curb Suptest ord 1200 $15 14% Dalhousie " L : 3 % i New! Brownie 8 2 £ [J LJ BANNON -- Gord and Marilyn (nee Lang) are happy to announce the ar- rival of their son David Edward on Sunday, June 12, 1960, at Oshawa General Hospital. A brother for Judy, seers Through Jet Trip Movi & Camera = FF RESE LP 4 1 and all the other equipment a. Shown in the BIG KODAK AD For information regarding any form of travel . . . DIAL RA 3-9441 We have @ direct Toronto telephone line for prompt Airline Reservetions KARN for CAMERAS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Owned and operated Meadows 28 KING ST. & 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH, OSHAWA RA 3-4621 2 g53uBese 8 ngrdue¥eiibang end Co., Conode Ltd. DIAL RA 3-944) S.xgrdualy - L ¥ brother for Patti | : MONTREAL (CP) -- Interna-|the North American air traveller, About 132,000 Canadians tra- -- To Mi Mrs, H 3 DIE er me te ov tional airlines are banking on | most of the places he will want velled abroad last year, a good Frances (Suzy) at the Montreal Gen- scramble of foreign travel in the to see will be within about a day percentage from a country with Sra) Hospital on Monday, June 13, 1960c for a big return on theirjor a night from home," says|a population of 18,000,000 IATA multi-million dollar investments| IATA spokesman S. Ralph Co-|predicts this figure will be much MAGEE = Paul Douglas, son of in jet aircraft hen. {higher by 1970. : De to i Mg As Brg Of the United States alone, the| Transatlantic air fares had de-| "It would be a mistake to con- baby sister, Laurie Ann, weight 9 Ibs. International Air Transport Asso-| creased 26 per cent since 1950(sider that this explosion of for- uli 7 Bn By a General Hos-| oiation says In a statement: |and further decreases were ex- eign travel will be only for the pat, ¥ : | "Conservative economists pre-|pected. This year, the lowest lucky and affluent American, STAPLETON -- Mr. and Mrs. A. G.| ict U.S, expenditures on foreign transatlantic air fare fell below says Mr. Cohen. Birth of a son, Wiliam Arnold, 'on travel of $6,500,000,000 by 1970--|the rate charged by shipping| "The Canadian has the bug as Monday, June 13, 1960, at Oshawa more than triple the present fig- lines. . |badly--plus the kind of climate General Hospital. ure." IATA lists the British as the | which drives him in compara- Airlines feel they will carry an|leading foreign travellers. Eight tively greater numbers to seek DEATHS |increasingly large percentage of| per cent of Britain's population of |sun in the winter.' | {world travellers for at least two 51,000,000 go abroad each year. |. yarp also notes another factor reasons: | Americans come second, With) pat it thinks will contribute to HARRIS -- Entered into rest in LL Speedy jet travel puts a for. an average 2,000,000 ranging the the number of Canadians going Ottawa, Ont., on Sunday, June 12. 1960 [Sn yacatio Wij the mits of | world's byways. |abroad: a higher number of im- (Miss) Linda Harris, formerly of Whitby, verage family's two or three Imi | Committal service at the Oshawa Union [oe holiday y RUSSIA FAR DOWN . puigrants. 3 . | Cemetery, Wednesday, June 15, at J di .al ang Russia is rated far behind. It| "Today's immigrant does not 1 am. wil be conducted by Rev.| 2. Jet travel is economical and| ..."y6q 000 tourists beyond the sever his ties with the old coun- M. A. Bury of King Street United within the range of more and hd bin likely |t A good deal of present Church, Oshawa. For further particulars | 0.0 cheques. Iron Curtain in 1969--"very likely try . . . g al pres phone Armstrong Funeral Home. RA | pay cheques. the first swallows that presage overseas tourist traffic is already 85173. | g y OVERNIGHT HOP fs that 7 | the Ft of summer," says Sencralod among post-war immi. "The important fact is that for|Mr. Cohen. ] OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY | on, this would be a Heaven sonzne n | EEE EEE Commons Okavs Monuments, Markers, Never shall your memory fade, : ever i Sweetest shall your memor: Memorials, Cornerstones, linger y y Statutory of all types. Jou the grave Were you are laid B d 1 M assures --Lovi b by his father, anew trom nnar en DUC Ce e Ph. RA 8-3111 or RA 8-8876 | "Mdre™ FRASER -- In reverent memory of By KEN KELLY | elimination of the tax and ran GERROW FUNERAL Sentatly Killed i A al 2ccl| Canadian Press Staff Writer |into objection from Finance Min- CHAPEL Through adversity to the stars. OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- ister Fleming who argued that ahondly ig Tg mother-in-| tor Diefenbaker was to give the members were prevented by the Kindness beyond price § ! ¢ Commons an idea .today of the rules from discussing matters ! READ, James Edgar -- In loving business for the remainder of not specifically dealt with in the yet within reach of all. memory of a dear father and husband, i Ted, who passed away June 14, 1950. LliS session. bills under discussion. RA 8-6226 If 1 had all the world to give Perhaps heading off a slap on| winiam Benidickson (L--Ken- sive Y. yes, and more the wrist for slowness, the Com- y . ora-Rainy River) described Mr. 90 KI To hear his voice and his fa : 390 KING STREET WEST And ret ag por door; ® "8% mons gave second reading Mon- But all I can do, dear father, day to four measures involved in Fleming's argument as "a new LOCKE'S FLORIST Is go and tend your grave Finance Minister Fleming's type of closure." And leave behind tokens of love : ) Funeral arrangements and To the best father God ever made. March 31 budget. These included ------ EN floral requirements for all 1 like to thik when life is done amendments to the Estate Tax occasions Wherever Heaven may be, Act, Excise Tax Act, customs That he'll be standing at the door | & A } FO PAYMENTS OSHAWA SHOPPING Up there to welcome me tariff and a bill to authorize : ; --Sadly missed by the family loans of up to $203,950,000 for hid CENTRE a I 0 TILL y i 4 a: _~Canadian Nat 5. Hi 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | 'Frey = 10 ving memory of 3) Cardiol Nailona) Rajlways SEPTEMBER RA 8.6555 do ot a ne Commons also agreed to | | : Catch the fun that won't sit still with a new Brownie 8 Movie Camera, 16's so casy to sed y J 14, 1941 two new measures being intro- 1 n l Psate in the HS. ol. Jesus, duced--one providing for a ma-| use even a child can take movies. And so inexpensive most every family can afford it. Safe on his loving breast, jor revision of the Civil Service| There by his love o'ershaded, $ : IN MEMORIAM Sweetly, thy soul shall rest Act and the other to provide ® » . . --Sadl; sed and lovingly emem- | § . : Ee ry Po Bll ATURAL GAS Now...Kodak brings movie-making fun to every family! of a| Although some dent was made ene g J . | TOFFAN -- In loving memory CHAPPELL -- In loving memory of | i i Albert (Dick) Chappell, who passed |(¢ar husband and father, George Tol-|jn the legislative program al- away June 14, 1954. fan, who passed away 26 years ago on yoaiy outlined on the Commons You're not forgoften grandfather, |"ne 1. 1932. i grandfather, |" pomembrance is a golden chain order paper, a considerable NO hill So Be. Death tries to break but all in vain. amount of work remains to be| BEST BUY Talented new camera makes sharp, To have, to love and then to part 4 A 3 1 . . As Jong a3 lite and memory last Is the greatest sorrow of one's neart.| done for the session and Mr. i J Brownie 8 Movie Projector shows your --Ever remembered and sadly missed, 1N¢ YEArS may wipe out many things Diefenbaker may give a hint of | m 't 7 5, 7 . . Pt Rd : Bt hie ey Ie Ot ever gays | LDC expected length of time be- for clear ovies with true rownie ease. movies bright and clear Take the show wher- : fore Parliament rises ' - » 7 it wi : . . A Wh Il together. . . 8 cusrresy _ in ovag memes of ene em th ne, | ams sad partament 5 BNO USE Lowest price in all Kodak history! ever you want it with this compact 8mm movie projector, New June 14, 1954. 4 ie! ¥or little more than the cost of a snapshot camera, you can own Only $5 95 pell, who passed away June 14, 1954 Yet to be considered are the| a dear father and grandfather, Albert i Vhit- i eel ; (Dick) Chappell, who passed -way| Mrs George Toffan and family, Whit-|jjpaly 45 complete its work on or = an Ta) y i --Lovingly remembered and sadly| | before July 16 with anything un- : / missed by Cassie, Pat and family. | completed at that time either be- | . . : | CARD OF THANKS |ing dealt with at a fall meeting| a Kodak-built movie camera. You can start making 8mm movies this CHAPPELL -- In loving memory of or being left for a new session. i i i a dear husband, Albert, (Dick) Chap- : | weekend with your own Brownie 8 Movie Camera, f/2.7. --Ever remembered and sadly missed |- major share of the 1960-61 spend- | by his loving wife, Nora, JIMMO -- Mr. and Mrs. John Jimmo | | ] With 4 new Brownie 8, it's easy to catch the fun, moment by moment, and family of Whitby wish to express '18 estimates and two highly- (= ! 1 CORRIGAN -- In loving memory of 'heir sincere appreciation for the help, controversial bills--one amend- exactly as it happens. Set the dial, aim, press the button--and you're a dear son and brother, Rev. James E. donations, and, aly the Rininess shown ing anti-combines legislation and | taking color movies! Good movies, too. Even if you've never handled a rrigan, who God called em eir family dur - 3 M p ! A ; "un Say ome Sve the other\Mr. Diefenbaker's bill movie camera before. And the name Brownie assures you that this camera years ago, June 14, 1955 cent fire at their home on Perry Street. 5 Dear Lord, Th A sincere thank you to each ind Of rights, which has not yet been : . e ames ar' y purpose we cannot A sincer placed before : Parliament this ; will be faithful and sturdy, that Kodak's long experience stands behind it. But all is well that's done by Thee.| --Mr- and Mrs. John Jimmo and family | saqgion, | : i ; h j : So don't deny your family the fun of making movies. See the Brownie 8 Te he has 701 Dundas Street West To us he 112% Wot gone sway, | : Debate Monday was marked : > itd i Just entered 'God's sternal home BEARER -- We would like to ex only by brief ripples of disagree- at your Kodak dealer's soon. Hold it in your hand. And think of how much ft the G | press i ; . ; . eft the Golden Gate ajar. ment with. th pnly serious dis- pleasure it can give--for such a small price! : |the friends and neighbors for their Payer sempnbered BY mer. SISters. | flowers, cards and visits, the Oshawa pute arising from efforts by two A : : sister-in-law Marg. | Flute Band, the Tobimoore Flute Band opposition speakers to discuss Prices are suggested list and subject to change without notice, and friends of Tor. for their flowers th : Y | DUNLOP -- In loving memory of a|2Nd cards. And special thanks to Dr. e excise tax on automobiles. NOTHING DOWN dear husband and father, Thomas H | Milly and the nurses of 2A and 2D. Hubert Badanai (L--Fort Wil- E . Dunlop, who passed away June 14, 1947, | AlS0 special thanks to the Reverends| liam) called for reduction or asy payments over In our hearts you will always stay, |GiPbs. Siblock and McKnight for their mo, Loved spiritual help. Many thanks to Gerrow SE TS 8 Bh gente | oy DEARS, KODAK 1960 CAMERA PARADE-- FRASER -- In cherished memory of ~The Shearer Family ~ y gas bilis a beloved husband and father, Stanley TAYLOR -- I wish to thank friends, . jhstalls complete gas or Fou dent, He raruon - 1 vv oun re. KODAK E R A $14.60 ft AT KODAK DEALERS DISPLAYING THIS SYMBOL... Yukon, June 14, 1951, ers and other gifts I received during | terials to connect with I cannot say, and I will not say my stay in the Oshawa General Hos- | That he is dead -- he is just away; | Pital and dt home. Thanks also to the ee Jury & Lovell Ltd. North Simcoe Pharmacy $5.60 Lvov CITY AND SUBUREAN "928 Sveoe Street South Corner Simcoe Street North ik furans at Robert Street BOWMANYVILLE CHANGE-OVER CAN BE OSHAWA a Tor ce Te lisgere for YN Mrs Dorothy Taylor | DONE IN-A FEW HOURS Jamieson Drugs Karn Drugs Ltd. : Oshawa Camera Centre Jury & Lovell LM. In_the love of There as the love of Units for all types of home heating ; 28 King Street East Oshawa Shopping Centre Have; : FREE BURNER SERVICE ] 24) King Street East pe WHITBY Taink of him still as the same 1 'say: He is not dead -- he is just away, Please Note CTERVERT ITT LY CITIES | Your Gas company does not employ door-to- 2 TAMIL nearest existing base. With a cheery smile and a wave of| hospital staff of Ward 3A Special | land Alice Laughlin, and to Reverend J. K. | And left us dreaming how very fajr | Moffat of Simcoe Street United Church the hand, thanks to Dr. A. E. King, Dr. D. E He has wandered into an unknown StuT®is, my special duty nurse, Mrs PA 'Wr \ ~Forever remembered by wife Edith =o Pea Store 1% try pom. = this column: for saumert cf sell and instal natural s,s. 8 King Street East 9 Simcoe Street North 35V4 Simcoe Street North Jury & Lovell Ltd. goin. wri "Sins 7 | Sh Memerioms, Caras of | QSHAWA CAMERA | 2 hs | helicoptur operations in the Yukon, 9 AM. SAME DAY | . 1 # Ita sweet lo breathe thy name. 11 AM. SAVE BAY | Oshawa Shopping Centre . RA 3-3468 Lo a And at all other retailers displaying the Kodak Camera Parade symbol Oft we think of d a | (Photographic Specialists) | No Payments we thin] you, dear Stan, d I Vass i and' children. Malcolm, Margaret, Di || Deadlines now .in effect for | CNMDMMMCMRIRAINGARRES | formation aboot dears Iicensed by ion Jury & Lovell Ltd. Mitchell's Drugs (Oshawa) Ltd. Powell's Drug Store ear. achat wie The. a Consumers Nas » Peaceful be thy sleep, dear Stan, (| DEATHS -- CENTRE In death we do the same, DIAL RA 3.3492 Till September And our hearts are sad with palm, RA 8.5211 |

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